• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 17,242 Views, 1,498 Comments

Sweetie's Mansion - Moon Shooter

A My Little Pony/Luigi's Mansion Crossover

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Chapter 21- The Stableville

Sweetie wasn't sure where she was or where she was going... all she knew was that she had to keep moving forward along the path. It wasn't as though she had any other choice in that case. The filly didn't see or hear any immediate towns nearby, and the thicket of trees along the path made it difficult to see far. All she could see was the direct path above the trail she was walking along, and the far distance in front of her.

This doesn't make any sense... Sweetie thought. She knew that she was still in the mansion... she had to be. Before setting out on her venture, she took note that her GCD, saddlebags, and even her hat were gone. For a split second, she wondered if all of her experiences had just been a dream... but then she saw that she still had the cutie marks of her friends on her. There was no other explanation for them... right?

Maybe there is... Maybe there's an explanation for them that actually makes sense. Maybe it was a-

Sweetie shook the voice from her head as she walked. It had been whispering notations that she just refused to believe. She refused to be tricked for the umpteenth time that night. It was night right? The filly was beginning to forget that in the real world, the moon was still up... opposed to the sun, which seemed to be close to setting...

What makes you so sure this isn't the real world?

"Shut up..." Sweetie mumbled under her breath. The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place who it was. Still, she kept getting that feeling that one gets trying to remember the name of an old friend, but can't quite reach it... or maybe it was an old enemy...

You don't have any enemies Sweetie... You’re the most friendly filly around... even if you are a little delusional...

"I'm not crazy." Sweetie said flatly. "And quit talking to me. You’re not real, and I'm not going to believe a word you say."

The whisper remained silent this time, and it actually scared Sweetie more now that it was gone. As they usually did on the rare occasions the voice stopped talking, her ears felt plugged from the world as everything was deathly silent. She felt alone again... but shouldn't she have been used to that by now, after traversing the many hallways of the mansion? The familiarization with loneliness was suddenly... escaping her. As if all of her experience was starting to slip away from her...

What experience? It's just doing what dreams do. Slipping away....

Sweetie suddenly felt dizzy. She stumbled off to the side of the path and leaned up against a tree. The world seemed to drift around her, making her dizzy... until it finally stabilized again. The whisper was gone... Her ears perked up as the whisper sound was replaced with the serine nature sounds of birds happily chirping in the trees around her and the slight wooshing of wind. There was one sound in particular that surprised her.

Clop, clop, clop, clop... Followed by the sound of wheels turning and crunching into the dirt path. It was the sound of some kind of cart transportation. She knew that sound better than any filly she had made acquaintance with...

Sweetie turned around to see that her suspicions were correct. It was an Equestrian taxi, headed towards her. Sweetie felt a small part of her that wanted to run from the vehicle that seemed to appear out of nowhere... but then again, maybe it was simply that she didn’t hear it coming. After all, just like every other sound, it just came into form once the whispering had stopped.

Whether or not it was her ears, or the world itself that was playing tricks on her, she decided to stay. What she saw was, not a ghost, nor any evil pony... but rather a friend. A good friend with a red coat, light gamboge mane, and green eyes.

"B-big Mac?" Sweetie said. She didn't say it loud enough for the stallion to hear her, but just enough for herself. She was somewhat awestruck. She couldn't believe it. What was he doing in the mansion? This... was the mansion, right?

Sweetie closed her eyes and tried to remember what had happened before she woke up on the trail... but for the life of her, she couldn't. It was just... impossible. As though those last moments were ripped out of her memory... or didn't exist to begin with.

The filly did however come up with some explanation for the stallion's sudden appearance. After all, among the other ponies of Ponyville, Pinkie had already created that illusion at the circus that the stallion was there... of course there, he was also a ghost, and laughing or booing at her. She knew that was an illusion, so this must have been another. It had to be!

This time was different though. He seemed... normal. Same silent expression she'd come to expect on the stallion’s face as he worked... if he were some kind of ghost in disguise... wouldn't he be laughing, grinning, or at least smiling?

The filly remained cemented to her spot until finally, the Big Mac slowed to a stop, the cart with him. The large stallion stood over the filly, looking down at her with that emotionless stare of his.

"Li’l filly." He said in his normal southern tone. "Could ya kindly move out of th' rode?"

Sweetie continued to stare, hypnotized by his gaze...

"Mr. Cabbie... why have we stopped? Is there something wrong?" a voice said through an open window of the taxi. A very familiar voice. Sweetie snapped out of her stupor and looked around. She didn't see another pony in the area. Could the voice have been talking to some pony else in the taxi?

"No ma'm. Jus' a little filly in th' road." Big Mac responded.

D-did he just get called Mr. Cabbie? Sweetie thought. She could have sworn his name was Big Mac... was this stallion his twin or something?

"A filly? This far out of town?" the voice said. Sweetie was positive she knew this voice. It almost sounded like... like...

The taxi door opened and a mare stuck her head out. It... was her... it was HER! The white coat, the purple mane, the blue eyes, it was HER!

"Rarity!" Sweetie exclaimed, running around the side of the cart over to the mare. About half way, she stopped. What am I doing? Am I crazy?! Sweetie knew this had to be some kind of trap... it had to be. She wasn't going to fall for it... she wasn't...

The mare had a look of concern for the filly. "Dear? What are you doing so far away from Stabletown?"

Stabletown? Sweetie thought.

Hopping out of the taxi, Rarity confronted Big Mac. "Cabbie! You would have just passed this little filly, wouldn't you?" Rarity asked angrily.

Big Mac tried to keep his expression strait, and unintimidated by the mare. "Well, th' way ah see it, she musta gott'n out here fine by 'erself. Plus, ah don't see her askin' or payin' no bits for a ride. Side's, ya got enough passengers. Ya don't need ta stuff no more."

Though the stallion spoke like the Big Mac she knew, he didn't... act like the Big Mac she knew. The Big Macintosh she knew wouldn't have been requiring bits to give a filly a ride... and what was he doing giving taxi rides anyway? Wasn't he an applebucker?

"Oh hush you. She won't make it anywhere far before sun down. And we've got plenty of room." Rarity said.

"Ah still don't see no bits." Big Mac pointed out.

Rarity grumbled something before heading back into the taxi. Her flank stuck out of the door, as she bent over to get something inside. After a few moments of fishing around, the came back, holding a sack of bits in her teeth. Once she was back over by the stallion, she used her magic to telekinetically float the bag in front of her and float about 6 bits into the satchel around the red stallion's abdomen.

"Happy?" she spat.

"...Alri', th' little filly c'n ride." Big Mac said.

"Come along Deary." Rarity said, walking back to the open door.

Sweetie stayed put. Rarity looked back at the filly curiously. "Is there something wrong?" the mare asked with concern.

Sweetie didn't want to go in the taxi with the mare. It was probably some kind of trap Spiffy or Specter had set up in the mansion... at least that's what she figured. Briefly, Sweetie looked around her and saw how thin her options were. Just like she said, there didn't appear to be any real civilization anywhere around her, or at least within any conceivable walking distance... only somepony who was used to such travel would get to... wherever in a decent amount of time. Somepony like Big Mac... or in this case, Cabbie. If Sweetie was going anywhere, it was by the taxi.

"O-ok..." Sweetie said reluctantly, walking to the door of the taxi. Rarity helped Sweetie up into the seat as she entered herself and closed the door.

"Hello little filly how are you?" a zebra Sweetie recognizable to be Zecora. "I see you are headed off to Stabletown too?"

"I-I guess..." Sweetie said as the Big Mac began pulling the taxi down the road. Not like I've got much choice now anyway...

Sweetie wasn't sure what it was. Something about the presence of both her sister and her zebra friend was odd. Sure, it was random for either of them to show up, but... there was something about the way they acted. Maybe it was the fact that they weren't trying to deceive her with friendship. Rather than acting like her friends they acted like... strangers. Excluding Big Mac, but strangers none the less, as though she didn't really know these ponies. Maybe it was the kindness itself that put Sweetie on edge, expecting to be ambushed by a plethora of ghosts should she let her guard down... or maybe it was the strange disoriented feeling she got every time she looked into either of their eyes...


Twilight shut her eyes and focused as hard as she could. The stress she was putting in trying to flow magic to her horn was evident as a small vein popped from her head. After a few moments of strain on her body's magical flow, she sighed and opened her eyes.

"No luck?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight shook her head.

"I still need more time to re-charge." Twilight sighed.

"C'mon Twi. You never had trouble doing that magic stuff before." Rainbow argued.

"That's also when I had my cutie mark..." Twilight sighed. "Now that my talent's fading... I'm losing my ability to automatically generate magic."

"Really? I thought unicorns always did that." Fluttershy said. "I mean... whenever we visited Rarity, she never ran out of magic, and it wasn't even her talent! ... I-I'm sorry."

Twilight shook her head. "It's fine, but... usually, a unicorn is asleep by now. Without rest, my magic won't recharge... and it's hard to do it any other way." Twilight sighed.

"So what... ya too tired to use magic now?" Applejack asked.

Twilight nodded. "Pretty much, yes... only way I could use magic now is with rest or my cutie mark... Spike." Twilight turned back to the dragon who stood by the door, clutching the GCD in his claws. "Please, listen. You’re not yourself. You've been hypnotized, o-or something! You've got to snap out of it!"

Spike didn't respond. He continued to stare blankly at his friends.

"It ain't no use." Applejack sighed. "Whatever Gilda er Specter's done ta 'im, they got 'im good."

"Twi, you’re smart though." Rainbow said. "Don't you know anything about hypnotizing, or some mind control magic?"

"I... forget." Twilight sighed.

"You forget?" Pinkie asked. "How? You’re like, the most elephant brained filly I know! How could you forget?"

Twilight shook her head. "Probably has something to do with my cutie mark being gone. Magic and comprehension of all the subjects related to it were all attributes of my talent. I know I learned something about mind control somewhere... but I can't remember any useful details." Twilight explained. "Now... I'm useless." She looked down depressed.

"Aw, don't say that Twi." Pinkie said, giving her friend a smile. "You’re totally useful.”

Twilight didn't bother looking up. "Doing what? I let Sweetie go out on her own and now she's probably..." Twilight trailed off. "... and now, I can't even help my friends with my useless horn. Because of that, we're all gonna..."

"We're gonna be fine." Rainbow reassured. She repositioned herself in her bonds against the tea table. "And you’re not useless. If you weren’t there, I probably would’ve gotten my soul sucked out or something."

"But Sweetie..." Twilight started.

"And I bet she's fine too." Rainbow assured.

"Yeah! You shoulda seen her when we got attacked." Applebloom added.

"She's really good at kicking ghost flank! She's almost as cool as Dash!" Scootaloo added. "I bet she's somewhere, coming up with some amazing plan to sa-"

Suddenly, the tea room door swung open, revealing a little dirty filly, wearing an oversized rancher's hat over a poofy mulberry mane. She looked at the mares with her big green eyes.

"G-guys?" Sweetie said, as she walked into the room.

Twilight sighed in relief. "Sweetie. Thank Celestia you’re ok."

"W-what's going on?" Sweetie asked as she made her way to Twilight. She ignored Spike, who simply continued to stare at the mares as though the filly hadn't even entered the room. "Why are you tied up like this? Are you all hurt?"

"We're fine kid." Rainbow smiled.

"But don't worry about us. Where the hay did you go?" Applebloom asked.

Sweetie looked at Applebloom and smiled. For a moment, every mare could have sworn it twitched. "Does it matter? I'm not the one tied up, right?"

"I guess..." Applebloom said.

"But what about Spike? You and him-" Pinkie started. Sweetie waved a hoof to silence her.

"We got separated. What can I say?" Sweetie smiled.

"But..." Pinkie trailed off. She knew something was wrong about the filly's behavior.

"I'm fine..." Sweetie said.

"But where'd you go after you got separated?" Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie stood in front of Twilight and stared at her. She stared at her.

"...Sweetie?" Pinkie asked.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" Twilight asked.

After a few moments, Sweetie blinked. "Where I went... oh, no where important. Just somewhere I could go for a little-" without warning, Sweetie raised her hoof and slapped Twilight across the face. "assimilation!"

"Sweetie!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Wha' th' hay'd you do that for?" Applejack exclaimed.

Sweetie began to laugh insanely.

"Oh no..." Pinkie said. With Twilight lying back on her side in her bonds, she was the first to see the change in the filly 's eyes. Rather than their normal green color, they had transitioned to the sickly glowing yellow. They turned to Pinkie Pie, who stared back in horror. "You’re not Sweetie."

"Oh my Pinkamina." Sweetie shook her head. Her voice changed to a twisted fusion of a grown stallion's voice and the filly's own normal one. It was as though two ponies were talking at once. "I'm saddened you didn't realize that sooner. Between the trances and the utter hopelessness of your current situation, I'd think the fact Ms. Belle is gone would be... quite evident by now."

"Who the hay are you then?!" Rainbow asked angrily. She struggled in her bonds, as she watched Twilight lie motionless on the ground.

"Hm, let me think." Sweetie took a moment to think before looking back at Rainbow. She chuckled. "I do believe you futilely tried to hit me out of the air. Am I correct?"

"You’re... you’re that butler guy, aren't you?"

Sweetie gave a loud cackle and bowed. "Spiffy Butler, at your service. And I do believe... it's almost time to start our little game."

"G-game?" Pinkie asked.

"Of course. After your shenanigans with your... oh, what was it you called it... your ‘Ping-Pong Sing-a-Long’, yesterday evening, I'd imagine you would enjoy such activities I have planned."

Pinkie opened her mouth to speak, but Applejack intruded. "She don't want no part in any a yer 'games'."

Sweetie chuckled. "Oh, I doubt that... by the way, Ms. Pie. How's that nausea treating you? Make any comments to the author lately?"

At the mention of it, Pinkie felt like vomiting again, much like she did back in the safe room at the mention of him. Sweetie gave another chuckle. "Excelent... It shouldn't be long now. Now all we need to do is wait for that lazy good for nothing griffon to show up with the princess, and we can get this little activity underway... I only hope for your sake that the princess cares as much for you as the mare I..." Sweetie went over to make sure that Twilight was still alive. Surprisingly enough, the little filly had managed to knock her out. "... mistakenly rendered unconscious..."

"W-what do you mean?" Fluttershy asked hesitantly.

Sweetie shook her head. "Don't worry. You'll learn soon enough what's in store for you. We’ll also find out how much pain tollerance you have." Sweetie laughed as she walked over to Spike.

“Applejack, what do you think she means by that?” Fluttershy asked feafully. Applejack shrugged unsurely.

Sweetie’s voice changed back to the childish filly everypony knew and loved. "And how are you doing, Spiky-wikey?" Sweetie said, using the term the filly had heard Rarity use some time ago.

Spike snapped out of his trance at the sound of the nickname. "Oh Sweetie! I didn't see you come in." Spike said, turning to the filly. "Y-you look really pretty today."

Sweetie giggled. "Thanks." She gave Spike a quick kiss on the cheek. Spike's tail briefly erected in excitement.

"Er... I have something for you." Spike said. "I-I hope you like it."

Sweetie raised an eyebrow. "Something for me?" she asked. Her eyes went to the GCD he was clutching. The "Oh!" she gave sounded more like it she'd forgotten that she was supposed to receive the device, rather than one of surprise...

Spike held out the GCD to Sweetie. "Can I help you put it on?" he asked politely.

"Okay." Sweetie smiled.

Spike walked around to Sweetie's back and helped her put on the saddlebags that were attached to the GCD. Though, once the GCD made contact with the filly's back, something strange happened. The GCD's red and green lights had all changed to yellow.

"Huh. That's kind of cool" Spike said, staring at the now blinking yellow lights.

"Hm? What is?" Sweetie asked, who couldn't see the lights as immediately.


The GCD was starting to beep quietly, just loud enough for anypony within a few feet could hear. Finally, the GCD said something that scared the filly.

Warning. Possessed Hunter. Warning. Keep caution around-

Before the GCD could say anymore, Sweetie quickly threw off the saddlebags and GCD over to the other side of the room.

"What the hay..." She said breathlessly, unable to bury Spiffy’s voice under the filly's normal one. The intense fear could be seen in her yellow eyes, keeping her from controlling her voice...

"What happened? Are you ok?" Spike asked. "I'm sorry Sweetie. I'm sorry..." He went over to Sweetie and began stroking her, in an effort to comfort her. The filly seemed to be oblivious to Spike's affections. All she could keep thinking was...

What the hay was that... That wasn't supposed to happen...


Despite the massive combination of weight between three ponies and the taxi itself, Big Mac... or Cabbie, as he liked to be called, seemed to pull the transport at a much greater pace than any normal pony's walking speed. Sweetie couldn't bear imagining the stallion's normal walking speed was, let alone his running speed. She sat in between Zecora and Rarity silently as they rode, on every occasion coming over a large bump that might make one of them respond with an "Oof". Otherwise, the ride was awkwardly quiet, as every so often, either Zecora or Rarity would glance at the filly.

Finally, Rarity spoke. "Dear?"

Sweetie tried to pretend that she didn't hear her, hoping she'd just go back to looking out the window... as if that would do any good.

"Dear," she repeated. "You've been awfully quiet. Is something the matter?"

The filly didn't want to speak to the mare. She knew that either she wasn't real, or that she was trying to deceive her in some way. Then again, the voice sounded so sincere... so like Rarity, that she couldn't help but offer another response.

"Y-yeah, I'm ok." Sweetie said, not daring to look at the mare.

"Are you sure that all is well? Your head looks like you must have fell." Zecora said, offering the filly her own attention.

"M-my head?" Sweetie asked.

Zecora reached a hoof out to touch the top of her head. Sweetie darted her eye over to the mare. Zecora snapped her hoof back, getting the message that the filly didn't want to be touched by the zebra mare.

"Dear, we only want to help you." Rarity said. "Please let us..." Her voice was so soothing... Sweetie didn't notice as Zecora reached again into Sweetie' head, moving the hairs around before.

"Ow!" Sweetie jumped as she felt a tender spot atop her head.

"As I thought you have endured some drama. What has caused this cranial trauma?" Zecora asked.

Sweetie didn't answer. She knew they knew what had caused it... but then again, Sweetie wished she knew herself...

"I... don't remember." Sweetie said truthfully. No matter how hard she thought, she couldn't remember anything having to do with hitting her head earlier... in fact, she couldn't remember anything past waking up barely a few minutes earlier! At least nothing concrete. She could remember ponies she knew, and a few events from her past that stuck out in her mind... but nothing solid enough for her to claim she remembered... it was as though none of them existed, and she'd just imagined them up out of some delusion.

No! I didn't imagine anything! Remember the cutie marks! They're proof!... right?

"Aw... poor dear. Amnesia and cutie pox. I wish I could help you more..."

"Amnesia... yeah, lets go with that. A-and cutie pox?" Sweetie asked.

"Of course dear... that is what you have, right?" Rarity asked.

Sweetie knew what cutie pox was of course. It was the very same rare, and thought to be eradicated disease. Her friend, Applebloom had contracted from her own desire to have a cutie mark... that and the help of Zecora's own "Heart's Desire" concoction. It was odd to hear it brought up like it was some common disease... was it?

"I-I guess." Sweetie said.

Rarity shook her head. "I suppose it was a matter of time before Stabletown was the one to be hit with the plague."

"P-plauge?" Sweetie asked. “You mean that’s common around here?”

"My, little filly. Have you not heard? There's been many magical diseases that have taken off like birds." Zecora explained.

Rarity nodded in agreement. "Just about everywhere in Equestira, and the entire world had been hit so far." she glanced at Zecora. "Even the Zebra Nations. Why, I wasn't even aware ponies could get Cutie Pox, especially with the other diseases they could get, such as chocoestacia, aquaedema, babema disorders... and cutie pox seems to be one of the most common of them. I was hoping I could help my friend, Xina, escape from such horrors in Stabletown..."

"Xina? Who's that?" Sweetie asked.

Rarity chuckled. "I apologize little filly. I haven't introduced myself or my friend yet, have I?"

"Um, I think I might..." Sweetie started, but trailed off. She was going to tell how she already knew the mares... but they didn't appear to know her. She assumed that it would have sounded crazy if she said she knew the ponies that supposedly never met her before.

"Well, I am Jewely Axinite, owner of the Rose Valley Showroom, Stabletown's best... and erm... only perfume, jewelry and dress store."

"A-axinite?" Sweetie repeated. The name sounded familiar... did she hear it somewhere before? It was around this time she noticed the lovely fragrance she had.

"And that is a zebra friend of mine, Xina," she said, pointing over to the zebra at the other side of Sweetie. She smiled and gave a small wave. "She's my supplier for most of the exotic plants I use in my perfumes... you may have noticed one I'm wearing right now? Most of the supplies I used to make it came from her."

"Zeena?" Sweetie emphasized, mostly out of disbelief.

Rarity... or rather, Ms. Axinite smiled and nodded. "That's right."

That... that can't be right! Her name's Rarity! RARITY! And Zecora! What the hay is going on around here?! Sweetie thought in a panicked manner. Just calm down Sweetie. That's probably what Specter wants you to do, right? He want's you to panic. He wants you to get off your guard. Can't do that. Can't panic...

"Dear?" Axinite asked, bringing the filly out of thought. "I... don't believe you told us your name... I mean if you wouldn't mind..."

Sweetie didn't see the harm in saying her name. If she was ensnared in some kind of trap, it wouldn't have made much difference. "My name... Sweetie... Belle." she said. It was odd. She knew that the name she'd just uttered was her own... but somehow, it felt foreign to her. Like she was talking about another filly, rather than herself... like the name itself was a dream, along with everything attached to it...

Silence befell the taxi before finally- "Ah! We're almost here." Axinite said happily.

Sweetie's awareness was definitely diminishing, as it seemed as though the entire environment had changed entirely. Rather than the woods of the path, everything was now stone. Stone houses, stone streets... and ponies were all walking around, running their own errands and business affairs. They weren’t in the same woodland area Sweetie had been found in, but instead, a hustling bustling town. It was official, they were definitely in Stabletown. The environment and architecture of the buildings looked very similar to the painting she'd seen before going to fight Rainbow Dash. It all felt like she'd just jumped right into that exact portrait... minus the fact that every pony, buffalo, or griffon she saw resembled someone she'd met at some point in her life... or at least had been told about. All of them wore some kind of dress or suit she'd imagined somepony like Rarity making... or some kind of brown village rag. The filly felt like she could name everyone the taxi passed by... though after coming to terms with the fact she wasn't sitting next to Rarity or Zecora, she doubted it would matter.

Of everything that caught her eye however, the biggest sight of interest she noticed was the massive mansion looming over the town. From a glance, it was obvious that this was Yield Manor... but... wasn't she supposed to be inside of the monster of a mansion? What the hay was going on? Where was she?

"Here we are..." Axinite said as the taxi came to a stop. Her and Sweetie looked outside of the taxi to see a stone building, vaguely resembling the Carousel Boutique... it was the Carousel, right? Sweetie was having trouble remembering what it looked like... d id the original two windows in front of the building have glass art of a perfume container, surrounded by jewels and roses like the ones in front of her? Were the support beams surrounding the Boutique the same colors of candy canes like the building she sat in front of now? Or were they a different color... she knew it was different... but she couldn't distinguish the differences... why? What was so wrong with her memory that she couldn't remember the second home she'd spent nearly half of her time in...? "Xina, would you be a dear and help me unpack the supplies from the back of the taxi."

"Of course I'll assist you Ms. Axinite. I know you working alone isn't a pretty sight..." Xina smiled.

"Thank you. It's not like that lazy stallion up there is going to help at all." Axinite rolled her eyes. Cabbie glanced back at the mare, but didn't say a word before waiting for them to exit the vehicle.

Both Xina and Axinite moved out of the taxi leaving Sweetie alone in the taxi.

"Little filly?" Cabby said shortly. "When ya git to ya stop, ya supposed ta git out."

"Oh hush you." Axinite glared at the stallion. "Come along Sweetie dear." Axinite held out a hoof to help her out of the taxi. T his time, Sweetie found herself much more comfortable taking the helping-hoof. The filly was less thinking about the possibility of there being a trap, or getting ambushed. Instead, she was starting to trust the mare without thinking, and it was starting to scare her. Why couldn't she think straight or keep the paranoia alive?

Sweetie looked around. She didn't see Xina anywhere.

"Um... where did-"

"Xina? She went into the showroom to start taking a few items in..." Axinite trailed off. "Sweetie... if you don't mind my asking... you never told us what you were doing so far outside of Stabletown... you aren't running away from home, are you?"

"O-of course not. Um..." Sweetie tried to think of some excuse. It would have been impossible for her to explain what had happened to her. The filly also knew that she couldn't go with the lie of running away. She knew if she'd been caught trying to run away, she would likely get taken to the authorities. She already had that experience once and knew she would have a hard time moving around to escape this world if she was in custody of any form of pony police. She thought for a second... "I... I came to see the mansion... f-from a nearby town. Not too far from here," Sweetie said.

Axinite looked at Sweetie strangely for a few moments... as though she was sensing that she was lying to an extent. Finally, it looked as though a lightbulb went off in her head. "Oh! You must be talking about the house party this evening."

"House party? I mean yeah! House party!" Sweetie grinned. "That's what I came for."

"Oh, how splendid then!" Axinite smiled. "I wasn't aware the Yield was inviting anyone outside of Stabletown. You have a ticket?"

"Ticket... I mean, yeah! Of course I have ticket."

Axinite's face went sideways. "Hm... I don't see anything on your person to carry said ticket..."

"Someone in the town is holding it for me." Sweetie explained. "A-a friend from inside the town."

"Oh... and I suppose you'd best be off to retrieve it, right?" Axinite asked.

"Y-yeah." Sweetie said.

"Well... I won't hold you up then." Axinite smiled. "Just... let me know if you need anything. I'd be more than happy to help you in any way..."

Sweetie smiled. "Thanks Ms. Axinite."

Ms. Axinite smiled and left the filly to retrieve another box from the back of the taxi, and entered the showroom.

Sweetie sighed, and began walking toward the mansion. Thankfully, Rose Valley was just down the path from the massive mansion, joining a string of shops and houses that led to its gates. She figured if there was any way she would escape this world she was having a harder and harder time remembering it wasn't real, the mansion would hold the key. It had to... after all, it was her only lead.

As Sweetie made her way to the gate she continued to pass by familiar looking ponies. She noted not all of them were ones she met before... but had at least heard about. There was a shop that sold quills, paper, and other writing materials that seemed to be owned by Carrot Top. There was a puppet stand, with a show being performed by the Spa Ponies. There was a baking shop owned by Chief Thunderhooves... There was even a stand that sold nuts that was controlled by Gilda! Of all the shops she passed by on her way to the mansion gate, everypony she saw, she was somewhat familiar with... but besides Axinite, all of them completely contradicted their talents and skills that were implanted in Sweetie's head... but the odd thing was, that none of them had the correct cutie mark, rather one that matched their new profession. For example, Daisy and her two flower girls, Lily and Rose, were... rather than attending to their flower shop and garden, were building a new shop next to another one. To complement their new profession, they each had a construction cutie mark.

Sweetie had already assumed that they wouldn't go by the names she had come to know them by after the encounter with Axinite and Xina... but curiosity got the better of her. She broke off her path to the mansion and walked over to the three dirty looking mares.

"E-excuse me." Sweetie said nervously. The mares didn't look or respond to her. Sweetie tried again. "EXCUSE ME!" she said much more loudly. Though Lily and Rose didn't respond to the filly, and seemed to be intentionally ignoring her, Daisy turned from a brick she was setting.

"What'cho want?" the mare asked. It sounded like the Daisy she knew... somewhat. The mare spoke in Daisy's voice, however it sounded like... she was pretending to be a stallion. She changed her voice for it to sound somewhat deeper. "Can't you see we're in the middle of somethin'?"

"S-sorry." Sweetie said. "I was... just curious of what your name was."

"The hay do you need my name for?" the mare asked.

"E-er... just um... curious?" Sweetie said. "I'm a little new here and I um... wanted to get to know a few ponies is all."

The mare glared at the filly, annoyed that she'd interrupted her for something so stupid. Sweetie smiled sheepishly, hoping that the mare wasn't going to knock her block off right then and there. "... the name's Bronze Bricks. Happy?"

"Bronze Bricks?" Sweetie asked.

"Yeah. Why? You got a problem with it?"

"No! Of course not but I was kind of... expecting something a little more... feminine."

The stallion crossed his eyes. Did Sweetie say something wrong? "What you tryin' to say filly?"

"Er, I mean... y-your a mare right? I just thought-"

The grown mare pushed the filly back. She nearly fell onto her flank to the ground. "Little filly, I don't care how new yeh are, but I ain't gonna take no pony calling me a mare."

N-not a mare then? What is she... a stallion? Sweetie thought as the mare glared at her. It seemed that some ponies in this world weren't exactly the gender they appeared to be at the eye. Rather than being the real Daisy, or a mare with a different name, she was just an entirely different pony in the shell of some pony Sweetie knew... or at least thought she knew. "S-sorry. My mistake. I didn't mean to offend you." Sweetie said, trying to keep the angry mare stallion from beating her to a pulp. Sweetie began backing away shyly. "I'll just get going. Sorry." The filly then bolted off in the opposite direction of the angry magenta pony.

Sweetie ran so fast, fear fueling her speed that she forgot to look in front of her-

"Oof!" Sweetie said as her head collided with the head of another pony around her size and age. This time, Sweetie fell onto her flank, along with the other pony in front of her. She shook her head clearing the dizziness the collision has caused. Once her eyes stopped rolling in her head, she found herself faced with the most unlikely of all ponies.

"Pipsqueak?" Sweetie blurted out. The other pony seemed to still be getting his... or her bearings. He shook his head in the same manner as Sweetie, regaining control of his swimming world to stare at the filly. The two awkwardly stared at eachother for a few minutes before Sweetie spoke up. "U-um sorry about that. Wasn't looking where I was going."

"What?" he asked. He seemed to still be in some kind of daze. "O-oh! No! It's my bad! Really!" the Pipsqueak lookalike scrambled to his feet. Before Sweetie could have the chance to do it herself, he was over by Sweetie's side, helping her back up onto her hooves.

"Er... thanks." Sweetie smiled. Well, whoever this is is really nice...

"No problem!" He said, looking off to the side. He blushed. "Colts like me always like to help pretty fillies like you."

"H-huh?" Sweetie said, caught off guard. She took a step back. Pipsqueak immediately noticed that the filly was awe struck and nervous to the stranger colt's sudden advance.

"N-no, I'm sorry. Heh... didn't mean to..." the colt laughed nervously before looking down, as if to think for a moment. After a few seconds, he snapped his head back up. "Let's start over. My name's Little."

"Little?" Sweetie said, regaining her bearings.

"Yeah. Little Squee, at your service madame." Squee bowed fancily.

"Er... My name's Sweetie. Sweetie Belle." Sweetie said, giving a little bow of her own. "I'm new here."

"This is your first time in Stabletown?" Squee asked.

"Y-yeah." Sweetie said.

"Figures." Squee smiled. "I couldn't imagine missing a filly as beautiful and majestic as you."

"Uh..." Sweetie said, noticing how Squee was staring at her so dreamily. "Listen, I've got er... places to be."

"Why, wouldn't you like a tour of Stabletown?" he asked excitedly. As much as Sweetie hated to admit it, a guide would be nice to have around for the moment.

"I... I guess." Sweetie smiled sheepishly.

"Great! Maybe I could show you um... some of Stabletown's restaurants. Maybe we could eat together?"

Fantastic. First Spike, and now Pipsqueak's falling for me. Who's next? Scootaloo? Sweetie thought. Seriously! Where does he think he's taking this story?... Woah, where'd that come from?

"Well... sure. But first, I've got to get to that mansion over there." Sweetie said, pointing to the manor gate.

"Yield Manor? But the party doesn't for another few hours." Squee said.

I doubt I can wait a few hours... But maybe I can still use him... Sweetie thought. "I know. I just wanted to uh... explore. You don't mind, do you?" Sweetie took advantage of the situation and got up close to the love-struck Squee. "I really want to see what's inside."

Squee blushed again, looking off from Sweetie. "Uh, sure. I guess we could." Squee shakily began moving forward in the direction of the mansion.

Huh. So that's how Rarity get's stallions to do what she wants. Go figure. Sweetie thought triumphantly at her wooing of Squee.

She followed close next to Squee, her eyes wandering as they made their way to the mansion. Eventually Squee started rattling off about Stabletown, likely to get more comfortable around his new crush.

"... Anywho, like I told ya, you'll probably find most a' the stores and stuff around here in upper Stabletown. You saw the other part on your way in, right?"

Sweetie shook her head. She had been entranced through talking to Axinite to really notice anything else when she first entered the town. Honestly, Sweetie shook her head no.

"Well, that's where most ponies live." Squee explained. "It's not as fancy or appealing as Upper Stabletown, but it's home to me and a bunch of others. Really, I think you'd like it... where are you from anyway?"

"Uh..." Sweetie thought for a moment. "Ponyville."

Squee raised an eyebrow. "Ponyville? Where's that?"

"Um... over on the Equestrian west coast I think. Around Manehatten and Canterlot." Sweetie said.

"Huh... I've heard of Canterlot... but not Ponyville or Manehatten." Squee said.

"Really?" Sweetie said surprised, but then a realization came to her. This world she was in... it didn't take place in her time. After the Nightmare incident and forward from there, Ponyville became a short-term landmark: The Home of the Elements of Harmony. Though as time went by, the hype over Ponyville went down, everypony in Equestria had at least once heard of Ponyville or the famous Mane 6... "Er, no. Forget I said that, Ponyville's just a small town I came from anyway."

Squee smiled. He wasn't about to question his love's word. Suddenly, something happened. Sweetie felt something in her tail, causing it to erect unnaturally.

"Uh... Sweetie?" Squee asked. "Is your tail supposed to do that?"

"Hm?" Sweetie looked back at her tail. It stood stiff, pointing at the ground. It jerked every few moments as though it were... twitching.

Twitchy Twitchy Twitcha Twitch Jumpie A familiar voice said in the back of Sweetie's mind.

Sweetie's eyes contracted as she looked up above her, seeing a giant crate coming straight for her and Squee. Thinking fast, she pushed Squee out of the way, and jumped out of the way. The crate crashed into the ground, breaking open and letting out a bunch of kittens, many of which ran off in several directions. One of said cats, Sweetie recognized to be Opalescence.

Who puts a bunch cats in a crate?! Sweetie thought, the adrenaline pumping through her body. Wait a second... I twitched! Pinkie's twitchy tail means that something's going to fall and something nearly fell on me... does that mean I have Pinkie's sixth sense? Neat!... Oh... Sweetie began to slip back into the dizziness state again.

"Oh man. My boss is gonna kill me if I don't get all of those cats back." the mare said, hovering above the mess.

"Don't worry." Said a familiar voice. "I've got 'em!"

Both Squee and Sweetie got up just to see a grey pegusus fly off in the direction a string of cats had. Sweetie assumed it was Ditzy "Derpy" Hooves... or at least her body anyway. The other pony, Sweetie recognized as Raindrops, a weather pegasus who occasionally worked with Ditzy on larger deliveries were she to... mess up. The one who resembled Raindrops however, rather than a raining cutie mark, she had one that resembled a crate. Sweetie didn't get the chance to see Ditzy's cutie mark before she was off and gone.

Huh... I guess Stabletown had somepony like Derpy huh? At least that's something that hasn't changed... Sweetie thought.

The mare flew down and started scooping up cats in the immediate area.

"Wait, there are plenty still-"

"Hey!" Squee called up angrily to the mare. "What the hay's wrong with you?!"

"Huh?" the light gold pegasus said, looking down to the two fillies she'd nearly rendered to pancakes. She covered her mouth with her hooves. "Oh hay, sorry. Didn't mean to drop that on you."

"You should be! You nearly killed me and my new fillyfriend!" Squee said angrily.

Oh brother. Sweetie thought, shaking her head.

"Yeah, sorry." the mare said, scratching the back of her mane. "But I gotta go." Before any other words could be exchanged, the mare sped off in the direction of another group of cats.

"Hmph." Squee shook his head. "The nerve of some ponies eh? Don't even check to see if we're not hurt or anything. Sometimes I wonder if colts and fillies are more adult than the older ponies. I mean she sped off like we were about to tattle on her or somethin'!"

Have to agree on you there... Sweetie thought. There were many a times that she'd experienced the mares acting more childish than even her and the other crusaders... The filly wondered if age really mattered anymore. Especially since for the last few hours she had to be the bigger pony for all of her helpless friends.

"C'mon. Hopefully we can get to the mansion without getting crushed to death by clumsy ponies, huh?" Squee smiled.

The two continued to make their way to the mansion, getting ever closer to it, and suddenly... Sweetie developed the feeling that they were being watched. The brief feeling of paranoia was surprisingly pleasant to the filly, though it didn't last long as Sweetie felt dizzy again. This time however, it was worse than before, given she'd completely lost her balance and fell to her side.

"Sweetie!" Squee said, getting over to the side of the filly. "Sweetie are you alright?"

The voice sounded muffled for a moment, but within moments Sweetie recognized the words. She nodded slowly... but she wasn't alright. The dizziness intervals were getting shorter and closer together... and Sweetie was beginning to find that it happened shortly after remembering friends from Ponyville. It was as though her body was trying to keep her from remembering any pony she knew. Why? Sweetie didn't know... but it wasn't too difficult to figure out that the longer she remained in this world, the more violent and difficult it would become to remember her friends.

When Sweetie got back up on her hooves, once again with assistance from Squee, the hairs on the back of her mane began to rise. It wasn't the normal "watched" feeling she was experiancing anymore... somepony was actually behind her.

Sweetie slowly turned around to be met, face to face, with a pink mare.

Boo! She said. To both the mare's and Sweetie's own surprise, she managed to scare the filly back onto her flank again. The mare giggled. "Wow, you sure are jumpy filly."

"D-don't scare me like that." Sweetie said. After what she'd been through, the filly couldn't believe she'd been scared so easily... especially in broad daylight. "A-and don't call me that."

"Call you what? All I said was that you were a jump-"

"That." Sweetie interrupted. "J-ust... just don't."

"Sorry little filly. Didn't mean any harm by surprising you like that." the pink mare said, turning her head to the side. Sweetie stared at the mare... something was wrong. Really wrong. As she looked at the mare, she could figure out who it reminded her of! She knew the name of the mare should have simply popped up in her head without so much as a second thought but she couldn't! What was wrong with her memory?! How was she forgetting her friends?! Who was this mare?! "You know I didn't any harm by it. Right Little?"

Squee sighed. "Yeah. But don't do it again. She's new and a little lost. I'm showing her around and stuff!"

Sweetie shut her eyes tight... who was this mare... She had blue eyes, a pink coat and a darker pink mane and tail... pink... pink... Pinkie! That's what her name was. Her name was Pinkie... her mane and coat should have been a dead give away, she supposed. Though the filly remembered her name, she doubted she'd respond well to it. She was going to ask her new name anyway...

"E-er..." Sweetie asked. "I didn't get your name... who are you?"

The mare grinned. "My name is Romania L. Bonkers, wife of the greatest fireworks expert who ever lived." she said the last name with a sense of pride.

"Honey, are you terrorizing little kids again." came another voice. It was another mare, though she spoke in the same stallion-like fashion as Daisy. Sweetie took her eyes off of Romania to see another familiar mare coming this way... who was it. Sweetie figured the best way would be to identify her main features. Her coat was a cyan color... not too useful. Her purple eyes didn't help either. Her mane and tail however, were stripes that resembled the pattern of a... Rainbow! That's who she was... or at least that what her body was. Sweetie felt somewhat disappointing going through all of the trouble of remembering the mare's names, when she couldn't use them anymore in the first place. Maybe she should just stop for now...

"Nah. I'm just saying hi to this new filly dear." Romina said back.

Dear? Honey? Oh boy... Sweetie thought. "Uh... and you are?"

"You can call me Bottle Bonkers." the mare smiled.

"And your her... husband?" Sweetie asked.

"Why, yes I am." Bottle smiled.

Just when I didn't think this adventure could get any weirder... Sweetie thought. First Spike hits on me, then I get transported to some Stabletown, Ponyville hybrid with no memory of how I got here, then Pipsqueak hits on me. then none of the mares genders matter anymore... and now... now Rainbow is married to Pinkie...

"Hey! You’re going to the mansion party, right?" Romania chirped.

"Huh? Uh... yeah." Sweetie said. "How'd you-"

"I heard you talking to that nice mare, Ms. Axinite. You came into town with her... are you a relative?"

No use in lying to her on something like that. If she's anything like Pinkie... she'll eventually snoop out the real answer. Besides, I only know one pony who lied to Pinkie and got away with it... Sweetie figured. Either way, if she was going to answer her, she might as well have stuck with the story she gave Axinite. "Uh... no, I er... I'm looking for somepony. Someone to... uh... get me a ticket to the party over at Mr. Yield’s."

"Oooh!" Romania exclaimed. "You’re going to that too? Are you parents taking you to it?"

"Huh?" Sweetie asked.

"I thought that this was a grown up's party... Specter just invited you?"

"Erm... I'm special, I guess." Sweetie said.

"Hm... Well, do you at least have something to wear to it?"

"Uh..." Sweetie said.

"...well, if you do need something, just ask Axinite. She's got the best suits and dresses in this region of Equestria. If you’re a VIP like you say, then you'd probably need the best anyway." Bottle suggested.

"Right... I'll keep that in mind." Sweetie smiled. Like I have any intention of going to that party anyway...

"What about a date?" Romania asked.

"Huh?" Sweetie asked.

"Oh right! It is a couple's party isn't it?" Squee chimed in. His eyes sparkled in excitement at the realization. He was likely visualizing him walking into the party as Sweetie's... date.

In your dreams, Squee. Sweetie thought, shaking her head on the inside. "Uh... yeah, I've got one. Totally." Sweetie looked over at the mansion. "Well, it was nice meeting you all, but I've really got to go."

"Aw... already?" Romania asked. "Well, do you want me to help you find that pony? I know everypony in Stabletown."

"Uh... no thanks. I can find them myself." Sweetie said, backing away from the two mares. "I'll... see you later I guess." With that, she began speed trotting to the mansion.

"See you later Mr. and Mrs. Bonkers!" Squee said, as he caught up to Sweetie.

Romania giggled. "Odd filly. Did you get the feeling that she was lying about something?"

Bottle shrugged. "Guess we'll find out if she shows up later."

The two children, after a little while exited the market area of upper Stabletown. There was a brief line of trees they passed by as they walked along the path before they finally ended up at the Yield Manor gate. Upon closer examination of the mansion, it was much more apparent that it was newer than the one that was now, vaguely floating in her memory. The outside of the mansion looked shiny and well kept, oppose to the mansion she first approached which was falling apart. Replacing the eerie gravestones and dead trees on the front lawn was lush green grass and oak trees, or decorative rocks. The mansion as a whole was grand and magnificent, and seemed fit for a queen... just by looking at it, Sweetie nearly forgot what kinds of horrible things it held inside.

"...Sweetie?" Squee asked, breaking the filly out of the trance she was in as she stared.

"Huh?" Sweetie asked, looking at the colt.

"So you just wanted to look at it? I mean... is there anything else you wanted to do here?"

Sweetie shook her head, bringing herself back. "N-no, I wanted to... I need to get in there."

"Get in where?" Sqee asked.

"The mansion, where else?" Sweetie said, walking to the gate.

"H-huh? I thought you just wanted to explore around the gate!" Squee exclaimed. "You’re not allowed in there! Only Marbles and Candy's friends can go in there for play dates! Specter hates visitors!"

"Where's your sense of adventure? Don't be a scardy cat." Sweetie teased. Huh... could have sworn I sounded like one of my friends for a second there... what was her name?

Sweetie put her hoof on the gate and pushed. It didn't move. She pushed harder and harder, trying to open the gate... but no luck.

"Darn it... it's shut tight." Sweetie said, kicking the gate, causing it to shake slightly. Sweetie thought for a moment. There had to be a way inside.... The filly took a few steps back and judged the height of the gate to be at least 12 feet high, 6 times the filly's own height. A normal filly wouldn't have had a chance to climb or hop the fence with any success... but then again, Sweetie wasn't a normal filly. After all she was bearing the cutie marks of the... something something Harmony. She forgot what they were called, but by now, she was starting not to care.

"Hm... I think I can jump it." Sweetie muttered. She turned around to Squee. "You think you could stand there, and I could use your back for an extra boost."

"Sweetie, I really don't think this is a good idea. E-even if you could jump that thing, you'll get in really big trouble if somepony catches you inside without permission! What's so important that you need to get in there so badly anyway?"

"It's just... I can explain later I guess, but now I need you. Please?" Sweetie asked, giving Squee her best puppy dog look. It worked on just about any pony she tried it on, so Squee didn't have a chance against her.

"A-alright." He said, a goofy smile spreading across his face, followed by a blush. "Let's just uh... get this done before we get caught."

Sweetie nodded and got behind Squee. After taking a few steps back, Sweetie ran for Squee's flank and jumped on his back. Though Sweetie didn't notice it, Rainbow's and Applejack's cutie marks began glowing on her body. For a few moments, she could feel herself flying through the air to the top of the gate. She was going to do it! She was going to jump the-

Out of nowhere, Sweetie felt a shot. A large yellow bolt of lightning struck her body. It's shock started from her face and spreading to the rest of her body the moment it touched the line the gate created, separating the mansion and the outside world. The shock was so great, it was enough to throw Sweetie back onto the ground with a thud. She lie on the ground, moaning in pain, once again, dizzy and confused. The filly wasn't even sure if Squee had come to her side like before... did he even see what had just happened to her?

"You know filly..." She heard a muffled voice say. "This gate is locked for a reason."

Sweetie stumbled to her feet. She saw Squee was still in the same spot as before. He seemed to be in some kind of strange frozen state. Everything around the filly had suddenly seemed to pause. No more wind was blowing through the trees, no hoofprints could be made by any step Sweetie made... everything was stopped, except for the stallion behind the gate. He stared at her with yellow eyes and a yellow coat... but she wasn't sure if she knew him or not. She felt even dizzier just by looking at him.

"Can I... help you filly?" the stallion asked. He smiled sweetly... or was it sinisterly? Sweetie's vision kept getting blurred when she looked at his mouth.

"I... need to come in there." Sweetie said dumbly. Her head was throbbing again. "It's really important and-"

"Shhhh...." The stallion spoke. She could still hear his voice through his ears, but at the same time, it felt like his voice was speaking inside her head. Like... the stallion was speaking her own thoughts as they came... or was it the other way around? "It's fine little filly. Relax... you can't come in here... there's no reason to come here..."

"M...no..." Sweetie mumbled. "I... I need to find a way in there... there's got to be another way..."

Sweetie was fighting as hard as she could to keep conscious, but wasn't lost enough to realize she couldn't keep herself together for much longer. Everything in her head... or at least everything that was left, she could feel oozing out of the side of her ears. Her name... her friends... her homes... her adventures... everything was going and it was going to be gone soon. It was crystal clear to her: Stabletown was somehow leaching away her memories.

Sweetie fell down to her flank as the hypnotic voice began to coax her into sleeping then and there.

"Gotta keep fighting... gotta keep remembering... gotta remember Rarity... gotta save-"

She doesn't exist... None of them exist... Ponyville and nothing you know exists... Only Ms. Axinite exists... everything you see is normal... Sleep...

Sweetie was starting to believe the whisper this time... almost without question. The cutie marks, the mare-stallion confusion meant nothing as proof. All that was left was the vauge thought that she had to get into the mansion.

"There's got to be some way I can get into that mansion... some way..."


"The... party... the... invitation... the ticket... I need an invitation..."


"Need a ticket... get an invitation... need a ticket... get an invite... need my ticket..." Sweetie slowly repeated to herself over and over again. She fell to her side, and started breathing heavier. The world seemed to start collapsing around her as she fought to keep her eyes open to no avail. Before long... the filly was fast asleep.


The two guards walked through the lonely hallways of the seemingly abandoned mansion. They noted the dust and sheets that made it look like nopony had stepped inside of the mansion for years, or possibly decades... though neither discussed the inconsistency between what they saw, and what they'd seen in the foyer and dining halls. Paita kept quiet to keep her awareness up for any of the so called "ghosts" Busby had claimed to seeing... if anything she was sure that something was keeping a close eye on them. Busby kept quiet as he contemplated possible subjects to speak to Paita about to break the eerie silence, whilst keeping from losing the minuscule amount of respect he'd managed to salvage from the mare.

Every couple moments he tried to sneak a glance at the mare's face without her noticing. He tried to tell from her eyes whether or not the mare shared the same fear he had for the situation. All he saw however, was the same stone, brave face that he'd come to expect from her in the few hours they knew each other. Maybe a hint of paranoia as they seemed to dart around the hallway as they walked, but nothing more. For all he knew, it could have been her simply looking for the exit to the maze of hallways they were walking through...

For the past half an hour or so, the two had been looking around for some kind of staircase that would take them to a lower floor. Their plan was to reach the first floor, head through the same portal that the guards had gone through, and hopefully track down their comrades. They both knew how shaky their actual plan was, considering that the doorways weren't always ones to make sense. After all, they'd entered one door to find themselves stories above where they should have been, with no real explanation... but there was something else now. In the time that the two guard ponies were wandering the hallways, they already found what they thought was a stairwell, but the problem was that it was blocked off by bars sticking out of the ground. The gaps between them, too small for even a filly to be able to slip through. Somehow, the mansion seemed to taunt them, saying how close progression was... but not possible. Though, it was only one stairwell... not all of them could be blocked off, right?

"No way..." Paita finally mumbled as the two of them stood in front of another barred stairway.

"Another one?" Busby said exhaustively.

Suddenly, Busby noticed Paita laughing nervously. It was the first hint of fear or real emotion he'd gotten out of her. The mare sat up against one of the walls of the hallway, covering her face with her hooves. "We're never going to get out of here."

"Paita... we've only checked two. This mansion's massive, it's-" Busby started before Paita interrupted him with an icy cold glare.

"Don't you get it Buster?" she said. "We've only checked one."

"W-what?" Busby asked in disbelief.

"Look at that portrait besides the door." she said, pointing to a painting besides the stairway. It depicted a village clouded with smoke and ponies walking around in it. "Same portrait, same side. Either this mansion's got worse variation than I thought, or we've been here before."

Busby gasped at the realization. "Wait! That doesn't make sense! We barely took two turns! How could we have gone in a circle like-"

"We didn't go in a circle moron." Paita said coldly. "Whatever this mansion is... it's toying with us. It's trying to confuse and disorient us... and hay, it's doing a good job too. At this rate, we won't even get the chance to find another staircase. Barred or not. We're trapped here like rats."

Busby sat besides Paita in the same hopeless manner. It did seem like they weren't going to escape anytime soon... Maybe they had a better chance at just waiting there for somepony to come to their rescue. The two guards sat there in the dark hallway, with only the dim light of the moon from some other hallway branch to keep them company. Busby sat down and closed his eyes for a few moments, realizing that it was their only hope... if there was any left. It was lonely, dark and quiet... until Busby heard something. Somepony was whistling... a very familiar tune at that.

Busby's eyes snapped open, though he didn't move his head. Without moving his head, his eyes scanned the hallway for the source of the whistle and hoofsteps. Was it a ghost? Was it some other pony coming to find them? After his eyes adjusted, he found out who was making the whistle... it was Paita, or at least that's who Busby thought it was. As her eyes came into focus, he saw nervousness and fear. She a few steps into one direction of the hallway, and stopped, before turning around to walk toward the other end, only to repeat the same pattern. It was like she was trying to figure out what she wanted to do, and where she wanted to go... but she couldn't seem to figure it out. This was at the very least, surprising to Busby...

"Paita? Y-" Busby started before the mare jumped at the sound of his voice.

She glared at him. "What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack?!"

Busby got up. "Sorry. I didn't even know the big bat lady could get scared." As the words slipped out of his mouth, he expected another slap across the face for the insult but... all she did was simply sigh.

"I... wasn't scared. You just surprised me is all." Paita said, looking off to one of the hallway ends.

"Well..." Busby thought for a moment, hoping to try to keep the conversation going. "They say that someponies like to whistle when they're-"

"I'm not scared." Paita snapped, looking back at Busby for a brief moment. Some of the fire had returned to her eyes.

"What was that then?" Busby asked.

"It was um... just a little... ah forget it." Paita said.

"What?" Busby asked.

"Hmph. It's stupid. Nothing you'd want to hear Buster." the mare said.

"I wouldn't know until I heard it Paita." Busby tried.

There was silence for a moment, and just when he was sure he wasn't going to get an answer, she spoke.

"It was a box."

"What?" Busby asked.

"A... music box, alright? One I had when I was a little filly. Played that weird tune... and had a green heart in the middle. Something that got passed down through the family I guess." she explained. "That's the tune that it played."


"That's what I said." she said.

"And this... family heirloom. Was it... important? Valuable?"

"Why?" Paita asked, turning back to the stallion. It was obvious she wasn't very keen of the line of questioning.

"Just um... curious?" Busby said.

"... it was a music box." She said sharply. "An old dusty music box, and that's all I know. I don't know if it was valuable because I lost it when I was a filly. All I remember is that the last thing my dad said before he... he just said it was important."

Busby raised an eyebrow. "Before he...? Before he what?"

Paita turned away from Busby. Busby thought for a moment... could he fill in the blank?

"Before he... left?" he tried. The stallion noticed how Paita's head de-elevated, seemingly depressed at the single word. "Paita I'm-"

"Shut up." she snapped. "I wouldn't expect you to understand anything about my life, Busby."

She used my real name? Now I really know I've struck a nerve. Busby thought.

"He left so early... I never even learned my last name." Paita said. Busby could have sworn the mare was on the verge of tears, however he couldn't tell for sure with the mare turned around like so.

Hm... I wonder if that's why she was so short with her name earlier... Busby thought.

"Growing up as one of those stupid 'one namers'... wasn't that excepted around the orphanage I grew up in. Kind of made you half the pony you should be."

Busby knew about the one named ponies... ponies without last names. The stallion didn't see anything wrong with the name, but then again he'd grown up close to a more suburban town like Ponyville before living in Canterlot. He'd heard rumors of some areas in Equestria... few and far between that were much more urban or high-classed, and relied on last names to mark one's status in their community. Until Paita, he'd yet to meet one who really talked or even mentioned it.

"Kind of why I wanted to be the best guard out there. Working under Celestia and everything... hmph. Because I pulled one little prank on one of the officers during my training, I got pushed to the lower job as one of Luna's guards. Apparently I was too 'playful'..."

Luna's the lower job? Besides her being a little weaker than the sun princess, I don't really see the difference. Busby thought.

"I... actually envy you actually. A guard for Celestia and a last name... but me, I'm the kind of guard every pony's afraid, no respect, and still a stupid one name." Paita's words seemed more down and depressed than before. The change in mood from the mare was shocking to say the least... until then, he wasn't sure the mare was even capable of such emotions toward him. Especially sadness.

"Paita, I didn't mean to-"

"Hmph." She raised her head and turned it to him. Her voice had returned to normal. "Like I said. I wouldn't expect somepony like you to get it."

"Paita. If it means anything... I don't think of you as any less of a pony." Busby said sympathetically.

"Heh, like your opinion matters to me." she said.

"And I really hope you can still think of me as a friend." Busby tried, smiling.

"Don't expect the same back, Buster."

Well, I'm guessing that moment passed. Busby thought looking off to the side. Though, the fact that Paita had just opened up to him like that was somewhat refreshing. It renewed a bit of hope in his body... and that hope gave him inspiration as he looked at a door down the hall.

"Hey... Paita." Busby said walking past the mare. "I think I have an idea of how we can get out of here."

Paita turned her head to the side, looking at the stallion in disbelief. "No way."

"It's... it's simple. We leave the same way we came in." Busby said. "Through a door."

"Hah. Good luck finding the door we came through Buster."

"No Paita. Not the door we came through. A door we came through." Busby said. Paita gave the stallion another puzzled look. "J-just hear me out. None of these doors, or anything about this mansion for that matter makes sense. No doors are certain to take you into the right room, no hallway is going to take you to the right location."

"So?" Paita asked.

"Well... what if we just started trying different hallway doors?" Busby asked. "If anything, one of them's bound to take us to another random part of the mansion. We can keep trying doors until we reach the first floor! Or, if we're lucky, the foyer."

"...I don't like the idea of trying random doors." Paita said. "We might get ambushed by those ghost things you were talking about in one."

Oh, so when I have a plan, you believe me? Busby thought.

"And if we've got them to deal with, I don't want to be locked in a room with one..." Paita said. "No doubt if a door can throw us around like leaves in the wind, I bet it can even lock itself."

"Well, we've got as much of a chance being ambushed out here as we do in a closed room. Two ghosts on either side of a hallway is more than enough to trap us... not like they've got to worry about fighting us anyway." Busby said. "It's a risk worth taking. What do you say?"

"...Fine." Paita said. Busby could tell in her voice she wasn't too keen on the plan... but at the same time, he could hear a hint of willingness in her voice. Maybe he was making more progress with befriending the mare than he'd thought. "But we need to stay close together. All I did was go last before the rest of the guards and we got separated."

"We'll stick side to side like this." Busby said, getting close enough to Paita so his armor was touching her. She seemed to flinch from being touched like that, but she didn't say anything.

"Lets get to searching..." Paita said.


"S-sweetie? Are you sure your okay?" Spike asked, looking at the possessed filly with concern.

"Yes my Spiky-wikey." Sweetie said, without the enthusiasm she'd had before. She actually beginning to sound as though Spike's constant apologies and check-ups were getting annoying. Chances were she was so short was because she wanted to keep focused on the GCD device she had minutes ago dissected and was now examining each piece, looking for something out of the ordinary. She had already taken off the processor and ectotube. Though, those items weren't of her main interest... instead she was looking at the innards of the meaty bits of the GCD. She silently named each thing, seeming to have full knowledge of every bit and bob. So far, she'd yet to find anything particularly peculiar.

"No... besides that speaker, there's nothing new..." she mumbled to herself.

"You looking for something Butler?" Rainbow asked.

Sweetie looked up at the mare, then back at the GCD as she continued to take parts out and lie them on the ground next to her. "Quiet. Unless you’re going to wish you were your unconscious friend over there. And besides... I doubt Ms. Gilda would be too keen of me hurting you before she got her hand on you and the pink mare."

"What the hay are you talking about?" Rainbow asked. Sweetie ignored as she examined one round glowing piece in particular. Of all the pieces she took out, this one seemed the most peculiar to her, oppose to every other odd bit and end piece she'd examined. In the meanwhile, Rainbow turned over to Pinkie. She whispered. "Pst. Pinkie. Any idea what that nut job is talking about?"

Pinkie looked up and thought for a moment. "Um... Oh yeah! Remember when Gilda came to Ponyville?"

"Yeah... pissed me off how she treated you and Fluttershy." Rainbow said, glancing over to the mare who was looking at Twilight, fighting back tears of fear.

"Well, maybe she wants to... I dunno. 'Deal with me' herself." Pinkie shrugged. "After she stormed out of my party like that, I started to think she didn't really have that much fun. Heck, I even think she hated me a little... as crazy as that sounds."

Rainbow did remember how Pinkie, in her fun, managed to make Gilda snap and just about lose it entirely. "You seem pretty... calm about it Pinkie. I mean, if your right, and Gilda's gone as crazy as I think she has she-"

"Oh, I'll be fine." Pinkie smiled. "I didn't survive this long into the story for her to off me yet! I bet Mr. Shooter has... ugh..." Pinkie's head went down in pain.

"Pinkie? What wrong?" Rainbow asked.

"Just... my tummy again. I guess I'm just really sick when I..." Pinkie said. She shook her head. "But... what about you?"

Rainbow looked off to the side in the same unsure manner. "Doubt she's planning on doing anything drastic to me. Whatever she's up to, I bet it's got something to do with our friendship. Hay if you'd call it that now." Rainbow said. "I remember when I was a ghost, when the feather brain wasn't bossing me around, I vaguely remember her talking to me. Talking about memories when we were both in flight school... before I dropped out anyway. I guess even though I was still a ghost, she kind of liked at least talking to me when she knew that I wasn't speaking to her after that incident at the party."

"Aw... that's kind of sad..." Pinkie said. "She probably only wanted a friend."

"Well working with an insane ghost pony to resurrect their 'friend's' worst enemy isn't the way to make 'em." Rainbow said spitefully. "And if we get out of this, she can forget about making friends with me. She can also probably forget about eating solid foods when I'm done with her."

"Forgive and forget Dashie." Pinkie said positively. "Even if she tried to cut my head off, gut it and use it as some sadistic party decoration, I'd still try and forgive her. I won't hold a grudge, Sweetie didn't hold one, and neither should you."

"...wait, what was that last part about party decorations?" Rainbow asked before the door creaked open.

Sweetie eyes darted to the open door, revealing the old green-coated stallion. The other mares, besides Twilight turned to face him.

"Ah. It seems I'm not late. That griffon is late per usual, I presume?" Specter smiled as he entered the room and closed the door.

"Specter Yield..." Applejack said with a certain disgust.

"Ah, and you lovely mares are conscious, that's even better... at least four of you are anyway." Specter turned his head as he looked at Twilight, who still lie unconscious. "My good friend... you didn't follow my directions... did you?"

"Hmph." Sweetie said. "Master Yield. Can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"If you concider me as your friend then why did you attempt to kill me?" the filly asked.

Specter simply laughed. "Oh your a funny stallion you know that? You know it's impossible to kill a ghost. You are one a ha!"

"Don't give me that." Sweetie said. Though it wasn't completely disrespectful, it was much more stressed and nervous than before. "This... device of yours. You didn't say that you added anything to it."

Specter shook his head. "I've had that device for years. You know it's been added on to keep with the times. Of course the Council has suggested addons. All of which you've overseen... after all, I don't know anything about the inner workings of that thing."

"No... no, that's where you’re wrong. I never remembered putting this in there." Sweetie raised the glowing green piece up to show Specter. "What is this?"

"Oh, you truly don't remember?" Specter asked. He laughed. "That's the new power source."

"New power source?" Sweetie asked.

Specter nodded. "I'm actually a little sad you don't remember it. It was the first piece of the device you and I worked on as a team... remember?"

The filly closed her eyes. "The new power source we worked on... The Adaptive Capture Capacitor!"

"There you go." Specter said smiling.

"Right... normally it needs to be constantly generated with power but.. with the jump start of magic from a unicorn it can generate itself some power." Sweetie explained. "It also converts the energy from whatever ghosts it catches to magically upgrade itself... yes, I remember when that new addition to the Counsel came up with that idea."

"You seem to know more about this new device than you claim to Spiffy." Specter said.

"But... but when I put it on, it clearly stated that I was possess this filly." Sweetie said. "...is... is that how you escaped that first time?"

"My my. Your memory is dampening. The technology to even build that power source wasn't even invented yet." Specter said.

"So, there isn't any possibility this was how you broke free." Sweetie said.

Specter raised an eyebrow. "You aren't suspecting me of helping the filly escape, are you?"

Sweetie blinked twice. She laughed nervously. "O-of course not Master Yield. I suppose this... entire ordeal is making me a little paranoid."

"Hm. Of course it is." Specter said. "Well, paranoia aside, I believe you should get to putting that little device back together on your back."

"What? Is that really necessarily?"

"Did I stutter Spiffy?" Specter asked. He was getting a little impatient with the filly. With a slight sense of fear, Sweetie got to using the screwdriver to rapidly putting the GCD back together. "...we can't get careless." He begun, noting the renewed paranoia the filly had in her yellow eyes. "Whenever Gilda returns, and has finished assigning the rest of the guards and prepared those Wonderbolts for the second to... final phase, she'll be back with Celestia. You've seen how strong she is, even in death and I can barely keep her under control. The most advanced Ghost Capture Device in Equestria would likely be the best tool if things were to... get out of hand. At least until I can..." Specter glanced at the mares. "Break her."

"T-the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow stuttered.

"Oh, you don't know?" Specter asked before chuckling. "I almost forget how clueless you all are of this entire ordeal. Yes, my dear Dash. Your kind guard friends were nice enough to bring the Wonderbolts along for their little search for your princesses. I'm even happy to say they were the first to volunteer to be ghostified."

"You’re lying."

"No, I assure you. They walked right into it very willingly. Or... against their will. I'm sure it's all relative anyway." Specter smiled. Rainbow growled as she gritted her teeth.

"Oh, by the way Spiffy." Specter said, turning back to the stallion.

"Hm?" Sweetie said, turning up from his work.

"There was... one other thing I've been meaning to ask." Specter said.

"Yes master?"

"Between the Wonderbolts and the guards, how many guards did you greet at the entrance?" he asked.

"I believe nine..."

"And how many did you capture and send to ghostification?" Specter asked. Just by looking into his eyes, Sweetie knew he'd already seen the contradiction.

"S...seven." Sweetie said. "One's missing..."

"One? Try two."

"No, no. I know where the other one is. I trapped her high up on the eighth floor." Spiffy/Sweetie explained. "The floor's one of the highest one's blocked off. She won't interfere with out plans, I assure you."

"I instructed you to ghostify all of them." Specter said.

"I know... but there's something about that mare. I think she saw through my disguise. Subconsciously anyway." Spiffy/Sweetie explained. "She even... she even had the same eye color as me."

"You don't have any children." Specter said.

"None alive or ghostified like me anyway..." Spiffy/Sweetie said. "But I did what I thought was necessarily. Think about if she was apart of one of the Council's families."

"Hm... I doubt it. Every Butler was a hunter right? And all of their lines are dead right?"

"...Yes." Spiffy/Sweetie said. She shook her head. "Y-you're right. It was just a coincidence. I suppose there are plenty of ponies with yellow eyes. Hay, we both do and we aren't even related."

"And her behavior tonight was simply an act of paranoia my good friend." Specter said.

"Heh... but even if she was anyway... which she probably isn't... family, genetics or otherwise, she's still as defenseless and inexperienced as any other pony." Sweetie said.

Specter nodded. "Which is why I sent my wife up to search for them. It may not be a cavalry, but it'll be enough to deal with two idiotic guards."

"Sounds fine." Sweetie agreed.

"But since she's going after them, my dear Rarity is... defenseless." Specter explained. Sweetie raised an eyebrow at the word "defenseless". "You know what I mean. I need somepony to... ensure her safety. Or at least... some dragon." Specter looked over at Spike.

"Of course Master Yield." Sweetie said as she walked over to Spike, who was still mumbling if Sweetie was ok, or apologizing to the floor. "Spikey-wikey?" She asked in her most innocent voice. He looked up and gave a sleepy smile to the filly. "Could you do me this tiny teansy wensy favor?"

"O-oh! Anything for you Sweetie!" Spike said enthusiastically.

Sweetie giggled. "Oh, I know you will. I want you to take that secret entrance in the kitchen to your other crush, Rarity. You remember her."

"My... crush... Rarity?" Spike asked.

Sweetie nodded. "You love her just as much as you love me."

"I love... Rarity... just as much as... Sweetie."

Sweetie glanced over at Applebloom and gave a devilish smirk. "And as much as you hate Applebloom over there."

"I... hate... Applebloom." Spike said. Applebloom glared at Sweetie before looking away from her, trying not to look like she didn't care. She wasn't doing a very good job however of remaining indifferent from the frequency she blinked her eyes.

"Your rifle is in the kitchen as well." Specter added. "Use it to kill anypony you come across."

"Especially Applebloom... if you saw her." Sweetie said.

"Or even Sweetie Belle." Specter added. Sweetie glanced at Specter from the thought, finding it odd he'd add something like that.

"I... I can't hurt... Sweetie..." Spike mumbled.

"But I want to die, Spiky-wiky," Sweetie said, somewhat unsure. She supposed Specter was simply making some "insurance" if the other Sweetie managed to escape. He did know that, right? She added, for a little flavor and to entertain Specter that much more, "Not now, but later for sure. I'd be really happy if you shot me right in the body so I could bleed to death. Don't shoot me in the head. I want to feel it. And remember to be even less forgiving with Applebloom or Scoots there... make them die slowly too..." Sweetie hissed. Both Applebloom and Scootaloo shuddered in fear in their bonds.

"I'll... do what... you want Sweetie..." Spike mumbled.

"Alright... go off now." Sweetie said as she gave Spike one last kiss on the cheek. As he turned, she also gave the dragon a little slap on the butt. With that, Spike stumbled out of the room, rubbing the spot Sweetie hit. He then turned to Specter, perplexed. "Master Yield, what was that all about?"

"Hm. I could ask you the very same thing." Specter started.

"Because you told me to. Or at least told him, and I imagined..."

"I don't remember being so detailed on the subject of the filly," Specter said, before grinning. "Though it was a nice touch. In any case, they're all enemies... including the filly your possessing, might I add..."

That wasn't everything. It couldn't be.


"Or?" Sweetie asked.

"...Maybe I'm simply worried."



"Like I've said, I don't think that Sweetie's going to be possessed as easily. Have you checked up on her?" Specter asked.

"...no question, you were right. The filly's spirit has become stronger than ever. Between those marks and sheer willpower, she broke free of the initial possession bonds. Though, thanks to my own memory spell, she's subdued and clueless about anything. She's gone."

Specter shook his head. "You can't rely on that spell to keep her locked up. You can't keep using it as your easy card."

"Well, it's kept this mansion standing this long."

"That's not the same. I'm not worried about it collapsing... I'm worried about Sweetie figuring out how to collapse that memory." He grinned. Sweetie wasn't sure how to take that grin. "It's not hard to break."

"Between her loss of memory, the charms of Stabletown, and the sheer fact no pony can escape possession without some version of will of the ghost..." Sweetie argued.

"... or if she can break the ghost into letting her go..."

"That was you. Before I had this little trick. With this, she isn't going nowhere, and she won't even find me." Sweetie laughed. "You can't break what you can't touch."

"We'll see about that." Specter said, glancing over at the halfway put together GCD.


The white filly woke up. Her eyes blurred as orange light hit her face. All she could see was a blurred tan colored room and another yellow blur that vaguely resembled a pony. Her head throbbed painfully as she tried to sit up in whatever bed she was lying in.

"Oh no. Please, stay down. You need to rest." the yellow blob said. From the sound of her voice it seemed to be a gentle calming mare.

"Mmmm..." the filly moaned.

"Here... this should help." the yellow mare said. She put something to the filly's mouth. "Open up..."

Without question, Sweetie opened her mouth to receive a warm mucusy liquid that began flowing down her throat. Once the taste started getting to her, she started to cough up whatever didn't make it all down.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I know it doesn't taste very good, but I promise it'll make you much better."

"Who..." Sweetie asked as her vision began to clear up. The pink mane and big blue eyes of the yellow mare finally came into focus. "...Who are you?"

"Me? You can call me Feather Fine... but I'm more interested in who you are."


The mare chuckled. "Yes you. Your little colt friend and one of Yield's butler's rushed you in here saying you needed immediate attention. They didn't even mention your name."

"My... my name..." the filly thought hard. "I... don't know."

"You don't?" Feather asked. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. That bump on your head must have given you amnesia badly if you can't remember that."

"I'm sorry..." the filly said looking down. "But... where am I?"

"Well, you’re in lower Stabletown now..."

"Do I... live here?"

"I suppose." Feather smiled. "I suppose it's the only thing that makes sense. There aren't many towns close to here after all. This must be your home."

The filly smiled. For some reason, she felt she could trust those hypnotic eyes... as though they were incapable of lying or deceit of any kind. She felt like she could take anything the mare said as fact... including the suggestion of her home being this place. It felt good... at least she knew something now. Stabletown... it was her home.

"Can I... get up?" the filly asked.

"Of course... I mean, if you’re up to it." Feather said. "I mean... you did hit your head pretty hard."

"I... I did?" the filly asked. She felt the top of her head for the bump.

Feather nodded. "I've heard of hits like that causing decreased motor skills, to intense hallucination."

"I don't know what you’re talking about Ms. Feather." the filly said.

"Basically, you might get really dizzy a lot and hear voices for no good reason." Feather explained. "Mr. Butler claimed that you were experiencing some of those symptoms... are you... hearing voices?"

The filly shook her head.

"Well... that's good." Feather said. She held out a hoof for the filly to hold on to. "Come now. If you feel ready, I can take you to your little colt friend."

"O-ok..." the filly said. She figured it would be best to get whatever information about herself she could... and chances were, that other colt might know. As she got onto her hooves, she felt dizzy again, just like the mare mentioned. She paid it no mind, however, figuring it was only one of those "symptom" things Feather was talking about. Once the dizziness passed once again, she began following the mare out of the bedroom she was in. As she did, she heard something in her head. It was a voice... the filly knew that it wasn't a good idea to listen to it, but she couldn't help it. The voice said six words and repeated them several times...

Need a ticket... get an invite... it said... in her own voice.

I wonder what that's all about? the filly wondered as she exited the bedroom...


Gilda stood in front of one of the doors in the mansion hallway. Over one of her wings was a Spectral Net: yellow glowing sheet that tingled to the touch. Used to ensnare any ghosts whilst rendering them powerless. She kept it close to her body, as a filly might hold their security blanket. She looked off to either direction of the mansion. She recounted the doors from the sheet covered vase next to a turn into another branch in the mansion's network of hallways. She sighed.

8 doors... Second half of the minute. If that senile seed brain wasn't lying, this is the place, and I'll be able to open it in like... 15 seconds. Gilda said. She knew she had to make sure that the correct door. On the other side of the mansion, a mistake like that would have been fine. All she would have found was another one "normal" looking room... depending on what one found anyway. This side of the mansion, however... past the kitchen entrance, was different. The mistake of choosing the incorrect room could have resulted in her getting sucked into one of the traps Pinkie had set while she was free. She remembered that Specter ordered this area to be especially locked up because of some "important rooms" he didn't want anyone, even herself to go snooping around. Gilda only knew the details of one room she was permitted to know about... but then again, it was also the room she was instructed to retrieve her from.

Gilda put her eagle-like talons on and around the knob of the door. She held her breath as she watched the clock she built into her head as carefully as she knew how. The clock was nearing the 30-second mark...

23... 24...25... she counted. Her talons shook and sweated from nervousness as she held the icy cold doorknob. She didn't want to make a mistake... especially since watched one of the other ghosts make the mistake of entering a trapped door, and being lit up like a candle by some fire oriented trap. It didn't get destroyed or killed, but the thought that the tortured and pained screams of the ghost could have been the griffon frightened even her.

28...29...30... Gilda thought. She gave the count a few more seconds, just in case her counting had gotten off during the time she made her way up to the area. When she was sure the door had changed, or at least as sure as Specter's instructions on when to open the door, she turned the knob and threw it open. What she saw... she was relieved to find it wasn't any kind of trap... rather, it was progression. The door opened to what seemed to be a narrow staircase leading downwards. The portal down was pitch black and gave off the ghostly chill assuring there was a ghostly presence down in the bowels of the stairway. The only thing that came from the abyss of a stairway was a slight hum, coming from either one of the pale, cracked walls.

Alright... let's get this over with. Throw the sheet over her, and drag her back to the tea room. Gilda thought, reviewing her orders. Seems easy enough... Though, at the same time, the griffon felt herself running stiff for a few moments. She couldn't move... it couldn't be fear... could it? C'mon. I ain't afraid of anything. Especially some dead alicorn.

With that last thought, she took from under her wing the flashlight she took off of Twilight. As she turned it on, it flickered a few times before illuminating her path a solid beam of light. Gilda then began her descent down the staircase. As she did, she noticed the walls were getting smaller and smaller. Just when she thought it was going to get too narrow for her to progress, the walls opened up, allowing Gilda to enter a new hallway. Great. Gonna be hay trying to squeeze a giant alicorn through that tiny space. she thought as she shined the light around the hallway.

Though the griffon never saw the dusty hallways of the mansion to be well kept, she definitely considered them to look better than the one she stood in now. All of the humming walls of the hallway were cracked. The cracks themselves were blackened and had bits of charcoal inside, branching off to create more burn marks and browned walls. It seemed that at some point, this hallway had been on fire...

Alright... he said it was going to be the door that was still unlocked. Gilda thought. Great. Couldn't he have just told me which door it was to begin with? I don't feel like wasting my time down here longer than I should. Gilda began checking the doors of the hallway. As she assumed every one of the doors was either locked, or the knobs were too fragile to even try as they disintegrated at her touch.

Gilda ventured further and further down the hallway, as it got colder and colder. As she did, she started to feel faint... was it a sign she was getting closer to Celestia's ghost?

As she found herself in front of another locked door, she heard something. It was a voice that echoed throughout the hallway.

Leave... it said. It was ghostly and unrecognizable, but Gilda was sure she could make an educated guess of who it was.

"Heh. I didn't think you actually liked this place lady." Gilda called back to the voice.

...If you haven't come to free me... then leave... the voice said.

"Sorry lady. I'm not on the losing team here." Gilda responded.

If you don't leave... I might have to hurt you... the voice threatened.

Gilda was somewhat intimidated by the threat but laughed it off. "Sure. A corpse is gonna hurt me. I'm soooo scared."

You underestimate my power...

Gilda knew she was bluffing with her bravery. She had already been briefed on how strong Celestia was... and that even trapped in her own lifeless body, she was still had as much if not more power, her magic (at least) now unbound by her physical body. If it weren't for the devices that hummed inside of the walls of the hallway, she might have already leveled the entire mansion by now... and Gilda was the idiot who was supposed to drag her all the way back the way she came. The danger of the situation was beginning to bear down on the griffon...

...You don't have to do this. the voice considered.

"Huh?" Gilda asked.

You can help me... free me... and assist me in saving my dear student and her friends. the voice urged. Doesn't it seem like a better option to getting yourself killed by me?

Gilda didn't answer. It did seem like an attractive option... but then again, if she decided to switch sides now, she thought about what she'd be losing... the things Specter promised her... and of course what would happen if she didn't come out on top. Even if Specter lost.

"Tell me where you are, and I'll think about it." Gilda said after moments of thought. There was silence for a moment before Celestia spoke again. I can sense you... Seven more doors down...

Gilda followed the mares instructions, heading past the next seven pairs of doors that were on each end of the hallway. She tried the right door... it was locked. When she tried the left door, however... the knob turned easily. Even better, the knob didn't disintegrate or dislocate itself from the door. This had to be it. Gilda gripped the Spectral Net and pushed the door open. She shined the light around the bare room... the only thing inside, besides dirt and wall, was a dead, oversized pony... a white one with long legs, wings, and horn. Dressed in a royal head-dress and necklace, it was definitely her. Celestia.

Listen to me. she started. If you can drag me out of here and get me out into the open mansion, I should be able to free myself.

"Free yourself?" Gilda asked.

Of course. I'm not sure how Specter plans on doing it, but he likely wants me to... break me into his will. she explained. I'm too strong. He can't control me.

"Right, right..." Gilda said as she began to slowly approach the alicorn. "He mentioned something like that."

And if I can get to my sister, I might be able to break her out of it too. she continued. She may not have as strong as powers as mine, but all she needs is a little push... a memory to get her to regain control.

"Uh huh..." Gilda said. By now, she was barely a yard away from the alicorn.

And... you’re not even planning on helping me now, are you? she asked.

Gilda stopped cold. Guess apart of me knew she wasn't gonna buy that for long. With that, Gilda rushed toward Celestia with the net. Somehow, by sheer will of her spirit, Celestia raised her head and opened her eyes. What should have been the dilated eyes of a deceased mare were now glowing orbs of light. Celestia's horn rapidly charged and fired a bolt of magic at Gilda in an attempt to defend herself.

Gilda instantly extended her wings and flew back to the side, barely dodging the streak of lightning. In mid-air for a few split seconds, the streak of lightning stopped and turned around to try and hit the griffon. It moved through the air like an airborne snake, swiftly and quickly. Somehow, every time the lightning came at her, the griffon managed to get out of its path before it hit her with the thousands of volts it contained. As Gilda played bull with the magical lightning snake, she found herself run with two problems. The first being that every time she tried to get close to the mare, some kind of telekinetic force pushed her away. With the mare's magic still active, there was no way she was getting close enough to trap her. The second problem came with the griffon's own stamina. She had a lot of it, and could move fast from practicing with and racing other ponies... but racing and dodging lightning were two entirely different fields. She was more jerking herself around rather than efficiently dodging the speeding ions. It wouldn't be much longer before she made a mistake and tripped up. She had to end this fight... and fast.

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in the griffon's head. She looked at the door and raced for it. It was still open though Celestia used her magic to close it before the griffon had a chance to escape. Fine then princess. Your funeral. she thought with a devilish grin. Stopping for a moment in front of the closed, and likely locked door, Gilda saw the line of lightning rocketing straight toward her. She dodged as quickly as she could and raced for Celestia. When she was as close as she thought the mare would allow her to get, she whirled back around and dodged the lightning. Not seeing it coming, the alicorn didn't see the bolt of lightning coming as it pierced her head. The shock pulsed throughout the mare's body as she let out a deafening shriek... before her head fell to the ground again.

Gilda didn't waste any more time to grab the Net and wrap the mare in it. Once she tied her up well, she grinned at the fact that she'd managed to outsmart the great alicorn princess, turning her own power against her. "So, what was that about hurting me huh?" Gilda laughed. Man, I must be a genius. I'd like to see that stupid filly take on an alicorn... She heard the door click, indicating it was time to leave.

"Alright... time to get this thing to Specter, get Rainbow, finish Pinkie..." she said as she started to drag the ensnared corpse of Celestia. And turn myself immortal... cool.

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