• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,244 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 35: Connecting Crystals of Truth

Returning back to the marketplace, Spike pulled out the crystal and as instructed began channeling his magic into it. He watched as light began to pour out from it and forming an image of Cynder “Oh Spike can you hear me?”

“Yeah I can hear you. Are you able to hear me?” Spike replied

“Yep looks like the signal is strong here. Good to know for the future. Anyhow what is the situation?”

“Nothing too bad actually. Just wanted to give my report of what I found out so far.”

Cynder nodded “Alright hold on let me get the others close.”

Spike found himself a seat to sit on as Spyro, still looking to be in pain and fighting against it, Shining and Cadence came into view. From what the young drake could tell they all appeared the same as when he left but he wasn’t sure how detailed the display was. Still he did smile at them “How was your search of the spire going?”

“Progress has been slower than we had thought.” Shining replied his hoof rubbing against his leg on a reflex “There were quite a few old traps to dispel and destroy but we did confirm what this spire is.”

Cadence gave a small nod “Indeed from what we found in old artwork and the general layout I think it is safe to assume that this spire is in fact a castle.”

“A poorly defensible one I might add.” Cynder replied earning a confused look from Spike and the ponies and a chuckle from Spyro and Sparx.

“Anyhow.” Cadence continued, “Right now we are at the throne room where I found the strain to my magic to be slightly lessen though not sure why yet.”

“Hmm then I might have a theory on that.’ Spike interjected feeling a sense of accomplishment in figuring out a possible puzzle piece almost like Daring Do would in discovering the answers to puzzles. “Looking at the palace from the outside and noticing a pattern at the base of it with lines leads me to believe that they are a rune ritual of some kind. Shining I am sure you are familiar with those.”

Shining’s face took on a more pensive expression “Oh don’t remind me. I can still remember the day Celestia taught Twilight about them and she spent the next several weeks trying to create rune rituals for all manner of things like cleaning up her room, teleporting dinner to her desk where she studied, to even one trying to get cookies from the cookie jar without being in the same room.” He let out a sigh as Cadence did her best to suppress a giggle “It was just lucky our mom was also knowledgeable about such magics or else the house would have been full of them. Any ideas on what this one does?”

“Not a clue and I don’t risk testing it out with my own magical energies. Given its position and the shape of the palace though my best educated guess would be that it has something to do with protecting the town from the blizzard.”

The group was silent for a moment thinking it over before Cadence replied “I think that is a good assumption to make. Given the development of the town from what we have seen out of the windows and the environment it stems to reason they had some means of defending themselves from the cold.”

“Provided the town is still inhabited though. There haven’t been many clues on that front either.” Spyro said

Spike again felt that sense of joy that one gets for delivering good news “Actually the town does seem populated. We actually encounter one of the residents.” Shock went through the faces on the other side of the crystal and sensing there questions he continued “No I was unable to get the pony’s name and what they had to say was hard to understand due to the amount of fear she was displaying. The only thing I got from her was a name which I believe to be the identity of that strange smog stallion.”

“Nice alliteration.” Sparx commented earning a tiny bit of blush from the young dragon.

“Who is he then.” Cynder asked


Cadence let out a soft hum “Sombra...Celestia mentioned that. Apparently he was once an adept unicorn living in the fabled Crystal Empire which was said to be home to a subspecies of ponies called the Crystal Ponies. According to her he was known to be sound of mind and skilled in magic until one day he left on a quest for knowledge. She didn’t hear anything about him until the tyrant King Sombra suddenly rose to power and was such a threat the princesses were forced to seal him and the Crystal Kingdom.” She paused for a moment to catch her breath a bit due to the strain of her magic “She mentioned that she finds it hard that Sombra the court wizard and King Sombra are one and the same. There personalities black and white.”

“There has been something else that has bothered me about this Sombra character.” Spyro stated suddenly that all attention was focused on him. “I’m not sure if it's just this crystal confusing me but whatever corruption is around Sombra feels...familiar.”

“You think it might be from your world?” Spike asked

Spyro didn’t say anything, his mind deep in thought. Cynder pressed herself closer to the dragon offering comfort. Shining looks back over at Spike and said “Spike why don’t you keep exploring the town see if you can get anymore information about Sombra and the Crystal Empire. I think it is safe to say that we are standing in the Crystal Empire right now and Cadence and I will need to educate ourselves as much as possible to help win over the populace.” He points off screen “I noticed a larger building about west of your current position. The structure reminded me of a library. That might be a good place to start. If it isn’t a library they might have information on where you can go to get what you need.”

“I understand.” Spike replied and dispelled the channeling of his magic to the crystal and watched the display vanish. Storing the crystal in his bag he collects his thoughts and organizes them thinking “I wonder what Twilight and the gang would be doing in this situation...probably trying to throw some kind of party would be my guess.”

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