• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“... the moment to fight ...”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“... the moment to fight ...”

Celestia grumbles as she looks down at him from before her throne. Jer'rahd swallows hard; for the first time, he is actually terrified of what the Goddess of the Sun might do to him. Granted, he’d barely had the courage to ask her in the first place, but when he did, this entire fiasco had started.

“If you hurt her, I will ensure no pony will ever know you existed.”

Jer'rahd bites his tongue, not meeting the goddess’s eyes. A flame he had never seen before had flared in them and did nothing to help calm him. He jerks upright with a clatter of medals and ribbons as a loud blare of a pipe organ fills the chamber. He struggles to smooth out the mess of jangling awards, wishing to be rid of his dress uniform as soon as possible.

He glares over to the piano and at Bleu, who seems to be taking great delight in playing something that is only forty percent what it was supposed to be and sixty percent her own creation. He does not even recall anyone allowing her to be the one playing the organ, and fully expects the real pianist to be tied up in a closet somewhere. After the first few notes, the members of the Platinum Swan add their own accompaniment, which he is also sure is not supposed to be happening, but it is too late to do anything now.

The massive doors at the other end of the room swing open and his attention turns from Bleu to sweep over the gathered crowd of nobles and nearly all of the 42nd that fill the throne room. He had not expected any of the 42nd to turn up, let alone all of them. General Shower and her husband, Staff Sergeant Stonehoof, are there as well. She seems greatly amused at the events, though she has to keep poking General Mustang to keep him awake. Chief Three Bear is also present and towers above all the other guests, and a number of pegasi and unicorns with levitation spells had decided that flying over the crowd was an easier way to see. The room is quite packed, which does not help his nerves, either.

Golden Pelt cautiously trots out of the doorway just behind Cloud Dancer, practically clinging to the young pegasus’s leg as she tosses out hooffulls of what he assumes are blue rose petals. He sighs as he hears Starfall and Maw Pelt both squee at how cute their daughters look in the royal blue and purple dresses they each are wearing.

The young colt trotting down the aisle next amuses him greatly, possibly the only choice he got to make in this event, and Cyan Sparkle seems just as out of sorts to be there as he is. The colt is dressed in a first year dress military uniform, as he is supposed to be in basic training right now, though with a little suggestion and pull, the colt was now floating a fancy blue pillow down a blue and silver carpet in front of a great number of ponies. It had been a bit of a sneaky plan on his part, as this task now links the orphan colt to a rather large family; he can already see Maw Pelt studying the young solider trying to play match maker in her head.

He glances to Rhede, who is standing not too far from him and flirting with some mare or another from Celestia's court, though he goes silent, pretending to have just been standing there, as the last ponies enter through the door. Jer'rahd is dimly aware that Velkorn is in the small group as well, though it is the mare trotting ahead of the others that locks his attention.

He had not even known that much lace existed in Equestria, let alone that it was that shade of purple. The gown seems to be designed to conceal her fully, yet add to how her form moves. A massive silver crown and collection of silver jewelry adorn her forelegs, neck, and head. Her mane and tail are done up with gems and silver wire that must have taken half, if not more, of Canterlot's treasury. The dark mare seems somewhat out of sorts as she slowly makes her way down the aisle, the light catching the adornments covering her and making the Princess of the Night sparkle as if she is covered with thousands of stars. His eyes lock with hers for a moment and she softly smiles before demurely turning her head as she approaches, stopping beside him and chuckling lightly at the stare he gives her. Luna lifts a forehoof, pressing it lightly to his chin, closing Jer'rahd's mouth where his jaw had dropped.

Luna leans a bit closer to him, a smile still on her face. “It is good to see you did not manage to lose any of your medals this time, Jer'rahd,” she softly chuckles.

Celestia sighs again, looking down at the pair, ready to get this over with. She clears her throat and everyone turns to look at the Sun Goddess before the pair.

“Dearly beloved...”


“Princess, may I speak with you?” Twilight asks.

Celestia stops glancing back at her student as the purple unicorn trots down the hall towards her. The Sun Princess yawns, glancing at a window and the darkness that is prevalent outside, even with the moon’s soft glow, and looks into her study and the bed beyond before nodding softly.

“Of course, Twilight, though please make it quick; you have a train to catch in the morning and I am already up well past my normal hours.” Celestia stifles another yawn and offers a small smile, though that fades as her student draws closer and she can clearly see the expression of worry on Twilight's face. “Is something wrong?”

“Perhaps this is not the time, but... I want to know about Aviana. She has been a harbinger of disaster throughout everything I have read and now... now, I believe she may be the reason why Sombra and Chrysalis exist as well.”

Celestia bites her lip, not liking where this is going. “How so?”

Twilight turns, lifting a book out of her saddle bag and floating it over to the Princess.

Celestia looks over the book curiously. “What is this? Romance of the Two Kingdoms?”

“It is a book that Bleu found in a library in the Crystal Empire. She gave it to me after I told her about what Sombra said and about the changelings. I had the same book before, though it did not go into this much detail. In fact, going by the date and the age of the tome, it may be the first document of the account made.”

“Twilight, theRomance of the Two Kingdoms is nothing but an old mares’ tale. There isn’t any truth to it...”

“Like Nightmare Moon was an old mares’ tale?”

“That is a different matter...”

“How? Because you want to believe that your friend is innocent and all the things that have happened are simply coincidence? There has got to be more to her than you are letting on, Princess. Now more than ever, what you know about her may be of help to us. I am not trying to be like Jer'rahd and simply blame her and you for everything bad that is happening, but there is far more information painting her as the bad guy here. As it stands, you are the only pony who knows of her existence who even tries to defend her. I want to know why.”

“I... Come into my study; we will talk there.”

Twilight nods and trots in after the Princess.


“Damn it, Bleu, why didn't you tell me?” Rhede snarls, glancing over to the dragonling as she downs another pile of gems.

“‘Bout what, Rhede? Don't be vague; I'm not in the mood for it,” Bleu snaps. The dragonling looks up from the dining room table, the pair of them the only ones in the dining hall this time of night.

“About Jer'rahd's grandfather, about you letting those dragons go in Cindervale, about one of the eggs being made a dragon god, and about you and Jer'rahd being related and both of you being descendents of that blue dragon god!”

“Would it matter?” Bleu looks up from the table at the earth pony behind her. “We are a thousand years past all that now, Rhede. No family or history matters anymore because it's long gone. All we have left of anything we did is each other, a princess who doesn't want to acknowledge our existence, an annoying sun goddess who is just using us, five ponies and a dragonling who don't want our help or just see us as a curiosity, and a spastic unicorn who thinks too much. The only other ones who know who we are we plan to kill. Far as I can tell, nothing we did matters awhit any more. What the buck’s the point of worrying about it all now?”

Rhede blinks, not really expecting this dark attitude from Bleu, though he easily puts together why.

“We will get him back, Bleu. You know well enough that he would charge through Tartarus itself to save one of us and destroy anything that got in his way. Now we get to show we would do the same. You need to cheer up; I get nervous when you get mopey.”

“I'd cheer up, but I have to talk to someone else, and chipper ain't gonna get through to her.”

“Luna, I gather... Don't be too hard on her, Bleu. Celestia is forcing her to remain here.”

“You think that would stop him from saving her if she was in trouble? It never did before; none of us paid attention to orders like that from anyone. Why the hell is it stopping Luna? If Twilight is right and she's so bucking sorry for what she did, then she can start to try and fix it by helping.”

“It is not such a simple matter. There's politics involved in this with the other races sending aid as well.”

“Then to hell with them. She needs to do what she knows is right regardless of what the heck others might think...” Bleu trails off before slapping her forehead with a claw. ”Oh buck... that's why.”

Rhede nods. “Yeah, she knew what she did a thousand years ago was right, too. We both know how that turned out. Both Luna and Jer are terrified that the monsters within them will be free again; that is going to change how they do things. The last part of the book goes on about what happened in the garden. He tried to drive us away because he wanted to be killed; he felt the beast had gotten stronger. Luna had to bring back Nightmare Moon to stop him. Neither of those monsters are gone, and the pair of them are still living with them. Don't bother her tonight, Bleu. Just get some sleep. You can take out your frustrations on the changelings when we get there.”

“Yeah... I should probably do that... you're better at this pep talk stuff than you let on.”

“Heh, I’ve had plenty of practice getting Jer to cheer up. Night, Bleu.”

“Night, fluffy flank...”


“What is it, captain? I should be asleep right now. I am pretty sure you should be, as well.” Starfall grumbles, trotting along after Captain Peach Blossom.

“Don't try that with me, miss. You were probably pacing as much I usually am before a mission.” Peach Blossom smirks.

“Besides, with as boring as the train ride will be, you can sleep on that.”

“Not unless I get something for motion sickness ahead of time,” the gray pegasus grumbles.

“Well, at the very least, it should cheer you up to know that Sergeant Breezy just arrived.”
Starfall glances over at the white pegasus curiously as the pair trot towards the guard barracks.

“The pegasus you were partnered with in the Crystal Empire? Why would I care that he showed up here? He's not in the op.”

“No ma'am, but he didn't come here for no reason. Guard Captain Shining Armor was informed of your order, and when it was done, he sent Breezy back with it.”

“My order?”

“Yes Ma'am. Suffice to say, we checked it and Breezy out just to make sure. Despite his complaining, he was rather impressed to see what he was carrying; honestly, I want a pair myself.”

“Pair? Captain, what the heck came in?”

He pushes open the door to the guard barracks, showing a very tired Breezy sitting at a table along with a dozen or so
guards looking at a long box that lay open on the table.

They all move aside as Starfall trots up to the box, her eyes widening and a grin growing on her face as she looks at the contents.

“Not at all what I expected...” Starfall smirks.

“Your weapons, Ma'am,” Breezy mutters in a sarcastic tone.


Celestia closes the book Twilight had given her and rubs her hooves against her temples. The book never said who any of those involved were, but she knew the story rather well; after all she was in it.

Thankfully, Twilight remains quiet and simply lets Celestia read. Not that it had taken long, but at least the lavender unicorn is being considerate while Celestia's memories of Aviana are tarnished. It had not been just this story; there had been multiple accounts that she had found in documents and older gods that cast Aviana as not the princess she remembered.
That Twilight confirmed this matched what Sombra had told Jer'rahd adds a bit more credence to the story than Celestia likes.

“So who was she, Princess?” Twilight questions.

“Aviana was my mother.”

The purple unicorn blinks and is about to respond when Celestia cuts her off. “Not my real mother... I suppose a bit of history is in order. For a bit of scale, I was born fifteen hundred years after the events of Hearths Warming.”

Twilight blinks, her eyes widening. Celestia winces, seeing her student doing the calculations in her head.

“Princess, that makes you over six thousand seven hundred and thirty five or so years old... errr, if the history is correct on the time of Hearth’s Warming.”

Celestia's ears flatten. “Yes, thank you, Twilight. While your skill at math is appreciated, reminding me of my age is not.”

“Errrr hehe, sorry, I mean… you look good for your... I’m gonna shut up now....”

Celestia presses on, pretending not to have heard her student. “In that time, there was a darkness devouring the land— demons that took the form of loved ones only to drag their victims screaming into the night and replace them with copies. If your book is correct, these were the first changelings. Much smarter and much more vicious than the ones present now, however. I was a foal when my parents fell victim to them and it was only by the intervention of the forces of the goddess that saved any in my village at all. They may have driven off the changelings, but there were only five who survived the attack. A city of hundreds, and only five foals survived. To make matters worse, the changelings came during my cutecieñera party. I had just gained my mark that very day and my gift was watching my friends and family be killed or dragged off into the night. The gathering of parents took what foals they could and sealed us in the cellar. A dozen ponies fought with such ferocity for their children that the changelings killed them rather than try to drag them away.”

Celestia closes her eyes as if trying to dredge the memory up fully.

“Ponies of the time were a cowardly and superstitious lot. Five foals surviving when so many other lives were lost had us marked as cursed at best and the cause of the attack at the worst. Only Aviana did not seem to care about these rumors. When no other pony would help us, she did. The survivors were raised in the royal courts by Aviana herself. After how we were treated by other ponies after our families were killed, we trusted no one but each other, and the Goddess who came to our aid when no pony else would.”

Celestia takes a sip of water, smirking in spite of herself behind the glass at Twilight's rapt attention. It was not the best tale by any means, but after so long, it felt rather good to let another know it.

“As we grew older, we did our best to make her proud of us. To be worthy of the attention she bestowed us. I refused to follow what my talent was and worked to make sure that what happened to us would never happen to another. My friends did the same; we trained as warriors, hunters, and killers. The five of us grew up to become perhaps the first personal Royal Guard, answering only to Aviana. For several years, we were the only ones who even stood a chance against the attackers.
The tactics of appearing as family or friends that the changelings usually employed broke against our resolve.”
The Sun Princess sighs.

“I am unsure if Aviana planed it that way, or if she simply accepted that it was what we wanted to do. When she thought us ready, she presented us with the Elements of Harmony and joined us in seeking to destroy the heart of the swarm. It was this age that I earned a nickname not unlike what Jer'rahd and his friends had earned. Just as unflattering, too.”

Twilight tilts her head a bit as if about to ask, and Celestia backs up her story a bit to explain it.

“I defied the very nature of myself and what I was supposed to be to learn the magic of fire and light. I used it to rip apart any sign of the swarm and the changelings that had been plaguing us, often times destroying anything in my path, and just like the flame, I was far too quick to anger and destruction. I was called the Solar Flare, as it was said my anger burned hotter than the sun. This was reflected in my magic and the charred corpses and scorched land I left in my wake. With Aviana's help, my friends and I banished the darkness that was the swarm and their queen, sealing them in Tartarus. I do not know the dragon. I did not recall any others save Ruin being around her, and he was only there once, when he refused to aid her.”

“So who was Ruin, then?” Twilight flinches a bit at the glare Celestia gave her for trying to change the story again.

“Ruin was a very strange earth pony. I am not sure of what his true motives were or why he was placed in stone. To be honest, I am not even sure he was a stallion or even a pony at all; he could have been a zebra or donkey for all the armor he wore. Aviana said that he once was her friend, and he had borne the Element of Kindness to help her defeat a god trying to destroy the world long, long ago. She said that he asked to be sealed in stone before his life would have ended so that he could help against the enemies of Equestria. He chose to fight so that others would not have to know the loss and pain that it could bring.”

Twilight nods a little, her hooves itching to write this down.

“When she awoke him to aid with the changelings, however, he refused to help her. He did, however, say that if I survived, he would come to my aid if need be. The next time I attempted to wake him was millennium later, at the start of the Discordian War. He almost refused to aid me then, but Luna managed to convince him to at least remain in Canterlot to protect it. He was only woken for the two dragon wars after that, and never spoke of himself. When he was finally killed by Silver Claw, there was nothing left to try and find out about, even if I was up to it. The only thing Ruin seemed to want was a death in battle. At the very least, he got that wish.”

“I was hoping you knew more about Ruin, but what happened to Aviana?”

“After the swarm was sealed, I joined her in ruling the lands. When my friends passed, she was still there to comfort me. I wanted nothing to do with the court, and at the time, I preferred to hang back much as Luna does. Aviana was the peaceful one, while I was the warrior. Discord showed himself in time, and although a strange creature, Aviana seemed thrilled with his presence as if she had known him forever. I found his clowning annoying, but I was not going to say anything when Aviana seemed so happy.”

Twilight blinks, considering this. “What about the Garden and the Blue Bloods?”

Celestia rolls her eyes, but still answers. “The garden already existed, though it was little more than a collection of statues in a field by the castle. Aviana and I made the garden into the beginning of what it is today, and Luna and I finished making it into the multidimensional space it is now. Raising the wall to seal off the dark lands was easier, I assure you. The Blue Bloods were started from a tryst Aviana had with a noble. The child born was a unicorn, though that sealed the bloodline’s fate as being tied to royalty forever. Something their descendants still flaunt even to this day, though most of them believe they are descend from me, a line of thought I do not try to discourage, as it gives me a little more control over them to think I am family. Princess Cadence is from an off shoot of that bloodline, one that split from the Bluebloods long before the Dragon Wars. Now then, may I continue my story before I decide it is time for bed and run you off?”

Twilight meeps and puts her hooves over her mouth, having lost herself in the questions.

“Discord and Aviana went off somewhere for a time. When she returned, she was a mess in both mind and body. She told me Discord had raped her and run off with some dark magic artifact they had been trying to seal away from the world.”

“The books? AKKK sorry...”

“Yes, the books, or at least two of them. While she was gone, Equestria had come under attack. Many of the scattered tribes of ponies had pulled together to try and fight off the strange creatures. There was a sizable force in Canterlot, and I took the best of what soldiers I had and set out after Discord. Countless numbers died as I pursued him, and by the time we cornered him in the Dark Lands, only six of us remained fit to fight: myself carrying the Element of Loyalty; Nightshade the earth pony stallion, bearing the Element of Honesty; the unicorn mare, Shadow, carried the element of Laughter; the pegasus Dusk bore the Element of Kindness; and Imbrium... well, to be honest I am not entirely certain what Imbrium was. She did not appear to be a pony; more like something that only had the shape of a pony. She bore Generosity. And the last was Luna, wielding the Element of Magic.”

Celestia glances to the clock on the wall and decides to speed up a little.

“To make a long story a bit shorter, we defeated Discord's forces, gained the ability to control the sun and moon that he had stolen from a griffon god, acquired new cutie marks, beat Discord by sealing him in stone, and raised the great wall to protect Equestria from the rampant creatures that Discord had created and returned home.”

Twilight looks like she is about to ask a question, but Celestia silences her with a glare.

“Aviana was in no fit state after all of what had happened to her, and she asked me to take her place as ruler of Equestria.
Her last wish was that I follow in her hoofsteps to always seek a peaceful solution to everything. Even with all the problems that caused me, I could not deny what was asked by the mare who raised me, the one who had been my only stable companion for thousands of years.”

Celestia lowers her head, clearly upset over the memory. Twilight flattens her ears, moving forward to nuzzle her cheek.

“I still have a lot of questions, princess, but I want to know what is really going on. I am sure you do as well. Despite your story, the facts are starting to say otherwise about her benevolence.”

“I know. But I am the only one left who truly remembers her. Luna was young and only met her briefly once or twice before she vanished. I looked for her for a long time after she left, but I never found her again, or any trace of her.”

Celestia rises to her hooves and stretches out her wings.

“It is far too late for any more stories. You might be able to sleep on the train tomorrow, but I still have a job to do in the morning.”

“That is true... though...” A strange smile crosses the purple unicorn’s face along with a bit of a blush.
Celestia raises an eyebrow at Twilight's reaction. She slowly smiles, catching on.

“Yes Twilight; so long as you do not ask anything else or snore, you may join me.”


“Applejack, I really don't know about this... Can't I just stay here with Rarity?” Fluttershy mutters as she hides under the bed.
AJ sighs, slipping out of her bed and poking her head under the bed and grabbing Fluttershy by the tail, pulling her out.

“Sugar cube, yah really need tah stop worrying. We beat ‘em back pretty well before, and we got an entire guard company coming with us this time tah deal with them. ‘Sides, with Velkorn and tha others going a different way, we need somepony who knows how tah patch up any injuries that happen. An’ I know you know more'n most when it comes to that.”

“I know, but...”

“No buts. Git tah bed, not under it. We got a lot tah do in the morning before we leave. We might not have wanted tah bring that lot back, but now that they're here, ah sure as heck ain't gonna leave any of ‘em in the claws of that Chrysalis thing. We got a job tah do, an’ were gonna do it.”


“What did ah say? Am I gonna have tah get Dashie in here tah have a word with yah? She still ain't happy ‘bout that promise yah had her make. Tah be sure, it don't sit right with me, either, keeping something like that from our friends... Well, maybe not keeping it from Rarity, but most of them suspect it anyway, ‘specially with what’s been going on with mah brother.”

“Yes, sleep might be a good thing to have right now...” Fluttershy meeps as she turns red and dives under the blanket.

“Mmmhmmm. Ah'll keep that in mind fer later, then...”


A lone light shines from a single window in Ponyville. The golden glow of a lamp is accompanied by the whirl of sewing machines and the flap of fabric and frantic working emanate from the Carousel Boutique.
Just before morning graces the countryside, the commotion stops and a peal of laughter fills the air.

“It. Is. DONE!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!”

The figure in the window can be seen dancing with something that could very well be one of the mannequins in the store.
This is all brought to a crashing halt along with a loud yowl of a cat, a hiss, and the sound of fabric ripping, followed by a scream.

“Opal, NO!!... Why did you do that!? I am sorry about your tail, but this is for the princess! Out, out… Ooooooh, that is an interesting thing to see... I don't recall the book saying that would happen... though it would explain that spell I had to put on my tools.”


[The next morning]

The door swings open, slamming loudly into a bucket of swords and sending a cloud of dust billowing into the air. The group of figures in the door is illuminated briefly by a bolt of lightning that fries a suit of armor on a rack, starting a small fire that the lead pony franticly tries to put out.

Rhede, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all glare at Bleu, who rubs her muzzle.

“Celestia bless you,” Fluttershy says.

“Thanks. Dusty in here. When was the last time the guards cleaned this place?” Bleu mutters.

“Probably not long before the changeling invasion. Most of the palace guards prefer pikes and spears to swords and the stuff in here.”

Rhede grins as he steps in, leaving the others behind in a rush of dust as he starts digging through the piles. Starfall, Rhede, and Velkorn already have their armor, but Rhede is currently without any sort of weapons. The goal is to equip the current Element bearers with some armor and retrieve gear he could use. Rarity had arrived a little over an hour ago and went to see Luna directly after confirming what the others had already known: she would not be coming along.

The main brunt of the force meets one last time in the main hall before they leave for the train station. Velkorn and Starfall are currently using Twilight's and Jer'rahd's blades to check them all out again for changelings.

“Ahhh, here we are... just what I have been looking for. I felt naked without some of these little beauties,” Rhede coos, pushing open a box full of daggers and starting to refill the bandoleers hidden in his mane and tail. He is a little upset that there had been no time to fit himself for a proper robe, but Rarity had promised to make something up when they returned.

Bleu steps in with the others, though she pauses, sniffing the air rather than starting to dig through the boxes.

“Not sure ah like tha idea of wearing armor. Ah ain't any kinda guard pony,” AJ mutters.

“Hey, I don't care so long as it doesn't interfere with my flying... and looks cool,” Dash states.

“Um, I would rather just not really go...” Fluttershy mutters.

“Ooh, ooh, do we have time to paint it? I want the armor those night guards are wearing, but it’s too dark. Does it come in pink?” Pinkie Pie bubbles.

“Geez, how long has this stuff been in here? Is there some sort of catalog?” Twilight asks.

“Does anyone else smell oranges?” Bleu questions.

There was a collective 'what' from most of the group, though Pinkie giggles.

“No, I am serious. I smell oranges...” Bleu mutters, slinking into the room and looking among the crates and racks.

“Alright, anyway, some light armor would work for all of you. While you shouldn't be in the direct fighting, you should have some sort of armor,” Rhede states. “To be honest, after what happened to Twilight's brother, I really don't have much faith in the ponies calling themselves guards in this time. Stick close to the crystal ponies. They at least should know how to carry themselves in combat.”

“Not you too Rhede. I expect that out of Jer'rahd, but now even you are griping about the guards?” Twilight sighs. “They were trained in combat the same as you all were.”

Rhede glances back at her as the others start trying on armor.

“Miss Sparkle, the guards of this age are not warriors— they are guards. They do not know serious conflict and likely have never even heard of a war. All the training in the world means nothing if they cannot put it to use in battle.” Rhede slides another dagger into a harness. “If your history books are any indication, there has not been a war or even a serious battle since the Equestrian Civil War, or the War of the Night, as we called it. That whole era is referred to vaguely, if at all. The book you wrote was the only thing I could find with any real details about our time. Nightmare Night and the attack on
Canterlot are not even hinted at anywhere else. That silly little fable about the sisters is the closest to what really happened that I found, and it was little more than a foal's story. To top it off, that you have a foals holiday for such a dark event as Nightmare Night, where Luna is made out to be a pathetic theatrical villain, aggravates me to no end. There is clearly a reason behind it, but I am too disgusted to bother pursuing the why with Celestia.”

Twilight blinks as Rhede rants on. “Wait, what is your problem now?”

Rhede whirls, glaring at the purple unicorn. “My best friend is in the clutches of an unknown creature who is trying to turn him against us, we are forced to rely on untrained louts to last long enough to be a distraction for us, mostly by being sacrifices. Luna is still viewed by her subjects in a way she hated all those years ago. To top all of that off, nothing, absolutely nothing we did was recorded. All the good, all the bad, none of it. I would gladly be considered a monster of history so long as that information was there so ponies would not make the same mistakes I did.”

“I really don't know what to say to that, Rhede,” Twilight mutters.

“There is nothing you can say about it. The sooner we rescue Jer'rahd, the better I will feel. I think I am simply channeling everyone else’s annoyance with this situation as well. I am no stranger to conflict, though I do not wish it to be the sole purpose of my existence. After reading that book, I have seen a host of things that could have very easily been avoided or dealt with much better than they were. To have my history laid out for me like that, highlighting every wrong and right I have ever done is somewhat an eye opening experience for me.” Rhede sighs, relaxing a bit. “I think some secrets should be edited, but I would like you to try and publish that book, Sparkle. History does not need to repeat itself because Celestia thought it best everyone forget it.”

“FOUND IT! I knew I smelled oranges. Holy Buck, I can't believe this is here,” Bleu shouts.

Rhede and Sparkle jump back from a large chest that rushes towards them on blue dragon legs. A pink pony sits atop it waving a cowboy hat with an annoyed orange earth pony, sans said hat, running behind them.

The chest bucks hard and Pinkie Pie gets flung off to crash into Applejack as Bleu drops the chest before Rhede and

“What is this?” Rhede questions.

“Oranges, sexy mane, oranges... and if that prim and proper little Celestia's fan colt could wear it, It's a safe bet so can you Sparkle Butt,” Bleu grins opening the chest.

Twilight looks in curiously and tilts her head a little. Rhede peeks over her shoulder and smiles.

“Nice one, Bleu. This will be perfect if it still works.” Rhede nods. “I'm surprised it wasn't destroyed along with all the star metal.”

“What are you talking about? How is a box of old bones perfect?” questions Twilight.


Starfall taps another guard on the shoulder with the Waning Moon, her neck muscles screaming at the weight of the blade.

How did Twilight and Jer'rahd carry this thing, let alone use it?

She could have sworn the weapon was fighting her at first as she tried to test it on the guards as Sparkle had done. Velkorn had the same problem with the Brilliant Dawn, though she had given up and set it on the table, making the guards all touch it as they passed.

Starfall is too stubborn to give up, however, refusing to let the damn blade win.

Goddess, this thing weighs a ton.


“You are already completed with the task I asked of you?” Luna states in awe. “I am quite impressed, Miss Rarity. I knew you were skilled, but to understand that book and to complete all of this in little more than a night is astounding.”

“What can I say, Princess? I was inspired, and this was a rather rushed situation.” Rarity beams as Luna looks down into the crate a smile on her face. “I am quite glad you approve. I had some difficulty at first, though after a bit, I found my groove, as it were.”

“And what might that groove have made her, Miss Rarity?” Luna and Rarity both whirl as Princess Celestia trots in the door, looking at the crate curiously. “Not something to aid my sister in defying my command to stay here, I hope.”
Luna grasps for the words, though Rarity beams.

“What? Of course not, Princess. Your sister here had a marvelous idea and presented me with the means to make it happen,” Rarity chuckles. “I dare say I have outdone myself even more so than usual.”

Luna glances to Rarity then back to Celestia. Both of the alicorns seem a little confused though Celestia is the first to recover.

“If it is not the case, then you will not mind me having a look at what is in the crate?”

“Of course not. In fact, take one yourself. It will look delightful along with your mane.” Rarity's horn glows and a pink ribbon floats out of the crate and over to Celestia. “As I was telling your sister, the items in question were quite easy to make once I managed to narrow down the spells that were used in the formula. I dare say even in such a rush, I have made enough for the entire force of guards going on this expedition.”

“Pink ribbons?”

“Oh, I do know they will clash with about everything, though I daresay for once, fashion needs to take a back seat to usefulness. That book was absolutely a wealth of things I had never even heard of before, and yet I only had time to make the pink ribbons. And I am quite exhausted by that alone, just as I expected I would be when I spoke to Twilight and the others before I left last night. I feel ready to fall over any moment. If you do not mind, Princess, might I borrow one of the guest rooms so I might catch up on my beauty rest? I fear if I return home, I will simply continue to work myself to death.”

Luna nods lightly, though Celestia still seems confused.

“Book? Ribbons? What are these?”

“Pink ribbons, of course,” Rarity states, batting her eyelashes.

“No... Miss Rarity, what do they do?” Celestia corrects, rubbing her forehead with a hoof. At this point, she would rather deal with Pinkie Pie.

“A minor spell, sister, but one that will help with what the group is going to face. Normal poisons and insect-borne disease will not afflict the wearers of these ribbons. The theory in the book was that things like a cockatrice’s gaze and a manticore’s stinger's poison would not workm either. The creator theorized this would be true, though it was never tested.” Luna picks up the conversation.

“The best thing about it is the only requirements to make these delightful things were all items I had available at the time: mostly crushed gems and few spells. To be honest, I thought they would be out of my league to cast, but I had no trouble at all,” Rarity continues. “More proof that I am a fabric bender haha.

“There is an added benefit to this as well, Tia. If the guards mark an ‘X’ on their forelegs, then cover it with this ribbon, the changelings will only know about the ribbon and copy that. If someone refuses to show what is under the ribbon, or thinks the ribbon is all they need to show, then they will be known to be a changeling.”

Celestia blinks, looking at the ribbon, and then looking over in the crate at the pile of ribbons within.

“I see... I thought perhaps you were up to something to accompany the others, Lulu. I am sorry I doubted your sincerity,” Celestia apologizes.

Luna was about to say something else, clearly accepting, though she stops and her expression turns quickly darker.
“I cannot believe after all of this, you would doubt me as such, sister. I understand in the past there have been issues, but that you are this suspicious of my motives now is an affront. I wish this mission to succeed more than anyone, as I know what is at stake even better than you, yet you come here accusing me of dishonesty before anything truly even gets underway?” Luna snorts in annoyance and both Rarity and Celestia are taken back by the sudden change in her mood. “I will see them off with you sister, but after that I wish to be left alone until they return.”

Luna trots closer to Celestia, her horn nearly banging the white alicorn's.

“You have denied my giving them proper aid, as well as accusing of lying before you even have any sort proof. You claim to trust me, yet then you check on everything I do?” Luna seems to growl. “You may raise the moon yourself, as well as deal with full weight of the court until this expedition is over. If you accuse me falsely again I will ask the Guard Captains to take their time in returning, perhaps even setting the guards going with a few weeks of leave in Baltimare. Begone from my sightm sister. I would not have any more of your accusations thrown in mine face.”

Luna whirls, yanking the ribbon from Celestia's magic and tossing it into the crate and slamming the lid shut, glaring at her sister until the white alicorn slowly backs out of the room, looking ashamed of herself.

“Umm... yes, of course... I am sorry, sister, as well... I shall see you later on, Miss Rarity. Feel free to take the guest room you stayed in the last time you were here,” Celestia mutters, closing the door.

Rarity looks at Luna, surprised as a smile crosses the Princess of the Night's face. The Princess of the Night opens the crate back up and pulls a sizable box from under the ribbons, quickly shoving it under her bed. Luna trots over to her door, opening it to look up and down the hall to make sure Celestia is gone before trotting back over to the crate and Rarity.

“Princess, what...?” Rarity asks still in a bit of shock at the reaction.

“I shall surely never hear the end of this day when all is said and done, Miss Rarity, though you would do well to know that
Bleu is not the only one who knows how to put on a show,” Luna chuckles. “My plans have not changed.”


Everypony had armored and geared up by the time the last of guards had been cleared, with no changelings this time.

Rhede had found a pair of robes that fit him, the red and gold of the thick cloth hiding the bulk of the gear he had stashed underneath as well as the light armor he wore. It is a little heavier than he likes and did not contain any hidden pockets, but it would do.

Velkorn had recovered her Lunar Republic armor. The leather is tight over her form, and sewn with metal plates in various places, yet still gives her full movement. The massive patch-adorned saddlebags she always wore completed the outfit, though a number of new patches from various medical fields now adorn the bags as well.

Starfall wears her Shadowbolts armor, though she has a new pair of goggles and a new pair of weapons resting across her back. The massive scabbards seem far out of place on the small pony's body. The grips are wrapped in purple silk and only the pommels of the weapons are visible, revealing the deep blue crystal the swords are made of. Starfall fidgets with the scabbards, not used to wearing something of that size.

Bleu, as usual, had not bothered with any armor, as anything she wore aside from her flight bag would not fit her when she changes sizes. This time, however, she is leaving her flight bag and all the treasures from her era with Rarity.

Applejack wears light guard armor, though she had seen fit to paint her cutie mark on the flank. She is also wearing her hat rather than the guard helm, and is carrying a coil of rope at her side.

Pinkie Pie had not only found some Night Guard armor, but had somehow managed to paint it a bright neon pink that hurt most ponies’ eyes to look at for very long. Rarity had nearly fainted at the sight of it.

Fluttershy is a tank. There is so much armor covering the shivering pegasus, it is a wonder she can move at all, let alone be of any help. If not for the pink tail sticking out of one end of the massive pile of armor, no one might have known what direction she is facing.

Rainbow Dash is the most excited of the lot, as she had only found one uniform that she would wear, and she is doing flips that she had been allowed to wear it. Much like Starfall's armor, the outfit is tight to her form and allows maximum movement and protection for a flier. Unlike Starfall's, the armor is a blue and yellow rather than purple and black. Where she had found a Wonderbolt's costume that fit her in the castle, however, is unknown.

Twilight is the one who caused the most stir, however. When she had entered the throne room, she looked like nothing more than a massive walking skeleton with glowing purple eyes and a horn poking out of a hole in the skull. There had been quite a ruckus from the gathered guards, but seeing none of the other Element Bearers were concerned, and neither were the princesses, they eventually quiet down as the skeletal mare trots to the front of the group.

Celestia relays out the plan and Luna explains the purpose and the uses of the ribbon to the group. After everything is explained and Rarity and Spike start passing out the ribbons, Celestia trots over to the Element bearer group.

“This stuff is heavy... are you sure I can't just skip the armor?” Twilight complains.

“I would prefer that you have some sort of protection, Twilight, though I did not expect this armor still existed. Is it still even effective?” Celestia questions.

“First you doubt my word, and now you doubt my ability at crafting items?” Luna scoffs from behind Celestia, making the white alicorn wince lightly.

Rhede sighs and nods to Bleu, who rapidly changes sizes and wallops Twilight with her tail, sending the hapless unicorn flying over the gathered ponies to smash into a wall on the far side of the chamber. There is a collective sound of jaws dropping at the act before Twilight pushes herself up to yell at the dragon.

“What the heck did you do that for!?” she shouts. “You could have killed me!”

“Really? Are you hurt?” Bleu questions.

Twilight blinks. “Well, no, but...”

“Armor still works; she’s good to go, Celestia.” Rhede grins. “No worries, we'll be sure to take care of your special somepony on the trip.”


Rhede jumps at what is practically a roar from the gathered guards, the current Element Bearers, and even Luna.

“Was Spike wrong? Are you and Twilight not a thing? ‘Cause if no, that opens both of you back up for me and all...”

The little purple dragon slaps his forehead with his claw, trying to ignore Rhede and pass out the rest of the ribbons. Celestia flushes and Twilight sinks back into the crater she had made hitting the wall.

“Pelt, you have absolutely no tact...” Celestia growls.

“Oh, I have plenty of tact, Princess... when I want to have it. Somepony needs to keep you on your tippy hooves; might as well be me.” Rhede whirls to the stunned guards. “All right, fillies and gentlecolts, in addition to that ribbon trick, you now also have a password. No one outside of this room knows who Celestia is currently doing the horizontal mambo with, and if you ask that question and some pony gives the wrong answer, there's a changeling.”

There are a few chuckles, including one from Bleu, which had been what Rhede had been hoping for. The rapid fire smacks to the back of the head from Starfall, Applejack, and Velkorn are the only down side.

“It is clearly ‘Torment the Sun Goddess Day’ today,” Celestia curses under her breath.

Rhede is not sure, though he thinks there had been a brief smirk on Luna's lips as well. He is still suspicious of what she was planning and what she hadneeded Rarity for, but if none of the others had noticed, he is going to keep that to himself. The ribbons are nice, but that seems tame. Perhaps she does not care for Jer anymore, after all.

“Alright, you have your commanders and you have your orders. Make it so,” Celestia commands to a loud roar of affirmation from the gathered guards.


This is ridiculous. What the buck are all these ponies doing here, anyway? This is not a some stupid speech or award ceremony.

Starfall had brought him the news and he had galloped here from the guard training grounds where he had been running some new recruits though exercises. The last year since the wedding had been rather insane, and now this.

Ruin had gone back to being a statue and Three Bear went back to his village as per the agreement, his Equestrian Guard service finally up. Though, surprise of surprises, Mustang had decided to retire and is letting General Shower take his place as Luna's top general. He was set to take General Shower’s rank of second highest general in Luna's Royal Guard, but there had been talk that General Shower was looking to retire as well rather than accept the promotion. He had already suggested Starfall for a position as general, though his friend is rather leery at the suggestion.

He is still taking flak from Celestia and a number of nobles, though at least Celestia's issues are made in good humor.

Though this latest problem might change that.

Bleu and Starfall had caught up to him; clearly there were advantages to flight, though in the packed hallway, there was little hope that would be a help. This may call for something drastic.

“Oh crap... I know that look, Boss. Calm down... we got this. No need to lay into any pony,” Bleu says, changing size suddenly and standing over the unicorn glaring down the hallway.

“EVERY PONY, GET THE BUCK OUT OF THE WAY!” the dragon roars over the mass of subjects gathered.

Jer'rahd smirks slightly as all of them suddenly look back at the dragon, then at the angry unicorn under her, and dive for whatever cover they can get as he charges down the hall, knocking aside the few who had not bothered to move or are too slow. Rhede stands at the door, shoving it open as he sees Jer'rahd rushing towards him.

“You're late, Jer. Celestia's gonna murder you for sure this time,” Rhede chuckles, closing the door behind the galloping pony.

He skids to a stop in the room, ignoring the glare of Celestia and the brief glance from Velkorn and another doctor that is present. His eyes first go to the exhausted looking Luna on the bed, though it is the soft cry of a newborn foal that has his full attention.

“Before you get your tail in a whirl,” Velkorn smirks, “I suppose I should tell you that it is a healthy baby girl...”


Spike had once again found himself in a situation that pissed him off. He is back in Ponyville alone. Rarity is staying at the castle, and everyone else had gone off to battle, leaving him to watch over everything.

With Bleu around, he is not even useful at passing along messages anymore. He had offered to go with Applejack and the guards, but he was told it was too dangerous for a baby dragon and left at the castle. Once there, he was sent home rather quickly. All he had been doing was trying to be helpful and live up to the dragon code. It was not his fault no pony seemed to need any help.

Once he got back to Ponyville, he tidied up the library, made a gem cake, and took care of a very short list of things he wanted to do. After that, he pretty much had lied around, bored and annoyed. While he is worried for his friends, he also feels angry and a little betrayed that they once again went off without him. It’s like the moment Bleu shows up, everyone forgets or chose to ignore him. It's not like she was anything special; yeah she had wings, and could sing, and could cook, and fought wars, and spent a thousand years in stone. Okay, maybe she is something special, but that was still no reason for everyone to ignore him.

He snorts a bit of flame in frustration, getting up off the floor and putting a few slices of the gem cake into a box to take with him. For lack of anything better to do, maybe he should go have a talk with Jade. Maybe he would learn something that even Rhede didn't know about dragons; at the very least, it would keep him distracted from worrying about the others.


[Later that day]

“Honestly, this is annoying,” Rhede mutters as Starfall whimpers in a corner of the train. “I mean, it is a lot quicker than marching, but all you have time to do on this thing is wait. At least if we were walking or flying, there would not be as much time to think.”

Twilight sighs, looking out her window at the trees zipping past them, and then glancing to the other side of the train to see nothing but flat plains and desert. The sun is slowly setting and the moon is just beginning to peek out from the hills in the distance. It is a very picturesque scene, though she does not feel like marveling over it.

“I am not happy with this either. My friends are going into an actual battle and I’m not there to help them,” the purple unicorn says.

“You were the one who wanted to come with us, Sparkle Butt, so no complaining about it now,” Bleu grumbles. “‘Sides, we got the important job, anyway. Faster we get in, smash the queen, and get Boss, the faster the battle is over.”

“She's right. You better be up for this, Miss Sparkle. Chances are that you are going to have to use one of those swords you are carrying to kill Chrysalis, or at the very least, a changeling or two,” Rhede adds. “If that book Bleu read was any indication, she is a god. And with those being the last two known star metal weapons in Equestria, and you being the only one of us who can use them? Yeah, best be ready.”

“While I am not one to interject, have those pills my niece gave you shown any effect?” Velkorn questions, looking at Starfall.

“Well, I have gone from feeling ready to vomit to just feeling ill, so I suppose that's an improvement,” Starfall mutters. “How long ‘til we get there?”

“Another hour or two,” Twilight responds. “The main force should be getting to the docks in Baltimare by now. Everything is still on time for the start of the attack at dawn tomorrow.”

“Great, now so long as ponies can keep from calling anyone clever, I think we might have this in the bag,” Bleu grumbles, glaring at Rhede.


The wind whips at the figure, billowing its cloak out behind it and threatening to throw it from the top of the train. It can hear the voices of the ponies and the dragon below it and is doing its best to silently move further up to the next car where it can get inside and hide.

It does not want those below to see it, as all sorts of problems would arise that it would never hear the end of. That was, of course, if the ones inside the car managed not to kill it.

It lifts its head looking towards the rising moon and smirks a bit under the mask. It had a mission and it would not fail.


“Ugh, this is boring...” Rainbow Dash mutters. “Can't this go any faster?”

Dash flutters in the air in small circles above the dock as the others stood nearby watching the large sailing ship the Equestrians would be taking, the H.M.S. Ill Tempered Sea Bass. Pinkie Pie had pressed a hoof to the corner of her mouth and laughed rather diabolically at the name before sitting down with the others as if nothing had happened.

“Easy there, sugar. We’re only here ‘til the ship is ready. Not like we are gonna be doing any fightin' as it is. We're mostly the backup unit here. Ah know yer raring tah go, but best leave tha fighting tah ponies who trained for it.”

“Yeah... I'm kinda nervous too. I mean, I know we are really here just to help out with any injured, but...” Pinkie starts constantly glancing back at her rear hoof as if expecting it to do something. “I'd rather not even be here. I know we did alright at the wedding, but...”

“Get over it. Geez, Celestia said that the drones are pretty much only wired to capture, so there's not any danger of ponies getting too badly hurt unless they do it to themselves,” Rainbow Dash grumbles. “What the heck are we even doing here if it isn't to help them fight?”

“I don't think the drones all work like that, but… there's not going to be just the changeling drones this time... there's changeling dragons, too...” Fluttershy meeps.

AJ sighs, looking over the docks and watching as three ships are loaded with cargo and gear for the trip down the coast.

The diamond dogs and the griffons have sizable forces here as well, though they had been here since the day before and will be ready to go as soon as the ponies have their ship loaded.

Lion Heart and Peach Blossom had left the group of them with the medics while they spoke with the leaders of the other forces, passing on what information Celestia had wanted the Griffons and Diamond Dogs to have. The pair had pretty much treated the four of them as precious cargo the whole time, not even allowing Applejack to help with the gear.

“Honestly, ah'm not certain why we bothered tah come at all,” Applejack finally sighs. “Ain't like we’re gonna be doing anythin' but sitting back and maybe watching the docs patch up some ponies, anyway. I mean, with the Griffons and Diamond Dogs here, there's close to five hunn'red running about who are ready tah fight. Four of us ain't nothing tah that.”

“Applejack, there is much more to this then you seem to know. It is sad to say you are here for little more than pomp and show,” a voice states behind Applejack.

The small group turns as a hooded zebra trots up behind them, pulling the hood from off her head and smiling to the group.

“HI, ZECORA!” Pinkie shouts. “What are you doing here?”

“Ain't you supposed to be watching my brother?” Applejack grumbles.

“Big Mac is doing quite well, though if I am really needed here, only time will tell,” The zebra shrugs. “I am here to share my medical skill, with potions of healing for the injured and ill.”

Zecora, oddly, is not wearing any armor, though she has a multitude of saddle bags and is wearing her cloak to cover them.
A pink ribbon is clearly visible on her leg. The zebra follows Applejack's gaze and shifts the ribbon, showing the x underneath.

“If you need something else to add to your belief, I can inform you of Celestia's heart's thief.”

“Nah, that's fine; ah git it,” AJ mutters.

“Hey, what did you mean by ‘we're only here for show’?” Dash pipes in.

“In truth, Celestia did not want you to come to this, but if Equestria did not send the Element Bearers, the other nations would have given this attack a miss.”

“Great, so yer saying that if we didn't comes, the griffons and the diamond dogs wouldn't have?” AJ growls as Zecora nods.

“That does sort of make sense, Applejack,” Fluttershy adds. “I mean, all of them have heard that we beat Discord and Nightmare Moon and a bunch of other things. It makes sense that other nations might think of us as some great weapon to be used if they fail. Our presence would probably boost morale as well.”

“‘Cept I’m gonna deck the next pony who starts staring at our flanks for his morale boost,” AJ grumbles, looking at Fluttershy.

“Friend Fluttershy does speak true; they are all here because of you.” Zecora smiles. “But just because that is what they wanted to see does not mean that is all you have to be.”

Pinkie Pie grins as she seems to follow Zecroa's hint a bit better than the others.

“OOOh, that’s a super idea. Like Dashie says, it would be boring to sit back and let everyone else do stuff,” Pinkie giggles before pulling a pirate hat from somewhere and putting it on her head. “After all, it's not every day you get to overthrow a nation of bad guys... yar...”


[In a cavern, somewhere in Equestria]

“So how is she?” Wind Razor asks.

[“Tired is all; that spell took far more out of her than she cares to admit, though it will not take her long to recover.”] Bloodtail glances to the griffon. [“Why the concern? That is rather unlike you.”]

The griffon pushes herself off the wall. cursing softly.

“She dies and we don't become gods... simple enough.”

[“Odd that you are concerned with that now. Aside from the interest of a long life of hunting, you are the only one of us who never seemed to care about becoming a god in the slightest. Are you sure there is not something else bothering you?”]

“Pfft, a nosy bint, aren’t you? Fine, whatever. Damn mare saved my ass twice. She coulda let me bleed tah death when the stone came loose, and she coulda left me there with that thing. I get the first time ‘cause she needed me, but this time...”
Wind Razor growls. “I hate feeling like I owe someone something.”

[“It rather interferes with what you wish to do when you feel like you have to listen to what someone else says, doesn't it?”]

“Why the buck am I even talking to you? You don't even get it,” Wind Razor spits, turning and flying off away from the zebra further into the cavern.

Bloodtail chuckles, watching her go. [“Interesting that even you have a shred of your race’s normal nobility... I can use that.”]


Twilight steps off the train, her gaze shifting over station. Where is that contact the Princess had mentioned, Long Feather?
Rhede, Bleu, and Velkorn are looking around the same as she is. Starfall had taken to the air the moment the train stopped and is somewhere overhead.

After waiting for a time with no buffalo showing, the small group gather up their things and start towards the edge of town.
They still have to rescue Jer'rahd even if the buffalo is a no show. They had barely made it off the platform when Starfall returns.

“Found our buffalo, I think. There's a young male at the edge of the road just outside of town; looks ready to travel, judging by his gear, and he matches the description Celestia gave us,” she reports.

The group leaves the town quickly. They spot the buffalo, who seems rather jumpy even with such a small group approaching him. The deep red buffalo is small for his species, though he still towers over everyone else but Rhede. His horns are caped in steel and his black mane is pulled back into several braids adorned with feathers and beads. He perfectly matches the description Celestia gave of the contact.

He looks nervously at the small group, glancing around every so often.

“You Long Feather?” Rhede questions.

“If I am, who are you to ask?” the buffalo responds, his voice higher pitched than Twilight had expected.

“A mutual friend sent us, said you would guide us where we needed to go.”

“The sun guided you this far, then lumped the rest on me... typical. I expected there to be more of you, however.”

Rhede shrugs. “Can you do it or not?”

The buffalo nods. “I can, though only within sight of the place. After that, you are on your own. I don't get paid enough to do anything else,” Long Feather responds, shifting his gear and starting to trot off. The group looks to each other before following after.


“Where did the bitch get off to, anyway?” Claymore grumbles. “Not seen her since she woke up.”

“It is not my task to watch her, Claymore. I have my own issues to deal with, and I need to tread carefully with this one,” Silver Claw growls, looking over a book. “So much that can be done with this...”

“I don't like not knowing where she is. No telling when that bitch'll decide to stab us in the back.”

[“You should relax, Claymore. She is not here because I sent her on a mission. Of course, she was not happy about it, but at the moment, it is too perfect of a chance not to make a play for it.”] Bloodtail smirks, trotting into the cavern.

“And what did you send her for this time, carryout from that Japony place again?” Claymore snapa, looking down the edge of his blade before idly attempting to sharpen the massive chunk of metal.

[“Nothing so crass. We know the location of another of the Books, and she was sent to recover it. Equestria and several other nations are attacking the current owner of it as we speak.”]

“And who is the owner?” Silver Claw questions, suddenly interested.

[“The one who followed us out of Tartarus, The Love-Cursed Queen, the one called Chrysalis. The current Bearers of the Elements are rumored to be there as well. Perhaps they are warriors after all.”]

“You sent the nut job instead of the griffon to that crazy mare’s stronghold? Oh, this is a win-win; either the bitch recovers the book, or the queen kills her. Must be my birthday. HA!” Claymore laughs; as usual, the other two ignore him.

“I doubt they are any sort of warriors. It is clear they are skilled, having driven the queen off before, and if the information is correct, they drove the Love-Cursed King away as well. But it is certain they are not warriors, or they wouldn't have bothered to free Kaisur and his group,” Silver Claw mutters.

[“I am amazed you are not calling for an attack on Canterlot while they are away.”]

“We do not have the resources to do something such as that. Dragons are quite used to playing the long game. We will continue to bide and work on all our plans for gathering strength and information. I am willing to wait for this group of Bearers to die of old age if need be.”

“Yer the only one willing to wait that long. Some of us would like to be gods while we still got the youth to enjoy living forever,” Claymore snaps.


The last of the changelings staggers towards the blood-splattered Twilight before collapsing at her hooves, green icor gushing from the wound cleanly sliced across its body. It offers a last gasp before lying still.

Twilight stares at the corpse, her eyes wide, her whole body shuddering. She glances over to Rhede, who is prying several daggers from the changeling corpse of what had been their buffalo contact. Bleu stands to the side, poking one that was lightning-scorched with a stick to make sure it is dead.

Velkorn had been only watching the creatures closely as they moved at first, though when one of the changelings went after her, she stunned it with a few quick strikes then ignored the mess as Bleu crushed it under claw.

Starfall stands right before the stunned unicorn, a six apple long slightly curved blade made of dark blue crystal and perhaps no thicker than one of Spike’s scales gripped in her mouth. The pegasus jerks her head, flicking the blood clear of the blade and splattering more of the green goo on Twilight's hooves before she sheaths the weapon in the oversized scabbard and stares disapprovingly at the frozen unicorn.

“So much for our contact. I wonder how much of this mission has been compromised because of this. Judging by the number in this ambush, they clearly expected a larger group to be on this mission. Guess they don't know about the other half out at sea,” Rhede sighs. “Least it was an easy to spot ambush. So what’s the plan, Starfall?”

“We keep going with the mission. It's not like our guide was of any real importance anyway. We have a job to do,” Starfall states turning to trot towards the forest. “Besides, even without him, we know where to go. We just have to be more careful.”

Bleu looks down at the frozen Twilight. “You okay, Sparkle butt? You knew this was gonna wind up being bloody.”
Rhede, Starfall, and Velkorn all look back at the purple unicorn.

“If you are going to back out, Sparkle, this is your last chance to do so,” Starfall warns. “It's only going to get worse from here, and if you freeze up again, we are leaving your ass. Our mission is to save the general, not foal sit. If you stick with us, you will follow everything we tell you to do. You might be a hot shot spell caster, but to us, you’re nothing but a green civi.”

“Reading about war and killing is one thing, Miss Sparkle,” Rhede adds. “Seeing it, however... No pony will think less if you turn back.”

Twilight swallows. “No. I said I was going to help you all out, and I will. I woke all of you up to help us with our problems. It wouldn’t be fair if I was not willing to help you with yours. I just… I can deal with this. I can… let’s just go.”

Rhede smirks and Starfall simply nods before proceeding.

“Good answer, Sparkle Butt,” Bleu chuckles. “Let's get a move on. We only have a couple of hours before dawn. Might wanna put that armor on as well. That last bug got a little close to you.”

Twilight nods as the group presses on deeper into the swamp.


The figure stops, looking down at the corpses of the changelings.

They had come this way recently. Dawn would be coming soon, and they are nearing their goal. The figure sighs behind its mask. It needs to hurry; there is little time left and it needs to get ahead of them. The scant time left is far too precious to waste here.

The shadowy form darts off into the swamp, vanishing into the darkness.


The clopping of little hooves on the grass gives him all the warning he needs before the tiny foal lands on his back, her wings fanning like mad from the attempt to fly high enough to land on him.

Jer'rahd grins, throwing himself to the ground at the light impact of his daughter’s tackle, and faking the death throes of a great beast being attacked.

The dark gray filly giggles, trying to tickle him into submission, blowing a puff of air from her mouth to get her long sandy blond hair out of her eyes. The little nub of her horn barely pokes out of the mass of curly hair.

His grin widens as he rolls onto his back, lifting his daughter up with his fore hooves. A soft breeze flows across the grassy field, carrying the filly's giggling and the light chuckle of a mare to his ears. It is a greater collection of music to him than his ears had ever heard. The silver moonlight shining across the grassy hill shows the silhouette of Luna at the top of the hill, watching the pair of them with a smile across her lips.

“Yay, I got him, mommy!” Venus calls out, her little hooves pounding on his chest.

I can see that, honey,” Luna chuckles.

“Heh, yep I am got.” Jer'rahd smiles.

“It’s okay, daddy... I still love you, even though you can't beat me,” Venus giggles.

“I love you too... my little morning star.” Jer'rahd smiles, holding the wriggling filly up higher.

This is a life he had never dreamed would happen, and yet it really had happened, and he is holding the proof of it right in his hooves.

Author's Note:

Editing by Jphyper

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