• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,426 Views, 327 Comments

Harry Potter, Knight of the moon - The Walker

Harry Potter, asking for the power to destroy his enemies, and recieves it after agreeing to serve Nightmare Moon eternally serve her..

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Consequences and sleeping arrangements

Harry strode through the corridors of the castle, clad in his armor. He was patrolling and watching for the slacking of guards. He was also listening to the gossip of the servants.

“Did you hear? The new captain of the night guard was caught with his Marefriend in his room.”
“Yes, I heard about it from one of the night guards.”

Harry stifled a growl as he passed by the two gossiping maids. Thanks to the gossiping nature of females and the fact his guard was almost entirely made up of them, the entire castle quickly heard that Chrysalis was in fact his Marefriend. When he caught Flare Runner, she was going to get it. He slowed as he heard a voice calling for him from behind.

“Captain, captain.” He looked behind him and noted a messenger quickly catch up to him and start to catch her breath. “I have been looking for you all over the castle. Princess Luna wants to see you. Something about your Marefriend.” Harry let out a growl that sent the messenger reeling back as he stalked off towards the throne room. Had the whole castle heard about that rumor. The place was worse than Hogwarts’s rumor mill. He looked at the guards standing at the entrance of the throne room. When they saw him, they let out a giggle before resuming their stony façade. He stopped before them as an idea popped into his head.

“I hope you and the rest of the guards are happy and well rested.” They looked confused at his false exuberance. He leaned in closer to them. “Because starting tomorrow, you’re getting a new training routine of my own design.” He grinned as their faces paled. “I promise it will be fun…………….. for me.” He strode past them and into the throne room.
The throne wasn’t that different during the night than during the day except for the shadows cast by the torches and the fact Luna sat on her throne instead of Celestia being there. He brought a hoof up in a salute.

“Captain Harry James Potter reporting, Princess Luna.” He noticed she was glaring at him. “May I ask why I was summoned?”

“What is this I hear about a Marefriend Captain Potter?” Harry let out a wince at her tone. It had all the warmth of ice. He noticed the other night guards in the room silently exiting it. He grunted as he closed the doors to the room as the last guard exited and cast a silencing spell on the door to the room.

“To be fair Princess Luna, you can’t blame me for this. Chrysalis is the one to have said it and I wasn’t thinking clearly enough at the time to properly think about what she said.” Luna stared him for a few moments before seemed to slouch in the chair.

“I should have expected something of the sort, given the castle’s rumor mill and the night guard’s proficiency in spreading them. I suppose I can’t blame you for the rumors themselves though I do wonder what Chrysalis was doing in your bed.” Her glare had returned as she looked at him. Harry shrugged at her.

“I assume she thought we would be sharing a bed after seeing there weren’t two beds in my room. I forgot to get a second one in there in my urge to sleep. I have since corrected her error in hopping into my bed. I don’t care if we share a room, I shared dormitory when I was in school, but we are not going to share a bed Princess Luna. I swear it.” Luna looked at him and her stare seemed to burrow into his soul before she looked away.

“Good. Keep it that way Harry.” Harry looked at her confused by her quick dismissal. He had honestly thought she wouldn’t care who she shared a bed with anyway.

“If I may ask Princess, why do you care who I share a bed with anyway.” Luna’s face took on a red color even through her fur.

“No reason Captain Potter. You’re dismissed.” Harry blinked at the quick dismissal before shrugging and opening the doors behind him as he walked out the room. He glared at the guards who had been trying to listen in to their conversation by pressing their ears to the door.

“I hope you all enjoy your new training sessions tomorrow.” He grinned at their pale faces. “Because I know I will enjoy every minute of it.” He left them as he strode back into the corridors. He had more patrolling to do tonight.

Harry paused in his patrolled as he passed by the door to the library. He frowned as he heard the rustling of pages. He opened the door and strode in. He blinked as he took in the library.

“Miss Sparkle, may I ask why you are raiding the library in the middle of the night and not in bed like any sensible pony.” Twilight froze at his voice as she slowly turned around from where she was examining a book.

“Harry, what are you doing here?” Harry raised an eyebrow at her question.

“Miss Sparkle, I am the captain of the night guard. It’s my job to patrol the castle at night. What are you reading to keep you up so late at night?” Twilight squeaked as Harry grabbed the book she had been examining and brought it over in front of his face. “How to make a stallion know you like him.” Harry looked at Twilight. “Ponies actually write books on this stuff.” Twilight nodded. “So Miss Sparkle, who’s the lucky stallion?” Twilight merely blushed as she ripped the book from his magic with her own and rushed past him, taking the book with her. Harry looked after her. “Was it something I said to her?” Harry looked over the library. Everything seemed to be in place now that Twilight had left so Harry shrugged as he left. He had to go and ensure that Chrysalis wasn’t doing anything to his room.

He blinked as he entered his rooms in the barracks. It had been cleaned and the bed made. He frowned. When he had told Chrysalis to find something to do while he patrolled he hadn’t meant for her to clean his room. As he scanned the room, he took notice of the fact that Chrysalis wasn’t actually in the room.

“Chrysalis, where are you?” He muttered to himself.

“Right behind you.” Harry jumped as he turned around to face Chrysalis. She was standing in the doorway to his room. “Did you need something Harry?”

“Yes, we are going to get your sleeping conditions set up.” Chrysalis frowned at his statement, but before she could speak up, Harry did. “No you are not sleeping in my bed. Do you know how many rumors you spawned with that? I couldn’t go anywhere in the castle without hearing one. So no Chrysalis you cannot sleep in my bed with me.” With that said, Harry turned to face the blank wall of his room. He didn’t want her sleeping in his bed. But he also didn’t want her to be able to leave without him knowing.

Harry’s horn glowed a steady white as he channeled his magic to it. He hadn’t actually cast the spells he was about to use before, but he trusted in the extra power the elder wand provided to skip some of the steps. His horn brightened as he wove the spell he was about to cast in his mind. The spell lanced out of his horn and splashed into the wall. When the light from the spell died out, where there had been a blank wall now sat a door. Chrysalis’s name was carved into the door and Harry strode over to it as he looked over his shoulder at Chrysalis. Her mouth was hanging open at the display of unusually magic. He chuckled.

“Are you coming Chrysalis?” He opened the door and walked through. He heard Chrysalis enter behind him and gasp. Harry nodded as he looked around the place. It was a good try for the first time casting those types of spells.

The room they were standing in was a bedroom around the size of Luna’s. There was a bed that sat pressed against the wall. It was a queen size bed with black silk sheets and curtains hanging down from the top. There was a fireplace set into the wall opposite the bed with chairs for ponies to sit in and enjoy the heat of the fire without getting too close to it. Harry nodded as he noted the rug sitting in between the chairs and the bed. Everything seemed to be as he had imagined it. He turned back to Chrysalis. She was gaping at the room still.

“This is where you will be sleeping from now on. I didn’t know what you would want, so I left most of it blank. I can probably make anything you ask for. So what do you think?” Chrysalis closed her mouth as she turned to Harry. He wasn’t prepared to her to leap at him and start crying into his chest while babbling.

“This is such a nice gift. Thank you.” Harry patted her awkwardly on her back. She pulled back from him as she wiped her eyes. She looked around the room again. “So if you can make anything I ask for, could you help me decorate?” Harry nodded at her request as she started to list things she wanted him to make. He merely nodded as he made them. She deserved something nice even if she was being forced to serve him.

Author's Note:

Here have a new chapter.