• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 4,908 Views, 1,866 Comments

House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

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A Royal Bidding

Chapter 31

A Royal Bidding

Looking at the last few blades of grass on the platter, I notice that there are some rather big differences between it and your regular run of the mill grass.

For one, it is slightly translucent and straighter. Most likely due to the fact that the sugar content in the grass is so high that it is actually crystallizing. How the fuck they got that horrible grassy flavor out of it is a mystery. However, if humans can breed, ‘lemon grass,’ then this is totally within the realm of possibility. I poke at a few of them with a wary hoof.

Just then I realize that I am still sitting with Princess Luna. What the fuck am I doing sitting here and poking grass while the Princess of the Moon, the Night, of things dark and spooky and of mother fucking dreams is sitting in front of me!? Having a meal with me! I mean, this is a brony’s dream and I’m poking at little green blades of grass on a plate!

I could be asking so many questions, finding out the details about so many things, learning so much! I could ask... What could I ask here? I could ask anything! I could ask about my situation, about my curses, about if she’s seen anything like me! About her duties, about the winged thestrals that she uses to pull her chariots!


For some reason, like always, I feel like I should hold back. That and about half of those things actually deal with-

“Art thou sated or would you like to partake in some of the other fare that Equestria has to offer?” Luna asks.

I think about that question. “I’m ok for now, I had a few things at the party before.” Peering up, I can’t help what Luna is thinking about me. What questions are percolating in that mind of hers.


I straighten up and clear my throat. “Yeah?”

“What doth thou actually think of my sister?” Luna asks.

Boy, that’s a loaded question. “Uhm what do you mean, Princess?”

She takes a deep breath and looks away. “As I have said, my sister has grown... distant. When the time comes for her to raise the sun, she looks upon me not as if I were her sister, but as if she was looking at a distant memory. Perhaps it is the feelings of betrayal because I did not side with her in the matter of your issue-” she pauses.

“Perhaps it’s something else?” I ask, blinking.

“Perhaps or perhaps I am reading too far, ‘in between the lines.’ However,” Luna is looking at me with some desperation. “Like you, I wish to know what was going through my sisters mind the night of your arrival. Twilight has told me that before you arrived, you had grave concerns about how my sister would react. Given what you know-”

Please don’t ask how I know these things, please don’t ask how I know these things, please don’t-

“What doth thou think was going through my sisters mind?”

I swallow hard and count my blessings here. But now I have to address the question that the Princess just asked.


“I honestly don’t know. It all happened so fast and the whole of the moment was rather traumatic, what with your sister’s horn nearly up against my forehead,” Heartbreak replied, looking down at the table. “I... need more time.”

“We understand. As we said before, our therapy and coming to terms with what happened took more than a year. And for some ponies, particularly any who would have been in a situation as volatile and dangerous as yours,” Luna reached out again, “It would have been far longer.”

Heartbreak smiled, her hoof tentatively touching the Princess’s. “I just wish I had been wrong about your sister’s reaction.” Her eyes looked up sadly. “In those final moments before Twilight took me to meet her? I found myself questioning whether or not I was just poisoning my own well... But when I saw the look she was giving me-” she started to choke.

“Shhh, please. There is no reason to speak of such things at this moment,” Luna said comfortingly.

Heartbreak merely nodded and sniffed hard. “Like I said before, I am just glad that all of you were there to pull me out of the fire,” she said, smiling and rubbing her cheek.

Luna looked down and pulled her hoof away. “You thank us all to readily. Had my sister consulted me with all the facts regarding your situation? I too may have sided with her decision.”

“Oh,” Heartbreak’s expression blanched by the forward honesty.

“Do not think us cruel, dear H.B. Both my sister and I are dedicated to the protection and safety of Equestria. If a threat comes upon our land, it must be dealt with.” Luna explained, her words carrying a dark sadness to them.

“N-no, I get it. The safety of Equestria comes first,” Heartbreak could feel tears welling in her eyes. She bit her lip and fought her feelings. “Do you think I’m a threat, Princess?”

Luna shook her head. “Neigh, you yourself are not a threat to our land. The magics that have tainted your being if kept unchecked could be. Please, do not misunderstand us. We will do everything within our power that we are allowed to in order to help you to and on to the path of your recovery.” She frowned. “That is, everything that our sister will allow...”

Heartbreak blinked. “Everything that your sister will allow?”

“As mentioned before, this is part of the complicated politics that you spoke of. My sister charged Twilight and her friends to assist you.” She swallowed hard. “Not I.”

“Is...” Heartbreak sniffed hard and recomposed herself. “Is that why I haven’t seen you in my dreams?” Luna jumped a little at the mention of dreams. There were not too many that knew about her nightly visits through the realm of slumber. “Come on, Princess. There has to be a reason why you haven’t passed through my head.”

Luna finally nodded. “Tis true that my sister has forbade us from entering your dreaming world. However there is but another reason we have not attempted to do such.”

“When you say, ‘attempted,’ it almost sounds like you would have to actually work to get in my head,” Heartbreak replied, quirking an eyebrow.

“Your body maybe that of a pony, but your mind and the brain that houses it, appear to not be. We know this because we have seen the shadow it casts upon the dreamscape.” Luna replied as Heartbreak listened looking thoughtful. “There is also the matter of actually entering the Realm of Dreams. It is not as easy as walking through a doorway. Powerful magics must be learned, studied and applied. This is after all a realm created by the minds of all sleeping creatures. It is a... delicate place. ”

“Of course... One false move and you could drastically change the character of a sleeping pony?” Heartbreak asked inquisitively.

Luna nodded, slightly impressed by the mare’s intuition. “Each sleeping mind creates a small realm unto itself.”

“Like a miniature world that comes and goes with the rising and setting of the sun,” Heartbreak mused distantly.

“That is a rather poetic way of putting it, we suppose,” Luna replied.

“Fet... if that’s the case, then my, ‘dreamscape,’ must be a horrible tattered mess. Shattered, broken and twisted about.” She sighed looking depressed.

“That it is. Attempting to move through your dreams could cause you more harm than healing and could result in your mind being completely altered or wiped.” She looked at Heartbreak. A part of her wanted to cry out to her, comfort her and take her under her wing to lead her in this journey.

The tan mare stared in wide eyed fear. “Yeah, I think I would like to avoid any brain frying, please and thank you. Though...” Heartbreak paused. “I’ve been having... nightmares... And lots of them... A-a-and most of them involving your sister.”

"You wish to know if there is anything I can do to help with these things?”

“That doesn’t involve messing with my brain?” Heartbreak clasped her hat between her ankles and looked at the Princess pleadingly. And while the hat almost instantly fell down, the look’s effects sent their intended message.

Luna smiled. “My sister knows not what she speaks of. This Heartbreak has intuition about things that are normally quite beyond other ponies, is creative and possesses much talent, and if given the proper incentive?” She watched as Heartbreak attempted to reposition the hat back atop her head. “Can be trusting. Some negative traits may loom that she has not shown us. But-

Heartbreak jumped as a magic glow surrounded her hat and Luna placed it back on her head. She looked at the Princess and smiled nervously. “Thanks.”

There is hope,” She looked up at the clock on the wall and sighed a bit. Time was growing short, and so little had been spoken here. “We attempt to seek out any non-magical solutions that may be open to you, when we can. There are many duties we must perform as a Princess.”

“That’s understandable... Something wrong?” Heartbreak asked blinking.

“We must return to the auction soon,” Luna replied.

Heartbreak looked rather dismayed by this fact, her ears drooping down far enough, that not even a hat covering them could hide her emotions. “D-d-do we have to?”

“I fear that we must,” Luna replied, standing up. She fluffed out her wings and stretched a bit. “Come, your teacher Rarity is certainly awaiting our return.”

Heartbreak slurped what remained of her drink before getting up. She then proceeded to put her sketchbook back in her saddle bags. “Uhm, Princess? Would you mind giving me a h-hoof here? Putting these on is still kind of tricky for me.”

The Princess smiled. “We would not mind in the slightest, however,” she levitated the saddlebag over Heartbreak’s back and latched it in place. “We were wondering if thou would mind a physical therapist be assigned to thee? Least until you have grown accustomed more to your body?”

Heartbreak looked at Princess Luna questioningly. “It is a kind offer, Princess. But I would rather not. I mean I have walking almost down so I should be just fine. So... uhm thanks but no thanks?”

“Very well. Shall we be off then?”

Heartbreak rolled her eyes and sighed. “I guess.” She looked down for a moment. “Princess Luna?”

“Yes, H.B.?” Luna asked.

“Can... uhm... Can I look forward for more meetings like this in the future?”

Princess Luna smiled. “If that is what thou desires, then we shall attempt to find time within our schedules for such.” She paused. “And H.B.?”

Heartbreak turned and looked at the Princess. “Hmm?”

“Thou art welcome to address us as, ‘Luna,’ if so desired.”

Heartbreak replied with a large blush and a quiet, “Okay.”


I get to call her, ‘Luna.’

Shit, that means something. At least I think it does. Does it mean that she wants to know me on a more personal level? Cause if that’s the case, ugh... Or does it mean that she feels a connection to me? Or does it- Damn it brain. I don’t need to be stressing and over analyzing all this. Just be happy with what you had. Cause what you had here was a wonderful lunch with the Princess of the Night. And she’s said if she can make the time, more meetings.

I... think that’s something I would like.

I can’t tell Luna everything about where I’m from or who I am or the like. But we can share a few quiet moments and understandings. I sigh as we get back to the I.D.S. tower and remember that I will have to see Rarity again.

No! We are not going let that sour our mood! We’re in good with Luna! Let’s keep it that way!”

The loud, rapid voice of the auctioneer can be heard as we enter the I.D.S. tower and as the Princess and I walk into the auction room, I mull over the advice that has been given to me thus far. “Do more, be more open, go with the flow and all that jazz.” The thing that most people and apparently ponies don’t realize is that those things are easier said than done.

No wonder we didn’t see her for a whole season. The therapy bills for that sort of thing would have bought a trip to the moon and back!” Mentally, I snirk at the joke I made. I can only imagine what that was all like. Waking up from a nightmare you thought would never end, being welcomed back home and while your sister is ever so happy to see you again? There is still a look of sadness and disappointment in her eyes. Having to deal with being gone for a thousand years... All those that you called, ‘friend’ are gone and dead... “She knew that the advice she could give me would be pretty much the same as what the others have been telling me. That’s not the important thing here. The important thing here is that Luna understands. She’s been there, done that, and then got the t-shirt. She knows these things are easier said than done. But, if she can get through the pain, so can we. Just have to keep working through it.”

The stallion at the door looks at the both of us. He’s one of those snobby looking types with a well kept mane and a small black curly mustache. “Hmmm, Princess Luna and-”

He looks at me with scrutiny and then I realize that I should say my name. Yeah, H.B. You’re ever so classy. “Heartbreak... but I prefer H.B.”

“Hmmm, yes,” he says in a way that totally tells me that he really, really, really cares about what I like to be called. “Miss Heartbreak. Here are your bidding paddles, it is a silent auction, so please, do keep your voices down.” As Luna takes the paddles, I snicker quietly at the thought of telling her that she should keep her voice down.

Looking around the auction room, I attempt to find where Spike and Rarity are seated. I’m having a bit of difficulty seeing where they are due to the number of ponies that have gathered here. There are four blocks of sitting pillows, in which there are - one, two, three, four, five, six- Six rows of pillows per block.

Princess Luna must have keener eyes than mine because she almost spots them a few moments after looking around. “Please, come this way, H.B.”

As we walk down the rows I can hear whispers coming from the bidders. Fuck, I seriously don’t want to have a panic attack due to the fact that I am walking with the Princess!

Just then I hear a voice that I recognize.

“What’s she doing here?” Comes the snobby whispering of Prince Blueblood. Crap. I almost turn my head to look at him. But then I get a nudge from Luna as we turn down one of the rows and to the waiting empty pillows near Spike and Rarity.


Rarity smiled as Heartbreak and Princess Luna finally joined them.

“Princess,” Heartbreak looked up at Luna. “Uhm, just wondering, and no offense by this, but why are you here? I mean at the auction?”

“There is no offense taken by your question, H.B.,” Luna replied. “We actually attend many auctions, as a thousand years passed for Equestria, a few of our possessions have fallen into the care of other ponies. We like to bid on said items.” She bent down and began to whisper in Heartbreak’s ear. “It gives us a positive reputation among our subjects and can be quite entertaining. One can never quite know what they will find at these auctions. Tis quite the game.”

Spike looked over at Heartbreak. “Hey H.B.! You’ll never guess what’s on the auction block!”

Heartbreak took a deep breath as she sat down. “It isn’t a robot monkey helper is it?”

Spike blinked and then looked back at the list of things that were up for bid. “Uhm... No, but that might be useful come to think about it.”

“I was kidding, Spike,” Heartbreak replied. “So, what exactly is it that is on the list?”

“Well there are a few houses on the list that are actually in the Ponyville area,” Spike replied.

Heartbreak let out a quiet chuckle. “Of course there would be. Any in my price range? And anything else good?”

“Well, there were two houses that were in your price range, darling,” Rarity interjected. “Sadly, the first one was already sold. Along with a few items that I think you could have used. Some clothing, a drawing table or two, but nothing else that was noteworthy.”

Spike blinked and looked up at Rarity. “Wait, didn’t you-”

“Spike!” Rarity looked deeply into the dragon’s eyes. “Do you happen to know when the next house is coming up on the lot?”

Spike looked flustered for a moment before checking the list. “Uuuhm, It should be coming up after this wagon that’s up!”

The auctioneer made his last calls for the wagon which was going for three hundred bits.

“Once! Twice! Sold to the dusty blue filly in square one, row three!” He cleared his throat. “Up next is this fine little abode that is set in idealist Ponyville! It has been recently renovated, recently updated and comes with all the basic standard modern conveniences! It is in near trotting distance from places like Sugar Cube Corner and Golden Oaks Library, this cozy little home is perfect for families with little ones! We’ll start the bidding at one-hundred bits!”

Heartbreak looked taken back. “One hundred bits? That sounds pretty cheap.”

“That’s actually pretty standard for a home that size, darling. Just look at the picture,” Rarity said pointing at the picture on the stage.

Heartbreak stared at the picture. “You’ve got to be kidding me, Rarity. That looks like any standard home in Ponyville. Are you telling me that-”

“And-I-have-one-hundred! Do-I-have-one-ten? One-ten?” The Auctioneer began.

“H.B.! Now’s your chance! Your paddle!” Rarity whisper-shouted.

“Huh? Oh, right.” Heartbreak picked up the paddle in her mouth and raised it the best she could.

“I-hear-one-ten! Do-I-hear-one-twenty!” The auctioneer pointed at a small couple in the front row. “I-hear-one-twenty! Do-I-hear-one-thirty?” Rarity eyed Heartbreak who only seemed to chew on her paddle and then raised it up in the air again. “I-see-one-thirty-from-the-tan-mare-with-the-blue-eyes-in-square-three-seated-next-to-the-Princess!” Heartbreak face hoofed and sighed as a few bidders turned their heads. “Do-I-hear-one-forty? One-forty?”

The couple in the front row looked at each other and nodded before raising their paddle again.

“One-forty-for-this-ideal-starting-home! Do-hear-one-fifty? One-fifty?”

Rarity poked at Heartbreak, causing her to flinch “Rarity! That’s all the bits I have!”

“And that’s all the bits you need, I’m sure!” Rarity whispered out.

Heartbreak frowned and reluctantly raised her paddle once more.

“I-see-one-fifty-from-the-mare-in-square-three-again! Do-I-hear-one-sixty! One-sixty?” The couple in front looked as if they were talking something over. But then once again agreed. They slowly raised their paddle.

“I-see-one-sixty! Do-I-hear-one-seventy! One-seventy!”

“Guess I’m out...” Heartbreak said dismayed.

“That’s only twenty bits over what you have, darling!” Rarity pointed out. “I could easily spot you some quick cash!”

“Yeah, you shouldn’t give up yet!” Spike added cheerfully trying to get Heartbreak more enthusiastic about bidding on the house.

Heartbreak closed her eyes and bit down hard on the paddle’s handle. “Ffffine...” She raised it again.

“I-hear-one-seventy! Do-I-hear-one-eighty! One-eighty!?” The couple looked at each other and snorted. The colt raising his paddle once more in verdant determination and defiance.

“Come on, H.B. You can outbid him!” Spike said cheering her on quietly.

Heartbreak looked almost pained as she slowly lifted the paddle once more. “I’m really getting out of my comfort zone as far as money goes, you two.”

“One-eighty! Do-I-hear-one-ninety? One-ninety!”

The colt in front raised his paddle up high and shouted “Two Hundred Bits!” Just then a small bundle of something that the mare was holding started to cry.

“I would like to kindly remind the enthusiastic gentlecolt and his family that this is a silent auction, and that we would like to keep the noise down to a minimal. However, the bid was made and the bar is now at two-hundred bits! So-then-I-have-two-hundred-bits! Two-hundred-bits! Do-I-hear-two-ten?”

Rarity eyed Heartbreak who looked as if she was actually considering the situation before her. “I don’t see how she can remain so... indifferent about this! Can’t she see that this is her chance at a home!?” “H.B.!”

Heartbreak finally shook her head and spat the paddle out. “No. Not going to do it, Rarity.”

“What? You’re giving up already? Darling! This is your chance at getting a house!” Rarity said pleadingly.

“Rarity, this is well out of my price range! I only have one hundred and fifty bits!” Heartbreak seethed at the white unicorn.

“That’s only sixty bits under! I said that you could borrow from me!” Rarity said in a faux laugh before raising Heartbreak’s paddle.

“Two-Ten! Do-I-hear-two-twenty?”

The colt up front looked determined get his little mare and foal a house more than ever now. He quickly raised his paddle. “Two-Twenty! Do-I-hear-two-forty? Two-forty-for-this-fine-house?”

“I don’t want to borrow that much from you, Rarity! That means I’ll be indebted to you!” Heartbreak hissed and grabbed her paddle trying to tug it down from the air.

“You can pay it back to me via chores and maybe even modeling for some of my dresses!” Rarity replied, fighting Heartbreak over the paddle. The paddle raised just enough in the air for the auctioneer to notice.

“Two-forty! Do-I-hear-two-fifty?”

The colt in front looked sadly at his mare and bit down on his lip. A small conversation between them took place as she tried to rock their foal back to sleep. He slowly raised his paddle.

“Two-fifty! Do-I-hear-two-sixty!?”

Rarity wrestled the paddle away from Heartbreak and attempted to raise it up in the air again. Just as she was about to raise the bid again, Heartbreak made a flying leap and grabbed the floating paddle out of the air before letting gravity pull her down unceremoniously. “I said NO!”

The auctioneer banged his gavel down. “I know things are getting heated, but if the two mares in back can not control themselves, Princess or not, we will have to escort you out!”

Heartbreak quickly sat down on her paddle. “Hear that, Rarity?”

“Now where was I? Oh yes, Two-sixty? Two-sixty!” He looked in the back at Heartbreak who only shook her head. “Two-fifty-it-is! Two-fifty going once! Two-fifty going twice!” He pointed his gavel up again. “Are you sure there, miss?” His only reply was an eye twitch and a nod. “In that case! Sold to the blue colt and his lovely mare in square number one, front row for two-hundred and fifty bits!”


“Let’s take a small five minute break before we get to our final ten items up on the lot!” The auctioneer announces.

Ugh! I can’t believe Rarity did that! I know getting a home is important, but for fuck’s sake!

Rarity glares at me. “I would have lent you the money, H.B.!”

“I already told you that I don’t want to be indebted to you, Rarity,” I reply as some of the bidders, including the family that I had just been bidding against get up to leave. “Plus I don’t wear dresses. Even if it’s for modeling.”

“Is that the reason you didn’t bid any higher?” Rarity asks me tearfully. “Are you really that against dresses?”

Just then the husband and wife couple walk by us. All the ponies who have been walking by have been making light bows in respect to the princess. After the two of them bow to the Princess, the blue colt looks up at me.

“Boy, you gave us quite the run for our money there, Miss,” his accent coming in loud and clear.

“Heartbreak, my name is Heartbreak. But please, call me, ‘H.B.’” I reply. “I-I didn’t mean to. Are you going to be alright money wise?”

“Well, nice to meet you, H.B. Name’s Ole and this here is my wife Lena, and that there is li’ Ogla,” He nods at the Princess again. “Princess. We’re gonna have to do a little scraping and the like, but we’ve got some friends and family to help us out. It’ll be tight for a while, but... we’ll make do. From what I hear, Ponyville is full of nice folk.”

“That it is...” Fuck... Fuck you moral dilemma... “You two have a good day.”

“Oh, we will! And best of luck ta ya!” He says as he walks by. Rarity looks at me in a confused manner before Luna speaks.

“Spike, would you be so kind as to escort us to the local snacking vender? We had a considerably light breakfast.”

“Uh... Yeah! Do you two want anything while we’re away?” He asks.

“Can I get a soda and some popcorn?” Mmm, popcorn. I wonder if they have any here. I didn’t even think that there was a snacking ven- oh... That’s the not so subtle cue that the Princess wants Rarity and I to be alone... to talk. Fun.

I am quietly contemplating what I should tell Rarity. That stupid little fight over the first thing that I was bidding on makes me want to chew her out something fierce, but at the same time... Luna is still here. Alright, I’ve thought about it enough.

“There are many reasons why I didn’t go any higher. One of them being the fact that after I said, ‘Enough is enough,’ you kept pushing to the point where I was very uncomfortable.” Alright, remember that this is Rarity. In Rarity’s mind’s eye, I’m sure she felt that she was doing me a favor. “The real reason that I didn’t go any higher just walked by. Yes, getting a house is important. However, that small family needs a house more than I do. I didn’t feel right pushing them to the screws just so that I could have a house.” I take a deep breath. “The dress thing was just a minor bit of icing on the cake.” Good fucking gods that took a lot of effort to say as calmly as I could. I hope she got the message.

Author's Note:

No art with this chapter, the next chapter will be out soon for those who feel the plot isn't moving quick enough.