• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 3,288 Views, 127 Comments

A MacDash Wedding - Captain Unstoppable

The wedding of Big Mac and Rainbow Dash done in a fun collaboration done by many different writers. How will the wedding between the two of these ponies go? A simple wedding filled with love and happiness or will there be chaos?

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Dancing with Danger

By: Shrapmo

Mac was going to lose it. He could feel his stomach turning and tossing again and again and again. He felt the bile building up in his throat, trying to force it back down, but Rarity’s constant prodding of his stomach, the bright lights of her business, and her incessant humming was not helping the poor hungover stallion. How he wished he could just curl up in a nice dark hole and die. Anything was better than this torture he was going through right now.

“Are you feeling alright Macintosh? Your face is turning the same shade as your eyes.” Rarity spoke, as she tightened the measuring tape around his stomach, almost letting loose the contents of Mac’s stomach, that was mostly alcohol, pretzels, and a few pieces of hay.

“Just fine,” Mac mumbled, as he willed his body to stay composed, to keep from throwing up everywhere. He was sure that Miss Rarity and Rainbow would not like it if he was to do that here. He just had to wait to get home to ask Granny for one of her hangover tonics.

“Alright then, just a few more measurements and we should be good! Oh Macintosh, you are going to look so dashing when I am through with you!” Rarity said, excitement building in her voice as she tugged on the tape again.

Ah’m never drinkin like that again Mac thought, as he held his breath, trying to keep the bile in check. Ah hadn’t drank like that since Braeburn and Ah went to cousin Red’s bachelor par- at that moment, a horrible, terrifying, and altogether quite frightening thought passed through Mac’s mind. The thought of an Apple Stallion Bachelor Party.

Anypony that knew the Apple Family, knew that almost every stallion that came from them was a gentlecolt that knew how to treat a mare, be honorable, tell the honest Apple truth, and be all together hard workers. What they did not know, was the wild side of these same stallions. They rarely showed it, and when they did, nopony believed that they were Apples.

The last time the Apple stallions went wild was at Cousin Red Apple’s bachelor party at the Lake of the Ozarks. Four days of drinking, partying, and debauchery. He had gotten there with Braeburn, but he did not remember how the two of them got home. From the time they arrived, all they did was drink and party. They had even rented a large boat for a day to do more drinking and hitting on mares. There was little evidence of what had happened there, and that left more than a few questions unanswered.
Such as:

How did Braeburn break his left hoof and why did he start that bar fight?

Where did Mac get a black eye and how did he burn the end of his tail?

What happened to Uncle Fuji Apple during the last night of the party that now causes him to look over his shoulder every few minutes?

Why did Jazz Apple show up to the wedding in a wheel chair?

And, most importantly, where did cousin Red Apple go that one night, from which he came back with his mane dyed purple, and his coat dyed hot pink?

Celestia Almighty! We got ta have the weddin’ in Clousdsdale! Ain’t no way am Ah goin’ to be the victim of another one of those dang parties! Mac thought nervously, his mind so far away that he did not feel the prodding of Rarity’s hooves anymore. All he could think about were the horrors that might be placed upon him if his family got a hold of him.

There were rules to a Apple Bachelor Party; horrible, horrible rules. The rules were that first the lucky groom cannot know about the date of the party, that it must be a surprise for him. Second, that those throwing him the party must be the ones to foalnap him and take him to the party. Third, the bride of the groom must have no communication with him. Fourth, the groom is to never be sober. Finally, the most important rule, it that the groom has to be alive at the end of the party. After the party, it was just pure luck if the groom was able to get to the wedding on his own.

“So your cousin Braeburn is com-”

“Where?!” Mac hollard, as he reared back and looked around in panic, expecting to see a yellow pony with a vest and hat. He could just imagine the smug look on his face as he and other Apple stallions got their hooves on him to take him to Luna knows where. However, the shop was quiet and calm, except for him and Rarity, who had taken a few steps back in utter surprise. Clearing his throat, Mac got back on his hooves and resume d standing still.

“Uh...sorry Miss Rarity, Ah was in the middle of a thought…” Mac trailed off, as he looked around the shop again, afraid that his cousins were going to pop out at any minute.

“N-no need to apologize Macintosh. Happens to all of us,” Rarity spoke, trying to calm her racing heart as she started to resume her measurements. All she needed was to finish his legs and he would be good to go. “But is he coming to your wedding?”


“Your cousin Braeburn, the one from Appleossa,” Rarity said flatly, as she looked up at the stallion in a amused glare. “What were you thinking about Mr. Macintosh?”

“Nothin’ just a bad memory,” Big Mac said, a half lie but still the truth. “And yes, Ah believe he is comin’. Doubt he would miss it…” Mac could not help but think of the chaos that his cousin might bring with him.

“Oh wonderful! I have not seen him in such a long time. I hope everything is going well with him,” Rarity said, her tone normal again as she used her magic to measure the last of Mac’s legs. “Tell me, out of curiosity, is your cousin seeing anypony by chance?” Rarity asked, her voice still very casual.

“Not that Ah know of. Thinkin about askin him to be yer date?” Mac asked, a grin coming over his face as he imagined the high class pony asking the simple farmer to be their date.

“Oh no. I was just curious to see what he might be doing at the wedding. I am just making a list of potential stallions that might be hitting on me.” Rarity laughed, as Mac’s face went back to it’s normal stoic look. Rarity was going to be one of those mares he could never read. Thankfully, he found a mare he could, and was going to be spending the rest of his life with her.

Mac’s mind began to drift off as thoughts of Rainbow invaded his mind. Closing his eyes, he let a small smile spread across his face. The pleasant thoughts slowly quelling the aches in his stomach. He still couldn’t believe he was getting to marry the mare of his dreams.

He remembered back to his colthood, how he would go well out of his way to catch the eye of the rainbow hued filly who would always practice right over the farm. Mac would jump fences, climb the barn, even going as far as to knock down a small tree, which got him the scolding of his young life, just to get her to look at him.

A small sigh escaped the large workhorse, he had always thought that he just wasn’t appealing to mares after that. He never did take the time to think that it was purely that fact that Rainbow Dash hardly ever looked down at the ground while she practiced.
The perceived rejection wasn’t all bad though; it did give Mac the determination to get better, to get stronger. The colt worked day in and day out, taking on all the work he could. He was dead set on winning the affections of that beautiful filly, and he would work for however long he had to to achieve it.

Then one day, he got his chance.

Big Mac did not even realize it at the time; he was far too concerned with the Flim Flam Brothers threatening his livelihood. Don’t get him wrong, working along side his long time crush was a dream come true, but he couldn’t afford to let nervousness get the better of him. The stallion had to give it his all, less his family be crushed and his home taken.

Little did he know, that very determination, that hard driven sense of loyalty, was what won the immovable Rainbow Dash over.
They had spent time together later that night, over a barrel of cider, talking about the day’s events and other times that they had met a challenge head on. The two ponies had discovered that they shared many things in common, despite their differences.

“Excuse me, Big Macintosh.” Said stallion was startled from his day dreaming by a very impatient looking Rarity.

“Ah’m sorry Miss Rarity, did ya say somethin?” Big Mac asked with a blush.

The fashionista gave a light sigh. “I was saying that I have all of your measurements, and I was hoping to get your suit finished up by this evening.” Using her magic, she slid a large stallion mannequin in front of her. “I will need my privacy while I work though, so if you don’t mind…”

Big Macintosh could take a hint when it was given and began to head for the door, picking up his yoke and placing it over his neck. He was halfway out the door when he heard Rarity call out to him.

“Big Mac, would you be a dear and tell Rainbow to come get her dress fit, she should've already been back by now and you know how she likes to put things off,” Rarity yelled as she continued to fuss over his father’s suit.

“Eeyup.” With that, Mac shut the door behind him. He stopped once he was outside and took a deep breath of fresh air. Just getting out of that stuffy boutique took some of his nausea away. He gave a deep sigh, thanking Luna that his headache had lessened slightly, but he still needed to get back home and get that tonic from Granny.

Mac started forward, but suddenly stopped when a large boom of thunder shook the very ground he walked on. The stallion reared back in panic; the sound was right above him, yet he didn’t see any clouds in the sky.

“I don’t remember Rainbow saying anythin’ about a storm today!” The farmer thought aloud as he quickly looked for the thunder’s source. His confusion continued until he noticed something odd, it was a bright and sunny day, everything around him was kissed by Celestia’s light… except for him.

As he looked down, he noticed that he was completely encased in shadow. This new information in hand, the stallion slowly looked up.

Mac’s eyes fell upon a very dark and unstable looking thunderhead, and peaking over the side was a very smug and maniacal looking Thunderlane. Lifting his hind legs, the pegasus drove them down into his impromptu lighting machine. With a great flash of light, the cloud erupted.

Not wasting a single second, Big Mac ran with all his might, a large blast of thunder echoing right behind him.
“What in tarnation are ya tryin ta pull?” Mac yelled over his shoulder as he continued to sprint away. Looking all around him, the stallion desperately searched for a suitable and lighting proof shelter. When none were found, he swallowed hard and sharply turned around to face his foe.

“What’s wrong Macintosh? I thought you were the strongest and bravest stallion in Equestria! And here you are, running from a little scary thunder!” Thunderlane laughed as he sent another lightning bolt in Mac’s direction.

Leaping out of the way, Mac got into a fighting position. There was no way he could keep this up; he was fast, but dodging lightning was an insane feat. He would either need to find a way to stop the crazed pegasus, or he would need to find shelter and quick.
Picking up a discarded wagon wheel he tossed it with all his might at the thunderhead. The cloud’s pilot quickly ducked, giving Mac enough time to sprint for the nearby treeline.

“Is that the best you got, Macintosh?” Thunderlane popped his head out once again to look for his target. “I’m in no mood for hide and seek, farmer! I’ll find you, and once I do, I’ll prove exactly who the better stallion is!” Seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, the pegasus quickly turned and shot a large bolt, toppling a tree in the process.

Sweat dripped from Mac’s muzzle as the tree landed within inches of his hiding spot, he needed to something and he needed to do it quick. Staring at the fell tree, an idea popped into his head. Looking behind him, he noticed that Thunderlanes cloud was closer to the ground now, and he was right in front of the tree he was currently using for shelter.

“This’ll be a long shot, but I gotta try somthin’!” Mac closed his eyes, said a tiny prayer to Luna, reared up on his front legs and kicked with all his might.

The tree’s trunk shattered, surprising Thunderlane, who jumped and sent a volley of lightning in its direction. The resulting blast caused the tree to rocket into the air. Both stallions starred in awe for several seconds, until the pegasus’ memory kicked back in and he once again set his cross-hairs on Big Mac.

Said stallion backed up slowly, no longer seeing a way out.

“You think this will win ya Rainbow?” The farmer, now backed up into a corner, stood tall despite the hundreds of splinters embedded in his legs. “Ya’ll think this is what will impress her? Ya think killing her lover is gonna get her on yer good side?” The strong stallion was knocked to the ground as a bolt sent off right in front of him.

“Oh, I’m not going to kill you. I’m just going to make you the ugliest pony in Equestria!” The enraged pegasus sent another bolt directly at Mac.

A large boom shook the earth pony’s entire world, his vision going white. After a brief moment of disorientation, his vision cleared and he shook his great head. Smelling the distinct scent of burnt hair, he looked down, only to find that his already short tail was completely singed, the remaining fur was a horrid black color.

“Just a preview Mac! I hope you like the look, because the rest of you is next!” Thunderlane laughed as he closed in on his prey. “I wonder if Rainbow will even be able to look at you when I’m done? I wonder if she’ll still be able to marry such a hideous creature?” The pegasus now danced around in glee at the thought.

Big Mac tried to get up, but the pain in his legs was too much to bear. He never thought it would come to this, he had finally gotten the chance at true happiness with the pony he loved, only to be cut down by jealousy and hate. Closing his eyes, he pictured Rainbow’s smiling face, a face that might not want to look at him after this.

I love you, Rainbow.

As Thunderlane’s dance came to an end, he turned and prepared one final bolt, stirring up the cloud to release all its energy at once. Light swirled and shook inside its puffy container, looking ready to burst at any second. Once the pegasus was satisfied that the cloud was ready, he took one last look at his foe.

“Get ready for the new you, Mac! Can’t say I’ll miss the old one!” Thunderlane reared up on his hind legs, preparing for one massive stomp. Focusing all his power into his limbs, he made to move forward… but nothing happened.

He couldn’t move!

The pegasus struggled for several seconds, but his body wouldn’t listen. Looking around with his eyes, he tried to decipher what was happening, when he was violently ripped from his cloud and slammed into the ground.

Shocked, Mac looked from the cloud to the ground, where a very angry looking Rarity loomed over Thunderlane’s still petrified body.
“What is the meaning of this?” Rarity bellowed as she let her eyes scan the scene before her. She noticed Mac laying down, his legs cut and bleeding and his tail all but vanished. Her eyes widened in realisation at what Thunderlane had been firing lightning at.

She turned to said stallion, who was just getting control of his limbs back, and lifted him up with her magic. “How dare you attack a friend of mine! To be jealous is one thing, but to act out in such a violent and childish way… I will have none of it!”
Rarity, very purposefully, marched up to the incapacitated pegasus and slapped him hard across the cheek.

“You can’t have a mare, so nopony can, right?” She slapped him across the opposite cheek. “You think that attracts us, do you think that gets a mare’s rocks off?” Releasing her magical hold, the stallion unceremoniously crumpled to the ground. “I have news for you, you ruffian!”

Placing her front hoof on his chest she pressed down with enough force to break a stone and looked him straight in the eye. “Mares like stallions with class, intelligence and most importantly…” Rarity paused for dramatic effect. “Maturity.” The mare lite up her magic again, lifting the stallion above her head.

“Of which, it would appear you have none.” She twisted Thunderlane upside down, so that they were face to face. “A real stallion would have been able to see that the mare he fancied was taken, and quietly let it be.” Rarity gave her head two good shakes, causing her captive to shake as well.

“A colt like you though wouldn’t know of such things, and a when a colt is being bad he must be put in time out.” The unicorn turned and began to walk off, carrying the pegasus with her.

Thunderlane’s shock had worn off, and he began to struggle. “Where the hell are you taking me?” He shouted indignantly.
“To time out of course! You might know it as the police station, though.” Rarity turned to address Big Mac. “This won’t take terribly long, will you be alright until I get back?” Still in shock from what had just occurred, Mac could only nod his head in response.
Smiling, the fashionista briskly turned and headed in the direction of the Ponyville Police Station.

Big Mac sighed in relief, he never that the high maintenance fashionista would be the one to come to his rescue. She had always seemed so delicate. “Never judge a mare by her profession.” Mac chuckled lightly at his father’s words.

Finally out of harms way, he let his head fall to the grass, breathing deep. The farmer had always prided himself in his ability to always be strong, to always be ready. Yet Thunderlane was able to catch him off guard, and he almost got away with it, too.
“Never again.” Big Mac opened his eyes and stared at the sky. “Never again.”

“Here Big Mac, drink this.” The farmer started and turned his head to see Rarity returning from her house with a glass of water. “The ambulance is on its way, once they get here I’ll go and fetch Rainbow. I’m sure she will be worried sick once she finds out what happened.”

“Eeyup.” The stallion sighed as he downed the cool water.

“Why in Equestria would Thunderlane do such a thing? Rainbow had said that he was upset you two were getting married, but I never figured him as the type to become violent.” The mare took the empty water glass in her magic and set it aside as she sat next to the injured stallion.

“The only thing Ah can think of, is love will make ya do some crazy things.” Mac gave a weak smile causing Rarity to chuckle lightly.

The ambulance arrived in good time, medics attending to Big Mac and placing him gently on a stretcher. Soon he was wheeled into the back of the white wagon. Rarity walked up before the doors could be closed and wished make well.

“Don’t worry, Macintosh, I’ll be sure to let Rainbow know where you are as soon as I can find her.” Mac smiled at her sentiment and weakly waved his leg.

“Miss Rarity, before I go I just wanna know one thing.” Mac raised his head so he could see the fashionista clearly. “How in the hay did ya know what was going on outside if you were workin on my suit?”

At this the mare’s face went deadpan. “A tree fell through my roof.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait and the possible bad grammar in this chapter! Currently Captain Unstoppable is at BronyCon and posting this chapter for Mr. Bronius who is coming home today! We promised him a chapter and very sorry that we did this at the last moment. We will post a proper grammar for this chapter soon!