• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,426 Views, 327 Comments

Harry Potter, Knight of the moon - The Walker

Harry Potter, asking for the power to destroy his enemies, and recieves it after agreeing to serve Nightmare Moon eternally serve her..

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Talking with Death

Harry strolled through the corridors of the castle. He was thinking about the Hallows and what they were doing for him. From what he could tell, he was currently regenerating magic just as fast as he used it. The cloak appeared to give him immunity to the elements around him. He still wasn’t entirely sure what the Resurrection stone did for him besides allowing him to summon the spirits of the dead. His eyes perked up as he heard voices from ahead and he stepped into the shadows. He watched as two of his night guards came walking down the hall talking.

“I heard from Flare Runner that the captain left with his Marefriend recently.” Harry felt one of his eyes twitch. They were gossiping about him and Chrysalis………………again. He step out of the shadows behind the two ponies and cleared his throat. The two guards jumped as they spun around and paled as they took in his appearance. The one who had been talking spoke, her voice carrying a hint of desperation. “Captain, it’s not what you think.” Harry raced an eyebrow at her.

“So you weren’t spreading more gossip about Chrysalis and I?” The two guards both shifted their eyes side to side as they tried to come up with a plausible lie. Finally, the guard who had yet to speak nudged the first one, who let out a squeak.

“No sir, we most certainly weren’t.” Harry stared at her.

“You are a very bad liar. I would like your names now.” The guards looked between each other.

“May I ask why sir?” Harry grinned at them.

“So, I can tell the rest of the guard why their punishment as increased. So what are your names?” Both guards sighed.

“I’m Storm Tumble.” The guard who Harry had heard speaking spoke first. He nodded and turned to the other guard.
“Thunder Dasher.” The second guard’s voice was quiet though not as quiet as Fluttershy’s. Harry nodded as his horn glowed and he reached out to the spell adding weight to the guard. He tweaked it and added ten more pounds. He looked at the guards.

“I hope I do not hear any more gossip about me. If I do, the punishment will only get worse for the entire guard.” He leaned closer and the hood of the cloak shadowed his face, leaving only two glowing green eyes. “Please let the rest of the guards know, would you?” They nodded as Harry turned away and continued down the hall. He had to go and have a talk with Death.

Harry’s eyes opened as he took in the dreamscape. The shadows that had represented the power of Nightmare Moon were gone with her departure. He strolled over to the window and looked out. The stone outside the windows was scorched, but were intact otherwise. He noticed something troubling.

“The wall is gone.” Harry didn’t move as he heard Death’s voice from the throne.

“Of course it is. You didn’t honestly expect the power of life to mix with the power of Death did you?” Harry turned to the throne and looked at Death. He let out a sigh upon seeing he still resembled his human form.

“Not really I guess, but the wall was there to keep something out.” Death motioned for him to go on. “If the walls not there anymore, that would mean the thing is inside the castle.” Death nodded as he rubbed his chin.

“I suppose I can tell you some information.” Harry raised an eyebrow. “I don’t normally just give out information for free, but since you are my master, I can make an exception.” He made a humming noise to himself. “Where to begin?”

“How about what the wall was keeping out.” Death looked at him for a second before nodding.

“The wall was constructed by the powers of Harmony, a fragment from the power of the entity life. It normally wouldn’t stick around, but the chunk of soul stuck in your head made it.” Harry blinked as he thought. He blinked in realization.

“I thought the chunk of Voldemort’s soul was destroyed by Nightmare Moons power.” Death snorted at the statement.

“Souls are not so easy to destroy master. Nightmare Moons power merely insulated the soul from Voldemort. It made him mortal.” Harry nodded at the statement as he digested what Death had said. He looked up.

“So where is the piece of soul now?” Death clapped his hands together.

“When the elements of Harmony hit you, they discovered the soul and stripped from it, it’s dark magic. Before it could destroy the magic and send the soul on, the piece found a new home.” Death leaned forward, his green eyes darkening to black. “It absorbed your darker traits and became the one known as Spectre.” Harry took a step back at this discover. “That is why you and Spectre are unable to return to being one being and why Nightmare Moon was unable to discover why you had split.” Harry frowned as he thought about it.

“So Spectre is Voldemort.” Death merely shook his head.

“No, Spectre is part of you. He merely has more life then he normally would if he hadn’t absorbed Voldemort’s soul.” Harry was about to ask another question, but Death waved his hand. “You’re going to ask about the dark magic, I can just tell. When the wall fell, it tried to return, but my Magic is absolute over the soul. It was broken down into raw magic and infused into your core.” Harry nodded his head in understanding. He had one final question to ask Death.

“Where did the Cloak come from?” Death looked at Harry curiously. “I mean, I don’t doubt your power, but I just don’t believe you could create an artifact that can shield itself and its wearer from you.” Death leaned back in the throne.

“I am not sure where the Cloak came from actually. I merely know that for as long as I remember I have worn the Cloak.” Harry looked at Death. “My earliest memories are of guiding the first dead into the realm beyond this one.” Harry spoke at that statement.

“First dead?”

“They were strange beings. They had the appearance of humanity, but they were not human. They held tremendous power even after they died. I believe wizards to be some sort of hybrid between humanity and them.” He leaned forward, his face serious. “Do not attempt to call them with the Resurrection stone my master. If you do I fear that they may never want to return to death.” Death looked into the air and stood from the throne. “I must return to my duties master. If you would have need of me, you merely have to call with the stone.” Death disappeared without a sound. Harry watched where he had disappeared for a moment before turning to the staircase.

“You can come out now Spectre.” Spectre appeared from the stairs, a thoughtful look on his face. “Is the rest of the dreamscape repaired?”

“Yes.” Spectre’s voice was distant. Harry sighed.

“You heard Death Spectre, you are not Voldemort.” Harry looked at the ceiling. “I have to go. The guards are being unruly and trying to open my door.” Harry vanished from the dreamscape as Spectre looked at the throne thoughtful.

Harry rolled off his bed and to his feet as the Hallows appeared on him, the Cloaks hood up. He walked over to the door and removed the spell keeping it closed and opened it. He blinked as Chrysalis and Flare Runner fell into the room.

“May I help you?” They both got up and blushed. Chrysalis spoke up before Flare Runner.

“I was trying to get into the room, but the door was locked. Flare Runner thought it might have been jammed and tried to help push it open.” Harry tilted his head to the side.

“That was my fault actually. I sealed the door shut to prevent ponies from disturbing me. I forgot you needed to get inside.” Harry looked at Flare Runner. “Did you need anything?” She looked at him as she nodded.

“I’m supposed to let you know that the wedding is going to be tonight and ask if you are going to be there.” Harry nodded.

“I will be there Flare Runner, please let Luna know that.” Harry nodded to himself. It would be good to have a bit of
normalcy for a while.

In the Everfree there was a flash of light and two ponies appeared. They were two unicorns to be exact. One was a male and was red while the other was female with brown fur and a bushy mane. The female groaned as she got to her feet. She looked around blurrily.

“I hope the ritual went right and this is where Harry is.” She turned to the red unicorn. “Get up Ronald. This is not the time to sleep.”

Author's Note:

Just to let you guys know,there will be a small timeskip between this chapter and the next.