• Published 19th Jan 2012
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Sweetie's Mansion - Moon Shooter

A My Little Pony/Luigi's Mansion Crossover

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Sweetie wasn't sure what Applejack was planning to do with those apples, but she was sure whatever it was they wouldn't be good for her. And if Applejack was the one controlling those apples floating around her, there was a sure chance she could do the same with the numerous apples around her. Here, Sweetie was surrounded. She had to get out of that room, and find some new place to fight her, or come up with a new plan. She had to get out of there.

She couldn't fight Applejack now.

With these thoughts, Sweetie tried to run for the door, or at least the direction she thought it was. She shined her flashlight in the direction she figured it was. Her light only stretched so far, and she had no clue if she was headed in the right direction as she ran through the seemingly infinite darkness. Applejack gleefully laughed behind her as she ran.

Actually "ran" would be an exaggeration of what Sweetie was doing. A more appropriate term would be along the lines of "speed limped/stumbled painfully, trying not to trip over the field of apples". Her hoof was screaming for her to stop, threatening to shutdown her brain and leave her at Applejack's mercy if she continued to put such extensive pressure on it. Even though Applejack was still holding off her attack, Sweetie knew it wouldn't last long. Applejack wouldn't let her escape easily. She had to try though. She had to at least try to escape the room before-


Finally, Sweetie saw her flashlight illuminate a wall and in turn, the door. If she could just reach that door, then she would escape!

Applejack was still holding off her attack. Something was wrong here.

Almost there.

Something was wrong.

Just a few more feet.

Something was wrong.

Just have to burst through that door and-


"W...what?" Sweetie's head came to not a door, but a wall. This door wasn't a real door, but rather it was a painting of a door. A large, comical painting of the door she came in.

"Heh... eh heh heh..." Sweetie took a few steps back, almost completely forgetting the pain in her hoof.

Funny. This is actually kind of funny.

They replaced the door.


With a painting.


This was hilarious even Sweetie had to laugh. She might have laughed more if she wasn't brought out of her stupor by something hitting the back of her head and knocking her out.


When Sweetie came to, she was lying in a very lumpy recliner-


When Sweetie came to, she was lying on top of a ball pit-


When Sweetie came to, she was lying on top of some apples.


Rather, she was being sandwiched between two layers of apples. One on the bottom, and one on the top. Her GCD was gone, her saddlebags were gone and her flashlight was gone. All she had left was herself. When her vision cleared, she could see Applejack, staring at her that wide ghostly grin on her face.

"Ya wake now?"

Sweetie only moaned in pain in response. She tried to move, but only felt pain in response. It was then she realized how tightly she was between these apples. She was trapped.

"Heh, that's good. Here."

Sweetie found herself floating upright next to a tree. She saw her face in the hollow by some mirror somepony had wedged inside.

"What d' ya see?"


"C'mon now. What d' ya see?"

"I... see me. Ga-" Sweetie felt something hard strike her back.

"Try again, ya can do it." Applejack put her foreleg around Sweetie's neck as if they were posing for a picture in the mirror.

"I... see..." As her consciousness became full, she realized the situation she was in. She was trapped and disarmed. She didn't have any other chance to save herself or anyone else.

She had failed.

She saw.

She had failed.

She saw.

"...failure." Sweetie said, defeated.

"Heh. Ain't that the truth." Applejack said as she stuck her hoof in Sweetie's mouth.


What was this pain. What was she doing?

This is uncomfortable.

This is painful.

This hurts. This hurts. This hurts a lot.






Once Applejack had grabbed ahold of what she was looking for, she yanked a few times before finally ripping something white out of Sweetie's body.

There was a scream.

There was a sharp disgusting sound.

There was laughter.

There was the sound of shattering glass as the mirror broke into pieces.


And then more laughter.


[Try Again?]

Author's Note:

Disturbance when a spirit is ripped out of a body that causes mirrors to break when in contact.

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