• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 4,908 Views, 1,866 Comments

House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

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Chapter 33


“Wake up... Wake up. Hey! H.B! Wake up!”

“Gah!” Heartbreak looked up at Spike and groaned. “Just five more minutes...”

“Sorry, H.B. I can’t do that. We’re on a train. Remember?” Spike asked chuckling.

“Oh yeah...” Heartbreak replied, pushing the pillow off her head. “Are we back in Ponyville yet?”

“We’re about to arrive,” Rarity said, walking by and taking some curlers out of her mane. She whipped it back and primped about in a small mirror.

Heartbreak shook her head and ruffled her mane. “Fet... I barely remember going to bed last night. I remember waking you up... Going to the bathroom... By the way, thank you Spike.”

“Don’t mention it!” Spike replied. “Really, don’t mention it. You don’t know what ponies could be listening.”

“Right... and then just falling to sleep,” Heartbreak finished.

Spike eyed Heartbreak and prepared himself for a question that he felt was like walking on eggshells. “So, did you sleep well last night?”

Heartbreak tapped her chin. “Actually... Yes. I don’t remember if I had any dreams, which is an odd thing, but for the most part?” She stretched wide and squeaked a little before drooping down again. “I think it was a restful night’s sleep.”

“Good to hear!” Spike replied. He looked at Rarity with loving eyes. “And how did you sleep?”

“It was a decent slumber,” Rarity eyed Heartbreak. “Though I had a terrible time trying to get to sleep. I kept tossing and turning over something...”

“Beds must not be calibrated to your comfort standards, Rar-rar.” Heartbreak said, rolling her neck and cracking it. “Aaaaah.”

The door to the adjoining cart slid open and the conductor walked in. “Anypony still asleep in here?” He looked around. “Nope? In that case... Tickets ready! Tickets ready! We’re just moments away from arriving in Ponyville!”

Rarity pulled out the tickets from her saddle bags. “I do hope our luggage was stowed properly. I’d hate anything to get crushed...”


Damn it, Rarity. It’s morning, I haven’t had my coffee and you’re already tempting fate.

Rubbing my face, I sigh. “Most likely now? Something is bound to be crushed. And there is a good chance that it’s mine.” Mentally I smack myself. “Stop that. You’ve had a good few days away from Ponyville and had a rather interesting time in a city that you sorta know. Think positively. Like Derpy said, ‘Happy thoughts.’

The train starts coming to a rolling stop as I push myself out of the bed. I give my muscles another stretch before I shake up my shoulders. I pick my hat up in my teeth and attempt an ankle grabbing to put it back on my head. The results are less than stellar as it lands on my face. I force it up over my muzzle and get it on my head in time for the train to finally come to a complete stop. Next comes the saddlebags, I swear, these things come with variable difficulty on how they get on. Some days it’s easy, other days it’s hard. Today it’s... Easy.

“Now arriving in Ponyville! Now arriving in Ponyville! Have your tickets ready for your luggage!”

Walking back onto the train platform, we have come full circle. Sorta, maybe, fet I don’t know. Looking up at the sky I see a few random pegasi pushing clouds and preparing for the day. Minor grit and minutia.

Rarity looks at the pile of things that she has now loaded onto a trolley. “I didn’t purchase as many things as I hoped to...” She says whimpering. “Normally that pile is at least double what it is now!”

“So... How are we going to do this?” I ask.

“Do what?” Rarity asks me.

“Don’t tell me that I’m the only one that has thought this through?”

“Thought what through?” Spike asks.

“Well, are we going to go to Rarity’s and drop things off there and then go see this new house that I have been so...” I pause on the word. “Graciously given.” No! Happy thoughts!

“Well that’s what I thought was going to happen...” Rarity replies as a pony walks... my new bike... up to us. Gods, that thing just looks stupid.

“If we do that Rarity, then it’s going to take time. Because knowing you, you’ll want to put things away. And if you put things away then I’ll have to be there waiting for you.” I explain.

“Darling, you don’t have to wait for me, you know. Being back in Ponyville you are free to do and go as you please...” Rarity looks at the bike. “And you can do it all on your new bike!”

“But...” Heartbreak started.

“But what, darling? You’re a grown mare and capable of making choices on your own.” Rarity replies in a nonchalant manner. “Just do what works best for you.”

“But I don’t know where this house is, and I would rather that somep-pony be there for when the appraiser arrives.” Fuck, I hope she isn’t still fuming about what happened between Derpy and me... I nearly gag looking at this pink, girly thing with streamers and hearts overlapping the hubs. “Not to mention that I would like to make some alterations to the bike before riding it... I could use somep-pony’s help in that area... Somep-pony who is good with design and might be willing to generously offer a helping hoof?” Come on Rarity. This is the closest you’re going to get to me kissing your fucking marshmallow flank here. She’s rolling her eyes at me. “Fine,” I take the right handlebar’s streamers in my mouth. “I’ll do it myself.”

Rarity gasps at me as I pull these things out by the roots. “Darling what are you doing?!”

“Making some alterations to my new bike, Rarity!” I spit the overly pretty plastic things in the trash and grab the others to repeat. “If I am going to ride this gift, then I want it to look like I would ride it.” I look at her. “Not some six year old filly.”

She sighs. “If you want me to make alterations to your... brand new-”

“Slightly used,” I correct.

“It’s new to you darling,” She steams. “Then maybe we should go to my shop first, rather than your house?”

“I just kinda want to see this house and-” I begin.

“Hey!” Spike interrupts. “Here’s a crazy idea, how the both of you go see the house and I,” he looks at Rarity as if he is some knight in shining armor, “I’ll take your things to the shop that way you can put them away when you get back?”

“I...I’m ok with that idea. How about you Rarity?”

“Well...” She sighs a bit. “Alright, I’m a bit curious to see what this house of yours looks like as well."


The sound of bike tires and dust filled the air as Heartbreak almost gleefully rode circles around Rarity.

“Whoa!” She cried out, wobbling a bit on the bike.

“Careful!” Rarity shouted pulling back as the two of them passed Fluttershy’s cottage.

“I’m being careful! It’s just that I’m still getting used to it all...” Heartbreak replied peddling a bit faster and clicking one of the higher speeds. “It’s been months last I rode a bike...”

“Shouldn’t it be like, forgive the phrase here, ‘like riding a bike?’” Rarity asked, coughing on some of the dust. “Besides, you seemed to be doing quite well your first time back in Canterlot.”

“That was all adrenaline and fear, Rarity. I wasn’t exactly thinking- Whoa! Ha!” Heartbreak pushed the pedals harder for a sudden boost of speed. “I wasn’t thinking about riding the bike I borrowed.”

“You mean, ‘that you stole,’ Rarity corrected rolling her eyes.

“Hey! It got returned!” Heartbreak looked at Rarity worriedly. “You girls did return it right?”

“Not at all! I kept it and remodeled it to make a lovely centerpiece in my boudoir!” Rarity replied sarcastically. “Of course we returned it! Just who do you think we are?!”

“Oh,” Heartbreak replied looking around. “Good, cause I was going to ask what kind of dress a bike wears. Hey, is this the road we turn down?” She pointed out a road that looked more like a grassy meadow with old tire tracks running through it rather than a road. An old, tattered and tilted sign read, ‘Old Miller Drive.’

“I would say that it is...” She looked passed the small meadow on the left side of the Old Miller Drive. There, the outer reaches of the Everfree Forest lay. Vines, tendrils, and large broken trees stood ominously. Lurking, almost watching, waiting-

“BOO!” Heartbreak shouted.

“GAH!” Rarity doubled over. “Darling! What are you trying to do? Give me a heart-” she paused. “I mean, send me into cardiac arrest?”

“It’s alright to say, ‘heart attack,’ Rarity. I know you aren’t making a joke at my expense,” Heartbreak said, wobbling a bit on her bike. “But you were looking at the forest so intensely, and I kind of want to get to this house now.”

“Right, of course...” Rarity said, still nervously eyeing the plant life.


Rarity looked at the slowly changing scenery. It had to have been at least a good thirty minutes or so of walking before any signs of pony-made structures were in view again.

“I really do hope we arrive soon. It feels like we’ve been walking forever!” Rarity complained.

“Rarity, I can still see Ponyville from here. Or at least the town hall,” Heartbreak replied rolling her eyes. “Besides, it might not take this long if somep-pony wasn’t walking so slow.”

“Well, maybe if somepony wasn’t peddling so fast, I could keep up!” Rarity protested.

“I’m just using the bike that you bought me, Rarity. Aaaand I think we’re almost there! Look there’s a clearing in the trees!” Heartbreak replied, pushing herself to make a sudden burst of speed.

“Hey! Wait up!” Rarity called out, galloping after her.

Heartbreak had already dismounted and walked to the break in the trees that she described before Rarity finally caught up. She looked at the house in front of her.

It was a large two story house that appeared to have an attic. Above the broken door was a large heart-shaped window with a vine growing through the center. Surrounding that window were four smaller windows with various forms of damage and dilapidation. This place had been standing alone and abandoned for a good long time, judging by the height of the grass, the dead limbs jutting out of the two trees and various signs of decay and neglect.

“Oh, H.B...” Rarity said, dismayed at the state of the house. “This is just-”

“Perfect...” Heartbreak said, taking a first step to the small cobblestone pathway that lead to a doorway that barely hung on its hinges.

“You must be joking,” Rarity replied questioningly. Heartbreak’s face however was starting to crack a wide smile. “You're not joking. H.B! This house is just a mess!”

“Eeyup,” Heartbreak’s grin became even wider as a hoof went up to tap her chin. “I think I can work with this...”

“There’s a hole in the roof!” Rarity exclaimed. “And some of the siding is falling off!”

“That there is,” Heartbreak replied, lost in a minor thought and walking further down the outgrown path. “Heh. Hole in roof, hole in hoof..." She snickered looking up at the roof of the house. "That ought to get fixed before winter comes...”

Rarity backed away, only to find herself bumping into the mailbox. A mailbox that almost promptly fell over. “The mailbox is broken, as are some of the windows!”

“Ooo, windows could be expensive... Maybe I should talk to Twilight about that, after all,” She looked back at Rarity with a smile on her face and sparkles glittering in her eyes. “She should know a good window repair pony right?” Heartbreak chuckled a bit.

“H.B.! Darling! You can’t be serious! There are vines growing though that one window!” Rarity took a closer look and then gasped. “Are they actually part of the house structure now?”

“I like the one that’s going right through that main window... Kind of reminds you of somep-p-pony,” Heartbreak replied almost laughing and eyeing her flank before looking at Rarity with a wide grin. “Don’t you think?”

“Now see here! This is no laughing matter, H.B.!” Rarity fumbled. She pointed up to an odd pair of plants that decorated left side of the porch. “There are a pair of large snapdragons right next to your front door! Do you know how dangerous those are?! And if there are two that size, then there is sure to be at least a dozen more smaller ones!”

“Really? Are those what those are? How dangerous are they, Rarity?” She asked walking forward nearly halfway down the path. “They’re kinda ... cute... in a sorta messed up, ugly, and-”

Suddenly, the foot tall strange green and purple plant sprang to life! Eyespots on the top opening wide and antenna popping out of where it’s forehead would be. As Heartbreak jumped back, hand like leaves unfurled and it let out a low hissing sound.

Rarity raced forward. “See! They are quite dangerous!” She said, lifting up a hoof and attempting to pull Heartbreak away.

Heartbreak’s brow furrowed deeply and the hair in her mane and tail started to form tight curly spirals as she pushed the hoof away. “Nonsssenssse... It’sss... Jussst... A... Warning.... Sssign...” she said, glaring at the plant. The odd bit of dragonesque looking flora suddenly dropped and retracted all its defenses.

Heartbreak perked back up and smiled looking at Rarity. “See? No need to fret, Rarity!”

“But, but! This place looks like a death trap!” Rarity protested. “It’s horribly broken!”

Heartbreak looked Rarity square in the eyes. “Exactly!” she looked back up at the house. “It’s just like me...” She said distantly. “Broken... Battered, tattered, beaten, and in dire need of a little, ‘T.L.C.!’”

“But-” Rarity began.

“Look Rarity,” Heartbreak put her hooves on Rarity’s shoulders and smiled a wide grin. “This house has projects! Things that need fixing! And most of it is cosmetic! At least according to the deed. The floors are solid, and the frame is secure! All that is needed to be done are some minor projects!” She clasped her hooves together, her eyes sparkling in delight. “I can renovate...”

“But how are you ever going to pay for such things?!” Rarity asked.

“Don’t know! But I’ll figure something out. I’m sure there are ponies in Ponyville that are willing and able to help, will do so a little! But for the most part,” She took her hooves off the white unicorn's shoulders before starting to explore the rest of the yard. “The place has a great deal of things for me to do... things that will keep my h-hooves busy.”

Rarity blinked in confusion. “This place is just so... horribly run down. Well, not completely rundown, but still! It’s such a dump! Did Princess Luna know about all this before she bought the house?!” She sighed mentally as she watched Heartbreak walk around in the tall grass and look around in the windows. “However... it’s refreshing to see her actually happy about something for a change. Oh! Perhaps she has finally learned a lesson and I can move on with my life!

Heartbreak peeked around the corner and did a double take. “Hey! Rarity!” she called out. “You’ve got to see this backyard!”

Rarity cautiously walked through the tangled mess that was a yard. “Aren’t you worried about things like ticks and bugs?” She whimpered.

“Wait? They have ticks here in Equestria? Heartbreak frowned in confusion. “I seriously hope they aren’t the size of small dogs or anything. But if that is the case... I’ll let you give me a brushing later. Still! Look at this!”


Alright, I might not be feeling as giddy as I am presenting myself.

But Derpy was right, if I give things a chance, they might not be so bad. Alright, to be fair: marshmallow butt was the one encouraging me to at least take a look at this place before judging it.

And honestly? I do like it.

This place is falling apart and looks like it has all these problems... And there are about a dozen little clichés I can spot on the outside alone. The, ‘broken heart,’ window? Check. The snapdragons to keep passer bys away? Check. And the whole dark spooky feel? Double check-a-runie!


Something about this place calls to me.

‘Help fix me,’

‘I need repair,’

‘I need someone to love-’

Damn it. If I keep thinking about what this place is saying? I’m going to end up crying! But what I really like? It’s far enough away from Ponyville that I don’t have to be around the others all the time, but close enough that I can call out for help or bike there.

“Alright darling,” Rarity says, kicking her hooves and almost whimpering. “What is it that you want me to see?” She looks all sorts of uncomfortable while wading through the grass. She’s cautiously looking over my shoulder, afraid that something will come out and wreck her carefully groomed mane no doubt.

The backyard of this place looks like an untended private garden of sorts. There are two half dead trees that are in dire need of pruning, a few bushes that have overgrown, and in this shady area? There is a small fountain thing.
Walking over to the long dead fountain it seems to have a large seashore theme going. A few starfish on the sides, waves, and a large almost brain-coral mound looking thing in the middle of it. The grass back here is well overgrown, but peeking out the remnants of long unattended gardens are a few bright orange flowers. I even think there is a ...rose bush. And to all this? Rarity looks utterly terrified. And I couldn’t be happier!

I mentally face hoof. “Come on, H.B. stop that. We get that you like watching Rarity squirm and twist about, but it isn’t nice. Even if she got you a house in such a sneaky-sneak way...” “So! What do you think?” I smile, “It’s wonderful, right?”

Rarity’s face twists and she nods. “Just... splendid!”

I walk over to the dead looking tree to our far left. There’s something about this tree that I almost can recognize. “Hey, Rarity, you know anything about trees?” I tap the trunk and look to see if there is anything actually living on the tree. Just then I spy a few clusters of green on one of the far branches...

“Not really, darling. I’m a dress maker, not a tree doctor, remember? I say, with as much as you know about us, I would think thaaaaa- waha-ha!” She suddenly jumps back in fear.

“What? More snapdragons?”

“Darling! Look what you’re stepping in!” Rarity screeches in wide eyed terror. Looking down, I see why the fuck I should be worried.

Down near the base of the tree and just too my left is a little blue flower that I know all too well. And it’s brushing up against my leg. Looking around the trunk? I see a near carpet of neighbors.

“Fet! Is that-”

“Yes! We should get you to Zecora right away before its effects take hold, there’s no telling what, ‘joke,’ it will play on you!” Rarity whimpers and attempts to pull me away from the plant in question.


Heartbreak was still looking at the flower next to her leg while Rarity seemed to be in a panic. She then blinked and looked at the flower again.


“Darling, come along! We need to get you to Zecora’s immediately! Or perhaps this could be a chance to go to the spa?” Rarity asked a lit of amusement rolling across her face.

“I’m not sure that will be necessary or not, Rarity.” Heartbreak replied trying to shrug the unicorns’ hoof off her.

“What ever do you mean?” Rarity asked concernedly.

Heartbreak pointed at the plant. “Is poison joke meant to turn black and wither like that?” Just as she asked the question, the plant almost instantly crumbled along with several of its neighbors.

Rarity blinked. “Well... I’ve never seen that happen before...”

“D-d-did I just kill the joke?” Heartbreak asked, with a touch of disappointment in her voice.

Rarity blinked in confusion. “I... I don’t know but I would believe that you just did...”

Heartbreak’s head drooped and she sighed.

“What is it, darling? Poison joke isn't the sort of thing that you want growing around your house,” Rarity asked. “Is it?”

“It’s nothing, Rarity. I’m just... ugh... Never mind,” Heartbreak replied, the disappointment growing in her voice. “And no, I still don’t want to go to the spa. Thanks for the offer...”

Rarity blinked. Now she knew something was wrong. “She has been seething and nearly frothing at the mouth every time I even mention the notion of going to the spa!” “Please, I want to understand what’s wrong, darling. Is it because you killed it?”

Heartbreak rolled her eyes and walked past Rarity. “Part of it is that I was genuinely curious about what would happen, the other part of me says, ‘Whelp, one more thing to hammer in the fact that you aren’t really a pony, eh H.B?’”

Rarity’s head tilted. This had been the most open that Heartbreak had been with her about something. “It’s just a little poison joke, darling... And who knows? Perhaps tomorrow you’ll wake up with some ailment!”

Heartbreak snirked and walked up to the backdoor. “Yeah, sure. Any who... What’s say we take a look at what’s on the inside of this place?”

Author's Note:

I drew this picture quite a long time ago, if you can't tell. And also, now you know what happens with poison Joke and HB! May your head canons rest in peace!