• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,426 Views, 327 Comments

Harry Potter, Knight of the moon - The Walker

Harry Potter, asking for the power to destroy his enemies, and recieves it after agreeing to serve Nightmare Moon eternally serve her..

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The end of the fight

Harry opened his eyes and immediately noticed a difference. The fire didn’t burn. He could certainly feel the heat, but it was more like basking in the glow of sunshine then standing in the heart of an inferno. He also noted the stone and cloak had manifested themselves. Harry looked at Talith as the flames died down.

“Are you done now?” Talith stared at him in shock.

That’s not possible.” Harry grinned at her.

“My turn.” Harry’s horn flared and the earth underneath Talith shifted throwing the dragon off her feet. Harry threw a concussion spell at her and watched it splash across her scales. “Magic resistant then. I can probably overpower it now, but there are easier ways around it.” Talith’s eyes widened as the earth shifted again and a twenty foot tall humanoid golem appeared from it. Harry eyed his creation. “A bit crude, but well done for a first try.” The golem looked at Talith as she got back on her feet.

Burn.” Talith released a wave of fire at the golem. When the fire had receded, Harry noted the outer layer of earth that made up his golem had solidified into a hard stone shell. Harry smirked at Talith.

“You just made my golem much more dangerous.” With the noise of cracking stone, the golem took a step and swung at Talith. She reared back on her back two claws and looked down at the golem. Harry looked up at her. “I forgot just how big you are. I may need to even the odds a little.” Harry felt the Resurrection stone bump against his chest. “I might as well see what this thing can do.” He felt the stone grow warm against his chest. “I think a fight with Saint George should teach you some manners Talith.” Harry felt the stone pulse and saw something fly from it and hit his golem. The golem started to shift. “That’s interesting.”

The golem had altered itself. It had gained more human features and had grown a sword and shield. Its new eyes started to glow as a face appeared. The golem spoke.

“I have been called forth from beyond the grave.” The voice carried power and wisdom. Harry walked up beside the possessed golem and spoke up.

“Yes you have. I have called you forth to fight the dragon over there.” George looked over at the dragon. “If you could merely knock her unconscious, that would be great. She might have tried to roast me alive, but I don’t really want her dead.”

“Very well, I shall do as you ask.” The golem tightened its grip on the sword in its right hand and shifted the shield on its left. “Come get me you overgrown worm.” Talith roared at the insult and launched herself at the golem. It moved faster than its side would suggest as it rolled out of the way. Harry horn flickered as the area where Talith was going to land altered into a deep pool of water. She landed with a splash. Harry snickered as she dragged herself from the water. She glared at him.

I will burn your bones to ash.” Harry grinned at her.

“You’ll probably find that hard to do unconscious.” Talith blinked at him as the golem shattered his shield over her head. She turned her head as the golem also shattered the flat side of his sword against her skull. She collapsed to the ground unconscious. Harry looked up at the golem. “I thank you for your assistance Saint George. You may now return to you eternal slumber.” The golem nodded as it collapsed into a pile of rock and dirt after George’s spirit left. Harry looked at the audience.

“I win I guess.” The crowd was silent. “I guess I get my one request filled right.” The announcer spoke up.

“Well yes you do. What do you want?”

“I just want to get out of the marriage ritual to Gilda over there.” Harry disappeared and reappeared next to the group with hardly a noise. “Is that alright?”

“Yes, I must also inform you that you are the new champion.” Harry frowned to himself.

“Very well, I will be the new champion. I can’t stay here though, I have duties in Canterlot.” Harry paused for a moment. “Speaking of Canterlot, we should probably get back there.” Harry turned to Chrysalis and seized his sword along with his armor. He looked at the armor. “I really don’t need this with the cloak, but it may come in handy later.” The armor disappeared with a pop. “Alright, now let’s get back to Canterlot.” Harry reached out and touched both Rainbow Dash and Chrysalis on the side. Chrysalis suddenly remembered something.

“Wait Harry, Luna is…….” They disappeared with a pop.

“-Really angry.” Chrysalis finished her sentence as they appeared in the throne room. Harry looked around the room.
“She can’t be too angry if the room is still intact.” Harry heard a loud crashing noise outside the room. “Or I could be horrible wrong and she just hasn’t gotten to this room yet. I should probably deal with this now.” The doors burst open and Celestia and Luna walked in side by side. Luna was yelling while Celestia was trying to calm her down. Harry noted the other elements of harmony behind them. He coughed. “Hey Luna, I’m back.” Luna instantly focused her gaze on him.

“HARRY”S JAMES POTTER, WHAT IS THIS I HEAR ABOUT YOU BEING BETROTHED TO A GRIFFIN. I WILL Not stand for it……..” Luna’s voice trailed off as she looked at Harry and noted his new stuff. She took a step back from him as she looked beyond the physical and saw the items true nature. Her voice shook. “What in Tartarus are you wearing?” Harry looked down at the Hallows.

“Some stuff that belongs to me. Why?” Harry’s answer seemed to shake Luna.

“Those things are bathed in death. How could you wear such foul garments?” Harry looked down at the Hallows before looking back at Luna in confusion before he got what she was saying.

“Luna, these items weren't bathed in death, they were created by Death.” Everypony there stared at Harry for his answer before they all spoke as one.

“WHAT?” Harry looked at them.

“Yes, these are known as the Deathly Hallows. They were all created by Death when the Peverell brothers bested it. Well, he created everything, but the cloak. That I have some ideas for its creation because as powerful as Death is, I don’t think he can create an object that can hide itself from Him.” Twilight spoke up.

“Are you saying death is the personification of an abstract in your world?” Harry frowned as he thought it over.

“No.” The group sighed in relief, but then Harry continued. “I don’t think death is a personification at all. Sure it can manifest itself in a body anytime it wants, but when it does, it does so as itself.” Harry paused to let that sink in. “And then it got bested by three brothers creating the position of Master of Death. Whoever masters all three Hallows becomes Master of Death.” Celestia spoke, her voice quiet.

“And how many of these Hallows have you mastered Harry?”

“I am master of all three.” Everyone froze as they took in Harry’s statement. Surprisingly, it was Fluttershy who spoke, her voice soft.

“Does that mean you are the master of death Harry?” Harry looked at Fluttershy and the rest of the group as he realized what they had thought.

“No, I am not the Master of Death though I could become it. I chose to reject the title and the authority that comes with it. The Master of Death is a being as beyond Death as Death is to everyone else. I prefer not having to deal with it and keep my options open.” The group looked relieved and Luna remembered why she had stormed into the throne room.

“Harry, what is this I hear about you being betrothed to a griffin.” Luna’s anger had cooled upon learning what Harry could become one day. Harry smiled at Luna who blushed.

“Don’t worry about it Luna. It’s why I went to…………..” Harry’s voice trailed off. “I still don’t know the name of the griffin’s country.” Twilight spoke up.

“It’s called Talona by everyone, but the griffins who call it the iron hills.” Harry nodded at her in thanks and she blushed.

“I went to Talona to fight in their arena. I won.” Rainbow Dash snorted.

“After almost being incinerated by a dragon.” Luna spoke at that, her eyes fixed on Harry and her voice flat.

“What?” Harry merely waved a hoof at her.

“I may or may not have been almost incinerated by the dragon I pissed off on my travels. Don’t worry about it. I knocked her unconscious with a giant golem made of stone. I had to claim mastery over the Hallows to survive the fire, but otherwise there were no downsides.” Luna’s hoof quickly rose and smashed Harry in the face before she spoke.

“You are an idiot.” Harry grinned at her before his face took on a thoughtful look. He raised the Resurrection stone to his face as he examined it.

“I wonder if I could use this to give Nightmare Moon her own body. She is a spirit after all.” Celestia spoke up.

“Harry do you really think giving an evil spirit such as Nightmare Moon her own body is a good idea?” Harry rubbed a hoof to his chin.

“You’re right. She would probably sexually harass all your maids while purposely pissing Luna off.” The group merely stared at Harry in confusion.

“That’s not what I meant, but it is a good point none the less.” Harry looked at Celestia, realization dawning on his face.

“She’s not that bad once you get to know her. Kind of like a darker, more perverted Luna was running around.” Harry looked at the stone again. “On the other hoof, I get her out of my head. I’m going to try it.” Harry focused on the Resurrection stone which grew warm. The shadows in the room darkened and Fluttershy let out a whimper. The shadows came together in front of Harry and a dark form rose from it. Harry frowned at it. “Stop the theatrics Moon. You’re scaring Fluttershy.” The form let out a chuckle as the shadows receded revealing Nightmare Moon. She pouted at Harry.

“You’re no fun.” She stretched and let out a moan as her spine let out several pops. “It feels good to have a body again.” Harry looked between her and Luna and realized just how much the two looked alike.

“You two do realize that you will never be at full power separate from each other right.” The two dark alicorns looked at Harry. “You are both two sides of the same coin. You each have something the other lacks.” Nightmare Moon spoke, her voice condescending.

“And when did you learn this?” Harry smirked at them.

“When I became Master of the Deathly Hallows of course.” Harry strode past the group and into the castle, leaving them with that sentence.

Author's Note:

Have another chapter.