• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,261 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 23: Dragon vs. Nightmare

Chapter 23: Dragon vs. Nightmare

Spike could feel his heart starting to beat a bit faster as he realized their first major villain had somehow returned even though Luna was suppose to be reformed. Sure there was that one time where the Nightmare had taken over Rarity but that event resulted in the last of that evilness to be purged. So how was she here? It was a question that was repeating in his mind as the Nightmare slowly made her way towards the drake, a smirk on her face as she states "Well six out of seven isn't too bad. You are lucky that your dragon heritage provides you with a natural resistance to harmful magic." She pauses for a moment before adding "Not that it really matters. Soon you will submit to my rule and Equestria will bask in the eternal twilight."

It was then that Nightmare Moon's horn started to glow and Spike only had a moment to realize it before he heard six screams. Turning around, he watched as a shadow like essence was pulled out of each of his friends. The shadows moved towards Nightmare before settling onto the ground. The six pools were settled and inactive for a while and it even got to the point that Spike had to wonder what the purpose of that was. However before he was to voice his confusion, the six pools started to form into dark versions of his friends. The normal colored coats were replaced with black and various shades of gray as contrast. Their eyes were now a ghostly white color that gave them a haughty appearance.

Nightmare Moon smiles before gesturing to the six shadows before saying "You like? I call it my Anti-Elements and as you will soon realize they are just as good if not better then the originals." Once she was done, the Shadow Applejack quickly dashed across and spun around to deliver a strike on Spike's chest.

Reacting on instinct, Spike dodged out of the attack and counterattacked on one of the Shadow's legs. Once the hit connected, he became aware of a sudden cry of pain. Looking back at the real girls, he saw that Applejack was clutching her leg right at the spot where he had just hit. It didn't take him long to realize what had happened before Nightmare said "Oh did you think it was going to be that easy?"

Spike felt something on his back and without warning grabbed whatever it was and threw them. He didn't have time to register Pinkie's sudden gasp as if taking a hit to the gut before he had to block a strike from Rainbow Dash. Alas this also had a reaction as the real one started to rub her hoof as she no doubt felt the impact of hitting tough dragon scales. Spike was about to push the fake one away but had to back off just in time to feel see a beam of black magic passing by in front of his face.

Spike was quickly figuring out that he was in a lose-lose situation. If he tried to fight back or heck even defend himself; he would be hurting his friends. Yet if he did nothing then these shadows could end up hurting him...or worse. Spike wasn't so young that he didn't think about the concept of death but considering that he was a dragon; he figured he had an quite a long time before something like that became a concern. However given his current situation; he couldn't help but worried that long lift spam was about to be cut rather short.

"Is that really the best you can do? And here I thoughts dragons were such capable warriors." Nightmare Moon mused as the six shadow ponies slowly advance towards the drake; their expression emotionless. The young drake was feeling a sense of fear and doubt worm into his body as he starts to slowly back up from the creatures who looked like his friends.

"Don't be afraid." A voice whispered inside of his head causing him to stop his slow retreat and look around to find a source.

"You can win this fight."

"Just believe."

"Believe...that you have the strength to protect what is important."

Spike lets out a gasp as he realizes the voice was coming from inside of his head. Before he could try to figure out what or who made it, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. Clutching it, he let out a soft groan as his vision was flashing between several different color tints so fast that it would make Pinkie dizzy. Eventually the colors stopped and the drake was left breathless as his world now had a soft purplish tint to it.

Slowly, he looked up and was amazed to find a thin purple strain that started from each of the shadow ponies and, upon following it, ended with their real counterparts. Spike looked back and forth between them before realizing "Wait...that must be how anything the shadows feel is transferred to the girls. If I could sever the connection, I should be able to defeat the shadows without causing anymore harm."

He didn't have more time to think as the Shadow Fluttershy crashed into him. Using a strength that was surprising to him, Spike found himself on his back with the shadow trying to crush his windpipe. Alas it would seem that the shadow inherited all the aspects of their host which means that at best it was going to leave a small burse. Still Spike did have a closer view of the strand that was flowing out of the shadow and tries to figure out how to cut it.

"Trust your instincts."

"Trust your skills."

"Trust in yourself."

Spike's claws started to glow an orange-green color as he whispers "I hope this works." In a single cut, he slices what the others would see as nothing but air but to him would be the strand. The shadow Fluttershy let out a cry of anguish before dissolving into nothing. Quickly hopping back onto his feet, he took one last look to see that the real Fluttershy was still good and no worse for wear which means that it worked.

His other hand now glowing in that strange orange-green glow, he waited for the next shadow to come. Not surprising, Applejack and Rainbow Dash's shadows charged at him. He waited for the right time before dashing past the two; his hands sweeping across cutting both of the Shadow's life strains. The shadows cry out before collapsing and dissolving into nothingness. Riding the momentum, he quickly front flipped and grabbed the last three strands in one hand and using his other to slice it in half. The shadow Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie cry out before fading into nothingness just like the others.

Spike was feeling pretty good about himself at this point and was about to start patting himself on the back before a magical shot hit him in face leaving him dazed. Looking back, he saw the glowing horn of Nightmare Moon as she said "Oh I do hope you didn't forget about me."

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