• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“... to the edge, of the earth...”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“... to the edge, of the earth...”

As the hounds’ baying faded in the distance, a dark bluish-green magic gripped the large double doors, pulling them open. A swirling vortex that seemed to be a mixture of all colors known and a multitude that could not even be described was revealed. The vortex stretched and shifted like taffy, lengths of it stretching out and forming hands to grasp at the air, grabbing in the direction of those standing before it.

Nocturne folded her wings, looking up at the gate to Tartarus. All her planning since the escape had been for this moment.

[“The bird is not going to be able to keep the guardian busy long. We need to get in and get out as fast as we can,”] Bloodtail said, darting towards the gate.

“No shit, stripes. Move yer ass, bitch; I ain't pulling ya out of another fire,” Claymore shouted, following the zebra.

“Buck you, Claymore,” Scarlet snarled as she darted ahead.

“That an offer? Sorry, I don't like ugly, scarred mares.”

“I'm going to kill you.”

Silver Claw looked at the gate as Bloodtail, Scarlet, and Claymore vanished into it, guided by the arms, then glanced down to
Nocturne. “I am not comfortable with this, mare. What reason would you have to keep the gate open for us to return?”

“What reason would I have to seal you inside? I would lose as much as you in failure,” Nocturne replied, her horn glowing brighter.

“Go now, before Bloodtail gets too far ahead. He knows the way.”

“I do not trust him, either.”

“Your father spent time in Tartarus. Do you not wish to see what torment molded him into the leader he was? Granted, you will be there for a much shorter time… unless you continue to linger here.”

Silver Claw snarled, but he moved into the gate after the others.

Ten minutes passed.

Twenty minutes passed.

Two hours passed and Wind Razor returned.

“Everything going as it should?” Wind Razor asked the dark alicorn.

“I cannot tell from this side, though the Ferrymare has yet to show herself. She is either distracted or the others are keeping her busy. Where is the dog?”

“There's a town nearly half a day’s walk from here. Well, shorter if you're flying or have legs like that mutt. I took off and left him within sight of it; that should keep him occupied a while. Not my best idea, but we should be gone by the time anyone arrives here to check on how he escaped,” Wind Razor explained, noting the strain in the alicorn’s voice. “How much longer can you hold out?”

“Perhaps another hour; they need to hurry,” Nocturne muttered.

“I am sure they are trying. It's not like our informant was very trustworthy. An undead pony that said it escaped Tartarus just happened to be in the garden? And it just happened to be willing to pass us information? Still sounds fishy.”

“It was a construct, not undead. Some one placed it there to tell us what we needed. We had no other leads any way. I knew they were in Tartarus, but not how to get to them. This was our best option to recover them. I do not trust the supposed lich was not lying, though I do trust it wanted to cause the Princesses trouble. That is enough for me,” Nocturne stated." And in the worst case we only lose those three."

"And this is why i refused to go in...." mutters Wind Razor.

Any further conversation between the two was cut off as a massive figure burst through the gate's vortex with a roar. The crimson dragon was covered in black insectoid figures and cradling a large pair of books in his arms. Claymore stood on the dragon’s back, swinging his massive weapon that somehow had become cracked and broken, knocking the black armored things off of Silver Claw.

The dragon landed hard, lashing out with his tail and crushing a swarm of them that had come out of the gate behind the pair. Claymore cursed, struggling to stay atop the dragon’s back and still fend off the swarming creatures clamoring onto the beasts back.

Scarlet and Bloodtail leaped through the gate not far behind them, being chased by emaciated bug-like creatures, several of them falling as Scarlet's blades drank deep of their lives.

[“CLOSE THE BUCKING GATE!”] screamed out Bloodtail as he tossed a vial of something into a bug pony’s face. The creature screamed as its head started to melt.

Nocturne's eyes widened as she let go of the spell that held the gate open. The doorway quickly started to close. Suddenly, another burst of energy gripped it— a dark green power shoved the gate open again, wide enough to powder the rock as the massive doors slammed into the stone wall set into the side of the gorge. More of the chitinous armored creatures poured from the gate as it opened wider.

A single large figure slowly stepped out of the gate, green mane billowing in some unseen storm from the gate behind it. A gnarled black horn jutted from the tangled mane atop the pony creature’s head. A black and green carapace covered the figure, with patches of mangy fur in some spots. Gossamer insect wings fluttered on the creature’s back as its hooves thudded lightly on the sandy ground before the gate. It lowered its head, looking at the dirt, then it lifted its face skyward, staring into cloudless sky. A grin split the creature’s face, drool falling from its fanged maw as it grinned, green eyes glowing brightly.

“Freedom...” Chrysalis hissed.

Scarlet leaped up, grabbing Silver Claw's tail as Bloodtail leaped onto the dragon’s back. “FLY, YOU FOOLS!” Scarlet shouted at Nocturne and Wind Razor as Silver Claw launched himself into the air.

The alicorn and griffon launched into the air soon after and take off after the dragon. Nocturne spared a glance back, seeing the changeling swarm starting to break and flee as a skeletal pony stepped out of the gate, looking after the ones departing.

The view was suddenly yanked from Nocturne to a close-up of the Ferrymare, who regarded the two watching the scene curiously.

>>[ “Do NoT tHiNk IlL oF mE. BalAnCe MuSt Be MaInTaInEd. YoU kNoW tHiS tO bE tRuE, gOdDeSs Of ThE sUn. EvEn If YoU dO nOt KnOw, YoU kNoW. alsO, tHaNk YoU fOr ReTuRnInG mY dOg, YoUnG oNe.”]<<

Celestia and Twilight both reared back at the voice, both falling back though the magic space and then tumbling backwards physically away from the severed wing of Nocturne laying on the table. As the pair watched, the wing itself crumbled, turning into an ash pile on the table. The alicorn and the unicorn stared at the remains of Nocturne's wing before looking at each other.

“Well... that was different,” Celestia sighed.


[Current day, two months after the release of the Beasts of the Moon. Two Weeks after the death of Lord Talon.]

Rhede stepped off the carriage, shaking his injured leg out from the long ride. The injury was nearly healed, though every so often, a twinge of pain ran along it if he stepped wrong. Still, he had been working it as much as he could stand in order to get back into fighting shape. Even if Scarlet was injured, he had no doubt she would fare better than he would right now if the pair had to fight.
Pinkie Pie hopped off the chariot behind him, bouncing around and hopping to the front of the carriage to chat with the pegasi who had pulled the cart from the Crystal Empire. It was not like she had not been a chatterbox with them the whole way back to Canterlot.

While Rhede was glad she was back to normal, he was not glad to have been stuck with her while she was back to normal. Thankfully, the flight back was much quicker than a train ride would have been. He didn't think he could stand a day or two of travel to get back with her in this state.

Granted, the only reason for the chariot was that he had sent word to Princess Celestia that he had found something. He also mentioned the Shadow of Nox in the letter. There was no reply letter, though the chariot had arrived the next day, and after the pegasi guards were given a chance to rest, they were off again back to Canterlot.
He glanced back to Pinkie again, trotting over and tapping her on the shoulder. “Let's go, Miss Pie. The Princess is waiting on us.”

“Okey dokey loki! Bye guys! Thanks for the flight!” Pinkie spouted, bouncing off and leaving the two guards sighing in relief.

“Not to question it, Miss Pie, but I am curious as to what got you over your depression,” Rhede commented, not really expecting an answer.

“Pretty simple, really. I can't just sit by and let someone be sad. There's too much pain out there. Somepony needs to remind them that it's not the end, that there's still a lot of life and joy left in the world. With the way things are going now, we might need that more than anything else.”

Rhede looked at the party pony curiously at the sudden seriousness of her tone. Granted, that lasted all of thirty seconds before she started telling him about some of the stories Shining Armor had told her about Twilight trying to get ready for her first day at Celestia's school.

Rhede sighed, looking up at the castle as Pinkie Pie bounced along. He smirked, for once having a positive outlook on the situation.
They finally had a lead.


“One more time,” Jer'rahd instructed.

Twilight nodded, lifting training blade to her mouth and trying to focus. It had been three days since she and Celestia had seen the escape from Tartarus, and it was still fresh enough in her mind that she had to focus to ignore it

Peach Blossom looked between Jer'rahd and Twilight before slipping the training wing blades back on his main feathers. He stretched a bit, crossing his wings in front of himself in a ready stance.

“Begin,” Jer'rahd ordered.

Peach Blossom rushed forward, lashing out with a wing. Twilight jerked the sword in her mouth up, the hard thud of wood on wood bringing a wince to the purple unicorn at the solid connection. The pegasus didn’t pause, bringing his other weapon quickly into play, only to have it bounce off a hastily-raised purple shield.

Twilight tossed her head to the side quickly, her weapon scraping along the pegasus's. The back of the training weapon caught onto one of the loops that the pegasus' main feather ran through and yanked the training blade from Peach Blossom's wing.
Jer'rahd watched impassively as the pegasus leaped back away from Twilight, sliding his still-armed wing across his body to block the return swing from Twilight's sword as she pressed her attack. Twilight moved as she struck, making sure to keep herself between him and his lost weapon.

Twilight's horn flared, firing off a series of stun bolts at the pegasus. Peach Blossom hopped into the air over the blasts of magic, twisting in the air to dodge the bolts and land behind the purple unicorn, landing near his lost weapon.

Twilight narrowed her eyes and grabbed his fallen blade with her magic, jerking it off the ground suddenly and nearly striking Peach Blossom in the chin. She flung the weapon into the air and off into the lake on the far side of camp.

The pegasus kicked back up into that air, moving away from the unicorn, and landed lightly, immediately darting forward as Twilight cast more stun bolts. He slipped among the blasts and swung his remaining weapon, having it blocked by her blade again. However he didn’t bother halting his momentum and hit the purple unicorn in the chest with his forelegs, shoving the smaller pony back over her flank.

Twilight winced as her back hit the dirt. She kicked out hard with her rear legs, forcing Peach Blossom back a step to avoid getting kicked. She quickly rolled back onto her hooves, readying herself against another attack.

The pegasus hopped about, trying to land hits on the unicorn, the stallion using his greater speed to force Twilight to struggle to keep up.

Twilight winced as a blocked blow jarred her enough to drop her weapon from her mouth to gasp. Peach Blossom moved quickly to take advantage of the opening, only to have a stun blast from Twilight's horn strike his armed wing, numbing it. The unicorn smirked, her magic whipping the blade up from the ground to knock the remaining wing blade off the pegasus's numb wing.

She brought the blade around to strike the pegasus and end the match, only for Peach Blossom to duck under the blade and plow into her with his shoulder. The larger stallion shoved up his fore hooves, lifting the flailing Twilight in the air and flinging her over his back.

Twilight yelped, her magic catching herself in midair to stop from hitting the ground. She righted herself quickly, only to be nose to nose with Peach Blossom, who poked her forehead with her own weapon.

“That's point. Not bad, Captain, but you shouldn't have let yourself get disarmed so easily,” Jer'rahd stated.

“Sorry sir, the training blades are not fitted like my personal weapons are—makes it harder to hold onto.”

“Get used to any weapon you use. Your personal blades might not always be available. Join back up with the regular training after lunch; you’re free ‘til then. Dismissed.”

“Yes, Sir. Though, if you don't mind, I would rather join up with Captain Silvertail's training,” the pegasus said.

“Do what you want.”

“Yes, sir.” Peach Blossom shouted, darting off quickly before the Major could change his mind.

Jer'rahd looked at a very annoyed Twilight and couldn’t help but smirk. “Just because you disarm an opponent does not mean they are finished,” he said.

“I know that,” snapped Twilight. “I thought I had him with the spell.”

“Despite your loss, you have picked this up much faster than I thought you would, at least since your study with Celestia ended. You are by no means a sword pony just yet, but I can at least say you are no longer a beginner.”


“Go get cleaned up and grab your sword. Ee need to get Bleu and Velkorn and head up to see what Celestia wants.”

“She might finally be sending us to question the Ferrymare.”

“Maybe. I am rather curious as to why she would just let them come in and take the books and free Chrysalis and the swarm. You said you didn't see any sign of any of this when you brought the dog back?”

“Not a bit. If I hadn’t seen what happened in the scry, I never would have known anything happened.” Twilight sighed. “It's like she made sure no one would know.”

“I have been meaning to ask, you said that Celestia sent a lost dog flier out? If she doesn't keep track of what happens in Tartarus, how did she know the Cerberus was missing?”

“Cerberus was reported to the guards when he first came into town. By the time word got back to her that he was loose, I was already on my way to bring him back. She sent the fliers out to all the guard posts and to me, not sure where he might have been.”

“Hmmm... Well, go get cleaned up. I’ll deal with putting everything away. We have a dragon to catch before she gets bored and leaves without us.”


Fluttershy pranced around, her hooves nervously thudding on the ground as she tried to turn and watch in all directions at once. The forest was alive with the sounds of animals, though none of them were close enough to tell her anything. They were all keeping back away from what was in this small section of the forest.

She moved nervously, jumping at the sound of leaves falling onto the ground or the flap of a dragonfly’s wings. Her ears flattened to her head as she moved along the path, her head whipping about.

A sudden explosion of motion to her right caused her to jump back and shriek, nearly falling over herself to scramble away.

“BOOOGAH, BOOGAH, BOOGAH!!” Bleu shouted, leaping out of the bushes in her pony sized form while trying to make a scary face as a little white rabbit sitting atop her head tried to mimic the expression by holding his mouth wide open with his paws, tongue waggling.

The yellow pegasus cried out again, diving into a nearby bush as the two watched for a moment. Bleu sighed, looking up at the rabbit on her head, who simply shrugged. “Alright, so you win, fluffy tail. Jump scares are out... Though on the plus side, she doesn't faint any more. So there's that,” Bleu stated as Angel nodded sagely.

“I don't think I like this training...” Flutterbush muttered.

“You've been saying that all week. While nerves of steel you ain't got, when we first started anything, I did made you freak right out. Kinda funny at first, but it got old.” Bleu walked over and stuck her hand in the bush, rummaging around a moment until she smiled, grabbed Fluttershy, and pulled her out to set her back on the ground.

“I really don't think I am cut out for any of this,” the pegasus muttered.

“You've been saying that a lot, too. Look, it's pretty clear you're not afraid of me anymore, so at least that's a start. The whole scare tactics thing is trying to build up your nerves a little.” Bleu pointed to the rabbit on her head. “My hat here thinks that you have improved.”

Angel glared down at the dragon, thumping her on the head with a paw at being called a hat, though he nodded in response as Bleu ignored the thumps.

“Any improvement is a good thing, and I can probably keep helping you out. I mean, you met Seamore. Or Steven, or whatever he's calling himself now, with no trouble, and he's bigger than me.”

“Well, I mean, I met Steven before. We have tea sometimes if he's this far up river. He's one of Rarity's better customers.”

“Not sure I needed to know that, but okay. Still, it means you're improving.” Bleu nodded, nearly dislodging the rabbit on her head.

“Yes, but even if I don't run, I still can't do anything...” Fluttershy mutters

Angel slapped his forehead in annoyance and started shouting something. “What's that, boy? Timmy fell down the well? Bah, leave the bugger for a while. That'll learn him,” Bleu commented, being completely ignored by the bunny.

“I know, Angel, but that's not something that I do... No, Angel, but that's because it has to be done... but... fine, I see your point...” Fluttershy muttered, her ears flattening to her head.

“Soooo it wasn't about Timmy?” Bleu questioned, getting a thump from the rabbit.

“No, it's... Never mind; it's nothing.”

“OOOkay... well, we need to get going, anyway. I have to give a ride to everyone here in the training field up to Canterlot. As always, I'm the freaking taxi.”

“Umm, can I just take the train?”

“Nope, it's TRAINING!”

“Ummm, okay...”


“Bugger where is that filly?” Applejack grumbled, poking her head into the clubhouse and not finding Apple Bloom.
Big Mac looked up at his sister as she came down from the tree house.

“Not up there, hmm?” Big Mac questioned.

“No, and it's a little worrying with everythin’ that's been going on that ah can't find her,” AJ grumbled.

“She jus’ got outta school a li’l while ago. Prob’ly with tha others causing some sorta trouble,” Big Mac commented.

“Still, ah want'd tah tell her ah was leaving fer a bit tah head tah Canterlot.”

“She'll pop up here fer dinner an’ ah'll let her know.”

“She wasn't here fer breakfast.”

“That's ‘cause she was over at Scootaloo's place last night. This ain't tha first time yah had tah run off.” Mac nodded.

“Yah, but with all that's going on, ah hate fer it tah be tha last time...”

“Yer still upset over that, huh? ‘Twas an accident, sis; they didna know it was gonna happen.”

“Still, I was mad at ‘em; never said goodbye when they left that last time. Ah don't want anything like that tah happen tah her. If something happens tah me...”

Applejack's head was suddenly jerked forward, her hat knocked off her head as the big red stallion cuffed her upside the back of the head.

“What tha buck'd ja do that fer!?”

“Yer gitting melodramatic. Ain't nothing gonna happen tah you cause you got enough sense tah know when to run. Yer gonna be in Canterlot, and yer gonna be with some of tha most dangerous ponies ah'v ever seen, and so is mah mare friend. So if you get worried about yerself, then ah get worried about yah both, an ah aint gonna worry ‘bout somethin’ ah can't do anything about. Yer jus going tah Canterlot. Ain't nothing gonna happen.”

“Fine, fine,” AJ grumbled, picking her hat back up and rubbing the back of her head. “Yah dun have tah be so rough about it.”

“Best git moving or ya'll miss tha train. Ask Rarity if she's seen ‘em, or even Dash since tha’ Scootaloo filly’s usually all over her.”

“Both of them are up in Canterlot, Mac. They likely wouldn't have seen anything.”

“Rarity's been back in town fer a couple a days now, and Dash came back yesterday fer a while afore both of them went back to Canterlot this morning. Twilight's been runnin’ all over, too.

“How'd ah miss them being back?”

“Yah had yer nose buried in all them papers. Wonder yah even saw tha day er night happened.”

“Alright, Mac. You win. I ain't gonna worry ‘bout it. What ah am gonna worry about is tha harvest. If this takes longer then need be fer me tah get back, you make sure you go git them ponies that's training tah help you out like Celestia said. That rose fellar knows about the order.”

“Ah should be able tah handle it myself ‘til you get back.”

“Don't make me use that ‘only one pony’ speech yah gave me last time, Big Mac. Ah won't hesitate tah make yah eat yer own words. Now them apples'll be ready in a few days; you git them tah help yah. Understand me?”
Big Mac sighed, staring at his sister, and chuckled.



“Ah yes, I think this will do nicely, Princess. I made a few adjustments based on that little notebook you gave me, and the material should be even stronger and more resistant to damage when I’m finished. Once it's enchanted, small tears and even larger ones should mend on their own. A dress maker's dream and nightmare considering that I won't get any return business for repairs if I use the spell on all my clothes...” Rarity rambled.

Luna winced a little at being poked by a needle as Rarity refit her for the Mare-Do-Well costume. She had called Rarity back on Celestia's suggestion to make sure her costume was ready. She was not sure why, though. Tia had received a note from Rhede and regarded it with interest, though last night, she had burst from her room and erupted into a flurry of activity. Celestia had told her some of the situation, though Luna was sure that was not all of it.

“Ooh, sorry about that, Princess; I think I jabbed a little too hard. Are you alright?”

“I am fine, Miss Rarity. I doubt I am going to be done in by a poke with a needle.”

“Well, the outfit should be set and ready to go for you in no time, Princess. Um, though I do have to ask where are we going; Princess Celestia was quite adamant that all of us should be on this trip,” Rarity questioned.

“We will be going to the Badlands and a place that is within it called the Shadow of Nox.”

“While I have heard of the Badlands, what is the Shadow of Nox?”

“Nox is an old name I was given during the Discordian war. It means ‘Night’ in Griffon.”

“Sooooo we are going to your shadow?” Rarity questioned, looking down at the shadow Luna cast on the floor.
Luna chuckled. “Nothing quite that silly. The Shadow of Nox is a specific place in the Badlands: the exact spot that Tia, myself, and the Equestria forces cornered Discord for the first time after the hunt for him began. My sister cut loose with her powers and scorched the land so thoroughly that no life has been able to grow there since, except for the Shadow of Nox.”

“Why is that? Is it some holy place or something special to you?” Rarity questioned.

“No, nothing of the sort. When Tia cut loose, I was able to use my connection to the moon to shield some of our forces from her fires. This left a small section of land untouched by her flames. It is the only spot in the Badlands were life still flourishes— an oasis in the shadow I created with my shield. It is literally the Shadow of Nox.”

“Umm, what do you mean, err, some of your forces?”

“Only a hooffull of others out of an army of several hundred were spared when Celestia attacked Discord that first time. I was unused to my abilities and I could not protect any more.”

“Wait, so Princess Celestia...”

“... killed several hundred of her own soldiers, along with a number of small towns, camps, mines, and several species of animals and plants that did not exist anywhere else. She lost herself so deeply in her rage against Discord she did not even consider what she was doing until well after. The worst of it was the draconequus escaped and we needed to track him down again.”

“By the stars... Is that why she refuses to fight?”

“No, though I think that is why she made the promise she did. The changing of the coastline on Nightmare Night is my shame. And at least one of Tia's is the Badlands.”


“Look... I'm sorry, alright? Don't make a big deal out of it or anything; I still don't want to be your kid or whatever the heck your plan was. I'm not a substitute, so don't try anything like that. I mean, if you wanna fly or train or whatever, that's fine, but none of that babying crap you did before,” Dash half-shouted as she flew along, trying not to look at the gray pegasus flying along with her over the train.

“Alright, I can accept that. It was a mistake of me to think like that, anyway. I kinda did need a kick in the head like that. You were a bit blunt, but I should be used to that dealing with Jer'rahd.” Starfall sighed, winging her way over the sunlit rails. She was going to fly along to Canterlot with Bleu, but Velkorn had pointed out she might need to have a word with Rainbow Dash, so she had waited for the train instead. Thankfully, Dash was flying over it, so a sickening ride had been avoided.

The pair was almost to Canterlot when Dash finally blurted out an apology that she seemed to be struggling with for a while.
Truthfully, Starfall knew the pale blue pegasus had made some valid points before, but she was just happy to have Rainbow Dash talking to her again.

“So what now, Dash?”

“Geez, not much else to do this close... Hey, how ‘bout you tell me what you can about these guys we're up against. I'd ask Twi, but, well... she tends to use the long-winded approach, and that gets boring,” Dash suggested.

“Really, Rhede is the one you should talk to. I only know a little bit about most of them, save Wind Razor.”

“Wind Razor... Yeah, well, tell me what you know about her,” Dash stated a little too forcefully.


This was not the meeting with the Princess he had expected. Celestia had the entire group escorted to an old room that Jer'rahd had not seen in a long time and was certain had been converted into a guest bedroom...
Canterlot Castle's War Room.

The layout was exactly how he remembered it: books on treatises and other items that could be important covered one wall, and another wall was filled with the maps and flight plans of the weather pegasi and their griffon counterparts. The wall across from the door was covered in maps of geological features, civilian centers, and a few locations that required greater detail.

A massive table with a model of Equestria in the center of it was a familiar sight as well, although the enchanted map had a different layout that he recalled and it took up more of the table as well. It seemed that after the defeat of the Lunar Republic, Equestria expanded its borders a bit further. The biggest thing that amazed him was that for a room that Celestia disliked, it was very well kept.

He glanced up as Princess Luna trotted in, flanked by the costumed Mare-Do-Well pony that worked for her. He was a little upset about that; Celestia had stated Luna did not want any guard at all, and yet, she had this pony. He was sure she had her reasons, but he was curious to what they were.

He glanced over to the others, raising an eyebrow at the strange expressions Rhede, Starfall, and Bleu had at the sight of Luna's agent. He wondered about that as well; they had met her before.

His attention was brought back to the door as Celestia stormed in. She looked over the group, her eyes lingering a bit on Applejack and Rarity with what he thought seemed a bit of sadness, though that was gone just as quickly.

“I am sending all of you on a mission. You will be going to the Badlands in southern Equestria to attempt to recover one of the Books of Orbsah,” Celestia stated.

Jer'rahd glanced to Luna and her impassive expression. He turned his gaze back to Celestia, shaking his head. “We can deal with this on our own. There's no need for the...” Jer began.

“Did I stutter, Kaisur? You are all going— all of the current Element Bearers and the former. Luna will be sending her representative with you as well.” Celestia glared at Jer'rahd.

“I said there's no need to risk...”

“Shut the buck up, Kaisur. I am not in the mood to deal with your shit right now, and I will not hesitate to remove that offending tongue if you continue to waggle it myself. You will do as I say or else I will have you caged and thrown into the ocean where you can suffer and fail to drown until time itself ends.” Celestia shouted, her tone stunning everyone in the room, and the heat rising from her form set fire to a few of the maps behind her.

Pinkie Pie popped up suddenly, dressed as a fire mare, and sprayed the maps down before ducking away and popping back up where she was standing before.

“Princess?” Twilight questioned weakly.

“Things have happened and I have new information that not only confirms Rhede's report, but also shows how far behind these six we are. Rhede, tell them what you have found out and I shall add what I know.”

Rhede looked skeptically at the Princess of the Sun before glancing to Jer'rahd, who looked more shocked than angry at her.

“Alright, I’ll make it short. From what I found out, there are six books. They are called the Books of Orbsah— that's something even Discord didn't seem to know from the Book of Blue he wrote. They are sentient and were living creatures before they became books.
The sixth book is not part of the set, but is still connected to them. The information I found points to the book being sealed in a place called the Shadow of Nox.”

“Do you know if the information is correct?” Twilight questioned.

“My source has given me the same information, as well as a copy of the book Rhede found. Both books seem to have been written after the fall of Discord as the Shadow of Nox did not exist before that point. The land was called El Doerado before it was known as the Badlands. There are massive ruins there, built by an offshoot race of Elk who died out about ten thousand years before the War with Discord. Only one of these ruins lay in the place called the Shadow of Nox, so I am sending you all there to search for the Jade Scroll,” Celestia explained.

“Not to interrupt, but who wrote the book?” Starfall piped in.

“The signature at the end is the mark of one of my former students, the sixth to hold the title of Starswirl the Bearded.” Celestia commented.

“Wait, that mare I met at the Gala?” Rhede asked.

“No, she was the fifth to hold the name and was not one of my students. She was simply a powerful unicorn of the same line. The sixth Starswirl was her grandson, and he vanished perhaps forty years after the War of the Night. I do not recall him writing this book, so it must have been after his disappearance.”

“Ken yah trust this other source of info? It could be a trap. I mean. rather convenient fer two copies of the book to turn up at the same time,” AJ pointed out.

“The library in the Crystal Empire contains tomes and books that have not seen the light of day for thousands of years. There are books there that go back to the founding of the Empire itself before the ponies left the north to found Equestria,” Rhede stated, his eyes moving to Twilight and the obvious look of glee from that information.

“Until recently, I was leery of the source of information. I was unsure if they were going to take a side or try and remain neutral. After last night’s event, there is no longer any doubt about what side they have chosen, nor is there any doubt that we are running out of time. Nocturne's group has collected the fifth book and are either going to attempt the ritual to make them gods or try and collect the sixth book. In either case, we need to get the Jade Scroll ourselves before then. Even if they do not move to collect it, we may be able to learn a way to undo or stop them from the book itself. Between Twilight and Rhede, there should be no trouble deciphering the book. Between Rainbow Dash and Starfall, there should be no trouble getting that information back here. Bleu can easily transport all of you when need be, and the rest of you have your own set of skills or abilities that complement each other. I am aware that you all just arrived here, but there is a train ready at the station right now to take you as close to the Badlands as it can. I have taken the liberty of packing everything you should need, as well as some extra items of note. If you need to do anything else, you have one hour from this point to get ready. I am sorry that I cannot give you more time, but time is something we no longer have. Now go.”


Luna glanced to the others as they left, glancing to Mare-Do-Well standing next to her, then turned to watch her sister sit down hard once the others were gone.

“Can I take this thing off now, auntie? it kinda itches,” Sunshine asked from under the mask. “And these stupid fake wings are killing my back.”

“Yes, thank you for wearing it. Some of them thought they knew who was under the mask. This should help the disguise last a little bit longer.” Luna sighed.

The masked pony looks to Celestia. “What shall I do with the foals, mother? Do you wish me to bring them back to Ponyville?”

“No; though I do not like letting their families think they are dead, that cannot be avoided at this point. See if you can convince everyone they are simply missing. You may need to speak with the Apples directly in that regard. I am sure you can come up with something that works and still protects him, Sunshine.”

“I am rather shocked at your explosion at Kaisur, Tia. Even with his usual attitude, that is not like you to make threats,” Luna observed.

“It was not a threat, Luna, nor could it be helped. The others need to go to keep him grounded. He is slowly losing control. Guard
Captain Moskau reported that, though I saw it myself before. He will still do his best to protect those around him that he sees as innocents, even if that's only from himself. It is the best I can do for now. If we had the Elements still, we might be able to use them to at least deaden the beast's power as was done with Nightmare Moon, but that is not an option currently. Also, if Wind Razor is hunting Rainbow Dash, then she will likely also seek to kill all six of them—better if they left for a while.”

“I will do what I can, mother. Though, I feel a pull toward Ponyville that is far stronger than any other feeling I have had from my power. Something big is going to happen there, and soon.”

“Are you sure, Sunshine?” Celestia questioned.

“I am as sure of it as I was sure something was happening here. When the three of them arrived, I was proven right as usual.”

“No need to be smug about it,” Luna muttered. “Now hurry up and get out of that costume. I need to get ready.”

“Are you sure you are up for going with them. Luna?” Celestia questioned. “I would prefer that you remain here.”

“Nay; they will need my assistance for this. I am the only one who has had any contact with the books aside from Kaisur, and of the two of us, I am the only one who understands how they work. It is necessary for me to go.”

“As you wish, but be careful.” Celestia sighed. “Also, if anyone asks what happened to the land...”

“They already know,” Luna stated ignoring Celestia's wince. “We are not infallible, sister; this has been proven time and time again. These eleven have lived though and seen it from both of us. There is no sense trying to hide all we have done.”

“I did not want them to know.”

“And I did not wish my mistakes to be hidden, sister, yet you hid away anything related to my misdeeds and passed it off as an old mares’ tale. No one learns anything from what they consider a harmless story,” Luna snapped. “ We do not always get as we wish.”

Luna stormed out, leaving Celestia and the masked pony alone. The masked pony chuckled, taking off her hat and fiddling with the mask.

“Dare I ask what is so funny, Sunshine?” Celestia grumbled.

“She tries to hide it, but she does still feel for him.” Sunshine gasped as the mask was pulled free, her red crystal horn glittering. “I am sure the only reason she snapped at you like that is because you snapped at Kaisur.”


Jer'rahd stood on the loading dock at Canterlot Station, looking over the supplies that were being sent with them, which included nearly a week’s worth of food and water, enough gear for a camping trip of several weeks, and what looked like mountain climbing gear. What worried him the most was the variety of weapons and armor sized for each member of the group.

Rhede trotted up behind him with Bleu resting on his back and Velkorn and Starfall not far behind them. “Heh, never thought I’d see Celestia cuss you out. Guess you finally pushed her over the edge, eh, Jer?” Rhede chuckled.

“Was a bit out of character for her, I would say, though you do have the personality to make most ponies snap, Boss,” Bleu added with a smirk.

“I did tell you to lay off the Princess, Jer'rahd.” Starfall quipped as Velkorn nods.

Jer'rahd glanced back at them, nodding to the ponies who were loading the train to continue their work before turning to them.

“Maybe I did press her too hard, though even in the middle of war, she never lost her temper. Something else is going on, considering I did not try to insult her this time. She’s got something else on her mind.”

“Princess Celestia's world is collapsing around her. She spent a thousand years forging a land that was peaceful and in not even three months, it is all ground up and destroyed before her. One can easily understand why she is upset. While this may not be your fault, it is easier to voice her ire with you as you are here, and you can take it.” The masked pony hopped down from a stack of crates, ignoring the glare of Jer'rahd and Rhede and the curious sniff Bleu sent in her direction.

“So what's your deal, then?” Starfall questioned, breaking the silence.

“Princess Luna wished me to accompany you on this trip. You lack any real magic support aside from Twilight. I am here to provide that; as the incident in the Hive showed, I am quite capable of taking care of myself and aiding you,” Mare-Do-Well stated.

“Not what I meant,” Starfall grumbled. “I mean the mask and the silly outfit.”

“Not everyone can show their face about as easily as you can. I have a life that could be… troubled, if my identity is exposed.”

“That include to us?” asked Bleu, “or are you going to take that ridiculous thing off once we get out of town?”

“That includes you and the others, yes. There is always the chance someone who is not supposed to see me does. And a secret can only be kept by a group when all but one is dead.”

“I don't trust someone who has to hide themselves from everyone,” Jer'rahd muttered, ignoring Rhede's flinch.

“That does not matter, Kaisur. Both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia have assigned me to your half of the group to aid you. You do not have a choice in the matter.” Mare -Do -Well snorted.

“So you say. I would rather have Princess Luna come with us despite the issues we have,” Jer stated, watching the masked pony's ears perk up a little. “I know I can trust her when the situation goes south. I don't know you enough for that. What are we supposed to call you, anyway? Yelling out Mare-Do-Whatever is a bit of a mouthful in a crisis situation.”

“I suppose so. For the duration of this mission then, call me Nox.”


“Somthin’ don't feel right about this, Twilight.” AJ said as the group walked towards the train station.

The six ponies really had not had much to do in the hour they were given, aside from sending a few messages out to their families that they would be gone for a while. Applejack had been particularly leery of this, though she wouldn't say why. Fluttershy sent a letter to Big Mac to keep an eye on her animals. Dash had written to someone, too, though she wouldn't say who.

“I know what you mean, though the Princess has a great deal on her mind right now. Some of that is probably mine and Luna's fault, I expect. Still, I didn't expect her to lose her composure when Jer'rahd was not even trying to antagonize her.”

“Do you know why she would send us along? I mean, it sounds really dangerous...” Fluttershy whimpered.

“No idea. To be honest, if that Mare-Do-Well pony is going, we've seen she's quite skilled in magic, so there's not even a reason I should go along if she and Rhede are there.”

“I am sure she has her reasons, darling. She is a goddess, after all,” Rarity pointed out.

“Yeah, but after reading that book of Twilight's, we know more than any other pony how fallible the gods are, even Celestia and Luna,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Fallible, yes, but there's always a reason for it.” Twilight sighed.

“Maybe we're there as a safety measure so Jerry doesn't poof up and be a big old monster,” Pinkie chipped in.

“Seriously, sugar, like we'd be able to stop somethin’ like that.” AJ sighed.

“Just a thought. Ooh, a twitch!” Pinkie Pie yelled, yanking Rarity out of the way suddenly as a cart rushed past them, rolling down the street with two stallions chasing after it.

Twilight smiled at that. “She did say that they might need our talents, so the princess might be onto something after all.”


[Sunrise, the previous day.]

It wasn't so much the griffon's presence as it was the way she kept looking down on him like he was prey. He had never been more glad to see Silver Claw than when he finally arrived after being out hunting for a meal.

The griffon looked a little disappointed, though she seemed to have no trouble talking to the dragon with him there. “We got the last book. Nocturne wants to see you as soon as possible to go over the last details,” Wind Razor stated.

“Fine, I suppose I have recovered enough. Have you spoken with Scarlet yet?”

“She's in Canterlot somewhere. I left the notice in the dead drop; she'll get it before nightfall.” The griffon glanced back to Spike, who quickly ducked his head back to look over the book he was reading.

The griffon strutted over to the dragonling, looking over him curiously. “I suppose the tail could work.”

“What?” Spike questioned.

“Your tail, for a trophy. I heard you were the new Rainbow Dash at one point; I figure that makes you sort of a substitute target for my hunt...”

“Wind Razor... do not push your luck, or my temper. The young one is my guest; you can go after your prey without bothering him,” Silver Claw snarled.

“Yer lucky punk; been a while since I had a dragon trophy...”

“Wind Razor!”

“I'm going. Don't be late, dragon; I've been stuck with Claymore for over a week and I can't stand his whining anymore.”

“About that... I expect that you likely managed to cut some sort of deal with Bloodtail as well,” Silver Claw said.

“What are you talking about?” the griffon snapped back.

“Please, give me some credit here. As if everyone has not done their best to create some sort of alliance among the others to further their own ends. It is our very nature to try and survive.” Silver Claw waved his fore claw dismissively. “I honestly have no problem with your agreement, whatever it is, so long as you do not interfere with my goals. I might even be inclined to offer to join in.”

“Even if there was an agreement, what makes you think you would be included in it?”

“Because all I wish is to free my father and to be left alone, simple goals that everyone can agree with. As for the why, well, let me give you a little warning.”

“Is that a threat?”

“If it is, it is not from me.”

“What warning then?” Wind Razor questioned, her tail whipping.

“One of the books taught Nocturne how to remove or cancel the powers of a god— a ray of some kind. As it stands, even if we go through the ceremony, she will have a way to keep us in line and under her control. I would like you to tell that to Bloodtail when you are able.”

“So why bring this up? You could have used that to your advantage.”

“None of us trust the alicorn, but only a few of us can see far enough ahead to know she will be more trouble then she is worth after what she promised is delivered,” Silver Claw grumbles. “I would prefer to speak with him here in a place I know she cannot hear us.”

“And Claymore?”

“He is a tool to be used as needed. Despite his annoyances, his usefulness currently surpasses the desire to end him.”

“I'll let Bloodtail know. Still, you best get ready to deal with Nocturne again. I don't like playing messenger between everyone, so go talk to her yourself.”

“And I do not like being a taxi, but for now, we must cope with it.”

The griffon grumbled and headed out of the cave with a last look at Spike.


[Sundown, the previous day.]

“HAH, I told you we would need the rope!” Sweetie Belle beamed,swinging from the end of the rope.

“Oh, stuff it.” Scootaloo complained, flapping her wings and trying to make herself as light as possible as she wobbled, tied off in the middle of the rope.

“Both of y’all quit flapping yer gums and help me climb!” Apple Bloom fussed, tied off at the top of the rope and mostly carrying the other two up the cliff on her own.

The squabbling trio eventually pulled themselves onto a ledge on the mountain, and after a moment of rest and to check their flanks for mountaineering cutie marks, the three looked up at the cave they had been trying to reach.

“So is this it?” Scootaloo questioned, looking up at the large cave mouth.

“I think so.” Sweetie Belle stated, looking through a telescope at the town. “I think I can see the clubhouse from here.”

Apple Bloom grabbed the telescope and looked. “Yep, there's the farm, and tha school house. “

“This view’s amazing,” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“Yeah, I know. I got to see it when Rainbow Dash took me flying that one time.” Scootaloo blinked as if just realizing something.

“Hey, enough with the view. We need to find Spike.”

“Yer right. Let's git in that cave, git Spike, and git outta here,” Apple Bloom stated.


Spike folded up the letter and stuck it inside the History of the Books of Orbsah tome and closed the cover. He had never sent a whole book before. However, this was something that needed to be seen by the Princess, so he had to try. Everything he had found out and everything he had heard was in that note. He still did not really trust Silver Claw, though if the dragon was honest about his goals, he could work with that.

He was about to breath flame on the book when he heard a group of voices at the mouth of the cave.

He blinked, quickly hiding the book under another stack of books expecting that Silver Claw had returned. The voices quickly got louder and much more like a familiar squabbling.

“No… it can't be. Not them, not here...” The dragonling stated to no one in particular before a trio of fillies trotted around the corner into the cave’s library

“SPIKE!” Apple Bloom shouted and the trio rushes over to tackle hug him.

“What the heck are you three doing here?” Spike gasped, buried under the three.

“We came here to rescue you!” Sweetie Belle chirped.

“Did you get bigger?” Scootaloo questioned, looking up at him as he managed to get out from under them.

“You have to get out of here. Silver Claw will be back soon and he can't find you here...”

“Nothing doing, Spike. We came to get you and we are not leaving without you.” Apple Bloom stubbornly stated.

“Yeah, Twilight and my sis are all sorts of worried about you,” Sweetie Belle squeaked out.

“Wha, Rarity's worried? ...No, seriously, I went with him on my own. Didn't somepony tell you that?”

“Nobody told us anything aside from you were gone. We saw your light on the mountain with our telescope and came to rescue you,” Scootaloo stated.

“No, you need to leave now... oh crap.” Spike looked up towards the cave's entrance as the leather flap of wings was heard, accompanied by a loud thud of Silver Claw's landing, and by some cursing in Zebra as well as the laugh of a griffon.

“I warned you that landing was difficult due to my injuries, Bloodtail,” Silver Claw growled.

[“I am not going to grab ahold of your filthy spine with my mouth!”] Bloodtail snapped.

“And that's why you got thrown off the dragon, HAH.” Wind Razor laughed.

Spike looked around in a panic before looking down at the less-than-worried trio before him. They clearly had no idea about what sort of situation they were in, especially Scootaloo if the griffon was hunting Rainbow Dash.

He didn't have any time to think about it for long. He quickly yanked the saddlebags from the trio, grabbed the book, and shoved it into Apple Bloom's forelegs. The three started to protest, yelping as their saddlebags were torn free.

“What was that? “Silver Claw states.

“If this doesn't work, I'm so sorry,” Spike muttered, looking at the trio.

“What'd yah do that fer, Spike? That hurt...” Apple Bloom startedto fuss, her eyes widening as Spike exhaled.

Silver Claw, Bloodtail, and Wind Razor stepped into the library just in time to see the little purple and green dragon unleash a gout of green flame that enveloped a trio of young ponies before him. The fillies barely had time to scream or react as their fur and flesh were charred away, rapidly turning to ash under the tremendous onslaught of fire from the purple dragonling's mouth.
The torrent of fire finally died out with nothing left of the trio by a smear of soot on the ground.

“What is going on here?” Silver Claw questioned, looking down at the dragonling, blinking in surprise as Spike glared back up at him, smoke drifting from his nostrils and green fire still licking about his fangs as he spoke.

“What the heck does it look like? This cave was found out by a bunch of nosy foals. If those three figured out where this place was, it won't be long before every one finds out.” Spike inhaled deeply, shuddering a little as he looked at the ash

“The orange one was Rainbow Dash's hanger on. The others must have been the rest of the trio that you were friends with,” Wind Razor observed.

“‘Friends with’ and ‘forced to foal sit because no pony else wanted to’ are two different things, bird.” Spike looked back up at Silver
Claw. “I agreed to help you rebuild the dragon empire; I did not agree to kill ponies for you.”

“Then why did you?” Silver Claw snorts.

“Because you were not here and I know how they are. If they got away, everyone would know we were up here. That would have slowed plans down considerably. I've already put a lot of work in figuring out how to restore the dragon nation. I went with you because I couldn't do that in Ponyville.”

[“The ponies will know soon if their young are missing and they could easily track them here. I doubt the fillies bothered to hide their tracks. Perhaps it is time you moved to one of your other caves,”] Bloodtail suggested.

“Too many books to move easily. Better if they found the foals’ gear somewhere else and think some wild animal got them,” Wind Razor chimed in. “Been meaning to head back to Ponyville, anyway. Get a few easy targets out of the way.”

“That town is a disaster waiting to happen to us. Far too much has gone on there.We should simply raze it and be finished with it,”
Silver Claw growled, looking down at Spike, who seemed sickened despite his anger. “I will speak with you later, young one. The first kill is always the hardest. Perhaps you should get some rest.”

“Yeah... rest...” Spike glanced again at the char marks and trotted back into the gem room, leaving the three staring after him.


[The night before the meeting]

Celestia looked up at a knock on her sitting room’s door. She glanced down at her tea, briefly wondering if she would have time to enjoy it at all.

She and Twilight had finished their scry after seeing how Chrysalis escaped Tartarus. The lavender unicorn had gone back down to train with Kaisur for a time and she was left to her own devices. The messenger from Rhede had arrived earlier in the day, and she had sent a message back with a chariot wanting him to return so she could look over the book as well.

The knock sounded again and she sighed. “Come in.”

A cloaked figure stepped in the door, her red and white muzzle just visible under the hood. Celestia smiled, recognizing her immediately.

“Well, hello again, my dear Sunshine. I honestly don't know what to do with all these visits you have been giving me lately...” Celestia's smile faded as the cloaked pony set a large box of medical supplies on the table before her.

“I regret that this is not going to be a pleasant visit, Mother.”

“You know something?”

“I have had a feeling that I should be here and that I should bring a crate of medical supplies to treat shock and burns.” Sunshine stated.

“Burns? Are you sure you need to come here to me? You know fire does not affect me.”

“Nonetheless, the feeling is strongest here.”

“Well, unless Lulu blows up the kitchen again trying to cook, I doubt there will be any fire... oh dear.”

Celestia looked up as a small flicker of green flame spiraled off her horn, growing ever larger until two skeletal foals appear rapidly, growing back flesh, sinew, muscle, and fur. The pair’s voices were suddenly returned to them and the alicorn and the zebra were treated to a pair of otherworldly shrieks as the two fillies fell to the table, destroying Celestia's tea set and dropping into unconsciousness almost immediately. Celestia blinked, looking down at the book and a letter poking out of the cover addressed to her.


“Apple Bloom!?” Sunshine stated incredulously. “How...?”

Celestia was about to respond when another flare of her horn blasted a ball of green fire into the air, forming a third filly, this one simply materializing in the air instead of un-burning like the others. An orange-coated filly with a purple mane and tail and no cutie mark landed hard on the table, but kept her hooves under her. The green flame of the travel still flickered over her body, dancing along her tiny wingtips.

She lifted her head suddenly, eyes vacant as her small wings snapped open, green fire flaring out from the tips of each tiny feather, forming large wings of jade flame, the heat coming off of the filly setting several things on fire about the room. The filly burst into flames fully, the green fire running over her form but not burning her. The same could not be said about Celestia's table, nor the foal's companions.

Sunshine moved quickly, grabbing the unconscious pair from the burning table and yanking them outside the door to tend to them.

Celestia watched as the orange filly staggered, her fire suddenly going out just before she collapsed on the burning table top, untouched by the fire still licking over the wood.

There was a brief flash of light on her flank as a cutie mark formed: a green phoenix made of fire.

“So much for my tea,” Celestia mused.

Author's Note:

Edited by Jphyper

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