• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 3,491 Views, 182 Comments

Where am I? - seeker9709

I woke up and don't know where I am

  • ...

In the everfree forest

Black. That's all I could see.

My head was throbbing something awful.

I tried to stand but my muscles just wouldn't respond.

“ Where am I?” I mumbled to myself.

I layed their for a few minutes and my vision began to clear up. I tried standing again, and slowly my limbs responded. It was clearly day time, but I wasn't in my bedroom. I seemed to be in the middle of a forest. “But where am I”

I decided to explore the area. I remember from my father taking me camping, that you can tell the time and direction from the sun. It was clearly daytime but the heavy forest canopy made it impossible to tell weather it was morning or the afternoon.

Then I noticed it. There was silence. Not a single sound save for my heavy breathing, and the sound of my footsteps. “What forest is this quiet?” Even in a suberban neighborhood you can hear birds singing or crickets chirping, but heer... There was only silence

I knew enough about wildlife that dead silence in a forest was extremely rare. “ Then again I haven't seen a single insect or animal the entire time.” I said to myself

Than I heard a deep rumbling coming from behind me.

“What was that?” I said to myself in particular. I searched for a few moments and decided the best thing to do was walk away. If it was a bear or something like that, it wouldn't be the best idea to startle it. I briskly walked away trying to avoid whatever it was.

Rumble rumble

Is it following me? I began jogging away trying to get away from whatever it is.

Thump thump thump

I began full on sprinting now, trying to get away from whatever it was. Whatever it was it was following me and it didn't sound small.

The creature gave a mighty roar, and I knew it was after me.

It was after me. Now I was weaving in between tree's trying to get away.

Thump Thump Thump Thump


“Oh my god...” I screamed I turned as a tree came crashing down right in front of me.

I quickly turned to the left to avoid the tree from crushing me, and I got my first glimpse of what was chasing me.

It had the body of a lion But I never saw a lion with paws the size of my torso. It had a giant maw and a mane like a bush. It had a pair of wings sprouting from it's back, But they weren't like a birds pair of wings. They looked more like a bat who had been attacked by a machete. They were each at least 6 feet long but elongated up instead of out to the side, and they were severely torn from what looked like fighting. The last thing I noticed was the scorpion tail. It had to be 5-7 feet long with a wicked sharp point, but it moved like it had a mind of it's own, and seemed to be searching yet it had no eyes.

It searched for a few seconds until it saw me. We locked eyes for what seemed like an hour but was less than a second before it roared and charged me.

I did the only I could. I ran.

I ran as fast as I could, weaving in between trees trying to get away, but the damned monster crashed through the trees. While it's size made it difficult for it to maneuver, It's strength was supreme, and it was slowly catching up to me. As it crashed through another tree I was hit by a spray of splinters. They dug into my back and arms, but with the adrenalin rush I was on I didn't even notice. I kept running until I saw the end of the treeline. Maybe this creature wont leave the forest, I kept running and I was out of the forest.

I looked behind me and the monster was still charging, and I didn't look to keen on stopping. I turned to see where else I could run, then I realized, the only place to go. Was down.

I was standing on the edge of a cliff. At the bottom was the ocean, but that was at least a 150 foot drop. The monster kept coming though, but this time in it's paws it held 2 large stones. I knew if those hit me I would never get back up.

So I did the only thing I could.

I jumped.

When people think of a 15 story fall, they imagine that they will only fall for a few seconds. They are partially right.

While I only fell for a few seconds ( 7 in fact) It felt like 2 or 3 minutes.

The boulders from the creature sailed over my head as I sped toward the ocean, I righted my body at the last second, and hit the water standing like a pencil.

The first thing I felt was the cold. The water was freezing, but not enough to make my muscles lock up. I surfaced the water and looked for land and saw it a few hundred feet out.

As I crawled onto the beach I could hear the moaning and the angry roares from the monster that was chasing me.

I walked and found a small cave on the beach. I sat down and took off my wet clother and left them to dry while I inspected the splinters. Many of them were small and only went skin deep, but a few were quite the opposite. On was protuding from my left elbow and was at least 3 inches long. I closed my eyes and counted to 3 before pulling it out. It bled but I put pressure on it it and it stopped soon after. I removed the others and applied the same method.

Once I had removed the splinters, I gathered my damp clothes and laid down to rest. Now that my adrenaline was gone, I was hit by a massive wave of exaustion, and laid down to sleep.