• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 3,288 Views, 127 Comments

A MacDash Wedding - Captain Unstoppable

The wedding of Big Mac and Rainbow Dash done in a fun collaboration done by many different writers. How will the wedding between the two of these ponies go? A simple wedding filled with love and happiness or will there be chaos?

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Fun times in the Hospital

By: FelixTheBrony

Rainbow Dash burst into the waiting room of the hospital, distress written all over her face.

She galloped up to the reception desk to face the receptionist, a blue Unicorn with a white mane reading an old magazine with a picture of Fancy Pants on the front, a bored look on her face. “Where's Macintosh?!”

The Unicorn glance up at the prismatic mare and sighed, laying the magazine down and picking up a clipboard, blowing a bubble with the gum in her mouth before it burst. “Relation?”

“Fiancée!” The Receptionist rose an eyebrow.

“Can you prove that?”

“What?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“Is there any way you can prove you're his fiancée?” Rainbow's eye twitched.

“Why the heck do I need to prove anything?!” The receptionist looked at her, suspiciously before giving a sigh.

“For all I know, you're an assassin who was sent here by Macintosh's attacker to 'finish him off' or you could be one of his many fan girls.” She rolled her eyes. “You should have seen it a couple of years ago. He was in for a sprained ankle and at least fourteen mares came in, claiming to be his marefriend to get some of his mane.”

There was a pregnant pause while that information sunk in with the cyan Pegasus. “Seriously?!

“Yeah. Security had a field day. So now, when it comes to him, we have to take precautions.” Rainbow let that sink in, before she grumbled and had to think about how to prove that she's Mac's fiancée.

She hadn't actually gotten around to getting her ear pierced for the earring and said engagement earring was in Mac's room at the farm! It'd take her twenty minutes to get all the way to the farm and back! And even then it didn’t necessarily mean she's Mac's fiancée.

Just as it seemed like she'd have to take flight, Applejack and Rarity rushed into the reception with just as much distress as she was. “Dash?! What're ya doin' out here?!”

“Ah, Applejack!” the receptionist said, indicating to Rainbow Dash. “Can you clarify that this is Macintosh's Fiancée?” Applejack’s look went from surprise to understanding.

“Yeah, this is his fiancée alrigh'.” She clarified, to which the receptionist nodded and studied the clipboard for a few seconds.

“Okay, he's in room fourteen, the Doctor is checking on him but you should be good to go in.” The three thanked her and went to find said room.

“So...Mac has his own little security questions, then?” Rainbow asked, still not quite believing what that Unicorn had told her. It seemed a little far-fetched to her and it seemed that she was just trying to make things more difficult than they had to be.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, both Applejack and Rarity nodded. “Yes dear, as I'm sure you've already seen, Macintosh is a rather big catch so to speak.” Applejack sent a glare her way and Rarity huffed. “Look, I don't know how to better explain it, would you like to try, Dear?”

“Certainly. Jus' a bunch a crazy old mules who can't take a hint an' jus' back tha hay off.” The two were surprised at Applejack's hostility and the choice language she chose to use.

She seemed to notice and took some breaths to calm herself down. “Sorry 'bout that, it's jus' that they won't leave 'im alone, no matter how many times him, Ah or even Granny tell 'em ta buck off—”

“Applejack! There are kids here!” Rarity scolded, motioning to a few foals sitting in the hall, looking up at them, curiously. “Uh...Don't mind us!” She declared, cheerfully, ushering the two of them forward a little more to get away from the foals before they could pick up on what they were saying.

Rainbow grunted at this explanation and picked up the pace so she wasn't being pushed by the fashionista. Like all those mares that basically tried to attack him on the farm a couple of days ago. Hopefully they got the hint, but something tells me that it's not the last we've heard from them.

Just as she thought this, they had arrived at room fourteen and entered to find Mac on his side, Doctor Stable checking over his flank, taking note of the extent of the damage.

Rainbow wasted no time in wrapping her forelegs round Mac's neck and giving him the biggest hug she could given the angle she was working with. Mac responded by wrapping his neck round her's in turn. “Are you okay?” She asked.

“Eeyup. Just a little sore on mah caboose.” He replied, cringe as he felt the Doctor prod at his burned nethers. “Ow!”

“Good, if it hurts you still have feeling there.” Doctor Stable mentioned, writing down something on a clipboard. “Well it seems that these burns are only first degree. It should clear up soon. I'll just have to apply some of this lotion to return your skin to it's more natural colour.”

“Um...A-Ah can do that Doc,” Mac replied, sitting up suddenly, causing him to cringe slightly as his burn was pressed into the bed. He knew he'd never be able to reach back there himself, but he did not feel comfortable with the Doctor rubbing anything on his flank.

“Now Mr. Apple, I don't see how you'd be able to that. Not many ponies are that flexible,” the Doctor explained.

“Uh, Ah don't know. Ah don't feel right comfortable about that.”

“I'll do it!” Rainbow offered, smiling. “I've felt him up plenty of times!”

Arg! Rainbow! We're still here!” Applejack exclaimed, turning noticeably green. Rarity had just turned slightly red and turned her gaze on the ground.

The Doctor sighed and passed the lotion over to the Pegasus. “As soon as you apply that, I'll wrap some bandages around his flank...and I'd highly suggest he not *ahem* overexert himself.”

Applejack held a hoof over her mouth, her cheeks puffing out as she vomited into the nearest trash can. “Well thanks y'all! Ah was runnin' outta things ta think about when Ah scream mahself ta sleep!”

Rainbow trotted around Mac towards his flank, ushering the group out. “Well, unless you want more things to add to the collection, I'd leave us alone for a bit.” Without wasting a second, Applejack jumped out of the room, dragging Rarity with her. The Doctor averted his eyes in respect, but had to be present to dress the wound.

“Don't worry Mac, you'll be outta this place in no-time!” Rainbow declared, confidently, scooping up a bit of the lotion to start rubbing it in.
Mac and Rainbow walked into reception, meeting up with Applejack and Rarity. “Don't ya worry none, we took care of tha discharge papers, we're free ta git ya inta bed big guy.”

“Eeyup,” Mac answered, glancing back at the bandages that wrapped around his tail around both legs, covering his flank to keep the lotion on his skin. But there was nothing they could do for his tail, which was still scorched black by the thunder cloud.

Rainbow saw his look and growled, quietly to herself. Thunderlane's gone too far this time! If I ever see him again, I'll be sure to make it the last time!

Mac nuzzled Rainbow slightly as they walked outside. “Thinkin' 'bout how yer gonna git revenge?”

“Fantasizing about it...” Rainbow replied, grinning evilly. “Say, do you think they'd ever find a body in the orchards?”

“Ah wouldn't think so. Too much ground to cover. But look, he's gonna be in the police department fer a while. Ah don't think we need ta worry 'but it fer a while.”

“Right...But how did he get the better of you? You could've knocked him halfway to the Dragon Kingdom and back before he knew what hit him!” Mac smiled at her words. They did help to soothe his bruised ego.

“He sat on a thundercloud in tha air. Ah couldn't reach 'im.” Applejack growled when she heard that.

“No good, rotten coward can't even fight face ta face an' had ta hide behind his wings! That stallion has no honour.”

“He has good sense at least. If'n he were on tha ground he'd be leavin' with a few broken bones, ” Mac replied, to which Rarity interrupted.

“As fun as it is hearing you all swear vengeance on the currently imprisoned stallion, there are much happier things to be focussing on. Like your dress, Rainbow, I must have a look at your mother's dress and get some measurements!”

“Um...Can we do that tomorrow, Rares? I just...I don't want to leave Mac right now, ” Rainbow admitted, pressing herself against the red work horse. Rarity nodded in understanding and turned to leave.

“Of course, Darling, I'll just work on finishing Mac's suit for tonight.” She paused as a thought occurred to her, then quickly grabbed Applejack's hoof. “Ah! I know, I'll get your bridesmaid dress started! Let's go!”

“Wait Ah-Wahh!!” Applejack yelped as the surprisingly strong mare dragged her off towards the Carousel Boutique. Rainbow started to laugh and Mac let out a few chuckles as well.
Rainbow took the engagement earring from the night stand in Mac's room and gazed upon it, feeling some mixed emotions as she gazed upon it's beauty.

She was so happy when Mac presented it to her, she was ready to become his wife, ready to take that step, fully prepared to make that commitment to her significant other.

But then all of this stuff happened, all because they got engaged! They were fine before all of this. There was no Thunderlane, no mares and none of the stress that seemed to be finding a home in the pits of her stomach.

She sighed, noticing that the shower had shut off and Mac trotted out of the bathroom, his mane clung to his neck, matted down.

He noticed her dismayed look as she gazed upon the earring and started to panic. I-is she havin' second thoughts?! Please, please, don't be havin' second thoughts! “Uh...You alright Dashie?” She glanced up at him and smiled, warmly.

“Yeah I'm fine.” He sighed and sat next to her on the bed, taking a towel on his way out to dry his mane and coat.

“Ah know when yer lyin', Rainbow. Ah've known ya long enough.” She flinched when he turned to her, giving her a comforting gaze. “You can trust me Rainbow.”

“I-I know...” She sighed, of course she could. If she couldn't trust him, who could she trust? He was her rock, her anchor. He was the missing side that she didn't even realise hadn't been filled yet. He deserved to know what was bugging her; after all, it affected him as well.

“It's just...Ever since we got engaged we've been running into a bunch of problems...It's like...Something is trying to stop this from happening. Or trying to draw it out as long as possible.” She sighed, closing the box. “Before this we were fine, nopony had any problems and Thunderlane wasn't on our tails all the time...”

“Rainbow...” Mac interrupted, placing a hoof on her shoulder, causing her to look up. “If ya start second guessin' gettin' married cause of all this, then Thunderlane wins,” he said, causing her eyes to snap open.

Damn! How could I be so stupid thinking like that?! Mac's right, I was playing right into his hooves! She shivered as he wrapped his hooves around her, enveloping her in a tight hug.

“Look, Thunderlane can do whatever he damn well pleases, but neither he nor anything or anyone else is gonna stop me from marrying ya. If he breaks my hind hooves, Ah'll buckin' drag mahself ta tha aisle and sit on Braeburn's back tha entire ceremony! All that matters ta me, is that Ah'll be able ta spend tha rest o' mah life wit' ya.”

Rainbow sniffed as she felt a tear try to escape her eye. Yes it wasn't often that Mac let's out his more romantic and sappier side, but behind closed doors he could tell her exactly what she needed to hear.

She wrapped her hooves around him in return and connected her lips to his, initiating a passionate kiss. There was no tongue nor any other intention with this kiss, just a comforting one to let the other know that they were there for each other. Through sickness and health. For better or for worse.

They disconnected when Mac flinched as Rainbow's hoof accidently caressed his burnt flank. They stared at each other before Rainbow let out an embarrassed giggle. “Guess I'll need to apply some more lotion, then?”

“Only if ya want ta, Ah can just about manage...”

“No way, Mac! You've been through enough today! Just lay down and relax, I'll take care of ya.” She grinned, taking the lotion and quickly applied it onto his flank, sensually. Almost painfully so for Mac.

Soon she had finished with that, but it didn't stop as her hooves found their way up his back and towards his shoulders, rubbing out the tension in them, causing him to let out an aroused groan. “Dash...Tha Doctor said...Not to over exert mahself...” He said between moans.

Rainbow grinned, pushing him so he was laying on his back, her standing before him, grinning. “Don't worry, Big Guy, you just lay back and let me do all the work...”

Author's Note:

So Felix just put all the other writers to shame with how fast he got this done. He was actually done like a week ago, but I have had very little time since the Con to really work on things.

We are actually now looking for more writers to add chapters! We might have someone for chapter 8 but please contact Captain Unstoppable via PM to see about writing other chapters! He will give guidelines there!

Keep on writing!

Comments ( 18 )

Macdash = best shipping ever.

Bringing the MacDash community together one chapter at a time. :eeyup::rainbowwild:

Nice chapter. Ithink that was a fun chapter. Wow. Future fore shadowing for the Apple Bachelor Party and the revenge of the herd. Thanks for a great chapter.

4830916 "Revenge of the herd." I like that.

4831644 What should they do? I am thinking about both events happening at once. Rainbow Dash gets kidnapped by the Mares, while Mac by the apple Family, so While Mac is in a drunk stupor trying to get home, Rainbow Dash has to escape from 30 psycho mares who think by kidnapping Dash, Big Mac will come onto one of them. This whole thing should happen less than five miles apart for just the sake of hilarity.

Being attractive is a blessing, but also a curse.

4831680 All depends on what the next author can come up with. I like being surprised each time.

Welp, at least Mac got out of this with Dash having reasons to give him a little extra TLC.

Dude, if I can find the time, I might be up for writing one chapter :twilightsmile:

I would love to write a chapter, but As you have seen, my english is not ready for a fic... yet

Comment posted by jack spartson deleted Jun 16th, 2016

All caught up now. Poor Mac! Luckily, he has his Dash to help him. :eeyup: :rainbowdetermined2:

5361000 Thanks for reading! Still trying to figure out if this story is still going. I feel like its cursed lol.


LOL, I know what you mean. Maybe the curse has been lifted though!

when's the next chapter?:rainbowhuh:

Yeah when's the next chapter coming my friend, :raritystarry: cause this is getting really interesting indeed. But poor Big Mac got hurt cause of that jealous guy (Thunder is such a jerk):twilightangry2: Thunderlane got way to far, I hope Big Mac gets better with Rainbow Dash there to help. :heart::heart: They make such a cute couple, and wife, husband. Happy wedding Big Mac and Dash!:pinkiehappy:

Good luck on the next chapter my friend, we'll be waiting. :raritywink::twilightsmile::rainbowdetermined2:

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