• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 4,908 Views, 1,866 Comments

House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

  • ...

Flawed Diamond Hearts

Chapter 39

Flawed Diamond Hearts

“Can we go anywhere we want to?” Scootaloo asked, tapping her chin as the five ponies made their way back to Ponyville.

“Anywhere that has decent food,” Heartbreak replied, rubbing her temples. “I don’t know about any of you, but I need some chocolate...”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I could go for a little light chocolate something as well...”

Heartbreak blinked. “Just a light chocolate something?”

“Well after something like that...” Rarity pondered, her mind calculating calories. “I suppose I could forego my normal diet this once.”

Heartbreak rolled her eyes. “So what about it, girls?”

The three fillies looked up at Heartbreak with big eyes. “Could we go to the new malt shop?!”

“There’s a new malt shop?” she asked. “Doesn’t Sugar Cube sell malts and shakes too?”

“They do. However,” Rarity said off to the side. “The malt shop also has sandwiches and other non-sugary food stuffs. Unless you want hyperactive fillies again.”

“Right! Malt shop it is!” Heartbreak replied, remembering what happened the day before.

“Yaaay!” The three fillies shouted as they jetted by.

Rarity smiled, as her sister and her friends seemed completely unfazed by the crass and uncouth behavior of the construction workers earlier. "H.B., a word?"

Heartbreak looked like she was fighting the urge to sigh and roll her eyes. "I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?"

“What?” Rarity blinked and shook her head. "Oh, no, no, no. If anything it was I who did something wrong.” Heartbreak quirked an eyebrow. “I just thought that I would like to apologize for not believing you in regards to 'Narrow' Beam."

"Oh, uhm... don’t think anything of it Rarity,” she replied looking to her left. “It’s done and over with, and now it’s his boss’s problem.”

Rarity waved her hoof and gave an apologetic smile. “Still, I feel awful about the whole ordeal! No lady-” Heartbreak cleared her throat. “-I mean, nopony should ever have to deal with something like that.” She took a deep breath. “And I want to do something to make up for it.”

“You don’t have to do anything, Rarity,” Heartbreak replied, rolling her neck. Her face twisted momentarily as several cracks were produced. “I mean, I would do the same thing if our roles were reversed...”

“Be that as it may, I still would like to make you something,” Rarity fought the urge to comment on the horrible cracking noises.

“You know that I don’t do dresses-” Heartbreak began.

“Darling! We’ve been-” Rarity paused and rolled her hoof. “I’m not terribly sure what we’d call what we’ve been doing in the time that we’ve been together.”

“I think you would call it ‘being tutored,’ but fet if I know what we’d call it,” Heartbreak replied, rolling her eyes.

“‘Tutoring’ is as good a word as any, I suppose,” Rarity said, shaking her head. “But I am getting off topic. I’m a seamstress! I can make far more than just dresses!”

“Or blouses?” Heartbreak replied, watching the antics of the Crusaders in front of them.

“Hurry up, you slow pokes!” Scootaloo shouted, spinning on her scooter.

“Or blouses...” Rarity sighed, mentally counting her hoofsteps. “I could make a shirt, or some leggings, or a hat! You really seem to like those, or-”

“Pants,” Heartbreak said abruptly.

Rarity stopped and blinked in stunned confusion as Heartbreak kept walking. “Pants?”

“And few extra pairs of overwear would be a good idea too,” Heartbreak replied, nodding thoughtfully. “But yes. After what happened, I want a pair of pants.”

Rarity trotted quickly to catch up with the tan mare. “Pants?”

Heartbreak frowned. “Yes, Rarity. Simple, black pants.”

“S-simple black pants?” Rarity asked, looking confused once again.

“Please don’t make too much of deal about this, Rarity. Yes, simple black denim pants,” Heartbreak replied, rolling her eyes at the thought of explaining herself further. “No fancy designs, no embroidery, or differing colors. Just black, simple, loose-fitting pants.”

Rarity’s inner fashionista twitched and squirmed about as she heard the constraints she was put under. She swallowed hard and nodded.

“But, you don’t have to make me anything-”

“No, no, no! I want to!” Rarity replied, shaking her head. “Tell you what. If you take the girls to the malt shop, I’ll go back to my boutique and pick up some supplies! I did some poking upstairs, before the construction crew arrived, and found a quaint little sewing corner off of the master bedroom.”

“Huh. I guess if somep-pony is going to use it, it might as well be you, because like fet am I going to be using it. In fact, seeing as you are making these pants for me, if anything up there catches your eye? You can pretty much have it. Just remember to ask first,” Heartbreak said, eyeing Rarity.

“Hmmm?” Rarity asked, sizing up Heartbreak’s flank. “Oh, yes. Sorry, I was just trying to figure out a way for you to be able to put on said pants without the assistance of somepony else around.”

“I said-” Heartbreak started.

“Hey! Are ya two gonna keep gabbin’ back there?” Apple Bloom shouted.

“Yeah! I’d like to make it to the malt shop while we’re still young, already!” Scootaloo snarked.

Rarity frowned indignantly, but Heartbreak smirked at their commentary. “Never mind, I guess we should get our rumps in gear, lest the three of them starve to death.”


I really don’t like the feeling of not being understood.

When I was young, my dad told me that I would mutter or talk so low he couldn’t hear me. His common catch phrase was either ‘Stop muttering!’ or ‘Speak up!’ - among other unpleasantries.

My mother, on the other side of the fence, kept thinking I was using words wrong. I would say something with big words in the mix, and she thought I was just doing it to sound smart. Secretly, I thought she just didn’t want to improve her vocabulary. I’m sure the seeds of this little hatred of being unable to communicate my words, ideas, and feelings developed between the two of them. Ugh, I really have a lot of negative thoughts about my parents. I mean, dad did work in an industrial job. And mom wasn’t too bright sometimes.

I think that what got me in a snit about this is that I offered Rarity anything up in that damn sewing room and it was like she completely brushed it off. She’s meant to be teaching me about ‘generosity.’ I try to do something that I consider generous, and she gives me the brush off.

“Calm down, H.B. She was thinking about ways to help you by designing pants that you can put on and take off without help. That’s something, right?” Turning to my left, I realize I’ve spaced out and Rarity is asking me a question. Fuck...

“Are you sure you don’t want anything fancy, H.B. darling? Because if I could just add a belt or strap or the like, you could pull them up with your mouth!”

“Huh? Oh, right. I suppose that might work.” An idea passes through my head. “Or you could make loops that go around my ankles. I mean, I can use cider steins just fine. It’s just the hoof itself that doesn’t work.”

“Your hooves don’t work?” Sweetie Belle asks. “What do you mean?”

Fuck. How the hell could I forget that these three were with us? I mean, seriously, H.B.! Three loud fillies?! How could you have missed that?!

“She’s got what A.J. called ‘shaky-hoof!’” Apple Bloom explains.

Scootaloo stops and looks at me worriedly. “What’s ‘shaky-hoof?’”

“You know how most p-ponies can pick things up with their hooves and balance stuff on them?” Alright, let’s make this sound like an actual medical condition, H.B. The three of them nod their heads.

“You mean like this?” Scootaloo takes off her helmet and balances it on her hoof. Thanks for rubbing it my face, kid. I think I liked you more when you were on the show acting like this to others, rather than right up in my face, thank you very much.

“Yes. Exactly like that. My hooves don’t do that,” I reply, spying the malt shop sign coming into view. It looks like an outline of a mare in a poodle dress dancing with a stallion done up in a fifties motif. In the middle of this cutout is a malt shake. “Geez, they really seem to have gone all-out with this place.”

“Is it contagious?” Scootaloo asks, looking a bit more concerned.

“No, it’s not. It’s just something I was-” I cough as Rarity taps my shoulder. “-something I was born with.”

“Alright, we’ll part ways here, darling.” She peers over my shoulder. “Are you sure you can handle these three?” Crap, I forgot Rarity was leaving me alone with them.

“Uhm...” I begin. “Well...”

“I’ll only be gone for a few minutes, I promise!” Rarity says, fluttering her eyelashes.

“Yeah, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” I give a faux smile to the girls. “As long as we all behave, right?” The three of them pull the same stunt they did when Fluttershy said she could watch them, suddenly falling into line and giving big smiles. I swear I can see the halos appear over their heads.

“You can count on us to look after her, sis!” Sweetie Belle chimes in.

“Wait, what?” I turn to confront Rarity about Sweetie Belle’s implications, but she’s already out of speaking range, and the three of them are looking at me with hungry eyes.

“So, I guess we ought to get to... you know... ordering food and stuff...” I push the door in and then hold it open with my back hoof. I guess I could hold it open with my butt, or flank, or whatever. But then again I told them that I have scars there. It’s the little things they’ll notice if I’m not careful. “Sweetie Belle?”


“What did you mean by what you just said to your sister?” Great, I can see the setup for the joke now. Rarity is explaining to her sister that I need watching out for.

“Oh! She said that if she needed to go anywhere, we could take her place in being your retinue!” Sweetie Belle replies. Alright, that was unexpected. I’ve got to say at least she is really taking to the persona that we’ve set ourselves up with.
The four of us file into a table. Four months of moving in and out of seats and I think I’ve almost got the hang of this. But just to be sure, I let them go in first. Looking across from me as I sit down, I see Apple Bloom’s bright and curious looking face.

“Sooo...” Great, I feel awkward. The last time I was trusted to supervise someone young, I ended up getting yelled at for abandoning them with what A.J. considered to be untrustworthy characters. “What would you girls like to eat?”


“Hot dogs!” Scootaloo shouted, only briefly looking at the colorful menu.

“They got corn dogs too, Scoots! An’ everythin’ comes with heaps of fries!” Apple Bloom said, pointing out the pictures.

Sweetie Belle looked thoughtfully at her menu. “Rarity would most likely have a salad and a diet soda.”

Heartbreak quirked an eyebrow. “Well, good thing you aren’t Rarity, right?”

Sweetie Belle blinked. “Yeah, because I’m tempted to try the chili-cheese fries!”

“Ooo, now that’s new! Well, new for you,” Scootaloo said, smirking. “Though if you were really daring? You’d add extra fried onions!”

Heartbreak mmm’ed. “That actually does sounds pretty good...”

Sweetie Belle grimaced. “Are you kidding me? I’d be squeaking for three whole days! Rarity would be furious with me!”

“Why? You squeak all the time, Sweetie Belle,” Heartbreak interjected, as she blinked in confusion.

“What?! I do not!” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

Heartbreak bit her lower lip, and her ears drooped. “I... I didn’t mean it as a bad thing. A filly your age is going to have a voice that goes up and down in pitch from time to time.”

The Crusaders looked at each other, and one by one, they started to snicker. First Scootaloo, then Apple Bloom, and finally Sweetie Belle joined just in time for the three to burst out into a merciless onslaught of laughter.

Heartbreak's face took a horrified expression, and she held up a hoof. Her mouth opened and closed, then she rolled her eyes and face-hoofed. “I just made an idiot of myself, didn’t I?”

“N-n-n-no!” Scootaloo replied between gasping laughter.

“It’s j-j-just!” Apple Bloom fought to spit out.

Sweetie Belle giggled and snickered. “Can you imagine how horrible it would be coming out that end?!”

Heartbreak grimaced, letting out a groan. “Are you three talking about what I think you are? Cause if so, I’m going to apologize and blame it on me being foreign.” The three paused briefly before bursting back into riotous laughter. She sighed, before an idea brought a smirk to her lips. “I‘m at the tail end of this joke, aren’t I?”

The three little fillies soon laughed themselves under the table.

“Oh! Ouch! My siiiiides!” Scootaloo whimpered as she smiled.

“Oh come on.” Heartbreak protested. “It wasn’t that funny.”

Sweetie Belle pulled herself up and crawled back into her seat next to the tan mare. “Rarity would never make such an off-color joke!”

Apple Bloom snirked and tried to gather her senses. “Neither would Applejack!”

“Face it girls, most of the adults wouldn’t make that joke,” Scootaloo said between a final gaff.

“What about Pinkie Pie? I think she’s made a joke about squeaking!” Sweetie Belle protested.

“Uhm, just to be clear - and I know I am risking more laughter - we are talking about passing gas, right?” Heartbreak asked, clearing her throat. A mild after-chuckle came from the group.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo replied.

Just then the waitress came up to the table, dressed in a poodle skirt and smacking gum.

“So,” she asked between smacks of her gum, “what would you like to order?”


The four ponies smiled as the waitress returned with their orders.

“Here ya go. Three chocolate malts, a strawberry shake, three orders of fries, one chili-cheese fries, two hotdogs, and one burger. I got everything, right?” She paused and looked over the list. “Right?”

“Right,” Heartbreak replied, licking her lips at the chili-cheese fries placed before her.

“Well, if you need anything more, just call. You four happened to catch us just before the dinner rush, so things should be pretty quiet,” she said, smacking her gum and walking away from the table.

“Dig in, girls!” Heartbreak said, lowering her head to munch on the fries. “Oy!” she cried after the first bite.

Apple Bloom jumped. “Are ya alright there, Miss H.B.?”

Heartbreak put her tongue against the cold malt. “Ust ‘ot,” she replied awkwardly.

“Huh?” Scootaloo asked, between bites of her own fries.

“Please don’t call me ‘Miss,’ Apple Bloom. Just H.B. is fine.” Heartbreak pulled away. “I said that they were hot. Didn’t expect that.” She frowned, and blew over her plate before making another attempt. “At least we know that the food is fresh, eh?”

“You know it!” Scootaloo said, with a mouthful of fries.

Heartbreak cocked her head, staring at Sweetie Belle's burger as the filly ate. The little unicorn blinked and her eyes darted back and forth between burger and the mare. “Is there something wrong?” she asked.

“Uhm, no... I was just trying to figure out what a ‘burger’ is made of,” Heartbreak said coughing. “I’m foreign.”

“Ah think it’s mostly...” Apple Bloom scratched her head while chewing on a bit of her hot dog. “What’s it called... soy! Soy and mushroom, ah think. It all depends on the burger.”

“Oh,” Heartbreak replied, looking thoughtful.

“Why?” Scootaloo asked, picking up a wad of fries on her hoof before gobbling them down. “What are burgers made of where you’re from?” bits of fry were spat on the table as she spoke, and Heartbreak looked a little grossed out.

“I know I’m not Rarity,” Heartbreak began as she eyed the food particles, “but could you three not talk with your mouths full?”

Scootaloo glanced between the table and the mare next to her. She let out a nervous chuckle before taking a napkin and cleaning up her mess.

“Thank you,” Heartbreak eyed her fries and took a deep breath. “I’m not really big on ma-ma-anners-”

“Don’t you mean manners?’” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Uhm, I have a slight... speech impediment,” Heartbreak replied, rolling her eyes and taking a large bite of her now cooled fries. “Mmm, these are awesome.”

“What’s it like where you’re from?” Scootaloo asked.

Heartbreak pulled her malt in front of her and started to lick it. “It’s not terribly interesting. Lots of ice and snow, really hot during the summer months.”

“Cousin Crab Apple-” Apple Bloom began.

“Dib,” Heartbreak corrected, licking some malt of her snout.

“Riiiight,” Apple Bloom continued. “He said that there were like strange monsters up there like the luuta - uhm... luta-”

“Lutefisk,” Heartbreak said, smiling a bit. “Yeah, we have some rather weird things, what with all the ice and snow.”

“I bet it makes for some awesome snow sports!” Scootaloo said excitedly. “Snowboarding and skiing are my favorite parts of winter!” She turned and looked at Heartbreak. “Did you do any of that?”

Heartbreak paused her eating, and once again wiped her mouth. “I’m not really the sporty kind of p-p-pony, Scootaloo.”

“Ya did at least play in the snow, right?” Apple Bloom asked, tilting her head.

“Yeah, I had lots of fun when I was younger,” Heartbreak took a large slurp of her malt. “Mmmm! This is like drinking a sundae!” And just then, her face scrunched up and she put her hooves on her forehead. “With the ice headache, to boot! Ouch!” She squeaked and covered her face. The girls giggled at Heartbreak’s momentary suffering. “Ooooouch...”

“Are you alright?” Sweetie Belle attempted to ask sympathetically.

“Yeah,” Heartbreak pressed on her temples for a moment, then shook her head. “But, of course I played in the snow. I’d make snow-” she paused and rubbed her temples again. “-ponies. And have snowball fights. It was harder for me because of my hoof condition, but there was this one time...” She smiled as her mind wandered down memory lane. “Right, see my sister was just laying in the snow-”

“You have a sister?” Sweetie Belle asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

“Uhm, yes. We didn’t get along too well. But my sister was just laying on her back in the snow-” Heartbreak continued.

“Sometimes me and Rarity don’t get along,” Sweetie Belle interrupted again.

Heartbreak chuckled. “Yeah... siblings are like that. But, so there she was-”

“What’s yer sister’s name?” Apple Bloom asked, tilting her head.

Heartbreak paused and bit her lower lip. “Mary Jane,” she finally said. “Right, so Mary Jane-”

“Mary Jane? That’s a weird name,” Scootaloo interrupted. Heartbreak glared a bit at the filly across the table. She gave an apologetic look. “Sorry, continue with your story.”

Heartbreak put her hooves out in front of her. “Thank you, right, so there she was just staring up at the snow. It was one of those quiet moments were the snow was just falling. There are like no pegasi up in the Great White of Minneighsota, so when the snow falls? It just falls. No direction or anything.”

“No pegasi?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah... Tribal stuff that happened a long time ago,” Heartbreak tapped her hoof on the table. “But anyway, I had made a snowball, something of a difficult task for me. But there she was just laying there. Her nose pointed upwards, her mane covering her eyes. I calculated what arc I would need to hit her face just right if I wanted to make it look like the snowball came out of no where.” She picked the salt and pepper shakers up with her mouth and set them in front of her. “So, I tossed it up right into the air, and boomph! Right in the kisser!” She let out a small bit of laughter followed by a listless sigh.

“Somethin’ wrong there, mi- er, Ah mean H.B.?” Apple Bloom asked.

Heartbreak coughed. “Nothing that you girls should worry about. Just wishing I got along better with my family members before I left is all.”

“Why did you leave?” Scootaloo asked taking another bite of her fries.

“Oh, hey,” Heartbreak said, coughing and looking at her empty chocolate malt glass. “I appear to be on empty. I’m going to go see if I can get another.”

Scootaloo’s ears drooped as Heartbreak scooted out of her seat and walked over to the counter. “Was it something I said?” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom rubbed their necks awkwardly.

“Maybe?” Sweetie Belle said, avoiding eye contact.

Apple Bloom scratched the side of her face. “Ah think it was the whole talk about where she’s from, Scoots. A.J. said somethin’ about there not bein’ a way back? But ah’m not too sure.”

Scootaloo’s coughed nervously. “Yeah... I guess bringing all that might have been a touch-”

“Well, if it isn’t the Blank Flank Brigade!” Diamond Tiara said, walking up to the table. “What are you three doing here?” The three fillies groaned and rolled their eyes.

“We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Apple Bloom protested. “An if ya have ta know, we’re eatin’ our lunch!”

“Yeah, what else would we be doing here?” Scootaloo remarked snidely.

“Where’s Silver Spoon?” Sweetie Belle asked, innocently. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at their friend as if to silently ask ‘why would you care?’ “What? I thought those two were inseparable!”

“Well, if you have to know, Silver Spoon is off with her family, managing the prestigious silverware company annual ‘meet and greet!’” Diamond Tiara tossed her mane with her hoof, and smirked. “Though I’m sure you three wouldn’t have any idea about that.”

“What are you doing here?” Scootaloo asked in a gruff manner that suggested that she wanted the snide little pain in her side to go take a flying leap.

“Well, if you three have to know, I did so well on Cheerilee's final test that Daddy decided to take me out to lunch.”

“Wasn’t Cheerilee’s final test three weeks ago?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking disinterested in what the prissy little filly had to say.

Diamond Tiara tsked. “Well, Daddy has been busy with his job! It's a lot of work being one of the richest ponies in this backwater town.”

“Hey now!” Apple Bloom began.

“And just who brought you three here anyway? I don’t see any of your sisters here, and I know for a fact that none of you could possibly afford all that food by yourselves!” Diamond said accusingly.

“If ya gotta know, even if it ain’t any of yer business, we happen to be here with that mare over there!” Apple Bloom retorted, angrily pointing out Heartbreak. Diamond Tiara grinned to see who would actually hang with the likes of these three.

“You’re actually spending time with her?” she asked, her grin disappearing and being replaced by a gag.

“Yeah, what about it?” Scootaloo asked frowning.

“Well, I guess that you three losers are just keeping up with your record!” Diamond Tiara sang.

“And what record is that?” Scootaloo asked gruffly.

Diamond Tiara tsked and gasped in a fake shock. “Why, the record amount of time spent in the presence of that kind of mare!” She said, eyeing Heartbreak over her shoulder. The three fillies expressions dropped almost in unison before their eyes rolled together.

“And just what kind of mare is she?” Scootaloo asked, her face starting to twitch.

“Well for starters, the weird kind!” Diamond Tiara gave shudder and pointed at her hoof. “You do realize that she has a hole in her hoof, right?”

“I also hear that she has impeccable timing, and very sharp hearing.” Diamond Tiara felt a dark shadow cover her as an irritated voice came from behind the little pink filly. Turning around, she found herself face to face with the mare she was just talking about. “Excuse me, I’d like to get back to my seat.”

Diamond Tiara blinked and stood dumbfounded in front of the mare. Heartbreak frowned, then proceeded to inspect the filly’s ears. “W-w-what are you doing?”

“Well, seeing as you weren’t moving, and it’s kinda hard for me to step over you so I can get back to my seat, I just wanted to make sure you heard me,” Heartbreak replied, taking a deep breath and tsking. Diamond Tiara’s confusion persisted.


“I was checking if your ears were clean,” Heartbreak explained. “and since they are, I can only assume you did indeed hear me. So, you mind moving out of the way so I can, ya’know, get back to my seat? Please?”

The pink little filly scooted away, her eyes locked on Heartbreak in confusion and worry. The dumbfounded expression persisted as she watched the mare waggle her way awkwardly back into her seat.

After she was seated properly, Heartbreak realized that the little filly was still standing near the table. She turned and frowned at the intruder. “Can I help you with something?” She asked after a few moments of the filly’s slack-jawed silence. “Because, if you haven’t noticed, my guests and I are trying to have a pleasant meal. Your persistent presence is inhibiting that.”

Diamond Tiara shook her head from the confusion as she recognized the tone that she was being addressed in. “Ugh! Don’t you know who I am?!” she protested. Her face scrunched up and she glared at the four.

Heartbreak sighed and took a deep breath. She held up a hoof, opened and closed her mouth, and tapped her chin. “Hmmm... uhm... somep-p-pony that is interrupting our meal and causing our food to get cold?”

“No! I’m-” She began her brow furrowing further.

“Diamond Dazzle Tiara?” Heartbreak asked as she neutrally as she could before picking up a fry and munching on it. The little filly’s mouth dropped open again. “I overheard your father mention your name at the table he was sitting at,” she said, once again pointing out the table where Filthy Rich was seated. “Maybe you ought to go join him.”

“F-f-fine! Be that way! I don't need my perfect reputation tarnished, anyway!" she responded, turning her head indignantly.

“We didn’t ask ya ta be here anyway!” Apple Bloom said, slamming her hooves on the table.

Diamond Tiara turned and stuck her little tongue out at the group. “You’re just lucky that I even walked by your table!” she said in a huffy voice.

“Lucky doesn’t even describe it,” Scootaloo muttered. “If I had half a mind-”

“You’re lucky to even have that!"

“Now, girls, don’t be too hard on- it was Diamond Tiara, right? I didn’t quite get an answer when I asked,” Heartbreak asked. “But you shouldn’t be too hard on her. I mean, it’s not every day that you meet a pony whose special talent is-” she suddenly stopped mid sentence and peered at the youngster’s flank, while tilting her head in confusion. “-uhm... Jewelry?”

Diamond Tiara’s face scrunched again as she gasped. “No!”

Apple Bloom blinked. “Ya know... Ah remember when ya earned yer cutie mark.” She tapped her chin frowning. “But, ah can’t remember what it was fer...”

Scootaloo quirked an eye. “Yeah, now that you mention it, neither can I...” Sweetie Belle’s head tilted.

“I don’t think any of us actually bothered to ask, but...” She paused, grimacing at the very notion that the thought had never crossed her mind. “What is your special talent?”

Diamond Tiara started to eye her flank worriedly. “Uhm, well...”

“You’ll have to forgive me for asking. You see, where I’m from, cutie marks aren’t so -” Heartbreak’s eyes narrowed as she looked at the young filly and a small, sly grin made its way to her face. “-abstract. Being from a land of ice and snow, most often the talent pool involves such things. In fact, my mark is the most abstract that any p-p-pony up there has seen. But please, don’t be embarrassed.” She rested her chin on her hoof. “We won’t judge...”

The little pink filly began to panic, and felt as if she was surrounded by a long procession of very hungry-looking cats. Her hooves began to clatter backwards, and she had to take a deep breath to regain her composure.

“Hmph! If you weirdos can’t see how obvious, or even what, my special talent is,” she turned her nose up into the air and snorted, “then I don’t see any reason to tell you! Now, if you all will excuse me, I’m going to go have lunch with my father!” With that, she hmphed once again and turned around.

“There’s no need to get offended. After all, it was just a question. But, a little food for thought before you go...” Heartbreak’s words caused Diamond Tiara to pause for a moment. “Maybe you ought to be nicer to Apple Bloom and her friends. After all, if I know my Ponyville history, it was her family that was responsible for your current family fortune.”

The twitch that ran through the little filly’s body was visible, even though she had her back turned to the other four ponies. Quickly, she trotted off back to where her father was sitting and tugged on his shoulder, trying to get his attention.

“Not right now, Diamond. Daddy has to close this deal,” came his reply.


I took way more joy in that than I should have. Wait, didn’t I have that thought before? I grimace and glare over at where Diamond Tiara is sitting. Fuck, this is turning into a pattern of behavior - a pattern of behavior whose set pieces are growing stale.

Yet, there is a part of me that is glowing at the prospect of telling this character off like that, asking her the serious and pointed questions none of these ponies ever seemed to ask. Either the writers never thought about the reasons behind their actions, or they didn’t think it was something that should be covered in a show for little girls.

This was even more true after Faust left. For a while, characters became more like puppeted set pieces that were called upon when they were needed. When you needed a bitchy little filly who was the main antagonist for the C.M.C., Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were on the scene.

But these aren’t just characters from a show. I’ve already established with myself that they are real ponies with real lives and real feelings. The girls are now happily enjoying their meals, and seem to be relishing the same thoughts I had been.

“Wow! I have never seen her leave so fast before!” Scootaloo says, munching on her fries. For some reason, she stuck some of them in her malt.

“Yeah, ah almost feel bad fer her,” Apple Bloom muses, taking a long slurp of her drink. “Almost.”

Sweetie Belle gives me a questioning look. “Most of the adult ponies don’t believe us when we tell them about what happens with her.”

“Or they just tell us to ignore it and that ‘One day, if you keep showing her friendship, she’ll come around!’” Scootaloo continues putting up air quotes.

“Girls...” Fuck, now I’m feeling guilty. “Don’t be like me. I didn’t want to do that.”

“Oh, come on! She was practically asking for it!” Scootaloo replies, smirking. “You heard what she was saying about all of us!”

“Maybe, but did you ever ask yourselves why she acts like she does?” I ask, as the waitress sets my chocolate malt in front of me. “Thanks.”

“Not really,” Scootaloo replies disinterested.

“Yeah, I mean it’s pretty clear why she does,” Sweetie Belle replies, nibbling delicately on her fries. “Because she can get away with it.”

She grimaces, and I roll my eyes. “I’m pretty sure things are more complicated than that, girls.” I give the three of them a hard look.

“So, what color are ya gonna paint yer house there, H.B?” Apple Bloom asks.

They don't seem interested in what I'm actually saying. I sigh. Ah, to be young and have selective hearing again.


“I can’t believe you acted that way while I was gone,” Rarity said, frowning at Heartbreak.

Heartbreak groaned. “Look, I already explained the situation to you, Rarity. I don’t see any need to go into pointless exposition and redundancy. The little filly was harassing your sister and her friends. She was in my way when I wanted to get back in my seat. Then she continued to raise a fuss over me not treating her how she is normally treated. End of story.”

"No, this is most certainly not the end of the story!" Rarity protested, looking back to see her sister and friends pulling a cart filled with her sewing supplies. “Filthy Rich-”

“I do believe he prefers to be called ‘Mr. Rich,’” Heartbreak interjected.

“Yes. Mr. Rich is an important member of the Ponyville elite! When his daughter explains her side of the story to him-” Rarity began.

“He’ll have to come all the way out to where I live, actually talk to me about his daughter, and we can take care of things like adults. No big deal,” Heartbreak interrupted as they returned to her house. “I already told you I was feeling guilty over the schadenfreude I got from scolding a little filly.”

“What’s schattt-den-frade?” Scootaloo asked, finally catching up with the two mares.

“Something that only the most unsavory of ponies partake in,” Rarity shot at Heartbreak. “Schadenfreude is the pleasure garnered from the misfortune or pain of other ponies.”

“Diamond Tiara was practically askin’ fer it!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she helped Sweetie Belle push the cart.

“Yeah! She called us ‘the Blank Flank Brigade!’ again!” Sweetie Belle protested, finally collapsing as she got the cart to the front porch.

Heartbreak sighed and rolled her eyes as she walked back towards her house. “Oh please, Rarity. You can’t tell me that not once have you indulged in seeing another p-p-pony getting their just desserts.” Just then, a booming, angry voice came from the Hammer and Nail construction trailer.

“Speaking of which...” Heartbreak found herself breaking into a full-fledged ear-to-ear smile. “That must be the foremare Slide Ruler was talking about.”

Rarity frowned at Heartbreak. “You know, karma can be a quite vengeful mistress...”

“Pfffft. I don’t believe in karma, Rarity,” Heartbreak said, her attention drifting back to the other mare. “And besides, what’s the harm in listening?”

The door suddenly slammed open. “And if I ever hear you doing that again? Ponies will have another reason to call you narrow!

Heartbreak paused for a moment. “Wait a tic, why does that voice-”

“Hey! I know you!” The foremare’s voice cired, going from rage to joy almost instantly.

Heartbreak’s eye twitched. “Oh no...”

Before she could even react, Heartbreak found herself lifted clear off the ground and into a tight hug from behind.

“Do you remember me?” came the mare’s rather dopey voice. “It’s me, Brick House!”

Author's Note:

Aaaand Finally a new Chapter! Right after watching a new, fun, and chaotic show! I would like to thank my editors in all of this. Particularly Shift. She has a knack for spotting my Comma-Shyness. And if none remember Brick House, refer back to the last book. She was the mare who was keeping guard at the HCL Hu-Mare Con.
Chapter Art! Hazzah!