• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 3,490 Views, 182 Comments

Where am I? - seeker9709

I woke up and don't know where I am

  • ...


I was floating.

Floating in a black pool.

A pool of seemingly nothing. Like floating in space.

My head felt like it was hammered with a crowbar over and over again. I wanted to cry out in pain but my jaw wouldn't open.

My life the past few day's have been a living hell. I was chased by an enormous monster,then I was shot and chased out of a strange town by talking horses. Then I was chased through the forest again by some pegasus/unicorn hybrid, and was knocked unconscious.

I felt my vision clearing, and slowly my it returning. Once I could see I got a look at my surroundings. I was laying on a large bed decorated with stars and the moon. The bed was the softest I had ever slept on. I started looking around more and saw that the room was looking less like a bedroom, and more like an observatory.

The room was decorated with star charts and telescopes. It had beautiful paintings and pictures of galaxies, meteors, and stars.

I slowly rose from my laying position, and sat up against the backboard of the bed. I noticed that I was only wearing my jeans. My shirt was removed and no where to be seen. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and slowly rose to my feet. As I stood I felt a sharp pain in my leg and my head. I reached for my temple and felt rough tape. I felt my pockets and found another small stone. It must have fallen into my pocket when I fell. I slipped it back into my pocket. Maybe I would need it later.

I ran over to the nearest mirror and saw bandages wrapped around my forehead. I checked my leg and found fresh bandages there to. My arms and back also had bandages covering them. Had my captor done this?

I decided to explore my area. I opened the large doors to the bedroom. I peeked out into the hallway and found it was empty. It was almost dark outside, but the hallway was brightly lit.

I cautiously walked out into the hall way. After taking a few steps I became very dizzy, so much to the point that I collapsed against the wall to the hallway.

I felt myself falling unconscious again, but didn't allow myself. “I am NOT passing out again” I said to myself. After a few minutes I stood again and continued down the hall. I came across a connecting hall to the current one, and continued down that one.

I walked down to the end of the hall, and saw an open door to a room. I entered the room looking out for anyone else, and found I was alone.

It was a laundry room. I looked for new clothes. I found no regular clothes though. All I found were ties and robes. I grabbed a long black robe with a hood. I tied it around me and buttoned it so it would hide my arms and legs.

The only problem was that my feet stuck out a little. I decided to just crouch a little while I walk. I turned to walk out when I heard voices in the hall.

“Why is everpony talking about some monster roaming around the castle?”

“I don't know. I heard it went into Flower Pot's shop and attacked her.”

They were coming. I need to hide. I dove into the pile of laundry, and waited. I couldn't see very well through clothes, but I saw to creatures walk by the door.

All I could see was hooves.

I was still in the land of talking horses. At least they hadn't seen me.

I crawled out of the pile, and checked out into the hall before continuing. As I walked out I thought abut the one who had captured me.

When I had collapsed, I saw a long face covered in short navy blue fur. It had a concerned look on it's face and asked me something. I hadn't understood what it said, but I knew it was the same voice that was commanding the guards in the forest. That would technically make it a she.

Lost in thought, I realized that I had arrived at the end of the hall. I turned and found the end of the building was in. The hallway opened up into a massive room. The room had only 2 walls on the side. On the far end the wall was open except for pillars.

I crept over to one of the pillars, and stood with my back against it. I peeked out from behind and saw stairs. At the base of the stairs, was a row of guards in silver armor.

I was trapped. There was no way out. If I walked out I would be caught, and most likely killed. As I was considering my options I heard a voice behind me call out. “Who are you?”

I turned facing who had spoken to me. Standing there was a large majestic mare. She was enormous. At least 8 feet tall and had a majestic white coat. Her mane was 4 different colors, and was blowing in an invisible wind. She had a long white horn coming from her forehead, at least a foot long, and had huge majestic wings sprouting from her back. She had a long golden necklace with a lavender gem in the center, and a crown the same style.

I stared open mouth at her, hoping she couldn't see my face underneath the hood.

She stared at me and cocked her head to the side. “Hello? Who are you?” She asked again, her voice taking on a more serious tone.

I stared motionless not knowing what to do.

She narrowed her eye's at me. “I wont ask you again. Who are you?”

I looked left to right. Looking for a way out. I looked to the hallway where I had come from. She was standing to my right and I debated making a run for the hall.

She seemed to know what I was thinking though. “Don't even think about it.” She said to me.
“If you run, I will call to the guards, and I will subdue you myself.” She said now glaring at me.

I met her eye's and she met mine for the first time. She must have seen the fear in my eye's because her expression softened for a moment.

“Please. Tell me who you are, so I can help you.” She said to me. Her voice taking on a caring tone.

We stared at each other for a few more moments before I sighed in defeat. I lifted my hands to the hood to draw it back, when I heard voices from the other end of the room.

“Sister. Who are you talking to?” The white mare and I turned to look at who had entered the room.

I first noticed that there were 7 of them. 6 of them were only about 4 feet tall, and were varying in color. 2 were unicorns, 2 were pegasus, and 2 were regular horses. Their colors were the most shocking things about them. One was lavender with a lavender mane streaked with dark red highlights. One was bright pink all around coat, mane, and tail. One was cyan with a rainbow mane and tail. One was butterscotch with a long pink mane and tail. One had a pure white coat with a beautiful purple mane. The final one had an orange coat with a blonde mane.

The seventh was taller than the rest. She was at least 6 feet tall and had a navy blue coat. She had a necklace and crown similar to the white one, except hers was black with a crescent moon.

“Good god” I thought “She is literally a nightmare.”

She looked to me for a moment before her eye's widened. “No. Don't-

But it was to late. I was running, and I didn't plan on stopping