• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 17,253 Views, 1,498 Comments

Sweetie's Mansion - Moon Shooter

A My Little Pony/Luigi's Mansion Crossover

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This thing wasn't Applebloom anymore. No matter how much it looked like Applebloom, Sweetie was sure it wasn't. It couldn't have been. The Applebloom she knew was still in the safe room. There was no way Applebloom would leave with her sister the way she was, let alone the fact neither Applejack nor Twilight would approve of her leaving the room to begin with. Plus, the Applebloom she last saw could probably barely walk thanks to Fluttershy's ghost, let alone follow her to wherever the hay they were. Right?

It's the only thing that makes sense.

It's the only thing that makes sense.

Sweetie gritted her teeth as she did her best to convince herself of this. After all, she would most definitely be killed if she kept standing in this one spot trying to plan her next move. Trying to plan if she could indeed attack this look-a-like of the Applebloom. That if she didn't decide soon, she would die either by her Applebloom's hoof or by the tip of the blade that split their distance. Even from across the cage, she could see the murderous intent beaming in her eyes.

Now wasn't the time for thinking. Now was the time for action.

I've got to defend myself! Sweetie thought. Without her GCD, her saddlebags, or even her flashlight, she was totally defenseless. But that's why the knife was in the middle of the cage, right?

--Kill Her

She didn't want to. Applebloom or not, the thing looked too alive for her to completely put her into the mindset of murder. However, as the option continued to rebound in her head, and non other surfaced, she knew there was no other choice except to attack.

M-maybe it's not even alive to begin with. Sweetie tried reasoning. After all. This thing wasn't Applebloom. This thing wasn't alive. This thing was already dead. It had to be.

Sweetie took another step forward. Applebloom noticed this and grinned. "So, ya gonna play now are ya? Alright!" Applebloom quit creeping toward the knife and broke into a run for it.

--Or you'll die.

Sweetie broke through her leg's refusal to move and ran for the knife herself. Everything seemed to be in slow motion in the dark world for the next few seconds as both Applebloom and Sweetie fought each other. She saw in detail, despite the darkness and speed Applebloom pick up the knife by the end just as Sweetie picked up the blade by the handle. As they engaged in a small tug-o-war for the weapon that would ultimately determine their fates, Sweetie watched as Applebloom paid no regard for the knife digging in her mouth. Sweetie nearly fainted from watching what was happening to this doppleganger-

--If you're sure she is one

-of her friend.

She's not my friend.

--Are you sure?

She's not my friend.

--Are you sure?

She's not my friend.

--Are you-

"Get away!" Sweetie yelled through the knife, pushing Applebloom away from her.

The knife was in her mouth now, and Applebloom saw this. Rather than backing off, she grinned at the armed little filly, as though she were extremely happy about something.

As though she had come up with an awfully devious idea.

With that, Applebloom began creeping at Sweetie slowly again. Sweetie fumbled with the knife in her mouth, trying to get a better grip on the handle. Just as she nearly had it in a good position to defend herself (or at least she thought she did. She had no idea how to properly hold a knife by the muzzle to begin with, treating it more like a pencil than a weapon) the knife fell out of her mouth.

She quickly tried to scoop up the weapon as she heard Applebloom pick up pace. When she finally had it up in her hooves-


It happened so fast Sweetie barely could register anything. Not immediately anyway. She couldn't register the mass of weight that was on her legs and hooves that were holding the knife. The eyes that looked at her brigher than ever. The new, crimson moisture on her hooves, and-

"*cough* hah! *cough*"


"Uh... ah... ah! AH!"

The realization came to her as she realized what Applebloom was coughing on her.

Blood. This was blood on her.

"Ah! Aaah! Aaaaah!" Sweetie screamed as loud as she could, but she couldn't move.

"Hahahahaha! *cough* Hahahahaha!" and this thing that looked like Applebloom, was still laughing at her, staring at Sweetie's horror.

This thing.

--Were you sure?

It couldn't have been Applebloom, the way it still laughed so much with blood filling their lungs. It wasn't a pony, it wasn't real.

--Are you sure?

But it looked so much like Applebloom. That's why this was so scary.

--Were you sure that your friend was dead?

So very scary. And the blood felt so fresh. Cold, but fresh.

--Are you sure now?

Suddenly, Applebloom and suddenly pressed her lips against Sweetie's. Sweetie's last scream was muffled as she felt something slip down her throat.

Applebloom shivered as she went limp and fell to the ground.

Sweetie had let her down as she began to laugh.

"Hahahahaha! *cough* Hahahahahaha! *cough* *cough*"


[Try Again?]

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