• Published 22nd Dec 2012
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Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight - TDR

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“Fill my heart with song...”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight
by TDR

“Fill my heart with song...”

“SPIIIIIIIIIKE!!!!!” Twilight screamed out.

She leaped from the hole in the wall and hit the ground running. Her head craned up to follow the path of the dragons as they rose into the sky. Her horn flashed brightly and a large pair of translucent butterfly wings unfolded from her back as she leaped upward, fanning them franticly trying to go after the dragons.

“DASH, STOP HER!!” AJ shouted rushing to the edge of the hole.

Rainbow Dash tore past the farm pony, impacting the purple unicorn bodily and knocking her out of the air. The pair tumbled to the ground, bouncing a few times before crashing into the side of a building. Dash winceed, leaping on Twilight again as the unicorn tried to get up.

“AJ, GET SOME ROPE! I CAN'T HOLD HER!” Dash shouted as she fought with the flailing unicorn. ”Twilight, calm down!”
“On it!”

“LET ME GO!” Twilight screamed out, her horn glowing again. A bolt of energy shot from the tip.

Dash yelped, diving to the side as a few strands of her mane went up in smoke. She growled, tackling the unicorn hard again and shoving Twilight's head to the ground to avoid getting attacked again.


Applejack rushed out of the tree house, cursing under her breath as she charged the fighting pair.

“There ain't no rope around here... Sorry ‘bout this Twilight, but it's fer yer own good at this point,” the farm pony muttered, jabbing a hoof hard into a spot in Twilight's neck. The purple unicorn’s eyes widened before they rolled back and she dropped, her struggles ceasing.

“What the heck did you do?” Dash gasped.

Applejack crouched, checking on Twilight's soft breathing with a drawn out exhalation of her own.

“Whew... glad that worked. Wasn't fully sure that was the right spot. Dun look at me like that, Rainbow. Ya ain't tha only one's been training with tha Beasts.”


Rhede winced as Rarity's magic lifted him up from the crater in the floor.

He stopped himself from asking how bad it looked; the expression on the mare’s face was enough to ensure him he did not want to know, though he cracked a smile regardless. “I've had worse.”

“Yes, well, I have not seen worse, so excuse my repulsion at how your wound appears.” Rarity sighed. “I do hope Pinkie returns with a doctor soon. I am unsure at how much she can convey without her mouth.”

“If she's like Bleu, she'll find a way,” Rhede muttered having a strange vision of the pink pony playing a rather rushed game of charades. “Anyway, just set me down already. I don't need to be hovering all about.”

“In time; you will have to deal with it for now. It seems there is a good bit of…” Rarity swallowed. “...blood, and it appears a bit of bone is poking through your leg. I am staunching that, but if you move, you may increase the blood loss.”

“Okay, did not need to know that,” Rhede muttered, looking up as the door was pushed open and AJ and Dash trotted back.
The unconscious Twilight was draped over the farm pony’s back and Dash was fighting tooth and hoof to drag the Brilliant Dawn into the library.

“Stupid sword should not be this bucking heavy!” Dash growled, her teeth clamped on the sword’s grip.

AJ shoveed some of the debris from the couch with a forehoof and set Twilight on that before looking at the floating Rhede, her eyes narrowed in anger.

“Just what the hay were you two talking about? What the heck happened here, Pelt?”

“Do you think I know? Spike was talking about how annoyed he was at the lot of you. I kept talking to him and listening to what he had to say and he seemed to calm down some. Everything was fine until Trixie showed up.” Rhede winced, his eyes slipping past AJ to Twilight. “I see you did learn a few things from Velkorn.”

“Ain't the point. What the heck is going on here? Why did that dragon take Spike? Heck, why did Spike willingly go with him?”

“I DON’T KNOW, DAMNIT!” Rhede yelled out, his shout turning into another cry of pain as his leg shifted when he struggled.
After a moment of pained panting, he looked back at AJ. “He asked me some questions about dragons and the war, which I answered, because why the heck not? They seemed innocent enough. What I want to know is when did he have time to talk with Silver Claw? How much does he know because of Spike?” Rhede paused a moment. “Also, what was that book he threw at Twilight?”

“What the heck does that book matter? This is bad. I mean really, really bad!” Dash ranted, circling around the room in aggravation.

“Just... look, that's it on the floor there, I think. He had that before Silver Claw showed up and he picked it up and threw it at Twilight. That book was chosen and thrown specifically. What is the bucking book?”

Rarity glanced down and moved over to pick it up with a hoof.

“Daring Do and the Cult of the Hydra? I am afraid I have never heard of this one,” Rarity sighed, shaking out the book and quickly flipping through the pages. “No notes or writing in the book. So much for a message.”
“What's it about?” Rhede muttered, struggling not to black out.

“It's an older book that was written by a different author than normal, so the style’s really odd and it's a great deal darker, more like a mystery book than an adventure,” Dash listed off. “The main character isn't even Daring Do, it's her sidekick, Short Stuff, trying to figure out why Daring joined this group that has been stealing artifacts from all over the world. In the end, it turns out that Daring was working for the Royal Guard in trying to capture the group... wait... you don't think..?”

“That idjit! He's gonna get himself killed. If this is what he was gonna do, why didn't he tell anypony?” grumbles AJ.

“Because every one of us would have tried to talk him out of it. No matter; I think he is safer than we are right now. I just want to know why he said he was a dragon god, though.” Rhede winced.


Bleu soared over the trees. Ponyville was directly in front of them now. Jer'rahd and Velkorn stood on the dragon’s back with Starfall hot on the her scaled tail. A force of pegasi, half-dragons, and griffons flew rapidly along behind them, trying to keep up. Several of the Griffons were carrying unicorns between them on slings. The half dozen spell casters were keeping a large glowing platform afloat that held the rest of the troops and all their gear and weapons floating along with the fliers.
Starfall had received the news an hour ago that Ponyville was under attack by Silver Claw. She had made it to the camp within ten minutes and the entire force was headed towards the town around five minutes later. The real surprise of this situation was the pair that had come along with Starfall.

King Talon had not spared any pleasantries and had passed on all the information he had, continuing the report while on the wing. The Royal Guard had received a message from an outpost in the town moments after the attack started, saying that a large red dragon that had been identified as Silver Claw was attacking the Ponyville library.

The other one who had flown in along with Starfall was none other than Princess Celestia. She had not stopped to gather the Guards as Talon had and continued to fly towards the town. Thankfully, she was a much slower flier than expected, and the group had caught up with her as Ponyville came into view.

Jer'rahd spared her a glance, noting the princess actually seemed to be struggling to remain at the pace she was keeping. It did not seem that flying was the Goddess of the Sun's preferred method of locomotion.

A crowd of ponies that had gathered by the library took off screaming at the sight of Bleu, not even seeming to notice the ones behind her or their Princess.

“Flighty group, aren't they?” Bleu muttered.

Celestia landed rather hard, hitting the ground at a run. Jer'rahd and Velkorn leapt off Bleu's back, landing next to her, the trio all rushing into the building.

Bleu blinked, looking at the griffon, then at the troops as she shrank down and the troops landed. Starfall flew over the group, barking out orders.

“All right, maggots, here's the game plans. Fliers and spell casters take ten; the rest of you secure this town like it's yer plot hole in a prison shower. I want the fliers in the air as soon as possible covering a wider area. The plains the river and the woods around town I want scouted. Casters, go with your groups and prepare to send up a signal flare if you find anything out of the ordinary or like it doesn't belong. You all have copies of the wanted posters, so be on the lookout. Do not, I repeat do not engage any of them. You get word back to one of us. I will be joining in the patrol. We are here for observation and crowd control only; do not engage any hostiles.”

A round of 'Yes Sir’s sounded off before the troops started to scatter and spread out over the city, including nearly all the fliers. They were clearly tired, though the adrenaline of the threat pushed them on.

“I have not seen the princess that motivated, Captain,” King Talon muttered, “let alone fly out ahead of her guards like this. I am not sure why she did not simply teleport here.”

“Prolly so she would have some Guards. Silver Claw almost killed her once. As for why, her and sparkle butt are kinda a thing. Thing is, Rhede's here too. You think Boss and Velky are angry now? If something happened to sexy plot, those two would burn down the Everfree to find Silver Claw.”

“Somehow, I do not doubt that claim.”


“Heeeeeeeeeeeeey, Jer, Velkorn, nice of you to visit. Oh, and you brought Celestia as well; I'm honored. This is Nurse Red Heart. She's got me on some rather wonderful pain killers that I have never had before and I can't feel a thing,” Rhede laughed from the couch as a white earth pony finished cleaning the blood up from around his wound.

Velkorn darted over to take a look at the leg, nearly shoving the white pony out of the way. “Please excuse any anger or curse, but what is the extent of his injuries, nurse?” Velkorn asked, looking over the half-covered wound.

“Multiple fractures, possible pulverized or shattered bone; a number of small fragments pierced the muscle and skin, somehow avoiding any major artery, or at least not damaging it enough to be a life threatening injury. I need to get him in to the hospital to get an x-ray to fully see the extent of the damage.”

“Aww, fawned over by two pretty mares. Now I know I am lucky.”

“Do ignore this big lug; he is on something— what type of drug?”

“A morphine extract. It's rather odd. He asked the same thing, and after a time, he started acting like he was drunk. While some giddiness is to be noted, this was supposed to be enchanted to remove the worst of the effect so the patient remains coherent. I don't understand why he is acting like this.”

“Be because he is likely looking for an excuse to slap your flank. Rhede, lay off it already,” Jer'rahd snapped as he trotted over.

“Geez, Jer, what a killjoy,” Rhede chuckled. “Not often I can easily pretend to get away with stuff like this.”

Velkorn rubbed her head and Nurse Red Heart looked annoyed, as if she wanted to slap the red earth pony.

Celestia had ignored the exchange and was standing near Twilight. AJ looks to the Princess rather sheepishly, exchanging glances with Dash and Rarity.

“What happened here?” Celestia asked calmly, though her voice seemed to be on the verge of cracking. Jer'rahd's eyes narrowed a bit, feeling a sudden increase of heat in the building.

“Hey nurse, take a little break and wait outside. The nice zebra lady here will be sure I don't die on you before we meet again. This talk's rather private,” Rhede expressed sweetly to the nurse, gaining a snort of annoyance from both the white earth pony and the zebra.


“YOU DID WHAT!?!” Nocturne screamed out, looking up at Silver Claw, then down at Bloodtail, her voice booming through the damp cavern.

[“We sought an artifact that had fallen into the hooves of those in the town,”] Bloodtail commented, unimpressed with the alicorn's shouting.

“I had my own task and you knew this,” Silver Claw grumbled.

“I certainly hope that little whelp was worth the hornets’ nest you two have stirred up!” Nocturne snapped, turning from the pair and floating the four books into a saddle bag. “Because now we are going to have to leave this place.”

[“We were doing that anyway. We tarried due to the dragon’s task and Scarlet's. I would not worry, as they have yet to even come looking for us. What makes you think that they will now?”] Bloodtail grumbled.

“Because Celestia is in Ponyville right now, along with the Five Beasts and the current Element Bearers,” a voice from above cuts in. Wind Razor glared down at the group from a rocky outcropping above. “There's also a shit ton of guards.”

“Celestia came out of her tower. Impressive, though the Guards are no issue. I wiped out a hundred of them myself,” Silver Claw snorted, a bit of flame leaving his muzzle.

“Scarlet, inform them what you told me earlier before I found these fools were gone,” Nocturne growled, pulling the saddlebags onto her back.

“These guards are currently in training...” Scarlet reported, stepping out of a tunnel, her cloak already on and bags packed.

[“How is that supposed to be an issue?”]

“The Five Beasts are training them, along with Celestia's favorite student. Kaisur has also had the 42nd reinstated as a Guard unit. He's training them to be the new Luna's Hoof. He brought them into town with him; that means he expects they could be useful. He wouldn't risk bringing untrained fools.”


“Couldn't your contact do anything? I thought he was a noble,” Wind Razor questioned.

“He can't touch this training. Three Princesses, all three Guard Captains, half a dozen noble houses, two Griffon Gods, and the three main Alphas of the Diamond dogs are all backing this joint training. It's under the guise of dealing with the
Changeling swarm when they return, but we all know Kaisur would turn them on us in an eye blink. Kaisur is building an army, and not just any army: HIS army.”

Bloodtail looked around at the winces the others showed at the information, though the effect was lost on the zebra.

[“Forgive my ignorance, but why is a stupid name such as Luna's Hoof cause for alarm?”]

The group looked to each other a moment as if rather shocked from the question, though before any could respond, a small voice spoke up from behind Silver Claw.

“The 42nd were the force cherry picked from all the Guard soldiers of the past. They were the best of the best, ridiculously skilled, insanely trained, and fanatically loyal to their officers and to their Princess. The 42nd are the longest lived Guard unit, dating back to the first Dragon war. When Nightmare Moon left Canterlot, every single one of them followed her and Kaisur without question. They single hoofedly defended the Grand Galloping Gala and Canterlot from an invasion force, were instrumental in ending the First and Second Dragon wars, and the Zebra Conflict, and the War of the North, and the Diamond Dog Incursion. It is said that the only reason that Canterlot did not fall in the War of Night was because the 42nd were sent elsewhere. After the War of Night, an entire city was conceded to them because no one could get them to move, no matter how many troops they threw at them. Princess Celestia granted them the land their commander told them to defend so long as they disarmed. After the war, the division was stricken from the Guard records and counted as lost. Only Princess Celestia herself could have reinstated them. If it was just a Royal Guard unit with the name in this age, it would be laughable. But with the Five Beasts training them, they will likely make the old 42nd look like rookies.”

The four froze as the voice stopped. Silver Claw sighed as the little purple dragonling poked his head up from under one of the great dragon’s wings.

“Can we go now? This is getting boring,” Spike grumbled.

“I told you to be quiet,” Silver Claw exhaled.

“He asked a question, so I told him,” Spike replied. “No point in someone remaining ignorant.”

“What the...? Who is this?” Nocturne snapped.

“No one you need concern yourself with. Your annoying summons prevented me from bringing him to where he needed to go before this meeting,” Silver Claw growled. “He was supposed to remain silent.”

“We both know one of them was going to try and drill me for information at some point or another anyway. I'm here to restore an empire, not deal with a game of twenty questions,” Spike stated, though he remained on Silver Claw's back, half hidden by a wing. “Here. This should answer whatever, and you can leave me the heck alone.”

Spike ducked under the wing, pulling a book from his bag and tossing it off the back of the dragon. Nocturne caught it with her magic and floated it over.

“What is this?”

“The book you stole wasn't complete. It only went up to when Luna left Canterlot. That book is the complete story. Do with it what you want, but I'm not helping you any further. I have my own goals in this. You can keep that so long as you don't interfere with our work.”

Silver Claw sighed, though he could feel the dragonling trembling under the others’ gaze; he was hiding that fear rather well, though his voice still sounded ready to crack as he gave his condition.

Nocturne flipped through the book, nodding, before tucking it into her saddle bag as well. “Fine. I have no issue with the dragons in any case, so long as you do not disturb my kingdom when I rule it. Where is Claymore?”

[“He and his new pet went ahead towards the location you gave us from the last book. I shall be heading there as well, along with Wind Razor as soon as we are set to go.”]

“Fine. Silver Claw, take your pet to where you need to and meet us at the location we started in. This place is no longer safe. Scarlet, I want this entire cavern prepared to give the ones who find it a warm greeting.”

“Heh, this'll be fun.” Scarlet smirked.


“...and then you all showed up,” Applejack finished, looking at the others gathered around her.

“A little too much pressure at that point of the neck; no damage is done, but if you had been off by just a speck...” Velkorn warned.

“Ah know, ah know, but ah didn't know what else tah do. Twilight ain't exactly easy tah corral when she's in a fightin’ mood.”

“Rhede, are you sure about the book?” Jer'rahd questioned.

“No, but the whole act seemed a little too obvious for it to have been chance to me. Why that book when he was surrounded by others? Also, I am certain he had that book before Silver Claw broke in,” Rhede muttered, glancing over to Rarity as she nodded as well.

“Well, we can't do much from this point, then. Has anyone found Fluttershy?”

“Pinkie Pie went after her once she got the doctor,” Rarity responded.

“Are you sure it was the Alicorn Amulet, Rhede?” Celestia questioned, finally leaving Twilight's side.

“That's what it looked like in the book. The box is on the floor over there if you want to look yourself,” Dash quipped drawing a rather angry glare from Jer'rahd just at the sound of her voice. Dash blinked, looking at the unicorn, confused by the glare.
Celestia floated the box over to her and flipped it open, looking the amulet over. She pulled it from the box, turning it over in the light, and sighed.

“Another one. I thought these were all destroyed centuries ago.” The princess shook her head, her horn glowing brighter. The amulet heated up and quickly burned up, puffing into little more than a bit of steam and a foul smell.

“Curse or not, we could have used that thing’s power boost,” Rhede pointed out.

“There is no power boost. The original alicorn amulet was destroyed close to nine hundred years ago. It was made by the remaining members of the Cult of the Moon after the war as a way to empower their mages. After the first was destroyed and the cult fully eradicated, a few hundred copies were made by various others trying to mimic the power the amulet gave. At best, the amulets did nothing, or gave a little power boost; at worst, they only held the first amulet’s curse. The one I just destroyed was one of the latter— it held only the curse.”

“So that was Trixie doing that all along?” Rarity gasped. “How did she get that strong if not for the amulet?”

“She must have always been that strong, but only her own self-believed limitations kept her from achieving that level. When she thought the amulet would make her stronger, she could push past her own preconceived limits,” Twilight groaned, slowly sitting up on the couch.

“You alright, Sparkle?” Jer questioned.

“No…” the purple unicorn moped, curling up on the couch.

“Fine. Celestia, talk with her or whatever. Everyone else, get out. Rarity, get smiley there on the cart thingy and pass him along to the nurse.”

“HOLD IT!” Rhede shouted.


“You all need to hear what I found out before I pass out or am drugged further or whatever that cold hoofed mare with the sweet flank is gonna do.”

“Then talk quick, before Velkorn knocks you out for flirting again.”

“Go ahead and hit on the mare; it is not exactly as if I care.”

Jer noticed Rhede's slight wince, though that could have been from the shift in his leg.

“First off, judging by Silver Claw's reaction when I asked, the six of them are working together. Also, I think they are going after the books. From what I found out, they likely already have four of them.”

“The Books.... You mean THE books?” Celestia questioned as both she and Twilight stared at the injured earth pony.

“Yeah. If the journal was right, Scarlet was in the Hive for the Silver Script. Also, it is possible that it was one of the books that was powering the curse that kept the Crystal Empire hidden for all this time. We saw the same thing with the machine that created Nocturne. I expect when the book was pulled out of its place, it canceled the curse and brought the Crystal Empire back.”

“Even if that is true, that is still only two of them,” Rarity pointed out.

“I think they may also have the Red Tome and Grey Grimiore. “

“Impossible. Those books were sealed in Tartarus,” Celestia pointed out.

“And yet about two years ago, the guardian was let loose for some reason, and not long after that was the first report of
Chrysalis being free. It is reasonable to assume that given just that information alone, they somehow managed to not only
make it into Tartarus, but return with the books.

“That makes some sense, though if that is the case, it has now become a worst-case scenario.” Celestia winced.


“Okay, spill it. Something’s bothering you, stripes. What’s the problem? Is it that little rat Silver Claw grabbed?” Wind Razor grumbled. “Or the mass of troops flying around all over the place?”

Bloodtail glanced up at the griffon as she slowly moved from tree to tree, scouting the area around them as they moved to meet up with Claymore. The pair had opted to move along a ravine the griffon had scouted when they had first taken residence in the place. The cleft ran almost from the tunnel to within sight of a river nearly on the other side of the forest.

[“No, it was something else, though the whelp is part of it. The dragonling is indeed a god; I can sense his power. He was one of the ones I could feel in Ponyville. When he was acquired, however, there was still one other god in Ponyville. It was not the griffon king, or Kaisur, or either Princess. It was a wild, chaotic power that seemed to be masked as if hidden or sealed away. The energy I felt from it is both odd and familiar.”]

“Why worry about that now? ‘Specially since we are getting the heck out of town?”

[“I do not like mysteries. That town is hiding something else in its confines that either could not, or would not, interfere when Silver Claw attacked.”]

Wind Razor landed on a tree branch, her claws digging into the wood, watching as a patrol flew over the ravine.

“Think it might be something we can use?”

[“I do not know, but it feels like the power I sense from Nocturne. It is akin to what the books feel like, yet not. The closest to it I have sensed have been from our brief encounter with the Love-Cursed Queen and, of all ponies, Kaisur. If the energy was stronger, I might have been able to discern more, but it is clearly old and powerful if I could feel it without the others masking its presence with their own. I believe that even if it is not another of the books, it is somehow connected to them.”]

“Well, that's fucking vague.”


Breezy swallowed hard, leaning out from behind the tree looking over the edge of the cliff, barely catching sight of the griffon’s tail as the pair moved further along the cleft. He did not need this sort of stress. He wondered if it was bad or good luck that he had landed to take a piss in this spot. Dusty was still overhead, though he waited a few more moments before launching into the air to meet up with her. He had her stay in the air above the spot and took off to try and find any of the Captains or the Major. He didn't know what the zebra had said, but the griffon saying the name Silver Claw was clear enough.


“You should watch your tongue around that lot, lest they cut it out, whelp,” Silver Claw growled, heading further back into the cave. A large underground river rushed across the rocks before them and Silver Claw waded into it without hesitation, floating along with the current. The purple dragonling sat on his back, still shaking slightly.

“I know, but you said that they would want to ask me questions, and I don't want to deal with them at all,” Spike sighed, glances back into the darkness of the cavern behind them, having to speak up over the roar of water. “Besides, I need to learn to talk to things that scare me if I am going to be ordering dragons around.”

“It would be safer to speak that way to dragons. Is that why you brought the book?”

“You guys stole the first one; I figured if I let them know how that ended, they would leave me alone. Like I said, I want to see this library and do what I can to begin bringing back the Dragon Empire. I really don't care what the rest of you are doing so long as it doesn't interfere with that.”

“Heh, brave words from a whelp relying on me for protection.”

“You were the one who thought I could help you, so basically, that protection is helping you, too.”

“True enough. Scared as you are, you are also quite angry with your former owner, I take.”

“Pfft, she didn't even try to stop me. Why should I care now?” Spike grumbled. “I hope this library of yours is a good ways away; I don't want to see another pony for a long time.”

Silver Claw turned seemingly at random and Spike took note that the rush of water seemed like it splits, a louder roar of water coming from a different direction.

“It is in one of the mountain tops near Ponyville, I am afraid. You can see the city from the main entrance, though there are several back ways in and out. It is also nearly impassable along the ground and almost impossible to spot from the air. I found this waterway a year ago when I was exploring this place. The river emerges at the base of the mountain and a quick flight will put as at the lair. Quite a location— a perfect prewar lair to watch one’s enemies from.”

“I don't need to watch them. They aren't enemies unless they try to stop the rebuilding.”

“They just might, Whelp; they just might.”


Jer'rahd rubbed his temple with a hoof. This was quite a shit storm now. After ensuring that none of what was discussed would be told to anyone else save those already in the know, particularly about Spike, the group split up.

Rhede had been taken to the hospital and Velkorn went along with him to make sure they did everything correctly, or maybe to see some new bit of medicine, he wasn't sure anymore with those two.

Pinkie and Fluttershy had come back, and after a few disturbing moments with the faceless pony, Celestia fixed Pinkie's face, then ran her out before she could manage to start making up for lost time with her chatter.

Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity had gathered some of the less panicked townsponies and set up making some refreshments and a light meal for the troops that had accompanied Jer'rahd. The white unicorn had noted the state the soldiers were in and figured fixing something nice for them would take everypony’s mind off the situation. Busy work, really, but at least it was something.

Starfall, King Talon, and Bleu were all flying over the checkpoints and around the troop patrols, making sure there was nothing out of sort and all the groups were still intact.

This left Jer'rahd alone with Rainbow Dash. This was perhaps one of the worst times the pegasus could be around him. He was already fuming that he missed the attack, but what the cyan pegasus had done to his friend was still fresh in his mind.
Rainbow Dash, however, was completely oblivious to the unicorn’s ire with her, and was currently pestering him and trying to spur him to take some sort of action rather than simply stand around waiting. The little bit of tolerance Jer'rahd had with the mare was rapidly fading away.

“Seriously, the enemy was right here and you are just sitting here waiting for something to happen?” Dash grumbles flitting around the fuming unicorn.

“Do you really think charging off in a random direction is going to do anything? The first goal is to secure the area. After that, we start the searching. If Rhede is correct, then we are not likely to find any of them alone, and with him out of commission, the odds are not in our favor.”

“Pffft, you got me. We can take these jokers!”

That was it. The point had been reached.

“Yes, beware the power of a self-entitled, egotistical bitch. How the heck were you chosen as the Bearer of Loyalty again? Did you find the amulet in one of those surprise cupcakes Bleu was speaking of?” Jer'rahd snarled.

“What?” Dash flapped back a bit, looking down at the unicorn, unsure if he was serious or not, though the look on his face made it clear he was not joking. “Oh no, you are not gonna go there.” She landed in front of the unicorn, meeting his angry glare with one of her own. Had he not been so mad, Jer'rahd would have been mildly impressed that the pegasus was meeting his glare so easily.

“I am indeed. In case you happen to have forgotten, Loyalty includes family.”

“This is about what I said to Starfall, isn't it? Well, so what? You don't know my story, but I know yours. You're not one to talk about Loyalty. You're the one who dragged your friends along with you and ruined their lives with that stupid war and the choices you made. How the buck is that showing any sort of Loyalty?”

“They had the chance to do otherwise; they chose to come along despite my telling them not to, both to the Lunar Republic as well as into statues. If you know me so well, then you know I fought them in that regard. You, on the other hoof, seem to throw any connection you have with someone right out a window the moment they do something you don't like. Too hard to work around the issue? Is that the manner of things in this age? When something doesn't work, you dispose of it rather than try and fix it?”

“I don't have to stand here and take this crap from you of all ponies!” Dash kicked off the ground into the sky and just as rapidly bounced off a shield as the gray unicorn boxed them both in with his shields. She snarled, glaring down at him, offering one of the panels a swift kick to no effect.

“Like buck you're leaving until I've said my piece, mare. Starfall has cried like that perhaps only once since I've known her, and low and behold, someone in the new age manages it before we are even awake for two weeks. I've killed for less than making a friend of mine cry, mare. Don't think you're safe from me because you're a modern day holder of my Element, ‘cause I don't give a flying buck about any of you.”

“Some bucking loyalty there.”

“I'm loyal to my friends, my family, my princess, and to any deals I have made. You and your friends are not part of any deal I made, my family is all dead, and none of you are friends of mine, nor are you Princess Luna.”

“Wooo scary. I ain't afraid of you or any of the others that got free.”

“Then why didn't you try and take out Silver Claw yourself if you’re not afraid of him? You called that mare who had the amulet a boaster, but you are more mouth than she ever was. I suggest you curtail that ego before it gets someone else killed. I also suggest rather strongly that you apologize to Starfall. Even if you want nothing to do with her, your little tantrum hurt her more than you think.”

“What, you think that mothering didn't hurt me?! It's not like my real parents or family wanted a damn thing to do with me,” Dash hollered.

“I can see why, with an attitude like that.”

“You asshole.”

“I've been called worse. She was giving you a chance to have family that would care about you. You blew that off in a hissy fit rather than explain yourself.”

“I was abandoned as a filly by the only family I even knew,” Dash snapped, starting to tear up a bit. How dare this jackass bring this up now!

“And Starfall watched her daughter grow old and die before her. She watched her entire family get slaughtered around her. Before she even knew you were related to her, I saw her actually enjoying herself for the first time in a very long time. You took that from her. I don't profess to know your issues, and I don't profess to care, either. Now get out of my sight. I don't need any help from some self-centered little filly like you.”

The shield dropped and Jer'rahd turned, walking away and ignoring the scream of frustration and rage let out by Rainbow Dash as she launched herself skyward. A light clapping was heard from the corner of the building. His gaze turned to meet Bleu's as she glared back at him.

“That was harsh, Boss, even for you,” she muttered.

“You know how I am when someone I care about gets hurt, Bleu.”

“Still, not quite like you to fly off the handle like that without getting both sides of the situation. Something else eating you?”

“Quite a number of things, though nothing that you don't already know about.”

“Always more to pile up, I guess. Here's hoping Starfall doesn't hear about you going off on Rainbow. She'd kick yer flank.”

“Are you attempting to blackmail me?”

“Pfft, you would have to have something I want boss. Though I will say you need to stop trying to push everyone away. That suicidal bent you happen to be on is not going to do well for any one.”

“And what exactly am I supposed to do?”

“Buck if I know, but do you really think you dying is what anyone that you just ranted about wants? You think Luna would be better if you were dead?”

“Considering that she would no longer have to worry about turning into Nightmare Moon in order to try and control me if I lose it. It would be one less thing on her mind. Not to mention my death would ensure that I did not manage to hurt any of you.”

“Yer an idiot, Boss. Noble, but still an idiot. Anyway, speaking of Starfall, here's our speed queen now.”
Jer'rahd looked up as the gray pegasus landed, sliding over to the pair and kicking up a cloud of dust.

“We found something,” she gasped out.


“Thank you again, miss,” a Guard said around a mouthful of cookie, prompting Rarity to float a napkin over to him to cover the griffon’s mouth.

“Please, I understand you must be starving, but show some manners now. Though you are quite welcome.”
Rarity pushed the cart along to the next group as the griffon’s fellow squad mates started to tease him about manners. She sighed, glancing around at all the troops Jer'rahd brought along. Her mind was not really on this. Pinkie's idea to offer refreshment to the troops that had shown up so quickly was indeed a good one, particularly given the state some of them appeared to be in after getting here. What in Equestria were they doing to become this dirty and worn out?

Her mind, however, was mostly on Spike and his accusations. If Rhede was correct and it was just a show for Silver Claw, why did what he said about her bother her so much? Surely she didn't take advantage of his crush on her, did she?

Rarity sighed, looking up as Pinkie Pie bounded past, calling out for someone named Fred. After the pink pony passed, a rather large griffon slipped from behind a tree and darted off in another direction. She was going to say something about it, but a number of the patrolling troops had seen him and were more amused than worried. Perhaps it was simply another Pinkie thing.

She was quite worried about Twilight as well, but if the Princess could not cheer her friend up any, there was little anyone
else could do. In truth, she was more worried about Fluttershy than any of the others. The poor thing was hiding in her boutique right now, having had an awful panic attack when the dragon ripped the wall off the library. AJ had been trying to comfort her; Rarity would have stayed as well to help, but she was sidetracked by Pinkie's plan.

The small cart rattled to a stop by another group of soldiers. Nearly all of them seemed to be in groups of four, with both
casters and fliers as well as a mix of races. This group was, oddly, five individuals. A white, blond-maned pegasus she recognized from the Crystal Empire, Peach Blossom or something like that, was the first to help himself to the cart rather politely, though he was also the only normal one there.

There was also small red and brown Diamond Dog who looked as if he had the mumps or something. Rarity was not sure she wanted to get too close to that one, though he seemed more pained than ill. Aside from his small stature, he looked much like every other diamond dog she had seen, club tail and all.

There was another, larger Diamond Dog— a female, it seemed. The gold and black coloration of her fur was rather striking, and the pattern was not unlike Applejack's dog Winona. She was polite enough, but seemed to be uncomfortable and was avoiding the smaller Diamond Dog.

The hippogriff surprised her, as she had never seen one before, though she had heard of them. The mare's pony parentage was clearly unicorn, judging by the somewhat stunted horn on her forehead above her beak. As the yellow and blue feathered female floated a cup of apple juice from the cart, it was clear that the horn was functional enough.
The last she had to look up at. The rather imposing black stallion was easily two heads taller than she was, and in the sunlight, the scales around his hooves and face glittered like gems, giving him an odd shimmer to his looks. He had a pair of short, straight horns that swept back from his head, partially hidden in the onyx coloration of his mane. With the purple and silver armor he wore, his cutie mark was hidden, though the Night Guard armor suited him quite spectacularly.

“Errr... something wrong, Miss?” Lion Heart questioned, looking down at the white unicorn staring at him with an unnerving sparkle in her eyes. He was getting a bit uncomfortable with her gaze.

“Hmm? Oh, nothing of the sort. Far from it... I was simply noting how dashing a figure you cut. I can honestly say I have never actually met a half-dragon myself. I was considering the difficulty of adjusting an outfit to match the attributes you have. I own a boutique here in town and I am always on the lookout for differing body types with which to try certain ideas out on,” Rarity revealed, switching rather rapidly to business mode as she circled a few times around the uneasy stallion. “You simply must come by when you have the chance and let me see if I can fit you for a proper suit. My stallion clothing line is severely lacking, to be honest, though I have been thinking of expanding.”

“Well, ummm, we are somewhat in a training exercise at the moment, miss...”

“Oh, please darling, call me Rarity. Training cannot last forever, can it?”

“Well no, Miss Rarity, it is only supposed to be for a few weeks...”

“Well, it's settled, then. You'll stop by once you are done, won't you? So long as you don't bulk up to terribly much more, I think I may have the correct size to at least start before I need to work on adjustments. Ooh, this should be fun. I suppose I should continue on; I still have refreshments to pass out. Until later, then.” Rarity hummed as she trotted off with the cart, leaving Lion Heart staring after her, still trying to form the words to properly respond.

Ravage and Peach Blossom looked at each other before bursting out laughing at Lion Heart’s expression. Jynx seemed less than interested, though Tunnel Rat even had a small smirk on his face.

“What's so funny?” Lion Heart snapped.

“With your upbringing and build, I expected you would be used to pretty mares flirting with you by now. No such luck, huh, Captain?” Peach Blossom laughed.

“Pony not know how good he got it. Figures mares fall over selves for his attention,” Tunnel Rat chimed in.

“Personally, I was amused at the whole ‘exotic body type’ bit line she was trying to feed us. Hippogriffs are a heck of a lot rarer than half-dragons, and she didn't so much as bat an eye at me,” Ravage chuckled.

“Please, she was just being nice... stop laughing at me!” the large half-dragon stammered.


Celestia looked down at Twilight with a sigh. The unicorn was curled up in a corner of the couch, basically being miserable. Her student had been ranting over why Spike might have left for nearly an hour now. Every time she thought of a reason, she nitpicked it apart and spent far too much time dwelling on how she should have done it so he would not have been mad enough to leave.

Celestia had tried to console her student or even distract her, though it seemed Twilight was not in the mood for any sort of sympathy or logic. It was a rather single-minded obsession with something, one she had seen her student dwell on before. That time, it had caused a great deal of trouble, particularly with a misguided spell. That time had been dealt with the help of Spike, so Celestia was hesitant to bring it up now. She needed something to snap Twilight out of this angst-ridden thought loop she had put herself into, though for the moment, she was unsure of how to go about doing that.
Thankfully, the stars were more than happy to provide a way.

“Sparkle, get yer flank up! We have a lead.” Jer'rahd shouted, knocking open the door with an explosive crash that sent Twilight diving over the back of the couch and easily took a few years off Celestia's life. Bleu waved sheepishly from the unicorn’s back as he marched in, clearly embarrassed by the gray unicorn's antics.

“Do you know how to knock, Kaisur?” Celestia groaned, peering over the back of the couch at the hiding Twilight.

“There's a big freaking hole in the wall. You should consider yourself lucky I even used the door. Now move yer butt, Sparkle; we're down Rhede and we need an egghead and a local for a guide. You cover both of those.”
Celestia glared daggers at the gray unicorn, who, as always, ignored it. The gray pony instead stared at Twilight as she poked her head up from behind the couch.

“What do you mean ‘lead’, Kaisur?” Celestia questioned.

“One of the patrols came back having spotted a griffon and zebra moving along a crevice in the Everfree. He overheard one of them mention Silver Claw and the descriptions he gave sounded like Bloodtail and Wind Razor,” Bleu spouted off. “We need to move now in order to catch them. Starfall and King Talon are already moving to the spot they were seen to try and track them. Personally, I am impressed that Starfall came back to tell us what happened instead of rushing off after the damned bird. Boss and I are headed there as well, soon as we get Sparkle Butt.”

“I don't think... I'm not going,” Twilight muttered.

“What?” Jer snapped.

“I'm not going. This whole thing was stupid I should have woken you lot up and let you handle it yourself. I spent so much time trying to fix your issues I neglected Spike, and now he's gone.”


“What do you mean ‘so’? He's been my friend for years... my only one for a long time before coming to Ponyville.”

“How nice. So are you just going to let him go then, not even try to get him back?” Bleu growled lightly, bringing a glance from both Jer'rahd and Celestia. The little dragon was getting more annoyed than either of them were. “He's your partner and yer just gonna let him go?”

“What am I supposed to do? I was useless when he left. I couldn't even try to talk to him.”

“Well git off yer ass and come find him or yer never gonna get the chance!!!” Bleu snapped. “He's not dead, so there's still a chance to say something. Not everyone is that damn lucky!”

Celestia blinked looking back at Twilight before her horn glowed, lifting the purple unicorn into the air and setting her on the floor before the couch. “She is correct, Twilight. You should not give up so easily on your friends. Even if Pelt is correct and he did this intentionally, you should at least make the attempt to find him.”
Twilight nodded softly, shifting her gaze between the warriors and then back to the Princess. “I know. I just... You're right... I need to get past this...”

Celestia rose to her hooves, stretching, and troted towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Jer'rahd questioned.

“With you. You will likely need all the aid you can get in this situation, with Rhede out of the way for a time.”

“Not happening,” Jer stated.
“Nope.” comments Bleu.
“Princess, no,” Twilight pleaded.

Celestia glared at the three of them in annoyance. “I am not some frail thing that needs to be kept away from conflict; I am more than capable of dealing with any trouble we come across.”

“Bad enough I have to put up with your rules while in Canterlot; I'm not dealing with them on a mission,” Jer grumbled.

“Seriously, what are you gonna do, diplomb a hydra out of attacking us?” Bleu snarked.

“Silver Claw nearly killed you once. You shouldn't give him another chance,” Twilight cautioned.
Celestia snorted in annoyance. “I am the ruler of this kingdom. Why should I have to obey any of you? I am going.”

“Because you're known as the Goddess of Peace. And I'm one of the Generals of the Goddess of War. This is a conflict, pure and simple, that will likely get worse before it gets better. With Princess Luna not participating, this is now my command as of article six-dash-four of the Equestrian war treaty.”

“That treaty was considered irrelevant a thousand years ago when Luna was sealed away and the Equestrian Army disbanded into the Royal Guard.”

“And now Princess Luna is back, as is a branch of the Equestrian Army. As such, in a time of conflict, I am allowed to veto royal commands if they are considered detrimental to either the success of the war effort or have potential to harm or disrupt the ruling of the kingdom.”

“I cannot believe you even remember that old law. It was only used twice.”

“It is not old to me, and it's how we got you to go back to Canterlot when Princess Luna was kidnapped.”

“It still requires a majority vote of the Generals, not just your say so, Kaisur. And you are a major now, at any rate.”

“Perhaps in your version of the forces. Besides, Rhede is in no condition to vote and even if Starfall and Velkorn voted yes for you to accompany us, which they would not, Bleu and I both say no and seniority wins out in a tie. You are going back to Canterlot, Celestia. Your sudden rush to get here has probably already caused more trouble than need be. What would have happened if they decided to attack Canterlot while you were here?”

“Luna and another visiting god are in Canterlot. They would not have managed much.”

“Yes, because Princess Luna has been so successful in defending herself lately,” Jer'rahd snapped. “Let's go, Sparkle. Go home, Celestia; I do not have any more time to argue with you.”

Bleu rubbed a claw over her muzzle, hiding a smirk that only Celestia caught.

“Hey Princess ,why don't you tell Luna to send that agent of hers down here to Ponyville? I'm sure that mare would like to stretch her legs a bit. And with Rhede out of commission, we could use a little backup,” Bleu chuckled.

“Agent?” Twilight questioned, pulling the Brilliant Dawn's scabbard on.

“Yeah, that Mare-Do-Well pony who was in the hive with us,” Bleu grinned, an expression suddenly matched by Celestia.

“Yes, I think I might just do that, Bleu. Thank you for the suggestion.”


The white unicorn collapsed in a heap on marble floor with a groan.

Princess Cadence peered over the edge of the bed curiously and chuckled at Shining Armor laying spread out on the floor.

“Are you alright?” Cadence questioned.

“Nothing that would stop me from performing my royal- ow -duties with my wife... Okay, maybe a little.” Shining winced, barely managing to lift his head to smile at the pink alicorn.

Cadence laughed, tisking at him. “You were the one who wanted to go through the training, Shining. You can blame nopony but yourself.”

“I know, but after we got the crystal pony rebel fighters to form the Guard here, it sounded like a good idea to train with them and see what I could pick up,” Shining groaned. “I almost wish I was back in Royal Guard basic… that was easier.”

“Considering that they all were trained to fight Sombra and his forces, it is not surprising that you are worn out. These are war ponies, after all. Not unlike how Twilight refers to those ponies she brought with her.”

“If that Kaisur is even half as tough as Commander Rose is, I won't ever talk crap about him.”

“That may be for the best, anyway. If you are having that bad of a time, perhaps you should stop the training.”

“No. These are the best warriors that exist, and they were willing to train me. I am not going to give up on that. Sombra is still out there, and I need to be ready to fight for the empire when he returns.”

“Yes, I am sure he would be terrified of you in your current state. You are as threatening as a rug right now, dear.”

“Hey, I made it to the bedroom tonight, at least,” Shining grumbled.

“Yes, dear, you are improving...” Cadence snickered, her magic enveloping her husband and floating him onto the bed with her. “Did Commander Rose leave yet?”

“Yeah, he left this morning for Canterlot. He claims Princess Celestia owes him something, but he wouldn't say what.”

“Well, I sent a message back to Canterlot to let her know that Rose was coming. Whatever it is, I am sure she will know how to deal with it. I guess you are still too sore to do anything, hmm? If I didn't know better, I would say you are trying to avoid providing a heir to the empire.”

“Not this again... We have barely been married a year and you're already trying to be a mother? The Empire is not even fully recovered yet. Do you really want to have a foal here if Sombra attacks again?”

“And what if you are killed the next time he attacks? What then, Shining?” Cadence murmured.
The unicorn winced a little and the pink alicorn frowned, rubbing lightly across his shoulders with her hooves.

“Sorry...” she muttered with a soft sigh.

“No, you're right... I suppose I do need to take a break from the training here sooner or later, anyway. Royal duties do take precedence,” Shining chuckled.

“Well, glad you see it my way, finally.”

“I don't need much convincing of things if you're giving me a back rub...” Shining smirked. “Just don't stop...”


Pinkie Pie flopped over the top of her bed, sending streamers and balloons everywhere. She rolled onto her back, staring at her rear hoof. The itchiness of it was driving her crazy. No matter how much she tried to convince herself she might have stepped in some of her joke itchy powder, she knew what it meant.

She could barely distract herself anymore. Even looking for Fred had barely kept her attention for very long. Her hair unfloofed as she flailed on her bed, growing more and more depressed as she thought about it.

“What am I supposed to do... I can't watch everypony to try to protect them all the time... what am I gonna do...?” Pinkie whined, looking about the room. Her gaze stopped on a large pile of party favors and various outfits that buried something in the corner of her room.

“What do you think I should do? What would you do if your friends might die and you didn't know when or where? I mean, I just want to be able to help them if something did happen. I would need to be everywhere at once, like a dozen of me to watch every pony...”

Pinkie's voice trailed off, and her eyes widened, her hair exploding back into its poofy state as a grin crossed her muzzle.

“OF COURSE! Why didn't I think of this before? The mirror pool!” Pinkie bounced around the room. “I can use it to keep an eye on everypony and make sure nopony gets killed!”

Pinkie Pie whirled suddenly onto her back, grabbing her itchy rear hoof and bringing it up to her face so she could yell at it.

“HAH! I'm not letting you come true no matter what, you stupid itchy hoof. I'm gonna make sure everyone stays alive and is happy!”

She hopped up back to her hooves, bounding over to pat her forehoof on top of the pile she had been talking to.

“Thanks for helping me with the idea. This'll work great!” Pinkie giggled, darting out of her room.

A stray breeze was kicked up as the door slammed shut. The errant wind blew over the pile, knocking loose a large feathered hat that fell to the floor, exposing an outstretched stone lion’s paw.

Author's Note:

Editing by Jphyper

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