• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 3,491 Views, 182 Comments

Where am I? - seeker9709

I woke up and don't know where I am

  • ...

The chase

Luna dashed after him as fast as she could. She flapped her wings to give her a speed boost. He turned back to see if he was being followed and saw her.

Pure terror filled his face and he almost fell.

She was galloping hard and would catch him in a matter of moments.

Micheal reached into the cloak and began undoing the straps. Luna was getting closer and closer, she slowed down just enough the she could stop him without hurting him.

She was just a few feet away from him when she was hit by a large piece of fabric.

Micheal had thrown his cloak off and blocked her vision.

She tried to slow down but stumbled, fell, and rolled across the floor.

She untangled herself and saw Micheal disappear around the corner of a hall way.

“Enough games” She said to herself. She stood and galloped off again, but her wings sprung to life like a hummingbirds wings.

She took at a speed that make rainbow dash jealous, and covered the space in the long hallway in seconds.

Using her wings she turned quickly and dashed down the hallway Micheal had turned into.

She sped down to the end, but he was not there.

“There was no way he could have moved that fast.” she thought to herself. Then she sensed it. The same feeling in the air of the forest.


He was close by. Very close indeed.

She looked at the row of doors along the hallway. “But which room is it?” she wondered

She closed her eyes and concentrated. She could see the path of fear leading to on of the room, it was a few doors down from the hall entrance.

But if she opened the door to that room he might attack.

An idea popped into her head she turned to the hall entrance and her horn glowed for just a moment before becoming inert again. She went to the door on the far end of the hall and kicked it in.

The door blasted open and revealed the room to be empty. She exited the room and went to the next door and did the same thing.

While she was doing this Micheal was sitting in the room panicking more and more as the banging got closer.

“It's going to find me. I have to get out.

He sat next to the door and listened.

CRASH. The door a few yard away broke open.

There was silence for a few seconds.









Right as he counted to 8 another door broke down.

8 seconds per room.

He cracked the door ever so slightly and peeked out through the thin crack.

He saw the nightmare come out of the room she had just entered, and prepare to kick in the next

Micheal counted to himself





As the door broke down he threw his door open and ran out into the hall way.

Luna entered the room right next to the one he was hiding in.

“Lets hope it worked” She thought to herself as she calmly exited the room.

As she emerged into the hall she saw Micheal standing in the hall with his back to her.

“Ah good, it did work” She turned towards the doors she had broken and once again her horn lit up. The doors moved back into place and all cracks, breaks, scratches, and dents fixed themselves and moved back into position.

She turned and calmly walked in front of Micheal and saw a blank expression on his face. Only his eyes moving. Searching for why he couldn't move.

She turned to face his eyes meeting hers, she was wearing a slightly smug grin on her face as she met his eyes.

“It's not permanent if that's what you think” She stated to him “I simply placed a field in the hall that would freeze anyone who passed through it.”

Her tone grew serious. “You need to stop running. I am trying to help you, but if the guards see you they will kill you. I don't even know what my sister will do if she finds you.”

His eyes widened at the thought

“I will UN-freeze you if you promise to not run.”

His eyes met and locked on to each other, a mental battle going back and forth.

After a few more moments he stopped and surrendered

Luna's smile grew warm and friendly

Her horn lit up again and removed the spell on Micheal.

As it was withdrawn he took a deep breath in. He stood for a moment looking into Luna's eyes, before his legs collapsed out from underneath him.

Luna used her magic and caught him before he hit the ground, and knelt down next to him.

She looked at him with her warm motherly smile and saw the exhaustion in his eyes
“You must be tired. This will help you sleep.” She tipped her head down and touched her horn to his forehead.

I light blue glow spread from her horn and he blissfully fell into unconsciousness.

She levitated him onto her back and walked back to her chambers.

When she arrived she opened her door to find Twilight and the others.

They all turned to look at the princess as she entered the room, their gaze quickly shifting to the creature on her back. Twilight jumped to her feet.

“Princess. You're back. And you er... have a guest.”

“Yes miss sparkle. He will be fine now.” She said as she laid him into the bed. “What happened with Celestia?”

“We told her you had asked us to help you with a project, and that he was an old friend.”

Luna simply nodded. “That will do for now. While I am glad you are all here I must ask you to find some rooms for the night, as I have not slept in the last 36 hours. I will talk to you all again tomorrow.”

They elements bowed and shuffled out of the room closing the door behind them.

Luna pulled the covers over Micheal's chest. She looked to him with her warm smile again before walking out to the balcony.

She alighted slowly before flying out and gathering a small cloud. She brought it back to her room and climbed on top.

She gave one last smile to Micheal before curling up to sleep.

Hope you guy's like it. I will have more chapters out next friday.