• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 17,253 Views, 1,498 Comments

Sweetie's Mansion - Moon Shooter

A My Little Pony/Luigi's Mansion Crossover

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Then Sweetie heard one sound, it was just next to her ear. She heard but one single word, the air and sound of the speaker echoing inside of her ear:


Sweetie stuck the flashlight back in her mouth and bolted forward, letting go of the paper air plane. At this point, the thing would only slow her down, something she couldn't afford to be right now. The only thing she managed to keep in her muzzle was her flashlight. The flashlight flashed on and off, making it incredibly difficult for Sweetie to plan her steps and keep her co-ordination. She couldn't have counted the number of times she tripped and had to scramble up to keep running away from the malicious monsters pursuing her from the woods.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she was chased. The chill she felt turned into a light frostbite as the laughter seemed to get louder and louder. Her body was beginning to feel weaker as well, as though she were casting another telekinesis spell. Was it exhaustion from running? It didn't matter to Sweetie, as long as she could keep running. As long as she still had the chance to escape.

She heard more rolls of thunder above her, rivaling the laughter for dominance in volume. The storm was getting closer. The things were getting closer. Her time was running out as the world seemed to be closing in on her. She kept running, the fear of falling again and getting caught by the laughing monsters allowing her to keep her footing now.

Just as she thought that her body was ready to give out on her again, salvation, she saw an opening. A dim light emitted from it. Perhaps it was warm? She'd do anything to get away from this cold, and even better, help to fend off the monster she would likely be killed by if she stopped here. She pushed her last ounces of energy into one last sprint. The new light, once she saw where it came from caused the little filly to skid to a stop.

In front of her, was the large, creepy old mansion.

Lightning cracked and thunder rolled, louder than ever before as she gazed upon the menacing manor. Its windows were darkened, but any ones with light seemed to be lit with eerie yellow lights.

The mansion... Sweetie thought, It's so much bigger up close... Sweetie felt a drop of rain on her nose. She then heard the monster in the wood's high pitched laugh, reminding her of the danger she was trying to escape. Without further hesitation, Sweetie pushed through the gate of the manor. The manor wasn't quite as menacing and threatening as the monster that frightened her in the woods. Even if it did look a bit frightening, surely it wouldn't compare to whatever was following her in the woods.


Author's Note:


[update 10/16/18]

i have no idea why i thought these were a good idea. i am so sorry.

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