• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 17,253 Views, 1,498 Comments

Sweetie's Mansion - Moon Shooter

A My Little Pony/Luigi's Mansion Crossover

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She would be fine of course. After all, not only was she an Element of Harmony, but she was also Twilight Sparkle. The underling and favored student of one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria. Even if she did have some difficulties now with her "half life", Sweetie couldn't question her judgement. Twilight knew exactly what she was doing.

Besides, it wasn't like Sweetie, someone who had barely touched the "GCD", stood a ghost of a chance against those things.

Sweetie gave the aged mare a smile, a nod, and stepped to the side to allow Twilight to get to the door.

There was a pause as she stared at the door. As though she were having second thuoghts for a split second. Instead, she spoke. "Sweetie?"

"Huh?" Sweetie asked.

"I... know this goes without saying, but I need you to do me a favor."

"What is it?"

"Don't leave this room." She said tilting her head back. "I don't know what's keeping this room powered, but so long as it's running, it's the only safe place in this entire mansion. And... since I know you-"

"You don't want me to leave?" Sweetie finished.

Twilight nodded. "Don't try to be a hero if something goes wrong. Whatever you hear outside, whatever you think you hear, don't open the door under any circumstances. Otherwise, I can't... I can't say you'll be safe."

"I get it." Sweetie nodded. "Don't open the door for strangers and stay put."


"I hope you find them Twilight." Sweetie gave some last words of encouragement. "And..."

"Don't worry. I'll bring your sister back here in a jiff." She said, before leaving opening the door and leaving. It shut with an echoed metallic sound. Sweetie sighed as the sound of her hoof steps faded into nothing. Eventually, all she could hear was the sound of the humming walls.

"I'll find your sister"

"Please... Please do." Sweetie mumbled as she closed her eyes. She didn't realize how tired she was until she tried lying on the floor and found her eyes driffting off to sleep.


"Huh?" Sweetie woke up. "Mmm... how long was I asleep...? Was that all a-" (dream?)

As Sweetie's senses woke up a minute behind her, she realized she was still listening to that familiar hum. She wasn't dreaming. This nightmare was very real. She let out another sigh before looking over at the exit Twilight had left about...

How long has Twilight been gone?

Without a window, porthole, or clock to name in the room, time was foreign to her. Though considering how her body felt, it was safe to assume she had been asleep for at least an hour. Sweetie stretched her legs, and started walking around the room she now called her "safe room". Out of boredom, she felt like examining the mirrors.

They held a strange aura to them. Was this magical energy Twilight had mentioned? No, these mirrors were peculiar, and certainly had magical energy coming out of them, but that wasn't what she was feeling. It felt like she was staring off the edge of a cliff into an infinite abyss rather than staring at her reflection.

Sweetie looked at the multiple mirror frames in the room as well. Like she noted earlier, each one had it's own distinct design. There was the one with the fountain, then there was another mirror's frame that held nothing but smaller, color tinted mirrors as it's frame, and then there was one that had a design that resembled the branches of leaves-


Sweetie screamed herself and jumped back as the mirror she was looking in at the moment screamed at her, before exploding into tiny pieces. If Sweetie hadn't ducked as she hit the ground, the pieces of glass would have cut her into little tiny pieces.


There was laughter. It didn't last long, but she knew she heard laughter for a few seconds. She heard it from the mirror first as it echoed throughout the room before suddenly stopping. Sweetie's heart rapidly beat in her chest for five minutes before she dared to look up at the destruction. The mirror was nothing but frame and shards now.

"What... happened?" Sweetie asked.


There was just the hum. That was her only answer. Sweetie sobbed. "Please Twi... come back soon..."


Sweetie's nerves were deteriorating by the non-existent seconds as she remained in the room.


That broken mirror. That laugh. It broke something in Sweetie as well. The hum was becoming overbearing now. She had to do something to keep her mind off of what just happened. Something to keep her mind off of the hum. She shuffled into her saddlebags to get her ball. she stared at it for a moment before looking up at a wall without a mirror. She began throwing it against the wall.

One hit.


Five hits.


Ten hits.


This is worse. This is worse.

She hoped that something besides the maddening hum that was echoing on the inside of her skull would help. But no, it made it worse. The thuds against the wall weren't helping her. They were just adding to the echos.

What's happening?

This room was doing something to her.

Fifteen hits.


She had to leave the room.

How long had she really been here?

Twenty hits.


She would die if she left.

Twilight told her to stay.

Twilight doesn't matter.

Twilight's not coming back.

Twilight's dead.

Twilight's dead.

Twilight's dead.

Twenty-five hits.


It's been a long time. It's been a really long time. It's been hours. It's been days. It's been years. Decades. Time doen't exist anymore. The world doesn't exist anymore.

She had to gain control of herself. Why won't it shut up. She would be fine if she had just a little silence. Why won't it shut up? Why won't it-

Twenty-seven hits.


"SHUT UP!" Sweetie threw the ball against the wall harder than she thought she had the strength to. She hit it so hard she heard something she hadn't heard before. A click in the wall behind the hum, followed by it's silence.

"Eh... eh heh..." for a split moment, the sudden silence felt amazing. As if a great burden had just been lifted off of her, the thoughts that were blasting through her head, the panic, the fear was gone. But then something came to her. The humming did stop. What exactly did that mean?

"... property that kept ghosts out, as long as it's humming"

As long as it was humming.

Before Sweetie could realize what this meant, the lights above, one by one, began flickering off. Sweetie just watched as they turned off, her mouth slightly agape.


Eventually all of them were off, and Sweetie was trapped in the same blackness she experienced in the forest. She considered getting her own flashlight, but she didn't see any purpose. She didn't even try to make it to the exit to escape the impending danger.

What was the point, when she heard all of the laughs surrounding the room?


[Try Again]

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