• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,426 Views, 327 Comments

Harry Potter, Knight of the moon - The Walker

Harry Potter, asking for the power to destroy his enemies, and recieves it after agreeing to serve Nightmare Moon eternally serve her..

  • ...

The invasion ends

Harry couldn’t believe it. She had made him a girl. She had taken his body and made him into a bloody girl. He knew there had been a slight chance of it occurring, but he hadn’t actually expected it to happen. He turned to Spectre who was rolling on the ground in a laughing fit.

“Stop laughing, it’s your body too.” Spectre stopped laughing as he rolled to his feet and stared at Harry grinning. Harry merely growled at him as he strode over to the window and looked out. He stared at the wall in shock. “Spectre would you come here and tell me what you see.” Spectre strolled over and looked out.

“The wall appears to be repairing itself, albeit slowly.” Harry merely nodded as he turned away from the window and strolled over to sit on the dais. He had to think about things. The wall hadn’t repaired itself before otherwise Spectre would have told him. The only thing that was different was that Nightmare Moon was in control. “You know Nightmare Moon is right. Pinkie Pie does have a nice flank.” Harry groaned at Spectre’s statement.

“You too just love to torment me don’t you?” Spectre looked at him from the window and his grin widened.

“I am merely speaking the truth. In fact all of the elements of harmony look good.” Spectre’s face took on a thoughtful look. “Maybe it’s a side effect of being part of the elements of harmony.”

“Spectre, I somehow don’t believe that a side effect of wielding the elements of harmony is making them more appealing to the opposite gender.”

“You never know Harry you never know.” Harry glared at Spectre in annoyance. He turned his head to the Master of Death throne and glared at it.

“You stop trying to escape the damn chains already. It’s getting annoying.” The throne seemed to settle itself down though nothing physically happened. The throne had been trying to escape the chain since they had put them on.

“We should probably check on our magic Harry, after what occurred escaping the crystal caverns.” Harry nodded as he rose from the dais and moved to stand in front of it. Most people and ponies would expect his magic to be easily accessible, but Harry wasn’t stupid enough to hide the pathway where others could easily get to it. Harry felt Spectre move to stand next to him as his horn started to glow a black color and Harry’s started to glow white. The dais groaned and started to lift revealing a staircase leading downward. Both Harry and Spectre walked to the staircase and headed down.

Upon reaching the bottom, they stepped into a chamber. Harry looked behind him and noted with satisfaction that the wall behind them had become solid rock. He knew that no amount of force would allow a person to leave this chamber if they didn’t know how to leave. Harry turned to face Spectre who nodded at him before they both reared their heads back and stabbed their horns into each other’s chests. The wounds disappeared as the room around them changed. A door now appeared set into the wall where the stairs were. Harry opened it and stepped into the room.

Harry’s magic took the appearance of an emerald which pulsed with an inner light. It floated in the center of the room. As he looked at it, he noticed cracks crossing the surface. He wasn’t worried because they appeared to be disappearing as the emerald lights became stronger. Harry was relieved that his ability to do magic wasn’t damaged by his stunt in the caverns. He closed his eyes as his awareness turned towards his body and he looked to see what Nightmare Moon was doing.

Chrysalis stared at Nightmare Moon who held her in place with her magic. She could remember what Nightmare Moon had done last time she was free upon the world. Every queen could. The changelings had a collective memory held by the queen of all the knowledge each individual changeling gathered. The Memories of the nightmares she had wrought before being sealed in the moon were imprinted into the collective memory of their race.

“So what should be done with you?” Chrysalis could feel her stare. She didn’t know why the Nightmare beast had repeated her question, maybe she was trying to give her false hope. Nightmare Moon made a humming noise to herself before nodding. “I have decided that you are going to serve Harry.” Chrysalis blinked at Nightmare Moon.

“What?” Nightmare Moon nodded.
“Yes from now on, you are going to do anything Harry tells you to.” Nightmare Moon leaned in closer to Chrysalis. “Anything he tells you. Got that?” Chrysalis gulped at her look.

“I understand.” Nightmare Moon straightened up and turned to the elements of harmony. “Yep, the changeling queen Chrysalis will now serve Harry.” The elements looked at each other and then to Celestia.

“I can’t let you do that Nightmare Moon.” Nightmare Moon looked her Celestia and smirked.

“I believe you can’t do anything to stop me. I am just as powerful as you and I’m pretty sure the changeling is more inclined to do anything I say and do it happily.” Nightmare Moon looked at Chrysalis from the corner of her eye. “Isn’t that right?” Chrysalis nodded her head rapidly. “See, she’s more than willing to serve Harry.” Twilight spoke up.

“What if Harry doesn’t want her to serve him?” She made a deadpan face at Twilight.

“Twilight Sparkle, Harry and Spectre serve me. They will obey my orders unless ordered not to by Luna. I highly doubt knowing how my other half thinks, that she will order them to release her from serving them. That reminds me of something.” Nightmare Moon turned to Chrysalis and smiled baring her fangs. “Call off the other changelings now would you.” Chrysalis nodded as she did so, the changeling halting their attack and retreating to the outskirts of the city. Nightmare Moon seemed to space out for a moment. “Harry wishes to have control of his body again.” She looked at the elements. “It was nice meeting you in a way I guess. Especially you Rainbow Dash.” Nightmare Moon Winked at Rainbow Dash as black fire surrounded her. When the fire died down, Harry was standing in her place a disgruntled look upon his face. He turned to look at Rainbow Dash who was blushing a deep red.

“I apologize for her. I honestly had no idea she would do that.” Harry turned to the others to answer any questions when the doors burst open and Luna strolled in.

“Sister, what have we missed?”

Author's Note:

Interesting new web design. well, heres the next chapter.