• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 4,908 Views, 1,866 Comments

House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

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Just Act Natural

Chapter Six

Just Act Natural

Right now, mentally, I am applying my hoof to my face. Repeatedly.

What the fuck were you thinking!? Seriously! Could you not see where that was going!? You were -just- talking to Twilight about the problems invoking narration, and then you pull the classical, ‘two people arguing with the one who talks reason in charge watching’ skit! With ponies!

Rarity looks at Twilight pleadingly. “Twilight, darling, there is just simply no time this month! I have things that I need to do! Dresses I need to make, places I need to go! I mean...” she blinks lifts a hoof and opens her mouth desperately, trying to find something to fit into her schedule.

I personally don’t want to deal with Rarity this month either. I mean, sooner or later, I will have to deal with her, but I’d rather it be later - much later - that I deal with her. It wouldn’t hurt to help her out now. It might pay off when she actually has to teach me. I lean over to Rarity and whisper in her ear. “What about Opal?”

“Yes! What about my Opal?! If animals react poorly to Heart-” She begins. I cough, frowning at her. “-H.B., then what about my poor Opal? I wouldn’t want her to get her claws covered in any blood!”

I glare at Rarity. “Gee. Thanks Rarity. For a second I thought you cared...”

“I do care! With you being from a different world, there is no telling what you brought with you!” Rarity replies, trying to give a better explanation for her choice of words.

Twilight shoots a look that causes the both of us to stiffen up. “Enough. I have made up my mind about this.” She paces a bit, looking at the ground before turning her gaze back to the both of us. “Rarity, I’m not buying the excuse that you don’t have any time. I have seen you do dress work faster in less time. As far as Opal goes, you can have Fluttershy look after her.”

Fuck, the both of us pushed Twilight to the point where she is acting sorta like a military general. I bite my lip and realize that I am nearly standing, ‘at attention,’ or at least the pony equivalent of it. Twilight then walks up to me and starts to put a hoof up to my shoulder. Almost instantly I flinch. She pulls back in surprise. “Is there something the matter, H.B.?”

“No Petty Officer!” I shout almost on instinct. I quickly cover my mouth with a hoof and look at both of them. Alright, I wasn’t in the military for that long, really. Just a year and four months, enough time to go through boot camp and some electrical training. But I guess old habits stick when you are under stress. “I mean... uhm, no Twilight, there is nothing wrong.”

“Good!” Twilight replies cheerfully.

“But Twilight, I am taking a trip next week!” Rarity says practically begging.

Now I’m not sure whether or not I should be cheering for Rarity. I’m kinda feeling a bit... neglected? No... pushed aside? Sorta... maybe? Like I’m not important or even worth her time? Close! Seriously what the fuck? I’m not sure what I am feeling, but I don’t really like it.

“Then take her with you. It’ll do her some good to see more of Equestria. And while she’s gone, hopefully the local rumor mill will find somepony else to talk about,” Twilight explains. She looks at me expectantly. Crap.

My ears droop and I look down at the ground. “What?”

She looks at me questioningly. “Aren’t you going to say something or at the very least protest?”

I kick my hoof. “I don’t see why I should. You’ve already made up your mind about what is going to happen here. I was a bad p-p-pony and now I’m paying for it.” I want to add, ‘like I always do,’ but I’ve already gotten my point across, no need to share my emoness with these two any further. I turn towards the stairs. “So, if you’ll excuse me, I think I am going to go upstairs and write in my journal.”

Twilight’s magic lifts one of the books from the shelf in front of me. “Are you going to go upstairs to mope about this whole event?” I really want to protest the idea that I’m moping here. I mean, I just found out that the stupid mark on my flanks might cause other ponies emotional pain! And then there was the argument with Rarity...

Though, I’ll admit that, for a few seconds, as stupid and pointless as that little spat between us was: It was kind of... fun. I am not sure what I was enjoying about it, other than, ‘hee, I’m upsetting Rarity.’ But, as they say hindsight is twenty-twenty. I’m sure that there are going to be repercussions to this. Particularly with the Spike department.

I roll my eyes. “Maybe, unless you can give me a good reason not to.”

“I can give you three good reasons not to,” she says sternly. I feel my face twitch. Great, she’s going to give me something that I am sure is covered by a trope website somewhere out there. Better ask the question.

I try pushing the book away, “And they are?”

“First, I don’t want you moping all the time. It isn’t healthy. Second, there is the job that you are getting paid to do. If you don’t do it, then you don’t get paid.” She sets the book down in front of me.

“And the last reason?”

Twilight looks me in the eyes and places a hoof on my shoulder. I flinch. Knowing what my mark does now, I am starting to wonder if it is safe for anyone to touch me. “The last reason, or I should say, 'reasons', are behind that door waiting for you to read to them.”

Good grief, that’s some of the worst after school special logic I have ever heard. I glance down at the book and roll my eyes. “Twilight, do you seriously want me to go back out there after what just happened? I’m pretty sure that I freaked out the lot of them and, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think that the library is sound proof. I’m pretty sure that they heard us yelling and arguing.”

“Well, then. I am going to have to correct you due to the fact that you are indeed wrong,” Twilight states in a matter of fact manner. “The walls here are pretty solid.” Fuck, that’s right, the library is made out of a carved tree. She then looks at me sympathetically. “And yes, I do want you to go back out there.”

Rarity raises a hoof. “Twilight, darling, I hate to side with her on this, but do you really think it is wise to allow her to return? After all, that one filly-”

“Cream Puff, and thanks for the vote of confidence, Rarity,” I mutter.

“Pardon?” Rarity asks.

“Her name was Cream Puff,” I reply, rolling my eyes. Great, now I remember it. Good for you brain!

She gives me an odd look. I don’t seem to be able to place it. “Right. Cream Puff was rather upset when H.B. left, and the others are bound to ask questions.”

“Pinkie and Fluttershy should have helped calmed the group down by now. Plus if H.B. leaves without any explanation, they are going to tell their parents and guardians about this event,” Twilight explains.

I facehoof at this again. “Which of course will give even more things for the rumor mill to chew on...”

“Exactly,” Twilight replies. Fuck, I hate admitting this, but Twilight seems to be on her game today.

I tap my hoof and think over the options here. “Go upstairs, mope and write line after line of emo garbage in my journal, argue with Twilight some more or go out there and,” I swallow hard. “go back to reading to a group of colts and fillies.

I sigh, roll my eyes and lean down to pick up the book that Twilight placed before me. “Fine, but I don’t have a clue what to tell them about my slight freak out, and run away.”

“Do what you did with Dib. Make up a reasonable excuse.” What the fuck? Why the fuck is Twilight sounding more rational this month than last? I kinda want to nitpick about the morality that Twilight is pushing here with lying to colts and fillies, but I don’t want to be called out by Rarity for more whining.

“How long does ‘summer reading’ last, Twilight?” I ask with the stupid book in my mouth.

She looks at the clock over my shoulder and smiles a bit. “Just another half an hour.”

“And then I’m free to do whatever I please?” I ask.

Twilight’s face kinda wrinkles. “If that’s what you want H.B., then yes. However...”

I quirk an eye. Fuck, here come the fucking strings. “However?”

She plucks the book from my lips. “You might want to choose a book more suited to the age group you’re reading for.”

I take a glance down at the book she pulled out of my mouth, “The Advanced Guide to Magical Botanical Life of Ponyville and Surrounding Areas...” I read neutrally. “Yeah. I think I’ll stick with, ‘Danger Mare,’ and,” I grimace a bit, “‘Heartshine Sparkle.’”


“That’s the spirit!” Twilight replied. The only response from Heartbreak she got was a grumble before putting on what appeared to be a fake smile before walking out the door. There wasn’t the same cheering that could be heard before this time.

Fluttershy had Cream Puff laying over her front hooves while she was reading a story called, ‘The Hungry Bunny.’ Pinkie was sitting along side the rest of the colts and fillies, listening and eating cookies happily. Heartbreak slowly walked over to Fluttershy and sat down next to her.

“And the hungry bunny sat down with his family and they all had a big dinner of roasted carrots. The end,” Fluttershy said, looking to her side. “Oh, H.B., you’ve returned. That’s wonderful! Would you like to continue reading?”

Twilight watched Heartbreak’s face the best she could from the small crack in the door. She let out a sigh. “Uhm... well, only if they want me to.”

Fluttershy smiled and looked at the group. “Well everypony, what do you say? Would you like her to continue reading to you all?”

“Yeah?” One of them said questioningly.

“I don’t see why not,” Another one replied.

Marrs munched on his cookie and then took a gulp of apple juice. “Neither do I, I mean as long as she does the voices again.”

Cream Puff leaned over and looked up at Heartbreak. “Yer the best reader ah’ve had, Missus H.B.” She proceeded to crawl over Fluttershy’s hooves and took up new residence on Heartbreak’s. “T-t-thank ya for comin’ back...”

Heartbreak looked wide-eyed at the young filly laying over her hooves with a blush on her face. “Uhm... y-you’re welcome, Cream Puff.”

“Why’d you leave in the first place?” A green filly in the back asked.

“What’s your name again?” Heartbreak asked.

“Mint Cream,” She replied.

“Right, Mint Cream, well uhm, you see,” Heartbreak sighed. “Two reasons: One... I’m not used to, uhm situations like what just happened.”

“What did just happen?” Marrs asked though a mouth of cookie.

Heartbreak looked down. “Cream Puff happened to hug me on a part of my body with some very bad scars on it. They happen to be on both sides of my legs.”

Marrs looked interested. “How do you get scars on both sides of your legs?”

“I don’t want to talk about it, Marrs,” Heartbreak replied.

“Awww! Come on! I want to know!” Marrs whined.

Heartbreak looked at him in a deadpanned manner. “When I was younger, I fell down some stairs into a box of really sharp ink pens. They went pretty deep and I was in the hospital for several weeks due to some ink poisoning.” The group let out a collective uncomfortable murrer, while both Pinkie and Fluttershy fake a cringe. “And that’s why I don’t like talking about it. So, what book shall we read first?”

Cream Puff looked up at Heartbreak really sadly. “Ah’m sorry, H.B.!”

Heartbreak paused, looking at Cream Puff’s face. She awkwardly patted her on the head. “It’s alright, Cream Puff. It just hurts every now and again, so try to steer clear of it. And you didn’t know. But now you all know.”

“And knowing is half the battle!” Pinkie said cheerfully.

Heartbreak gave her a questioning look. “Riiiiiight.”

“How often does it hurt, H.B.?” Cream Puff asked.

Heartbreak looked to her side. “Everyday...” She replied distantly. A small quiet went through the room. Heartbreak coughed and then shook her head. “So! What would you all like me to read!?”

Mint Cream offered up a book. “Read mine!”

“‘My Secret Garden?’” Heartbreak asked.

Marrs grumbled. “I wanted more Danger Mare..”

Heartbreak rolled her eyes. “Maybe later, Marrs.” Cream Puff smiled, looking up at Heartbreak before sniffling a bit. “Are you alright, Cream Puff?” She asked.

“Ah’m better, but still a little sad,” she replied.

Heartbreak face drooped, but then it perked up when she looked up. “Pinkie?”

Pinkie Pie looked around then pointed at herself. “Who me?”

Heartbreak rolled her eyes. “Do you see any other Pinkies around here?”

Pinkie looked more than a little horrified. “I hope not! More than one of me is always bad news!”

Heartbreak chuckled under her breath. “That’s for sure, however, I was wondering if you have chocolate stashed around Ponyville. You know, in case of chocolate emergencies.”

Pinkie bounced up. “Do I?!” She quickly zipped over to one bookshelves. She looked around quickly and snagged a book from the top shelf. She crept back to the group as if she possessed some marvelous treasure.

“The Sweet Secret to My Success?” Fluttershy asked, looking at the cover. “Pinkie, H.B. asked for-”

“Oh Fluttershy! I know what she asked for!” Pinkie replied opening the book. Upon which everypony could see that there was an assortment of truffle chocolates.

“Can she have one, Pinkie?” Heartbreak asked.

“Well, of course she can have one, silly! Everypony can have one!” She said happily passing them out.

Twilight kept watching the group, particularly Cream Puff. It almost felt like Heartbreak was up to something, but she wasn’t sure what. At least not until a broad smile crept back over Cream Puffs face.

“How do you feel now, Cream Puff?” She asked.

“Much better!” Cream Puff replied happily, through a mess of chocolate.

“Remember, colts and fillies: Chocolate fixes everything.” Heartbreak said with a weak smile.

“I’ll eat to that!” Pinkie said gobbling up a truffle.

“Right, now bring that book here, Mint,” Heartbreak said.

Twilight closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. She looked at her bookshelf and started scanning the titles.

Rarity blinked. “Well, that went a lot better than I expected. I don’t know how you managed to keep your composure in all that, Twilight. I half expected you to explode!” She turned and looked at Twilight. “How did you keep so calm? I mean after the little spat that H.B. and I had...”

Twilight started pulling some of the books off the shelf. “Truth be told, Rarity,” She looked at her friend. “I was actually a bit terrified.”

“Well, you were doing a most excellent job of hiding it,” Rarity replied. “But I’m confused. Why were you terrified, exactly? From what I saw, H.B. handled things,” Rarity winced, possibly addmiting she might've be wrong about H.B., “in an adult manner.”

Twilight looked at her friend, the worry finally creeping on her face. “Because, I suspect that H.B. is right.” She cleared the table off and set the books down.

“Right, about what?” Rarity asked.

“Well,” Twilight began as she opened a book in front of her. “She is definitely right about me not knowing anything about the magic that sent her here. And while I am not sure about her, ‘mark being evil.’” Twilight paused. “I think I did see it shift.”

Rarity blinked. “Shift? You mean... it changed? Twilight darling, I may not be as adept as you in the realms of magic as you are, but even I know that cutie marks don’t change.”

Twilight looked at the kitchen door. The thought of that black broken heart on the other side almost burned in her mind. “We both know that Rarity. But as H.B. has clearly stated before, that... that thing isn’t a cutie mark.”