• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“.... and now it's left me blind...”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight
by TDR

“.... and now it's left me blind...”

[Training Day 2]

The dull thud of hooves and claws filled the air as the troops trudged through the darkness. Breezy led the group, carrying a lantern clenched between his teeth to light their path, an act that forced him to keep the time for the rest of the group. Every time he slacked, he risked being stampeded by the group behind him.

The troops had just finished day one of training a little over five hours ago. At best, they had managed three to three and a half hours of sleep before Jer'rahd and Bleu woke them screaming from their beds. They rushed the group into full gear and set out on a predawn march down the mountain along the train tracks towards Saddle Lake at the base.

Initially, Jer'rahd had planned to simply adjust some of the courses near the Guard barkers to suit his purpose, but a messenger from Princess Luna changed all that. He had sent Starfall ahead to confirm the existence; with that confirmation, plans changed.

The troops were currently carrying everything they owned, and in the cases of some of the ones with large souvenirs from the Changeling hive, barely managing that. Jer'rahd was carrying a pack as well, though he had nowhere near as much as the others.

As dawn rose over the land, the marching troops arrived at the lake and nearly collapsed when the order to halt was given. Breezy, however, kept walking along until he trotted right into the lake and just as quickly burst out of it sputtering in a panic.

“What, huh... oh, ummm... we're stopped… err, yeah...” Breezy muttered as he shook himself off and tried to wring out his gear.

Bleu leaned over to Jer'rahd. “Boss, how long was he sleep walking?”

“Almost since we left Canterlot. That stallion has some very unusual skills,” Jer muttered in return before advancing on the troops after a few moments.

“Alright maggots, you had your rest break. This is gonna be your new home for the rest of this training, courtesy of Princess Luna!” Jer'rahd shouted, pointing to the structures near the tree line.

The troops turned to look at where the major was pointing. At first glance, the structures seemed to be ruins, though after staring at the buildings for a time, they were definitely in ruins.

“Sir no offense, sir, but it looks like the Princess gave us crap. Sir,” spouted off a griffon.

“Crap? Bah, this is an outpost for the Old Guard training. The obstacle course and buildings were all built to last and enchanted to remain intact no matter what sort of idiot tried to ruin them with their stupidity. All this place needs is a little work and some elbow grease. And judging by how slimy you maggots look, I would say you all have some grease to spare. Flying restriction is lifted for the clean up, but magic is still a no-go. I want you all in teams for this exercise— groups of four two fliers and a spell caster to each group. Breezy, you, Dusty, Tunnel Rat, and Nightfeather are on a team. Peach Blossom, Lion Heart, Jynx, and Ravage. Tiberius, Ironhide, Kaylee, and Flint...” Jer'rahd started listing until every member of the group
was teamed up.

Bleu smirked a bit, craning her head up to look over the vine- and forest-covered training grounds. “Lot of work in store for today. Better get to it,” Bleu laughed.

“The faster you get it done, the faster you can rest. I catch any of you maggots using magic to speed up the process, I will dump a lake's worth of slime and mud on the whole damn camp and make sure every single one of you knows who broke the rule as you clean it up. After that, I’ll let it sort itself out. WE CLEAR, MAGGOTS!?”




“Pelt what tha hay was that all about?!” AJ shouted.

Rhede glanced up from the book he was looking at to the ponies storming into the library.

“I told you they would be mad at you,” Spike muttered.

“I take things did not go well?” Rhede responded, looking over the six ponies glaring at him.

Pinkie Pie still did not have a mouth, though otherwise, she was unchanged. Applejack was wearing a fez rather than her normal Stetson, and she had yuck faces on each of the apples on her cutie mark. Rainbow Dash's wing was fixed, but her mane and tail had grown much longer and a great deal fluffier; she looked like little more than a big rainbow-colored puff ball. Fluttershy was plaid, and Twilight was covered in magic writing professing everything from ‘loser’ to much more personal insults. Rarity didn't seem to have anything wrong with her at first, though she danced around as if she was on fire. A brief glance at her hooves as she flailed about showed some strange neon pink shoes on her hooves.

“What the heck are those?” Rhede asked.

“Crocs... she's making me wear crocs! Oh, the agony!!!” Rarity whined. “I will never live this down!”

“Right... so what's the problem, then? Just take them off or fix it with magic.”

“We can't.”

“Why's that?”

“Because I lost,” Twilight muttered.

Rhede looked up at the purple unicorn as Spike stared in disbelief. “How the heck did you lose?” Spike asked.

“She did some sort of age spell on Snips and Snails. That's a high level spell, and only the strongest unicorn mages can cast something that changes time like that.”

“So says the mare who teleported an entire Guard company, two star metal blades, and a tree into the throne room of Canterlot,” Rhede muttered, flipping another page in the book idly.

“Yeah, well, be amazed there's something I can't do,” Twilight snapped.

“Some element of Generosity you were. You coulda saved the whole town some suffering back there by running her off,” Applejack growled to Rhede. “She's got the mayor dancing around in a clown outfit for her amusement.”

“As Rarity could tell you if she was not so concerned by her shoes, generosity is not specific. It doesn't count if you are only willing to help out your friends. This town screwed that mare over, and letting her blow off a bit of steam balances things out a bit. So long as no pony is getting hurt, she is not my problem.”

“You could have just used the sword,” Spike pointed out.

“That would have been cheating,” Twilight muttered.

“You mean like Trixie was doing?” Rhede yawned, sliding the book he had been flipping through over to Twilight.
The purple unicorn blinks looking down at the book curiously. “The Alicorn Amulet?”

“Seems it's an artifact of some kind that popped up and vanished after my time. I love how all these books dodge around the War of Night like it's the plague. Not so much as a hint it existed. It goes from the beginnings of the second dragon war to well after Luna was trapped in the moon,” Rhede sighed.

“The Alicorn Amulet bestows upon the user untold power, but at the same time, it also corrupts the user.” Twilight scanned over the book. “Ugh, she's the only one who can take it off.”

“Or you could use the Brilliant Dawn and touch it. The spell should be disrupted and it will fall off.” Rhede sighed.

“Right; let’s go teach that mare a thing er two,” AJ shouted as all six of them started to run back out.

“Oh yeah, payback time.” Dash grinned.

“HOLD IT,” Rhede hollered.

The group skidded to a stop, glaring back at Rhede. “What now?” Twilight asked.

“Isn't this what got you into the mess in the first place? She was treated so badly, she only came back for revenge. You really want to run her off again like before? Who knows what she might come back with next time? Keep in mind that we are in a conflict here, and any allies we can get would be good.”

“Are you sure you are not just trying to get us to spare her due to your fascination with her flank?” Rarity questioned.

“Geez, it's not like you’re one to talk, either, with everything you did,” Dash snapped.

“Yeah, what I did in the past. How about you actually learn from the mistakes that were made, then, and not repeat them?
After all, you are the only ones now who remember them besides us,” Rhede quipped back. “As for the flank; yeah, it's nice, but since the cobwebs of a thousand years got cleaned out, turns out the flesh is willing, but the spirit is a little weak and spongy for some reason.”

“What?” Dash questioned.

“Never mind; do whatever the heck you want. I've said my piece,” Rhede grumbled, flipping open a book.

“You're right, Rhede... Though if the book is right, Trixie might be too far gone in the curse for just words to work. I may need to come up with something else... I got it. Applejack, go get Granny, Big Mac, and Applebloom. Rarity, I need you to get Sweetie Belle and make something for me...” Twilight continued to list things off as she walked out the door, followed by the others.

“Well, that sounds promising,” Rhede commented.

“I'm surprised you managed to talk them down. They're all pretty stubborn when they get angry,” Spike commented.

“Anger is useful. It can allow you to get past obstacles that you could not before, and allow you to do what is needed when, if you had time to think clearly, you would not be able to. It also causes the biggest problems ponies can have.”

“Yeah, well, you are a testament to that, considering how many you killed when angry. What was the count of nobles, dragons and elk?” Spike retorted, glaring at Rhede, who flattened his ears.

“Not sure where that came from, but you're bordering between inquisitive and dickish, Spike.”

“And you're bordering on being hypocritical and dickish. After all you guys did, you are trying to be selective on who or what you help? You think turning on Nightmare Moon in the end clears all your blame, that you don't deserve any punishment for it? At the very least, you should be falling over yourself trying to help out anyone who needs it.”

“I was banished from my own family, fought my own kin, and was sealed in stone for a thousand years. I woke up once to help save Equestria from the dangers of that bucking garden before being turned back to stone again. Even now, I am trying to help ponies I owe nothing to, deal with mistakes that I didn't make. What more punishment do I deserve for what I did? Is there anything that could be enough, or do I just continue on like Jer and hope someone kills me before I make another mistake? I can regret and feel bad for what I did for the rest of my life and try to atone for it, but do you really think it would ever be enough for what was done? There's not a damn thing for it no matter what I do, so why bother to change how I live at this point? It won't matter any way.”

Spike blinked, looking up at the pony in surprise.

“Um, excuse me. I don't mean to intrude,” Fluttershy squeaked out. Both Rhede and Spike jump, not even having noticed the mousy pegasus. “Oh, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to frighten you.”

“No, it's nothing... was there something else, Fluttershy?” Rhede sighed, somehow still unnerved a bit by the Pegasus. She was pretty and all, but there was a quality about her that reminded Rhede far too much of Velkorn. Probably the Element of Kindness that connected them it made it hard for him to look at her like he did most mares.

“Err, yes, well, it's just you mentioned your problems with well y... you know.” Fluttershy blushed. “And, well, when Mr.
Rooster had an issue like that, Zecora was able to brew something up to help him, so maybe she could do the same for you...Umm, I gotta go. Bye.”

Rhede and Spike stared after the yellow pegasus as she darted out, her face nearly as red as Rhede's fur.

“Did she just try to tell me how to get help for a limp phallus?”Rhede stammered.

“What's a phallus?”

“How old are you?”

“Thirteen, going on fourteen.”

“Yeah, I am not fielding that question. ask Twilight.”

“Damn it, is anyone gonna tell me?” Spike growled.


Jer'rahd chewed on an oat bar thoughtfully as Bleu reclined on his back, finishing her tale of what happened.

“Well, it took some time, but it seems what you wanted finally happened,” Jer commented, trotting among the soldiers clearing out one of the larger buildings.

“Yeah. I figured you would be a bit more cheered up by it, though,” Bleu grumbled.

“I've got an image to maintain right now. Don't expect me to dance a jig. I'll have to make time to see the place, though. You should apply, by the way.”

“Apply for what?”

“The job that Octavia pony is doing, the dean.”

“What are you, nuts? No way they would hire me for that.”

“Considering your background and what you can do, I figured the mare should have been throwing the offer at you. You founded the band she plays with, and your sister’s music is what started the school in the first place. I would say you’re a shoo-in.”

“Boss, do you even remember how old I am?”

“Seventeen, though you act a great deal more mature then most adults I know at times. Yer young, experienced, and likely to live for another two thousand years or so like most dragons. Perfect candidate for it.”

“You are far too optimistic of my skills, Boss.”

“And you are far too dismissive of the skills you have.”

Jer'rahd stopped dead at a chorus of screams. Breezy and Dusty flew at top speed out of a room, chased by a swarm of bees. The other troops in the building backed away or darted outside to get away from the swarm, following the pair. The bees started to spread out, going after anyone they saw. Several other troops rushed past Jer'rahd and Bleu to get away from the swarm, though the leading edge of the mass of bees pulled up short before Jer'rahd, buzzing madly a few paces in front of him, though not progressing any closer. Jer'rahd blinked and took a step towards the rolling swarm, causing the whole mass to turn and fly down the hall going the other direction towards where Breezy and Dusty had gone.

“Well, that was impressive.”

“Seems even the bugs can sense the Beast and are afraid of it. Guess it is getting stronger still; might not have much more time.”

“Stop being so damned fatalistic, boss.”

Jer'rahd trotted into the room to see a nearly comatose half-dragon unicorn and small Diamond Dog twitching on the floor next to a large log that had been broken open and was full of honeycomb and bees.

Jer'rahd sighed and lifted the log up, carrying it into the hall and flinging it out a window towards the woods. He looked down at the whimpering pair on the ground and sighed.

“Just great... MEDIC!!”


“Look, bitch, I don't care what the fuck you say. That was not a normal unicorn,” Claymore raged.

Scarlet laughed and trotted off, leaving the scared earth pony fuming. Nocturne and Silver Claw had gotten used to the pair and had left the moment the argument started. Strangely, Bloodtail had yet to depart, and he was usually the first to leave.
Claymore glared at the zebra as he approached.

“What, you want to start some shit, too?”

[“Not at all. I am curious about a certain thing you briefly mentioned in your story.”]

“And what the buck is that?”

[“You said she wore an amulet that also glowed red when she cast spells. What did it look like?”]
Claymore blinked, his ears flattening as he thought back.

“Pretty much a gray triangle pointing down, with the head and wings of an alicorn rising from the top. The alicorn’s eye was red, as were the ridges along the wing tops, and there was a large red gem in the center of the whole thing as well. Why, what the hell’s up with that bit of jewelry?”

[“I believe I know what that is. Quite a find if we can acquire it for ourselves. Not enough to make a caster a god, but it will increase one’s power enough to make our goals easier. It is in our best interest to find this mare of yours.”]

“Heh, glad someone finally seems to believe me, even if it is you.”


Thankfully, Velkorn had arrived not long after the troops did with a number of wagons loaded down with supplies. She had immediately started tending the bee sting victims as well as the other minor injuries that had happened in the mad rush to get away from the angry insects.

She had commandeered Bleu to fly Tunnel Rat and Night Feather to Canterlot for full treatment due to the volume of stings the pair had received. Tunnel Rat refused, going so far as to try and walk away from the annoyed zebra. The unicorn half-dragon couldn't even do that, as he was having trouble breathing. Velkorn was going to argue with the Diamond Dog, but she gave up with more than a little bit of cursing.

Jer'rahd glared down at the half-dragon as she was prepared for transport and shook his head.

“Taken down by a buncha bees... Ah well; I've seen dumber ways to be laid up. Tell yah what, Lieutenant. You relax and recover from this, and I’ll let slide the order to remove you from the guard due to failure.”

“Sir, thank you, sir,” muttered the injured half dragon.

“Don't thank me, ‘cause if you don't sign up for the next training session I do to make up for this one, I will see that you are finished. Now get out of here.”

He turned as Bleu launched into the air with the half-dragon and Velkorn, looking at the gathered troops in particular, Breezy and Dusty. Velkorn had treated them for a few stings, but the pair’s frantic flight had got them out nearly unscathed.

“SHOWS OVER! This place is not gonna finish cleaning itself. Get back to it and watch out for anything else that might pop up. LION HEART, take Tunnel Rat with you and keep an eye on him. He's on light duty, despite what he says. I don't need someone else collapsing; he drops, it's on your head. Breezy and Dusty, don't you two dare bucking move from that spot. THE REST OF YOU, GET MOVING!”

Jer'rahd watched as the others rushed off. Lion Heart stuck with Tunnel Rat as he hobbled away as well, bitching about the smell of the mix of vinegar and baking soda he was doused in.

When the others were out of earshot, he whirled on the two he told to stay put.

“What the bucking hell is wrong with you two? I lost one of my few spellcasting recruits and nearly lost the only Diamond Dog that seems to give a shit because of your fuck-up, and he still might not be able to pull through this with as many times as he was stung. I'll be amazed if he can see by the time the swelling peaks.”

“How the heck is this our fault?” Dusty snapped. “We didn't put the bucking bees in that damn log, and we didn't tell the dog to freaking try to move it, either.”

“You think I give a shit why the attack happened? I am blaming you little paraspite turds for the injuries, not the cause. Both of you are fliers; you could have each grabbed one of them and flown the buck out of there before those two were stung as bad as they were. You two decided to bucking chicken out and flee at the first sign of trouble, and you left the rest of your team behind. What if one of them was allergic, or what if Nightfeather had taken a few more stings? She was having trouble breathing from just the ones she got.”

“It was all we could do to get out of there. It's not like the damn things run away from us like they do you. Do you know how much the damn stings hurt?” Breezy snapped.

“Do you think I have the scars I wear without knowing what pain is, colt? You think I haven’t soaked that shit up to save someone? I have been wounded in ways you have not even begun to fathom, and I still did what was needed without running. You are damn lucky that nopony died from your cowardice, or I would have ripped both of you apart. You two are exactly what is wrong with the entire defense force of all the nations in this age: you're lazy, you're cowardly, and you're weak. I have more faith in that Diamond Dog finishing this training in his state than I do in either of you, and he can barely stand right now.”

“Your threats don't frighten me, pony. You can't touch me...” Breezy stepped back as Jer'rahd belted the griffon with a foreleg, sending her to the ground with a crash of feathers and claws.

“Seems I can touch you just fine. You think I give a shit that your father is a griffon god? I was killing three times his better before he was even hatched. In case you didn’t know, he's the one who put you in this training, top of the bucking list. Do you really think he doesn't know who I am and what he sent you into? I don't profess to know why either of you sacks of shit are here, but if you screw up again, You. Are. Done. Now get yer asses back to work. You’re down two members until Tunnel Rat recovers. If he recovers.”

“You hit me...” Dusty commented incredulously.

“Move, before I do it again.”

The griffon roared out, leaping at Jer'rahd, only to be tackled quickly by Breezy, who did his best to pin the smaller female down.

“Right, sir... we'll get on that …”

He watcheed as Breezy pulled the flailing griffon away.

He briefly wondered if he had been too hard on the pair when he remembered what Stonehooves did to Starfall for breaking the no flying rule to save someone’s life. No, better they hate him and learn from it, if they could get anything through those thick skulls of theirs. He wanted an answer anyway; time to find Peach Blossom.


“What a pain in the flank,” Starfall sighed, smacking her head against the table in the library. She hated this sort of nonsense. She wasn't a researcher, she was a fighter and a flier, yet here she was on her short bit of time off trying to figure out what had happened with the half-dragons, the Shadowbolts and the rest of the 42nd after they were turned into statues. Most importantly, however, what had happened to her daughter. Granted, the last, she already knew the answer to.

“Something wrong, Starfall?” a voice questioned quietly behind her.

The gray pegasus whirled, meeting Luna's gaze with her own. She winced, seeing who it was and not wanting to deal with it at the moment.

“Nothing of importance, Princess. Sorry to disturb you,” she muttered, turning back to her books. She had never really felt the same connection with the princess as the others had. Sure, she was comfortable enough to consider her a friend, though more along the lines of a friend that one of your closer friends was friends with and that was how you knew them. Considering Luna's status and what was drilled into her head regarding royalty by her parents, she was, at best, uneasy when there was no one else about to be a buffer between them. As a superior, she had no problem, though trying to consider Luna otherwise was not easy. Jer'rahd and Rhede, she had known since basic and they had only gotten closer, Bleu was hard not to like, and after Neighlantis, she had nothing but respect for Velkorn. Luna was always a bit aloof, however.

“I think I was the one who disturbed you. What are you seeking? I may be able to help.”

“I am sure you have other things to do, princess. No need to go out of your way for me.”

“Not at this time of morning, no. My sister is starting her day and I have ended my night. I can help, if you wish.”

“No really, it's fine...”

“I see. I expect you of all ponies should hate me for what I did. I am sorry to have troubled you, Starfall.”
Luna turned, trotting off just as softly as she had come. Starfall still did not hear her hoof falls even as she watched the princess go. Damn it; this was a reason she was in this mess to start with.

“I don't hate you, Princess. Let me make that clear. I chose to follow you the same as the others. What was done was my fault as much as yours,” Starfall sighed, watching the alicorn stop. “I also can't, in good conscience, let you think I hate you. Not when that worry was lifted from me.”

“I am afraid I do not understand.”

Starfall smirked a little. “I was awake when my daughter first visited me and told me she didn't hate me. I was awake for a number of times when she came back. She showed me the new Wonderbolts uniforms, she introduced me to her daughter, and later her grandson. I watched her grow older with every visit, then she simply never came again.”
Starfall inhaled deeply, wiping away her eyes.

“A parent should never outlive their child. They should never have to watch them waste away and die. I lost everything I cared for, and yet here I am, still pressing on, even after my daughter’s descendant wants nothing more to do with me. I think I might have been alright if I never knew who she was, but now I am even more of a wreck than I was before.”

Luna stood stoically, watching Starfall slowly break down before her. The Princess of the Night winced, not entirely certain of what to do in this instance. She approached a little, resting a wing on the smaller pegasus's back.

“I am sorry. I did not wish to make anyone I cared for suffer, and it seems that is all I have done. I am truly sorry for everything, Starfall,” Luna stammered, not really sure if she was doing it right or if the pegasus would even care, or even think she was trying to help.

“It's alright... I'm okay. I just... Don't worry about it, Princess. like I said, it was just as much my choice as anything you did. Rhede and Celestia said it really wasn't you at the end, and I've seen Jer'rahd do his thing, too. I can't blame you for having the best intentions fail.”

Luna bit her lip and sat down, her ears drooping. “It was never the best intentions. I may have not been in full control of my actions, but I was more in control then Kaisur ever is. All my actions were swayed by emotions, and they came and went far too easily, anger being the first and foremost. I could have listened to my sister, or even to Kaisur when they told me not to use the books, and I did not. We had the power to deal with any threat as it was, save perhaps Aqua. It was revenge and rage that drove me— nothing else. And that darkness is still there within me, but that darkness is me. It is not some other creature like what Kaisur hides. Everything that was done was my fault. I am sorry.” Luna looked away as Starfall stared at her.

“Rage... heh, yeah, I know that. Seems we all get stuck with that one. I would blame Jer'rahd for rubbing off on me, but I was angry and vengeful before I even joined the Guard,” Starfall gasped, still trying to clear the tears she had moments before.

“We can keep this pity party going, or we can try to simply get over it and work towards repenting for what we did.”

“Do you think that can be done?”

“Who knows? Honestly, I don't care. I just don't see much reason to dwell on what is past and what might have been. I still can't help to think on it when my mind wanders, though, so I need to keep busy or distracted. We can't go back, only forward.”

“This is indeed true.”

“Of course it is. I was the Bearer of Honesty, after all. Still working on that whole honest with myself thing, though. Hopefully, I can still salvage something with Dash.”

“I have heard about that altercation. I am sorry; I can speak with her if you like,” Luna offered.

“Nah, my own fault. Heck, she's probably more related to Rhede than she is to me, anyway.” Starfall looked up at Luna, inhaling deeply. It was time to point out the elephant in the room. “So here's the question I am sure all of us want to know, and frankly, it's been a week and I'm tired of waiting: what are you going to do with us once this is done?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know damn well what I mean. Despite this talk, you are still upset with us, and I don't see us fitting too well into this peaceful age.”

“You do not give yourself enough credit in that regard. Kaisur and I are the only ones who would have any difficulty fitting in, though that is not something I was ever very accomplished at any way. In any case, it is not my choice what you do. You were once my companions, never my servants. You life is yours to do with as you wish. You needn't even have agreed to aid Twilight; no one would force you to do anything. In truth, no one could.”

“Given who escaped, we wouldn't have refused.”

“You still wish revenge on the griffon?”

“Do I have anything else left at this point?”

“You could find something else. It is not as if you are an old mare, and unless you have aspirations of forming a relationship with Rainbow Dash, it is not as if you could not easily find some pony you have no relation to. Rhede cannot say the same, I am sure.”

Starfall stared at the princess a moment before smiling and shaking her head. “Never even considered that, though it's not like I have anything beyond the memory of Loc anymore to remind me of him, and, of course, a desire to kill Wind Razor. I could ask the same of you; despite your reclusiveness, I am sure there have been more than a few ponies trying for your attention.”

Luna snorts. “A plethora of station-seeking nobles and a few young guards with foalish crushes. None of them even hold the slightest interest to me. This age has made most of the stallions tepid, and I always disliked nobles.”

“Ahh, so you want one of those burly warrior types from those trashy romance novels Bleu likes?”

“Not quite that bad. If I recall, in those books, the 'hero' was always a brain-dead ball of muscle that was only pretty to look at, and perhaps in bed. Past that, he was little more than a toy who more often moved on after a conquest. One would need to display some sort of loyalty and intelligence to go along with the other attributes for me... Oh dear...”

“Yeah, it doesn't take Rhede to realize who you described. Add that to what you said about Nightmare Moon still being you with less control of your emotions, and I think we have a winner.”

“You have been taking pointers from Bleu and Rhede, I see.”

“Or I could just be relaying what I honestly see. So why are you able to come and talk with me so easily, but have so much difficulty with Jer'rahd?”

Luna bit her lip, not liking how the pegasus had turned the entire conversation around on her. Was Starfall always this clever in the past? Might as well confide in someone; Bleu already knew too much as it was. It was not as if she really could talk with Tia about this; her sister was fed up with her moping. Perhaps Starfall might offer some insight. At the very least, the mare was honest enough that if Luna asked her not to tell anyone, she would not.


“Do you know why I asked for you, Peach Blossom?”

“No, sir; not in the slightest, Sir.”

Jer'rahd stepped out of the back of the wagon. He tossed a file down on a crate with his magic, flipping open the cover to show a rather large stack of disciplinary reports and other issues, all for one pony.
Peach Blossom winced at the small picture in the corner of one of the pages.

“Oh... that's why.”

“Why is this pony even still in the Royal Guard? I know that this era has slacked considerably, but everything in here should have been more than enough to drop kick any one out of even the foal scouts... do they have foal scouts in this era?”

“Errr, yes, sir, and filly scouts with the cookies.”

“Okay, that's new, but that's beside the point. Now then, why is your name on all of these as well? Usually as the one performing the disciplinary action, or failing to do so, or making some excuse that saves this idiot from court martial, and in two cases, jail time.”

“In his defense, sir...”

“I READ THAT! I read everything you wrote on every single incident. Some of it is pure bullshit, some of it is enlightened bullshit, and some of it even makes sense. The question is: why the hell are you defending him, and why did you sign him up for this training, Captain?”

“Because of what is not in those files, sir.”


“Yes, he's a slacker, and a general annoyance, and a sad excuse for a pony pretty much all of the time, but he also has three commendations for bravery and a number of other accomplishments that are not even in those files. He has been with the Guard for the past four years, same as I have.”

“Go on.”

“He was part of a disaster relief team when a massive flood hit the towns of the unicorn range and Tall Tale; he saved a sizable number of ponies on his own in that event and broke regulation and orders in order to save a group trapped in rising flood waters.”

“I saw that report; it was something he was written up for.”

“Breezy was also present during the escape of Discord and helped contain a number of prisoners that were trying to escape; that was the battle that he made sergeant, and...”

“And what?”

“He saved my life and a number of others in that conflict. Distracted some creature made of fire and kept it occupied while the wounded were brought out, including myself, until a caster could get there to turn it back to stone. When the situation calls for it, sir, if he has the motivation, he can do what needs to be done. It is the reason I signed him up for this training, to try to straighten him out. I am aware of who you and the others are. I thought that if anyone could make a proper Royal Guard out of him, it might be you all.”

Jer'rahd sighed. “Quite a risk you were taking on his behalf. If he screws up again, he's out, and depending on how badly he screws up, you might be, too, Captain, for putting me and him in this position. There is very little motivation I can give him past that. You keep to your own group and don't help him. It's his own merit that is going to make or break him this time. Both of those situations sound like dumb luck to me. That he acted at all means there may be some hope, but I am not willing to stake anything on it. Flukes of heroism do not make a soldier, Peach Blossom.”

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

“Now then, there is one other thing.”


“You say you know who we are. How did you come by that?”

“Errr, Lion Heart was on duty when you were first freed and heard Princess Luna ranting about it. I was there in the Crystal Empire. I brought back the ones there. I was also assigned to command part of the expedition force to the changeling hive where you were rescued. We talked about it then.”

“I see. Might I inquire as to your interest in Captain Silvertail?”

Jer'rahd watched the pony stiffen at her name. “Umm, sir?”

“Don't play dumb. If you are trying to impress her hard enough that even I notice it, you're being blatant.”

“I am sorry sir... I didn't...” the pegasus blurted out in a bit of a panic.

“Don't apologize. She's a friend, nothing more than that. Personally, I think she needs to get on with her life while she still can, though you did decide to crush on the most unattainable single mare you will ever meet.”

“That isn't... it... but… Right ,sir...” Peach Blossom responded with an exasperated sigh.

“I do wish you luck, if for nothing else than it will be nice to see her in a good mood more often, as well as seeing the look on Rhede's face.”


“Nothing to concern yourself with, and don't expect me to go easy on you because of what I’ve said. In fact, you likely need to do better than anyone else in this training for even a chance. So good luck, because you will need it Captain. Dismissed.”

“Yes, sir.”


“I'm gonna murder that gray turd!” Dusty ranted, storming across the nearly-clean room, her tail whipping across the floor like an agitated cat. Breezy would have found it funny if he was not so worried.

“You'd get your flank kicked from here to Canterlot and back again,” Breezy muttered.

“Then I’ll freaking kill him in his sleep.”

“Far as anyone can tell, he doesn't sleep.”

“Then you come up with something, you damned lazy crock of shit. You've been staring at the wall for the last hour. It's not going to clean itself!”

“Like you are doing a damn thing in that regard, either, aside from kicking up more dust and screaming. At the very least, I am trying to think of something.”

“Great. I can't wait to hear what your sorry flank comes up with.”

“All I can really think of is that he's right... and that bothers me. Neither of us should have any business doing this crap. Buck, I joined the Guard ‘cause it was the easiest choice.”

“Pfft, just bits and a life of slacking. Pathetic.”

“Well, excuse me, Princess. Why exactly did you join the griffon forces if all you were going to do was whatever you wanted? Could it be that you knew you would get away with anything because yer father would cover up anything you screwed up? Don't think that the tabloids haven't brought up news of the griffon king’s wild daughter this far south. I may have only guessed at who you were, though the Major confirmed it.”

Dusty winced a little. “Most of that shit’s lies.”

“Most?” Breezy snaps.

“That's what I bucking said. Damned male sleeps with a bunch of females, he's a stud, female does it…”

“That why you got stuck in the military, because of that 'most'?”

Dusty growled, sitting down hard on the floor, her tail still whipping.

“Dad said I needed some sort of structure in my life if I ever hoped to be anything of any sort of importance. Being a god, I can't even begin to think of how many wives and chicks he’s had over his life. He's even got a small shrine of them set up in a room in the palace. All those he loved in the past. You know how hard it is to live up to the expectations of someone like that? So I never even bothered, did what I want, and when I got in over my head, he bailed me out every time. He finally got fed up and offered me the choice to join the defense force or be shipped off as a political marriage to another aerie to cement relationships between two feuding houses...”

“Hmm. They still do that? I thought arranged marriages went out of style years ago.”

“So what's your deal, then? Sounds like you would want something easy. Why stick to this crap?”

“Story’s not far off yours. I'm from a semi-noble family. Real big in Cloudsdale, not so much anywhere else. Middle foal, older brother's a Wonderbolt, the little sister is already nearly running the weather factory on her own, youngest manager ever. Then there's me, not a damned accomplishment to my name, my whole life has been little more that a comparison to my brother and sister. Only time I have ever seen my parents even remotely proud or bragging about what I was doing was when I joined the Royal Guard, barely even made it into that and once in, I stalled, did a few things to that got me noticed, though mostly, it's the memory of that one moment my parents actually were proud of me is why I keep this up. Not as final as your issue, but it's what I got.”

“Great, so both of us get stuck in this damned training under one pony who doesn't play by any rules but his own. And now he wants us out of here. Now what?”

Breezy sighed, his ears flattening to his head.

“I think I have an idea.”

“Well what's that then?”

“We do what he wants.”

“That is a terrible idea.”


Luna looked away from Starfall with a small sigh. “I have a multitude of reasons, but the primary is that I still see Kaisur as the one who betrayed me. I can clearly see his reasoning and I understand why he did what was done. In the same situation, I would have done the same, but I cannot speak with him for long without getting angry or depressed. Out of all of you, he and I had the closest connection. I suppose with my time as the Nightmare, it became more than that. So the betrayal stings harder when it comes to him. My head knows just what to do, though my heart does not follow through with the logic.”

“You know he's a mess because of that, right? Chrysalis used it against him.”

“I am aware. Bleu was quite eager to torment me with it.”

“She never did master tact...”

“Not as if that was a skill any of us but Rhede was very proficient in, anyway.”

“True enough. So what are you going to do, then? Jer'rahd is kinda set on you forgiving us.”
Luna's ears drooped. “It is I who should be asking you for forgiveness, not the other way around. Where I failed, you all did what needed to be done. I cannot forgive you all for what was needed, as it was not wrong.”

“Plan on telling Jer'rahd that?”

“I can barely speak with him. How am I to broach this subject when his mind is set as it is, and my own anger wants an apology as well?”

“Well, you told me fine, and I'm sure you spoke with Bleu the same way.”

“Bleu did most of the talking. You are all friends, though he was a bit more than that... How should I even react to that?”

“Heck if I know. Not like I'm as emotionally invested in him as you are... you have absolutely no idea what to do, do you? I'm sure Hooper must have ticked you off once or twice. Hhow did you get over... that... I see... That's it, isn't it?” Starfall commented, watching Luna flinch as she said the name.


“You're not mad at him because of what he did, you are mad at him ‘cause you want... or need to be.”

Luna blinks not meeting Starfall's gaze.

“Damn, how did I not see this before? Heck, how did Bleu and Rhede miss it, especially since that idiot is doing the same thing to Velkorn? You're doing your best to be mad with him, to push him away, so you don't start to really care again. All because you know you are going to outlive him the same as you did Hooper, and you don't want to feel that way again, so you are trying to replace it with anger.”

“That is not…”

“Don't give me that. I bet your sister has argued the same point; it's your own fear that keeps you from developing any connections. That's why it was so hard to get you to do anything or go anywhere, because you don't want to be hurt any more by losing someone you care about.”

“I cannot forget as my sister does. Every death of every friend I have had still lingers with me as if they died only yesterday.”

“That's why you kept showing up at the garden. In stone, we were never going to age or die and leave you... Buck, well at least I know how you feel now.”

“How could you possibly know how I feel, having to watch every one you love and care about die in front of you...” Luna shouted, looking down as the pegasus's ears flattened and stopping her rant before it even began. “...By the stars... I am sorry, Starfall... I…”

“Yeah... I think of anyone else who is alive right now, I know exactly, how you feel. Though after that outburst, you might want to go to bed. You're clearly too tired to hold a conversation.”

The menace in her voice gave Luna a bit of pause. Starfall was quite possibly the second most dangerous thing alive right now who was not a god. Even for her small stature, the pegasus's voice carried far more weight than it should.

“You are right. I do apologize again for my outburst. That is a sore subject with me as well. I did not mean to take that out on you after you could have done the same. You are correct that I should retire for the day. Good day to you, Starfall.
Luna turned, trotting off, and Starfall exhaled deeply.

“All you are doing is hurting yourself and him, Princess. Even a short time of happiness is better than making yourself suffer. I can attest to that.”

“Thank you. You are not the only one who has told me that, however. The advice is just as hard to deal with now as it was then.”

Starfall shook her head as Luna closed the door behind her. “Geez, Bleu was right; this is pure two-bit store trash novel crap going on with those two,” Starfall sighed, looking down at the books, then slapping herself in the face with both hooves. “I coulda just asked Luna about this crap!”


“So how’s Nightfeather?” Jer'rahd asked, glancing over to Velkorn.

“Safe and sound in a hospital bed, though if a few more had stung her, she likely would be dead,” Velkorn retorted, flicking open the medical files of the troops and checking for any other potential allergies in case more bees were found. “Any more injuries or pain since I left? Any broken bones, burns, or idiots falling into a cleft?”

“A few scuffs and bruises. One black eye, nothing the few field medics in the troops couldn't deal with.”

“Whatcha gonna do about the two who led that bee team, boss?” Bleu questionsed, stretching out on a empty table, her tail flicking.

“Nothing. They are their own team now, so the only ones they can hurt are themselves. And if they screw up again, they can walk back to Canterlot, or wherever they are going to go. Of course, if Breezy hadn’t stopped Dusty from coming after me, there would have been another patient for you, Velkorn.”

The zebra snorted as Bleu rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Boss, why do I expect at some point you are just going to start flinging things at them and screaming 'Dodge'?”

“Been looking in my training manuals, Bleu?”

“Wait, you plan to do that?”

“No, though some dodgeball matches might be good to help with reflexes. I have another thing planned for their rest day tomorrow. They need to be completely worn out by then, however. Care to run them through some of the exercises once the obstacle course is set up?”

“Really? I can run them through it?” Bleu flipped up with a wide grin on her face. She stopped, running a claw along her chin, considering something. “Hmmmm... Fine, Boss, I'll do it, but only if I get to do it as a musical montage!”

Velkorn and Jer'rahd stared at the dragon a moment.

“Ummm, yeah, sure, have fun with that, Bleu...”


“Where are you two going?”

“None of yer damn business,” Claymore snapped.

Silver Claw growled, glaring down at the pony, who met the large dragon’s glare without so much as a twitch.

“I couldn’t care less that you have been unable to wet your dic,k pony, but do not think to take your ire out on me. Now where are you going?”

[“We are investigating a potential item of power, dragon. It is not something you could even use, considering the type of magic it enhances. What I wish to know is: why would you suddenly care about where we go, particularly after all your time playing with your own side project?”] Bloodtail spouted, trotting up next to Claymore.

“The two of you headed out somewhere together strikes me as odd, particularly with my own objective coming to a head.”

“The whelp finally going to join you?” Claymore quipped, causing the dragon to raise an eyebrow.

“That you know about that worries me.”

“Don't you start believing I only think with my dick, too. You know me better than that. It's easy enough to put the clues together when they are right there. Yer moving to that secondary lair you found?”

“That is the plan, yes, though it is not as if you do not know its location, since you killed it's former owner,” Silver Claw sighed.

“Yeah, yeah; anyway, that still doesn't explain the concern with us.” Claymore questioned

“If you are going to Ponyville, it will cause more commotion than I want to have, and perhaps send a prior warning that might bring those I do not wish to deal with from Canterlot. They believe we have fled the area. My actions will change that. I would suggest you stay clear of the library, as that is my destination. The whelp has given the signal I was waiting for,” Silver Claw snarled.

[“If the necklace is there, we can give no such guarantee. That item is of far too high a value to be left in our enemies’ hooves,”] Bloodtail retorted.

“I got a plan fer this,” Claymore declared, suddenly drawing both the dragon and zebra's attention to the earth pony.

“That worries me more than anything else right now.” grumbles Silver Claw.


“Well, well, maggots, I am impressed. You made this place look all pretty with only minor injuries for the most part,” Jer announced, looking down from a stone parade tower, his gaze traveling across the small complex and training course that had been uncovered. He did not remember this place; it may have been a Royal Guard training post, or where the Guard training base had been moved to. In any event, the course brought back memories.

“Tell you scum suckers what— you did such a good job, I'm gonna give you a break.”

There was a chorus of cheers and a few muted happy groans.

“I'm gonna let Captain Bleu run you through the course to break it in.” Jer'rahd grinned. “No flying rule is back in effect. You don't even want to know what the captain does to those who break the rules.”
There were even more groans and a few sarcastic 'yay's.

Bleu fluttered down off Jer'rahd's back and changed into her pony-sized form in front of the gathered troops with an extended stretch. She flicked her tail at a pile of wood, knocking a tent pole into the air and catching it with a flourish.
Jer'rahd perks his ears as music suddenly starts playing from some where. What the heck was this?

“Let's get down to business.
Now you all move your buns!”

Bleu sang out, sweeping her staff through the air and pointing to the start of the obstacle course, waving the lot of them at it.

“Did the guard send us children,
when we wanted their best ones?”

Jer'rahd winced as he watched a number of the ponies try to clamor up the length of some logs, only to slip off and crash to the mud below. A few made it up, and Bleu moved along with them, still singing.

“You're the saddest bunch I've ever met,
But you can bet before we're through,
Maggot, we'll make a Guard out of you.”

Once at the top of the first climbing logs, the gathered troops started to hop across stone pillars jutting up from the sand bellow. Again, a number of ponies fell, along with a few Diamond dogs.

“Tranquil as a forest,
But on fire within.
Once you find your center,
You are sure to win.”

Jer'rahd briefly wondered what the heck Bleu was singing about, but figured it was too late to stop her now.

A ramp ran down from the platform after the pillars leading to a rock wall that rose at least three pony lengths into the air. Quite a number of them plowed into the rock wall trying to clamor up the surface, though a hooffull made it to the top, either by using the speed from the ramp to bound up the nearly sheer surface or by using those that fell as springboards, though those ones were greeted by Bleu at the top and knocked back off the wall with her stick.

“You're a spineless pale pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue.
Somehow we'll make a Guard out of you.”

The troops clamored down a staggered set of log stairs and rushed towards a series of stone rings set in the ground. They bounced between them as Bleu floated along, directing them with her stick and continuing with her song, completely ignoring the ones who were left behind.

“Never gonna catch my breath,” Lion Heart gasped out.

“Say goodbye to those who knew me” Dusty grumbled.

“Why was I a fool in school for cutting gym?” Breezy panted.

“This pony has all scared to death,” Jynx snarled.

“Hope she doesn't see right through me.” Peach Blossom winced.

“Really wish I knew how to swim!” Tunnel Rat yelped as he fell into a pool of water under a obstacle.

Jer'rahd slapped his face with a hoof. He slid down from the parade tower and trotted towards and up the first obstacle. The troops at the back saw him coming and redoubled their efforts, rushing across the pillars and to the next obstacle before he made it to the top of the first.

Jer'rahd slowed a little, his ears perking as a number of the troops seemed to be getting caught up in Bleu's song. She had a chorus now, of all things. This was nuts.

(Be a Guard)
“We must be swift as the coursing river,”
(Be a Guard)
“With all the force of a great typhoon,”
(Be a Guard)
“With all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.”

Jer'rahd continued at a normal pace, hopping between the pillars and watching most of the troops finally make it over the rock wall in front of him, save two. Of course it would be them.

“Time is racing toward us,
'Til the Hive revives.
Heed our every order,
And you might survive.”

Jer'rahd looked down at Breezy and Dusty. Both were covered in mud and trying in vain to scramble up the wall of the third obstacle, getting in each other’s way more than they were climbing. The pegasus cursed. He spread his wings, preparing to fly up, but he frose at a light cough from Jer'rahd. The stallion paled, turning to look back at him. Jer'rahd snorted. He rushed down the ramp, leaped into the air, and hit the rock wall forehooves first. He scrambled up it before his momentum stalled and landed lightly on the top of the wall. Bleu flew back over, looking down at Breezy and Dusty as they stared up at the two trainers. Jer'rahd glanced back at the pair, his eyes narrowing in the shadow of his hat.

“You're unsuited for the rage of war,
So pack up, go home, you're through.
How could I make a Guard out of you?”

Bleu looked at Jer'rahd in surprise. Jer'rahd flattened his ears to his head, realizing he just joined in her song as well. He snorted again, turning to trot across the next obstacle.

(Be a Guard)
“We must be swift as the coursing river,”
(Be a Guard)
“With all the force of a great typhoon,”
(Be a Guard)
“With all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.”

Peach Blossom and Lion Heart, along with a few others, were already standing, panting at the end of the course. Most of the other troops were pressing on ahead of Jer'rahd and Bleu. He was rather impressed that Tunnel Rat was one of the few already at the finish line as well, even though he likely could only see out of one eye at this point. Jer'rahd was also surprised at how Bleu could just suck everyone into her singing like this. Perhaps she learned it from the current Element of Laughter.

A cry of rage from behind him did little to drown out the chorus, though he was surprised to see a rather angry looking griffon claw herself up onto the platform at the top of the wall, then turn to reach down and pull a blue pegasus up as well.
The pair growled, rushing towards him and Bleu. Bleu fluttered up into the air and Jer'rahd shifted his stance, bracing, though the pair rushed past him down the next obstacle.

(Be a Guard)
“We must be swift as the coursing river,”
(Be a Guard)
“With all the force of a great typhoon,”
(Be a Guard)
“With all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.”

Jer'rahd watched as the muddy, bee-stung pair rampaged through the rest of the course. He raised an eyebrow curiously, watching as they practically dove into the mud hole, swimming to the other side under the wires, and the others trying to still cross it, bursting out of the other side and staggering up to the finish line panting.
The mud-covered pegasus lifted his head long enough to glare daggers at Jer'rahd while the griffon flipped him off as the last of the other troops crossed the line after them. All they got in return was a fanged grin.

“Well, well, seems there might actually be something to them after all,” Jer'rahd chuckled. “GREAT JOB! NOW ALL OF YOU

“That wasn't a line of the song boss...” Bleu scolds.

“Oh, sorry…. Wait, what?”


“So how did it go?” Rhede questioned.

Twilight dropped a box on the table and sighed. “Well enough. We tricked her and got her to take off the necklace, though it went rather downhill from there,” Twilight sighed.

“So do I even want to ask?” Rhede sighs.

“The rest of the townsfolk were so ticked off at her that they ran her off the moment it looked like they had an advantage. In their defense, she did kinda do her best tah be a complete pain while she was here,” AJ commented glancing to Twilight.

“So in other words, you got the necklace off, but failed,” Rhede sighs. “And to the point that a potential ally is likely going to turn into a threat.”

“Please, that boaster would have made a horrid ally anyway. Without that amulet, she is barely a hedge mage,” Rarity commented.

“She bested you twice. What does that make you, then?” AJ remarked snidely, smirking at Rarity's glare.

“I'm starting to see what he was talking about. She didn't even do anything worse than what others have done, and yet, since she's an outsider, they happily dump all the blame on her so they don't have to own up to anything. Wouldn't be the first time,” Spike growled. “I bet Snips and Snails are probably even considered victims in this when the whole thing was their fault.”

Twilight blinked and even Rhede turned from the book to look back at Spike, who stood in front of the upper floor's balcony door with a small suitcase and a book in his hand that he dropped on the floor in front of him.

“What are you talking about, Spike? Who is he, Rhede?” Twilight questions as Rhede shrugs.

“I guess this is what he was talking about with the history, greed, pride, anger, betrayal. No wonder Forgescale was set to destroy Equestria. With how he was treated, it's a small wonder. And now here I get to see it on a smaller scale myself. Someone gets wronged and seeks justice and everyone turns against them even though they brought it on themselves or don't even know what happened. Ponies really are despicable; I don't know why I ever wanted to be like you.”

“Spike, what....”

Twilight's question was cut off as the window and the wall behind Spike suddenly ripped free of the tree as the balcony was crushed by a massive red claw. The whole tree shook and groaned in protest as the hole was torn larger. Screams and sounds of panic echoed from outside as a massive dragon head and the front part of the beast’s body pushed into the hole, leering down at the seven ponies.

Rhede was already moving before the chunk of wall was ripped free, several daggers already flung, only to bounce off the dragon’s eyelids as the blinked.

Fluttershy screamed out, smashing through the door and vanishing outside as Spike sighed.

Silver Claw's claw whipped out, smashing through the stack of books and pinning Rhede to the floor, knocking the wind from the earth pony and sending a host of daggers clattering to the floor from the impact.

“I was unaware you were going to offer me up this lot when you called, whelp.” Silver Claw grinned, looking at Rhede. “It has been some time, Pelt.”

Rhede gasped and squirmed, trying to force a smirk as he met the dragon’s gaze, rather pained from the impact with the wall.

“Ahh, Silver Claw... you look good. Been working out with your friends much, flying them places? A bit of globetrotting too, I expect. Have fun up north?” Rhede panted out.

“What we are doing has no bearing on you, Pelt. Not considering that I will end you here,” Silver Claw snarled.

“No, you are not,” Spike snapped. “I called you to agree to your deal, but I will have nothing to do with your stupid conflict. I only agreed to help you restore Cindervale and the Dragon Empire. You want to kill ponies, do it on your own time. Besides, what do you think Kaisur will do if one of his friends is killed? You read the book. He's out for your blood now. What do you think he would do if something happens to Pelt?”

Silver Claw snarled as the others watched wide-eyed with shock. Twilight recovered first and drew the Brilliant Dawn, leveling it before her.

“LET HIM GO!” the purple unicorn snapped out. “Spike, what the buck is going on!?”

“It's rather obvious. I'm leaving. I am sick of being treated like a second-class life form to everyone. I'm like a servant to Applejack, little more than a prank target to Pinkie; Dash only needs me to feed her ego and watch her stupid pony tricks,” Spike snarled. “I'm a pet to Fluttershy, s tool to be manipulated by Rarity, and a slave to you. That I should allow myself to be subjected to this sort of crap when I could be ruling my own kind as a god is preposterous.”

Spike reached down, picked up the book he dropped, and flung it at Twilight. The book sailed through the air and bounced off her forelegs .Twilight stammered, a bit trying to put everything together.

“I am done with this. Let's go before someone else comes along,” Spike grumbled, climbing into Silver Claw's hand.
The large red dragon looked down at Spike and his suitcase, then over to Rhede.

“You should feel lucky that I at least respect the command of one of my race’s gods, Pelt,” Silver Claw growled, lifting his claw away from the pony. Rhede coughed once, trying to catch his breath, though that turned into a violent scream as the dragon's fist came down suddenly on one of the earth pony’s back legs, the crack of the wooden floor and bone almost drowning out the scream as the dragon smirked.

Spike looks ill and turns from the scene as Silver Claw pulls back looking at Twilight.

“Legendary toy or not, unicorn, even with your magic, you are nothing to us.”

The dragon pulled back out of the hole. His wings fanned wide as he launched himself into the air. Twilight rushed to the hole, looking out as the red dot of the dragon vanished into the clouds.



Trixie stopped, looking back at the town as she heard the screams, a shudder running through her form as egg and tomato drip from her mane.

She bit her lip, fighting an urge to go back, to see what had happened. Her gaze looked to the bridge she just ran across at the outskirts of town.

No, she was beaten again and run out of this town for a second time. Those fools could suffer whatever fate they deserved because of it.

Still, Twilight had seemed to be trying to be polite. She had not lorded the victory over her… maybe... she could at least try to help.

The sudden impact of what felt to be a train car knocked the thoughts, and consciousness, from her mind. Her body spiraled through the air off the road to crash into a pile of bushes before she lay still.

“Damn, no shield this time,” Claymore grumbled, looking down at the still-breathing unicorn in the ditch.

[“This is the one that beat you? How convenient that she is out here. I do not see a necklace, though,”] Bloodtail muttered, trotting down to roll the unicorn on to her back looking for the item.

“Yeah, that's her. No necklace or cloak. Don't think I knocked it off somewhere, do you?”

[“No, I can still sense the lingering nature of the amulets curse. That impact should not have been able to knock it free. Only her death or taking it off herself could have removed that artifact. Likely, someone else has it now. Pity.”]

“So what now, then?” Claymore grumbled “Silver Claw's distraction is not gonna last for long. Do we go look for it?”

[“There is no way we could move unnoticed in this panic enough to search. It must be considered in enemy hooves now. It is advantageous that it is cursed; none of the ponies in this age will likely even think to wear it because of that. We will plan accordingly,”] Bloodtail said, watching Silver Claw fly into the air. [“My part in this is done. We need to depart. Do what you wish.”]

Claymore watched the zebra trot off and looked down at the mare, a wicked smile creeping across his scarred face.

“Well, I needed a new pet anyway.”

Author's Note:

The tension builds.

Song is " Be a Man" from Mulan.

I seem to be on a Disney kick with these last few songs. Well not Pontera's obiously.

Editing by Jphyper

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