• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 3,288 Views, 127 Comments

A MacDash Wedding - Captain Unstoppable

The wedding of Big Mac and Rainbow Dash done in a fun collaboration done by many different writers. How will the wedding between the two of these ponies go? A simple wedding filled with love and happiness or will there be chaos?

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Chapter 1

A MacDash Wedding Collaboration

Chapter 1: The Proposal

Written By: Captain Unstoppable

Tonight was the night! The night that Big Mac had been planning for the last three months was finally here. He had been working harder than ever before around the farm, taking up odd jobs all around town for extra bits. No matter how hard, difficult, or unbearable the job was, he did it, because she was worth it. Any time the pain became too much, or his body was too exhausted to keep going, all he needed to do was think of her and his weariness would fade with a goofy smile and he could do anything.

This night had to be perfect in every way, because she was perfect to him. Sure, she could be brash, rude, arrogant, and at time a little bit too full of herself. Still, all those flaws, every little thing that would make others roll their eyes made his heart flutter; they were what made her perfect to him. This mare had changed his life in so many way, making him a better stallion through it all, and he wanted to let the world know that he wanted her by his side till the very end.

Now the question was if she wanted him by her side till the end.

Mac shuddered as he thought of this. He could not let those thoughts seep into his mind; he needed to be calmed, relaxed, and collected. With a deep breath, he tried to slow his racing heart enough to think about what he needed to do. Currently, he was standing in his room, looking himself over in the mirror. He looked like he always did: big, strong, hay colored mane, dark red coat, and the ever present yoke around his neck. Other stallions would get dressed up for this event, to make themselves look as handsome as they could before this event. Those stallions, however, did not date a mare like he did.

She didn’t care for the fancy things of life; she didn’t want a highfalutin' dinner by the moonlight, an expensive bottle of wine, or anything of that sort. She just wanted something awesome and cool; if he did anything beyond a bucket of hay fries and some sparkling cider, she would probably be too embarrassed to react. Or more likely, she’d just bust a gut laughing…or buck him in the face.

Nodding to himself in the mirror, he walked over to his dresser and slowly opened the drawer. Inside was his prize, the treasure he had spent the last three months working for, and the object that would hopefully have a “yes” attached to it when everything came to an end tonight. Pulling out the small velvet box, he inspected its contents. Inside was an earring with a emerald apple the size of a acorn, a topaz cloud with a multicolor thunderbolt set in the middle with a gold ring circling it.

He had to go to Appleloosa to get it, just so no pony would catch him going into the jeweler. If one pony caught him, the whole town would have known what he was up to in a matter of hours. That was the life of a small town after all; it was hard to keep a secret, especially ones concerning an Element of Harmony and the former most eligible bachelor in Ponyville. A journey to Appleoosa was not uncommon for Big Mac, so no pony saw the trip as odd and didn’t question him. The only pony who raised an eyebrow was the one he was making the trip for; she would never admit it out loud, not even to him, but he knew she didn’t like it when he left.

She would always act so tough, brave, confident in everything she did, and seem almost untouchable, but when they were alone she would let down her barriers and he would see the real her. The side of her that sometimes needed encouragement, a side that didn’t have to act so tough all the time, that would feel relaxed and calm when he was near. This is how he knew that she was serious about him; that she would say yes to his question.

Wouldn't she?

“Dagnabit,” Mac muttered under his breath as he kicked his hoof against the floorboard. “Don’t let them thoughts get to yea,”. Giving himself one final look over in the mirror, he grabbed the small velvet box and placed it under his yoke, where it would be safe till needed. Heading out of his bedroom, he walked down the stairs to see Applejack and Apple Bloom in the kitchen, leaning over what looked to be a notebook, and Granny sitting in the living room rocking away as she knitted a sweater. Mac noticed that the sweater she was knitting was kind of small, most likely for Apple Bloom for the coming winter.

“Come on, Applejack,” Apple Bloom complained, looking down at the piece of paper in front of them. It was a five problem homework assignment from school, and so far the two had only gotten done with one. “Mac does this a lot faster!” she whined, unaware that Mac was in the hallway.

“Ah can do this fancy mathematics jus as good as him!” Applejack spat back at her. “All we got to do is carry this three here and... well... Ah think we add it here.”

Mac tried to hold back his laughter. He loved his sister just as much as a brother could, but the poor mare was just plain bad at math. It was one of her very, very few shortcomings, and was one she hated the most next to being weaker than him.

“Well, ain’t you lookin’ all nice and groomed,” Granny said, alerting every mare of the Apple family Mac was there. “Goin on yer nightly walk with that Dash filly again?” she asked, never taking her eyes off her knitting.

“Eeyup,” Mac said with a simple nod, walking into the kitchen for a sip of cider before leaving. “Granny, you can call her Rainbow Dash or just Dash?” he asked, opening the fridge to retrieve the golden liquid. “She’s been comin over fer years, as Applejack’s friend before ma marefriend,” he said, a huff coming from Applejack.

“She is still ma friend, you red lug!” she corrected, walking over to him and hitting his shoulder. Mac just laughed at this, as Apple Bloom trotted up to him with a large smile.

“Can’t yea help me first before yea leave?” she asked, trying to give her best puppy eye look. “No pony can do math like you can!” she said, sitting at his hooves, looking right up at him, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. Mac looked down at his youngest sister, before ruffling her mane with his giant hoof.

She had used this trick many times on him, trying to get him to either do her chores so she could go play with her friends, or to have him do her homework for her. The first few times he couldn’t say no to that face, but after awhile he caught on to her little game and could easily look away. He felt sorry for any colt that fell for her, for she would have them wrapped around her hoof in no time.

“Ah ain’t fallin fer that trick of yours tonight,” Mac said, taking the sip of the cider, reveling in the cool burn sliding down his throat, calming his frayed nerves as Apple Bloom’s face fell. “Besides, this is a great time fer the two of yea to bond over math.” Mac walked over to the piece of paper and examined it. “Got to subtract that three, Applejack, and yea did the first problem wrong.” Both sisters gave out groans of aggravation as they sulked back towards the table to look over the work again.

Mac didn’t tell any member of his family what he was planning; even Braeburn was kept in the dark when he went to Appleloosa, afraid that he would write to Applejack the second he figured it out. As much as he did love his sister, the fact that she was the Element of Honesty meant she could be a little bit too honest at times, and unable to keep a secret. Looking at the clock in the kitchen, Mac saw he had another fifteen minutes before Rainbow Dash was to arrive. Leaving his sisters to the math and taking his mug of cider, he went to the living room to sit with Granny as he waited for Rainbow to get off weather duty.

Sitting on the couch opposite of Granny, Mac took in the silence of the house, finding it relaxing for his nerves that were so worked up for the question he was going to ask Rainbow tonight. The sound of Applejack and Apple Bloom arguing over math was relaxing in its own way as well, and the silent clicks of Granny’s knitting came at an even pace. At that moment, everything seemed right in the world as he took a sip of cider.

“So yer askin her tonight to marry yea, right?” Mac spat out his cider as his eyes went wide. Wiping his mouth of the cider he looked up at Granny, who was still knitting as if nothing had happen.

“Everythin’ all right in there?” Applejack called from the kitchen. Mac looked to see her leaning over in her chair, trying to get a look at what might have happened.

“Just fine, Deary,” Granny called back, still working on the sweater. “Just havin a chat,” Granny said in her sweetest voice, still working on her knitting. Mac saw Applejack shrug as she went back to work with Bloom, who was still arguing about the math problems. Turning back to Granny, he saw that her eyes were now fixed on him.

“Ah, don’t know what yer—” Mac was cut off, as he saw her raise her cane from beside her and looking over the bottom of it: the whacking side of it. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he looked over towards the kitchen making sure his sister were still working. “How did yea—”

“At ma age, yea pick up on certain things,” Granny said with a laugh. “Ah’d seen how hard yea been workin’ for the last few months. Reminds me of yer Pa when he was getting ready to propose to yer Momma. He did just about anythin’ for a bit; no job too small or too hard fer him,” Granny said, getting a dreamy eyed look in her eyes as she remembered how her late son worked so hard for his wedding earring. “Now, let me see it,” Granny said setting down her knitting.

Giving one more glance towards the kitchen to make sure his sisters were still busy, Mac rose up from the couch and handed the small velvet box to Granny. The old mare opened the lid slowly and began to inspect the earring. She held it up to the lamp beside her and watched the light pass through it, causing a image of the two cutie marks that made the earring appear on the ground. A grin formed on her face as she placed it back in the box and handed it back to Mac.

“Yea did a good job, Mackie,” she said with a proud grin as Mac placed the box back in his yoke. “Nervous?”

“Eeyup,” Mac replied, as he looked over his shoulder and at the window. He was half expecting to see Rainbow’s face pressed against it looking in and ruining the surprise, or, in a even worse case scenario, Pinkie Pie’s. Seeing that neither was there he turned back to his grandmother. “Ah’m just worried to what she might say,” he admitted. Granny gave a short laugh as she patted him on the shoulder.

“Ah’ve seen the way she looks at yea. There is no doubt in ma mind that she’ll say yes,” Granny said confidently. “But if she has the nerve to say no, well…” Granny started to pat her cane against her hoof, reminding Mac of one of those Godfathers you always hear about in Manehatten.

“Granny,” Mac said rolling his eyes. “No need to get violent. Ah’m sure Applejack would beat yea to it anyway,” he said laughing at the memory of Applejack threatening Rainbow Dash about breaking her brother's heart. He always thought it was the brother’s job to threaten suitors, not the other way around, but yet again Applejack was not one to be underestimated.

“No, she won't!” Granny said, pounding her cane into the floor. “What will Ah do with all this foal clothing Ah knitted if she says no?” she asked, holding up the sweater from before. That was when Mac noticed that the sweater was way too small for Apple Bloom even, and had his and Rainbow’s cutie marks on it.

“Granny!” Mac yelped, as he looked at the sweater. This time Applejack didn’t ask what was wrong but came straight into the living room with Apple Bloom in tow.

“What are yea two goin’ on about in—” Applejack looked up at the sweater, taking in the meaning of it much faster than Mac had in the beginning. At once, Mac thought his plans were ruined, that Applejack or Bloom was going to spill what he had been planning on for the last three months the second Rainbow got there.

“Now, Applejack, don’t you-”

“Not this again Granny!” Applejack groaned, while Apple Bloom rolled her eyes as she went back to the kitchen. Mac just stood their, face blank and confused beyond belief. “We gone over this Granny, the two of them ain't ready to have no foals, and if yea keep swingin them things around, yer going to scare Rainbow away,”Applejack said, shaking her head as she looked up at Mac. “Sorry yea had to see that Mac; ever since you and Rainbow started dating, she been making foal clothing,” she said with a growl looking over at the older mare who was just laughing. “Now put that all away before Rainbow gets here!” Applejack said in a stern voice, more as if she was talking to Bloom instead of their Grandmother.

Granny just laughed as she put the sweater in the basket next to her, making sure to cover it with a blanket. Applejack just gave a huff before walking into the kitchen to try and help Rainbow again with her work. The second she turned the corner, both Granny and Mac looked at one another, the stallion with a face of fear, the mare with one of smugness.

“Now, Ah want a great grandfoal by this time next year. Preferably two,” she laughed, making the stallion’s face turn a shade of red so bright, that not even his coat could hide it. Before he could say anything however, the sound of a door flying open and hitting the wall, and of a shout of surprise filled the house.

“Celestia bless it, Rainbow Dash!” Granny and Mac heard from the kitchen, “Do yea have to make your appearance so well known any time yea come over!” Applejack shouted, followed by a fit of raspy laughter. Mac took a deep breath as he looked over at Granny, who nodded at him, giving him all the encouragement he needed as he walked towards the kitchen.

“Of course I do!” Rainbow laughed.“When I enter the home of my best friend and my coltfriend, I better make sure everypony knows that the coolest pony in all of Equestria is here!” Mac could hear her laugh again, as Applejack mumbled something under her breath. Upon entering the kitchen, Mac saw that Rainbow Dash was heading right for the fridge for some cider, as Applejack just sat at the table mumbling to herself. After seeing Mac, though, Rainbow quickly changed her course and headed towards the large working pony.

“And there he is,” she said, walking past him and brushing her tail under his nose with a small flick. At this action, Applejack just gave out a even louder groan of displeasure as Mac almost fell over from the sudden action. Before he could, Rainbow was next to him again and brushed up against him like a cat. This was her own way of showing her affection in public; it was mostly to annoy Applejack, who still didn’t like seeing her best friend and brother being so close.

“Will yea two take it outside?” Applejack shouted, a light blush covering her face showing how embarrassed she was. “Some of us don’t want to taste our supper again,” she groaned as she tried to focus on the work with Apple Bloom.

“Fine, fine,” Rainbow replied, as she started for the front door with Mac, “But we might be doing something later tonight in Mac’s room.” She laughed so hard at this part she actually snorted as Applejack gave a roar of anger. Mac had to guide Rainbow through the door as fast as possible, mainly to avoid the basket of apples Applejack had hurled at them.

Once the two were out of the light of the farmhouse and into the darkness of the orchard, Rainbow Dash fully leaned against Mac with a sigh. Even after eleven months of being together, including some more physical aspects of love, the simple act of Rainbow leaning against him made his heart skip a beat, and his face heat up.

Rainbow didn’t like to show emotions in front of others; even during dates in town, she wouldn't return a kiss on the cheek because she was afraid to look weak in front of other ponies. So when they were alone, and she felt comfortable, she would lean against him, and show him all the built up affection she couldn't show in public. With a content sigh from each pony, they walked through the seemingly endless orchard, feeling as if they were the only two in the whole world.

“Pretty night,” Mac said, after a few minutes of silence. The night was clear of clouds, showing off the thousands of stars in the sky, the full moon illuminating the apple trees in a pale light, that allowing the two to walk without the fear of tripping or falling. Mac felt Dash’s face rub up against his neck as she looked up at the sky with him. Mac cast his eyes down at her the starlight twinkled in her magenta eyes. Just looking at those eyes made his whole world come to a stop. It didn’t matter how many times he looked into those eyes, there was no escape from how beautiful they were to him.

“It really is,” Dash answered, still looking up at the sky with a grin. That grin slowly started to melt away however, into an almost frown. Mac noticed this right away, and nuzzled the side of her face. She leaned into it right away and returned the nuzzling. After a moment or two of this, Mac pulled away and looked down at Rainbow.

“What’s wrong, Dashie?” he asked in a low voice. She didn’t answer him right away. Instead she looked down to the ground, her ears flattening against her head, and a nervous twitch fluttered her wings.

“Besides you using that nickname?” she said, with an obviously forced laugh; which only served to make Mac worry about her more. Looking back into his eyes, she gave out a long sigh. “Well, it’s just I have been thinking Mac, about us. A lot,” she started. a wave of fear ran through Mac’s entire body. His brain felt like it went cold, as if everything became clouded and unclear.

Does she want to break up? Oh, Celestia! She want’s to break up! Mac thought in panic. He continued to stare into Rainbow’s eyes, trying to seem strong, but if she wanted to break up on the night he wanted to propose, he was going to break down.

“It’s nothing bad!” Rainbow quickly said, noticing the fear growing in Mac’s eyes. “It’s just... I think you know I like you a lot, and I think I know you like me a lot. I just want to know where we stand right now. Like, where are we going to be in the next year. The next five years and so on. Celestia listen to me, I sound like Twilight,” Rainbow said, this time with a real laugh. “Maybe it’s the whole loyalty thing making me this this way. It’s just...well, I tend to think of everything as a race, you know? So at the end of this race, I want to know who will be there at the finish line with me, and well I want it to be—”

Rainbow, will you marry me?!” Mac shouted, cutting Rainbow Dash off before she could finish. His eyes were still wide in fear, beads of sweat were rolling off him, and he was shaking like no other. He heard half of what Rainbow had said; his mind was so clouded with fear of a break up that he didn’t notice that she said it was nothing bad. After this outburst, the two ponies just stood in the darkness of the orchard in complete silence. Not even the constant sound of crickets chirping could be heard.

“Wh-what did you just say?” Rainbow asked. As thoughts of an apology and clarification ran through her mind, Mac leaned forward, getting down on one foreleg and reaching back into his yoke, still shaking as if he had just come inside from the extreme colds.

“Ah said...” Mac placed the velvet box in front of her and opened it slowly, to reveal the earring he had worked so hard to afford. “Will you, Rainbow Firefly Dash, will marry me,” Mac said slowly looking up into her eyes, looking back at him with confusion and shock. “Ah know Ah’m not a fancy stallion of any kind, just a plain old Earth Pony with not much to offer yea. But Ah swear to you Rainbow, Ah will always love you no matter what. So, will you marry me?”

Rainbow stood there gaping for a minute, not saying anything, her eyes just fixed on Mac. Behind those magenta eyes, he could see the wheels slowly beginning to turn. She was stock still, save for a twitch of a pinion here, a quiver of her lip there, but through it all, she remained silent.

After several of the most agonizing seconds of his life, Mac heaved a deep sigh, his hopes and dreams leaving his body with his breath. Slowly, Mac started to fold up the box. “Ah... Ah understand, Dash. It was foalish, Ah know. Maybe later on—”

In a prismatic blur, Rainbow Dash tackled him to the ground. He barely had time to let out a cry of shock before her warm, soft lips mashed into his, kissing him deeply as she pressed his shoulders into the ground. To his credit, it only took an instant before his brain switched back on, and he returned the kiss with all the passion she was putting forward, wrapping his massive forelegs around her lithe body, pulling her close. The two laid there in the grass of the orchard, lost in each other.

Finally, when the need to breathe became too great to ignore, Rainbow slowly pulled away, her lips peppering his with a few smaller smooches. Mac gasped and looked up to see Rainbow Dash—fastest flier in all of Equestria, multi-time saviour of the world, and the single toughest mare he knew aside from his sister—sniffling as a thready tear worked its way down her cheek. “So...that’s a yes?”

She just smirked down at him as she leaned in close to him again. “Just shut up and kiss me.”

Author's Note:

So here is the first chapter of this collaboration! So real quick I would like to thank a few people who helped with this chapter.

As always thank you jszellmer for the edits, I know it was hard this time because you are helping your sister. You need to tell her ponies come first.

Jake the Army Guy, thanks for the last minute suggestions, I think they made this chapter 20% cooler.

And now...Shrapmo...the magical stick of pain has chosen you to go next. Have fun!