• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,426 Views, 327 Comments

Harry Potter, Knight of the moon - The Walker

Harry Potter, asking for the power to destroy his enemies, and recieves it after agreeing to serve Nightmare Moon eternally serve her..

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Harry was staring at Luna, who was still on the floor laughing. He wasn’t sure what had happened, but her laughter and Chrysalis clinging to his side was starting to annoy him. He was also sure that Nightmare Moon was laughing at him as well. He had enough of the laughing. He slammed the hoof Chrysalis wasn't holding down on the table.

“Enough laughing.” Luna’s laughter started to slow as she pulled herself back onto her seat, still occasionally giggling. Harry glared at her. “Anypony want to tell me what exactly just happened anyways.” Luna’s laughter stopped completely as she looked at him.

“You really don’t know?” Harry shook his head no. Luna giggled again. “I am reasonably sure Chrysalis here just had an orgasm from trying feed off of you.” Harry stared her and he could feel his eye starting to twitch. Why did these types of thing always happen to him? Did he piss off some unknown god or been a horrible person in a past life. He turned to look at Chrysalis who had let go of him. She took in his stare and her face took on a deep red color.

“So, you want to explain why that just happened?” Chrysalis looked away embarrassed. Harry looked at her before getting an idea. “Chrysalis, I don’t want to do this, but you are forcing my hoof at the moment. I am ordering you to tell me what just happened.” Chrysalis grumbled under her breath as she turned to face him.

“When a changeling feeds on love, it’s not pure love. It’s usually been diluted in some way by other emotions felt by a pony.” She blushed. “Pure love is like having really good sex or at least that is what the memory of past queens is telling me. I wouldn’t know.”

“Would know what?” Rainbow Dash was the one who had interrupted Chrysalis. She glared at Rainbow Dash.

“I wouldn’t know what sex is like you idiot. I’ve never had it.” Everyone stared at her. “What? I doubt any of you’ve actually done the deed.” She looked hard at them. They looked away from her except for Pinkie Pie who just smiled at her. “To continue with my explanation, someone seems to have taken pure love and wrapped you in a spell with it.” Harry blinked at that statement as he looked at her in confusion. “If I had known it was there, I wouldn’t have fed off you. It leaves me vulnerable to being taken advantage off.” As Harry thought over her statement, he could see how that could happen. “It’s the reason no one fed off Cadence. She literally radiates pure love. Sure, it would feed us, but would also leave us in a stupor.” Twilight made a noise in her throat that caused everyone to turn and look at her.

“Then how did you control my brother?” She was glaring at Chrysalis now.

“I did not sleep with your brother. I used magic to keep him mostly under control.” The changeling and the pony glared at each other, while the others watched slightly amused. Celestia cleared her throat.

“As amusing as watching this is, we still haven’t decided what to do with the changeling army besides turning them into spies. If we are going to do that, how are we going to let them know and make them obey?” Chrysalis merely stared at Celestia as if she had something incredibly stupid.

“I am the queen. They already know their orders and are moving to obey them even as we speak.” As if to punctuate Chrysalis’s statement, there was a knock on the door. Celestia called for them to come in and the door opened to reveal a guard.

“Yes guardsman, what is it?”

“The bug things are leaving Princess Celestia.” Celestia nodded as she looked at Chrysalis who was muttering under her breath about being called bug things.

“Thank you for alerting us. You may go.” The guard nodded as he left while Celestia shut the door behind him.
“It’s good that you were telling the truth. Now the only matter to arrange I believe is where you will be staying in the castle.” Chrysalis immediately jumped to her hooves.

“I want to stay where ever Harry is staying.” The group looked at her while Harry started to hit himself in the face wondering why everything always happened to him.

“Denied.” Luna’s voice cut through the silence like a hot knife through butter. “You are not going to be allowed to stay with the captain of my guard.”

“Why not? I’m supposed to serve him aren’t I?” Chrysalis’s come back was quick and logical.

“You might try to seduce him.” Chrysalis stared at Luna in disbelief. Had she even been listening to her explanation at all? Just because Harry was handsome and kind……………. Her mind needed to stop those thoughts immediately.
“I would not try to seduce him.” Chrysalis squinted at Luna as she examined her. “Aha, you want to have Harry all to yourself don’t you?” Luna stuttered as she denied this statement. Harry suddenly rose to his hooves and he had a determined look on his face.

“Enough of this arguing. I am tired from the amount of magic I expended today and you two arguing is giving me a head ache. Chrysalis can stay in my room or the barracks. I will work something out.” Harry turned to the door and opened them. He looked back over his shoulder. “I’m going to take a nap, if anyone needs me, you know where to find me.” Harry walked out as he headed to the barracks and his room. He needed both a nap and to talk to Spectre and Nightmare Moon.

Harry opened his eyes to take in the view of his dreamscape. He looked around the room and noted some differences. The shadows representing Nightmare Moon were gone revealing Luna’s door set into the wall between the two pillars. He also took note of the fact, that there were now drapes covering the window. The drapes were a deep blue color that Harry guessed would match the color of Nightmare Moon’s pelt. As he glanced around the room he also took note of the fact that they weren’t in it. He grunted as he headed towards the staircase. They were elsewhere in the castle, but he wasn’t quite sure where, so he would just check the rooms as he went along.

As he exited the staircase, looked around the small courtyard it had put him in. When he had last explored his dreamscape of the place, a large amount of the castle was in ruins. His mental version had actually been worse than the real version of the castle. Now the courtyard had life in it again. He passed through the yard and headed towards the kitchen area where he felt Spectre the strongest. He paused outside the door before opening it and walking in.

“May I ask why my mind is decorated with drapes Nightmare Moon?” They both looked up from where they sat at the table in the middle of the room. The table itself was out of place in the kitchen and so was the board game they had set up on it. “You’re playing board games. Really, that was the best thing you could think of to pass the time.” Nightmare Moon glanced at him before turning back to the board which now that Harry had walked closer appeared to be a pony version of monopoly.

“There’s not much else to do in here. The reason I put drapes up is because you clearly don’t have a decorative bone in your body and the room was extremely dull.” She picked up the dice in a cup and rattled them around before rolling them. “The room was decorated with drapes when I lived there a thousand years ago.” Harry rolled his eyes as he turned to the two great fireplaces in the kitchen. There was no wood in them, but Harry’s horn flared as fire erupted from nothing. The room was quickly bathed in the light from them and warmed up from its previous state of being a bit chilly.

“Thanks Harry.” Harry turned at Spectre’s words and hopped into the chair that sat next to him. “I couldn’t get it to do that for me. You still have the most control over the dreamscape.” Harry nodded and looked at Nightmare Moon.

“Do you enjoy tormenting my Nightmare Moon?” She looked up from the board. “Why would you think that I could use the queen of the changelings as a servant?” Nightmare Moon shrugged at his question.

“It seemed like a good idea at the time. You looked like you needed a servant and I ordered her to obey your every order.” She frowned. “Why did she disobey an order from you? I can come out there and……”

“Is there a reason you thought I needed a sex slave?” Harry’s question cut through Nightmare Moon’s voice. “Because that is certainly what a command like that sounds like. Obey any order I give.” His eyes hardened as he looked at Nightmare Moon. “I would never take advantage of anyone like that, I hope you know.” Nightmare Mooned squirmed under his gaze.

“I’m sure having the queen of changeling as your servant can useful.” She looked at Spectre as if trying to tell him to help her escape Harry’s gaze. He obliged her.

“You don’t have to worry Moon. We are using the changelings as a spy network if you must know.” She sighed as Harry’s gaze returned to normal upon being reminded of what he actually did with the changelings. He sighed.

“You have no idea how much trouble you caused me Moon. I would have preferred to let others know when not in the middle of an invasion.” Nightmare Moon frowned as she looked between Spectre and Harry for a moment.

“Why are you shortening my name like that?” It was Harry who answered her question.

“It’s a nickname. Your name is too long to use in a casual conversation. Get used to it because I’m not changing it and neither is Spectre.” She took in this explanation and nodded. “I want to know if you have come any closer to fixing me and Spectre.”

“I still can’t figure out why the two of you split apart in the first place. From what I know of the elements, they shouldn't have split your conscience into two parts. It wasn’t my power causing the split because otherwise I would probably be stuck in Luna’s head and not in here.” Her shoulders slumped at her admittance of her bafflement.

“Since when do you like mares anyway?” Harry’s question took her by surprise. “Because I know it wasn’t being in here with the two of us like you claim.”

“I have always had an appreciation for the finer gender if you will. I’m quite certain Luna still does as well. That’s not to say we don’t appreciate males as well.” Her gaze raked over Spectre and Harry. “If I had succeeded in causing eternal night, you would have been awarded most graciously.” Harry snorted at this.

“Moon, if I had wanted to have sex with someone, I’m sure someone would have been willing back in my world. I was a celebrity.”

“Of course you were Harry. I was merely stating what might have happened had things been different.” Harry nodded as he glanced upwards.

“Does anyone else hear yelling?” They both looked confused by his question and he sighed. “It must be from the waking world then. I wonder what happened now. I’ll see you guys later.” Harry closed his eyes as he disappeared from his dreamscape.

The first thing Harry heard was yelling. His eyes snapped open upon realizing the source was in his room. He sat up and yelled.

“WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?” The room was silent instantly as Harry’s glare passed around the room taking in several facts. One of them was that Chrysalis was lying in his bed. The second was that Flare Runner was standing in his doorway and she had been the one yell. He spoke again, his voice softer this time. “What is going on?”

“I was coming in to apologize to you for earlier when I found this….. this hussy sleeping on your bed with you.” Harry glanced at Chrysalis and back at Flare Runner. He knew he had been forgetting something, if he hadn’t put any security on his room. He should have remembered after being kidnapped by changelings.

“Flare Runner, you can stand down. Chrysalis here is fully allowed to enter my room without permission. She’s my…….” Harry paused as he searched for the proper word. Chrysalis spoke up.

“Marefriend.” Harry nodded without really paying attention.

“Right, Marefriend.” Harry paused in what he had been saying as his brain rewound itself a few minutes. He felt Chrysalis hug him.

“Yes, I’m his Marefriend and we haven’t seen each other in a long time if you get what I mean.” Chrysalis winked at Flare Runner who actually giggled.

“I guess I will leave you two alone.” She giggled as she left closing the door behind her. Harry let his head fall back against the pillow as he wondered why all the females in his life seemed to try to make his life difficult.

Author's Note:

Longer chapter. Let me know what you think.