• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 17,253 Views, 1,498 Comments

Sweetie's Mansion - Moon Shooter

A My Little Pony/Luigi's Mansion Crossover

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She doubted she would make it to the flashlight in time. Sweetie had spent too much time stuck to that wall that the thing was beyond reaching without having to pass the ghost. Another course of action. She had to take another course of action. But what could she do?

...! The camera!

The thought came to her instantly. The mind reading camera Twilight had mysteriously found in the safe room. She could use it to find out what the ghost was thinking, and perhaps use it to her advantage! A hint to how she could beat it, or perhaps another weakness.

Without wasting another moment, Sweetie went into her bag and snatched out the camera. Without a moments hesitation she put her eye to the viewer and pointed the lens at the monster in front of her. Oddly enough, with the thing inside of the viewer, she couldn't help but feel a buzz in the back of her head. However, her current fear and panic kept her from holding back her irrationality and click the shutter button with the tip of her hoof without a second thought.

When Sweetie took the viewer off her eyes, all she could feel was the same buzzing sensation that she felt when looking at the ghost through the camera. Nothing happened. She couldn't hear any thoughts, she couldn't hear anything that resembled a pony's voice. There was only that buzz, and nothing else.

No, that was wrong. There was something else, but it wasn't anything Sweetie was hearing. It was what she was seeing. The ghost which had been creeping up on her had stopped in it's tracks and was just hovering there, a few feet in front of her flashlight, just out of it's glow. It was looking at her with a puzzled expression.

--Something was wrong.

--Something was very wrong with the way it looked at her.

After a long time of staring, she came to the conclusion that her and that foal ghost were connected somehow. Perhaps that was it. Could it read her thoughts as well?

H-hello? Sweetie tried thinking. Perhaps it could hear her.


--Something was wrong.

--Something was very wrong with the way it kept looking at her.

--Something was very very wrong with the way that it's grin came back without returning her response.

"Heheeheehee-" it giggled but it was interrupted by something else. Something Sweetie didn't want to hear.


She heard static. The same static she might have heard on the radio her and her friends occasionally listened to at Rarity's house.

"Mm-" Next came a headache. It started out soft, but quickly escalated to becoming head splitting. She was sure of it, her brain was trying to explode, but it just didn't know how. The pain was becoming so unbearable that she was willing to do anything, even let that ghost kill her, just to make it stop.

"Oh... oh..." Sweetie was about to lose her mind. She was sure she was about to break. Was that ghost doing this? Maybe if she could get to her flashlight, she could use it and catch it and end-

Then it exploded. The static in her brain exploded into a maddening mixture of cries, screams, laughs, and whispers. Cries of those who have lost loved ones, mourning over graves. Laughs of sadists torturing or perhaps being tortured. Screams of those being burned alive in fires. Whispers of ponies telling Sweetie of ways she wished she could die right now.

"Make it stop... oh Celestia make it stop..." she was crying on the floor, sobbing. How long had she remained there, listening to those voices that scared her so. The voices that would drive any adult mad wasn't just eroding her sanity. It was obliterating it. If it kept up any longer, she knew she would have to-

No more.

No more.

No more.

No more.

She couldn't take anymore.

"Get out of my head!" She bashed her head against the nearest wall. She felt blood after bashing numerous times. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD."

But it wouldn't leave. The voices in her head seemed hell bent on making sure they were louder than Sweetie's voice as they only escalated the louder she shouted. Sweetie collapsed to the ground, feeling trickles of blood seep from her forehead. Had she broken her horn? She couldn't tell with this incessant noise in her head.

No more.

No more please no more

Sweetie was going deaf to the static, hearing nothing but that, as her body grew colder and colder.

"No more... no more... please no more..." she let out pleading mumbles as she lie there, using her remaining strength. Or at least she thought she mumbled, the static was to a volume she didn't even know possible. A volume that should have blew her eardrums out, but refused to allow the filly the mercy of silence.

She couldn't move. She wouldn't move. The static had froze her and she would never move again.

"No more... no more... please no more..."

She was doomed from here on out to be tortured by the static. Perhaps Twilight would come up and rescue her. But the idea was pointless as Sweetie's thoughts became more and more incomprehensible. The more and more the ghost's mind melded with hers to become the insane mess that it was. It didn't matter if Twilight saved her, for as long as she and that ghost were one, she would never have any piece of mind again.


[Try Again?]

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