Slow to Realize

by Captain Unstoppable

Part 7

Slow to Realize Part 7

Rainbow Dash was never a mare who was in tune with her feelings, unless they revolved around being cool, awesome, and involved words such as that. Sure, she knew what love was. She loved each one of her friends; they were a part of her like she knew she was part of them. She loved Scootaloo; she was like that little sister that she at times she wished she had, and other times was thankful she didn’t have.

This feeling, through, what she was feeling as she leaned into the broad, muscular, yet somehow soft, chest of Big Macintosh was another feeling altogether. She didn’t even know if she could call it love just yet, but it was something strong pulling her closer to the stallion, wanting to know more about him and how he worked.

Was it just an infatuation she was experiencing, like when she used to have a crush on Soarin? She had liked him because of his pure physical looks, and his status as a Wonderbolt. But, it felt like so much more than that. While that crush was more of a physical attraction, she never really once gave more than a fleeting thought about what Soarin might think, what he might want to do, or anything like that. With Mac, she wanted to know everything about him, what he liked, didn’t like, what he wanted to do, and what his goals were.  
After just going on this
first date with Mac, she already felt like a piece of herself had been missing and she had found the piece that fit. Could one really find true love on a single date? Probably not, but then again, Rainbow Dash was not a normal mare and she was living life at supersonic speeds, so the possibility of this being true could be a possibility.

Hay, if Mac was to get on his haunches right now and propose, she would have them on the next chariot to Las Hoofas to attended one of those drive thru weddings. Ya, Applejack, Granny, and her mom might be angry about that, but she wouldn't care. This was her life and going that fast didn’t even phase her.

As she thought about all this, Mac was still leading them around in the small circle that was their ground to dance. His large frame leading them around and around, taking the lead only when Rainbow allowed it. Surrounded on all sides by her closest friends, Rainbow felt a kind of peace that she only felt when she was flying high above the skies, and pushing speeds that nopony ever dared to push before.

Leaning into the barrel of Mac’s chest, she gave out a sigh of a happiness that she didn’t know one could experience. Slowly closing her eyes, she let the steady beating of Mac’s heart, the scent of apples on his red coat, and the overall presence that was Big Mac lead her into an almost dream like state. That state only lasted a few more seconds, for the loud chimes of the grandfather clock echoed out over the crowd, deafening the music and making all dancing come to an abrupt halt.

Rainbow instantly recoiled from Mac’s chest and looked up at the stage. Octavia was putting her instruments away, as Time Turner was checking the clock and preparing it for it’s year long sleep till it was needed for the next Hearts and Hooves Day dance. Looking from the stage to all the ponies that were at the park, she saw that they were all preparing to leave, either leaning against one another and leaving the park one by one,or staying in place, like the Cakes were, and still swaying to a music that was playing in their heads.

“Wait, is the dance already over?” Rainbow questioned, looking around to see that most of her friends were now leaning against their special somepony and leaving the park.

“Afraid so,” Mac answered, Rainbow’s head snapped back to him so fast that the apple like clip in her mane fell off.

“But that wasn’t an hour already, was it? That was way too fast!” she growled, looking to Time Turner, ready to question the so called ‘Master of Clocks’ about how long an hour was. Before she could, her train of thought was interrupted by the deep laughter of Big Mac. “What do you find so funny about this?!” she demanded.

“That something was too fast for the Fastest Mare in all of Equestria,” he said, his laughter dying down to a chuckle, but an amused smile was now plastered across his face. Rainbow grunted as she punched the stallion in the shoulder.

“Shut up, you big oaf, the only reason I thought it went by too fast, was, well it was because, because-” Rainbow was blushing now, it was now a deep red blush, but still noticeable. “ItwasjustbecauseIwashavingareallygoodtime,” she said in a single breath, looking around the emptying park, seeing if anypony had heard her. Just because she liked the stallion she was with, and that everypony had seen them together, did not mean was comfortable with admitting how she felt yet with others around. Mac just chuckled as he leaned forward and nuzzled her affectionately.

“Ah was havin’ a real good time maself,” he whispered in Rainbow’s ear, sending chills up and down her back. “And it don’t have to be over if ya don’t want it ta’ be. Just because the dance is over, don’t mean you and Ah can still enjoy our date,” Mac continued, Rainbow could feel the heat coming from Mac’s face when he said date which only made her want to spend more time with him.

“Sounds good. Lead the way,” Mac nodded, as he turned towards the exit of the park and waited for Rainbow to join him. She did in a blue flash, leaning against the stallion like how they entered. As Mac started to lead them away, Rainbow looked over her shoulder to see who was still remaining in the park.

Up on stage Time Turner was now doing a silly dance with Dinky as Derpy watched on, a large smile crossing the single mother’s face as she watched the two of them. Rainbow knew that Derpy had a rough go in life being a single mother, but since Time Turner entered her and her daughter’s life, the clumsy mare never seemed happier.

The two Cakes were still dancing, swaying to some song that no other pony but them could hear. A twin was sleeping on either’s back, rocked to sleep by the swaying of their parents, and the music that Octavia had played for that wonderful hour.

Finally, Braeburn and Fluttershy were still standing around, the pair nuzzling, practically in the middle of the park, not caring if anypony saw them or not. How strange it was to Rainbow to see her fillyhood friend be so open about a relationship, when she never had the courage to even let her opinion be heard at times. Braeburn had been able to get past that emotional barrier that seemed to separate Fluttershy from the rest of the world, and became the rock Fluttershy could lean against when things became too much for one pony to handle. She had to remember to give that stallion a talking to, about the consequences of what would happen to him if he so much as ruffled her feathers.

Speaking of barriers, Rainbow felt a triumphant smile make it’s way on to her face. She was the only mare, as far as she knew, to make it past the almost unreadable exterior of Big Mac and had him ask her on a date! No love potions or poisons, blackmail, or anything like that to get his attention; she won him over by just being her amazing self!

With that thought in mind, she pressed her body against Mac’s, more closely needing to feel the warmth of him to make sure it was not some dream that she was going to wake up from any second. It was then she noticed she had no idea where they were going. Looking around, she noticed that they were taking the path that led to one of the bridges that led outside of Ponyville and around the Everfree forest.

Away from the small town, the night sky seemed so open and Luna’s moon seemed to shine a silver glow over everything that it came in contact with. While some might find the sight almost scary, Rainbow Dash found it to be a very cool sight. From how the shadows were dancing across the ground with each breeze, the sky almost clear with only a few clouds to block the light, and the silver glow seeming to give everything a new dimension. It would be a perfect night for flying, to test ones limits and courage, but she didn’t care for it, for this walk with Big Mac was the best anypony could hope for.

“Miss Dash? Can Ah ask ya somethin’?” Mac’s deep voice brought her back to reality, taking her head out of the clouds to look at the large stallion, who was also bathed in the silver light.

“You can ask me anything, Mac! But don’t call me ‘Miss’ anything again; I thought I already told you that back on the farm,” Rainbow laughed. She remembered how the big stallion would always refer to her as Miss Dash or Miss Rainbow Dash when she first started to work on the farm. Needless to say, she broke that habit out of him early on, saying it made her feel like a old mare or something.

“Uh, right,” Mac said, his eyes looking down now. He was acting like when he had first asked her out to this date, a colt too scared to say what was on his mind.

“Come on, Mac, you can ask me,” she whispered, as she nuzzled against the stallion’s neck. “I won’t bite, unless you're into that kind of thing,” she added, in a sultry tone. She looked up at Mac out of the corner of her eye to see the stallion’s face grow a very noticeable shade of red darker. Even in the faint light she could see it.  

“D-dash!” was all he was able to stutter before she gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Mac, it is just too easy to mess with you,” she laughed as she walked beside him. “But seriously, what did you want to ask?”

“Well, earlier tonight ya asked me why Ah fell fer you, and, well, Ah was wonderin’ why did ya fall fer me?” Mac asked, his voice shaky as he asked, his eyes focused in front of them instead at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow looked up at him, one eyebrow raised as the question circled around in her head. Mac’s eyes started to dart back between her and the path they were walking, unsure of the answer he might be getting from the unpredictable mare. Rainbow, however, did not understand the question. He should have known why she, and almost every mare in town, had fallen for Big Mac.

“Are you kidding me?” she finally asked, still giving Mac a questioning look.

“Not at all, Ah really want to know why a stunt flyer like yerself, would want anythin to do with a simple farmer like me,” Mac’s voice seemed down, as if comparing himself to Rainbow was like comparing Princess Celestia to a dirty rock. At once, Dash took to the air, only to land on Mac’s back, placing her hooves on his strong shoulder and leaning forward so she was looking at him upside down.

“Luna above, Mac! I thought you were the smartest of the Apples!” Dash exclaimed, making Mac come to a stop, looking up at the blue mare who was glaring at him. “I fell for you like every other mare in town! Don’t you know why they all have?”

“Ah reckon not,” Mac replied, he wore a look of confusion on his face, the same as when she tried to explain the whole tail thing to him. Dash just face hoofed, using her wings to keep balance so she didn’t fall off the stallion.

“Come on, Mac, do I really need to spell it out for you?” she moved back so that she was now laying on the stallions back, looking up at the night sky, enjoying the feel of his red coat under her. “For starters Mac, you're the best looking stud in all of Ponyville! Your super strong, big, got the coolest pair of eyes, a sexy accent, a catchphrase that makes most mares swoon, and to top it all off you got that mystery stallion thing going for you! With you rarely coming into town or speaking, nopony knows much about you!” Rainbow exclaimed, as she waved her forelegs in the sky, trying to stress her point.

“So...ya fell fer me for just that?” Mac asked, a noticeable sound of hurt in his voice.

“Buck, no! I said that was for starters, for the mares who only look at you for eye candy,” Mac gave a noticeable shiver at that phrase, but Rainbow didn’t seem to notice. “Mac, I got to know you better than almost any mare in town and, well, it’s hard to put into words why I like you, okay?” Rainbow huffed, turning over so her head was now resting on his shoulder.

“Well, can ya try fer me?” Mac asked, now a bit curious about why Rainbow was having trouble expressing herself now. She gave a grunt as she looked at the stallion.

“Fine...but didn’t you want to lead us somewhere?” Mac started forward again, while Rainbow was left to think on his shoulder.

“Well, it’s not easy, Mac, but, I guess it started back at the Flim Flam thing. I mean, there are not many ponies that can keep up with me, just ask your sister, but, there you were, never slowing down as we worked that treadmill. I tried to go faster than you to prove some unknown point, but you just kept up,” Rainbow was rubbing her chin. There were so many reasons why she liked the big work pony, but she didn’t seem to come up with any reasons why.

“I mean ya, like those other mares, I fell for your looks but, I don’t know, there was just something else there that I wanted to get to know more about! The way Applejack talks about you sometimes, she makes it out like you're a demi-Alicorn or something. Heck, she and Twilight get into flights sometimes about who has the better big brother,” Rainbow laughed, remembering how the two would get into fights about who’s brother who was better, who could beat who in a fight, and other silly things.

“Reckon Shining got the better on me,” Mac laughed, “Doubt Ah could land a hoof on the former Captain of the Equestrian Guard and Prince of the Crystal Empire,”

“Not true, according to Applejack. She says that if you were there during the wedding, you would have been able to fight off all those Changelings by yourself! Then be able to buck them all out of Equestria,” Both Rainbow and Mac laughed at this, still making there way down the path in the silver light.

“But, after hearing Applejack talk so much about you, I wanted to know more about you. So during weather duties I would fly over the barn just to see what you were up to. Sorry for spying on you by the way,” she giggle, which only made the stallion’s face grow warm.

“Uh, Ah forgive ya.”

“Good. Watching you buck apples, plow fields, or doing anything else was, I don’t know, cool? Ya! Cool! I mean you're an athlete, Mac! You can work all day, and with only a few short breaks before going back to work like nothing had happened. Now, as an athlete, myself, I always wanted to find a stallion that can keep up with me, and you sure can!”

“So ya like me because Ah can keep up with ya?”

“Yes! I mean no! Yes! Ugh! Just let me finish, alright?” Rainbow growled, moving her head from his shoulder now to rest it right on top of his, so she had a higher view of the world. “It was just a check off of my list for a coltfriend, okay? But you much more than a good looking stud or a really strong athlete, Mac, I're strong…” Rainbow just stopped, looking up ahead at where Mac was taking them. They were still on the outer path from the Everfree forest, and were on their way to the few hills and lakes that were outside Ponyville. She just laid on top of Mac as he walked, keeping the silence that had now wrapped around them.

“Strong?” Mac finally questioned.

“Ya...strong, not just physically but, like in every way. I don’t know how to describe it, Mac, but something about you just, well, it made me feel like I didn’t have to put an act on in front of you, or that I had to always be so...I don’t know okay?” Rainbow shouted, jumping off of Mac’s back and landing next to him. Mac just watched her as she did, her face almost contorted in a mixture of confusion and anger.

“That’s okay,” Mac said, taking a step towards her so they were side by side again. “We don’t need any words to describe it, if ya don’t want. Just knowin ya like me enough to go on a date, is good enough fer me,” Mac made the pegasus blush again, as she looked away.

“It’s not okay, I just don’t know what it is! Ugh! I bet Twilight knows what it is,” she growled once more, as they kept on walking.

“It will come ta ya, but in the mean time, we’re here,” Rainbow looked up, and felt her jaw almost fall.

She didn’t know how she missed walking up the small hill or the sudden breeze that seemed to have been blowing for awhile, but she didn’t care. She was now over looking a small lake, that was so still and perfect looking that it was reflecting the night sky almost like a perfect mirror. On the small hill with them was a large and old looking apple tree, red apples already hanging from it’s branches.

“Wow…” Rainbow murmured looking over the landscape. She had never seen a place like this before, and was trying to figure out how she never noticed it during her flights over Ponyville and the surrounding area.

“It’s nice, isn't it?”Mac asked, looking over the landscape before sitting down. Rainbow sat down right next to him, still amazed by the area she was now seeing.

“How did you know about this place?” she asked, looking at the red stallion. As she did, she saw the bark of the tree behind him and something seemed to be carved into it.

“Ma pa used to take ma up here all the time when they were datin’, and this is where he proposed to her,” he said, smiling as he looked out into the night sky. “He showed this to A.J. and Ah before he died, tellin us when we met somepony special, to take em’ here,” Rainbow felt an unfamiliar feeling swell up inside of her, just being here, a place that seemed so special to Mac and Applejack just seemed impossible.

As she looked at Mac, she looked over at the bark again at the carving. In the limited light, she was able to make out that a large heart was carved into it with the initials BR and GG were inside of it. Mac seemed to have followed her line of sight and was smiling at the initials carved into the tree.

“Big Red and Ginger Gold, my Ma and Pa,” Mac said in a whisper, as he looked back down at Rainbow. “Ah thought you were special enough to take here,” he said, his smile never fading as he looked at her.

At once, Rainbow leaned in a kissed Mac, whatever it was about this place, whatever it was about him that she liked all came to a tipping point that she couldn't resist anymore. Mac leaned into the kiss happily, as they sat there in the light of the moon. After what seemed like hours, Rainbow pulled away first, her eyes half lidded as she looked at Mac.

“Look, I’m no good at saying how I feel, Mac,” she sighed, laying down in the grass to which Mac followed suit. “But, I think, well, I know it’s just our first date but, I think I, well, I...” before she could finish, Mac leaned in and kissed her again.  

“I love you too, Rainbow,” Mac said, pushing his forehead against hers. Rainbow only smiled, her eyes closed as she pushed against Mac’s forehead, there noses barely touching.

“Ya...that,” Rainbow laughed, as she put a wing around Mac as she went in for another kiss. “I love you, Mac,”. And there the two laid, bathing in the moonlight, unaware of anything else in the world, only concerned with the one the two of them now shared together. A night that would each would remember, for the rest of their lives.

The End