• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,426 Views, 327 Comments

Harry Potter, Knight of the moon - The Walker

Harry Potter, asking for the power to destroy his enemies, and recieves it after agreeing to serve Nightmare Moon eternally serve her..

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Death is in town

The group stared at Harry after he introduced Death. He was starting to get nervous and was about to say something when Pinkie bounced up to Death and stuck her hoof out.

“Hi Death, I’m Pinkie Pie.” Death looked down on the pink pony before slowing extending his hand and grasped her hoof.

“I have heard of you Miss Pie. I hear just about everything that goes on in the living realm.” He and Pinkie shook as he spoke and he released her hoof. He looked at the others and bowed, the cloak he was wearing disappearing to reveal a black suit. “It is a pleasure to meet the friends of my master. I don’t normally meet new people these days.” The others looked at him as he bowed in confusion. Twilight spoke as she slowly hid behind princess Celestia.

“So, you’re really Death?” Death straightened up and smiled at Twilight.

“Yes, I am Death. Of course other cultures have different names for me. I’ve been known as Anubis, Hades, Hel and so many others over the eons, but Death is my strongest and most powerful names.” Twilight walked out behind Celestia and walked up to Death. He looked down at her as her horn lit up and she tried to probe him with magic. “You don’t want to do that. My existence is spread out over every universe in existence. You might get lost.” Twilight froze and looked at his face. Harry snorted.

“You don’t seem that big.” Harry paused for a moment as a thought came to him. “If the Veil can be used a portal, what happened to Sirius?” Death looked at Harry and closed his eyes. He let out a light hum before speaking.

“Sirius Black appears to have jumped dimensions a number of times after he passed through your Veil originally. Living beings aren’t allowed in the realm of the dead normally, so he appears to have been shunted to a different Veil. He then proceeded to jump into it again.” Death opened his eyes. “If you want, I can go pick him up for you.” Harry gained a massive smile.

“Yes.” Death nodded his head.

“I’ll return shortly.” He disappeared.

Sirius was currently running from what he thought was a horde of infuri. He had woken up in this city after blacking out from passing through the Veil. He spun around and threw a cutting curse from his wand and then disappeared with a crack. He appeared in the alleyway he had woken up in. He cautiously looked out and saw a group of people entering a church. He followed them.

He wasn’t expecting for one of them to turn around and point a gun at his face. Sirius had learned all about guns and how dangerous they could be on his travels. He held his hands up. “I’m unarmed.” Sirius amended that to mostly unarmed as he still had his wand. He perked up as the girl pointing a gun at him spoke up.

“Who are you?” Sirius lowered his arms and did a little bow.

“Sirius Black at your service.” He made a charming grin at the girl. “May I know the name of such a beautiful female such as yourself?” The girl blushed, but before she could answer a chuckle came from the front of the church.

“Even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, you find time to flirt Sirius Black.” Sirius stared at the person who was the splitting image of his godson. He might have believed it was Harry, except something seemed off about him. The girl took the gun from Sirius and pointed it at this new person along with everyone else.

“Who are you?” The person smirked at the guns pointed at him.

“Why are you always so jumpy Jill Valentine?” The newly named Jill froze at his statement. “But if you must know, I am Death, nice to meet you all.” Death looked at Sirius as if examining him. “Well. Mr. Black, I must say your travels have been good for you.” Sirius looked at Death a bit wearily.

“What do you want?” Death tilted his head to the side at Sirius’s question.

“I want many things Mr. Black, but currently I wish to reunite you with my Master, Your godson.” Sirius froze at that before starting to sputter.

“Being the Master of Death is just a children’s tale.” Death let out another chuckle.

“That’s what you think, but yes Harry is the Master of Death though he hasn’t embraced the full authority of it.” Death was about to continue when a tongue burst from his front and tried to pull him back. He didn’t move as he turned his head to view the licker that attacked him. He shook his head. “You guys are idiots.” Death reached up to the tongue and tapped it. The entire licker was immediately turned to dust. Death then snapped his fingers and smiled. “There we go. The entire church is purged of infection.” He looked at the group who was looking at him in amazement except for Sirius who was used to strange sights.

“So you’ll take me to Harry?” Death nodded at Sirius’s statement. “Before we go, do you think you could get rid of the rest of the zombies?” Death frowned as he considered the request. He didn’t have to obey Sirius Black and if he did that, he would be interfering with Fate. Death started to grin. Then again Fate had messed with his master. Death snapped once more and something intangible passed through everyone present. Though they didn’t know it, it destroyed the T-virus itself.

“It’s done. The monsters will drop dead soon as the wave reaches them. Shall we go?” Death held out a hand to Sirius. Sirius took it and looked at the group of people.

“Goodbye people I just met and chick who pointed a gun and me.” Death shook his head as they disappeared.

Harry was whistling as the others stared at him. It had been five minutes since Death had left and it was starting to get boring as they waiting. Suddenly Death and Sirius appeared. Harry noted curiously that Sirius was still in human form. Sirius looked around confused.

“Where’s Harry? All I see is a bunch of horses.” Harry snorted at the statement before he felt a shifting motion in his gut. His entire body shifted as he was suddenly returned to human form. He glared at Death who was pointing a finger at him.

“There he is, And Mr. Black the inhabitants of this dimension are primarily ponies and other magical creatures.” Sirius looked at Harry. Harry looked down at his body and noted that it hadn’t aged a day since his transformation. He looked at Death.

“Don’t transform me without permission again.” Harry looked at Sirius. “And why is Sirius in human form anyway. Everyone else was a pony when they arrived.” Death rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment as he looked away.

“Well, you generally assume the form of whatever is the dominate life form in the dimension you’re traveling to. I tend to skip that process when I travel so Sirius here wouldn’t have transformed anyway.” Harry sighed as he looked at Sirius and grinned. He reached out and pulled him into a hug.

“It’s good to see you again.” Harry paused for a moment and grinned. “But you have to become a pony now.” Sirius let out a squawk as Harry’s hand blurred out and tapped his forehead breaking the magic that kept him in human form.

Harry watched as Sirius’s form seemed to blur before it cleared up revealing a black stallion. Harry noted that the clothes Sirius was wearing had disappeared. Harry tilted his head as he examined the marauder turned pony with amusement. Sirius was glaring at him as he was examined. Sirius actually looked a lot like Harry as a pony though he had grey eyes and not emerald green. He also wasn’t as big as Harry. His horn was duller as well and not as long.

Harry shrugged as he felt himself shift back to pony form, the Cloak settling on his shoulders. He looked at the others who were gaping at him besides Celestia who hid her surprise well. “This is my godfather Sirius Black. Please take note of the fact the half the things he will say are probably terrible puns about his name.”

“Hey.” The others giggled at Sirius protest. “Only a quarter of the things I say are horrible puns about my name. The rest of the time is about pranks.” Pinkie Pie made a an extremely large smile at this statement and walked over to Sirius. Sirius let out a small grin with a hint of nervousness as Pinkie got right into his face.

“I think you and I will get along wonderfully.” Sirius blinked as she bounced back to the others and he looked at Harry. Harry shook his head.

“She does that occasionally Sirius. You’ll learn to live with it.” Sirius looked at his godson before nodding. He then spoke.

“So Harry, what have you been up to?” Harry looked at Sirius.

“Well, after you fell through the Veil, I defeated Voldemort in two years by binding myself into the service of Nightmare Moon over there forever. While I did that, I became Master of Death. After I came here to serve Nightmare Moon, I was hit by a rainbow made of harmony. I then traveled for two years and upon arriving back here, became the captain of the night guard which consists mostly of females.” Harry shrugged. “You know nothing much.” Sirius stared at Harry.

“You’re pulling leg right Harry.” Harry shook his head before he started grin. “So you’re captain of a mostly female guard?” Sirius had a lecherous grin on his face. Harry took one look at it and seemed to make a decision.

“Would you look at the time? I have to go do something that’s not here.” Harry disappeared with a crack. Sirius burst out laughing before looking at Death.

“So why do you look like Harry?” Death shrugged.

“Respect mostly. He managed to collect the Hallows and survived to master them.” Death tilted his head back and looked at the sky. “The Hallows like him as well, and trust me when I tell you they never like anyone.” Celestia suddenly spoke.

“As fascinating as it is to listen to you Death. Luna and I have to get back to running a kingdom.” Luna looked at Celestia for a few moments before she spoke.

“I need to ask Death something before we go.” Death looked at her with an eyebrow raised before he made a continue motion with his hand. “Will being the Master of Death have any effects on Harry?” Death rocked back and forth on his heels for a few moments while humming before answering Luna’s question.

“It will have some effects yes. He won’t get the full package until he takes the mantle on entirely, but currently some effects are already leaking through. He’s not aging and he’s extremely hard to injure even without the power of the Cloak protecting him.” Twilight Spoke, her voice curious.

“What mantle?” Death looked at her before snapping his fingers and sitting in a chair that appeared. He cleared his throat before starting to talk in a lecturing voice.

“The mantle of the Master of Death. Despite it being extremely young compared to other mantles, it is one of the most powerful in existence. It is only a thousand or so years old, but gains the power of every mantle that lost its bearer and passed into non-existence. This gives the bearer of the mantle tremendous power to spare.” Death made a clicking noise with his teeth. “The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. This law is partially wrong. Energy can be created, but only by beings who can create things from nothing. Energy that people think is destroyed merely passes into my domain. Until a thousand years ago it went nowhere, but when the mantle was created, the energy all went to it.” Death made another clicking noise with his teeth. “Harry’s probably noticed that his magic is refilling as fast as he uses it. This is the power of the mantle.” Death looked off into the air. “I apologize, but I have a few matters that I must attend to.” Death stood, the chair he was sitting on disappearing as he did. The ponies looked at where he had stood, before Pinkie spoke.

“He seems nice.”

Author's Note:

My muse is currently trying to make me write other stories besides the one I already have, so I apoligize if this chapter is a bit forced.