• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 4,908 Views, 1,866 Comments

House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

  • ...

Construction Work-ers

Chapter 37

Construction Work-ers

Heartbreak groaned, leaning against the library door. “Good fucking Gaia. Did they really have to sing?! Did we really have to run around the hardware store? And Rarity with her fucking snickering! If I didn’t know any better I’d swear that she was just encouraging the three of them.

She knocked on the library door, but was left without an answer. “Twiiiiiilight!” Still no answer. “Ugh, Calm yourself, H.B. You know that ponies sing. You know they spontaneously burst into song. Sometimes good catchy songs, sometimes really, really, really horrible songs that are just forgettable. Dang it! Still no answer? Hmmm, maybe I can try out a, ‘Twilight Impersonation...” She cleared her throat, while pushing herself away from the door. “Spiiiiiiiiiiike!”

A few moments later, Spike answered the door, a look of confusion plastered on his face. “H.B! I almost thought you were Twilight!”

Heartbreak laughed a bit. “Thank you, Spike. I so needed to hear that.”

“Huh?” The little dragon asked scratching his head.

“Never mind, can I come in?” Heartbreak asked slumping a little.

“I don’t see why not... You do live here after all...” Spike replied moving to the side.

“Not any more I don’t...” Heartbreak replied walking past a further confused Spike.

“What do you mean by that?” He asked.

“To make a long story short? I have a house,” Heartbreak eyed Spike as he shut the door. “Whatever, ‘plan,’ Twilight, Rarity and Princess Luna had: worked. I got a house. Not the house that they wanted me to get. But still a house.” She paused and made a subtle motion to let Spike know she wanted her saddlebags taken off. “A house that needs massive repairs and touch ups... Which is why I’m coming here.”

“There was a plan?” Spike asked undoing the latch.

“Always out of the loop,” Heartbreak commented, her ears twitching towards her left side. “Yeah, the three of them had a dream conference and figured that the only way that I would take a house is if Princess Luna was the one offering it to me... In front of a large audience...” Suddenly her voice started to raise. “A plan that was awkward and not too well thought out due to the fact that: A) It was too drawn out! And B) TWILIGHT STOP HIDING I KNOW YOU’RE THERE!”

Twilight walked out from behind the staircase and giggled nervously. “Was it really that obvious?”

Heartbreak gave the purple unicorn a deadpanned look for a few moments before she finally spoke. “That you were hiding? Or that you created an overly complicated plot just so that I would accept taking a house...”

“So I take it that you’re upset with me then?” Twilight asked.

“Yes... and no,” As Heartbreak answered, she took a deep breath through her nose. “On the one side? You sent me away on a long trip with Rarity that just made no sense, made me uncomfortable and put me on the spot. All of which, drained me of my precious, precious energies. Although, the fact that the prior culminated in a private audience with Princess Luna? And compared to today’s events? I would say that those things are now minor annoyances...”

“So... You’re not mad at her?” Spike asked.

Heartbreak looked at Twilight in the eyes. “No, I am not currently mad at her. However...” Her eyes narrowed. “Let’s not do anything like that again in the future? I’m not some little foal meant to be lead around by the nose...”

“Duly noted,” Twilight looked a little worried. “But if you don’t mind me asking, what did happen today? You look just terrible.”

Heartbreak looked at herself in the mirror. What peered back was frazzled mess of tight curls and loose strands. “Fetting-A... Yeah, that. I’ll give you three hints as to what happened...”

“And the first two don’t count?” Spike added smirking.

“Actually no. They all count. They’re small, can be incredibly a-” Heartbreak stopped herself and looked as if she was biting her tongue. “Enthusiastic,” she said through her teeth. “And happen to not have their cutie marks!”

Twilight blinked and then looked at Spike before the answer dawned on them both. “Oooooooh, the Cutie Mark Crusaders...” they said in unison.

“Yes!” Heartbreak smacked her face. “Alright, I’m not going to whine about the whole of the situation, though there are some things in there that happened that I think you should know, before I explain that happy little...” She rolled her hoof fighting to find words. “Bucket of tangles, Twilight. One of which is the strange and sudden appearance of a bit account put in my name at the local Wells Cargo Bank that is ringing to the tune of over nine thousand bits.”

Twilight jumped and shook her head. “Wait, what?”

“Yeah, came totally out of left field here,” Heartbreak started to walk to the kitchen. “But, you are now looking at one wealthy pony...” Her words trailed off into a grumble as she applied her hoof to her face.

Twilight looked at Spike and then back at Heartbreak. “There was some account, in your name, just waiting for you at the bank? And it’s over nine thousand bits? Shouldn’t you be happy about this?”

Heartbreak nuzzled the refrigerator open and laughed a bit. “Heh, over nine thousand...”

Spike blinked. “I don’t get it...”

“Don’t mind me, Spike. I’m just trying to amuse myself, though if you wouldn’t mind? Could you get me some juice, please?” She asked.

“Alright, but only because you said please,” Spike replied taking the picture of amber coloured apple juice from out of the refrigerator.

“Right, like I was saying. No, I am not happy about this. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life? Even in Equestria there are always strings attached...” Heartbreak took a long drink off the glass being presented to her. “And then there was what happened at the hardware store...”


This will most likely be the last time I lay in this bed. After I told Twilight about the bit account, I explained to her what happened with the girls. How they wanted to help me with fixing the house, how I was reluctant in anything that involved them putting themselves in danger, the stop at Sugar Cube and finally the event that took place at the hardware store. Staring into the dimmed room, I casually wonder if the place has an actual name.

I mean, I always thought that the library was just called, ‘The Library,’ until I got a copy of, ‘The Elements of Harmony,’ off Amazon and found out that it was called, ‘Golden Oaks Library.’ Man, I was so excited when that book came!

Shame that it got some water damage... Not horrible water damage... but still...” I toss and turn a bit. Despite being tired, my body is telling me not to sleep: after all, there’s still daylight out! “Ugh, and Twilight’s response to, ‘the cute little fillies were singing and they tricked me into singing with them!’ was so predictable.

That’s just what ponies do, H.B!

Yeah, and I guess you missed the part about me getting chased around the hardware store. I’m just glad that I was able to cut that conversation short by telling her that I just wanted to go to bed. Hopefully, she’ll have contacted a construction company like I’ve asked her to do...” I turn once more and pull the blanket over me tighter. These ponies do too much for me.

Get me a house, get me a drink, open the door please, do this for me, do that for me. Fuck, I feel like an infant. Sure I can do some things for myself, but others? Totally useless. I can feel the pull of sleep tugging me into it’s embrace.

“Maybe with the new house, that will change...” I mutter to myself, growing drowsy. “After all, I can customize it... Hooks and levers and doors mounted on springs... Yeah... These will soon be a few of my favorite things...”


Heartbreak sat tiredly at the breakfast table. She let out a wide yawn before proceeding to attempt to shake her mane straight. This only seemed to agitate the already frazzled mess of hair. Looking at the plate that was set before her she moaned and looked at Spike.

"Something wrong?" He asked, pouring a glass of apple juice.

Heartbreak rubbed her head. "No, just a slight headache most likely caused by dehydration. I can't believe you two let me sleep that long..." She looked over at the clock. "It's already getting close to noon."

"Hey, like I said before: We tried to get you up for dinner and you nearly snapped at me..." Spike replied.

"I did?" Heartbreak blinked in confusion.

"Yeah," Spike said popping a straw into Heartbreak's glass.

"I didn't say anything did I?" She asked.

"Not really, just muttering something about, 'singing,' before falling back to sleep." He replied. "I asked Twilight if I should get you up in an hour or so, but she told me that if you really needed the sleep, to let you sleep as long as possible."

"Gawds, I know that, 'singing to express your feelings,' is a thing here, Spike..." She took a long sip of her apple juice. "Mmm, but seriously, that just wiped me out."

"Maybe it wouldn't have wiped you out if you had not fought being a part of it, H.B." Twilight interjected cheerfully walking into the kitchen with a book floating in front of her.

Heartbreak sighed. "Twilight, I was being chased down by three little hyperactive fillies in a store full of sharp tools. There is a bit of panic on my side due to the fact that I didn't want myself nor them to get hurt."

“I remember when I was first swept up in a song,” Twilight said, with a sparkle of nostalgia in her eye. “It was quite the event.”

Spike looked at Twilight questioningly. “If I remember correctly, Celestia said that while your performance was spectacular, you missed the whole point of the song.”

Twilight giggled slightly looking embarrassed. “Look at it this way, H.B: Songs and music are a part of the magic of Equestria. A magic that everypony-” Spike coughed. “Uhm, every being who lives here is a part of. The fact that you were able to join in the song shows that magic can and will affect you.”

Heartbreak only responded by rolling her eyes. “Oh...joy. H.B: Killer of poison joke and poor singer of terrible songs. The only thing that this explains why all of you can do all this without preplanning or choreography.”

Twilight blinked. “‘Killer of poison joke?’” she repeated.

Heartbreak tossed her mane a bit and sighed. “Rarity must have not given you the newest update on, ‘Storm Watch H.B.’”

“Meaning?” Twilight asked tiling her head slightly.

“Meaning that yesterday, we ran into some poison joke,” Heartbreak raised a hoof. “Correction. I ran into some poison joke, nearly panicked and then watched as the poor plant turned black and crumbled under my hooves.” She sighed. “The good news? Unless the joke was, ‘make H.B’s mane messy?’ I haven’t seen any side effects. The bad news? I am going to have to watch myself around the stuff. Not that, ‘staying out of the Everfree Forest,’ is a hard thing to do.”

Twilight looked thoughtful. “Interesting... Do you think it could be an effect of the fae magic?”

Heartbreak rolled her eyes. “Noooo, I was thinking it was because I’m surrounded by invisible winged monkeys that want to do my bidding but keep fuddling up my commands...”

Twilight blinked. “You aren’t being serious here are you?”

Heartbreak face hoofed. “Right, too early for sarcastic quips...”

“I’m sure you weren’t that terrible of a singer, H.B,” Spike said smiling. “Maybe if you really push yourself and practice, you could get good at it!”

“Spike, I was terrible at singing before I was a p-pony. I’m sure that I wasn’t gifted with the ability to sing just because I gained four hooves, a tail and pony ears,” Heartbreak sighed and stretched out. “And in a change of subject...not to be a needy nag, is it ok if I ask for some breakfast?” Twilight and Spike’s face suddenly turned to shock. “What?”

Twilight coughed and opened her mouth only to close it again.

Heartbreak sighed. “I know I’m not one to push the point of, ‘why don’t you just get it out already?’ But... while we are in the privacy of the library, explain why you two are giving me a look like I just skinned somep-p-pony’s pet?”

The horrified expressions on Twilight and Spikes’ face only worsened.

“Alright, maybe that wasn’t the best choice of words here...”

Twilight shook her head from the vulgar images. “Right! You used a word that is akin to a derogatory word from where you’re from.”

Heartbreak blinked and facehoofed. “Oh, right. Nag.”

Both Spike and Twilight cringed as Heartbreak uttered the word again.

“Right. That word. I know that you were pretty... carefree in your use of expletives before...” Twilight bit her lower lip. Telling Heartbreak not to do something seemed to gain the chance of her almost doing that exact thing. “But you might want to watch your language just a little bit...”

The response was pretty standard. A sigh, followed by an eye roll. “Sure thing, Twilight. I’ll make sure that I attempt to curb my tongue. But! Now that that bit of pointless banter is out of the way? Could I get some pancakes, eggs and toast to go with my apple juice? Oh, and before I forget... Did you contact a construction company like I asked?”

Twilight gave the tan mare sitting at her table a bit of a look.

“Uhm... please?” Heartbreak added, her eyes fluttering slightly.


As I walk through Ponyville, I’m not sure if I am comfortable with what Twilight told me or not.

If Equestria’s magic can get in me, it might be a sign that the Fae magic might not have a full hold on me. Or maybe it would have that effect on any creature that came here. Suddenly the frightening prospect of High School Musical being a real thing enters my head. I shudder as I pass a few on looking ponies.

Or it might mean that this world’s magic is, yet again, eroding at the individual that I was.

I roll my eyes and sigh. Of course, the truly depressing one had to come last! It wouldn’t be a day without Heartbreak if it didn’t!

Whatever, stop mulling on it, damn it. Didn’t we say that we would do less inner monologuing? The good news is that Twilight did indeed contact a group of contractors in the area. The bad news is that they are most likely there now: poking and prodding at my home. Making alterations to my designs without my permission.


I quicken my pace a little. Before I started going on my way back to my house? I picked up a few essentials. And by essentials I mean loose paper, some pencils, erasers and of course: Chocolate.

The chocolate is the heaviest thing I have in my load and I’m realizing that my back? Yeah, while it is almost, ‘designed,’ to carry things? I'm still not used to it. So note to self: maybe I should work on that.

In the mean time? I am nearly back, ‘home.’ Taking a rest next to the sign and take a deep breath. A mixture of trail dust, hot summer air, and... I sniff curiously.

“Wait... is that?” I sniff again and a small spike of panic hits me before I remember something. “Right! Mrs. Cake put my chocolate in plastic bags and in the pouch that doesn’t have my art supplies...” Whew, calm down. Chocolate is safe. Art is safe. Boy, glad one of us was thinking at the time.

After a little bit, I feel a second wind and continue walking down the grassy and unused road. Just then I can hear voices in the distance.

“Now see here! That’s no need to be rude about this!” Rarity’s voice shouts.

“Look Lady,” Replies a rather harsh accented male voice. “We’s got ourselves a call to be fixin’ up this place yesterday. And whiles I’m sures they don’t mean any harm, they are kinda getting in the way.”

“Still! That’s no reason to shout at them! They’re just little fillies after all,” Rarity replies.

“What my coworker is trying to say is that we’re terribly sorry for losing our tempers like that, Miss-”

“Rarity. You may call me, Miss, or Miss Rarity or even just Rarity will do.” Rarity replies as I get closer.

“Yes, Miss Rarity, It won’t happen again, but if you wouldn’t mind? Could you keep them out of harms way?”

“I suppose there is something we can do about the kitchen, do you know by chance if any of the appliances are working or not?” Rarity asks.

I nearly race up to the break in the trees and make my presence known. “Hi! Every! P-p-pony!” I gasp out. Rarity is standing before what looks like three construction worker ponies. Fuck, all three of them are stallions.

There’s a tan-ish thin one with a darker mane, a bulky grey one with a fluffy white mane and the last one has a yellow mane and a sort of golden coat. Really, what can I say? They look like generic background work horse ponies.

“H.B! Darling! It’s about time you’ve arrived!” Rarity says to me. She’s wearing a large sunhat. “These stallions are telling me that-”

“They’re the construction ponies that I asked Twilight for, yes,” I reply looking over my house. Good. They haven’t done any alterations. There is, however, a small trailer parked on the left side of my front yard.

“Oh, well,” Rarity replies. “I didn’t think that you were thinking that far ahead...”

I roll my eyes. Thanks Rarity. No. Calm down, actually talk to Rarity. “Yeah, I did. I want all of this to go as quickly and as smoothly as it possibly can. That way I can go to actually living in my house instead of looking at it from afar.”

“Well, in that case,” Rarity replies smiling a little bit. “I’ll leave you to handle these...” She pauses. “Gentlecolts. I want to see if your kitchen is in proper working order.”

I look at her with concern. Rarity wasn’t the type to do any cooking- “Really? Why? You weren’t ever the type to do any cooking...”

“What?! You must be misremembering, darling. I have done my fair share of cooking in the past. After all, I did help raise Sweetie Belle here!” Rarity pulls her sunglasses down. “But cooking? With the state of your kitchen? You must be joking. I could perhaps put together small snacking foods, some nice fingerling sandwiches, or a few lovely salads. But any real cooking?” She laughs. “Most certainly not! Though, I suppose I could try to think of some designs for your kitchen... That is if you don’t mind...”

I fight the urge to imagine and shudder at the thought of what a, ‘Kitchen by Rarity,’ would look. “It’s a kitchen, Rarity. I’ll just be happy that it has running water and functioning appliances.” I reply.

“Hmph! Even if you feel that way, never underestimate how a wonderfully designed kitchen can make you feel in the morning,” She replies walking towards my front door. “Sweetie Belle! Come along!”

“Oh! Rarity! I have some chocolate that I would like to put in a cool place! Seeing that you’re going in?” I open my saddlebag and pull up the plastic bag. I can feel her tug it away using her magic.

“Alright...” She sighs walking into my house with Sweetie Belle in tow.

Whew. That whole scene could have ended really poorly had I tried to start a fight. I am just going to keep calm and actually take that fucking advice that all the ponies around me keep telling me. I walk up to the three construction workers.

“Alright, now I heard something about the window in front needing replacement and I just wanted to say-” I begin.

“But ya said that we could help ya rebuild, HB!” Apple Bloom cries, tearfully interrupting me. Turning around I look down at the big-eyed whimpering little filly before me. And right next to her is a rather disappointed and grumpy looking Scootaloo. Crap. Not this again... I don’t want this sort of thing twice in the same week!

“No I didn’t. I said that you three could come to my house if you followed my rules,” I reply taking a deep breath. “What’s more, I said that we would talk about it today. However, while I don’t doubt that you three can fix up some superficial things, I seriously don’t think that you could do anything like wiring or plumbing.” I bend my head down and look at the of them in the eyes. “None of you are electricians, nor should you attempt to try and earn your cutie marks in said field. It’s dangerous.”

“Dangerous? Sounds like my kind of work!” Scootaloo exclaims. “Uhm, what does, ‘superficial,’ mean?”


“It means the unimportant stuff!” Apple Bloom interjects.

“Hey now!” Crap, they’re going to think that I want them to do bitch work.

“Unimportant stuff?” Scootaloo rolls her eyes. “Great, while these construction ponies are going to be fixing the major things, we’re stuck doing the little things? What if our special talents involve the major things!?”

“Some of the superficial things aren’t unimportant! A house does need a good coat of paint,” I try to explain.

“Pfffft, painting? I’d rather get other ponies to do that,” Scootaloo replies waving her hoof. “You have no idea how easy that can be! All you have to do is pretend to make painting look really fun!”

“Like that one time we all got Snips an’ Snails ta paint the new fence on ma farm?” Apple Bloom asks.

“Yeah!” Scootaloo exclaims.

Turning my head I see the construction worker ponies pointing up at my window. I can overhear them talking about how the window might have to come down due to the vine growing through it. Damn it! Why the fuck do all the ponies here keep wanting to change my house?! It’s my house!

“Look girls,” I rub my head in frustration. “Why don’t you go help Sweetie Belle and Rarity? I have some things I have to take care of...”

“Alright...” Apple Bloom replies disheartened. “Come on Scoots..”

I turn back around and look at the construction workers that are just standing there with blank stares on their faces. Alright, H.B. you can do this. Just have to assert yourself and not be a doormat. You are not a stuttershy.


Heartbreak took a deep breath before looking at the three workers before her. “Hello, my name is Heartbreak, but I would rather be called, ‘H.B.’”

The tall thin stallion stepped forward and took a slight bow. “Hell-o, my name is Narrow Beam and this would be Bob Plumb,” He motioned to the golden stallion. “And Cast Form. It is a pleasure to meet you mis-”

“Don’t call me, ‘miss,’” Heartbreak narrowed her eyes. “Please call me, ‘H.B.’ Now, I heard some talk about replacing a window?”

“Yeah, with that vine growing through that window? It might crack and get glass everywhere,” Bob Plumb said turning to the house before rubbing his goatee.

“That might be, but we can’t do anything until we get the word from Slide Ruler, you know that...” Cast Form replied.

“I’m guessing that would be your boss,” Heartbreak sighed, rubbing her head. “Right, about the window-”

“Well, before we get to the window, we’re going to have to take care of those nasty looking plants,” Bob interrupted. “When we got here, there were two really big ones with at least two dozen smaller ones. We tried to get close but they started to get aggressive.”

Heartbreak’s face twitched. “You mean my snapdragons?”

“Is that what they’re called?” Cast Form asked.

“Yes, and-” Heartbreak began rubbing her head further.

“Speaking of things that have to go, there’s that large mound thing in the backyard. Not sure what it is, but we’re going to have to get somepony out here to take a look at it,” Bob interrupted peering towards the back.

“Actually-” Heartbreak raised a hoof attempting to reassert herself.

“Then there’s some of the lumber that needs replacing,” Narrow Beam interrupted. “Most of it is a wood called iron wood,” He said winking at Heartbreak.

Heartbreak’s eyes narrowed angrily at the stallion. “You don’t say...”

“Oh yes. It’s a really sturdy, hard wood that is... long lasting, if ya catch my drift...” Narrow Beam nickered.

Heartbreak face-hoofed and kept her hoof in place for a few moments before taking a deep breath. She dropped her hoof and glared at the three workers. “Fascinating, I’m sure. Look. I just want to get two things out in the open here. One, this is my house, I don’t want any alterations to it that aren’t without my permission. Two! The sculpture in back that looks like a brain coral? Leave it alone! That goes for the Snapdragons! If you have a problem with them? Let me take care of it! AND FINALLY...” She growled betwixt her teeth. “Finally, I don’t care how it’s done, the large heart-shaped window is to remain untouched or short of that preserved. Understand?

The three stallions backed away. “Yeah! Eeesh! No need to get upset!” Narrow Beam said holding up his hooves. “Like we said, we aren’t doing anything until Slide tells us to.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Which means we’re free to do anything else, if you don’t mind me asking-”

“Fet. Locks. Actually, I do mind,” Heartbreak replied rolling her eyes and walking towards her door. “Excuse me, I have to talk to Rarity about something...”

Narrow Beam laughed with the other construction workers as Heartbreak walked into her house.


Hello, fucking stereotypes. There’s the dopey one, the technical one and the Ash Pedreiro of the group. Fuck, I wonder how he kept himself from doing cat calls at this point.

Every part of me is feeling irritated. It took every ounce of my willpower not to threaten him with something sharp the moment he was dropping subtle, ‘wood,’ hints and waggling his eyebrows at me.

I hit my head against the wall. Fuck! Is every fucking stallion out there to hit on me?! Is this a normal thing here in Equestria!? Why the fuck can’t they be shy and quietly obsess over a little doll or Cheerilee like Big Mac does!?

Closing the broken door behind me I make my way to the kitchen. Applebloom and Scootaloo are seated at the table, while Sweetie Belle is practically glued to her sister at the kitchen sink.

“Darling! I have some good news!” Rarity turns a corner from the kitchen and looks up at me. “The stove, refrigerator and water are working in your kitchen. But the decor is still lacking. Ugh, the drapes in there look like they are at least twenty years out of date and-” She pauses while looking at me. “Is there something wrong, H.B?”

I roll my eyes and take a deep sigh. “No, I’m just fine, Rarity. Just fine. It’s just...” Fuck, I’ve told her how much I hate being hit on by stallions that it all seems redundant.

“Just what?” She asks me. Ugh, fine. Let’s bite the bullet here.

“When I was telling the construction workers out there that nothing was to be changed without my permission, they started talking over me,” I reply. “Then there’s the fact that I swear that one stallion named, ‘Narrow Beam,’ was hitting on me in a not-so-subtle manner.”

“Darling, I think you are a touch too paranoid about stallions seeking romantic advances with you,” Yup, Rarity doesn’t believe me. I feel a sickly drooping feeling about the construction crew that Twilight hired.

“That’s what I thought you would say,” I reply annoyed. Fuck, I have to wonder if this is what it’s like for women in the work place. Not that I needed to have these particular feelings. I treated female co-workers with the same respect that I did my male co-workers. I didn’t make unwanted advances or wolf-whistle at them or treat them any different than I would anyone else!

“However, I can understand if a few things are making you uncomfortable,” Rarity puts a hoof on my shoulder. “And if you are feeling that he is making unwanted advances, then we can talk to Slide Ruler. After all, I would like to give that pony a few pieces of my mind after they called my sister and her friends, ‘little brats!’”

I blink. “Why didn’t you go talk to Slide right afterwards?”

Rarity pushes up her sunglasses. “A lady does not give any colt, no matter how uncouth they are at least one chance to apologize. I suppose there are exceptions to the rule and -”

Suddenly a harsh crash and clattering comes from the kitchen and we both jump.

“WHAT,” I realize I am kind of shouting and lower my voice. “Was that?”

Rarity puts a hoof on her chin and tsks. “Well, it seems that some of the cupboards still had a few miscellaneous items in them. If I were to take a guess? That would be the girls ransacking them. Let me go check in on them, and then the two of us can have a little chat with Mr. Ruler so we can abade your fears about the manners of his construction crew.”

I stand there in uffish thought for a moment. “That... That was something a bit strange. Rarity is actually taking my side in this? I mean she doesn’t believe me completely, but she’s willing to meet me halfway.” I tap my chin. “Maybe she had some sort of epiphany in the middle of the night.

Rarity’s head pokes out of the kitchen. “Darling, you might want to go ahead, I’ll be here for just a little bit cleaning up- Sweetie Belle! Leave that vegetable cleaver alone!”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to help in there instead?” I ask peeking down the hallway.

“Oh no! It’s quite all right!” Rarity replies accompanied by the sound of clattering metal wears. “Scootaloo! Please get off the table!”

There’s one side of me that wants to go in there and see what’s going on. Just so I can watch. Then there’s the other part of me that says that I should run now before the calamity strikes. And of course there is a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny sliver of me that says that I should go in there to help her.

Just then I hear another harsh crash.

“Yeah, she can take care of that,” I mutter to myself, walking back towards the door. Alright; Maybe she’s right. Maybe I was reading that all out of context. Maybe I’m just being a little fussy and paranoid. Maybe-

“Boy, I wouldn’t mind her breaking my heart!”

That’s going to be the first thing I hear out of Narrow Beam’s mouth. No! Wait! Context! You might be taking this out of-

“Dun’t talk to me Narrow,” Cast Form replies.

“Pfff! Whatever, all I’m saying is that she’s one fine looking M-I-L-R!” Narrow Beam says whickering.

Author's Note:

No art for this one. It was just too long running. I think there's a good amount of set up, and we're finally winding down to the end here folks!