Star Wars - Hope In the Force

by Mkchief34

First published

A Jedi Master and his loyal Clone troopers sucessfully escape Order 66 and the Empire. After jumping into the Unknown Regions, they discover their safe haven to live out their lives...Equestria. Set after Revenge of the Sith and the Clone Wars.

When Order 66 was sent throughout the Galaxy to the Clone Troopers, ushering in the reign of the legion of the Grand Army of the Republic, the 389th Strike Battalion, did not take heed. These Clones and their Jedi General, Jedi Kyris Marchen, abandoned their mission on the planet Razkos for their own survival. After Jumping to the Unknown Regions at the request of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, their hope is to find a habitable world to sojourn on.

The Jedi and Clones discover the planet Equis, and they find peace isn't exactly so common on this distant world. An emerging enemy plots his revenge against Princess Celestia...and what could happen...if others would follow behind them?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed crossover, set during and after Revenge of the Sith, and beyond. Will feature canon and original characters.

Roster of Major Characters can be found here.


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Equestria, Canterlot Palace
Office of Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia, Diarch of the Sun, Ruler of Equestria, was not often seen upset or distressed. However, tonight, she was so. Princess Luna was upset as well, yet neither princess could confide how or why they were in such a state to anypony or anyone. Her subjects would not understand, or they would not believe her. Celestia turned to a bookshelf on the wall, and cast it aside with her magic, revealing a dark stairwell.


Celestia walked down the worn stone stairs, tears falling as she went. Eventually, she reached a small shrine of some sort. It was a table of stone, white and pure. And atop it was a cube, gold and blue. It glowed with an unseen power beyond any imagination.

Celestia knew what it was. Given to her long ago by the Jedi, this Holocron was her own, or rather Equestria's own to keep. It had remained silent for countless centuries.

Until now. Celestia, in the middle of day court, had been struck with a sudden wave of sadness and regret. Not of her own emotion, but of the Holocron speaking through her. She had barely concealed it long enough to leave Day Court for her chambers, where she learned Luna had sensed it as well.

Something wrong had happened to drastically change the balance of the Force. Celestia opened the Holocron, and the feelings resurfaced within her. Celestia now knew for sure, that the balance of the Force had been changed. Without further words, she sealed the Holocron and departed, leaving the cold, dying chamber.

The Wilds

The air was filled with red and blue bolts. The sound of scorched metal and war shouts pounded against the eardrums. It was a cacophony that would send anyone to the hills.

For Jedi Master, and Republic General Kyris Marchen, this was his prime element. Hailing from the forest world of Lystrais, he was wolf-like in stature, with pale brown and gray fur. His modified armor and robes were dark brown, and his fur was covered with Lystraian warrior tattoos.

And right now, he, and the Clones of the 389th Strike Battalion were knee-deep in fighting Separatist Battle Droids, intent on wiping them off the map.

"Focus on the walkers!" Kyris yelled to his troopers, who heeded his orders and fired their weapons accordingly. "Don't let them get close to us!"

"You heard the General!" cried CC-4296, or Commander Gale, Kyris's second in command. "Take them out, lads!"

The pale-green colored Clones fired a volley of lasers that cut down several platoons of advancing droids. However, unlike the Battle Droids, the clones and Kyris were outnumbered, and were losing their ground fast.

"Radio the Sentinel!" Kyris yelled to Gale. "We need air support!"

"I've tried, sir!" the Clone commander replied. "That solar storm fried our communications!"

"Keep at it!" Kyris replied, his green-bladed Lightsaber slashing apart a Super Battle Droid. "We cannot lose this base!"

The battle continued for several furious moments, then for Kyris, everything seemed to slow down until it stopped. Then, there was a wave of emotion that he could not understand, coupled with a disturbance in The Force. Kyris felt many emotions, all at once.




The battle slowly resumed, and Kyris then realized what had happened. Lystraians were pack beings, and bonds formed with friends were not easily broken. Feelings and shifts in The Force were sensed keenly by any of the lupine beings, and such an experience meant only one thing for the Jedi Master.

Something had happened to upset The Force.

"Gale!" he cried as he leaped into cover behind a barricade. "Issue evacuation orders! We're leaving!"

"Leaving?" Gale said in disbelief. "We can still win this battle, sir!"

"Something has happened in the Force, a great disturbance." Kyris said. "We must go! Now!"

Gale reluctantly nodded and the Clones began their retreat to their forward base. After loading their supplies onto several Republic Gunships, the Republic forces sailed for their Venator-Class cruiser, the Sentinel.


Kyris headed for the Sentinel's bridge, followed by Commander Gale.

"Sir, what happened?" the Clone Commander asked.

"A great disturbance in the Force." Kyris said. "Something has upset the balance."

"I'm no Jedi, sir. No offense, but what does that mean?" Gale asked.

"That something bad has happened." Kyris said. "Is that solar storm clear?"

"Yes sir!" said a clone from his station. "Comms are clear...wait, we're receiving an emergency signal!''

"Put it through!" Kyris said. The Jedi and his Clone Commander approached the main table, and a hologram appeared. Kyris recognized him as a fellow Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. The hologram then began to speak a message that Kyris would remember for all his remaining years.

"This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with a dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in The Force. Do not return to the Temple…that time has past. And our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust. Our faith. Our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always."

The message faded, and Kyris felt hot tears fall down his face.

"General?" Gale asked. "What…"

"Trace that signal." Kyris said. "Where did it come from?"

"Polis Massa, sir." said another Clone. "A medical station in the Outer Rim."

"Take us there." Kyris said, now crying openly. "I will be in my quarters, Commander. Fetch me when we arrive."

Before the Clone could say "Yes, sir!", his General was gone. Gale looked at the ground, which was wet from tears, before he walked to the bridge viewport with a sigh.

"Keep me posted." the commander ordered. "We'll need to be careful."


Three hours passed before a Clone Sergeant roused General Kyris from his deep thought.

"Thank you, trooper." the Jedi said. "Prep a gunship and fetch Commander Gale."



From a conference room in Polis Massa, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda sat in their sadness. Not only was Padme' Amidala dead, but Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side as a Sith, and the Empire had arisen.

They were both surprised to hear news from a steward Droid that a Republic Gunship had landed, and a Jedi was aboard it, asking to speak to Obi-Wan Kenobi immediately.

"Here, bring him." Yoda said. The droid bowed and left, and was soon replaced by Kyris Marchen.

"Master Yoda, Master Kenobi!" he said with relief clear in his voice.

"Master Marchen!" Kenobi replied. "You're alright."

"I received your message." the Lystraian replied, sitting down. "What happened to the Jedi? I have been trying to contact many of them, with no success."

Obi-Wan looked to Master Yoda.

This would not be pleasant conversation for the unknowing Jedi.


"All of them? Even the younglings?" Kyris said in disbelief.

"Indeed." Obi-Wan replied. "Massacred by Darth Vader, and the 501st Legion."

"Wait, you said that the Clones turned on the Jedi." Kyris said. "My Troopers did not. A solar storm blocked all communications with us."

"Then they didn't receive the Order made them turn on the Jedi." Obi-Wan said. "That is good news, but I am afraid we have nowhere safe left to go."

"True, that is." Yoda said. "Master Marchen, nothing left here in this Galaxy, there is for you. The Force, unbalanced it is. Go, you must. Restore balance. In peace, live out your lives."

"But what about you?" Kyris said. "I cannot lose anymore of my kin."

"We will be alright. I plan to supervise infant Luke on Tatooine." Obi-Wan said. "And Master Yoda will go to the Dagobah system. You and your clones should find a world away from here to sojourn in."

Kyris nodded gravely, understanding what must be done.

"We'll sail away from the Galaxy, to the Unknown Regions." he said after a few minutes of thought. "Hopefully we'll find a planet that's habitable for settlement."

"To you, good luck." Yoda said.

"And may The Force be with you." Obi-Wan said, as Kyris sat up to leave.

"And with you." Kyris said as he returned to the hangar, and he boarded his Gunship.

"Where to, Sir?" Gale asked over the comms.

"Once we land, set course for the Unknown Regions, random coordinates." Kyris said. "We are leaving the Galaxy behind. I will explain our situation to everyone, once we return to the Sentinel."

"Yes, sir." Gale replied. "We'll await your arrival, General."


Kyris returned to the bridge, and every Clone present saluted.

"At ease." the General said. "I have an announcement to make. Turn on the address system."


Gale hit a switch, and Kyris spoke.

"Clones of the 389, I have grave news, news that will shock you and most likely send you into despair. The Republic and the Jedi...are no more."

Every Clone aboard the Cruiser gasped, flinched, or did both.

"Our former Chancellor is in fact a Sith Lord, and he and his new apprentice have massacred the Jedi, and raised an Empire above the Republic. And every known Clone has turned on their Jedi Generals."

There was stunned silence. Kyris sighed before continuing, as many clones were whispering in distress.

"From what I have learned, the Order given to these Clones has not reached us. I have disabled our communications systems to ensure that. Furthermore, we are leaving this galaxy. There is no place that is safe. We are heading to the Unknown Regions, to find a world to live our lives out on, in peace. Either we will live in peace, or die in peace. General Marchen out."

Kyris turned to Commander Gale, who stood aghast with nearly every Clone on the Cruiser.

"Sir?" Gale asked. "Is this…"

"True, as true can be." Kyris said. "We're leaving. Set course for the Unknown Regions, random coordinates. Disable our communications systems, except for known Jedi frequencies. All troopers to their battle stations."

"...Yessir." Gale said. "You heard the General, let's go!"

The Clones, upset as they were, carried out their orders, and went to their stations as the Sentinel blasted off into lightspeed.

Chapter 1-The Force will Guide Us

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As the Sentinel sped through hyperspace, Kyris sat in his chambers, meditating. Yet, he found it impossible to do so. His thoughts were unfocused, his mind shrouded.

"...I know what I must do." he told himself. "...But do I?"


He looked up to see Gale look down at him.

"We're almost out of hyperspace, sir."

"Set us down wherever you can." Kyris replied, sitting up. "We'll need to establish a base as soon as we do so. We'll run out of supplies sooner or later."


Gale saluted, and left. Kyris looked down at his lightsaber. Forged from Lystriaian alloy, it was colored dark brown, with a green blade. He hooked it to his belt, before he departed for the bridge.


Kyris watched as the Sentinel dropped into the orbit of a pristine, blue-green world. There were some patches of brown, suggesting more arid areas, along with a patch of white.

"Life?" Kyris asked.

"Scanning now." a Clone said. "...Yes sir, there is life here. Atmosphere is habitable, and minimal signs of hostile activity."

"Good." Kyris said. "Are there any centers of population?"

"There's one right here." Gale said, pointing to it on the holotable. "There's a suitable plain here, where we can set up a base."

"Good man." Kyris said. "Take us down. We'll want to introduce ourselves sooner than later."



As the Sentinel entered the atmosphere, Kyris and Gale headed for the hangar deck.

"Sir, I've rounded up two squads." Gale said. "What's the plan?"

"We find the natives, and begin negotiations." Kyris said. "And if things get aggressive, we fall back."

"Yessir." Gale said, taking a Z-6 Rotary Cannon and loading it. "Alright men, let's go!"

The Clones saluted and boarded the two Gunships, and as the Sentinel set itself down, out of view, the small aircraft sailed for the nearby center of population.


"Sir, we have our heading." the Lead Gunship Pilot said. "We're undetected."

"Slow us down." Kyris said. "We don't want to spook anyone."


However, their intrusion had already been noticed.


Rainbow Dash was taking a pleasant, mid morning nap when she heard strange sounds, like airship engines, only much more powerful. She rolled over and surveyed the skyline, her eyes soon focusing on two large birds heading for Ponyville.

"That's strange." she murmured. "Those don't look like birds…"

Then she started to follow them, making sure to keep her distance sufficient enough that she wouldn't be noticed. As she neared, she saw that the birds weren't made of flesh, but metal. Their wings weren't moving, and she could see fire coming out of engines on their backs.

Rainbow immediately recognized they weren't birds, but flying machines. And from the looks of them, they weren't from Equestria.

She growled and sped up, zooming past the machines, dead-set on making it to Ponyville before they did.


Twilight Sparkle had barely stepped out of her Castle door when she was tackled by Rainbow Dash.

"Ah, Rainbow!" Twilight said, groaning. "What's up?"

"…" Rainbow coughed, still trying to catch her breath.

"What?" Twilight asked. Then, she heard the noise of aircraft engines coming closer, and closer.

"That. Big metal birds." Rainbow finally managed to say. "Coming here."

Twilight flinched, and pointed with her hoof. Rainbow saw the two metal birds were hovering over Ponyville plaza. As the two of them approached, the birds set themselves to the ground. Twilight could see the birds had green markings and designs all over them.

Then, two hatches or doors opened on the sides of both birds, and what walked out made Twilight stand still. They were bipedal, with green and white skin with black joints. They clutched long, metal objects in their limbs, and judging by the way they took up defensive positions around the birds, they were most likely trained soldiers. A second one, this one wearing more ornate armor walked out, followed by another one. This one was brownish black, wolf-like, and it wore brown and tan robes with some sort of armor plating. It was also bipedal with scales along its arms and legs. A small, brown cylinder rested on its belt. And judging by the way the leader of the green ones saluted it, it had to be their leader.

Before the ponies could do anything, it sat down, cross-legged, and closed its deep blue eyes. From what Twilight could see, the green ones were confused by the leader's actions.

Then somepony threw a rock. Before anyone could react, the rock hurtled towards its target…

Then it stopped dead in the air, as if caught by an invisible hoof. All eyes turned to the wolf being, whose hand was outstretched. It moved its hand down, and the rock moved with it, eventually settling it on the ground as if it had never been touched.

And Twilight dropped her jaw.

"Twi…" Rainbow asked quietly. "Did that alien just…"

"Use magic?" Twilight finished. "I think so. But how…how is this possible?"

"If you'd refrain from hurling any more rocks at me, I will explain."

Twilight saw the wolf walking forward with a smile.

"Though I could ask you the same question."

Twilight gulped and passed out.


" she awake?"

"She's awake, all right." said a familiar, accented voice. "Though...I can see why she'd faint like that."

Twilight forced her eyes open, to see she was in a room at the Ponyville Hospital. On one side were her friends. On the other was the wolf-being and the leader of the green beings. Now Twilight, due to their proximity, could see their skin was actually some sort of armor, with a black bodysuit underneath. The Wolf smiled at Twilight with a slight chuckle.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." he smiled. "I think introductions are in order, Miss Twilight."

"How do you know my name?" she rasped.

"Your friends told me after you...erm...passed out." he chuckled. "And if you're worried about the rest of my troopers, they left a while ago. Commander Gale here chose to stay behind."

Twilight looked at him, who merely nodded.

"Anyway…my name is Kyris Marchen, of the world of Lystrais." the wolf said. "I am the commanding General of the 389th Clone Strike Battalion, and a Master in the Jedi Order...well, at least I used to be." he sighed.

"What happened?" Fluttershy asked.

"That might take a while." Kyris said. "And even I'm not so sure of the details, but I can tell you what I know, and what I was told by the last of the Order, Grandmaster Yoda and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. This won't be pleasant."


And it was certainly not pleasant for the Ponies to hear Kyris's story. How the Jedi, once the keepers of peace and justice for the Galaxy, were defeated and destroyed by the Sith. How the Clones, the soldiers who had fought with them for years, turned on them in a second, killing their Jedi Generals. How the Jedi Temple was ransacked, and no survivors remained there, only bodies.

"And now, The Force is in peril." Kyris said. "There is no hope left for me, or my men."

"The Force?" Twilight asked.

"Ah, The Force is what I used earlier to stop that rock." Kyris said. "It's an energy field created by all living things. It binds us and holds the galaxy together. It surrounds, and penetrates us. Though very little is known about how it came to be, that's how it is."

"Sounds similar to Magic." Twilight said.

"Magic?" Kyris asked. "Show me."

Twilight levitated herself out of bed and onto her hooves. Kyris's jaw dropped faster than she could even register.

"Tell me more." Kyris said. "I have a feeling that the Force and your Magic are linked in more ways than one, If you'd be so kind."

"Oh, sure." Twilight said, smiling and entering what her friends called "Lecture mode". "Let's begin with basic magical theory…"


Chapter 2-Jedi and Clones

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As Kyris settled in, Gale listened with half-interest and half-confusion as Twilight explained Equestrian magic. About halfway through, Gale excused himself and headed outside. He noticed the buttercream Pegasus called Fluttershy followed him.

"Gale?" she asked. "Are you alright?"

"In all honesty, ma'am…" Gale said. "I wish I could say yes."

Fluttershy looked at him with slight concern.

"What's wrong?" she asked. Gale sighed and sat down against a window.

"You wouldn't understand." he replied. "You know the Jedi?"

"The beings that Mr. Marchen told us about?" she replied. "Why are they important?"

"Because we served them." Gale said. "I'm a soldier, Fluttershy. Born and bred for nothing but war. My brothers fought with the Jedi for years, and to learn that they just...turned on them and killed them in an instant...It doesn't seem right."

"I'm sorry." she said, sitting next to him. "It must've been hard."

"Hard?" Gale laughed. "They're my brothers, Fluttershy. Brothers. And my brothers betrayed everything I thought I knew. "Hard" doesn't cover it. Not one bit."

Fluttershy rested her hoof on Gale's shoulder plate.

"I know." she murmured. "If you need somepony to talk to, talk to me, okay?"

Gale could only nod. Fluttershy gave him a warm smile as she headed back inside. Gale stood up, and followed her.


"Glad you could rejoin us, Commander." Kyris said. "Princess, your magic is fascinating."

"Thanks." she said, blushing. "Anyway...seeing as that's all taken care of, I'm not sure where we go from here."

"I think I do." Kyris said. "I, along with my Troopers, would like to settle here and bring down our Cruiser, the Sentinel."

"I'll have to ask Princess Celestia if there's any land available…" Twilight thought. "But you have my full support."

"Many thanks." Kyris said. As everyone stood up, Twilight led the way outside.


As the Jedi and Clone Commander exited the hospital, several ponies stopped and glanced at them with curiousity or apprehension. The presence of Twilight and the Elements did alleviate some of their fears…

...But Kyris and Gale could hear the whispers. As they headed towards Twilight's castle, Gale whispered to his General, with some concern.

"Do you think they'll attack us, Sir?"

"I do not know." Kyris replied. "If anything, they haven't attacked us yet, which is good. On the other hand, Princess Twilight's presence may be deterring them. Remain on your guard, but be careful."

"Yes, sir." Gale said. They entered Twilight's castle, and they all sat down once more.

"Spike?" Twilight yelled. Then, a small, lizard-like creature appeared. He looked at Twilight with a rather drowsy appearance.

"What?" he yawned.

"Can you send a letter to…" Twilight started to speak. Then there was a flash, a blast of golden light, and Celestia appeared.

"Never mind." Twilight finished. Celestia turned to an astounded Kyris and Gale, and she bowed.

"It has been too long since I have met a Jedi." Celestia said. "Way too long."

"How did you know that I am a Jedi?" Kyris said.

Celestia lifted her wings to their fullest extent, and a concealed belt appeared, bearing a silver and gold cylinder.

A lightsaber.

Celestia ignited it, and a searing golden blade appeared. She eyed the completely astounded Clone and Jedi, and began to laugh.
"You're a Jedi?" Kyris asked.

"Master, to be precise." Celestia replied, sheathing her blade. "My sister as well. Though her Lightsaber is kept locked in a drawer in her nightstand."

"To keep it close by?" Kyris asked.

"To keep it safe." Celestia said. "From herself. She has a tendency to use it as a food-knife, letter opener, and a great many things that require cutting. You didn't hear that from me, though."

"My lips are sealed." Kyris said. "Does anyone else on this planet know?"

"No one else." Celestia said. "But we have much to discuss in private, Master Jedi. I request that you come with me to Canterlot, to a private area. Your companions must stay behind."

"Gale?" Kyris asked.

"We'll be fine, sir." The Clone Commander replied. "We'll have a post set up by the time you're back. That's a promise."

"Thank you." Kyris replied. "Shall we be off?"

Celestia nodded, and teleported the two of them away. Gale and Twilight decided to leave, and see what needed to be done in town.


"Commander, sir!" a Clone Sergeant came forward as the two of them approached. "Where's General Marchen?"

"He's in a meeting." Gale replied. "We're setting up an outpost outside of this town. Get supplies down here asap."

"Yes, sir!"

The clones saluted before heading off.

"They seem well-trained." Twilight observed.

"We're brothers." Gale said. "We have to be."

"How?" Twilight asked.

"We're Clones." Gale replied. "All of us, down to the last hair."

"Impressive." Twilight said. "Shall we discuss this over a light snack? I take it you could be hungry."

"A little." Gale obliged. The two of them headed for Sugarcube Corner, and Gale had to admit he felt a little more relaxed.

Chapter 3-Introductions

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Gale and Twilight entered the buzzing Sugarcube Corner and sat down at a booth. Gale took out a small datapad, and activated it.

"So, where do we begin?" he asked.

"Well, you said you were clones." Twilight said. "How does that work?"

"The Kaminoans cloned us from a Bounty Hunter source." Gale said. "We were bred to be the ultimate soldier, with all sorts of things modified in our genetic code. Growth acceleration, mental aptitude increases, the works."

"How many of you are there?" Twilight asked, taking notes.

"Millions." Gale said. "We're all the same, but we're different in our own ways. We're brothers, Twilight. All of us"

"Fascinating." Twilight smiled. "But that've lost friends in battle, right?"

"Yeah." Gale said. "Plenty. A lot of clones believed we were expendable, if we died we were always replaced. That's not true. A lot of generals treated their clones well. A few...didn't."

"I'm sorry." Twilight said.

"Thanks." Gale nodded, and he took off his helmet. He was like most Clones, only he had a small goatee and slight sideburns.

"You hungry?" Twilight asked.

"A little." Gale admitted. Twilight smiled, and before either of them knew it, Pinkie Pie was standing next to them, notepad in hand.

"What can I get for you?" she asked.

"Coffee." Twilight said. "Gale, see anything you like?"

"What's this here?" Gale asked. "Cross...something."

"Croissant." Twilight said. "Simple pastry shaped like a crescent."

"I'll have that, then." Gale nodded. "And something light to drink."

"Be right back!" Pinkie said. Gale turned to speak to Twilight again before he noticed there was a steaming pastry in front of him, and Pinkie was pouring Twilight's coffee.

"What?" Gale mouthed. "She just left!"

"It's Pinkie, being Pinkie." Twilight said. "She does lots of things that can literally make you go insane. Trust me, I've tried."

"I don't doubt it." Gale said, taking a bite of his pastry. It was warm and flaky, and Gale sighed with relief.

"Like it?" Twilight asked.

"This is the best damn thing I've had in quite some time." Gale laughed. "Beats our rations any day."

As they continued their conversation, Kyris and Celestia appeared inside the Solar Princess's office.

"What just happened?" Kyris asked. "Where are we?"

"Canterlot, the Capital of Equestria." Celestia said. "And what I did was teleportation. I moved us from point A to B in a few seconds."

"Incredible." Kyris said. "Is that possible through the Force?"

"Not through the Force, but through Magic." Celestia said. "Magic is an innate energy similar in many ways to the Force, but much more potent and only found here on Equis."

"I see." Kyris said. "Where is your sister, Luna? You said she would be present."

"One moment." Celestia said. She headed to the door, and a Pony wearing golden armor appeared.

"Fetch my sister." she said. "Tell her our old friends have arrived."

"Yes, Princess." the Guard said as he left.

"Your soldiers, I presume?" Kyris asked.

"Yes." Celestia said. "My Solar Guard. Luna commands the Lunar Guard, and my niece Cadance has the Crystal Guard. Twilight has not yet received Guards, due to her relative time as royalty being limited."

"I see." Kyris said. Then, the door opened and a dark blue alicorn appeared, and she too carried a Lightsaber.

"Luna?" Celestia asked. "How did you find it?"

"I simply waited until you left and tore the room apart." Luna replied playfully, igniting her saber's dark blue blade. "I used my magic to clean things up."

"I see." Celestia rolled her eyes. "Are you not going to greet our guest?"

Luna then noticed Kyris and his own lightsaber, and she bowed.

"Master." she said. "It has certainly been too long since a Jedi has visited."

"I hope to make a good impression, then." Kyris said. "Master Kyris Marchen, General of the 389th Strike Battalion."

"My pleasure." Luna said. "However, I thought the Jedi were not soldiers."

"It is an unpleasant story." Kyris said. "One it seems I must tell you, however."


"Gone?" Luna gaped.

"For the most part, yes." Kyris said. "I and Masters Yoda and Kenobi survived. The Empire has risen, and for now...we are alone."

"I am sorry." Luna said. "if there is anything you need, we will deliver it."

"Thank you." Kyris said. "My clones and I need a place to settle, as well as supplies and resources for the long term."

"You will have them." Celestia said. "However, there is something I must show you."

Celestia moved the bookcase, and revealed the hidden stairwell. Kyris followed them to a sanctum, where on a pedestal stood a Jedi Holocron.

"A Holocron?" Kyris asked. "Why is it here?"

"When we departed the Order to lead Equestria…" Celestia said. "The Jedi gave it to us, so we would always remember what we had learned and experienced. We commune with it, every so often."

"I see." Kyris said, eyeing the Jedi artifact. "When was this?"

"Many, many years ago." Celestia said. "We shall tell you another time. For now, we should return you to your troops."

"My thanks." Kyris said, as he followed them back up the stairs. "One question, though. How will the rest of your people react to our presence?"

"Let us handle that." Celestia smiled. "I have a few ideas."


As Kyris and Luna teleported back to Ponyville, Celestia hid her Lightsaber and headed to the Day Court Room. Not surprisingly, it was already packed with nobles and petitioners. She sat on her throne, and asked for silence.

"Ponies and all residents of Equestria, I have an announcement." she said. "For long, we have considered ourselves the only beings among the stars. I and my sister know that to be false."

There were whispers and murmurs of disbelief.

"I will admit, I have kept secrets form you, in order to protect our home." she continued. "However, it seems I can no longer keep such things secret anymore. We have visitors, and friends, from beyond."

There was an uproar of disbelief, and Celestia quieted the crowd.

"Believe it or not, they are here. Where they are, however, I will reveal later. There are things I must attend to regarding their arrival. Before I go, however, I will tell you three things."

The crowd listened with bated breath.

"First, I and my sister have met these beings before, long before Equestria even existed." she said. "Second, they can harness a power unlike any we know or have seen. Finally, when I and my sister left their custody to rule Equestria, they left with us one parting gift."

Celestia took out the Holocron, and revealed it to the crowd.

"This Gift has been silent, but now it speaks." she said. "I ask you to welcome them, wherever they might go. They will also introduce themselves at a later time. I also beseech you not to panic, as they are not here under the sway of evil. I have made sure of this. I will return with their leaders later today. Until them, please keep your gossip and idle rumors to a minimum. I thank you."

There was silence, then a round of applause.

"That went better than I expected." Celestia thought. "I hope Kyris's introduction goes just the same."

Chapter 4-Watched

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As the Clones returned to the Sentinel, Commander Gale immediately headed to the bridge.

"Commander, sir!"

He turned to see another Clone run up to him and salute.

"We've gotten a transmission from General Marchen. He's finished up his business in the capital, and he's returning to Ponyville for pickup."

"Roger." Gale said. "Prep a Gunship, I'll go get him."


The Clone headed off, and Gale sat down on a crate for a few moments. Looking down at his Z-6, he sighed.

"I think I do need to talk, Fluttershy." he said quietly.

Leaving his Z-6 mounted on a weapons rack, he picked up a standard DC15 Rifle and headed to a waiting gunship.


"Commander Gale, report." Kyris ordered over the comlink from a Solar Guard Chariot. The holographic image of his second-in-command soon appeared.

"Sorry, sir." Gale said. "I'm en route with a Gunship to pick you up."

"Thank you, Commander." Kyris said. "I've been given clearance from the Equestrian Crown to bring the Sentinel to these ground coordinates. Sending them now."

"Roger, I'll relay them to the bridge." Gale saluted. "Anything else, sir?"

"Not a thing, as of the moment." Kyris said. "Proceed with operations at your leisure."

"Yes sir, Gale out."

As Kyris pocketed his Comlink, Princess Luna turned to him.

"Who was that being you spoke to? One of your Clone Soldiers?" she asked.

"Yes, Commander Gale." Kyris said. "He's served with me for quite a while. A solid, dependable Clone through and through."

"I'm glad to hear it." Luna said. "And here we are!"

As the Chariot landed, Kyris and Luna disembarked and headed into the town.


The citizens of Ponyville stopped all activity as a large, arrowhead shaped shadow covered most of the sky. Soon, it set itself over a large rocky plain west of Ponyville, and it was out of sight. As they looked to each other, Kyris spoke up.

"That was my ship, the Sentinel. Rest assured that it is merely setting itself down on the ground."

The ponies nodded, but they were clearly spooked. As Kyris and Luna continued to walk, a Gunship soon landed and Gale disembarked.

"General." he said. "We're setting up a perimeter around the Sentinel as we speak. We're also combining several of our field bases into one large settlement. Power shouldn't be a problem, but we will need food and water among other supplies soon once we run out."

"Good man." Kyris said. "Walk with me."

"Yes, sir."

As the Clone greeted Princess Luna, and they set off towards the Sentinel, meanwhile in Canterlot Celestia was having a major headache.

Mainly because of her nephew and his posse of supporters. They were practically tearing her apart for more information about the Jedi and the Clones, and Celestia was near her boiling point.

"I will say it again, Auntie, are these creatures even trustworthy?" Blueblood asked. "After all, they're not even Equestrian in origin…"

Then, there was a cracking noise, a gust of air, and Blueblood fell over his own four hooves. Celestia had ignited her lightsaber and sliced the table they sat at clean through. As the table fell to the floor in a heap, Celestia advanced on her nephew, lightsaber held high.

"Blueblood, I have told you many times, and now I tell you again for the last time." she spoke. "I trust General Marchen, I trust the Clones, and now I am asking you to drop this issue. Permanently."

"But…" Blueblood replied. "Surely they intend to exploit us…"

"Enough." Celestia said in such a tone that made the Prince freeze in his tracks. "Jedi Master Kyris Marchen and his Clone Soldiers are my honored and welcome guests. They are to be treated with dignity and the utmost respect. Any attempt on the part of anypony to treat them otherwise will be met with severe consequences."

Blueblood backed up slightly, moving towards the door as Celestia's tone darkened.

"I have not heard from the Jedi Order in many, many years." she said. "For one of them to visit in their hour of need and be turned away would be against every fiber in my being. You disgust me, nephew. I intend to welcome General Marchen and his troops into Equestria as welcome citizens, and you are not to interfere."

"Am I understood?"

"Yes, Auntie." he replied, trembling. As he and his posse left, Celestia collapsed at her desk with a sigh.

"Looks like I'll need to keep an eye on you, nephew…" she groaned.


As the Clones from the Sentinel, under the watchful eyes of Princess Luna, General Marchen, and Commander Gale began unloading supplies and munitions into their improvised perimeter, Gale felt a stirring feeling inside.

"General?" he asked. "Would you mind if I headed out for a moment?"

"Go ahead, Commander." Marchen said. Gale saluted and walked back towards Ponyville. As he entered the plaza, he sighed at the feeling of the wind blowing across his armor.


He looked up to see Fluttershy appear, with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, Fluttershy." he smiled. "I just wanted to talk."

"Sure." she replied. "What's on your mind?"

Gale sighed and looked at the pegasus with a faint smile.

"You know, I've been thinking hard." he said quietly. "About what we Clones are supposed to do now. We were only meant to be soldiers, Fluttershy. What happens when the war's done and the mission is accomplished?"

Fluttershy put a hoof on his shoulder in a reassuring way.

"I may not be a Royal Guard…" she said. "But shouldn't you rest when you're done fighting?"

" does sound nice." Gale said. "Would you mind showing me around town?"

"Not at all."


"And there's the schoolhouse." Fluttershy said. "Miss Cheerilee's been teaching here for a good while now. She's really nice and her students love her."

"Good to hear." Gale said. "Surprisingly, apart from basic academics, the only things we learned in the grand scale was related to the military. Tactics, specialized training for certain Clones, the works."

"I see." Fluttershy said. "I would ask if I could teach you, but I'm not sure I'd be the best tutor."

"It's fine." Gale nodded. "I've got plenty of learning materials aboard the Sentinel."

At that moment, the bell rang and a large assortment of foals walked outside for recess. Miss Cheerilee looked surprised and shocked at the sight of Commander Gale, but a nod from Fluttershy convinced her to say quiet and head back inside.

"Heh." Gale said, sitting on a picnic bench. "Reminds me of a mercy mission we had to run a few years ago. The Separatists were bombing a city on a distant world, and they were targeting some civilian positions. We had to search for survivors inside a ruined school."

"Did they survive?" Fluttershy asked.

"We got out as many as we could find." Gale said. "Those kids saw us as heroes, saviors. It was tough when we had to go back to the front."

Fluttershy sat next to him and they watched for a while, until Gale stood up and stretched his arms.

"I should go." he said. "I bet General Marchen's wondering where I am."

"Okay." Fluttershy replied. "Come find me anytime, Gale."

Gale nodded, and was about to walk off when a voice cried out.

"Leave me alone! Hey, give that back!"

"Or what, Blank-flank? What are you going to do, cry on me?"

Gale spun around and began to walk towards the voices, which were coming from two groups of foals. As Gale approached, he could see one of them, a pink filly with a rather expensive looking tiara, had stolen a hair ribbon from another one and was currently taunting her with it.

"That's my mother's ribbon!" the yellow filly cried. "Give it back!"

"Oh, really?" the tiara-wearer said with a cruel tone. "Why should I?"

"Because if you don't give that ribbon back right this instant, I'll make you give it back." Gale said, breaking into the conversation. As the students stopped what they were doing in an instant and stared, Gale approached the pink filly.

"Let me ask you something." he said in a grave tone. "What gives you the right to take something that's not yours?"

"Because they're dull, stupid blank-flanks!" the filly responded. "They're worthless!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gale asked. "Blank-flank? Never heard that one before."

The pink filly and another filly with a gray coat were speechless as the students whispered among themselves.

"It means they don't have their Cutie Mark." Fluttershy said, approaching. "It's a image that represents somepony's special talent."

"I see." Gale said. "So, you think that just because they don't have a tattoo on your rear end, you're instantly better than them?"

Gale scoffed and got down on one knee.

"I thought so." Gale said at the two fillies' speechless looks. "You're not better than them. In fact, the only thing keeping me from being harsh with you is the fact that you're just kids. But that doesn't excuse your behavior towards them."

"Here is what's going to happen." Gale said. "You're going to give that ribbon back, and apologize to those three right there. Am I understood?"

"Why should I?" the filly scoffed.

"Because that wasn't a suggestion." Gale said, rising to his full height. "It was an order."

"You're not the boss of us!" the gray one replied.

"That's true. But I think Princesses Luna and Twilight would like to hear about what I saw, and they can have words with you. Would that be more to your liking?"

The two fillies paled.

"I thought so." Gale smirked under his helmet. "Give it back and apologize, and I'll leave it at that. If you don't, I'll get the Princesses. Am I clear?"

The pink filly scowled as she tossed the ribbon pack to the yellow filly, who affixed
it in her mane with a sigh of relief.

"Good." Gale said. "Now, I suggest you stay away from them for a while. I'll be keeping an eye on you two."

Gale shot them one last look of warning before walking off with Fluttershy.


"There you are, Gale." Kyris said as the two of them approached. "Where have you been?"

"I took a walk." Gale replied. "I'm sorry that I'm late, sir."

"It's nothing." Kyris said. "Let's get some rest, Commander. Personally, I am quite tired."

"Yes, sir." the Clone nodded. "I'll see you around, Fluttershy."

As Fluttershy and Princess Luna waved goodbye, the two of them headed to a waiting Gunship, that flew off towards the Sentinel.

Chapter 5 - Burdens

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As the Gunship carrying General Marchen and Commander Gale landed in the Sentinel's main hangar, Kyris was approached by a Clone Sergeant with a datapad.

"We've got a base camp set up, General." the Clone reported. "Generators are charging and supplies are being distributed."

"Good work." Kyris said. "Go get some rest."

"Yes, sir."

The Clone saluted and headed off. Gale perked his head slightly and followed Kyris towards the elevator that went to the bridge. As they entered and the elevator began to ascend, Gale gave a sigh of exhaustion.

"Tired, Commander?" Kyris asked.

"I guess I am, sir." Gale replied wearily. "I haven't been sleeping well. Too much has happened, if you understand my meaning."

"I understand perfectly." Kyris said. "However, I think our trials have only just begun on this world. Our battles for the Republic may be finished, but our new war for survival has just begun."

"And I'm ready, sir." Gale smiled. "We all are."

"I'm glad to hear it." Kyris returned the smile as they entered the bridge, walking over to a holomap of their newly-established base on the surface near the cruiser. As they watched, a Clone Sergeant approached.

"General, reports are coming in from our base. Power supply is at one hundred percent, with food and water being allocated from our supplies and a nearby lake. We've also gotten word from Princess Celestia that additional shipments are incoming."

"Good work." Kyris said. "Secure the perimeter, and have some troopers take up guard positions. Everyone else should get some rest. And I mean everyone, Trooper."

"Yes, sir."

The Sergeant saluted, and headed out. As Gale looked out the window at the setting sun, he sighed.



"I'd like to stay in Ponyville for a bit before I retire for the night." Gale requested.
"I've got something I need to take care of. I ask permission for a temporary leave."

"Permission granted." Kyris said. "Just return to the base whenever you can. Have a good night, Commander."

"You too, sir."

As Gale saluted the General again and took the elevator to the lower decks, he sighed once more from exhaustion, stress, and anxiety.


As Gale plucked a pair of DC-15 Pistols from a weapons rack and holstered them, before taking a DC-15 Carbine for his main weapon, he turned to see a speeder bike lying vacant near the exit ramp.

"Well, I suppose I can take you for a spin." Gale said, powering the bike up and moving to descend the ramp and onto the earth. "Not like anyone's going to miss this."

As he drove towards Ponyville, he could feel his worries start to burn away in the evening light, like ash from a flame. In his mind's eye, he could feel that somewhere in the Galaxy, a new hope was rising that would one day topple the Empire and restore the galaxy.

If only Gale knew what it was or what it could be.

As he stopped near Fluttershy's house and hopped off the bike, he was surprised to see Fluttershy feeding seeds to some white-feathered animals.

"Oh, hello Gale!" she said as she noticed him approach. "What are you doing here?"

"I was hoping to talk some more before I return to base." Gale said. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"No, I was just feeding my chickens." Fluttershy said. "Come on inside."

As Gale entered, he could see a small furry animal look at him and raise its eyebrows in a condescending manner.

"Oh, not now, Angel." Fluttershy said. "He's my friend."

Angel apparently didn't agree with that statement, which it affirmed by furrowing its eyebrows.

"Come on, Mr. Gale is really nice." Fluttershy continued. "Just give him a chance, will you?"

Angel rolled his eyes and hopped off, to Gale's astonishment.

"That thing has issues." was all he could say.

"Angel Bunny's never liked strangers." Fluttershy replied, sitting him down. "He's also a bit temperamental."

"Well, I'll be." Gale laughed. "Never thought a critter like him would have that much personality."

"He certainly does. So, what did you want to talk about?" Fluttershy requested.

Gale sighed and looked at the pegasus before removing his helmet and lowering his head.

"It's just...starting to finally sink in." he said. "That our war is gone, the Republic is gone, the Jedi, much longer will it take before we're...gone, just like that?"

Fluttershy gasped quietly, as she laid a hoof on Gale's shoulder.

"You know, back on Kamino a few years ago, I met another Clone, a Captain." Gale said. "His name was Rex. His unit had just returned from Umbara, where one of the Jedi betrayed him and his men, ordering them to attack another Clone unit. When all was said and done, he summed it up like this to me. "We're soldiers, and one day, this war is going to end. But what happens to us then is anyone's guess"."

Gale shuddered and looked at Fluttershy.

"My guess is, I'll be gone just like my brothers who fell in battle." he moaned. "How am I supposed to continue when all I know, all I've ever cared for, is gone?"

Gale let a tear slide down his cheek as he buried his face in his hands. Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around his shoulders as Gale shook silently, tears flying freely down from his eyes.

As they sat there, the sun eventually dimmed and gave way to the moon, and soon after, Gale calmed down and looked at Fluttershy with a grateful smile.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. For hearing me out." he said quietly.

"Anytime." she replied. "If you ever need to talk, even if it's in the middle of the night, come find me, okay?"


As Gale smiled again, he stood up and headed for the door.

"I should get going." he said. "Thanks again, Fluttershy."

"No problem. Get home safe."

"I will."

As Gale saluted before heading out, he returned to his speeder bike and drove off for the Sentinel base, his worries from before now fully extinguished.


As Gale entered the Base's Barracks, he quietly removed his armor, stowed his weapons, and laid back in his bunk with a wistful sigh. As he drifted off to sleep, his dreams untroubled, the night sky above them filled with stars in a vibrant display.

Chapter 6 - Numbered

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As the sun rose over the Sentinel and the Clone Settlement, Gale slipped out of his bunk and gathered his armor, placing it on piece by piece. As he reached for his helmet, he paused. Looking down at it, a carving was visible in the morning light. It was faded with time, but Gale knew it well. It was a name and a Clone designation.

CC-4265 - Harme

Gale sat back down in his bunk and eyed the carving. Commander Harme was previously the Commander of the 389th when Gale was a Captain. During the midpoint of the Clone Wars, after Geonosis, Harme sacrificed himself to save Gale from a sniper's shot. By shoving Gale out of the way of the bolt, he had saved the Captain's life...but given up his own. Gale had taken control of the current operation and achieved the objective...but it had cost the life of the only Clone Gale felt close to at the time.

Gale wiped his eyes clear, brushing his fingers over the carving. Feeling a new resolve brew in him, he put his helmet on and headed outside to the Settlement's rudimentary plaza.

"Morning, sir."

Gale turned to see a Clone Sergeant approach.

"Morning, trooper." Gale replied. "Anything to report?"

"Actually, yes." the Sergeant said. "We had a bit of a problem last night while you were gone."

"What sort of problem?"

"We believe a spy or saboteur was surveying the settlement from that gulch there." the Sergeant said, pointing out the natural feature in question. "One of the Sentries got close, but it got away. He did see a medallion on its chest with this symbol."

Gale took an offered datapad and saw that the symbol was a crown with a sword and laurels in the center.

"By the time we got search teams out, it was long gone." the Sergeant added. "We've bumped up patrols and are scouting the area further."

"Good work." Gale said. "What's your name, Trooper?"

"Most of the guys call me Slate, sir."

"Well, Slate." Gale said. "That's good work there. Have you been to the mess hall yet?"

"No, sir."

"Then let's head there now."

Slate nodded and followed Gale to the large mess hall, where several Clone squads were already eating. When they saw Gale, they stood up and saluted.

"As you were." Gale said. "What's on the menu?"

"Same as always, though we do have a good supply of fruit from the town. One of the locals dropped off two crates this morning, said it was surplus from the harvest, and thought we'd like it."

Gale fetched a tray and one of the fruits. It was bright red, with a shining exterior. He took a bite, and found the taste was fine and crisp.

"So, any other reports about last night?" he asked as he sat down.

"Eh, not much else." said another Clone. "Whoever it was got away quick. Like they saw us beforehand, knew our patrol routes."

"Not a bad theory, Trooper." Kyris said as he came in. "At ease."

"Yes, sir." the Clones said. "What's the plan for today, sir?"

"Princess Celestia has spread word of our arrival to the other realms of this world, and their representatives are coming here in about two hours." Gale said. "We'll show them around most of the plaza, but the Armory, Barracks, and Vehicle bays are off limits, as well as anything military."

"Yes, sir." Gale said. "Anything else?"

"I also received word of our spy earlier." Kyris said. "Whoever it was left no tracks behind once they got near the forest's edge. That makes me wonder if they had help or could fly on their own."

"That would explain why we haven't found anything yet." Slate suggested. "But there's something that's bugging me, General. That crest that our trooper saw. Do you think maybe one of the diplomats might recognize it?"

"Good thinking." Kyris said. "Anyway, we have time to prepare, so let's get to doing just that. Finish up here and begin setup for our guests' arrival."

"Yes, sir!" the Clones replied as one.


Twilight Sparkle, the Element Bearers, and Spike were walking through Ponyville when they saw something peculiar. A trio of Griffons were hunched up together by the fountain, and judging by the way the were together and speaking quietly, they were planning something.

Twilight told the girls to stay back and hide, and approached their position, staying hidden behind a hay cart to listen in on their conversation.

" least seven guard posts with eight soldiers each. They were armed at all times. Most were concentrated at these three points."

"A barracks and weapons cache, most likely. From what I could tell, they never went too far away from it at one time. One or two were always at each entry point"

"I saw that too. However, it goes without saying that we need to be more subtle."

"It wasn't my fault."

"The guards saw you somehow, you idiot, which nearly blew our cover. Make sure it doesn't happen again. We need every advantage and piece of information we can possibly get before…"

Twilight furrowed her brow as the Griffons flew off. Twilight walked over to the fountain and scanned the area. As she found a small canister near a rock, she realized it was a container for a scroll with a message written on it.

Survey the settlement. Do not provoke them. Gather as much information as you can. Once you have finished, return to safe lands immediately.


Twilight turned to the Element Bearers and Spike as they approached.

"What was that?" Rainbow asked. "Why are there Griffons in Ponyville again?"

"From what I could gather, they were talking about the Clone's settlement and their results of spying on it." Twilight replied. "Then, there's this message from a "Gahel", directing them to do so."

"Huh." Pinkie said. "Why would Griffons want to spy on Mr. Marchen? They haven't done anything wrong."

"Maybe." Twilight frowned. "But it seems that the Griffons have too much interest in them for now. Spike, send this to Celestia. We need to warn her of what's going on."

Spike did so, and after a few minutes, got a reply.


Do nothing more until I can alert Master Marchen and the Clones. The representatives have just arrived, and they are quite avidly discussing our guests. This would cause quite the disturbance should we handle this improperly.

And above all else, be careful.


Twilight told the girls of Celestia's recommendations, and as they proceeded to move towards the Clone Settlement, the Solar Chariots bearing the diplomats and emissaries could be seen in the distance.


As Twilight and the Elements approached the gate, they were surprised to have Commander Gale wave them in past the sentries.

"Commander, we've got something you should see." Twilight said, handing the Clone Commander the message they intercepted. "We think Griffons are spying on the settlement."

"We know. Some of the sentries almost caught a spy on the east ridge last night." Gale said as they headed to the command area. "But we couldn't catch them. What further can you tell us?"

"Griffons are one of the more noticeably hostile races on Equis." Twilight said. "They're brash, arrogant and haughty by nature, and they have a standing military unlike Equestria. Princess Celestia is bringing some of their ambassadors here along with others soon."

"Brilliant." Gale sighed. "Then they might have an interest in some of our technology. But how can we be sure that these ambassadors and the spies are linked?"

"Because one of the ambassadors has a brooch with the same seal the spy bore." Kyris said, coming in with a team of Clones behind him. "We need to catch them at the right time, and dare I say red-handed, or we could face the accusation that we made up our evidence beforehand."

"So, what do we do?" Rainbow asked.

"Celestia told me to let her handle it at first, but I have an idea that'll work in this situtation." Kyris said. "Everyone, bring it in. Here's how we're going to do this…"


As Celestia and the Ambassadors, which consisted of one or two of each Equis-borne race, or in the case of the Griffons a group of three, entered the base, General Marchen came forward with a team of Clones.

As introductions went around, Kyris gave a discreet hand-signal to Gale, who was positioned nearby. Gale gave a nod and motioned for the Elements, Slate and two other Clones to move out.

"Aren't those the Elements of Harmony?" Dragon Lord Ember asked. "May I ask why there are here?"

"They are helping us get accustomed to life here." Kyris replied. "Such as delivering supplies, among other tasks."

"But there was a disturbing incident last night." he continued. "A spy attempted to survey the base from the eastern ridge. Though my Troopers nearly caught the saboteur, he or she managed to escape. We are currently searching for any lead we can get about our guest's identity."

The ambassadors murmured to each other, Kyris noticing one of the Griffon ambassadors frown slightly and murmur something under his breath. To many it would've been inaudible. To Kyris's honed Lystraian sense of hearing, which was quite acute even before he was a Jedi, it was loud enough he could hear it.

"The fools...I told them to be subtle…" he murmured.

Kyris then noticed what Celestia told him was true. The ambassador wore a brooch of the same logo as the spy's on his cloak. Kyris mentioned to Celestia, before he and the Clones came to a stop, surprising the diplomats.

"You know, my Griffon friend…" Kyris said, slowly drawing and igniting his Lightsaber. "Had you told me of your intentions sooner, it would've been much easier on my part."

"What do you mean?" the Griffon asked, faking his innocence.

"That brooch you wear bears the same crest we noticed on the spies from last night. Recently, we also intercepted orders from a "Gahel" to spy on our settlement. And now, you just said that the spies presumably under your command were told to be subtle, am I correct?" Kyris smirked as the Clones raised their blasters, set to stun.

The Griffon then noticed Gale, the three other Clones, and the Elements approach from behind with weapons loaded.

"Why?" Kyris asked. "What have we done to warrant this?"

The Clones surrounded the Griffon, who cracked a malicious grin.

"You came to our world with technology beyond ours...what did you expect?" he laughed in a dark voice. "That others would not seek to acquire it for themselves by any means possible? You may have won this round, but we will never stop until your powers belong to us."

In a flash, the Griffon hurled a dagger at Kyris, who sidestepped and caught the weapon using the Force. Then, his vision and that of everyone else present went black as a smokebomb went off.

As Kyris dispelled the smoke using a Force push, the Griffon was gone along with the other ambassadors. As the other diplomats gasped and avidly began whispering amongst themselves, Kyris motioned Gale to him.

"Orders, General?" Gale asked.

"Lockdown the settlement, send everyone to high alert. Send out scouts to search the area." Kyris said. "Make no mistake, we will catch whoever is behind this."

As the Clones departed at a sprint, Kyris furrowed his brow, knowing that whatever happened next was in the hands of fate.

Chapter 7 - In Close Pursuit, Part One

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As Kyris, Gale, and two other Clone Squads headed over to the vehicle bay and began fueling several BARC Speeder Bikes, the Elements, Celestia, and the ambassadors watched with expressions bearing tones of anxiety, curiosity, or in some cases, fear as they began to hover in the air.

"What's going on?" Dragon Lord Ember asked Celestia. "Where are they going?"

"Most likely case is pursuing those rogue Griffons, but I do not know for sure." Celestia replied. "What happens after that, I certainly do not know."

"Should we be concerned about this?" the Minotaur ambassador asked Twilight with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't think so." Twilight replied. "I mean, General Marchen seems trustworthy enough to me. He's done nothing to provoke us the entire time he's been here."

"And Commander Gale's really nice too." Fluttershy added. "He spoke with me last night, needed to get some things off his chest. I think they'll be fine."

"If that's the case, there's no need to remain here." Ember replied. "I think these Clones have this well in hand."

"Indeed." Celestia said as the Clones and General Marchen primed their speeders and tore off into the plains near the Everfree Forest, following the path of the rogue Griffons. "Let us find somewhere to rest for the moment. I think we all need it."

As the Equestrians left the base, escorted by a Clone squad, a Republic Gunship took off and followed the departing Clones to provide air cover.


As the engines of each speeder bike roared in their ears, the sound dampening abilities of the Clones' helmets did nothing to distract them. Gale and General Marchen had taken point, with two Clone Squads, designations Alpha and Bravo, following close behind.

"Is there anything from our air support?" Kyris asked Gale, who activated his comlink.

"Watcher-1, you see anything?" Gale asked.

"Nothing yet, Commander" the Gunship's Pilot replied. "We'll keep our eyes peeled. We'll need to watch our fuel supply, though. We can only go so far before you'll need to pursue on foot or bike without us."

"Copy." Kyris replied. "Keep us posted on your progress."

"Understood, General. Watcher-1 out."

As Gale pulled up alongside General Marchen, he spoke over the roar of the engines.

"Why are those Griffons picking a fight with us now? They've had plenty of time before now to steal supplies or weapons."

"Maybe so, but we can't make assumptions about it while we don't know what their ultimate goal is." Kyris replied, turning to dodge a tree. "We'll find out wherever they're heading and search it for intel. Maybe then we'll get some answers."

"Yes, sir!" Gale replied as the Clones accelerated, tearing through the grasslands at breakneck speed. However, as they approached the Everfree, Kyris noticed a large area of trampled grass near the forest's edge. As the bikes came to a halt, Kyris dismounted and knelt down, closing his eyes. Gale, alongside fellow Jedi Quinlan Vos, could see depictions of past events through the Force, a talent of precognition. As he focused, he could in his mind's eye that the Griffons had headed into the Everfree, moving towards the mountains.

"They're heading northwest." Kyris said as he stood up. "The bikes won't be much help with this terrain. Lock them down, make sure they can't be stolen, then we'll proceed."

The Clones followed Kyris's instructions, and placed their floodlight attachments on their helmets, just in case. Kyris ignited his Lightsaber, and they proceeded into the Everfree, the Gunship flying overhead.


As the Clones activated their floodlights and followed Kyris into the foliage, the rogue Griffons ran ahead of them frantically, in a desperate attempt to escape. Mantling over the foliage with speed, they soon dove into a cave near the base of the mountains overlooking Ponyville.

"Did we lose them?" one asked, panting for breath.

"I don't think so, I'd bet they're still tracking us!" the second replied. "What should we do?"

Then, a fourth set of steps could be heard approaching. As they turned to the source, the faces of each Griffon blanched. It was a cloaked figure, but the aura of darkness around him made the sunlight fade even more.

"My lord." the first stammered. "We…"

"Do not try to explain yourselves. You three have all failed me, and yet I was told you were the best scouts in the Griffon Lands." the cloaked one replied. "I no longer need your services."

With a twist of the hoof, the necks of all three Griffons were snapped cleanly and quickly. Scoffing loudly, the cloaked one teleported away. A few moments later, the Clones and Master Marchen arrived. A few of them made a perimeter, while Gale and Marchen looked down at the bodies.

"Patch, check 'em." Gale ordered, and a Clone Medic came forward and scanned the bodies.

"Necks are freshly broken, sir." Patch replied. "They haven't been here long. I'd reckon we just missed the guy who killed them."

"Should we pursue, General?" Gale asked. Kyris touched his hand to his chin in thought, before kneeling down to touch the soil.

"We may have lost our three spies, but whoever is behind this did not go far." Kyris said, using a combination of the Force and his Lystraian senses to see a recollection of the environment. " he said. "Commander, call for reinforcements. We push forward."

"Yessir!" the Clones replied. As the chase began again, Kyris furrowed his brow and tightened his grip on his lightsaber.


As the cloaked one entered a cave that led to an abandoned mining shaft, he passed by the gate sentries and entered an atrium carved into the rock. Several crates with the insignia of the Separatist Alliance lay stacked nearby, and several black-armored Griffons were performing maintenance and cleaning duties on a rack of E5 Blaster Rifles. Crates of galactic-made tech were scattered about, and several more black-armored Griffons stood at their stations, each clutching blasters.

"Prepare yourselves. They are coming." the cloaked one said darkly, and each Griffon present took a Blaster, already charged and loaded, and nodded, stacking up on the entrance. The cloaked one nodded before motioning to a crate. Two Griffons opened it, and a red-colored magical aura appeared from the cloaked one's head.

"Awaken." the cloaked one said. A squad of eight BX-Class Commando Droids appeared, the normal white light in their eyes now an ominous red.

"Eliminate those who pursue me, and spare none of them. Not even the Jedi." he ordered. The droids muttered "Roger, Roger", and moved to stand with the Griffons. As the Cloaked one vanished via another teleportation, the Griffons tightened their grip on their blasters.

About five months ago, a small Separatist transport had crashed in the Griffon lands. It had quickly been raided and the supplies aboard, which included several platoons of inactive Battle Droids, had been repurposed by the Cloaked One and his troops. No one in his army knew his face, but they feared him and his magical power.

The crash had largely gone unnoticed by the main Griffon populace, as it had happened during a meteor shower, but the Cloaked One had seized the opportunity once he saw what a simple blaster could do.

The Cloaked One would have his revenge against Equestria. And his blasters and droids would clear the path for him to take it.

Chapter 8 - In Close Pursuit, Part Two

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As the Clones continued to march through the forest, Kyris's ears began to twitch as they entered a rocky clearing near the mountainside. Holding up his fist, the Clones stopped instantly, and then took defensive stances as the Jedi Master took his lightsaber out and ignited it.

There was silence for several moments, and the Clones tightened their grip on their blasters. The men of the 389th knew to trust their General's senses when it came to stealth operations. After all, Lystraians were keen hunters.

Kyris's eyes narrowed, and in that moment, a single red blaster bolt came out of the treeline, aimed right at the head of Kyris Marchen. Kyris deflected the bolt with ease, and swung his lightsaber into a ready stance.

"Engage!" Kyris cried as the area descended into a storm of blasterfire, the Clones dive-rolling or sprinting into cover behind the boulders dotting the clearing. Soon, they began to return fire, blue-colored lasers now mixed in with the red. Gale spun up his Z6 and motioned for two Clones to take Kyris's left and right sides and open fire.

The two Clones nodded and did so, drawing their opponent's fire towards them and the General. Kyris continued to deflect one deadly laser bolt after another, making sure to angle the shots away from his men.

Then, the enemy pushed into the clearing. A handful of griffons, led by three Commando Droids, came into the open, and lined up their sights quickly and cleanly. Though the Clones flinched at seeing Battle Droids again, much less BX-Class ones, Gale's next words snapped them back into the battle.

"Clankers! Take 'em down quick!" Gale barked, and the Clones immediately focused fire, dropping one with repeated bodyshots, then a headshot. The other two droids rolled backwards, hiding behind a sturdy tree.

"Gale! Droid popper, now!" Kyris yelled. Gale replied with "Yes, sir!" and tossed an EMP Grenade. The grenade rolled towards the treeline and detonated, sending out a blast of pulse energy that stunned the Commando Droids. Two headshots from Patch and another Trooper dropped them both cleanly.

The Griffons, now either enraged or frightened, Kyris couldn't tell which, then split up their forces. Some continued to shoot from behind cover, others fled towards the mountain. However, the ones that stayed soon managed to forget a critical part of fighting with a blaster. Mainly, managing the heat buildup and checking the charge level of the built-in power cell.

Because at the same time, three of the Griffons' E5 Blasters coughed out a dull sound and stopped working, indicating they had overheated or their charge packs had run dry. Some began to shake them in an attempt to cool them faster, oblivious to the fact that the Clones had been waiting for this particular chance to move up.

These Griffons were soon flanked and blasted down, and the remaining Griffon in desperation continued to shoot from the hip.

Only this time, his power cell ran empty as Kyris approached. A single slice later, and the Griffons along with their droid supporters lay dead.

"Volt, get on one of those droids, and see what you can pull." Kyris ordered. The Clone Engineer nodded and pulled out a datapad, then plugged in a splicing cable into a downed Commando Droid's head.

After a few minutes, the Clone disconnected the cable with a sign of frustration.

"Sorry, sir." Volt said. "The data on this droid's completely corrupted. However, I did pull some location data fragments, that's likely where these came from."

"Good work." Kyris nodded. "What's their origin point?"

"This area here, towards the mountains." Volt pointed out on a map readout displayed on the datapad. "There's a small base somewhere in this vicinity."

"Then let's go." the Jedi Master motioned forward with his Lightsaber. "We don't have much time."

As the Clones headed back into the forest at a modest speed, they didn't notice one of the scrapped Commando Droids turn its head slightly, and send a video feed of the Clones' departure to an unknown destination before it shut down for good.


"So...they bested my machines." the Cloaked one sighed as he watched the feed from a monitor inside the cavern base.. "These "Clone Troopers" and their Jedi General are far better than I expected. My advance troops were no match for them, I will admit that much."

"However…" he smiled slightly as he brandished a datapad, and tapped a few more switches on the interface. "I have many more surprises in store for you, Jedi. Indeed, I wonder how you'll like the…"

"...enhanced versions I created some time ago. I can hardly wait to test their prowess."

The cloaked one gave a chuckle as a crate opened and the sound of mechanical footsteps could be heard marching once again.

"Enjoy." he laughed menacingly as these "enhanced versions" revealed themselves as they walked into the light, out of yet another container. They were once B2 Super Battle Droids, however, they had been significantly altered from their original forms.

A large blood-red crystal implanted in their chest was attached to cables on the arms, legs, and midsection, and this array was protected by a v-shaped plate of armor colored crimson red. Their legs were also bulked up with additional plating, and instead of one pair of twin blasters on its right arm arm…

Each now carried a J-10 dual blaster cannon in its place, clearly upgraded to reduce heat generation and increase the power of its rounds. They walked slowly and methodically towards their leader. As they approached and stood at attention, the Cloaked one, he merely waved his hoof to the cave's entrance. Then, the droids moved out, their twin rifles locked and loaded.


"Sir?" Gale asked as the Clones and Kyris stopped suddenly at hearing the telltale steps of approaching battle droids. "You hear that?"

"I do." Kyris replied, igniting his lightsaber again. "Defensive positions, now!"

As the Clones topped off their weapons and took cover, their blasters aimed at the treeline, Kyris felt a cold sensation run across his face. It was not as significant as the disturbance that signalled Order 66 some time ago, but it was there and noticeable.

As he stood ready, the altered Super Battle Droids came into the open, and gave off a loud roar, before their J-10 rifles opened up. The Clones dove down before beginning to return fire, and Kyris growled out a curse as he leaped behind a boulder.

A Clone Trooper then poked his head out and opened fire, though the bolts from his DC-15A carbine smacked harmlessly into the lead droid's armored chest. The Clone then ducked as another volley smacked dangerously close to his head. Had he been a few inches to the left, his head would've been poked full of holes.

"Sir! We can't punch through their armor!" Gale growled. "Any ideas?"

"If we can't hurt those droids from the front, then get behind them!" the Jedi Master replied. "I'll cover you!"

Gale and two Clones nodded, and as Kyris came out and began deflecting what bolts he could, the Troopers snuck around behind the droids. Seeing a large, exposed piece of circuitry on their backs, spewing electricity and some smoke, the three of them nodded…

...and opened fire. This time, the combined fire from a Z-6 and two DC-15 rifles was enough to punch through the droids' weakly armored rears, and three of the seven droids fell. The other four spun around and attempted to open fire, but their slow, heavily armored chassis was their downfall.

Kyris sliced two in half, and the Clones finished off the others. As Volt scanned the droids, Kyris could sense an air of shock from the engineer.

"These droids are like nothing I've seen." he mumbled. "Greatly increased power supply, armored chest and central processor...whoever built these knew how to work with droids."

"I think it wise to call for backup, and get some heavier firepower on our side." Kyris said, and Gale pulled out his commlink and relayed the General's request back to the base.

"We hear you sir, gunships en route." the Clone dispatcher replied. "ETA is one minute."

As the commlink image faded, Gale changed out the power cell on his Z6 and looked over his squad before calling out for a head count. As the Clones responded one by one, Kyris turned to the thicket that the droids came from.

The strange, cold feeling washed over him again as he did, and he shivered slightly. Focusing hard, he closed his eyes and tried to sense what lay ahead using the Force.

In his mind's eye, he could see a cave entrance, a barricade of Griffons, and a cloaked pony in black. As he looked at him, an overwhelming sensation of danger washed over him, and a pair of ghastly red eyes burned into his mind. In fright, he stumbled back, his eyes flaring open.

"General!" Gale called, catching him and helping the Jedi steady himself. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I think so," he replied. "Where's our reinforcements?"

"They just arrived." Volt said, as two Gunships flew over and began to hover above them. Two extra squads of Clones deployed in, and to Kyris and Gale's surprise, Celestia and Luna dove down, their lightsabers at the ready. They wore modified Jedi armor with robes over the plating, emblazoned respectively with the sun and moon.

"What are you doing here?" Gale asked.

"You forget, Commander, that we are former Jedi." Celestia said. "We have lived for over 1000 years, and have fought countless battles in our time. We are not strangers to warfare."

"Very well." Kyris replied. "Bravo Squad, you're with Princess Celestia. Charlie Squad, you're with Princess Luna. You're under their command for the remainder of this operation."

"Yessir!" the two Clone Sergeants of each squad replied. As several Troopers retrieved rocket launchers and Thermal detonators from the Gunships, Luna sighed and turned to Gale.

"We should expect stiff resistance." Luna said to the Commander.

"I agree, Princess." Gale replied. "All troopers, lock and load, and make every shot count. We're going in!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" the Clones replied. As they advanced into the dark thicket, the sky rumbled overhead, signalling an incoming storm.

Chapter 9 - A Climax in Red

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As the rain began to fall in earnest, the Clones, Celestia, Luna, and Kyris marched on through the rocky terrain towards the mountain peak that was their target. The Clones glanced at one another with an uncertain air, as they had first fought Commando Droids and blaster-armed Griffons, then the modified B2 Supers.

To the Clones, it seemed that whatever came next to face them would not be an easy fight at all, judging from previous experiences.

However, the presence of not one, but three Jedi in the front reassured them, and Commander Gale kept the troopers moving forward. A few Clones took this time to top off their blaster gas cartridges or give new ones to the Clones who were in need of them. Others lifted their helmets slightly to take a bite of a ration stick, or get a drink of water from an offered canteen.

" seem unsettled." Luna observed the Jedi Master breathing heavily, his brow furrowed. "Is something wrong?"

"I sensed a disturbance in the Force, a little before you arrived to aid us," he replied. "I saw a pair of piercing red eyes...that burned deep into my soul. I don't know how else to describe them."

Celestia and Luna's eyebrows flared up, and Kyris immediately knew they were familiar with what he had seen. He wanted to press further, but he realized now was not the time to talk about it. As silence once again permeated through the area, Kyris breathed deeply, trying to dispel the image from his mind.

"Whatever it may be...I will face it, with all I have." he thought as they reached the cavern entrance that led to the interior of the mountain. Kyris stepped back as two Clones moved to take point, and the others entered the tunnel as one group.

As the Clones in front activated their floodlights, Luna turned to Celestia and Kyris.

"I have a bad feeling about this…" she whispered.

"As do I." Kyris replied, growing slightly. "Someone or something here is expecting us, it is likely that this is a trap."

"Then make yourselves ready." Celestia replied, and the Clones nodded to her command. However, as they approached the tunnel exit, Kyris sucked in a breath and shuddered in trepidation.


"My lord."

The Cloaked One turned to see his second in command approach, a stocky, dark-feathered griffon armed with an E5 Blaster rifle. The blaster was modified for claws instead of the mechanical fingers of a Battle Droid, and it had a wooden stock attached to it.

"The Jedi and their troops are quickly approaching. Shall we go out to face them?" the Griffon asked.

"No." the Cloaked One replied, taking a small, lengthy object off of a belt he wore, and turned to face the entrance, where several Griffons, a few Super Battle Droids, and five Commando Droids were waiting in ambush positions. A pair of turrets, manned by two B1 Battle Droids, had their sights locked on the entrance.

The cloaked one laughed, and turned back to his lieutenant to speak again.

"I will deal with them myself this time. Take your troops back to our main base. I will follow shortly after."

"Yes, my lord."

The Griffon departed into another tunnel that was not illuminated, leaving him to disappear into the dark. As the sound of the Clones' light footsteps could be heard coming closer, the Cloaked One strode to the front of the line and revealed what it was he carried.

Attached to a hilt-like device and contained by a metallic clamp and glass cylinder was a blood-red, jagged horn, a horn that previously belonged to the Tyrant King Sombra. The Cloaked One activated his lightsaber, and a dark red blade with a black core began to pulse in midair, barely contained by the hilt.

As the Clones appeared, their blasters held ready, Celestia, Luna, and Kyris Marchen drew and ignited their own lightsabers, taking up ready stances. For a moment, there was no action on either side, until the cloaked one came forward.

"So...we meet again, at long last" he said darkly. "It has been some time, Celestia, since our last personal meeting."

"It hasn't been that long, King Sombra." Celestia retorted, causing the cloaked one to laugh evilly, and drawing out a raised eyebrow from the Solar Princess.

"You may find it surprising to hear...that I am not King Sombra. Not yet." was the reply as the Cloaked one drew his hood back. An Equestrian unicorn stood there, though he was certainly not like one that Kyris had seen before in terms of appearance.

His coat was once a golden color, but now it was mottled with graying scars and marks. His face bore blood-red eyes faintly mixed with green, and his mane was filthy and tangled. His teeth had grown sharp and jagged, and Kyris could see blood coming from his lips where they met his jaw. A jagged horn rested on his head.

"I don't believe we have met." Celestia replied cautiously, not recognizing who this pony was.

"We certainly have." the pony replied angrily. "After all, you once had me in the highest ranks of your Guards...I was exalted, praised by my peers...until you cast me down like a stone over a waterfall. Those were my exact words to you, I believe."

At that, Celestia's eyes flared open in surprise, shock, and fear. Luna and Kyris were equally startled to see the normally resolute alicorn pale in fright.

"Impossible." she breathed. "...Golden Plume?"

"I hold that name no longer!" he roared in response, striking the ground with his saber. "Now...I am Regulus, and intend to finish what I started years ago!"

He snarled loudly, and swung out his lightsaber to point it at Celestia, and the Clones immediately readied their weapons and picked their targets. Gale swung his Z6 and spun it up, and for a brief moment, all was silent.

A cry of "Kill them all!" sounded, and Regulus charged as a volley of blaster fire came from both sides. As Celestia, Luna, and Kyris charged at the shadowy unicorn, lightsabers at the ready, Regulus moved to counter with his own weapon.

Chapter 10 - Bitter Secrets among Strife

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Princess Celestia sucked in a heavy breath as her lightsaber’s blade clashed with that of her opponent. The crimson blade, most likely due to it being powered by the horn of King Sombra rather than a Kyber Crystal, was heavier than usual, and more powerful than a typical lightsaber.

That was not what concerned her, though, as her connection to the Force supplemented her considerable abilities, which allowed her to counter and dodge easily. Golden Plume was once considered the finest Solar Guard Captain in Equestrian history, and he had the skills to uphold such a reputation. A lifetime of training in both mind, blade, and body meant that Celestia was worried about her prospects, along with those of her sister and General Marchen.

Princess Luna attempted to slash at Regulus’s side, only he easily maneuvered away, deflecting the Lunar Alicorn’s weapon. Kyris thrusted from the left, and he countered this attack seamlessly.

“You’ve changed, Plume.” Celestia replied, as their blades locked in a clash. “How did this happen?”

“I became what I am because of you!” Regulus replied with fury, and Kyris could sense the Dark Side of the Force radiating off of him. “You betrayed me, Celestia! I gave everything for your vision of the future. Once I destroy you and your sister, I shall take what is rightfully mine!”

Celestia growled and forced him back, attacking her opponent with a rapid barrage of cuts from the top and side.

“Not while we still draw breath!” She retorted. “I still remember that day, Plume. The day you slaughtered countless innocents in a mad crusade for your twisted view of justice! The day I had to judge you for your crimes, and your exile! Do not assume it did not cause me pain!”

“Do not call me by that name!” Regulus screamed, turning to an offensive stance. “I lost everything because of you! Now, you both will be forgotten, lost in oblivion. I will take everything I desire…starting with your lives!”

His slashes, thrusts, and parries became far more aggressive, and as he pushed the Royal Sisters back, Kyris force-leaped behind him and slashed at his back. Regulus easily swung his lightsaber to his back, deflecting the blow, but that was exactly what Kyris had hoped he would do.

“Commander!” Kyris called out to Gale and his men, who had just finished scrapping the remaining Droids. “Engage!”

“Blast ‘em!” Gale ordered, and the Clones, firing as one, unleashed a volley of blue bolts at Regulus. In order to save himself, Regulus threw up a magical barrier as a shield. Upon doing this, he was forced to divert his attention to the Clones and his energy in keeping his shield up.

In an instant, Celestia, Luna, and Kyris charged, lightsabers ready. The Clones ceased fire, and again, Regulus was caught off-guard. As he locked his blade against his opponents, he scowled and sent a tidal wave of magical energy towards them, akin to a Force Push.

The three Jedi were sent flying back, and once the Clones resumed firing, Regulus knew he had to retreat. His magic reserve was running low, and he needed what remained to escape.

“We shall meet another time!” He roared, leaping up onto a ledge and sheathing his lightsaber. “But you should know this, Celestia, our duel is far from over.”

As he summoned the last of his magic and teleported away, the Clones ceased fire. Kyris turned to Celestia and Luna, who sighed as all three sheathed their lightsabers.

“You have some explaining to do.” He said simply, as Gale and the other Clone squad leaders approached.

“Indeed I do.” Celestia replied. ‘Now is not the time. We must return to Ponyville. The Elements of Harmony must also hear what I have to say.”

Kryis nodded, and turned to Commander Gale, who lowered his Z-6 and stood at the ready, awaiting orders.

“Search the area for any important information you can find.” He said. “Be careful, as there may still be droids lurking about, and report in with whatever you find.”

“Yes, sir!” Gale spoke, and barked “You heard the General, get to it lads!” at the other Clones, who began searching through the cave complex. As Kyris and Gale radioed the other Clones at their Base Camp, alerting them of the situation, Princess Luna walked forward.

“What is our plan of action?” She asked.

“I am not sure. Perhaps we will have some idea after we hear what your sister has to say.” Kyris replied, attaching his lightsaber to his belt. “What do you know about this “Golden Plume” she mentioned during our duel?”

“He was a Solar Guard Captain, years ago.” Luna replied. “Once considered the pinnacle of what every Guardspony should aspire to. His dedication turned to zealotry, then to fanaticism. Thus, after a terrible incident, he was exiled. That was all Celestia told me previously, as I was in exile during these events.”

“I see. We’ll get the full story later, I suppose” Kyris nodded, as the Clones started to file back in, some carrying datapads or others with backpacks filled with captured assets. “Troopers, are we all set?”

“Yes, sir!” A Clone Sergeant replied. “We’ve acquired plenty of intel, and schematics for the droids we fought. There wasn’t anything else of value.”

“Understood. Then set charges, and destroy this place.” Kyris replied. “Make sure our enemy has nothing to return to. We must prepare for his next move.”

Gale nodded, and directed two Clone Troopers towards the camp’s power generator, where they attached Thermal Detonators onto it. After the Clones did a final sweep of the cave compound, Kyris called for extraction.

In only a few moments, their gunships arrived, and once everyone was aboard, Kyris nodded to Gale, who sat down on the ledge of the ship’s crew cabin and clicked the detonator. The resulting explosion destroyed the compound, and sealed off the entrance tunnels with rocks and debris.

“What happens now?” Luna asked, as she hooked her lightsaber back to his resting place beneath her left wing.

“Now, I suppose I must tell you what history I share with our new enemy, Regulus, or Golden Plume.” Celestia replied. “Then, we prepare for his return.”

“I agree, however, there are too many unknowns here.” Kyris mused. “He used Separatist droids and weapons against us. That means we’re not the first ones from our Galaxy to come here.”

“We also don’t know what they might’ve brought with them.” Gale added, standing back up. “And seeing as the Empire has taken over the Republic, we won’t be getting any reinforcements of any kind. The odds are not on our side, General.”

“A good observation.” Kyris nodded. “Celestia, I think it is time your Royal Guard learned how the Clones fight, and how they win. We have plenty of munitions to spare, and plenty more capable Troopers ready to teach.”

“Very well.” Celestia nodded. “I’ll summon all available Solar and Lunar Guard units, and I can also alert my niece, Princess Cadance, and her husband that we require any Crystal Guards they can spare.”

“Then it is decided. Commander, choose your men.” Kyris said to Gale, who nodded and began speaking to the Dispatch center aboard the Sentinel. “Also, see if we can bring down our two Acclamator transports. The ordinance aboard will be useful to us in the long run.”

“Already on it.” Gale replied. “We’ll take care of it, General. Whatever comes next, we’ll be ready.”

The rest of the flight back to the base camp near Ponyville was quiet, as Celestia thought of her former Guard Captain turned recently-revealed nemesis, and his possible intentions. She knew Plume well, as she had raised him like a son until he enlisted in the Royal Guards. Whatever she knew about him, he knew just as much about her in return.

“Then I must make my course clear.” She thought to herself as the gunships landed. “If we are to stand a chance against him, I know what I have to do.”

Chapter 11 - The Face of the Enemy

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Some time later, the Republic Gunships had dropped off their passengers, and flown back to the Sentinel to refuel. The entire base was quiet as a tomb, and there was a feeling of distrust in the air. Kyris, Commander Gale, the Elements of Harmony, and Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Twilight now sat inside the command center. The tension was thicker than an AT-TEs hull plating, and Kyris’s face showed confusion, distrust, and anger at the two Princesses.

“Princess Celestia, I’m not sure where to begin.” The Jedi Master said. “First, you knew this Regulus at some point before our duel against him. Second, he was in command of several Separatist droids, including Commando Droids and modified Super Battle Droids. Finally, he seems to be in league with the Griffons who spied on our base at the very least.”

“All I want to know is…what aren’t you telling us?”

Celestia looked down, thinking hard on how to respond. Eventually, she finally spoke in a stalwart tone.

“I never imagined that Golden Plume, or Regulus, would return the way that he did, or how he is even alive in the first place. Second, I had no clue that those Separatist war machines were here either, and if I had even a gut feeling they were…I would’ve personally dealt with them. Finally, yes, you are due an explanation of how Golden Plume knew me, and what happened nearly twenty years ago.”

Celestia conjured a map of Equestria with her magic, which then displayed a small village on the northwest border of both the Griffon lands and the Everfree Forest.

“Golden Plume was a unicorn, born in Canterlot to a middle-class couple. A natural-born leader, he emerged from his schooling on multiple levels as a valedictorian. After gaining his Cutie Mark, he was offered a place in my School for Gifted Unicorns.”

“Golden Plume declined, insisting he wanted to serve in the Solar Guards. I allowed this, and like his early days, he rose through the ranks rapidly. He earned the admiration and respect of his fellows, and the loyalty of those under him when he became a commissioned Captain.”

“Like Shining Armor was?” Twilight asked. Gale looked at Twilight with a raised eyebrow, though it was hidden by his helmet’s black visor.

“He was on the verge of holding your brother’s position at the time, yes.” Celestia replied. “Before I would give the promotion necessary to allow him that rank, I…began to sense something was wrong with him through the Force, and I saw in his eyes a change that frightened me.”

“He had always been eager to follow any order he was given, in a devotionary way that inspired his troops. However, that devotion was turning to dogma, and then to zealotry. I knew he was starting to lose his way, but I wanted to be sure of my feelings.”

“Thus, I assigned him a task that would supposedly put my mind at ease. In the end, it was one of my life’s darkest moments that resulted.”

“What happened?” Gale asked.

“The village of Fairgrove, here, had been repeatedly raided in the past by Griffon brigands, and they sent an urgent plea to me for Guards to defend them. I sent Plume and thirty of his own Guards to fulfill these orders, along with a messenger to report on his progress each day, and to remind him of my orders should things take an unforeseen turn.”

“First, they were to secure the villagers and ensure no more lives were lost.”

“Second, Plume was to capture the raiders alive, and return them to the Griffon border fort nearby as prisoners.”

“Third, they were to ensure these raids would not happen again.”

“Seems simple to me.” Gale nodded. “However, my experience in battle and as a Marshall Commander of the 389th…tells me something went wrong.”

“You are correct, Commander.” Celestia sighed. “From the get-go, Plume brilliantly set up a trap for these raiders and captured them alive, as I had requested. He set up a border camp not too long after that, and everything seemed to be going just fine.”

“Until my messenger reported that these brigands were not bandits or the like…but soldiers of the Griffon army. They were deployed to this area to undertake a military rite of passage. They were to survive off the land for those three days, and only return once they had proven themselves by doing so.”

“My messenger told me of this, and then he reportedly told Golden Plume once he realized what was going on…but after that…I didn’t hear from him for three more days. I gathered a unit of one hundred to investigate, and I donned my battle armor for the first time in ages.”

“What I found…was horrifying.”

The Elements, who had been patiently listening, sucked in a wary breath.

“Plume had gathered these soldiers, interrogated them for their camp’s location, and then…he executed them for “acts of war against Equestria”. Then, he had my messenger poisoned to silence him, and then he marched upon the Griffon camp, crossing the border in the process, which was against my orders.”

“They burned the entirety of that camp to the ground, and killed any who resisted. Two soldiers escaped, and while one told me of what happened…the other sent a message to the Griffon General who was in command of these troops.”

“This General, Gaius, once we established contact with him, demanded things be made right and the lives of his recruits avenged, or it would be war not just by Golden Plume’s actions, but by mine.”

“You didn’t even do anything!” Rainbow Dash said, shocked.

“I sent my own troops there, under my own orders. The attack was both my responsibility and Plume’s, Rainbow Dash.” Celestia replied. “After I…promised him that Golden Plume would not go unpunished, and that war would not come, Gaius allowed three companies of his own veterans to go with me to avenge their fallen.”

“Plume defied my orders to stand down as we approached, and in the battle that ensued…he was captured, and after refusing to surrender again, I was forced to kill him. The rest of his troops fought to the death. When we found the village, it had been fortified heavily at first, and then burned to deny us refuge. The villagers were found in a cave, starving and thirsty. They had what little resources they possessed taken to feed Plume’s traitorous soldiers.”

“I made my peace with General Gaius, returned his troops to his fort, and we buried the bodies of those that died in the ashes of Fairglade. My trusted messenger laid there, along with one of the bravest ponies I had ever known.”

“I had believed him dead…until now, that is.” Celestia finished. “I wrote every single condolence letter to the families of the fallen, issued an official statement regarding it to my council, and ordered Plume’s name be erased from all records. Those that did come home…they swore to never tell a soul of what really happened, and some even voluntarily had their memories altered…just in case.”

“And now, he’s our newest adversary.” Kyris frowned. “I thank you for telling me this, Princess. However, the time to act is now, and we must find him before he attacks again.”

"With all due respect, General…" Gale said in response, drawing Kyris's attention. "I don't think that's a particularly good idea. I ask permission to speak freely, sir."

"Granted." Kyris nodded.

"First, we have no idea how much Separatist technology that Regulus has at his disposal. For all we know, he could have weapons much worse than those modified droids waiting for us. Rushing into a full-scale attack would just turn it into a massacre. "

"Second, we aren't going to be receiving reinforcements at any time, as the Republic that would have provided them doesn't exist anymore. That is also true for weapons, rations, materials, medical supplies…and our resources were stretched thin, even while we were on Razkos."

"Third, we don't know where Regulus went after our engagement at the cavern, or how much support he has gained from the Griffons. Throwing our men, my brothers headlong in some direction and hoping for the best is…a suicide manuever."

"Finally sir, though it pains me to say this…you're not in the right state of mind to lead an assault like that. You've been active for over three planetary rotations now without rest."

Gale bit his lip, knowing that he had never spoken to his General like this before. He straightened up, and continued.

"With all due respect, sir, as my official recommendation…we need to rest and prepare for what lies ahead, build up our resources…and take a defensive stance against this threat."

Kyrius looked away, knowing that Gale was telling the truth about their situation. He could also sense his body was in dire need of rest and refreshment, and he didn't need the Force to realize that.

"'re right, Commander." Kyris acquiesced. "Please excuse me, I must…rest, under the advice of my second. Gale, whatever issues should arise, I leave it to you to resolve them."

"Yes, sir." Gale said in an affirmative manner as Kyris exited the room. As the Elements turned to the Princesses and Gale, Celestia rose and headed for the door as well.

"Celestia..." Twilight asked, feeling quite unnerved. "What can we do to help?"

"For now, aid the Clones with whatever tasks they have. I need to speak to the ambassadors that came here, and the court ministers in Canterlot. There is much that needs to be done…and there is no time to waste. Sister…I will need your help."

As both Princesses teleported away, Gale looked at the Elements, and took in a ready breath.

"Ready to get to work?" he asked.

"As we'll ever be." Twilight replied, with the other Elements' voices chiming in with affirmation.

"Good. Let's get to it."

The Griffon Lands, Western coastline

Regulus exhaled in exhaustion, as he looked over his base of operations and the ongoing bustle of activity within. After returning from the Ponyville base, he had ordered his followers and droids to prepare for war.

He gazed on in admiration as B1 Battle Droids stacked crates of ordinance, pushed and pulled carts, and directed other droids to their destinations, all of which was being supervised by Griffons clad in red, gray, and gold.

Ever since an array of Separatist supply ships crashed into the ocean, Regulus and his followers quickly seized the opportunity in front of them. The fleet had been small in number, with only two light cruisers for escort, and a DH-O supply ship, but it was fully stocked.

Even now, boats continued to funnel supplies from the wreckage, ranging from proton cannon artillery, to crate after crate of E5 blasters. From what Regulus and his engineers could tell, the fleet had been intended to resupply a CIS garrison on the planet Razkos, in Wild Space.

Regulus didn't exactly care what those terms meant, only that he now had a massive array of weapons and technology never seen before in the Griffon lands…and soon, he would conquer both Equestria and these lands. He would rule not through harmony, but by the might of blasters and technology.

He only had to be patient for a little while longer, and he would have his revenge and eventual triumph at long last.

As the sun began to set overhead, Regulus's laughter echoed through the coming night, and the shadows around him seemed ready to extend their reach like a hungry ghost into what remained of the light.

Chapter 12 - The Lost and Found

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Coruscant, Core Worlds, Low Orbit
Aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer "Harbinger"
Bridge, Command Section

"Captain Santus, I believe I have something that requires your immediate attention." Ensign Haru Donnell called out to the Captain. A slim, young man that hailed from Corellia, fresh out of the Imperial Academy, Haru had been described by his instructors as "Clean, precise, and methodical." After graduation, he had immediately been taken under the wing of the aging Captain Santus, who had recognized his potential nearly immediately as a future commanding officer.

For now, however, Haru was delegated to intelligence duties aboard the ISD Harbinger, and so far, there had been no issues to speak of.

"What is it?" Captain Santus asked. Santus's blonde hair was starting to turn gray, but his stature and physique were still very much capable of seeing combat. As the Captain turned to approach Donnell's station, Haru pulled a data chip out of his terminal.

"I would prefer this conversation be in private." the ensign stated. "It is a sensitive manner that may concern…Lord Vader."

Santus raised an eyebrow, but seeing the seriousness in his student's expression, he settled himself and asked why that was the case.

"I believe I have found a rogue Jedi, but it will require some thorough explaining." Haru replied. Santus motioned him over to an unoccupied booth and terminal, and Haru straightened up before speaking quietly.

"During the final hours of the Clone Wars, a detachment of Clone Troopers, the 389th Strike Battalion, under the command of Jedi Master Kyris Marchen, was deployed to the planet Razkos. Their orders, according to old Republic records, were to stop a Separatist attempt to build an outpost."

"However, during the battle, two crucial things happened." Haru continued. "First, a solar storm blocked all communications to and from the Jedi and his forces to any Republic bases or stations in range. During this solar storm, Order 66 came down."

"The 389th, if my hypothesis is correct, thus never received the order, and Kyris Marchen may still be alive." Haru plugged the data chip into the terminal, and a star map appeared, with two lines highlighted in white.

"Recovered records from the medical establishment on Polis Massa indicate Kyris Marchen came there from Razkos, and then departed aboard a Venator-Class Star Destroyer, the Sentinel, along with three Acclamator-class transports." Haru said, indicating the first white line. "The second line represents all the possible routes they could have taken."

"Based on what logic?" Captain Santus asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Their fuel expenditures, adjusted for the travel between Coruscant, Razkos, and Polis Massa, a thorough analysis of hyperspace lanes in the area, and then, there's this."

Haru pointed to a small planet, a lone light in the blank section that depicted the Unknown Regions.

"That planet is the only place they would have reached, based on my previously stated conditions. If the Jedi and his forces are anywhere, it's here."

"Most impressive."Captain Santus smiled. "Come with me, ensign, I think it best to inform Lord Vader together. It is your work that has led to this discovery, was it not?"

Haru suppressed a nervous shudder, but nodded as they approached the holotable. After punching in some commands, the intimidating, fear-invoking image of Darth Vader appeared.

"My lord." Both the ensign and captain nodded their heads. "My student, Ensign Haru Donnell, has likely located a rogue Republic detachment, and their Jedi general."

"…Speak." Lord Vader responded. Haru stepped forward, produced the holomap and relevant records, and repeated his theory and the evidence supporting it. During this, he clenched his left hand several times, hoping to dispel any sign of nervousness. Lord Vader was silent as Haru finished speaking and then stepped back to his spot beside the Captain.

"Are you certain of this?" Vader asked again. The Sith Lord mentally admitted that an ensign producing such a claim and proof to support it was by itself most impressive.

"Yes, my Lord, I am certain." Haru replied. Lord Vader was silent for a few moments, before adding, "Has anyone else found evidence to support your findings?"

"No, my Lord. This was my discovery, and I only brought it to the Captain's attention once I was certain it was…airtight."

"Hmm. Your work is admirable and should your theory prove correct…you will be rewarded for your service" Vader spoke. "Captain Santus, do you support this ensign's claim?"

"Yes, Lord Vader." the Captain nodded.

"Then I shall send one of my agents to accompany you to this planet. There, you shall wait out of range until called for. You are to destroy this Jedi, and anyone that resists. Make no mistake, you shall follow my agent's orders as if they are my own."

"Very well." Captain Santus affirmed. “The Harbinger will depart immediately.”

“No, Captain.” Vader replied. “You shall accompany my agent aboard his ship, the Rogue Shadow. The presence of a Star Destroyer shall draw…unwanted attention. I want this done…quietly. Do you understand?”

“Yes, My Lord.”

The two Imperials lowered their heads as the Hologram vanished. As Captain Santus turned to ensign Haru, the young man quietly cleared his throat.

“I shall report to the hangar deck immediately.” Haru spoke.

“Good. Let us greet this…agent…together.” the Captain breathed, before telling the executive Officer that he had command of the Harbinger until his return. As they exited the bridge, a slim ship with a two-pronged front approached, as it came out of hyperspace.


“Proxy, is everything ready?” Captain Juno Eclipse asked their Holo-Training droid, who was standing next to her at a computer terminal. After their arrival aboard the Harbinger, Starkiller had departed to receive a briefing from the captain and the ensign. Lord Vader had previously commanded his assassin to expect the unexpected, and above all, eliminate the Jedi Kyris Marchen.

“Yes, Captain Eclipse.” Proxy replied. “Master should be rejoining us shortly. I believe his briefing has just concluded.”

“It did.” Starkiller huffed, as he took his seat next to Juno. “Looks like we’re all set. Juno, take us out.”

“Of course.”

As the two Imperial personnel took their seats behind Starkiller and Proxy, ensign Haru looked at Starkiller with hidden astonishment. Vader’s agent couldn’t have been any more than two or three years older than he was. Captain Santus, on the other hand, knew of the Imperial Inquisitorius and some of its members, and had initially assumed that Starkiller was one of them. However, the Captain quickly realized Starkiller was something else entirely.

The feeling of power and fury that the young man gave off made them both shiver, and the lightsaber that lay on the agent's waist did little to reassure them.

"Agent?" Captain Santus asked, and Starkiller looked over at the Imperial Officer with a raised eyebrow.

"What term would you prefer to be addressed by?" the Captain asked. "I don't believe I was told your name, nor your position among Lord Vader's agents."

"Just call me Starkiller," the Sith Apprentice replied. "and my position to my master is none of your concern."

Captain Santus nodded and laid back in his seat with a barely concealed shudder as the Rogue Shadow vanished into hyperspace.