• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 3,492 Views, 182 Comments

Where am I? - seeker9709

I woke up and don't know where I am

  • ...


I woke up in pain. That seems to be happening quite a lot these last few day's.

I rolled onto my back and recalled the previous nights events. “ Oh that's right, I was shot in the leg, and chased out of that city by a unicorn and a Pegasus.” I groaned.


I hadn't taken the arrow out. I looked at my calf and saw that the arrow had penetrated my jeens. I would have to pull the arrow out to inspect the wound.

I moaned again and sat up in the underbrush would have to break the arrow to remove it. I rested my calf on my right leg, and prepared for the inevitable. I grabbed the head of the arrow, and counted to 3.



3. And broke the head off.

I tried as hard as I could not to, but cried out in pain. Now I had to it pull out of my leg. I prepared myself for the pain as best I could. I began to tug the arrow out, but the pain was so intense, that I had to stop. Luckily the arrow was small, so there was not much to pull out.

Inch by Inch I worked the arrow till it came out. Once it was out I threw it out of the brush, and went to work getting my jeans off.

Once they were off I inspected the damage. The arrow had gone through cleanly, but the wound was bleeding again, from removing the arrow. My leg was coated in dried blood, and was immensely sore.

I had to stop the bleeding, so I took off my shirt and tore it in half, and wrapped it around my leg and tightly tied it off.

Lying there recovering from the pain I had just gone through


Oh great my stomach. I haven't eaten in a day-and-a-half.

I crawled out from the underbrush and hiked for a few minutes, and came across a stream. I jumped down into the cool water, and cried happily.

I began drinking from the stream and scrubbing the blood from my leg. I happily laid there for a few minutes.

After I had cooled off and drank my fill I left to go foraging. I came across multiple berry and nut bushes, but I didn't trust any of them. As I kept walking, I finally came across and apple tree.

One by One I grabbed each succulent fruit and sucked them dry. Once I had concluded my feast, I returned to the underbrush where I had slept earlier and drifted off again once more.

Peacefully dreaming, I was suddenly awoken by gruff voices shouting. “ Hey over here. I found something.” One of the voices yelled.

Quickly and as quietly as possible I moved away from the voice and deeper into the thicket.

“ What is it soldier” A much smoother and clearly feminine voice asked.

The solder replied “ It's a bloody arrow. It must be close.”

I sat huddled not daring to make a sound.

They new I was here. What if they find me? What will they do, torture me, kill me?

The thought was to horrendous

“ Fan out and search the area, we must find this creature.” The female voice commanded.

I have to run. I have to go. NOW

I began sliding myself backward to possibly get out the brush. The guards began searching the area, trying to find me. I slid my self out the opposite side, and I crouched beside a thick tree, trying to decide where to go from here.

Then I saw them. 2 guards coming straight towards me, but they hadn't seen me yet.

I grabbed a small pebble from the ground. I waited until they weren't looking my direction and threw it into the brush behind them.

The pebble struck the bushes and shook the limbs. The guards turned and approached the brush to see what had caused it.

I took my chance, and I ran.

I ran past the guards, and they didn't even notice.

I kept running as best and as quietly as I could, But my leg being injured the way it was, that made it difficult.

Running and running from cover to cover, looking out to make sure there were no guards. I eventually made my way out of the area.

I risked making a stop at the stream, and drinking a few handfuls of water, before continuing on my way.

I eventually made my way into a clearing. A wide open space about the size of a football field.

I sat at the edge of the forest canopy, and tried to decide, whether or not to run across the clearing, or to to go around the clearing.

I crouched down low, and prepared to run

When suddenly I heard another gruff voice.

“ Hey, I found blood” he called to his companions

Blood? I looked down at my leg. The with adrenaline rush and of the thought of being caught, I didn't even notice my leg had begun bleeding again. Quickly sat down and re-tied my tourniquet.

If I was going I was going now

I prepared myself, and I was off. As I ran I heard no voices shouting, or calling there companions.

They had not seen me. I kept running till I got to the edge of the trees on the opposite side. I looked back to see If I was being followed.

I was not.

I was turning to continue walking when something caught my eye.

Up there. In the sky. There was a black speck and it was getting bigger. I had been seen. I turned and ran into the forest. I could soon hear the beating of wings behind me. I turned and saw a majestic Pegasus flying after me. I could easily see that it was much larger than any on the guards I had previously come across. As it got closer I could see a distinctive horn sprouting from it's head.

It's Pegasus AND a Unicorn?

I tried the zig zag maneuver, which yet again was to no avail.

My injured leg which been hurting more and more the entire chase, was now just flopping behind me as I ran.

I kept running, but my injured leg caught on a branch and fell, hitting my head onto a rock.

I tried to rise, but my muscles wouldn't respond, and my head felt like it was nailed to the ground.

My chaser landed next me, and stood over me. A concerned look on it's face. It asked me something, but I couldn't make out what it said.

My eyes rolled up into my head, and succumbed to unconsciousness.