• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,261 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 38: Battle of the Kingdom Part 1

The days past with a speed of purpose as the six ponies got to work. In the morning they would pour over the book learning as much as they could about the Crystal Fair and in the afternoon they would spend outside building the required structures needed to run the fair. Cynder and Spike did their best to help with some of the more heavy lifting. Spyro wanted to help but the crystal on his chest was pulsing more often and causing him a fair amount of pain. Cadence and Shining Armor were not doing any better as the crystals were running out of energy and the strain getting harder and harder.

Still there was some good news. For starters, a few of the Crystal ponies were coming out curious about the construction. Twilight and Rarity were quick to strike up a conversation and let those brave souls know what was going on. Hearing the creation of the Crystal Fair seems to give them a bit of hope and joy in their hearts as they were quick to start asking questions or offering advice. Some even volunteered as the rest would go spread the word. One or two even changed so their coats were more crystal then natural fur; a change that surprised the Ponyville ponies and the dragons.

As the day of the event got closer more and more Crystal ponies started to come out offering to help with the event or providing some materials and goods for the food and vendors. It wasn’t much and about half of the food was spoiled but the gesture was enough and they seem to be happy to help out in anyway.

“This event must be very important to them.” Cynder noted as Spike and her were driving stakes in for fences for the animals.

“From what I read, this event is what is used to power the shield that keeps the kingdom safe from the snow. That makes it very significant for them.” Spike replied.

Finally, after two days the fair was ready and all in the Crystal Empire came out to attend. Little fillies and colts were bouncing around playing in the streets as the adults were exploring around chatting laughing and enjoying themselves. The ponies were doing their best to keep up with the guests despite them being massively understaffed.

However as the day went on more and more ponies started walking up wishing to see the Crystal Heart. This was starting to become an issue for the dragons and Twilight as they stood around where they believed the Crystal Heart would be wondering why it wasn’t showing up.

“It should be here by now. Most of the Crystal Ponies are returning to their original forms and the spell lines are starting to glow in power.” Twilight muttered to herself. Underneath her hooves the lines of the spell matrix were glowing a faint blue glow but without the Crystal Heart, without that focal point it was all just useless energy.

“Is there something we are missing?” Spike asked aloud doing his best to keep the fear from getting to him.

“I’m afraid I have some more bad news.” Cadence said coming down amidst a trail of gasps from the residents. In her magical grip, Spyro was doubled over in pain as the crystal on his chest was pulsing faster. “I think Sombra is about to make his move. Neither Shining and I can keep the shield up for much longer and I sense his energy collecting on the outside of the shield.

Cynder went over to Spyro holding him in her embrace as the crystal suddenly popped out the moment the shield was gone. Laughing a familiar tone the others watched as Sombra began to slowly emerge from the crystal fully formed “Ahhhh at long last. Rejoice my subjects your King has ACK”

He grunted as a slab of magical earth hit him hard in the back of the head sending him flying down the street. Cadence snorted, her magic glowing blue green color “Twilight go and find the Crystal Heart and bring it back here. I’ll keep Sombra busy.”

Spyro slowly recovering from the ordeal added “Spike go with her. Cynder and I will back up the Princess.”

Spike nodded and said “You got it but where would an egotistical unicorn mage hide a relic of significant magical power?”

“How about on top of the tower.” Twilight automatically replied earning a look from the others “What that is what I would do.”

“So the top of the castle? But we didn’t find any way of reaching up there. Even flying to the top was blocked off by some kind of energy.” Spike said

“There must be a secret passageway leading to the top hidden by some kind of magic.” Twilight shouted back before sprinting back into the castle. Spike shouted for her to wait before following close behind.

Sombra had gotten back on his hooves and snorted a bit of black smoke “Oh you are going to regret that princess.”

Cadence smirked a bit as her horn glowed a bit more creating two earth slabs “Oh I don’t think I will.” Cynder had moved up next to the princess and blew some dark fire on the earth slabs lighting them up before the alicorn threw them with subsonic speeds at the unicorn.


When Spike and Twilight made it inside of the throne room; they saw a sight that made them both gasp in shock. Passed out on the floor in front of the throne room was Shining Armor, his horn weakly sparking with blue magic. Around him were the four crystals no longer glowing and even losing a lot of their shine. Twilight was quick to race over to her brother rolling him onto his back and looking him over. Spike followed close behind “Is he okay?”

Twilight was frantic as she looked over his body. Apart from being unconscious, he didn’t appear to suffer any other physical wounds especially on his horn which could crack if a unicorn used intense magic for an extended period of time. After a minute or two, Twilight pulled back and let out a sigh “Yeah thank Celestia. He seems to have only passed out from magical overuse.” She looks over at the crystals “Perhaps the crystals took the brunt of the magical feedback in order to keep my brother safe.” Twilight magic a pillow from a bedroom and put Shining’s head on top of it so he didn’t have to sleep on the hard crystal floor.

With that done the two began to look around as outside the sound of earth hitting pavement, screams of ponies, and the occasional screech of Cynder’s Siren Scream filled the windows. Twilight let out a groan “You sure you looked everywhere?!”

“Positive.” Spike replied examining the throne room for some kind of contraption.

Twilight didn’t doubt her foster brother nor her brother, sister in law, and the two dragons that they searched every inch of the castle physically. Still an idea popped into her head as she spied a small crystal floating inside an ornate circle on top of the throne chair “What about magically?”

“Huh…” Was the dragon’s response as he faced the unicorn only for his eyes to grow bigger. He saw her horn, normally a purple glow, now glowing with the same black green aura Sombra’s horn glowed. Before he could voice his concern, Twilight fired a beam of dark energy at the crystal. The crystal started to change from purple to black as the castle shifted and rumbled underneath them. The two watched as a panel behind the throne chair opened up revealing a large staircase that was inside the main tower.

Spike was in awe as Twilight giggled and started to climb the steps shouting “Come on Spike. Let’s go save the Crystal ponies.”

Spike coughed a bit to get Twilight’s attention before saying “Um Twilight...how about instead of climbing all those steps I just fly us up there?”

Twilight paused looking at the massive spiral staircase and back to Spike who was unfurling his developed working wings. A flush of embarrassment appeared on her face “Oh..right...good idea...yeah.”

Chuckling, Spike moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her barrel and holding her in his chest. He noted the small blush of embarrassment was still on her face but he figured that it was still from him pointing out the more practical solution. Crouching a bit, he tensed his legs before jumping up into the air and flapping his wings. A few flaps and he was up and flying straight to the top of the tower with Twilight grabbing onto his arms for dear life.

Back Outside

Most of the Crystal ponies had been evacuated to a safe place thanks to the other ponies leaving Cynder and Cadence enough space to deal with Sombra or at least buy enough time for Twilight and Spike to find the Crystal Heart and end this. Even though Cadence’s magical powers were running on empty, she was still an alicorn and trained under Celestia to properly manage her magical energy to use as little as possible to get the maximum amount of results.

Dodging a dark beam, her horn flashes as she molds the earth underneath Sombra’s hooves to trap and halt his movements. He somehow sensed it and quickly teleported out of danger landing on top of one of the stalls that was still standing. Glaring at the stallion “You won’t win Sombra. We are going to stop you.”

He tilted his head apparently finding the statement amusing “Is that so? Well you certainly aren’t doing a good job of it. Once I defeat you and consume the Crystal Heart; I will rule the Crystal Empire and then all of Equestria.” He shoots several crystal shards at the princess which she was fortunate to dodge.

“As the Crystal Princess I refuse to let my subjects fall victim to your tyranny.” Cadence shouted with authority.

It happened in almost a blink of an eye but she noticed the black darkness fade as his eyes switched from red to green as he said in almost a whisper “Princess?” As quickly as it appeared the unicorn let out a groan as the blackness and red eyes returned. He smirked back at the alicorn “Well ‘Princess’ once I win the only royal duty you will be doing is my personal plaything.”

His horn lit up with more magic as a large dark beam shot out. Seeing the danger and Cadence not able to dodge it, Cynder jumped out of her mist form and tackled the princess out of the way before blasting several red fear orbs at Sombra. The orbs connected causing him to stagger a bit and grunt.

“You need to stay focused Cadence.” Cynder stated spreading her wings out in an aggressive stance as the alicorn got back onto her hooves. Shaking her head, she nods her head as her horn glowed summoning gems sharpen to daggers as the two ready themselves for what was to come next.”

At the top of the Tower

Spike and Twilight reached the top of the tower to a sight that put them in awe. As the black skies brought the wind, snow, and hail outside; there in the center was a floating blue heart made of the finest of crystals. It floated on its own accord not affected by gravity or the wind as it spun lazily in place.

Spike placed Twilight down saying “Careful this could be a trap of some kind.”

“Don’t worry Spike I’ll get the Crystal Heart and save the day” Twilight replied as she ran towards the heart ignoring Spike’s cries of wait.

The moment she got close, the ground shook and the floor glowed a black light. All around Twilight, black crystals started to form around her and grow. Her eyes widening, she tried to use her magic to teleport out with the Crystal Heart only for the magic of the floor to make it fail. She tried to blast at the crystals but she could only do a tiny amount of damage to it and it was growing too fast.

Spike was fairing no better as he tried to punch, cleave, smash, and burn his way through but the crystals were proving to be too hard. Seeing no real answer he shouts “Twilight you have to throw me the Heart.”

“No I can escape! I can save the day.” Twilight shouted as she tried spell after spell but the room was either blocking her magic or preventing her spells from working.

“Twilight if you don’t toss me the heart Sombra is going to win.”

“But Celestia told me this was my test and I have to pass it on my own.”

“Twilight are you really putting a stupid test from Celestia over the lives of an entire nation?!”

Twilight was about to shout at Spike about calling a test from Celestia stupid but she realized that she was being selfish about the situation. As the crystals started to form around her into a dome and her time and options running out; she finally conceded. With the last opening available, she tosses the Crystal Heart at Spike who caught it. What surprised the two was the artifact glowed a bright white light blinding the two.

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