• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 4,908 Views, 1,866 Comments

House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

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The Fashionista and I

Chapter 11

The Fashionista and I

Heartbreak sighed and wondered what the hell was up with Pinkie Pie shouting at her randomly. “Then again, this is Pinkie Pie we’re talking about here,” She muttered to herself. Pinkie was random, sometimes pointless, crazy but above all things: Honestly cared about her friends. “She really shouldn’t think of me like that. She doesn’t even really know me....”

Heartbreak rolled her eyes. “And she’ll never get to know you if you keep her at an arm’s distance, you jerk.” She blinked at her brain. “Quiet you, we need to have a more stable mindset if we’re going to be dealing with Rarity. and seeing that we are here, well, it’s most likely best that we stop talking to ourselves, uhm, and stop referring to ourselves in the third p-p-pony. And I am going to stop doing that right now!” She stomped her hoof down on the ground. “Ha! See! Wasn’t that hard!”

Heartbreak sighed and face hoofed. “Come on! Stop it already! We’re here! We don’t need Rarity thinking that we’re a flake!”

As Heartbreak approached Carousel Boutique, she took in the amount of details that she couldn’t see when watching the show. The three tiered building always reminded her of what would happen if someone took a carousel, a music box and a clothing store and smashed them together in a rather elegant way. A mix of pastel swirls and whirls with pictures of profiled ponies here and there sitting among a few sparse trees and random tents. Added to this was a common theme in all of Equestria: Hearts.

Heartbreak’s left eye twitched a little as she walked up the path to the purple double doors of the shop. “Hearts, hearts everywhere and not a one but mine has a crack.” “You could change that you know.” She rolled her eyes and lifted a hoof to knock on the door. “No, H.B., You’re not going to draw little cracks in every heart you see just because you hate the one burned into your flanks. Well, here goes nothing.” She knocked quietly on the door. And waited for a second. “Whelp! Nop-p-pony home! Better go-”

The top of the door opened and Rarity’s bright face peered through. “Daaaaarling! You made it! I’m so happy!” She said beaming as she opened the whole door. “ You’ll have to excuse the mess, but I am taking care of any loose ends with this current order of dresses! Won’t you come in?”

“Sure.” Heartbreak replied.

“You knocked so quietly, had I not been just passing by, I wouldn’t have heard you at all!” Rarity said giving Heartbreak a quick look over and giggled. “Oh and you’re wearing the saddlebags I made for you!”

“That would have just been tragic,” Heartbreak said walking into the shop.

“Well, only because I wouldn’t have answered the door. But please, do make yourself at home,” She said leading Heartbreak to a standing three way mirror.

“Sure...You don’t happen to have a comfortable couch I could sit or lay on at the ready, do you?” Heartbreak asked nervously.

Rarity blinked and then laughed. “Oh! You must be talking about my red velvet couch!”

Heartbreak looked to the left and right. “Uhm, I wasn’t actually thinking that but sure, that could work.”

Rarity gave Heartbreak a bit of a look and then laughed a bit. “Sorry darling, but I only take that couch out for special occasions.” She glanced over Heartbreak’s mane and tail.

“And it’s your couch.”

Rarity nodded before going back to her desk to fill out some remaining paperwork. “Yes, and it’s mine. But if you are insistent on a place to sit, I do have this lovely velvet throw pillow!”

Heartbreak looked at the rather gaudy red pillow that was floating in front of her. It was well designed but seemed so over the top. What with gold embroidery and tassels. “It looks very...comfortable, but do you have anything that is a bit more, uhm, simple?”

Rarity looked up and blinked. “Simple?”

“Simple, I mean I don’t mean to be rude, it’s just that, it’s such a nice looking pillow that I don’t want to, uhm...sully it with my dusty rump.” Her eyes darted about and she gave her best smile.

Rarity opened her mouth to say something, but then returned the smile. “Oh, well, I see! Do you like this brown pillow?” She asked pulling it up.

Heartbreak nodded awkwardly and then facehoofed. “You’re going to have to forgive me, Rarity. But I have been kind of not looking forward to our little... meeting.”

Rarity turned around looking rather sad. “You haven’t?”

Heartbreak almost instantly raised her hooves waggling them about. “It’s nothing against you! It’s just... I don’t know what to expect here or what’s going to happen or what you have planned.”

“And this worries you?” Rarity asked as Heartbreak started to nod. “Well, today I thought we could do something that was a, ‘Getting to Know Each Other,’ meet and greet.”

“Ah, right. That could be okay.” Heartbreak replied rubbing her left ankle. “Uhm... Just exactly what would that all entail?”

Rarity raised her hoof to her chin. “Well, seeing that I haven’t done something like this before myself, I would assume that it would be you telling me a little bit about yourself. You know...getting to know you. Getting to know all about you.”

Heartbreak grimaced a bit. “If the next line is, ‘getting to like you,’ I think we might have to cut the day off short.”

Rarity looked baffled. “Well, that is generally what two ponies try doing when first greeting each other, and I would hope that you would get to like me-” Heartbreak looked a bit disturbed over something. “-is there something wrong?”

“You...aren’t going to start singing are you?” She asked.

“Well, I hadn’t planned on it. Why, do you not like my singing?” Rarity asked.

Heartbreak looked down. “Your singing is very...uhm...nice..I mean lovely, I mean it’s great!”

“Buuuuut?” Rarity asked looking at her questioningly.

Heartbreak rolled her eyes. “I don’t sing. And I’m not that fond of p-p-ponies just bursting into song.”

Rarity’s questioning gaze continued. “You don’t sing?”

“I’ve never been good at it,” Heartbreak replied shrugging. “Besides, where I’m from, we don’t randomly burst into song or dance.”

Rarity looked back at Heartbreak in bewilderment. “No...singing?”

“Well, they sing, it’s just that we don’t just randomly go down the streets singing,” Heartbreak replied taking the pillow out of the air and placing it on the floor next to the mirrors.

Rarity’s eyes went a bit wide and she shook her head. “Such a place sounds-and this isn’t meant as any offense to you, darling- rather dull.”

Heartbreak rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I hear that a lot.”

“Why, I couldn’t imagine going a day without humming a tune of some sort!” She said smiling and filling out a few papers. “You know what they say, ‘Whistle while you work!’”

“I’m not a big fan of whistling either,” Heartbreak said sighing.

“Well, uhm, what are you a fan of?”

Heartbreak adjusted her pillow and glared at her tail. “Math, science, physics, art, nature,” She replied attempting to find another comfortable pose. “I really like drawing.”


“Yeah, aside from the countless number of little odd-jobs and misadventures I have been having, it’s pretty much the only thing I have to really do,” She replied.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. “Oh! That must be Pony Express here to pick up the deliveries! And just in time too!”

Heartbreak attempted to take off her saddlebags. “‘Pony Express?’”

“It’s the local package and delivery service!” Rarity stopped before she got to the door. “They do have those types of things where you’re from don’t they?”

Heartbreak felt the belt loosen on her saddlebags and let it slip off. She looked like she was fighting to say something but then bit her lip. “Yes we do, Rarity. It’s just the name that was throwing me off. That’s all.”

The knock on the door sounded again, this time a bit louder. “Anypony home?” Came a young sounding male voice.

“Coooooming!” Rarity sang out as she opened the door. There stood a bright eyed, youthful, grey stallion with a purple mane dressed in a brown shirt and a nametag that read, ‘Care Package.’

“Hello, are you a, ‘Miss Rarity?’” He asked.

“Why yes I am. You must be the stallion that they sent to pick up the dresses,” She said giggling. “And here is the atrocious amounts of paperwork I had to fill out for these dresses.”

Heartbreak rolled her eyes and turned her back to the door before taking out her mechanical pencil. She quickly placed the device into her hoof-hole and tapped the button on the top. “There’s no telling how long Rarity is going to be doing that. Might as well try to get a little drawing time in.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he replied pulling out his clipboard. “And thank you very much,” he said looking it all over. “I know you’ve been signing quite a bit of work as it is, but would it be a problem if you could sign this one last thing?”

“Oh not at all, I tell you, it is just marvelous that I finally have this order done and off my hooves!” Rarity replied signing on a dotted line. “Now, the dresses have to be taken from out of the back door, there’s just too large a number and I’m afraid that my shop is too much of a mess as it is to have them go through the front door.” She batted her eyes at Care Package.

“Not at all, Miss Rarity. I’ll just have the driver park in back.” He paused for a moment. “Oh and before I forget, I also have a delivery for a Miss ‘Heartbreak’? I was told that she would be here by Twilight Sparkle.”

Rarity’s eyes raised in surprise. “And she is!” She turned and raised a hoof. “H.B.! Did you hear that! This nice gentlepony has a package for you!”


Aaaaaand queue bad 80’s porno music. Thank you brain. I just so needed that today,” I sarcastically think to myself shuddering. “Uhm... Great... Can you take care of that, Rarity?”

‘Care Package,’ coughs. “I’m afraid she’s the one that needs to sign for it. Sorry, standard company policy.”

I grumble under my breath, tap the button to my mechanical pencil that I had just put in, take it out and set it near my sketchbook. “Sure it is,” I reply pushing myself up and going to the door. Who the hell is sending me packages? Pinkie Pie? Dib? Maybe...one of the Princesses? The last one could go pretty good or pretty bad depending on the princess in question. Rarity has a quill floating at the ready for me. I must admit... I am kind of excited. Not that I am going to really let it show. I nab the quill from the air and attempt to sign on the dotted line. Seeing that I haven’t really practiced too much writing with my mouth, the signature looks like a garbled mess.

I spit the quill in the air before I can make a slobbery mess of it. “You’re going to have to excuse my writing.”

He looks at it. “I’ve seen worse. I’ve had to deliver to doctors!”

“Fascinating. So about that delivery?” Nope, not going to make any stupid fucking package jokes here!

He picks up a purple box with a nice neat blue ribbon tied in a bow around it. “Here you go, Miss Heartbreak!”

My face involuntary twitches at the use of the term, ‘miss.’ For a second, I am confused at how I’m meant to take said box. But only for a second though. I just don’t like the idea of how close my face has to get to his face to take it. Then again... “Just set it down here and I’ll take it from there, thank you. And for future reference, please don’t call me, ‘miss,’ or ‘Heartbreak.’ I insist that all p-p-ponies call me, ‘H.B.’”

He blinks and looks at me oddly before setting the package down. I bend down and pick up the bow with my mouth. “Uhm...Duly noted,” He replies tapping the bill of his hat. “You ladies have a pleasant day. Miss Rarity? Do you mind greeting my driver in back?”

“Why not at all! After all, it would be the polite thing to do,” she says practically burning holes into my head with a subtle glare. I look back and forth and kick my hoof as Rarity closes the door. I pick up my package and go back to the pillow.

She bites her lip and then takes a deep breath. “H.B., darling, I am at a bit of a loss. What exactly was that about?”

Great. She took notice of my not wanting to be addressed as a, ‘miss.’ Well, she might have taken notice. I really hope she didn’t take notice. “What was what about?”

“The rather, and I do apologize if I insult you here, rude behavior to the delivery pony,”

I take out my mechanical pencil again and reinsert it into my hoof. It does this weird thing every time I do that. Makes this funny buzzing and vibrates slightly. It doesn’t feel unpleasant but it doesn’t feel pleasant either. Just weird. “I’m not sure what you are talking about, Rarity.”

Rarity takes a deep breath and nods a bit. “Well, I don’t know how your former species does things, but it just seemed that there was an air of hostility in your voice.”

I rub my temples. “I didn’t mean for it to sound like that, Rarity.” Damn it, she’s pushing this issue and making things a bit uncomfortable. I really wish she would just drop the subject. “I just don’t like being called by my-” I hate calling it what I have to call it. But there isn’t any other word for it. “-name.” I finally squeak out. “And the sooner other p-p-ponies know this, the better I feel about it.”

Rarity blinks and there’s a wavering of something that passes over her face. Understanding? Sadness? Empathy? I’m not sure, however I think I would rather just focus back on drawing. Macgyvering the pointed end of the pencil into my sketchbooks pages, I flip it open to a clean sheet.

“Ah, I see. You’re putting things your way.” She says walking past me. “Just a word of advice, hmmm?” She pauses for a second. “Next time, put things your way, but nicely. Now if you don’t mind, I have a driver to attend to in the back and when I return, we can get back to, ‘getting to know you.’”

I cover my face and grimace at the image my brain just decided to create out of Rarity’s words. I don’t know whether to snicker or throw up. “The latter seems like a more viable solution, but then I would have to clean up the mess. Better just pretend that those words didn’t come out of her mouth.