• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“the schemes of the dreamers”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“the schemes of the dreamers”

The reactions of the five were not as Twilight expected and only Jer'rahd even seemed to hear her statement.
Velkorn whirls on Bleu as she continues to laugh and jabs the dragon in the belly with a hoof as her tail moves to cover the message written on her flank.

“How dare you do that, you dragon nut! you let me stand here for two years with that joke on my butt!” Velkorn snaps.

The jabs into the dragonling’s stomach and ribs just cause her to laugh harder. “Worth it,” Bleu cackles. “Totally worth it! The joke that just kept going!”

Rhede tilts his head, looking Twilight over with an appraising eye, and she suddenly wishes she had worn something to cover up.

Starfall dances around in plac,e nervously looking herself over for any parasprites that may have made another nest on her.
Jer'rahd stares at Twilight before cleaning off the remnants of his tears off his face that had been frozen along with him.

“Piss off, Sparkle. You don't have the authority to free us,” he snaps.

Twilight was taken aback a moment that the unicorn before her knew her name. At Jer'rahd's snap, the others turned to look at him, then they all focused on her even more than Rhede was. That was making her even more uneasy.

“How did you...?” Twilight begins.

“I have been awake since I was sealed this time. I saw Celestia bring you here and explain what happened. She forgot a great deal and screwed up many details,” Jer states. “I know you are little more than her student and doubt you will be even that after this. We are waiting for Luna, not some filly. Starfall, fly up to the castle and find Celestia, let her know her student’s releasing things in the garden again.”

“You were awake? So you know who's loose then?” Twilight snaps.

Starfall pauses her takeoff, looking at Twilight, then back to Jer'rahd. “Who's loose? Someone got loose? What is going on, General?” she asks.

Jer'rahd ignores her, his gaze still locked on Twilight. The purple unicorn was doing her best not to wither under that glare.

“If Celestia needed our help for something, she would have let us know by now,” he responds.

“You know as well as I do, General Kaisur, that the princess will wait ‘til the last moment to do anything. I have seen it and you have lived it many times,” Twilight states, “It is the way she is.”

“Jer. Who got loose?” Rhede questions, looking down at his friend.

“You going to tell them, general, or should I?” Twilight asks, gaining a little more confidence now that his own friends wanted to know.

“Silver Claw, Nocturne, and some zebra,” he growls, “Nothing that Celestia should not be able to handle.”

“That ‘nothing’ has killed around sixty Royal Guards, and nearly killed my brother. That ‘nothing’ nearly killed Princess Luna as well if you had not somehow done something to stop her,” Twilight snaps, “And that's just the tip of it. You want to know the others? The zebra's name is Bloodtail. The others that got free were Scarlet, Claymore, and Wind Razor. I am sure you are all familiar with those names.”

“So is this true, general?” Starfall questions with a slight growl as she looks from the gray unicorn to the purple one.

“I only knew about the three,” Jer responds.

“Well, even if it was just those three, Jer, it's still enough for us to get involved,” Rhede states, glancing to Velkorn, who had yet to move, aside from a small shiver at the mention of the name Bloodtail.

“Celestia didn't call for us, and Luna has not forgiven us,” Jer'rahd mutters.

Twilight grows a bit as she glares at the unicorn before her. “This is not what I expected. I came here because I thought you might be able to help. I didn't realize you would be too scared of your own shadow to do anything,” she rants.

“Lay off him, mare. He's been though a ton of shit that would probably make you a whimpering mess just to think about,” Rhede snaps.

“Considering I have seen nearly everything all of you have done since you joined the Guard, I doubt that,” Twilight responds,
“You want to go back to hiding in your comfortable little stone casket until there is no one left to remember you, then go ahead. The next time Nocturne comes for the princess, she might not be near enough to you for you to do anything. I am giving you the chance to go out and stop the ones that are trying to kill her. So do you still want to protect her, or did that loyalty get ripped away with the medals she tore from you?”

Twilight finishes the rant in a huff, staring at Jer'rahd. She had no idea how she was managing to do this. Yelling at the princesses was bad enough, but here she was, alone, yelling at the most dangerous pony she had ever heard of. One that in the past had been ranked to be more deadly than a full grown hydra and only slightly less dangerous than an Ursa Major, and that was before he did half of the things she knew about. She had told off both princesses and taken two very dangerous swords, and now she had freed prisoners from the Garden.

Yep, she had completely lost it. She should have done something safe like just make a list of what to do. Nooo... she had to let her own emotions sway her actions. She clearly had been hanging around Rainbow Dash too much.

The pony before her said nothing for a time. Then, his horn glows, his magic gripping the blade at his hooves and floating it in the air before him. The Waning Moon seems to hum softly, as if welcoming back its master.

“Alright, Sparkle, you have my attention,” he states, “What exactly do you propose we do?”


“Train... train get me on outta this town. Traaain wooooo train............... train train trainy train trantrin ta train....” Bleu singsongs with her head out the window as the train from Canterlot chugs down the mountain. Rhede, Velkorn, Twilight, and Jer'rahd sit on the other side of the passenger car from the ecstatic Bleu. Starfall had felt ill the moment the train had started moving and ducked outside to fly instead.

“So Ponyville was rebuilt?” Rhede asks.

“Yes; supposedly for the third time. It was built and destroyed again around three hundred years ago, then rebuilt into its current incarnation about a hundred years ago,” Twilight rattles off.

“And that is where the first attack happened?” Jer questions.

“The first one they know about, Jer. Keep in mind these guys have Scarlet with them,” grumbles Rhede. “That mare trained me. I doubt I could track her if she wanted to hide.”

“Both attacks happened within a few days of each other. The one where Silver Claw was seen will probably be easier to track them from,” Twilight states, “I don't think he was in the mood to be stealthy.”

“He spent a hundred years disguised as a high-ranking general of the Equestrian forces. He may be harder to follow then you think,” Jer points out. “So what exactly is the first plan of action, then, Sparkle?”

“First, we get you to the library, then I get the rest of my friends together and we go from there. A great deal has changed since you were last free, and we need to get you used to it as fast as we can,” Twilight responds. “We don't need to be slowed down any because we have to deal with some sort of disaster you didn't know you were making. Also, it might be a good idea to put the armor you have away in one of the saddle bags. No one but the Guard wears armor nowadays.”

“Relax, miss; we might be a bit antiquated, but we aren’t savages. I am sure we will adjust just fine,” Rhede snarks.

“Woooooooooooooooooooo wooooooooooooooooo hahahhahahah!” Bleu shouts.

“Well... most of us will, anyway,” he adds.

“While we know your name, and now from where you hail, I would still like to know the rest of your tale,” Velkorn comments.

“I agree. In particular, I would like to know how much you actually know about us, Sparkle,” Jer adds, glaring at Twilight. “You seem far more up to date on what each of us was doing than I am comfortable with. I saw when Celestia was with you in the gardens, but we don't know anything about you or what you do, let alone HOW you know so much about us. Celestia's story was rather brief and mostly incorrect.”

Twilight sighs, expecting this and not liking having to reveal this part. She doubted they would like that she had been spying on them for so long, but telling the truth would probably get a bit better reaction from them then trying to hide it.

“You already know my name is Twilight Sparkle. I am the current Bearer of Magic and was one of the six responsible for both freeing Luna from Nightmare Moon and beating Discord. I am Celestia's top student from her school for gifted unicorns, and as such, am a little more privy to certain things than the average citizen of Canterlot,” Twilight lists.

Bleu ducks her head back in as Twilight starts, her interest seemingly gained by speaking of the school.

“Not long after Discord was freed, he made an off-hoof comment to Celestia that he did not seal ponies in stone. That got me thinking, and after he was beaten, I brought a cockatrice stone cure spell I had developed after I was caught by one to the gardens. I figured if it was fake, then a spell would at least let me know, and I could stop worrying about it. I was not exactly prepared for it to work properly. The first mare I tried it on woke up screaming and distracted me so much I lost control of the spell and she turned back to stone,” Twilight continues.

“And that is the night Celestia told you about us,” Jer states.

“Yes. Later on, she offered me the chance to study you as a way to help Luna figure out what to do about you, a third party opinion of the situation by someone who was not connected to you in any way. She sent me the Waning Moon to use as a focal point for the scrying spell that would enable me to view what happened. The spell went a little deeper and started showing me everything from first day you and Rhede joined the guard,” Twilight rambles.

Rhede winces a little and Jer'rahd buries his face in his forelegs with a groan.

“All of it?” Rhede asks.

“Enough of it. Until the Darklands, when his grandfather’s sword was broken, it was just on Jer'rahd, though. After that, I could choose who to watch by the shards of the sword you all wear. Since the sword also has parts of the first blade in it, I could view that as well. Over time, I actually started picking up surface thoughts as well, which is far beyond what the spell was supposed to do. Suffice to say, everything you experienced, everything you did that was of any importance past that point, I know about, including your talk with your grandfather when you died, Jer'rahd,” Twilight states.

Jer'rahd's eyes narrow as she says that, but he does not say anything otherwise. Bleu and Velkorn both look uncomfortable at this information, and even Rhede has a serious expression on his face.

“So you didn't see what any of us did before the Darklands unless we were around Jer?” Rhede questions. “If I understand correctly, that also means that you did not see anyone else until we started wearing the blade shards?”

“Correct. At the time, it was not to do anything more than help Princess Luna decide if you should have been freed or not,” responds Twilight.

“That was not Celestia's decision to make. Did she honestly think we would be okay with some pony we didn't even know watching what we did, how we lived? There are a great many things I did that I am not proud of, but I do not deserve to be judged by someone who does not even know what life was like when we were alive,” Jer growls, “least of all some filly who decided she can do better than a pair of gods who have ruled over Equestria for centuries. I may not like Celestia, but most of the time, I can understand what she is planning. This just seems to be little more than some busy work for some pony who found out too much.”

“That busy work is why you are here now, and why a great many ponies, including my brother and my friend’s brother, are still breathing,” Twilight snaps. “Celestia could have told me to forget it, and I would have. She evidently had enough trust in me that she knew I might be able to help. Princess Luna herself asked me to continue my study when she found out I was doing it, and she even allowed my friends to get involved to give a broader collection of views. You want to complain about you being judged, yet you are doing that without hearing me out first. If you have a problem with it, go find Luna and feel free to complain to her for allowing me to continue.”

Jer'rahd winces visibly, though Rhede and Velkorn both seemed to have have calmed down a little.

“Relax, Boss. If she thought you were the monster you think you are, she wouldn't have come for our help,” Bleu points out,

“‘Sides, we got a mission now; a mission that will get us back to helping ponies and fix a few mistakes we didn't fix in the past. Might be enough to change Luna's mind as well.”

Jer'rahd still says nothing; he simply rises to his hooves and walks to the back of the train car, opening the door to stand outside on the rear platform. Twilight watches him, wondering if she might have said a bit too much.

“So, anyway, Miss Sparkle. Who all has seen our history?” Rhede questions.

“That is one of the larger problems. I wrote four books from the scry. Three of them are at my library. One of the incomplete ones, I think was stolen by Scarlet when she and Claymore attacked Fluttershy's cottage,” Twilight says.

“Shit... How incomplete was it?” Rhede asks, tensing back up along with the others.

“Let me think... When she borrowed it... The Lunar Republic had just been formed; the castle had not been built yet. Like I said before, though, somehow Bloodtail could tell Jer'rahd had an encounter with the books even before he turned into a monster in front of them,” Twilight replies.

“Well, at least they won't know about the worst of what we did,” Bleu grumbles. “Wait, Boss changed again? You didn't mention that part.”

Twilight looks to where Jer'rahd stood outside. “Yes, and it got away from him, too. Princess Luna had to turn back into Nightmare Moon to stop it,” Twilight explains.

Rhede slaps a hoof to his face as Bleu and Velkorn's eyes widen.

“She changed back? Buck, I thought you said you cured her!?” Bleu exclaims.

“We did. I thought we did, but it seems it didn't go away; it just got repressed. She changed back when Celestia showed up, but before that, she all but told Jer'rahd he would never be forgiven by her. Ripped off everything that was any sort of award or rank, as well.”

“Crap. I thought that he might have got in a fight, or knowing Jer, even ripped them off himself,” Rhede mutters. “Not sure I like the idea that Luna did it. That doesn't bode well for the rest of us. I think we can put this as another mark against us. They probably know things we did that we forgot, depending on how thoroughly that book was written.”

“I am sorry. I really did not know that anyone who could cause trouble might even look at the book,” Twilight admits.

“Equestria has been at peace for over a thousand years, and until last year, no one even knew you five existed at all.”

“Ahh, well, we have dealt with worse, I guess. We just need to work on what we can do. We never really expected it to be an easy thing; we did sort of turn on her, after all,” Rhede sighs.

“Yeah, but Boss is taking this rather hard, and we still don't know why he died all of a sudden,” Bleu adds.

“Actually, Rhede knows,” Twilight says.

Bleu and Velkorn both look at Rhede, though the earth pony seems as surprised as they are. “I what?”

“He told you what happened to him for a thousand years. That sort of trauma and terror could very well stop his heart,” Twilight explains.

“All he told me was that he was asleep and had nightmares,” Rhede responds. “Oh... OOOOOH... damn...”

“If what you say is true, why did he not have a heart attack this time, too?” Velkorn wonders.

“Considering he saw me, I guess he was awake this time. What happened to the rest of you?” Twilight asks.

“Slept the whole time,” Rhede mutters.

“I was out as well. You weren’t stuck awake again, were you, Velky?” Bleu questions.

“Only for a little while. I slept enough not to wake as hostile,” Velkorn replies.

“Alright, now that the preliminaries are out of the way, and we seem to be mostly caught up, miss, unless Jer says otherwise, this is your show,” Rhede states, “What do you want us to do now that you woke us up?”

“Honestly, I have no idea. I really didn't think the princesses would let me get this far,” Twilight says sheepishly.

The resounding smack of the zebra and earth pony’s hooves and the dragon’s claw slapping their faces at the same time echoes though the train car.


“I do not like this, Tia. Why are you letting her get away with this? They are not supposed to be awake!” Luna rants, pacing in Celestia's bedroom.

“Circumstances changed, Lulu. Neither of us expected that anyone got away from the garden, and certainly not those six. We also did not expect them to be any sort of issue for us or the guards. That has been shown to be fallacy,” Celestia calmly responds. “In regards to the five, they are quite adept at dealing with this sort of thing. As for the plan, well, need I remind you that I would have asked them directly and they would have done it simply because of that. It was your hesitation and fear that wanted a unanimous decision before you allowed it. Now that choice has been taken out of our hooves entirely; I consider that to be for the best. To be honest, though, I did not think Twilight had it in her to go against us as she did.”

“She also raided the royal treasury for the Brilliant Dawn,” Luna adds, glaring at her sister as the white alicorn chuckles.

“The blade was made for her ancestor. That she has it rather than her brother is of little concern. She has the two best sword ponies alive in Equestria right now with her. I am sure one of them can teach her how to use it properly.”

Luna paces, her ears flat and her tail and mane whipping wildly.

“What if it wakes up again, Tia? What then?”

“You will turn into Nightmare Moon and stop it once more. The same as you did two years ago.”

“But what if I lose control again?”

“That you worry and stress so much about that happening makes me consider that your losing control will be very unlikely, Lulu. You do not have the books to urge you on and no great threat to push you over the edge. The ones who escaped are troublesome and dangerous, but there are only six of them. Every nation in the world is watching for them; they have no allies as they did a thousand years ago. The order is gone, the dragons are no longer a nation, and the diamond dogs, griffons, and zebras are all in agreement with how things are. We have been at peace with all of them for a long time.”
Luna continues to pace, clearly not convinced.

“Even if the five do not manage to stop the escapees, this will be an interesting lesson for my student. The five will have quite the culture shock, and Twilight will certainly learn that even the best options will have their drawbacks.”


Twilight looks over the list she had made on the last part of the train ride as she walks through Ponyville. She was explaining as much as she could on the changed culture and history to the five following along with her as she made her way towards the library.

“Okay, that should cover the change of currency... granted, the inflation rate has only made things that were one bit in your time be two or three now. Anyway, first, I need to find Spike and find out where everyone is. Then you can hear what Fluttershy has to say, and I can take you out to where the Guards were attacked for you to look around there. I think after that, we can take a look at the maps I have in the library and try to figure out the next course of action,” Twilight lists. “Ah, speaking of which, there's my faithful assistant now. SPIKE, HEY SPIKE!”

The little dragon looks around from the shop booth he was in front of. He says something else to the gold coated, silver maned earth pony behind the counter before taking a bag and trundling towards Twilight.

“Spending your allowance on gems again?” Twilight asks.

“Hey, what can I say? This guy’s got the best selection of them I’ve ever seen. He said he didn't think there would be a market here in Ponyville, but Rarity and I are making it worth his time. I still wanna meet his supplier, though. Some of these are hard to find, and he sells them cheap, too,” Spike rambles as he looks behind Twilight.

“So where are the others?”

“Rainbow Dash was at the library, but she got bored and decided to practice to kill time. AJ and Fluttershy are still at Sweet Apple Acres as bucking season is coming up, and with Big Mac still in the hospital, she needs to get started. Fluttershy is there because she’s still too scared to go home. Pinkie is watching Sugar Cube Corner while the Cakes are on vacation again, Rarity is in her shop, and I'm out here talking to you,” Spike rattles off. “So who's this guy? And why is he staring at your tail?”

Twilight turns to glare at Rhede only to see that it was ONLY Rhede behind her.

“What!? Where are the others?” Twilight gasps.

“Hmm, let’s see, Jer left to take care of something, Starfall got annoyed with walking and took off to look the place over from the air, Bleu smelled something good and went looking for it, and Velkorn saw a hospital and ducked in to look at the marvels of the modern medical field,” Rhede responds a grin on his face.

“Why they heck didn't you wander off to chase a mare then?” Twilight grumbles.

“Miss, with a flank like yours, I would follow that plot anywhere.” Rhede says, his grin widening a bit more before Twilight smacks him with the rolled up scroll.

“Umm, Twilight, those names, is this?” questions Spike.

“Yes, this is one fifth of the Beasts of the Moon, Rhederic Pelt,” Twilight sighs.

“Just Rhede will do, young fellow,” he adds.

Spike ignores him, glaring at Twilight. “Why is he here? Did the princesses decide to let them go, or... oh no... You did it, didn't you? Aggggh, I knew you were going to do something like that, but I thought you had better sense, or somepony would talk you out of it, or a guard would stop you... The princess is gonna kill us, or worse, banish us to the moon, or even worster turn us to stone, or even worsest yet, lock us in the dungeon and force us to eat alfalfa. I can't take that, Twilight! Do you know what they do to young dragons in the dungeon!?!?!”

“Actually, no I don't. I don't think I have ever seen a book that explains that,” Twilight says.

“Great, if you don't even know what happens, how am I supposed to know what to brace myself for when I get there?” Spike rants.

Rhede chuckles as Twilight sighs.

“No one is getting sent to the dungeon, Spike. As far as I know, Luna and Celestia either don't know yet, or know and are not doing anything. In either case, it’s too late to worry about it. We need their help to catch the others who got out,” Twilight explains.

“What? There’s more of them loose than just the dragon and Claymore?” Spike panics.

“Yes. Bloodtail, Scarlet, Nocturne, and Razor Wing are free, too. I need you to take him to Rarity while I find the others. Don't lose him, Spike. When you get there, let her know who he is and what’s going on, and tell her to meet the rest of us at the library.”

“Bring him to Rarity's, explain who he is, don't lose him. Got it. Wait, why don't I just bring him back to the library?” Spike asks.

“Spike, this is Rhederic Pelt...” Twilight begins.

“Rhede,” the earth pony corrects.

“...do you really think he is going to stay put by himself, let alone with all the mares in Ponyville who walk past the library?”
“Which is why I don't want him anywhere near Rarity!” Spike explains.

“Hmm, she must be something else if she caught a dragons eye. Though, you don't need to treat me like a bad puppy,”
Rhede states, rubbing the spot on his head where Twilight had hit him with the scroll. “Unless you are into the whole spanking thing... then, maybe...”

Both Twilight and Spike stare at Rhede as he hums softly to himself, ignoring their looks.

“Spike, please, Rarity can handle herself. You know that, and I need to find the others before they cause a bigger crisis than than the one we already have,” Twilight pleads.

“Alright, but if he tries to make a move on Rarity I’ll... I’ll do something he won't like,” Spike growls.

“Thanks, Spike. Rhede, did you see which way any of the others went?”

“Well, let’s see... Starfall went up, then up again, Bleu went down one street then down another, Velkorn went left to the hospital, then right inside, Jer went left down one road then right behind a building with either a B or an A on it, hmmm B or
A... not much help, but it’s a Start,” Rhede rattles off.

“Just great. If I had thirty lives, I might be able to spread out and follow all those directions. At least Velkorn is in one place and not likely to cause much trouble. I can get her later,” Twilight growls as she dashes off.

“Ooh, hate to see you go, but oh so fun to watch you leave,” Rhede whistles.

“Give it a rest will yah? She’s with some pony,” Spike grumbles, starting to trundle towards Carousel Boutique. “Come on, already.”

“Oh, and who might the lucky stallion be to have such a fine-flanked filly as a mare friend?” Rhede questions, nearly prancing along behind the small dragon.

“It's not a stallion,” Spike grumbles.

“Oh? Even better then! Who’s is the very lucky mare?”

“Princess Celestia,” Spike says.

Rhede stops dead, looking back at the purple unicorn as she runs off.

“You're kidding.”

“Nope. She and Princess Celestia have become a thing.”

“Oh for bucks sake, I barely got the princess to go to the gala with me. I worked for her for years as a double agent, and she played more with Jer than I got from her, now this!” Rhede rants.

Spike grins slightly at the rant. “Oh, she had a thing with Baelit at one point, too, according to Twilight.”

“What? My own student surpasses me!? gaaaaahhhh!”


Starfall had circled the city a few times and not seen anything of any real note. The place was big, though. It was easily four or five times the size of the Ponyville she remembered. Every time she looked the place over, she spotted something new she was sure had not been there before: a dam, a moat of some kind, a drop-off at the edge of town into a pig field, a tight-knit, almost mazelike series of buildings... It was suitably impressive, and she was glad of the distraction. She knew if she stopped for any length of time, she would start to sulk over Cloud Dancer. When they saw Celestia again, she knew she would have to ask about her daughter.

Movement in the clouds caught her attention. As she moves in closer, she spies a cyan pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane and tail tearing through what looks like some sort of cloud obstacle course. She drops down to the hill top below to watch.

Some of what she was doing was modified aerial combat vectors and maneuvers. Quite a few of them seemed to be variations of flight training Starfall had done in the past. Some of them were even more advanced techniques of escape and combat that she had taught the Shadowbolts.

This mare was not too bad. There were a few mistakes here and there, but they were minor and easily missed unless somepony was looking for them. Starfall could not help to watch for mistakes, however. Still, for a civi, she was already better than most of the rookies she was forced to deal with in the past.

After a few more tricks, the mare spots her and glides in for a landing that was more style than anything else. Granted, watching her smash through a rain cloud and land just to fan her wings and make a rainbow briefly appear between them was an impressive little bit of show, though it spoke to Starfall as more ego than anything else.

“Well, looks like I got a new fan. I expected Scootaloo, though it’s good to see some older ponies taking an interest in my skills,” the pegasus brags.

Starfall's ears flatten; this filly did not just call her old. Oooh, that was it...

“You need work. You tuck your wings too tight on the dive and lose maneuverability and waste too much energy recovering.

On the sharper turns, you extend too much and risk injuring your flight feathers from drag. Your landing was all style for a pointless show, and your descent was too slow for the type of pull-up at the end you tried to do,” Starfall lists. “Very pretty, and also pretty sloppy. Perfect for a show pony, however.”

The filly was clearly annoyed by this list of faults that Starfall was pointing out to her, and judging by her ruffled feathers, the comments had sunk in.

“Well, excuse me for not being perfect in practice,” she snaps.

“You should always fly to the best of your ability so you can push yourself harder each time you do something,” Starfall replied.

“Right, like I need that sort of advice from some old mare who just trots up out of nowhere,” the other pony scoffs, getting more annoyed.

Starfall bristles. Though Rainbow Dash was doing much the same, the two were nearly nose to nose glaring at each other.

“Well, excuse me for trying to give you advice, you stupid filly. It's usually a smart idea to take help when it’s offered from someone better when you obviously need it. Those were rookie mistakes you were making up there,” Starfall growls.

“Oooh, that’s it! Listen, grandma, I don’t know how much cider you've had today, but I don't see any other pegasus here that is even close to being as good as me, let alone better,” Dash bristles, “I can have you lapped three times before you even get your flank into the air.”

“You have no idea what you are talking about, filly. You need to stop offering bits your flank can't pay for,” Starfall growls.

“You, me, in the air. Now. I'm gonna show you exactly what I can do. Just try not to fall too far behind. You wouldn't want to miss my awesomeness, grandma,” Dash snorts.

“The only thing I am gonna miss is the look on your face when all you see is my tail, filly,” Starfall snaps.

The two snarl at each other again before they both launch into the air.


Velkorn trots slowly along the inside of the hospital, her hooves lightly clicking on the tile floor. She pokes her nose into every room, looking over the strange equipment and practices curiously.

The place was so big and clean. It was not the sterile environment that she was used to seeing in large medical facilities, either. There were plants and paintings and what she could only guess were some sort of strange beeping sculptures in every room. She was not sure where the beeping was coming from, but it had a somewhat soothing tone, almost like a heartbeat, though much higher pitched.

She pauses behind a few ponies in white coats who were looking at some black sheets of paper on a wall. She tilts her head, trying to figure out what was going on, leaping back suddenly as a light came on in the white box the paper was pinned to.

She stares a moment, recognizing a pony’s rib cage and much of the center torso's skeletal structure. On one sheet, the other was the same image from a different angle.

She trots further in, heading up a flight of stairs to look around more, somehow not being noticed by the busy doctors at all as she explores the facility. There were a number of injuries here she recognized, though there were also a number of clearly sick ponies she was unsure of the symptoms for.

She trots into one room with a stallion lying in bed, one at least as large as Rhede, the same fur color as well, if much more muscled. A large draft horse yoke sat on the small dresser across the room seeming to weigh more than the dresser itself.

The stallion appeared to be sleeping, though his state was not something she was concerned with. It was the cloud like pattern of scars that were marring his exposed side. Something she recognized immediately as the lingering effect of cloud serpent venom. The scar would fade with time, but for several weeks, it was very vivid.

She steps in further, looking around for the small data sheets she had seen before. She picks the one for this pony up, looking it over and not understanding a word of the short hoof that was scrawled on it. He was alive, and the symptoms were fading, so that meant he had been treated properly, at least. Still, to think that such a rare poison would be used in this day and age.

[“And who might you be to be so interested in my patient?”]

Velkorn looks up from the sheet to see a zebra mare at the door sporting a mohawk and a series of gold rings about her neck and forehoof. The rings chime lightly as she shifts in place in the door frame, returning the look that Velkorn was giving her.

The zebra did not seem to be threatening, though Velkorn could tell from how she stood that she was ready to move if Velkorn tried something.

[“My name is Velkorn. I am simply visiting the hospital and found this one with signs of cloud serpent poison. That is a difficult poison to cure, as it has very many hard-to-find reagents. Is it common enough around this town that you have the materials easily available to cure it?”] Velkorn questions.

The other zebra raises an eyebrow.

[“No, this is the first case that has been seen of it in my memory here. If not for a friend of this pony finding me and knowing the signs of this poison, this one would be dead. Though I must ask this, there are only one or two zebras around Canterlot that I know of, and there is only one zebra I can recall that was ever given the name of Velkorn. Supposedly none were named the same after her passing, due to respect. It seems Twilight may have done something rather foalish after all. Am I correct in assuming I am speaking to Queen Velkorn the First?”]

[“I do not answer to Queen anymore, and I never understood why the title of 'the First' was added to it. If what you say is true, and there were none who shared my name, that would be a little silly. Velkorn will do. Though how do I address you?”]

The other zebra smiles, seeming to relax as she trots into the room.

[“The pony on the bed is Big Mac. Do not let his seeming slowness fool you. When he wakes, he is much smarter than he lets on, and also speaks fluent zebra. As for me, my name is Zecora, formerly of the zebra lands and currently of Ponyville. And you, if my father did not lie, Velkorn, are my many times great aunt, or whatever the term is for the descendent of your nephew would be,”] Zecora states.


The dust kicked up by his hooves blew away in the stiff breeze in which he walked. The mountain was unchanged in a thousand years, Canterlot perched on its side. The town was in the exact same place as it had been a thousand years ago.

He had followed along and listened to Sparkle's plans until he had come to the vacant lot.

It looked like something large was being built there and had collapsed. The place was then abandoned rather than completed. Something about it bugged him and he slipped away from the group to have a look.

The lot was filled with debris blown in from the wind and a number of metal beams were imbedded into the ground where they had fallen from the higher parts of the structure.

The design was impressive. He had watched Winnysor Castle being built, and there was nothing in that even remotely like how this was being built. He walked up a ramp to the second story to have a higher vantage point over the structure and froze as he looked out though a tear in a tarp, a wave of nostalgia coming over him.

The mountains in the distance, Canterlot where the sun was positioned, and the location of the river... He knew this place. He knew this spot.

He whipped his head, grumbling at the impossibility of that. It had been a thousand years, and he had seen nothing like this place in his time.

But he knew the feeling. He knew where he was. This lot was where he had grown up with his grandfather. His room had been right here facing the mountains. The view through the tear in the tarp was the same he had looked out upon for the first fifteen years of his life.

He knew what he had to do and he knew he could walk the route blindfolded.

That had been about half an hour ago. He was now outside of the town, following along a path that in his mind was the same as it was a thousand years ago. He pauses briefly at a split rail fence before hopping over it and walking into a grove of trees. In the middle of the grove, he pauses, not able to see any of the landmarks he was familiar with, and sighs, rubbing his forehead with a hoof.

“This was a stupid idea,” Jer mutters.

“Yah ken say that again. Ah gather yah missed the large no trespassing sign on that fence yah hopped over gitting in here.”

His ears perk as he glances to the voice’s source. An orange-coated mare with straw blond hair and a hat of some kind on her head stood between a pair of apple trees, a pitchfork cradled in her forehooves as she glares at the unicorn before her.
Just behind her was a much older green earth pony mare with a white mane and tail, wearing some kind of military style helmet and wielding a frying pan in her mouth. Cowering behind those two was what he assumed was a pale yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail that had somehow tried to make a suit of armor out of pillows and rope.

“Sorry about that. It has been a while since I was here last, and I was trying to follow the route by memory alone,” Jer sighs.

“So much for that.”

“Z'at him Fluttershy?” AJ questions, glancing back to the cowering mare.

“Um, no, but I think he has a weapon in that wrapping on his back...” Fluttershy whispers. “Please be careful, Applejack.”

“Pfft, ain't no pony gonna beat me on mah own land,” AJ grumbles.

“No offense, but I hope you have some other ponies circling around me or nearby, because I think only one of you seems to be ready for anything,” Jer observes, tilting his head a bit. “And with how you are holding that pitchfork, it is not very effective against someone of the same height as you unless you plan to take out their legs.”

“Ah Ain't gotta listen tah no trespasser. Yer on Apple Family property, and yah ain't welcome here. Now git,” AJ shouts.
Jer'rahd blinks, looking over the trio curiously.

“Apple family? The Pelts... that's what I forgot,” Jer'rahd mutters to himself, starting to trot off again, ignoring the trio.

“Hey, what? No, git back here and go out the way yah came in, consarn it… Are you even listening to me!? HEY!” AJ shouts, starting to chase after him.

Fluttershy squeaks and darts after Applejack as Granny Smith plods along trying to keep up.

Jer'rahd steps out of the grove and stops with a curse, having lost track again. He whirls suddenly, causing Applejack to hop back and crash into Granny Smith, while Fluttershy screams and shoots up into a tree.

“Why are you all following me so close?” Jer asks. “Never mind. How long have the Apple's lived here?”

“What the heck is wrong with you? Don't you understand? Git!?” AJ shouts, accidentally dropping the pitchfork.

“‘Bout a hundred years or so, give er take,” Granny rambles. “Had tah beat back tha forest ourselves.”

Jer'rahd barely pays attention to Applejack aside from picking the pitchfork back up with his magic and pushing the handle into her mouth to shut her up a moment as his attention turns to the elderly mare.

“Was there an old foundation to a building or a stone wall when you arrived?” Jer asks.

Applejack spits out the pitch fork about to say something, before realizing she just got rid of her weapon and scrambles to scoop it up again.

“Well, there was an old piled stone wall that was mostly worn down due tah tha weather at the edge of the farm. Been using it as a marker for tha edge of tha land. Apples own a bit further intah tha forest than just tah the wall, though,” Granny states.
“Wall’s a bit northa here towards tha mountains.”

“Ah, thank you,” Jer says, trotting off in the direction the elder Apple told him.

“Granny, what did yah tell him that fer?” AJ snaps.

“He seemed an alright young fella, just a bit addled is all,” Granny responds, to Applejack’s frustration.

“Granny, go call tha guards. Ah'm going after him,” AJ says, tossing the pitchfork aside. “Shoulda done this from tha git go.”

Applejack grabs the rope that’s holding Fluttershy's armor together, yanking hard, and sending the pegasus into a spin as the farm pony makes a lasso, before galloping after the gray unicorn. Fluttershy recovers with a meep and chases after them as well.


Bleu simply stares in awe at what was before her. She had seen cakes and pastries at banquets and the Gala, but compared to what was staring her in the face from the other side of this glass. She might as well have been looking at rocks. Plain rocks, too, not tasty gem rocks.

The whole place smelled like the inside of a cake she had once worn, only sweeter. There were things here she could not even begin to describe. Okay, that was not true; she could easily begin to describe them, but that description was boring and always started with 'some type of colorful biscuit', so not the best description in the world even if she did begin.

There had been a few other ponies in this shop, as well as a cow, though once the little dragon had come in and started zipping around the store, most of them had made their purchases and got out as fast as they could.

The only one left with her in the shop was a bouncing pink pony who was not really paying the dragonling any mind as she went about cleaning and setting new things out on display.

After a time of Bleu drooling on the glass, the pink pony poked her head over the top of the display.

“Can I help you? I mean, I am sure I can somehow or another, considering you came in here for something, and since I'm working it’s my job to help out the ponies that come into the store, but I mean it as more of an immediate thing rather than a general ‘this is my job to help you’ sort of thing,” she rambles.

Bleu blinks at the rapid fire description, actually catching most of it. “Yes, I know this is a cake and that's a pie, but what are these things?” Bleu asks.

“What!? Those are chocolate chip cookies and the ones here are fudge brownies. These ones over here are strawberry cupcakes and fudge with walnuts,” the pink pony explains with a giggle. “You've never seen a cupcake before? That's really weird, but I guess dragons don't really have any bakers. Here, try one. We only really sell these to Spike due to the crystals, and this one might be getting a little stale, but it works for a free sample and I hate to waste it.”

Pinkie Pie offers a little tray to the blue dragonling. On it was a large cupcake with blue frosting and a multitude of gem chips and bits sticking in the frosting. Bleu's eyes widen as she reaches up to take it looking up at the pink pony curiously.

“What's in this?” questions Bleu.

Pinkie grins, darting around the counter and grabbing the little dragon, rushing off to the side and setting her in a chair with the cupcake. Somehow or another, a large curtain and a spot light appear before the confused dragon.

A slow guitar and what sounded like a squeeze box begin playing from somewhere, and the curtain parts, showing what Bleu thought sorta looks like a kitchen, but much smaller and with no ovens; just some metal boxes with little odd windows in them.
The pink pony pirouettes in, her poofy mane now somehow short and black with a small red bow in it. She has a blue blouse on with a high collar and a long yellow skirt as she spun around in the room in time to the music.

Bleu blinks, rather confused, though she was not about to pass up free future food and a stage show.

“The way to bake a sapphire cupcake,
that would make a princess proud.
Is to use all the right ingredients.
And none that are not allowed.”

The pink pony set a bunch of items up on the counter top, including a bag of what Bleu assumed to be flour wearing some sort of cone-shaped, brightly colored hat.

“It's fun to bake a delicious cupcake.
But make sure you prepare.
Here's a list of things you'll need
to make one you'll be proud to share!”

The music suddenly picks up in tempo as the pink pony dances about throwing the ingredients into a bowl as she lists them off. Bleu could not help get a little caught up in the beat and tempo, a grin slowly crossing her face.

“There's cake flour, baking powder,
sugar, shortening, salt.
We got baking soda,
and some blue gems for yah!
Whoops I dropped the salt...”

The pink pony scrambles for the shaker while somehow still keeping in tune.

“Buttermilk should not be split,
the eggs should all be cracked.

Bleu watches the pony bobbing along with the song, her tail swinging to the simple tune as she holds the cupcake.

“Pure vanilla, water too
any mixing bowl will do.
A great big massive cup cake pan,
Blueberry frosting to top the cake
and that's the baking plan!”

Pinkie shouts, tossing the filled pan into one of the steel boxes and adjusts the dial before bowing.

Bleu holds the cupcake with her tail clapping loudly at the show.

“Wow, that was great! Okay, that does sound good. I have to try this now,” Bleu applauds, tossing the cupcake into the air and opening her mouth to catch it.


On a small beach on the east coast of Equestria, two earth ponies lay back on the beach while a pegasus and unicorn foal played in the sand between them.

The slightly pudgy blue mare sits up suddenly, pulling a strand of her pink hair from her eyes.

“Dear, did we pay the extra amount on our insurance to cover dragons?” Cup Cake asks.

The yellow stallion, with a bit of an underbite, sits up, pulling his straw hat from his eyes, considering as he takes a sip from a straw stuck into a coconut.

“We renewed it right on schedule, Honey bun. After all, it was that extra coverage that helped us after the dragon wrecked our shop last time. Don't worry, I am sure Pinkie Pie can handle anything that comes her way,” Carrot Cake states as he lies back down. The lanky pony sits up and lifts his hat off his eyes again, looking to his wife curiously. “Umm, why do you ask?”

“Nothing. I just got a bit of a shiver for some reason.”


The blue cupcake spins in the air and is snapped up by the little blue dragonling. After only a few chews on the cake, she suddenly freezes, her eyes going as wide as dinner plates.

Pinkie blinks, looking at the dragon’s reaction curiously.

“Oh no, don't tell me it was too stale. It’s only been in there since the start of the week. It shouldn't have gone bad that quickly. I make them for Spike and he usually buys the one I make, but since he was in Canterlot all week...” Pinkie rambles, trailing off and staring at the dragon.

Bleu's eyes seemed to spark with little fireworks going off in them. A rapid thumping was heard, as if there was some sort of earth quake rattling the pots and pans in the kitchen. Pinkie Pie watches the little dragon actually start to vibrate before her, causing the chair to dance about.

Suffice to say, exposing a young dragon to modern confectionery when all they were used to was the tiny amount of sugar that was put into the rare pastries of the past was not Pinkie Pie's best idea.

Particularly when Pinkie loaded this pastry with extra sugar and frosting, as it was supposed to be for a friend.

Stale or not.


[“What do you mean you are my grand niece?”] Velkorn questions, looking at the other zebra as she moves over to check on Big Mac, who had slept though the whole conversation.

[“Well, as I have heard, I am descended from the first king of the zebra lands. That would be King Baelit. Going by the story young Twilight Sparkle has been witness to, he was your nephew. Since I am descended from him that makes us related, I suppose. From my understanding, he had some family pop up in Manehatten as well,”] Zecora explains.

Velkorn closes her eyes, her ears flattening to her head. She should not have expected him to remain chaste at any rate, particularly if he followed Rhede's example. It was not that she was upset that he fathered children, it was more that he had fathered them so long ago and that he was now dead.

She sighs, moving to take a seat on the bench across from the bed.

[“I am sorry if I said something that bothers you,”] Zecora blurts out. [“I did not mean any offense by it.”]

[“No, no... It is not you...”] Velkorn placates. [“It is just the realization of how long it has been has fully started to sink in. Everyone I know aside from the others who were sealed with me has passed on and likely been reborn again. Even the zebra lands are possibly far changed from what I remember.”]

Zecora smiles softly, taking a seat by the door.

[“The zebra lands have not changed very much, I would think, since the days you remember. There is more diversity, and most of the old ways as you would remember them are gone. The capital is still the same, with a queen at current, though her name eludes me, as I have not been in the lands since before her coronation. She is not of your line, however,”] Zecora explains.

[“I gather the untouchables are still the lowest caste?”]

[“There are no untouchables, as there are no zebra gods. The last that appeared was destroyed by the ancestor of the mare currently on the throne. At least, that is what the legends say. Granted, aside from old tales, there is no proof of it. Even if we do not rule from the throne in Asclepius, your family has ties to a small noble house in Canterlot. It is not as if we live in any sort of exile. Well, I do, but that was my own choice to live apart. It makes it easier to do my work living in the Everfree,”] Zecora chuckles.

[“Do you know what happened to Baelit after I left?”]

[“Not directly, no. My father claimed he met a mare as beautiful as the sun, wed her, and then ruled the zebra lands the rest of his days. His child, however, was soon exiled for breaking some taboo or another, though she was accepted in Canterlot by the princess. Many generations later, here I am. Though before my father passed, he gave me something very special. I think you may appreciate it. Granted, I never expected us to ever meet; it is a strange boon to be found in a wound such as Big Mac has suffered. I brought one relevant volume with me. This has been passed down in my family since King Baelit's time. A strong magic protects them from harm, but even so, it is a treasure.”]

Zecora leans to the side, opening her saddle bag and pulling out what looks like a book wrapped in white silk cloth. She sets it on the end table, opening the cloth to show a plain, leather-bound book with a number fourteen on it in silver stitching.
Velkorn's eyes widen as she approaches, slowly pushing open the cover with a hoof as Zecora steps back.

Just inside the cover on the first page was a hoof written number fourteen, as well as the simple title of 'The Collected Knowledge of Medicine. Volume fourteen.' written in zebra.

Velkorn flips a few pages in, looking at the written work within, her eyes watering a little at the diagrams and potion recipes for various ailments and poisons that filled the pages.

[“This is a guide book, one of the books I left for Baelit that I wrote over my time traveling. How... do you know where the others are?”]

[“Of the rumored twenty six volumes, I have twenty. Two I know of were destroyed, volumes twenty one and twenty two. Three reside in the Canterlot royal library, as their spells have degraded and their age is slowly catching up to them. The last is sealed in Princess Celestia's personal collection and is rumored to be about how to cure alicorns.”]

Velkorn smiles, slowly turning the pages, looking over her hoof writing and the multitude of rough sketches she had filled the pages with. Many of them are images of wounds and injuries as they were placed on a sketch of Jer'rahd. In the middle of the book was an image of him with a shallow gash in his side. A scar was forming from the wound that looked like thunder clouds, the effects of cloud serpent venom and its cure.

[“Turn to the back cover.”]

Velkorn turns to the back cover, looking at a script that was decidedly messier than the writing in the rest of the book. It simply stated, 'the works within were collected and preformed initially by Queen Velkorn, the First Rightful Queen of the Zebra lands.'

[“The first volume has a note in the cover as well, instead of just saying who wrote these books. It is a message from Baelit to his daughter. I assume it was from when he first gave her the books. It reads 'To my darling daughter, I hope these books will aid you well in your life and that you will be able to follow the author’s example and seek to aid all who have need of it, no matter their race or beliefs. Love, your father, Baelit, Head of the Queens Cross, First King of the Zebra Lands."]

A soft sigh escapes Velkorn's lips as she closes the book.

[“Much of the medical knowledge of today has come from your writing. Technology and magic has evolved, but the base treatments you have in these books are still being preformed, as none better have been found.”]


Zecora blinks.


[“Volumes twenty one and twenty two. They were about Dragons. If I am able, I will be happy to copy them for you, as well as the damaged books. I also have this.”]

Velkorn turns, reaching into her own saddle bag and retrieving a notebook from it. Zecora's ears perk, looking at it curiously.

[“This was the start of the twenty seventh volume. It continues with a few more things about alicorn treatments. It also adds in some hangover cures, as well as treatments of alcohol poisoning, treatments to remove the effects of various mind controlling drugs and spells, as well as a few pages on various potential cures to those cursed by the books... I never managed to test any of the latter treatments. They are simply theories.”]

Zecora's eyes widen at the idea of recovering some of the hidden volumes. She could have used the books on dragons when Spike went through a growth spurt, though having them now...

[“I will require something from you, however; Zecora, was it? Particularly if you are indeed of my nephew’s linage.”]

Zecora blinks, curiously looking at the older mare.

[“And what is that?”]

Velkorn smiles tucking the note book back away.

[“You must call me auntie.”]


Pinkie Pie did not think she had ever been this scared in her life, and it was absolutely the most fun she had ever had.

The little dragon had started to bounce around so much, Pinkie had to eat three cupcakes and drink a whole pitcher of sugary lemonade just to keep up with her. They must have sung twelve different songs, gone through and entire plate of cookies, and baked more pies and cakes than the bakery could possibly hold on its shelves.

And that was just the first hour.

Pinkie had found out that this was Bleu Scale, the former bearer of the Element of Laughter, and Bleu had found out Pinkie was the current Bearer of Laughter. This led to a joke battle, then a song battle, and then a prank war.

In less than two hours, there was not a single soul that had stepped outside in Ponyville that had not been painted, pied, or otherwise ranked from the pair. Twilight had been hit several times trying to get them to calm down, and they had taken to the air to get away from the angry unicorn.

They had stopped to go swimming, tested out Pinkie’s one pony marching band, ate a few more cookies, and repainted half the rooms of Sugar Cube Corner. Bleu had opted for a plaid coloration, while pinkie went with the classic paisley.

Pinkie was currently clinging to a spine on the blue dragon’s back as she cartwheeled and spun through the air like a drunken European swallow that was carrying a coconut.

Bleu suddenly pulls up short and lands, changing back to her smaller form as she stares at something.

“Huh? What is it, Bleu?” Pinkie questions, moving beside her.

“What are those?” Bleu asks pointing at you.

“What are what?”

“Those things on the other side of that glowy square. There's a bunch of them, too. That one looks like he’s wondering what’s going on.”

“Oh them? Their just the readers. HI READERS!!!” Pinkie waves at you.


“Yeah, readers! See?”

Pinkie points a hoof up at the wall of text above her that was scrolling up even as she points.

“Yeah we’re in some kinda Brony story. I think they call it fan fiction.”

“Ummm, I have no idea what you just said.”

“Don't worry about it. See? Just wave to them.”

Bleu and Pinkie both wave at you.

“Ooh look, that one waved back. Thanks! Hey, how big is this thing now, anyway?” Pinkie wonders, looking at the word count on this chapter. “Ooooh, TDR got it OVER NINE THOUSAND words... this time. “

“Ooooh, sounds big. Wait, wait, who’s TDR?” Bleu questions, hopping from one clawed foot to the other, still unable to stand still.

“Wow, you have a lot to learn, young pupil, but don't worry. You only see the bronies if you have too much sugar... oh, ewww. Hey, put some pants on over there! Yes, you with the little scrolly box with the little Big Mac cutie mark on it. No pony wants to see that. I don't care if you are going to the bathroom.”

“Ooookay, yeah, that was a bit much. So what are we supposed to do now that we can see them?”

“Nothing. Keep doing what we were doing. They don't do anything much, anyway. Although, we should have a line break coming soon that should take us to what Jer'rahd is doing.”

“Oh, you mean this thing?”


Applejack and Fluttershy continue on after the pony, losing him once they reached the tree line at the back of the farm.
“Well, guess we lost him. We should go back. Nothing more to do here,” Fluttershy mutters.

“Ain't going nowhere. That pony's still around here somewhere. Come on; that wall Granny was talking ‘bout is over here,” AJ growls, galloping further into the trees with the pegasus following cautiously.

To Fluttershy, the 'wall' looked little more than a few flat stones that had managed to be piled atop one another. Getting closer, however, she could see that there was a long line of stones piled much the same way in places, though most of it seemed to have eroded or fallen over.

A loud crash disrupts the pegasus's investigation as Applejack gallops off again, forcing her to fly along after in a rush, only
to bump into the farm pony as she suddenly stops.

“Oh sweet Celestia, what is he doing? How is he doing that? ….” AJ mutters.

Fluttershy peeks out from behind her friend as a small tree gripped in green glowing magic is ripped from the ground and flung through the air to crash on the other side of the wall.

The stallion stands in the middle of what was now a clearing, facing a massive tree. Sweat already ran down his face as he uproots another smaller tree entirely and throws it into the pile that already contained a half dozen, the broken ground forming a large circle of fresh earth around him.

Taking one of the trees, he turns it over, using the branches like a broom to sweep the area around the big tree clear and fill in some of the uprooted holes before tossing his makeshift broom back onto the pile of uprooted trees.

He exhales deeply, getting his panting under control as he moves closer to the large tree and starts striking at it with his forehooves, chipping away wood and bark from the large pecan tree. Fluttershy was tempted to yell at him for disturbing the animals who lived in the trees, but she wanted nothing to do with this crazy stallion.

Jer'rahd finally stops, looking at something on the tree with a sigh. His gaze shifts around the clearing before he starts pulling rocks from the fallen wall behind the tree. He moves around the clearing, placing perhaps fifty or so piles of stone in neat little rows before moving back to look at the tree. He places the last two piles on either side of the scoured trunk before cleaning off the splintered wood from something.

“What is he even doing now?” AJ whispers, her earlier mission to get him off the property on pause.

Fluttershy watches for a moment before her eyes go wide. When she first left the house after the attack, she was greeted to a similar sight, if on a smaller scale behind her house thanks to Angel Bunny. It was rare that animals would honor their dead like that, but the rabbit had been insistent that it happen for the ones that fought to protect her.

“It's a graveyard. He's making a graveyard... No, wait, he's restoring one,” Fluttershy whispers back as she slowly moves around from behind AJ, watching the gray unicorn as he kneels down in the dirt before the tree, adjusting his saddlebag and the wrapped item that was strapped to one.

She slowly trots closer, with Applejack behind her, this time to see what he was staring at. Imbedded in the large tree’s roots around where he had cleared it away were two weatherworn stones. There were markings on them, but the stone itself was so worn, neither of them could make out what they said.

Age and nature had turned all the other markers to dust; only the pair that the tree had grown around were protected by the elements enough to remain even partially intact.

The mares move a bit closer, but remain at the edge of the clearing, barely hearing his voice as he starts speaking.

“Hello, Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa... it's been even longer since I’ve come back to see you this time...” he whispers.
“I suppose you may have been wondering what I was up to after the last time I came by...”


Rarity looks over the stallion that was following Spike with an appraising eye. He was the handsome sort, quite attractive in a roguish way. She was, however, curious as to why Spike was leading him here. Of course, the poor dragonling did not seem happy about it. That in itself made this interesting.

“Hey, Applebloom, Scootaloo look! I think it’s him that pony fromt he field trip!” Sweetiebelle shouts from the other shop window.

The rest of the CMC rush over to the window, plastering their faces to the glass and ensuring that Rarity would need to wash the show display windows again.

“Hey, yer right, Sweetie Belle. That's one of ‘em. Where dah yah think the others went?” Apple Bloom questions.

“I dunno, but I wanna meet that pegasus again. She was almost as cool as Rainbow Dash,” Scootlaoo shouts. “What’s he doing with Spike?”

Rarity looks at them curiously. After the Discord incident, the trio had been talking about how a dragon and some ponies rescued them on their field trip to the Canterlot Royal Gardens. No pony paid it much mind, as Discord had done a number of odd things, and the fillies’ story was lost in the tide of strangeness. After a few weeks, even they stopped talking about it as they started working on getting their cutie marks again.

A knock sends the trio charging towards the door ahead of Rarity and throwing it open, nearly trampling Spike as they started yelling questions at the earth pony.

“Hey thanks for before.”
“What was your name again?”
“How did you get so tall?”
“Where are the others?”
“How did you get your cutie mark?”
Why arn't yah speaking funny anymore?”

Rarity catches Spike by the tail, pulling him away from the mini stampede before he’s trampled. She rights him and dusts him off briefly as he composes himself.

“Spikey, what is going on, and who is this stallion?” she questions, leaving the aforementioned stallion at the mercy of the

“Ugh, this guy’s Rhede Pelt. Twilight said I should bring him over here for you to keep out of trouble.”

“Rhede Pelt... Rhede Pelt... wait, THE Rhede Pelt? The Rhede Pelt from Twilight's book? Princess Luna's friend Rhede Pelt?”

“Yep. That's the one.”

“How is he... did Luna forgive him and let him out, or did Twilight... what did Twilight DO? This cannot be good.”

“I don't think it’s either, but Luna didn't do it, Twilight did. She said she found out who the others where that escaped: Bloodtail, Scarlet, Razor Wing and Nocturne, on top of Silver Claw and Claymore. She let t them all out to help with them, and then lost all of them but him. She told me to bring him here for you to watch him and she was going to find the others.”

“She freed them ALL?”

“Yes, she said she'll explain why later, but she wants everyone together first.”

He continues on a bit, but Rarity was not listening. She had a small number of things running through her mind to do at the moment. Of course, with the girls bouncing around him, she wouldn't get a chance to do so.

“Spiky, I would like you to do me a favor.”

“Huh? Oh sure, Rarity, whatever you want.”

“Thank you, Spike. I’ll give you a few bits to take the girls down to the ice cream shop and watch them for the rest of the afternoon. I have no doubt Twilight will bring the others back, and I would like to speak with him without having to yell over Sweetie Belle and the others.”

“Oh no, I am not leaving you alone with him. Keep in mind I know how he works; I read the books too. I won't let him touch you.”

“I assure you, Spike, he shall not be laying a hoof on me. Please, Spiky, I'll throw in a few extra bits so you can get a triple scoop.”

He hesitates a moment as if considering the offer, though he glances back to Rhede and the others.

“Fine... but with extra sprinkles, too.”

“Of course. The sooner you get them and go, the faster you can get the ice cream.”

Spike nods and in an impressive display of wrangling, manages to get the lot of them to leave Rhede alone. With a few urgings and hints on new ways to get cutie marks, as well as the promise of ice cream, they all rush out the door, leaving Rhede with Rarity.

Rarity sighs as the girls and Spike run off for the ice cream, her gaze turning to the tall earth pony who was doing his best, it seemed, to not directly stare at her.

“I am terribly sorry about that. It seems they may have confused you for a guard that helped them on a field trip to the Canterlot Gardens,” Rarity states.

“I'm afraid while I am unsure what a field trip is, those where the three some friends of mine and I rescued from a pack of trolls when Discord got loose,” Rhede responds, a small smile on his face adding to his suave tones. “Might I ask the name of this lovely young mare before me, or should I simply create something that would pale before what her true name is?”
If Rarity did not know any better she would swear he was related to Hoity Toity... Granted, if this was Rhede Pelt, he may very well be.

“My name is Rarity, Mr. Rhederic Pelt,” she states.

“I was right. What I thought of in no way matched your actual name,” Rhede croons. “And please call me Rhede.”
Rarity shakes her head with a sigh. “No, Mr. Pelt, I do not think I shall,” Rarity states, doing her best to shut down the charm he was practically oozing. “And what might I ask has brought the former Element of Honesty here?”

“Generosity actually, Ms. Rarity. Honesty was carried by Starfall. It would not have been a good fit with my preferred methods,” Rhede chuckles, “Although at least the mares would know I was not simply flattering them.”

“I would think the one who seemed intent on claiming you as her own would be rather upset. Bleu, I think, had her eyes on you?”

“Well, it’s possible. I assume she's only playing, unless you mean Velkorn... ahhh, I see,” Rhede chuckles, “You have an interesting, if somewhat blunt, technique, miss Rarity. Shall we just skip the game and just say you do not believe I am who your little dragon friend says I am? I gather you read the book Twilight was talking about, so you probably know quite a bit about me.”

Rarity flicks her tail in a bit of annoyance at calling her manipulations ‘blunt’, though he was supposed to be a rather good spy, so perhaps they were.

“I suppose we can skip the games, then, Mr. Pelt. As I said before, my name is Rarity. I am the current Bearer of the Element Generosity. I have quite a number of questions for you.”

“I am sure you do. Five apples long and at least one around. That is the most common one asked by pretty mares any way.”

The white unicorn flushes as Rhede chuckles.

“There is no need to be crude!”

“Crude? What, that is a very decent pick up line.”

“It may have been a thousand years ago, but it is something that is more than a little crass nowadays. What I have to ask has nothing to do with the length of your... Never mind, nothing to do with that.”

“Then what?”

“A bit of your history, to be honest. There was a blank point that caught my attention and it may well be useful at this point.
The one explanation that was given did not make much sense.”

“And what is that, miss?” questions Rhede the smile still wide on his face.

“What really happened between you, Velkorn, and Bloodtail in the Zebra lands before she came back with you?”

Rhede's smile fades.

“That is not something I wish to discuss, Ms. Rarity.”

“Actually, Mr. Pelt, I am not planning to give you much choice. Bloodtail is loose and any information will be useful, particularly since he is the one we know the least about. Now you can tell me what I wish to know and I shall keep the non vital information to myself, or I can ask again when we are all gathered and have your friends question you as well.”

“What Bloodtail did is not going to help him get caught.”

“Mr. Pelt, I shall be the judge of that.”

Rhede blinks, then snorts in annoyance.

“I have been out of the game too long. This is yet another time I have let a pretty face get me in trouble.”

“That, Mr. Pelt, I shall accept as a compliment,” Rarity smiles.

“So you heard, or read, what I told the others?” Rhede grumbles.

“Indeed, though I felt it was rather vague. As a unicorn, I know spells do not work like that. It is nearly impossible to tailor something to only one pony, or zebra, as it were.”

“Noticed that, did you?”

“I am an artist in my trade, Mr. Pelt. I tend to have a knack for noticing the small details.”

“Fine,” Rhede sighs, turning to drop with a whoosh of breath onto one of her couches. “What really happened was I failed...”


Jer'rahd takes another sip of the cider, rather enjoying the taste even if he did not feel the alcohol. It was one of the little things he missed since becoming the monster.

Well, being able to get drunk enough to forget he was a monster.

He was seated at a small picnic table outside of the farm house with the orange earth pony in a fedora of some kind, and pale yellow pegasus staring at him. The pegasus was mostly hiding behind the earth pony, though the look she was giving him was making him more uncomfortable than the glare the earth pony was giving.

“So you're Jer'rahd Kaisur,” AJ questions for the fifteenth time.

“As I said repeatedly, miss, I am,” Jer responds yet again.

“What tha heck are you doing free? Shouldn't you be a statue?” AJ snaps.

“I agree. I should still be in the garden. But an annoying purple unicorn decided it would be a decent idea to free me,” Jer mutters. “Now if you are done repeating yourself, who are you, and how do you know I was supposed to be a statue?”

The earth pony blinks and tips her hat up, stammering as she tried to find some sort of excuse to give. It was the yellow pegasus who finally spoke up.

“Umm, well, you see, I think the purple unicorn you mentioned is our friend. I mean, she can get to be a bit much sometimes, but I wouldn't call her annoying, but I guess you can if you want, though it is a bit mean, if only a teensy bit correct. Oh, she was studying you and your friends and we read the books in order to help out,” Fluttershy. rambles

“Oh...” Jer blinks. “You know Sparkle, then.”

“Yeah, we know Twilight. We’re her friends,” AJ snaps.

“Yes, well, that still does not tell me who you are,” Jer responds, taking another sip of the offered cider. “It's a bit much for me to simply say ‘hey you’ when I’m talking.”

“Oh, sorry, how rude of me. I'm Fluttershy and this is Applejack,” Fluttershy mumbles.

“Nice to meet you...” Jer looks at the scowling AJ. “Well, one of you, anyway. Are you two also Element Bearers like Sparkle?”

“Yeah, so what if we are?” AJ questions.

Fluttershy nods in response, though she yeeps as Jer'rahd rises to his hooves, setting the mug aside. Applejack shifts as if expecting him to try something, though she blinks in confusion as the gray unicorn bows before them.

“Thank you for doing what we could not and saving Luna,” Jer states. “You have my gratitude for accomplishing that. Despite my misgivings on the situation, I will help with this situation if I am able, to repay you.”
Both Applejack and Fluttershy look to each other, then back at the unicorn bowing before them.

“Uh, thanks, ah guess... yah ken get up now. Ah don't need no pony bowing tah me....” AJ stutters.

Jer'rahd rises with a stretch and takes a seat again to finish the cider.

“This is quite good,” Jer comments, “It seems you are just as surprised that I am free as I am. I suppose that means that Sparkle did not tell you anything, either?”

“Nope, notta thing. Granted, ah also didn't expect a strange pony tah be wandering across tha farm after all this went down, either,” AJ grumbles.

“Yes, well, sorry about that. But following instinct to return to a location is not as easy as the birds make it out to be,” Jer grumbles.

“Oh, it's not easy for them at all. They sometimes have to stop and ask directions too,” Fluttershy comments.

Jer'rahd looks at her confused a moment before sighing. “I suppose we should get back and find Sparkle... is that a normal occurrence in this age?” Jer questions, looking up at the sky.

The other two turn, looking up as well.


Spike simply stares at the commotion going on in the center of Ponyville and wishes the ground would swallow him up.

Pinkie Pie and a pony-sized blue dragonling were tearing down the street in a yokeless apple cart loaded with a multitude of cookies, candies, and pies and were plastering anyone who they saw with one of the deserts within. Spike had been on the receiving end of both an eclair and a bit of fudge.

The CMC had taken a pie and a pair of cakes respectively, though they got off rather easy compared to the purple unicorn galloping after the pair screaming at them to stop. There was a fair sized mob of annoyed and confectionery-covered ponies behind her chasing the cart as well.

To her credit, Twilight seemed to be trying to stop the cart with magic, although every time her horn glowed, a pastry impacted her, disrupting her spell.

The CMC charges off in pursuit as well, though it’s more to join in rather than stop the pair with those three, so that left him standing alone with his triple scoop of ice cream. He was rather content with this, considering he did not want to be associated with any of them at the moment.

He turns his head and gives his ice cream a lick, only to find there was nothing there. Looking down, he saw his triple scoop chocolate, vanilla, sapphire swirl ice cream had been the victim of the drive by pieing.

Spike sighs, dropping his head in defeat just in time for a blueberry pie to splatter in his face as the cart comes around again.



“Yes. Bloodtail not only managed to sneak back into the castle without any pony noticing, but he also managed to get to Velkorn,” Rhede spits out. “Turns out on top of being a rather potent mage, he was also a skilled potion maker and an expert at a strange death curse magic the zebras called hoodoo or voodoo or something. In any event, it was three days before I even noticed.”

“Were you not supposed to be watching over her?” Rarity questions.

“I was... partially.”

“Dare I ask what happened?”

“You should be able to figure it out. Exotic stallion in a new land with a dark story about why he was there, mares ate it up.”

Rarity sighs, rubbing her temples.

“Anyway, I got lucky, really damn lucky. When we first officially met, she was at least cordial, though cold. I doubt she really forgave me for killing her brother, whether he needed to be taken out or not. She warmed up a little once she found out how close I was with Jer'rahd. Seems he made an impression on her. It was a small connection that I exploited to try and remain close to her. Even then, I didn't try anything with her. There's still something about her that keeps me from wanting to touch her, as if I would ruin it. Like seeing a perfect snowflake that will melt if you so much as breathe on it. “

“Very poetic, Mr. Pelt, but you are stalling.”

“I am reminiscing; there’s a difference. Anyway, she suddenly turned cold again, and I was not sure why. I decided to investigate on my own and found Bloodtail had set himself up in her quarters. The entire room was covered with some ritualistic symbols. I am not sure what they meant, but I saw them again in the volcano of the shadow walkers much later. I believe they were to increase the chances of a god being born, though I don't know for certain. I spent a good hour outside that window watching him. Velkorn eventually came in and he blew some sort of powder over her face and chanted some sort of nonsense.”

“You let him do that?”

“I did not have much choice. I had no idea what he was doing and aside from her changed attitude and that she was allowing this, she seemed unharmed. What he was speaking, however, was ancient Zebra; at the time, I only knew bits of it. I became fluent after this event. I still might not have intervened if he had not tried to bed her after that. I have a issue with that sort of thing. It's why I never pick up drunken mares. I slipped in and took him down. I didn't kill him, as he was probably the only one who knew what he did. That's when it went bad.”

“How would rescuing her go bad?”

“Well, for starters, she tried to kill me. Seems just taking out the one who cast the spell was not enough to break it... and, well, again, I am not proud of this, but I panicked.”

“You, of all ponies, panicked?” Rarity chuckles.

“In case you did not read those parts, Velkorn is very, very dangerous. She has the bare hoof training to defend herself that her brother taught her before he went nuts, as well as the medical knowledge to hurt you in ways you did not know you could be hurt. The only thing that keeps her from ranking right up there with Jer on the scale of dangerous creatures is she has a great reluctance to kill. With whatever was done to her, however, she really did not have that limit. In my panic, I took the bag of powder that he had used on her and flung it in her face. I ranted off the words he used and she stopped dead. I told her to sit down on the bed and she did. At that point, I think I freaked out a little more and started digging through Bloodtail's gear, trying to find any information on what he did.”

“Why was that even worse if you did not plan to take advantage of it?”

“Politics. At the time, the whole nation was in turmoil. There was a growing resentment that Equestria had poked its nose in the zebra lands and was trying to take over. Total garbage, but it was the popular belief. We had invaded, we put a mare in charge, and we were working towards turning their society into one that was similar to our own. So it was not an invalid view. Now picture the reaction if they found out the Equestrian ambassador was in control of the queen completely through a taboo magic. Yeah, that would not have ended well for anyone, especially me. I spent a week interrogating Bloodtail in that room, sending her out every so often to 'act normal'. I learned enough ancient zebra to find out what the commands were just in that week. The spell was a simple one; the important command was: 'Obey and Love'.”

“So what, you just switched the words with something that removes the spell?”

“Errr, no. The wording of it needed to use the proper phrases and terms; basically, the rhyme meditation that is used by a few zebras nowadays... well in my time, is an off shoot of ancient zebra. Suffice to say, the last line needed to be rhymed with what translated to ‘Mourning Dove’. Rhyming in pony is easy. Rhyming in zebra is near impossible, as not only do the words need to rhyme, but so does the meaning. At the time, I could not think of anything that would rhyme with that, so I left it as love, though I changed the ‘obey’ to ‘be free’. I was already too pressed for time as it was.”

“Why not simply inform the other zebras what you found and let them deal with it from the start? They should have been able to cure her, and you would not be so suspect with Bloodtail right there.”

“Like I said before, Equestria was not very well liked at the time. There were those who still supported her brother's regime, and more still who still believed that mares were the lesser part of their race and not fit to be anything but breeding stock and home makers. I was not willing to risk someone like that getting a hold of her, or worse, her brother’s supporters letting Bloodtail finish what he started.”

“I see. So she was compelled to love you, then?”

“Yes, but for all other purposes, she was back to herself. She was clearly not happy, though. Due to the nature of the spell, she took most of it out on Blood Tail, healed him up, and then took it out on him again. She argued with me, disagreed, and acted as she would had there never been a spell, but her feelings were compelled to love me. I spent the rest of the time trying to get her to hate or dislike me, hoping that would break whatever the problem was. No matter how annoyed she got at me, she forgave me every time.”

“Why not get Celestia or Luna to cure it, or try the spell again when you understood the language better?”

“Neither of the princesses could find anything wrong with her, and there was no more powder. Bloodtail would not give up the recipe no matter what I did. I think I gave him too much recovery time, and he entered some sort of trance. I let Luna have Bloodtail turned to stone and explained the story I gave everyone else. No one questioned it,with Velkorn backing me up. Since I was still a member of The Order at that point, I went back when they called, and Velkorn followed me.

“From my understanding, she did not wish to be queen, anyway. Or was that part of the spell?”

“No, that was all her. Aside from her love for me, everything was still her.”

“Why not tell the others?”

“Celestia's fault there, actually. Her nonsense with the Elements got everyone’s hopes up, and when we failed, I was too distracted by the vision I was given to bring it up. When I got over that, well, everything else happened and it became rather moot.”

Rarity ponders for a time. She was not sure how much of it she believed, though he had not tried to flirt with her a single time since he started the tale.

“I must say you have been rather forthcoming with all this to me.”

“Heh, you are the first one who has asked about it. Besides, I felt like I needed to tell someone at some point, and it was going to be Jer, though he has enough problems without me adding to it. Besides, you were chosen for Generosity as well. I figure that we met like this had to mean something.”

“So do you actually care for her?”

“She was nice enough, though at first, no. I didn't see her as much more than some pony to have a bit of fun with if she was up for it. After the incident with the spell, it was still more about my own reputation and how her tagging along after me would affect me.”

“And now?”

“It's a whole new world out there right now. She didn't find anyone before; maybe she will now.”

“So you have an entire relationship built on a lie?”

“Most of my lasting relationships are built on lies. I've done nothing but make mistakes and errors in judgment my entire life. The only times I succeed spectacularly are when I am trying to fix a previous mistakes.”

“Like the Elk.”

Rhede winces. “That I do not want to talk about at all. Threaten all you want.”

“Do not worry. While I do not agree with your methods, I could see where you were coming from in that instance.”


“Yes, and to be honest, you have told me far more than I expected and I have quite a bit to think about now. I suppose I should reward you for being so open about it, and must say despite my earlier coldness, I am getting more than a few ideas looking you over.”

“Oh really?”

“Indeed” Rarity smirks, her tail swishing a bit as she trots deeper into the shop. Her magic locks the door as she glances back to Rhede. “If you would follow me Mr. Pelt, I think I have something you may have been needing for some time now.”

“Please, call me Rhede.” he smirks as he rises to follow the mares swishing tail like a cat after a string.

“Of course... Rhede.”


The cart lifts up on two wheels at the edge of the cliff, almost going over into the pig pen far below. Bleu fans her wings, keeping it on course as Pinkie lobs a rather large cake at their pursuers, knocking a number of them down the hill into the mud. The angry purple unicorn chasing them, however, somehow avoids joining the rest of the mob at the bottom of the hill.

“Captain, we’re almost out of ammo!” Pinkie shouts.

“Yar,” Bleu responds.

“What are we gonna do!?”



“Sorry Yar is the only piratey thing I know how to say… Yar...”

“Oh Okay! OOOOh, what’s that?”

The cart stops dead in the middle of the road as if brakes were suddenly applied. Twilight runs right into the back of it with a loud thud as the two pirates of pastry gaze skyward at the points of light growing brighter as they fell from the sky.


Zecora and Velkorn had spoken for quite a while about the various medicines and herbal cures that where to be found. Velkorn was quite impressed with the younger zebra's knowledge, and Zecora had actually started to jot down a number of things they had spoken of.

Big Mac had woken up at one point and seen the two zebras. He looked rather confused for a moment before shrugging and laying his head back down on the pillow. Not long afte,r he lifted his head, ears perking up. With a bit of struggle, he makes his way from the bed to the window, looking outside.

[“You should not be up, ye, Big Mac. You are not fully recovered yet.”] Zecora cautions.

[“Is something wrong outside?”] Velkorn questions, rising to her hooves.

The large pony smiles, moving a little so the pair of zebras could see two rapidly falling lines of light bright enough to be seen against the noon sky. Velkorn's ears perk, hearing a familiar whine in the air.



Dash could not believe this; this mare was good. No pony was this good unless they were a Wonderbolt. This had to be some kind of test for her. Maybe they heard about her and sent a scout. That was the only explanation Dash could come up with.

The pair had torn around the course Rainbow Dash had set up, and the gray pegasus was leading on her. She was sure she had seen this mare somewhere before. Maybe it was in a Wonderbolt's uniform. Yeah, that would make sense; she just looked different without her mask and with those old time goggles she was wearing.

Well, then, if this was a talent scout, time to show her what Rainbow Dash could really do.


Starfall was enjoying herself for the first time in a long time. The mare was a great deal better than she had shown before. All the mistakes that Starfall had pointed out had been corrected. She was still making other mistakes here and there, but they were always new ones. They had lapped the course at least three times now and were coming up on the last climb and downward straight shot. Starfall had held back a bit, content to stay just ahead of the mare. Not anymore.
It was time to show this little filly some real speed to drive home that she needed improvements.


From the ground, a figure watches the pair. A heavily bandaged griffon hid in the shadows with her amber eyes locked on the climbing ponies, a smile spreading wide on her beak.

That was her, that was definitely her, oh by the Griffon King's Horde, that was her. Razor Wing nearly dances in place where she was. Nocturne had not been lying. She had come here to complete the short hunt and claim the multi colored pegasus's mane before she left, making that odd colored mane her first trophy in this age.

It had taken some work finding anything out about the mare called Rainbow Dash. She had wanted to start with old acquaintances and work up to family as she usually did before adding that multi colored pelt to the new collection. After a few small favors, Scarlet had found the documents in Canterlot that told of the mare’s family and where she grew up.
Checking Cloudsdale was easy. Nearly everyone there knew who she was and who she was friends with. Finding the griffon had been even simpler.

A little chick named Gilda; it was rare she was allowed to kill one of her own kind. It became a special treat when it was allowed. Of course, she might have gone a bit overboard, as she could not decide what to take as a trophy, at first leaving the body as little more than a mutilated corpse. She finally took her tail, making it the first trophy to adorn Wind Razor's belt in over a thousand years.

Finding her parents had been harder, but with Nocturne's ban on killing in Ponyville, she did not have much choice if she wanted to continue the hunt. The two drug-addled drunks were hardly fit to call themselves ponies, much less prey. She had spent nearly a week trying to get their smell out of the tails she took.

She had slipped back into Ponyville to take out the last targets she knew of: the closest friends of the pegasus. The white unicorn and the purple unicorn were the first targets. She planned to claim the yellow pegasus as well, Claymore’s preference be damned. The pink earth pony seemed to be her best friend and the rumor was the orange earth pony was her lover. That one would be the one she killed in front of the pegasus before she took her final trophy.
That had been the plan, anyway.

The purple unicorn had caused the Silver Claw issue, and she was unsure if she wished to solo anything that gave that beast a hard time. The white unicorn had been hanging around with foals all day. Despite her want to hunt, unless they were a target, she did not like killing children. The pink pony had been so surrounded by others while she worked that taking her out would have been impossible.

She then decided to take out the yellow pegasus and the orange earth pony. There were both together at the farm house and an easy mark. That was until she saw him.

Jer'rahd Kaisur, General of Princess Luna was on the farm being chased by the two mares she was targeting. That he was not dead was the first thing that shocked her. She had seen him twice: once during the attack, and once when he stopped Starfall from destroying her as she sat in stone.

In both instances, she could feel the back of her mind telling her to run as if he was a greater predator than she was. She got the same feeling from Silver Claw and Nocturne, so she left them as well and came to watch the pegasus and hope for a better shot at one of the others before she was forced to leave.

And now there was this.

She was watching Starfall Silvertail. The only one who had ever escaped her.

It was at this point she was torn between finishing the new hunt and finishing the old one. As she watched the pair climb into the air, she thought back to what the zebra had said about the book that they recovered.

Something about a greater reward for this hunt than she had ever considered. She shook her head, hearing the slight scream of Starfall's decent into that Sonic Rainboom effect of hers. She braces herself in the bushes, typical showy pegasus going full on Rainboom in a stupid race. It seems louder then she remembers it. She glances up, her eyes widening at the two falling lines of light.


The air before Starfall began to stretch as she pushes herself harder, her hooves pushing the air before her as she fell faster. She glances back briefly wondering what the mares expression was, her own eyes nearly bug out of her head seeing the cyan pegasus right next to her, the younger mare's own hooves nearly breaking the air before her.

Starfall grimaces and starts pushing herself harder.


This was impossible; not only was the pegasus still ahead of her, but she was starting to pull away again.
Rainbow Dash growls her wings straining as she pours on eve more speed the flickers of the rainbow nimbus begin forming around her forehooves.

She wouldn't lose.


Celestia stands out on the balcony with a bleary-eyed Luna, looking out over the mountain towards the town of Ponyville far below.

“Sister, I still protest. We barely get enough sleep as it is with all that is happening, and now you wake me in the middle of what little sleep I do get to watch the clouds,” Luna grumbles.

“Not at all, Lulu, and look down, not up. We may see something that even in all our years we have never witnessed. If what has been reported back to me is correct... ah, there it is,” Celestia smiles.

Luna blinks, looking down as Celestia suggested; her mind was far too filled with the troubles of the escaped prisoners and the treasonous actions of Twilight in freeing even more prisoners to focus properly.

When she finally does realize what she is seeing, her eyes widen, the haze of sleep leaving her instantly just as the brilliant flash of rainbow colored light flickers into existence.

Two perfect rainbow-colored rings spread out from a point far below the mountain, forming something akin to a Mobius strip. Clouds around them vaporize as the rings spread, the trees far below whipping as if tossed by a massive storm. The two rings collide above the falling points of light seeming to pause and warp the very air around them before both expanding edges change directions at an imposable angle and arc away from each other rather than collide. The two lines of rainbow colored light streaking towards the ground pull up and leave a corkscrew trail of rainbow colored light as they spin about one another, rising into the air.

“It seems Starfall has met Rainbow Dash,” Celestia smirks.

Luna's response was drowned out by the massive boom that shook the very walls of Canterlot.


Jer'rahd and Applejack both manage to brace themselves as the wash of color and light whips around them. The farm house rattles and an old shed collapses. Fluttershy yelps as she was blown backwards, only to have a lasso catch her. A green shield forms to protect the trio from the savage wind.

The trees in the orchard shook, apples falling from the trees to thud onto the ground and land in the prepared buckets. Applejack pulls Fluttershy behind Jer'rahd's shield as the wind finally dies down.

“What in tarnation was that? That wasn't like anything Rainbow's done before,” AJ shouts.

“Rainbow?” Jer responds. “I am pretty sure that was Starfall... though I have never seen her do anything like that, either.”

“So much for being subtle,” AJ mutters.

“It's fine. Shock and awe are sometimes better than surprise. Something like this is bound to scare anyone looking to cause trouble in Ponyville,” Jer chuckles.

“Umm, what about Princess Luna, though? Do you think she might have seen that and have issues,” Fluttershy asked.
Jer'rahd's faint smirk fades.

“Oh, sorry, I didn't mean...”

“It's fin,e Miss Fluttershy. I expect everyone saw that. I should get back to Sparkle,” Jer sighs, “I do not suppose I can get one of you to show me where she lives? I do not wish to wander through anyone else’s yard.”


The rumble was still echoing across the fields around Ponyville when magic grips both Pinkie Pie and Bleu, lifting them bodily from the cart and pulling the pair to face a angry, slightly bruised, and dessert-covered unicorn whose mane was steaming under the frosting coating it.

“Oh, hiya, Twilight. You've got some cake on you,” Pinkie giggles.

“I wanted you to be subtle and not draw attention to yourself, Bleu. And this, and then that, and Arrrg!!!” Twilight shouts.

“And Pinkie, what was with the rampage?!? You weren’t helping!”

Bleu shrinks down to her smallest form, trying to give Twilight her cutest look and playing innocent.

“Well, it started out with a song and then it went to a cupcake and the world blurred then there was candy and cake and those little square things that tasted sooooooooooooo good them the was the rolling and the bronies and the typing and then there was the racing and the pranks and the swimming and the flying and then the pirate pie attack and its rather clear this town is not ready for that sort of thing then the big boom and then you caught up and then I started explaining what happened by saying it started out with a song....... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,” Bleu rants before suddenly passing out and dangling in the air, held by Twilight’s magic and snoring loudly.

Twilight blinks at the unconscious dragon.

“Sugar crash,” Pinkie scoffs, “She's still an amateur.”


“Ooh, that feels nice. Shift a little that way dear.” coos Rarity.

“I have to agree, though do be gentle, Miss,” Rhede chuckles.

“Oh dear, the tough stallion afraid of little old me being too much for him? I assure you, if I do anything that hurts, you will still be enjoying the end result.”

“Mmm, with as skilled hooves as yours are, Miss Rarity, I can agree with that easily.”

“Flattery even now... You are a charming one. Ahh, hold still and let’s put this in ahhhooo there we go....”

“You are right that is very nice, but do be careful… Do you hear something?”

A loud boom shook the building, causing Rarity to jump with a yelp and drive the sewing needle into Rhede's flank, bringing a even louder yelp from the large earth pony half-dressed in a custom made suit.

“Oww, I said be careful. Ow... what was that?” Rhede grumbles. “It sounded like Starfall.”

“Sounded more like Dash to me... hmmm, perhaps we should head to Twilight's house and see what is going on. I suppose we can finish the suit later. I truly do need to see you in something from this century. You are quite the model, Rhede. I simply must have you come in to be fitted again.”

“Sounds like fun, though next time, try not to jab me as much.”


Razor Wing slunk off, nursing a bruised wing and her fur and feathers full of leaves and twigs where she had been flung along from the shockwave that the pair of pegasi had displayed. A low guttural chuckle escapes her beak.

They were related; they had to be, that had to be what the damn zebra had been hinting at. She needed to get back and let Nocturne know what she had seen. She could wait on this hunt; the one that got away and the rainbow haired pegasus. The only two ponies to do the Rainboom, one was her first target after a thousand years, and one was her last target from a thousand years ago, and she could now get them both.

She could think of no greater hunt than this.

Author's Note:


Pinkie's song

The Way To Bake (A Delicious Cake) - Snow White, Disney's Princess Tea Party

This one caused me a bit of grief with Rhede and Velkorn's back story. It's something I have been toying with for a while. It felt shoe horned into this for me but there really will not be another chance to explain it. rarity's eye for detail was a good a reason as any.

Editing by Jphyper

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