• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 3,491 Views, 182 Comments

Where am I? - seeker9709

I woke up and don't know where I am

  • ...

A nice conversation

Here is the new chapter for you guy's. Free cookie to anyone who spots the hidden reference.

For the first time in this whole goddamn nightmare I was sleeping peacefully. I was awake, but was in no rush to get up. I simply lay there until I was wide awake.

I sat up expecting to the see the room full of star charts, but instead I found I was in a solid white world. There were no walls, door, or ceiling. It was dead silent.

I turned and tried to see if there was anything in the distance. I looked and saw only white. I looked down to see I was wearing a white cotton shirt and blue jeans.

“Now this is just plain weird.”

I stared into the nothingness, when I heard something calling me. Not like a whisper or a sound just like I a supposed to be somewhere.

“I guess I'll walk”

I marched on. Not knowing where I was going, or who I was going to. I walked for what seemed like hours until I stood the edge of a hill.

The hill curved down and led to something in the distance. I couldn't make out what it was, but I knew that's where I was being called to.

I made my down the hill before I noticed. My injuries. They were gone. My head didn't hurt. There was no hole in my leg, or scars from the splinters.

This just gets weirder and weirder.

I continued making my way down the hill when I came across a small rise in the landscape. This was a tiny little hill which was proceeded by another small dip into what seemed like a giant fountain pool.

The water was shallow at most 2 ½ feet deep. The water poured out from a fountain in the center.

Then I saw something I couldn't believe I didn't notice before.

There was a young woman standing close to the fountain. She was tall. At least 6 ½ feet tall. Her hair was navy blue with small white spots in it. She was allowing the water to rain down on her like she was taking a shower. Oh did I mention she was completely naked?

I sat there crouched, not knowing whether to get her attention or avert my eyes. She began turning towards my direction and I slid backwards behind the crest of the hill. I sat with my back to the fountain pool.

“Well I have to do something. I can't just let her think that I was watching her. I have to get her attention.

“You could call to her.”

“Yea I guess, but she will wonder how long I have been there, and I'm a terrible liar.”

“Then just tell her the truth. You saw her and didn't know what to do.”

“Yea I guess you have a poi...”

Then it hit me. I don't have two voices.

I slowly turned my head and 2 big eyes dark blue eyes filled my vision.

“Hi” A cherry young voice said.

"Argh!" I stumbled back to see the rest of who was talking to me.

It was the girl from the fountain. Complete with no clothes.

“Don't sneak up on me like that” I yelled to her before turning my back. “And would you please put some damn clothes on?”

She giggled and spun in a circle and when she had finished she was wearing thick navy robes with a crescent moon on the sleeves.

“You can look now.” She teasingly called to me.

I turned and looked at her. She was young. She looked to be at least 18 maybe a little younger. She was beautiful to.

“Why thank you, I appreciate that”

I was confused “You appreciate what?”

She giggled “You calling me beautiful of course.”

I was dumbfounded. “How did you know I was thinking that?”

She giggled again “There are no thought in this realm. If you think it I can here it.”

I stared at her open mouthed. “Who the hell are you?”

“You mean you don't recognize me?” She gasped in mock surprise. “Here, maybe this will jog your memory.

She was enveloped in a blue magical haze. I gathered until it was to thick to see through. It swirled around her until I thought she was trapped. Then the fog stopped swirling, and a moment later it dissipated.

Standing where the girl stood was a proud and majestic steed, at least 6 feet tall, with a navy blue coat and wings, with a long horn sticking from her forehead and a black crown and necklace.
She gave me a warm motherly smile I experienced just hours ago.

“You... you're the... but how...?”

“I didn't want you to run, so I disguised myself as a human. I hope you don't mind.”

I stood there staring at her. She stared back obviously trying to hold in a huge grin.

Laughing, she finally broke the silence “Come on, all will be explained in a few moments.

She started walking down to the fountain where she had been bathing “Uh... hey wait” She turned and looked at me.

“Can you at least tell me you're name?” I asked

She turned to face me. “My name is Luna. Come, I will explain more.”

I followed behind her until we were in the shower of the fountain.

She turned to face me. “Before I start, I want to apologize for what has happened happened to you. I understand you have been through a rough few day's.”

I chuckled “You have no idea.”

“Hmmmm. Maybe you can show me.”

I gave at her with a confused look. “What do you mean?”

“Sit down”

“In the water?”



“Just do it.”

I grumbled but sat down anyway.

The water came up to my mid chest and soaked through my new clothes.

“Now I want you to concentrate on what has happened to you over the past few day's. Try to remember everything.”

I sat there thinking. Recalling everything that had happened my waking in the forest, me being chased by the huge monster, me being chased out of town and being shot, my falling asleep in the forest, then me being chased by Luna. Then I thought about waking up in the castle and running from Luna again.

When I had finished I looked to Luna for an explanation. I met her eyes and saw they were filled with sorrow.

“I...I don't know what to say.” She said to me.

“What do you mean”

“You just showed me what happened to.”

“What how?” I asked

“By concentrating on certain thoughts you projected them onto the fountain”

I was dumbstruck “What... Luna... how? Luna where am I? I demand to to know what is going on.”

She looked to me with sympathy “You are back in the castle, see.”

She motioned to the fountain and I saw myself. I was laying in the huge bed I had awoken in before.

“But... I'm sleeping. How are we having this conversation?”

she smiled almost apologetically “You're dreaming of course.”

I stood there shocked. “So.... then, we aren’t having this conversation. None of this is real. This is all inside my head.”

“But of course this is all inside you're head.” she replied “But why should that make it any less real?

“But than how are you talking to me”

Her wings flared out to the side “I am Princess Luna, ruler of the night and darkness. Dreams are only a part of my power, through them I may speak with whom ever I want and can pass messages to them as well.”

My head started pounding “But how did I get here, where is my family, my friends? WHAT IS GOING ON?

My head was pounding now. I started losing my balance.

Luna rushed to my side “Slow down, everything is fine. You are just waking up. Much sooner than I expected though. You most likely have a concussion from our encounter in the forest. Everything will be fine.

She laid me down, so I was floating in the pool. She looked down at me with her motherly smile I have become so familiar with. We gazed into each others eyes for a few moments before the entire world shattered around me, and I awoke.