• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 3,491 Views, 182 Comments

Where am I? - seeker9709

I woke up and don't know where I am

  • ...

Luna's side

Luna was nervous.

She was pacing back and forth in front of Canterlot castle waiting for the Elements to arrive.

“What if he dies before, they get here? What if he wakes up and is seen in the castle?”

With each thought she grew more and more worried, her wings flapping nervously.

She finally saw the carriage along the horizon. She galloped down the stairs to meet Twilight and the others.

As she reached the bottom, she saw twilight and the others emerge from the carriage.

“Twilight Sparkle” Luna called out”

Twilight's face lit up. “Princess. It's so great to see you again” She galloped over to meet the princess, but Luna held up a hoof.

“Now is not the time for pleasantries. I need you're help”

Twilight grew c. “What is the problem, did Discord escape again? Are Changelings attacking?

The others had gathered around now, listening intently.

“No. It is much worse than that I'm afraid. A human is in Equestria.”

A confused look passed around the group.

Fluttershy peeked out from behind her mane “Um. P-Princess, if you don't mind me asking, what is a human?”

“I have never heard of them either, what are they?” Inquired Twilight.

“Twilight?” Luna looked to the small unicorn “Are you familiar with the multi-verse theory?”

“The Multiverse is the hypothetical possibility of universes that together comprise everything that exists and can exist: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them.” She expertly replied.

Luna was taken aback. She had forgotten about twilight's expert memory, and her devotion to studying.

She recovered from her shock and looked to the group.

“Correct Twilight. In short it is the theory that multiple universes exist. It has never been proven, but Celestia and know the truth.” The parallel universes do exist, but we have never allowed that information out.”

The Elements were in shock. All except for Pinkie Pie

“Of course. You guy's didn't know that?”

They all turned to Pinkie Pie with shocked faces, including the Princess.

Twilight was the first the to recover.

“Pinkie? You knew about this?”

“Of course I did.” She replied with a huge smile plastered across her face.

“We can discuss this later, the fact is that a human is a creature from one of the universes.” She turned toward the castle. “Come, I will explain more on the way.”

As they walked up the long flight of stairs Luna explained about humans.

“A few thousand years ago, during the time after Discord's rain, Strange creatures were reported to be appearing all over Equestria. Many of these creatures were harmless, but some attacked. They had wandered into town and though to be monster and were chased out, but some fought back. They didn't have hooves and instead had what are called hands. The center was similar to a hoof, but it had 5 small “fingers” sticking out. They had 2 of these hands, and they walked on 2 legs standing up right.”

“These hands seemed like they were made for wielding tools like pitch forks or shovels. If they were attacked, they fought back and many ponies were killed by these humans.” Luna became sad at the thought of the ponies being murdered.

“Celestia and I, along with the royal guard, had to put a stop to the murderers. We traveled through the towns and through the forests, and...”

“And what Princess?” Twilight asked.

A grim look clouded Luna's face.

“We killed them.”

The elements gasped in chock and horror.

Luna looked to them with regret in her eyes.

“We were hoping for the situation to be resolved peacefully, but none would give in, and all fought back, but it is a decision I do not wish to make again. The point is that a human was found in Equestria the previous night, and was badly injured by one of my guards. I led a group into the forest at the edge of Canterlot, and I found him.”

“But princess, what does this have to do with us?” Rarity asked.

“The human is injured and scared. I need you to help me take care of him, and help me find a way to return to his rightful world. Not only that, if one human has shown up in Equestria others might as well.

The elements mulled over the thought of humans returning to Equestria.

“Of course we will help princess. You can count on us.” Twilight reassured her.

Luna beamed at them. “I knew I could count on you, but there is one more thing you should know. If you are going to help me you must not tell Celestia. The humans arriving in Equestria was... especially hard on her.”

“S-so what do we tell her?” Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow Dash looked concerned as well “Yea. I mean we can't just lie to Celestia.”

“Just tell her that you are helping me with a project, and that I don't want her to know what it is until it is finished.” Luna replied

“Can do princess” Came the reply from all of the elements.

Luna looked to them with a warm motherly smile.

“Thank you all.” they walked in silence for the rest of the trip. As they walked into the palace they saw Celestia staring intently at someone, but they couldn't see who.

“Sister. Who are you talking to?” Luna called. Celestia turned to them and so did someone else.

They all turned to the other standing at the far end of the room.

It was wearing a cloak, that obscured it's entire body and almost all of it's face, and it was tall. Almost as tall as Luna.

Luna looked to it for just a moment before her eyes widened in surprise “No don't-” but the creature was gone. Running down the hall as fast as it could.

“Stay here. I will stop him.” Luna quickly said to the group before dashing after the creature.