• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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"Light at the end of the world" part 2

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“...light at the end of the world..”
Part 2

Pinkie Pie stood there a moment more in her 'tada' pose before she dropped back onto all hooves tilting her head to look over the shocked faces and slack jaws of all of those present.

“Well gee guys, don't every pony greet me all at oncOMMMPH!!!” Pinkie starts to say before blurs of yellow, cyan, and purple slam into her sending the mass of ponies tumbling across the ground.

The pink party pony winced, buried under Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy the two pegasi blubbering a bit in her fur while Twilight was going off on a rapid fire questionnaire session that she was mostly answering herself, though she kept bringing up divergent realities and other boring subjects. Pinkie smiles offering a glance up at Discord who simply shrugs but a smile crossed his muzzle.

She squirms enough to finally slip free of Fluttershy and Dash's 'death grip' hugs panting hard. “AIIIR!!” huff huff.”

“How is this even possible?” Celestia states. “You should not have the power to bring back the dead, no god is that powerful.”

“Really did you ever think she might not be dead? Perhaps Sparkle and Rainbow simply saw something they weren’t supposed to? It was a very trying time for them after all.” Discord explains dressed in odd black tights with long scraggly black hair and a wide brim fedora on his head. He seems to realize the costume was off at some point and changed to a more traditional undertaker costume.

“Miss pie was indeed quite dead, Wind Razor took her scalp and part of her head.” Velkorn states glaring up at the draconequus. “Is this some kind of trick?” Dash questions looking at Pinkie Pie as she fluffs out a portion of her mane that seemed to be missing.

“No trick... well okay maybe it is sort of a trick, though that is the real Pinkie Pie and she is back among the living. “Discord sighs exasperated. “What's the matter? Don't you little ponies trust me?”

“Nope.” AJ states.
“No.” Twilight comments.
“Of course not.” Luna retort.
“No chance of that.” Rarity grumbles still trying to get the paint out of her mane.
“Yeah right, like that would happen.” Dash blurts out.
“Not in the slightest.” Celestia growls.
“I don't even know you and no.” Starfall interjects.
“I vote no.” Bleu chimes in.
“Not to be rude, but no not really.” Fluttershy whispers
“Trust the god of Chaos? No.” Rhede replies.
“Going by the others say so, I would have to say no.” Velkorn rhymes.
“Nopers!” chirps Pinkie giggling.

“You don't count.” Discord frowns and leans over poking Pinkie in the nose causing the pink pony to dissolve into a fit of giggles at the nose boop. “Not that it matters, I don't have to explain the how or why of anything I do. It's Chaos it doesn't need 'splaining! Besides the havoc that bit of info would cause is a bit much even for me. I do have some limits.

“I somehow doubt that you would want to avoid any kind of chaos or destruction.” Celestia states only to have Discord thump her nose with a talon.

“And I somehow don't care what you think. Considering all you seem to think when it comes to me is the worst, even when it is untrue. ESPECIALLY when it is untrue.” Discord glances over as Twilight prods a giggling Pinkie with the flat of the Brilliant Dawn's blade.

Luna smiles slightly though the roar of the beasts behind them changes that just as quickly. “ While I do not profess to understand your motives Discord, it is clear that we do not have the time to force the information out of you. There are more pressing matters.

“Really, maybe he's not so bad.” Fluttershy pipes in still hugging Pinkie.

“Nope he's a total jerk until you get to know him. “Pinkie explains slipping free of Fluttershy and stretching a bit, bouncing around only to be re-tackled in a hug by Dash.

“That's like saying he's an ass but you get used to it.” mutters Starfall.

“Not tah continue ta rain on tha parade, but now that we are all here we need tah try and find out where tha Elements are and see if we ken stop this mess.” AJ blurts out.

“Oh is that all you are waiting on?” Discord shrugs. “Honestly I thought he would be here by now... the poor boy must have gotten lost.”

“What? Who are you talking about?”Bleu questions.

“You'll see.” Discord smirks zipping over to the green splattered Rarity, picking her up off the ground with a grin. “Here this should help.”

“What!? Unhand me you ruffian!!” shouts Rarity yelping loudly as Discord squeezes her.

“Odd I thought she would squeak.” Discord states shoving Rarity into Lion heart as the half dragon rushed forward, sending them both tumbling backwards into a vat of lime jello that suddenly appeared.” Ahh well seems it worked any way, three, two , one.”

“RARITY!!” shouts a gravely voice, it's owner suddenly bursting through a hedge, tumbling across the ground. The figure jumped up to his feet, the large cloak that might have once been a curtain billowing out behind him in a rather dramatic fashion, or it would have been dramatic if the edge of the curtain hadn't snagged on the bush and sent the figure crashing to the ground choking on the curtain.

“Honestly the poor boy has no luck at all.” Discord sighs.

Twilight blinks as the figure sits up rubbing his head.“Spike!?”

At first glance it did not seem to be the case. This dragon was much bigger than Spike, with larger, sharper spines on his head and back, even the small spade on his tail had gained a bit of an edge. The pony sized purple and green drake untangles himself from his curtain cloak and chuckles sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.” Hehe, ummm hey Twilight. Long time no see.” Spike states his grin a great deal more fanged.

“I see you finally learned that size change spell huh?”Bleu mutters. “ Yah know I could have taught you that... you didn't need to go and run off to join Silver Claw.”

“Yeah well you weren’t an evil dragon bent on destroying everything, I figured you needed a guy on the inside soGAHHHH!” Spike falls back to the ground again being tackled by Twilight. The spell collapsing around him reducing him back to the little roly poly dragonling he was when everyone last saw him.

“And you don't have much control over it.” Bleu sighs.

“Spike You're alright! What happened? What are you doing here? Are you hurt? Did Silver Claw force you into this? Was Rhede right for once?” Twilight blurts out as Spike rubs his nose and Rhede glares indignantly at her.

“Well I wasn't hurt until you tackled me. Geez I’ll explain later, I don't think we have time now.. look.” Spike shouts pointing upward at the fighting monstrosities.


Behind them the massive form of a red dragon was flung out of the gardens stacked realms, smashing hard to the ground and sliding across the landscape away from the castle,destroying several of the large mansions around the garden before sliding to a stop. A massive shadow temporarily blots out the sun as the beast leaps from the garden landing heavily on the prone form of Forgescale.

The Beast was covered in wounds and it's blood steamed as it fell to the ground, burning the ground like acid, many of it's spines were broken or cracked, and it's right side was a mess of blackened flesh and oozing blisters where the dragon managed to connect with a breath attack.

Forgescale was much worse. His wings were in tatters and one of his fore legs looked as if it had been torn or been bitten off at the elbow joint. A large number of gaping wounds covered his body and it looked as if his guts were only one blow from spilling out of his torn belly.

Despite all of this the dragon was struggling to rise even with the Beast on top of it still ripping through his scales like paper. The dragon raises his head only for a clawed and burnt hand to slam it back down to the ground, smashing it though a three story building, sending debris and blood flying. The creature slams it's claws down a few more times on the dragons head staring down at the still form of the dragon panting heavily. It tilts hits head back opening its maw and letting loose with the unearthly roar again.


“That is not a good thing.” Luna mutters looking back at Spike as he yanks on his cape freeing it from the bush. “ Tia try and get everyone into the castle. I expect the Beast shall be coming after me before long. I will lead it away from Canterlot.”

“ What? Luna no. We will find some other way.” Celestia responds.

“Good then find it fast, until then I shall do what I have said.” Luna sighs looking back at the others briefly before taking off into the air.

“Starfall! Go with her make sure nothing happens.” Celestia commands.

“Right.” Starfall mutters glancing to Dash before taking off after Luna.

“Look we don't have time, but every ponies here. So this worked out better than I even thought.” Spike states pulling a box free of the cloak. “You have to stop him, I read up on that creature and I think I know what he is.”

“We have been trying to think of a way Spike...” Twilight begins looking down at the box as Spike pulls it open.” Are those......?”

“I think you might need these then. Your book said Jer'rahd went though the same ritual as Nightmare Moon and when you used them on her she turned back to normal.” Spike states reaching in the box and pulling out a claw full of familiar jewelry.

“The Elements!” Twilight gasps, drawing everyone elses attention as her magic lifts the jewelry from her assistants claws.

“I don't have Honesty though, the one Silver Claw had was a fake.” Spike explains.

“Got that covered already sugar.” AJ smiles taping the gem on her neck with a hoof. “Been a strange day.”

“Okay, seriously if this works and Boss gets fixed I am marrying that dragon.” states Bleu staring at Spike.

“Isn't he a little young for you Bleu?” responds Rhede.

“That just means he's more mailable and I can shape him into what I want.” cackles Bleu.

“Not that I can say much, this is true, though you have been spending far to much time with Rhede, Bleu.” Velkorn grumbles.

“I think I need an adult.” mutters Spike.

“I'm an adult.”states Bleu

“No you're not!” shouts Spike. “ You're only four years older than me.”

“Plus a thousand!” Bleu corrects.

“That doesn't count” protests Spike

“And on that note I will bid you adue... while I enjoy the company I have no desire to become a lawn ornament once more when you fire these things up. Time to take a rather looooong vacation away from here.” Discord announces suddenly dressed in big sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt with a massive straw hat.

“Bye bye then, come back and visit.” shouts Pinkie.

Discord blinks. “Do... you you actually mean that?”

“Duh, when your not screwing with my friends you're fun, I mean chocolate rain? Classic!” Pinkie bounces happily.

“Hmm well I might be persuaded to come back every now and again, if only because I will miss Celestia's cute little scowl.”Discord grins pinching Celestia's cheek and poofing away as a whip of flame lashes at him. ”Any way do me a favor and keep sun butt over there angry for me.... trust me it will help in the long run, toodles!”

Discord waves popping out of existence though only Pinkie Pie waves back.

Twilight's horn glows as she passes out the Element's to her friends. A sharp gasp from Spike and the Guards with them, draws her attention upward and into the looming scarred face of the beast approaching them rapidly.

The creature looks over the group though it's focus changes as a dark pegasus whips across it's gaze drawing it's attention away from the ponies in the Garden.

“You need to hurry Twilight.” states Celestia, as the monstrous creature lunges after the Princess of the Night.


Massive claws tear up the dirt, creating massive furrows in the earth as the Beast pursued the fleeing pegasus.. Dark steaming blood fell from it's wounds covering the ground behind it in what could almost be considered a river of deep red. The damage it had taken while fighting the dragon was not healing, but still the creature seemed oblivious to the pain.

The Beast was excited. It was so close to finally being free. There was only one more thing that needed to be done, one more death before it could break away and find her. It ignored it's hosts roaring in it's mind focusing all it's attention on the little speck that flew around it.

The Princess of the Moon needed to be destroyed before she regained her power.

The creature lunges ,jaws snapping closed on the spot the mare had been , the crash of teeth in the air like a thunderclap as it's jaw slammed shut. The force sending the dark mare into a tail spin before a gray mare flew up and helped the Princess right herself.

A flash of green caught it's attention as it could feel it's host doing something, A flash of metal lashed towards it's eyes and it snapped them shut in time to feel the scrape of the Waning Moon against the thick skin of it's eyelid.

It whips its head to the side headbutting the blade away with the motion. It was unsure how it's host was controlling the weapon, but there was not enough force in the blows to get through it's armored form.

It turns it's head spotting the Princess again and rushing towards her in a half gallop half lope. Luna's eyes widened at the sudden surge of speed the monster showed. The pegasus shot upward barely missing a claw swipe from the monster.

A hint of bright blue floating near it's muzzle drew the creatures attention from the mare for a moment. It glanced down seeing a small blue object with a smiley face on it floating at the end of it's muzzle. It stared in confusion feeling it's host even a little confused by the sudden appearance of what he called a 'balloon'.

The Beast takes a involuntary step back as the blue party balloon explodes into a shower of confetti and streamers large enough to cover his entire head in bright colorful paper and glitter.


Twilight and the others didn't hear the explosion of confetti, nor did they hear the cry from the creature as it tried to claw away the party streamers. All around the purple unicorn her friends slowly rose into the air as the Element's of Harmony began to glow.

Applejack's orange stone glitters brightly, the light expanding before the energy races off leaving a brightly colored stream of power trailing around the floating earth pony and the rest of the group.

Fluttershy's pink stone brightens with a warm light, before that power too emerges from the stone and joins the trail swirling about the small group.

Pinkie Pie's blue stone flashes to life, the energy bursting from it spiraling away, twisting and dancing around the other two as it joins the other trails of light.

Rarity's lavender stone springs to life, the shimmering energy washing over her form at first instead of joining the others. Her cut mane flashes brightly, regrowing as the the dirt and grim she had gathered from her trip was washed away along with her injuries, the bandages falling away from her form as the light leaves her joining the others.

Rainbow Dash's stone flares brilliantly the bandages all but bursting from her form her wounds rapidly healing, small shards of black crystal falling from the wounds as the closed clattering to the ground under her. Her wings spread wide as the last of the bandages were thrown free before the red light streaks off to race along with the others.

Twilight opens her eyes, glowing white orbs looking up at the beast as she's lifted in the air, a brilliant white light enveloping her as the paths of light wrap around the group tighter obscuring them from view before bursting into a massive rainbow of light, the brilliant radiance of light soars into the air beginning to swirl about the Beast.

The creature roars snapping and clawing at the strands of light as they encircle it to virtually no effect. A massive claw reaches out in a last attempt to crush Luna, though the Moon Princess simply stares as the claw is wrapped in the growing nimbus of swirling lights.

“So this is what it looked like.” mutters Luna.


Jer'rahd opens his eyes.

“So what happened colt? And don't yah lie tah me. Ah'll know.” states a voice.

Jer'rahd looks up seeing a short mare standing above him. Staring angrily down at him. He blinks in surprise, Maw Pelt? A quick look around showed Ponyville, his Ponyville from when he was a young colt. A tall red colt stood a bit behind Maw trying his best to look disinterested though there was worry on his face he could not hid very well even with the long black hair half covering half of it. Rhede? What was going on here?

He was about to ask when he could hear himself speaking, though the voice did not seem familiar, it was much higher pitched, cracking slightly as if it was just starting to break into adulthood.

“There's nothing......” said the voice of a much younger Jer'rahd, though the voice cuts off at the look he was getting.

Maw glares disproving at the colt and Jer'rahd looks back at the ally he had lived in for several days after his grandfather had died and the house had been taken.

“Don't lie colt, it ain't gonna protect nor help yah in life. Tell me what happened honestly and ah'll help yah out if ah can. Keep lying and it'll be a cold winter fer yah here.” Maw states in a tone that caused him to flinch.

Jer'rahd remembered this. Rhede told Maw he had been missing from school for a while and the pair had come to find out what happened. After his grandfather died, the old stallion's body had not even been cold before his mothers family rushed in and took the house he had grown up in. He had never been sure of what the plan had been or even the reason, but they manipulated the small government the town had to deny that Jer'rahd even existed and quickly liquidated what little assets his family had had citing unpaid bills and the like. This had left a ten year old colt with no where to go and nothing to his name, and the Blue Bloods had not even cared, since they didn't care and had more than a little say in the town no one else cared either. Until Maw found out.

He had told her what happened and she had made space in her home for him, even finding a place in the family graveyard for his grandparents and parents. Because he had been honest with her he found a home.


Jer'rahd blinks as the light fades away and he's some where else. He tries to look around as he did before, but he was unable to move his head.

The place was a rather vibrant forest, trees seemingly made of crystal and flickering with all the colors he knew and a number he could not identify. He felt a breeze blow over his form and heard the chiming of the leaves as they were rustled. Having covered the length and breadth of the land as a soldier, he was sure there was no place like this in Equestria.

The head he was in swivels around at a sound and looks down at a small figure sitting on a rock near a massive midnight blue scaled claw. It took Jer'rahd a moment to realize the claw was actually his and the figure was a Diamond Dog, though unlike any he had ever seem before.

The creature's fur was chestnut brown and was perfectly groomed over it's tall lithe form. It's head was shaped more like a timber wolf's and a long bushy tail. Wagged lightly behind it over the rock it sat on. A gray blue mane of hair fell from the Diamond Dog's head bound up in a number of thick braids that fell to the middle of it's back.

The Diamond dog looks up, it's ears perking towards what Jer'rahd could only assume was the face of what ever he was in right now.

“So what are you doing all alone by yourself out here?” The dog questions receiving only a grunt in response.“Not much of a talker huh? Ah well that's fine, can't hear the trees with too much talking. Beautiful sound. There's no place any where like this forest, I know I’ve been about every where.”

“What do you want?” a voice rumbles and Jer'rahd realizes it's coming from who ever he was seeing this from.

“What makes you think I want anything?”questions the dog.

“No one comes near me unless they want something. They are all to terrified.” rumbles the voice again.

“Ahh, well I’m not going to lie and say you do not scare the flea's off of me, but at the same token I doubt the Spirits would make someone who was going to rip apart someone trying to be friendly.”

“No......... I suppose not.”

“I've seen you around and I honestly have been trying to meet up with you at some point, though this is the first time I’ve been able.”


“Well you looked rather lonely out here, you do not even seem to hang around with those you are shepherding. “

“I frighten them as well, it is easier if I watch them from afar and come in when need be to fix things, it allows them to remain less panicked. My charges value strength above much else and they are all wary of what I possess.”

“Huh, well I believe no one should be forced to be on their own, so if you don't mind I figure I might stick around and keep you company.”

The creature blinks looking at the little dog it's head tilting in confusion.


“Why not? Like I said I Don't think any one is meant to be alone. Other wise why would the Spirits have made so many of us? Ah yes well where are my manners.” the Diamond Dog hops up and bows to the creature towering over it. “ The Spirits named me Forth, Forth Ryght. Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”


>>”GET OUT OF MY HEAD HOST!”<< bellows the voice of the beast as the image flickers away.

“LIKE I HAVE A BUCKING CHOICE!” shouts back Jer'rahd into the empty field of gray and red.


Jer'rahd flinches at a sudden scream, relaxing a little as it turned into a fit of giggles and a bit more screaming.

“Boss HALP!” Bleu yells. Jer'rahd opens his eyes seeing a tiny stampede of foals thunder towards him carrying a small blue dragon on their backs, who while clearly wanting to stop, seemed to be enjoying herself and was trying too hard to hide a smile at her situation.

“You're doing fine Bleu.” Starfall calls from nearby as the fillies and colts thunder past again. He shifts his gaze around noting the over the top decorations covering everything. Rhede was standing near the refreshment table talking to Velkorn who was happily watching the children rush around with Bleu.

Starfall was laughing with her sister, making the last few minute preparations for the meal that was to go along with with Cloud Dancer's cutie-ceana party. Even the grumpy mare that was dating Starfall's sister seemed to have a smile on her face watching the foals thunder around in fits of excitement and laughter.

Jer'rahd glances to his side at the sound of a small chuckle, noting one of the rare smiles on Princess Luna's face.


A cold wet sensation along with a splorch of impact greeted Jer'rahd as the new vision took over.

The cackle of a female drew what Jer'rahd now figured was the Beasts attention to the side. A large griffon crouched on the edge of a stream scooping up a claw full of mud. A number of smaller griffons were scattering around to hiding spots or simply taking to the air flying away from the massive creature.

The large female griffon was of a pure white and gold coloration. A large grin remained on her beak. She along with the other griffons that had been around were splattered with mud, though unlike the others she was still mostly clean.

The Beast growls lightly feeling the cool wet earth slide down his cheek. The large griffon grinned wider lobbing the second ball of muck that splattered over the creatures chest. The head tilts down showing a almost crystalline blue scaled chest dripping with splattered mud.

The Beast looks up again at the cackling griffon a low growl escapes the Beast and it glares down as the bird points and laughs slowly scooping scooping a massive claw full of wet earth. A quick flick of it are was rewarded with a surprised squawk as the griffon was buried in the huge ball of mud and sent plunging into the river.

“Not as funny now is it?” the Beast questions forcing a small laugh, only to have the griffon burrow out of the pile laughing hysterically and all but soaked in runny dirt.

“Of course not, it's absolutely hilarious now, here I thought my game was going to end when you showed up and every one ran off, but now? Now I have some one that can actually hit me! Have at thee lizard!” the griffon cackles flinging another gob of mud at the disbelieving Beast.

“Are you mad?”

“Perhaps, or perhaps my reality is simply different than yours. “ the griffon grins, flying up and landing on the Beasts nose shaking hard and showering the creatures head with mud. “ After all you cannot tell me you did not enjoy throwing that a little. We have a whole world here, what's the point of being so stoic and angry while in it? You seemed far too lost in your own thoughts moseying along the river, scaring off my friends... I figured you might want in the game, no sense being bored. Since you flung mud rather than fire I suppose I guessed right yes?”

Jer'rahd blinks noting the beast also had trouble keeping up with the rapid fire explanation from the griffon.

“Who are you?” the Beast rumbles.

“Ahhh the real question, the Spirits call me Mirth, though I haven’t the foggiest as to why.”



“Like that's a valid question from a monster having a mud fight with a griffon” Jer'rahd snaps as the world flashes to a gray plain with a red sky briefly before changing again.


Jer'rahd woke with a start a a sudden scream that pierced his ears, as his body protested the sudden motion in the hardest way it could. He pushed past the agony only to have a new wave strike him as he tumbles off the cot to crash on to the floor with a small whimper.

He rests on the ground a moment catching his breath and waiting for the waves of pain to subside, he lifts his head slightly turning to look at the cot he had fallen off of and the multitude of other cots occupying the large tent he was in.

All around him were ponies in various stages of injury, wrapped in bandages and foul smelling medicines, most still slumbered though a few had woken from the scream as well. The screaming was coming from a mare on the cot next to him. Her entire side was wrapped in bandages, the white linen darkened in numerous spots with blood.

He slowly pushed his way to his hooves and realized his vision was impaired. Reaching a hoof up he found his left eye was covered in bandages.

Jer'rahd recognized this place, he had no control over what he was doing again though once more he was watching the world through his own eyes. He recognized every pony he saw though knew his younger self could only identify a few of them.

Velkorn's medical tent during the zebra war. A place where she brought any one she found who was hurt, regardless of which side of the lines they fought on. The mare on the bed before him was the one who ultimately led to the death of her brother. The zebra should be showing up at any point.

“She has been through much pain, she is over the worst of it, all that is left for her is gain.”

His younger self whirls nearly falling over again as Velkorn comes into view all but ignoring his younger self’s protests as she goes to treat a pony who would under any other circumstances try and kill her. Velkorn was known as the Specter of Life in this war. Her compassion in helping any who were injured ensured that a number of ponies that might normally have died survived the war to make it home.

Wait.. Compassion, Honesty, Laughter..... Jer'rahd ignored the scene as it faded thinking he knew what was happening now.


The beast simply stared down at the figure below him.

Clear aqua colored eyes looked back up at the visions point of view. The zebra's white coat shone brighter that even Celestia's and the red stripes marking her were like the red color of the sky at sunset. A delicately spiraled horn made of reddish orange crystal rose from her forehead framed by a wavy mane the color of a ripe red apple.

Jer'rahd could feel the Beast in the vision try its best not to move or make a sound as the zebra mare looked over the blue claw and the small gash ruining along the side of it where the Beast had cut him self ripping a particularly sharp gem stone from the ground for a meal.

“You need not worry yourself. The wound will heal on it's own.” the beast mutters the words partially catching in his throat.

Jer'rahd was rather surprised. He could feel what the Beast was experiencing and he knew that feeling rather well having been the victim of it more times than he cared to recall. That this reaction was coming from a monster however.....

“That does not mean that it does not cause pain. No one should suffer from that when it can easily be stopped.” the zebra states her horn glowing softly, a flash of warmth filled the Beast's claw. The Beast remained transfixed as the mare's horn ceases glowing.

“There is that not much better?” she questions.

“Ummm... yes... thank you....who are you...?” the Beast stammers.

“The Spirits have named me Grace.” the zebra states looking up at the Beast seeming to transfix him with her eyes. “ And what is your name, dragon lord?”

“I am Troth.....” responds the Beast.


The field of gray appears again and Jer'rahd can feels the Beast's presence though it remains silent.

“Troth huh? Where the buck did you get Entropy?” Jer'rahd questions.

>>”The name was never important host, just the meaning. Whether I like this or not you are seeing it and I am stuck watching your pathetic life.”<<

“It's the Element's of Harmony.”

>>”I am aware.”<<


The Guards that survived the first attack quickly turned and rallied against the rush of enemy troops pushing though the holes in the keeps wall.

Jer'rahd rushed towards the stage as cries of battle went up along with the screams of the dying. The pegasi on the roof had largely been untouched by the initial attack and dove down into the troll and half dragon ranks trying to fend them off.

This would be the start of the war. All of these ponies would fight and die here, trying to stop an invasion that came out of nowhere. Fighting and dying to protect those they cared for, and those they would never even meet. Giving up their lives to protect others selfless sacrifice, true Generosity.

Despite the counter attack, the fear that was coming off the massive green dragon in waves as it sat on the castle wall made the fight that much harder when all you wanted to do was run and hide it was nearly impossible to stand and fight. He felt it himself, and he could not blame those that were falling back, but he had a reason to press forward.

The silver haired mare stood on the stage looking up at the dragon her eyes filled with fear, black coat showered with dust from where the wall collapsed near her. She needed to run, needed to get out of there, she needed to flee.

His eyes widened as she did nothing of the sort, she felt the fear, saw what effect it was having and knew she could stop it, lessen the effect to where the Guards might stand a chance. She knew what it would likely cost her to remain where she was, to bring the attention of the monsters and the dragon to herself, yet she did it as it might help others to survive.

“A falling star,
Fell from your heart.
And landed in my eyes........”

Jer'rahd, watching though his own eyes shivered as Platinum started to sing for the last time.


The crash of waves against the shore only seems to add to the Beasts frustration.

Jer'rahd experienced a moment of panic as the vision drops down into the waves searching among what appeared to be some sort of reef. Fish and other creatures scatter before the snout of the massive dragon as it wades through the water clamoring over rocks and digging up the sandy bottom.

Troth surfaces for a breath, much to Jer'rahd's relief and lifts his massive palm up showing a tiny shell in the center of it. The Beasts eyes narrow looking at the tiny clam a growl escaping his throat. His eyes focus on his massive claws as he ponder how to open the tiny thing with out crushing it.

“What are you doing? Besides scaring all the fish I mean.” speaks a voice from below him.

The Beast tilts its head down eyes focusing on a strange creature lifted half out of the water.

The creature had a lithe equine form with long flippers like a seal, as opposed to forelegs. It had no ears though a long set of striped fins seem to replace them along the side of it's head. A series of diaphanous fins trail along it;s spine shifting slightly as it used them to remain upright on the surface. It's copper and white patterned scales seem to shimmer as it's teal eyes look up at the dragon from under a wavy mass of sea foam green hair.

Jer'rahd flinches despite himself at the sight of the seapony though the Beast in the image seemed to have no such fear, though there was a hint of embarrassment.

“I... I am looking for a pearl.....”

“A pearl?” the seapony questions raising a brow.

Jer'rahd could feel the dragon flush. “ Grace... likes pearls.....”

The seapony blinks again though he grins wide as well. “Seems the rumors are true then. Well then I guess I need to help you out a bit.”

“I do not need any help....”

“Says the great big dragon holding a scallop. Pearls don't come from those. Just stay put, this will only take a moment.”

The beast opens his mouth to protest but with a flick of a brilliant scaled tale the seapony was gone. Troph stares down at the tiny thing in his hand and sighs dropping the scallop back into the water.

It did not take long before the creature resurfaced again, a light white glow surrounding the primary spine on the top of his head, the glow also lifting a polished blue colored pearl out of the water. The orb was easily twice the side of the scallop Troph had found. The Beast gingerly reaches out for it stopping as he looked down at the seapony.

“What do you want for this?”

“Nothing.” states the sea pony.


“Seriously, are you questioning my Generosity? Do you think I would put a price on this when I know what you are going to do with it, heh. Just take it and give it to her. I might also suggest speaking with Bonnie, she or her brother might be able to teach you a spell that can make your size a bit more... manageable.”

“I have already considered that.” Troph states taking the pearl gingerly wrapping it in his own magic. “ Thank you Munificence.”

“You are most welcome Troph, after all, what are friends for right?”


“Not such a pathetic life now is it monster? Considering your view of Generosity is a damn rock from the water and mine is those giving their lives for others.” Jer'rahd snarls.

The Beast simply growls.

“Thought so.”


He'd seen death,faced down monsters and nightmares most ponies would have had their hearts stop from, and yet he was more frightened of this situation than any other he had ever been in.

He squinted as the bright lights came on, focused on him, he heard the mummer of those around him as his eyes slowly adjusted. A few shouts of encouragement broke the mutter filled background noise though he was not even aware of what was said. The ponies around him parted before him leaving a path to the polished wooden floor in the middle of them before the stage. He could feel every eye in the place either on him or on the mare who moved onto the wooden floor before him.

The lights played off the white dress Luna wore reflecting the shimmering lights, creating a faint glow around her her form and setting off the numerous small gemstones in her mane and tail. Jer'rahd swallows hard shifting his dress uniform, never comfortable with all the medals and awards. He didn't believe he deserved half of them and didn't care about the other half. Right now though those thoughts only flickered through his mind, his primary focus was on the mare before him.

The beat of the music starts up and Jer'rahd barely notices at first until the Princess shifts her stance moving a little closer.

The first dance, okay hoof placement, check, shift left, step, go,... Jer'rahd curses himself. Trying to follow the lessons and pay attention to the Princess was not working. He exhales, releasing a long breath and simply lets his body move though the steps drilled into him by the small dragon.

He had been told by Celestia that Luna always refused to dance, turned down any pony brave enough to ask her to the floor. She didn't this time, not when he asked.

“Fly Me To The Moon
Let Me Play Among The Stars
Let Me See What Spring Is Like
On A-Jupiter And Mars
In Other Words, Hold My hoof
In Other Words, Darling, Kiss Me”

He could still feel every ponies eyes on them as they moved with the song, close, but not quite touching though Jer'rahd felt he would some how soil the dress she wore simply by being this close. He swallows glancing up at her noting the red flush to the Princesses cheeks as they moved closer her cheek lightly brushing his as they continued the dance.

“Fill My Heart With Song
And Let Me Sing For Ever More
You Are All I Long For
All I Worship And Adore
In Other Words, Please Be True
In Other Words, I Love You”

He looked up meeting Luna's eyes finding himself staring, his body going through the motions of the dance though his mind was trapped gazing into her eyes.

“Fill My Heart With Song
And Let Me Sing For Ever More
You Are All I Long For
All I Worship And Adore
In Other Words, Please Be True
In Other Words, I Love You”

He tenses a little nearly missing a step though he recovers without anyone seeming to notice he could feel her breath against his neck as they pressed closer.

“Only you....
only yoooou
Fill My Heart With Song
And Let Me Sing For Ever More
You Are All I Long For
All I Worship And Adore
In Other Words, Please Be True
In Other Words, I Love You

In Other Words, I Love You”

The music slowly died off though neither he nor Luna's gaze left each others, nor did they pull apart for what seemed like forever, the magic of that moment lingering on..


Troph looked up at the zebra mare. He had surprised her several times tonight, the first was when he arrived.

He had paid a visit to Bonnie as Munificence had suggested and the alicorn indeed had a spell to fit exactly what was needed. It took some time, but he was able to change how the spell worked in order to use it with his own magic. When he had entered the clearing he was scarcely a claw length larger than she was, he had worried she would think he was one of his charges and depart, though Grace had recognized him immediately.

The second time was now. The dragons he watched over and many of the ponykin had started giving gifts to one another to show their love. Some had gone so far as to form permanent bonds, taking a mate forever with such gifts, if the one proposed to as such accepted.

He had taken this to heart after he found the pearl, using his own magics to smelt a necklace and setting for the pearl out of a soft mineral called gold that had a delightful luster when forged and polished.

He was aware there was a chance of her refusal, they had known one another for countless seasons though this was the first time he acted on what he had been feeling.

He had lowered himself before asking her and making the offering, something about that seemed right. Though he could not meet her gaze as she looked over him and his offering. He had been alive for longer than time even existed, the third of the gods the Spirits had created to shepard their creations and for the first time he actually felt fear. Fear of what might happen if she refused, even more so if she accepted.

His thoughts were given pause as he felt her hoof rest lightly on his arm pushing the box with the pearl to the side. He flinched reflexively looking up to meet her eyes for the first time seeing the tears in them and the soft smile on her face.

“I do.” whispered Grace leaning foreword to kiss him.

No words had yet been created to describe the feeling.


The plain of gray and red greeted Jer'rahd, though a large dark blue form stood next to him now. It was no where near as tall as the beast though it was unlike any dragon he had ever seen. It was bulky and muscular, it's flesh and scales seemed made of finely cut from blue rock rather than flesh. The dragon simply sighed softly.

>” You see what I have lost and what I am trying to reclaim. You still would fight me in this?”< Troph questions.

“You know why I am fighting and yet you still want to destroy everything to be free?”

>”You cannot imagine how long I have waited to be free, to find her again.”<

“I think I have a better idea than anyone else alive right now what it's like to lose what you love and be trapped.”

>”Perhaps. Though the Elements are not done with us yet, though I feel you have simply been pulled along for the ride.”<

“Still not sure why we are seeing these.”

>”They are showing us their nature, calming the rage in order to bring harmony to the world again. How each of them have impacted our lives so we can consider what would happen without them, if we gave in to what darkness held us.”<

“Then they should have showed me Loyalty first then. If we see what I think we are going to see it's just going to depress me further.”

>”I agree. Loyalty cost me dearly as well.”<


Jer'rahd presses the Waning Moon harder against the white unicorns throat, the blade not yet drawing blood from the pony under his hoof's neck, though with luck he would not need to.

“So what now? Going to finish us off demon?” Cyan Sparkle spits out from under the blade.

“No, encountering you all was never part of the plan. Besides, regardless of what you may think we don't kill family. We are only here for Celestia.” Jer'rahd states the green glow of his magic keeping the blade firm against the colts neck.

“And you have her now, Demon of Dullahan.” an angry voice states from the rear of the chamber.

Jer'rahd smiles baring his fangs at the voice hearing the colt curse beneath him.

His gaze lifts meeting the fiery glare of the Goddess of the Sun. Golden armor covered her form, a glowing mirror of the silvery armor Nightmare Moon wore. Fire crackled around her form and for the first time Jer'rahd thought perhaps she was seriously prepared to fight.

“Velkorn tend the colt here, make sure I didn't break something important. Looks like we have the Princess in check. “ Jer'rahd states moving away from the fallen unicorn dropping the bloodied bone helm to the side and approaching Celestia.

The Princess stood on the raised dais that held the twin thrones of Equestria, one for the day, and one for the night. Some how the gilded things had avoided being damaged during the fight though the heat radiating from Celestia might melt them if she remained there too long.

Rhede whistles muttering something about how the Princesses flank looked in the gold armor but he ignored that, his attention focused soly on the Goddess of the Sun. This was it, the last chance to do something. His actions today would be of betrayal, the very thought of it made him ill, but what choice was there?

“You should know Kaisur.” Celestia snarls. “Just because you put the Princess in check, does not mean it is check mate.”

“And you should know Celestia, that after finding out you cheat to win, I have no qualms about doing the same.” Jer'rahd responds..

He watched her flinch, she knew about the Beast, she had to, that must be what she expected as well. Still this was the point of no return. Did he go through with his first plan, or the one that would mire him further in the feeling that made him sick.

Love or Duty.

Luna, or all those he once swore to protect when he joined the Guard. What would his father think? His grandfather? Which would they choose if placed in this situation. Ponies would die from either choice. He would have his love with one choice, and likely loose her with his betrayal with the other choice, yet Equestria would be whole again.

In the end Loyalty won over love, if he could save her it wouldn't matter if she hated him.

The armor granted by the element of Loyalty slid back off his form fading into the necklace, leaving him in a simple officers uniform. The Waning Moon was quickly sheathed as Celestia takes a step back at the sudden blur of motion. She might have been ready to fight, or perhaps ready to give herself up to end the war with her sister. Neither mattered now.

The Sun Goddesses eyes widen further as Jer'rahd sinks down to kneel, his horn nearly touching the ground. He could almost see the confused expressions on every ones faces, well perhaps Rhede was smirking, if he had figured it out. In any event he hoped this choice was enough to save Luna.

“Princess Celestia of Equestria. We the General's of the Lunar Republic have come seeking your aid in stopping Nightmare Moon.” Jer'rahd announces..


“.... Zacherle plans to use this power to create other gods, perversions of that which the Spirits have entrusted us to hold dear.” the black alicorn mare states her white eyes glancing to the others in the group with a small sigh. If not for those spots of light one would think they were staring into a void when they looked to the mare. “His madness has deluded him into thinking he is a perfect creature, and it is his duty to make others like him. He truly believes that is why the Spirits left us, because they saw they could do no better.”

“And this spell you spoke of, are you sure there is no other way?” questions a white and copper striped sea pony. The creature floated in a globe half full of water at the edge of the gathering. Munificence looked rather ill at what he had been hearing though all of them knew that the first alicorn had not taken the departure of the creators well.

“I have considered all possibilities, including simply letting him do as he wishes. There is no favorable outcome save this one, and even it has it's tragedy. My brother's spell is too strong to be destroyed, yet it needs to be stopped.” the alicorn mare responds, her ears flattening to her head. “Zacherle's soul is bound to that tome, and the spell it is writing in itself will go off before the end of the night.”

“This is true.” the Diamond Dog, Forth, points out. “We studied the spells and the enchantment itself trying to find a weakness, there is nothing that any of us can exploit. We can't even stop the writing. By this time tomorrow everything in the world will either be a twisted god of some kind, or some sort of monster depending on what that mad stallion's idea of 'worthy' is..or was.”

“Lovely.” Mirth sighs.”So even with all our power we can't stop this? I don't think this is much of a joke.” the griffon grumbles ruffling her feathers.

“I wish it was a joke. I wish I had known his plans before. If I had noticed what he was doing instead of trying to tend to the ponies, maybe I could have stopped this.” Bonnie whimpers, the alicorn's dark wings drooping.

“No one is blaming you Bonnie. You took up Zacherle's duties as well as you own to allow him time to recover from the loss of the Spirits. Being the first we all knew he took it the hardest. No one could have foreseen this.” Grace states, the zebra's voice sending a shudder along Troph's spine.

“I still do not like what you have proposed. It means all but our deaths....” the first dragon looks down at the zebra mare next to him. It had barely seemed an eye blink since they had wed. They had supported each other though the turbulence that came about of the creator Spirits leaving the world, and now just as it seemed things may be alright, Bonnie's brother had given in to the darkness that had been plaguing him.

“I know. I am sorry. The only thing I can see to counter his ritual is the ritual to be preformed again, though this time to create something that can counter what he is doing. Something that can restore the balance his work is undoing.” Hope turns her eyes from the group.” I am sorry..... “

Troph looks down at Grace as she lightly nuzzles against his side. He shifts his gaze to the other first gods, the shepherds of the races the spirits created, they were meant to watch over their kind, to guide them, and shape them into creatures that lived in peace with one another. Something the first was seeking to destroy, he was not guiding his race, he was going to change it to remold it in his image. The First's actions had already begun the first conflicts of the age, the chance to become a god had sown greed in creatures that otherwise never felt it before and before his transformation into a book, he had invented a new concept for the world. War.

Creatures killing other creatures for greed and because their god said so was unfathomable before this last few years. Now however, it was all some of his younger charges knew.

He was created to guide his race, it was what was charged him by his creators, his duty, yet....

His time with Grace had seemed as a single breath, though he knew it longer than that. Many mortal lifetimes they had been together, but he thought it not enough, was it greed that made him wish for more?

“We have prepared everything we can for the creation of the artifacts. We just need something from each of you as a foci for the spell.” Forth states a soft glow forming around his claw, lifting a table from the stone ground between them. Six indentations rest in the table, one already holding a polished ruby, likely placed by Forth himself. The red stone pulsates lightly, as if beating with it's own heart.

“A Heart Stone. Fitting I suppose for the God of the Hounds and earth.” Forth smirks. “Though I suppose just a rock would work for me, I felt this needed a bit of flair.”

A single half of a rose colored scallop shell floats forward resting in a indentation before him. Munificence rubs a fin against his forehead.

“If I had more time perhaps I could give something akin to Forth's gem there though I am not sure anything else could be more fitting than a sea shell for the God of the Sea hmm?” Munificence sighs.” Did you really need all of us to do this? I am sure I could cover for these two if need be.” the seapony states gesturing to the dragon and the zebra.

“If there was another way I would do so instantly. Even we will be too little in time. After this first casting others who are worthy will need to find and use the artifacts we create to stop what my brother has done.” Bonnie states tears running down her muzzle as she looks at the others.

A loud yelp breaks the tension as the griffon rubs his wing laying a large pinion feather on the table in the indentation before him.

“Well that hurt a little more than I liked.” Mirth chuckles.”Enough with the tears, we got this. Feather from the God of the Air. Works well enough.”

A light clack of metal on the table draws Troph's attention to a pearl set in a gold chain being placed on the table. He blinks looking to Grace as she smiles softly.

“The second most precious thing to me. I hope it shall do as something from the God of the Wilds.” Grace whispers.

“Yeah well considering his fat ass won't fit on the table it should be fine.” Mirth chuckles gesturing at the dragon.

The dragon god looks down at the zebra closing his eyes and inhaling deeply turning towards the table and breathing out a thin line of white flame. The fire stops over the indentation building and rolling in place flickering with a life of it's own.

“Almost thought you would refuse there Troph.” Forth states looking up at the dragon.

“It would not bode well for me to let my friends and love sacrifice themselves without me. Despite what I will be losing.” Troph glances down to Grace.”I have a duty. The breath of the first dragon, Granted from the God of Dragons.”

“Thank you all.... I am sorry...” Bonnie mutters again, the indentation before her having filled with her tears. The liquid swirling and sparkling as the table lit up brightly.

Lines of light swirl from the table lighting up the stone they group stood on forming a massive circle of light that surrounds them. The energy flares as Troph leans down kissing his love for a last time, remaining in contact with her as their bodies were torn away to join the dance of lights that soon colored the world with a deafening shock wave and an explosion of multiple colors.


Jer'rahd stares into nothing, the gray and red of the place doing little to ease the impact of what he had just seen. The Cobalt blue dragon sits beside him, towering over him, staring off into the blank field of gray and red that surrounded them as well.

“.......You are the elements.” Jer'rahd mutters.



>”I am no longer part of them, they seem to work fine without my presence. At some point I was torn free, she was torn free. I do not know why or how, but I was quickly rebound and sealed in this place, made to obey the wielder of Magic as my power was still tapped into to fuel those whose Loyalty was corrupted. I have no concept of the time I spent here. When you killed the other corrupted Loyalty the surge of power opened the door for me and I took it. I will be free.”<

“She became Compassion right? Do you really think she would want you to kill everything just to go looking for her?”

>”YOU DO NOT KNOW HER HOST!!!”< the dragon roars finally turning to look down at Jer'rahd.

“No, but I know two other bearers of Compassion and I can't see them wanting some one they cared for ripping the world apart to find them.”

>”You asked for my power host, and I gave it to you. It is time I get what I want.”<

“And that would be what, kill every one that even might think of sealing you back up? That's a lot of death.”

>”Then what would you have me do? Give up?”<

“No, considering what I saw, no. Just.... calm down for a while, stop trying to force your way out. I'll see if some one might know something, Celestia, might know something, buck even Sparkle or Rhede might have found something out.”

>And I should trust you? This is one of the few chances I will have to be free without being commanded. Why should I pass it up?”<

“You said yourself once you were using me because I was one of the strongest bearer's of Loyalty you had felt , right?”

<”You would have not beaten the Leviathan otherwise.”<

“Right, not sure how that means anything, but I’ll go with it. You stand down with out fighting me and I figure I would be obligated to find a way to pay you back for beating down the dragon and saving Canterlot.”

The dragon raises a brow staring at the pony.

>”You would feel obligated to something you have used as a tool?”<

“Actually I thought you a monster and I would very much have liked to never to deal with you again.”Jer'rahd shrugs. “I still don't like it, but after seeing what you went through and with what I saw of my own past, I feel calmer than I have in a long time. I can't promise I’ll find anything, but I will try. It would be better than fighting me the whole time, and I would be more than happy to get you out of my head.”

Troph considers staring back into the void.

>”So be it host. Though I expect results of some kind in your lifetime.”<

“Provided I survive the day you mean?”

>”Yes, that could be a problem with what they are doing.”<

“What who is doing.... HEY!!”


The plane of red and gray fades to white,as the cobalt blue form of Troph vanishes.

Jer'rahd curses as a white light surrounds causing him to squint from the brightness. Wind whips against his form as she floats in a sea of white the hum of power surrounding him.

The light around him slowly fades as shadows dances around the edges of his vision the white barrier that surrounded him giving way to the fire blackened earth and dirt rushing rapidly up to meet him.

“Well shit.....” Jer'rahd mutters as he impacts the ground, the area around him exploding with a mass of color and swirling shadows.


Six indistinct forms float in the void of stars, their gaze fell on different things but they all spoke to a form hidden in the middle of their circle.

“The way is nearly clear, both the cursed Loyalty and the old god are done. The Element's have been used as well.” A silver form states.

“Don't let us down. I'm sick of waiting around for others to break shit. I want to do it myself again.” a red form mutters.

“Remember what the agreement was, so long as you fulfill your end we will continue to support you. Betray us and we shall make sure your end is not quick.” a gray glow threatens

“that'd be a pain,”comments a teal glow.

“Do keep in mind the Love Cursed ones are still there, though the King is currently weakened, the Queen is still a threat.” A purple glow points out.

“Heh it doesn't matter the outcome now, this is gonna be good.” cackles a green form.

“Your threats are falling on deaf ears Gray. I have prepared for far to long for this moment, and I will ensure that it is mine. You will need to be patient however, until everything is under control I will not be able to fulfill my end.” the indistinct figure in their midst says.

“Do not think my threats idle Nameless.” the gray form growls.

“Yes, because you did so well with Jade.” the figure responds.

“Both of you shut up and just go mare. I am tired of this place.” snaps the red glow.

“Not yet Red. There is one more thing I am waiting on to happen.”the figure smirks.


The six ponies slowly sink back to the ground, the nimbus of light fading from their forms as the Element's darken and return to being just jewelry. Celestia moves over to Twilight, and both Spike and Lion Heart rush over to aid Rarity, the dragon and half dragon glaring at one another.

The glowing cocoon of light vanishes from around the beast as well, leaving Rhede, Velkorn and Bleu to watch a gray form fall from the sky. Despite their wounds both Bleu and Rhede ran towards the figure with Velkorn doing her best to make sure Rhede didn't collapse.

“Oh dear... that was far more strenuous than when we faced Nightmare Moon that first time.” Rarity whines.

“Well he was a lot bigger than she was.” Apple Jack responds.

“WAAAAAAAAAAY bigger!” Pinkie explains to no one in particular spreading her hooves as wide as she could.

“I guess it worked, wow.... how the heck do I feel better and worse at the same time?” Complains Rainbow Dash.

“Are you alright , my student?” Celestia questions as Twilight clamors to her hooves.

“I'm fine Princess... just tired. Come on. I think we need to go after them to make sure Jer'rahd and Luna are alright.” Twilight states starting to move towards the crater.


Luna and Starfall were already pulling the still form of Jer'rahd from the small crater his fall had created. The Moon Goddess set him down on a rare patch of unburnt grass next to the hole, glancing up as the others arrived.

Velkorn crouches, next to him, checking him over, wincing at the rather nasty gash along his side. Twilight's bandage had come undone and the strip of flesh was dangling from his side again.

[“He is breathing, but he is losing a great deal of blood.”] Velkorn mutters looking to the others wishing she had her bags.

“Boss? Boss? BOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” shouts Bleu rather dramaticly, though it did get the attention of the other group as they trotted up.

Jer'rahd winces at the yell, then groans, his eyes remaining closed though he flinches as Velkorn looks over his wound.

“Jer? You alright?. That you or is that thing still running the show? Say something dammit!” Rhede orders.

“.... my momma said mai daddies name was Rhede Pelt.” the gray unicorn mutters.

“What!?” Rhede questions, staring at the the unicorn as his friend finally smirks and starts to laugh.

“I told you I would remember that Rhede, did I not say that was the greatest thing ever HAHAHA....”Jer'rahd chuckles.

“Wait.... you mean what those foals said from ….. HOW THE BUCK DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER THAT NOW, YOU ASS.”Rhede growls as Starfall and Bleu start to laugh. Velkorn and Luna didn't laugh, but they couldn't hide their smiles. “Here I was all worried about you and shit and you had to make a freaking joke about it!”

“I can't help it it just HAHAHAHA, oh ow, crap I feel as bad as you look Rhede. What the buck happened to you any way? Did we win?” Jer'rahd groans as he pushes himself shakily to his hooves ignoring Velkorn's protests as usual.

“Not yet, The threat from Forgescale and the other gods has ended, but the changelings are still attacking the Castle.” Luna responds.” Are you well Jer'rahd. I do not recall you being this... mirthful.”

“I'm fine... I feel better than I have in a while actually. Okay... give me a few moments and we'll go kick all their asses..... “ Jer'rahd mutters. “Soon as I can see straight.”

Velkorn moves over pushing up his eyelids with a hoof and growling lightly.

[“You are going no where, you are showing signs of a concussion.”] the zebra mutters.

“What did she say?” Jer'rahd questions bringing another laugh from Bleu.

“She said you're not going any where Boss.”

“Well why didn't she say that in pony?”

“Not like you have ever listened to anything I have said, you would argue and do what you wanted, even if I pronounced you dead.” snaps Velkorn.

“If I recall correctly he did just that, twice.” Starfall chuckles.

Velkorn curses to herself about foolish patients though a smile remained on her lips. As the main group trot up to them. Jer'rahd blinks at the pink pony bouncing along with them and sits down suddenly..

“Okay maybe, there might be something wrong with me. Shouldn't you be dead?” mutters Jer'rahd earning him a slap in the back of the head from Bleu.

“I got better!” beams Pinkie. “ What was so funny over here? I heard laughing tellmetellmetellme!!”

“Later Pinkie.” Bleu states watching the pink mare deflate a little.

“You alright Kaisur.” Celestia questions.

“Been better, been worse too. Do we have a plan?” Jer'rahd questions.

“Considering the shape most of us are in I am not sure there is much we can do.” Twilight sighs. “When we beat Discord if anything we were a bit hyper after wards. I feel like I ran a marathon and a half.”

“You kidding I feel great!” states Dash flapping her wings and rising into the air a little before drifting back down yawning. “Okay maybe I could use a little nap.”

“Has anything else happened while I was … well you know?” Jer'rahd questions looking over at Spike who was glaring daggers at Lion Heart for some reason.

“Well Discord showed up with me, then Spike showed up with the Elements, then we put them on and things got all glowy, and then there was a lot of pretty lights, and then we ran over here and started talking to you, and then you asked 'Has anything else happened while I was.. well you know?' and then I started to tell you, and then Applejack stuck her hoof in my mommmmmph.” Pinkie rambles on until AJ pushes her hoof against the rambling mares mouth.

“We git it Pinkie....” AJ sighs. “Alright quick recap then from everyone so we all git caught up tah speed.”

“The changelings still surround the castle, Chrysalis still has her power, and Sombra is with her though he is depowered. “ Luna sighs. “ Most of mine and my sisters powers are gone as well. We have told the Guards in Ponyville to make their way here though there is no telling when they may arrive, nor how much aid they can offer. On the positive side Nocturne is no more.”

“I'm out of this for a while. I'm lucky I’m even awake at this point, I usually pass out for a few days after changing like that. On the plus side Silver Claw and Forgescale are both done. I do have something to speak to Celestia and Sparkle about provided we live through this.” Jer'rahd mutters looking up into the sky, noticing something.

“The Element's of Harmony need a bit of time to recharge too.” Twilight states. “ A few hours at least. I'm wiped out from all the casting I've been doing too.”

“I'm torn all tah crap and back, but Claymore's dead. I can offer my services as a lightning turret, but I’m not gonna be flying or fighting anything like this.” Bleu points out gesturing to her wounds with her good arm.

“The Windigo said Scarlet was out of our reach and Bloodtail was being dealt with.” Rhede sighs. “ I'm in no shape to do anything. Velkorn has access to the medical supplies in the ambulance however and can treat any one who may need it. We also have a hoof full of Guards here including Captain Lion Heart. They can probably help Velkorn tend the injured and keep most of the changelings off of her.”

“I still have access to some of my powers, as well as my contact with the sun. I expect Luna can still control her moon as well, though without a horn we cannot draw on their full power. I did however manage to get a large portion of the cities inhabitants into the castle before the attack began in earnest. The Royal Guard are not alone in defending the castle either. Blue Blood had a number of mercenaries hidden away for some reason that are fighting for us, The Crystal Empire has teleported a sizable force of it's Imperial Guard to aid us, Guard Captain Shining Armor and Princess Cadence have also come. There are also a large group of ponies from the frontier town of Appleooza along with a number of Buffalo. “Celestia explains though she looks a bit hesitant for a moment before she sighs looking to Fluttershy. “ It seems that you pet bunny brought a sizable force of forest animals as well Fluttershy, including a Tank and a Ursa Major.”

“Angel brought Mr. Gamora and Teddy?... why would they all come here I told them to stay home...... Oh dear.....”Fluttershy whimpers a bit her ears drooping as the implications of the animals presence in a fight sinks in.” We have to stop this.”

“Wind Razors dead too, so we can count that a win, Peach Blossom went to rally who he could from Ponyville, so if they didn't believe the Princess with how she looks they should believe him.” Starfall mentions as she notices Jer'rahd looking skyward and turns her gaze up as well.

“So what now? There's still a swarm of changelings attacking. I can offer a few things, but I didn't learn any combat spells or abilities from Silver Claw.” Spike grumbles.

“General what are you staring at?” Luna questions looking into the clear sky.

“Absolutely nothing. The bugs have wings why are they not attacking from the air? Jer'rahd questions.

“Mostly due to my flash frying any of them that took to wing during the evacuation they are far too clumsy and easy targets when air born.” Celestia states.” There are also the Wonderbolts, they are a member of Hospice Moskau's troop of monster hunters. They may not be as combat trained as you or your troops Jer'rahd but.....”


“Ummm, what she said.” Celestia sighs.

“You know what I'm thinking Starfall?” Jer'rahd questions.

“Yes and it won't be pretty,well okay, it will be really pretty, but if they are as skilled as Rainbow Dash says then this will be very interesting. “Starfall chuckles with a rather malevolent smile. “Rainbow, Captain Lion Heart, are you up for some flying?”

“Of course!” Dash yells.

“Flying, or that crashing thing we did at the hive?” Lion Heart grumbles.

“I shall assist you in this.” Luna states stretching out her wings.

“Are you sure you can keep up Princess?” Rainbow Dash taunts earning scowl from Luna.

“In case it is not readily apparent Rainbow Dash I am not a unicorn.” Luna retorts, drawing a look of confusion from several of them.

“Ummm, well yeah I guess.” Dash mutters. “ What does that have to do with anything.”

“She was the Bearer of Magic, “Twilight points out. ”Twice even, I haven't had time to consider it, but how does a pegasus become the bearer of the Element of Magic? I sort of understand Princess Celestia and her fire magic, but what is it you did to be considered for the Element of Magic?”

Luna smiles softly looking to Celestia.

“Think you can do it now Lulu?” Celestia questions.

“Considering I am back to normal, I do not see why not.” Luna explains.

“What tha hay are you two talking about?” Dash grumbles.

“Rather curious myself.” mutters Starfall.

“There was a particular reason I took a interest in you Starfall.”Celestia smiles.

“Yeah cause I was the first pony to do the rain boom. I know that.” Starfall comments though her comment trails off as Luna grins wider.

“First recorded pony.” Celestia pipes in. “When I first considered you as a bearer of a Element I had you pegged for Magic Starfall, not Honesty. It was the same reason I chose Luna to bear Magic so long ago.“

“Wait. Princess Luna did a Rainboom ?” Jer'rahd questions. “We could have used that any number of times, why hide it?”

“I was too big.” Luna states getting confused looks until she points to Rainbow Dash and Starfall, both of the pegasi were smaller than any other pony in the group, and in her current state Luna was the same size as Dash. “Once I became an alicorn and my body type changed I lost the ability. I theorized it was due to my size that I could not push past the barrier. Now, well provided I remember how, it should be no trouble.”

Starfall curses to herself about being small, though Dash simply stares, her eyes getting wider as the implications of it all hit her.

“I think you broke Dashie Princess.” Pinkie points out waving a hoof in front of the pegasus's face.

“THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!” Dash screams suddenly.


“Think this will work?” Rhede mutters, looking up into the sky towards the rapidly rising moon and the fading daylight that hid the pegasi's climb.

“It's not gonna win everything, but it will thin the changelings numbers a bit and probably be a massive boost to moral.” Jer'rahd sighs. “That's the way it used to work anyway.”

“A little more than that actually.” Twilight points out as the smaller group watches the others fly higher into the sky along with the gathered Wonderbolts. “The rain boom will actually boost and recharge a unicorn's magic, in some cases overcharge it. Even a normal pony will receive a surge of energy just from witnessing it. I have been studying it as best I can, but pinning Dash down long enough to get a good reading is near impossible. With your sun setting Princess there will be no chance of any pony missing this either.”

“Not to mention it's our first offensive attack.” Bleu pipes in.

“Yeah, that's true. They threw an army at us, we threw one right back, they threw a dragon at us we counter with a monster, now we're throwing this at um, let's see um counter three Rain booms.” AJ chuckles.

“The problem here is we have no idea what it will do to Sombra and Chrysalis.” Celestia responds.” They and the changelings for the most part used to be ponies.”

“It knocks them flat on their flanks and makes up stare off into space!” Pinkie imparts as she franticly waves at the group of fliers as they climb higher. Now little more than dots in the darkening sky.
“Least that's what it did for the hive.”

“Even if it does recharge Chrysalis and Sombra they will be facing off against against an enemy that should be fully restored magically. It might even bring back the Princesses powers.” Twilight states mentally calculating the odds of that.

“Well it will be something I suppose. Will they be alright?” Rarity questions.

“Worried about them or worried about one in particular?” Bleu questions snidely, getting a small flush from Rarity and a scowl from Spike.

“Look's like they are starting the decent.” AJ points out, her other hoof firmly holding her hat to her head. “ Hang on tah something cause this is gonna be big.”


“Alright ponies, you have your targets, once the first barriers broken team A banks towards the sunset after Rainbow Dash, Team B banks away from it with me, team C heads towards the moon with Princess Luna.” Starfall yells back letting the ponies behind her relay the message back. ”Once you reach the same height as the shield you will split off from your team and aim for your specific target once. The impact will be cushioned by the air you are pushing before you, don't let up your speed until you hit or the impact will be lessened, there will be some shock to your legs from the impact ,but so long as you land properly there will be no issue.”

The air had gotten cold and thing, Starfall could feel frost forming on her wing tips. She knew she could do this from a much lower altitude and she was sure Dash and maybe even Luna could as well, but the others needed as much room as they could get.

Rainbow Dash flew along side of her, with Luna on the other side. Twenty one Wonderbolts and a hoof full of Royal Guards also followed behind the pair as they climbed, Dash had listed off every member of the Wonderbolt's flight team by name, though Starfall only remembered a few, including the two lead members of the team Soarin and Spitfire.

They had not been willing to cooperate at first until Dash went completely fan filly over them and started making the pair of flight leaders uncomfortably certain about who she really was. A little bit of talking and the Wonderbolts were following them ready to do something most of them had never even seen. Luna did not try to explain herself though as it was a bit unbelievable that the small mare was the Princess of the Night. Starfall was just a little miffed that the Princess was half her normal size and yet still bigger than she was.

“Alright ponies, lets do this!” Starfall shouts folding her wings against her back and rolling backwards in the air starting her fall along with Dash and Luna. Thirty two other pegasi and a half dragon did the same.


For generations to come, a story would be told all over Equestria and across the borderlands of the nation. Old Ponies would tell their grand foals of the event around a roaring fire.

It all began with a pillar of white light that rivaled the sun for it's brightness that climbed higher than the great Manterhorn itself and vanished into the sky. After that great blasts of flame shot into the sky around the capitol of Canterlot. Then the heavens themselves seemed to explode as a aurora like what lay in the frozen north briefly danced over the mountain.

By this point a number of ponies who were able had started to make their way towards the city, either out of curiosity or simply worry.

It was then that the rainbow of light appeared, a brilliant white light that seemed to glow from the cities center itself, though it faded quickly.
Some thought celebration, others thought another invasion, none knew the real truth until later.

As Celestia's sun hid at the edge of the horizon and Princess Luna's night, the greatest series of events came. The first of which was the speed in which Princess Luna's moon climbed into the sky. The sun had not even fully set and the silver orb was at the peak of it's climb into the night.

A thick trail of rainbow colored light formed under the silvery orb falling towards the silhouette of the Maneterhorn, still visible against the sunset colored sky. Like tears falling from the moon they fell, the light split into three columns continued down, twining around each other as they neared the peak of the Maneterhorn, then, they exploded.

Three disks of rainbow colored light erupted from the three streaks of color. Three brilliant rainbow disks burst from those points and expanded out rapidly , the falling lights growing brighter and continuing downward.

The disks of light expanded over the mountain where the three rings met a blinding light that shown like the sun itself illuminated the lands as if the sun it self had risen back to it's noon height instead of the Moon.

Ponies in Manehatten watched the lights with awe, Los Pegasus slowed to a standstill as the light from over the mountain made even the sunset over the ocean seem pale and dull.

Then under the great disks several more explosions and small rings of light formed, smaller than the first three though breathtaking in their own right, the entire underside of the three great rings was filled with smaller rings and more trails of rainbow light fell from these smaller rings chasing the first three towards the mountain top.

There was a gasp of air drawn from across Equestria. Creatures as far north as the Griffon Kingdoms and as far south as the Zebra lands drew a collective breath as the trails reached the top of the mountain.

Then once again the sky was awash with light as clouds of rainbows burst skyward from the tip of the Maneterhorn. It was if the great peak had been a sleeping volcano all this time, and had some how erupted in reverse with a unknown, yet beautifully brilliant magic.

As all of Equestria watched, the sound of thunder rolled across the land, followed by a series of smaller thunder peals before the tall mountain slowly went dark again as the rings of the Rainbooms faded.


The view from the battle field was entirely different than that of those far away. They had been fighting the changelings in the growing darkness. This was causing more issues than any were willing to admit , as the bugs seemed unhindered by the darkness.

The defenders were pushed back to the wall as the Changelings sought to push their new advantage.

Then the sky lit up.

The fading russet light of the sunset was replaced by a brilliant wash of colors that illuminated the war torn city. Changelings hissed squinting and trying to cover their eyes from the sudden burst of light.

The Guards however did not retaliate while the changelings struggled, all of their eyes were turned skyward, the growing disks of rainbow colored light reflecting in their eyes. The thunderous trio of sonic booms snapped them all back into reality as a series of subsequent smaller explosions in the air rocked the very foundations of Canterlot itself.

The screaming whine of the lines of light descending was quickly drowned out as as the three lead streamers of light, split into multiple parts, each streaking to the ground to impact with thunderous explosions of multicolored mushroom clouds that ran in a chain of explosions across the battle field.

The impacts threw rock, dirt and changelings high into the air, creating craters in the landscape surround the castle, and knocking flat or simply blowing apart great swaths of the enemy lines.

The brilliant white light in the center of the main rings washed over the defenders around the castle. Bathing those present in it's warmth, rejuvenating tired forms, recharging spent mana pools, and blending into the shield covering the castle repairing the cracks and damage done to it by the dragon, reenforcing it's might.

As the sound died down and the changelings recovered from the impacts they found themselves facing a fresh army, one that seemed to not have been locked in a battle with them all day. A recharged force that was now twice as determined to rid their city of it's infestation.

Thus the the tides turned again in favor of the defenders of Canterlot.


Jer'rahd, Twilight, and Rarity and a few of the guards stood motionless looking up at the expanding clouds of multicolored lights. All of them could feel the warm rush of energy filling them. The others in the group clearly felt that too as the waves of light washed over them, but the unicorns felt it a little deeper as their mana pools were filled.

Jer'rahd grins glancing to the other two, stopping to stare at Twilight as her horn practically sparked with multi colored lights.

“I do not think I will ever get tired of seeing Rainbow Dash do that, but this... there are no words.”Rarity states in awe.

“Yes I know....” Fluttershy mummers.

“Well it was pretty and all but I still feel like crap.”mutters Rhede.

“Whine whine whine, moan moan moan, have you yet to realize you are finally standing on your own?” Velkorn mutters.

“WEEEEE!! do it again!!” giggles Pinkie.

“Not bad for a spur of the moment plan ehh?” Applejack chuckles.”Not bad at all Jer.”

Jer'rahd raises an eyebrow. “Sounds kinda strange to hear some one other than Rhede calling me that.”

“Ehh.” Applejack shrugs.”Seems tah fit, since ah've started tah know yah better.”

“I suppose.” Jer'rahd mutters noting that out of all of them Celestia seemed to be having issues, the fire of her mane and tail surged dancing around her form . Her ears were laid back against her head and the waves of heat pouring off of her had forced most of the ponies near her back.

“You alright Celestia?” Jer'rahd questions stepping back as the Princesses eyes snap open her eyes pure white pools of fire.

“I am fine, excuse me for not complimenting your brilliant plan. Yes ,yes we get it, Kaisur's a clever pony, we do not have time to dawdle, this advantage will not last if we do not....... Celestia growls her words trailing off as the light fades a bit from her eyes as she notices the looks of horror crossing the others faces.” ….. What is it, what's wrong?”

“Do you know what you just said!?!? You jinxed us .”Bleu screams out falling backwards onto a familiar red couch that Pinkie suddenly put behind the dragonling, much to Rarity's annoyance. “ YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL!!”

“What?” Celestia blinks.

“You called Jer clever. Never do that, it's horrible luck.” Rhede sighs looking around as if waiting for the sky to fall.

Celestia glares seeing even Twilight cringing. “Seriously? You all believe there is something to that? We are already in dire straits I doubt simply sarcasticly complimenting Kaisur is going to make things worse!”


“It is time.”
“Damn that was pretty, enough lollygagging GO BREAK SHIT!”
“This should be fun.”
“wake me when it's over.”
“This should be most informative.”
“It's gonna be bad ass is what it's gonna be.”

“I ascend.”

Jer'rahd's ears perk as he whips his head around looking for the voices.

“Did any of you hear that?” Jer'rahd questions.

Any responses to the question were quickly cut off as the mountain itself began to move.


Not long after the last of the Rain booms faded the ponies and other creatures of Equestria began to wonder if that was all that was going to happen or if there was more.

They did not have long to wait.

A massive aura of white erupts from the peak of the mountain, the energy dancing across the the top of the Maneterhorn before suddenly flashing to an even brighter light that envelops the mountain and the city of Canterlot.

The light fades though a snap that echoed across the land followed as the thunder from the Rain booms had. The top of the mountain along with the city it self rose slowly, lifting into the air. The mass of city and land lifting up high enough that the silhouette of it was back dropped against the silvery moon. The chunk of mountain removed bared open the crystal mines in the mountain baring insides like a cracked geode. The crystal's within catching the fading sunlight and the bright moon light causing the underside of the floating mass and the hole it was torn from to sparkle brilliantly.

Every creature that existed in Equestria heard the voice, even those that could not see the mountain.. A vibrant mare's tone that sent a shiver along every one's spines echoed in their head along with the image of the speaker.

A pale blue alicorn with long wavy amber hair that fluttered in a unseen wind. A cutie mark that seemed to be a open book made of white and purple crystal adorned her flank. The mare's bright green eyes seemed to pierce into every one who met them, the very thought of the mare seemed to instill an urge to bow their heads on all who saw her.


Across Canterlot and much of the surrounding lands every creature stopped and dipped their heads in a bow.


At the top of the Maneterhorn, In the Canterlot Royal Gardens there was only one pony who had not dipped her head. The others of her group, even the stubborn gray unicorn had all felt themselves forced into a bow.

The white earth pony stared up at the blue alicorn above her, her eyes igniting again with a inner fire as her teeth ground together, wisps of flame tracing along her mane and tail as she utters a name as if it was both a blessing and a curse.


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