• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,261 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 12: Spike's Condition and Celestia's Order

Oh boy this chapter took a lot longer to plan out then I had anticipated. That and I've been kind of distracted as of late. Sorry for the wait but hope you enjoy.

Chapter 12: Spike’s Condition and Celestia’s Order

Of course there was one creature in the library who took great pleasure at the revelation of what Spike turned out to be. Sparx was rolling on the floor in a massive fit of laughter, the high pitch kind that made everyone present focus their attention on and wondered if said dragonfly was going to hurt himself in his laughter induce state.

Eventually, the dragonfly managed to calm down enough that he was able to hover again and said in between bouts of giggles “Man Spyro I guess I have to apologize for all those times I called you fat considering that there’s another purple dragon who is clearly packing on the pounds.”

Of course that comment was met with mixed results but generally was in the negative side of things. Spike of course was feeling somewhat agitated by the off-hoof comment and his temper caused him to say “I’m not fat you talking bug.”

Sparx of course didn't respond to the challenge verbally. All he had to do was merely raise an eyebrow and glance at the slight but noticeable bulge around the young dragon’s stomach area to make his point across. The look seemed to also cause Spike’s annoyance to flair and he said “Maybe a demonstration of my dragon fire will teach you.”

Sparx of course developed a more challenging pose while Spyro and Cynder glanced at each other, once again thinking along the same lines. They both believed that if Spike had indeed discovered his element and said element was in a mature form; then it would at least give Spyro a basic idea of where to go in terms of training.

However, when Spike took an exaggerated breath and upon exhale form a tiny jet of green fire, those thoughts were quickly discarded. Sparx was in a state of immense glee as he returned to rolling along the floor in uncontrollable laughter. Such laughter was enough to crack the mask of toughness that Spike had tried to keep up and everyone present could see the watery liquid forming in his eyes.

Spyro gave a silent growl of annoyance and frustration and decided to take it out said frustration. With a solid smack of his left front paw, Sparx was propelled into the air in cone of earth energy. Spyro then focused his mana and said dragonfly now found he was trapped in a cage of high voltage electricity. Said orb was quickly brought over to Spyro and the adult purple dragon said in a commanding voice “That’s enough Sparx! I won’t have you insulting my student with you constant insults.”

“Wait…student?” Twilight asked her curiosity quickly in the forefront of her mind. Ever since the battle was over, she and the other elements had more or less the same question in their minds. Said question being what were Spyro and Cynder doing here since it was somewhat clear that they weren't from Equestria. Spyro slip of the tongue was enough of a clue that Twilight was quickly forming what could have only been the most logical conclusion and she couldn't resist blurting out “Are you saying you’re here to…”

“Train young Spike? The answer to that question my faithful student is yes.” The regal voice of Princess Celestia said as she stood outside the threshold to the library. Everypony and dragon turned their attention to her and all, minus Spyro and Cynder, quickly bowed. Celestia gave a warm smile and said in a casual voice “May I enter Twilight?”

Twilight quickly nodded her head and Celestia gave a quiet giggle before crossing the threshold and sitting in one of the cushions that dotted the floor. Conjuring up a cup of tea and taking a small sip, she eyed the still kneeling ponies and said “Please stand my little ponies. I was never one for ceremony and I think most of you would have gotten use to me by now.”

Everypony rose up and while they all moved to find a cushion to sit on, Spyro decided to lead the conversation as well as voice his major concern by saying “Celestia, while I did agree to help train young Spike here, I must point out that you aren't giving me a lot to work with here.” Spyro felt that it was slightly better than outright saying that Spike was underdeveloped as to try and avoid making it seem like it was his fault.

Celestia nodded her head in an understanding matter and replied “I understand that Spike is lacking in skills that you would deem important for a dragon to know, however he has a good head on his shoulders, is willing to learn, and is already able to summon his fire breath.”

“No he hasn't.” Cynder coldly remark. Although she spoke in a quiet tone, it was enough to bring the entire room into a deathly silent with ponies looking at her with various degrees of confusion on their faces.

Celestia was the only pony to remain unfazed by the remark but Cynder could tell that she was just as curious as the others from her eyes. Even though only being around these ponies for roughly a day, the dragoness had already gotten a good grasp on the body language and facial expression, one of few skills that she was proud of.

Cynder, knowing that she was going to be fighting an uphill battle, said “A dragon of his size and able to create a fire or any type of element of any degree is just not possible without some kind of magical interference.”

Celestia nodded and said “Yes, I did use a bit of magic to give Spike his fire breath. Is there some kind of problem with that? Surely it is wise for a dragon to unlock their fire as early as possible to allow them more time to learn how to control it.”

Celestia had sound logic…sound but flawed. Cynder shook her head in disagreement and replied “With all due respect Princess you’re wrong. While it might seem like a good idea, the truth in the matter is that such an action could have potential physical and psychological effects.”

The other ponies were now deeply interested and even Spike was somewhat curious as to where this conversation was going. They also had an underlying emotion of surprise by Cynder’s rather blunt comment on Celestia making a mistake. Cynder ignored the questioning stares and responded “Before a dragon becomes able to summon their element, their body has to have finished developing enough to be able to handle the pressure. There is also the fact that unlocking your element could be considered the dragon equivalent of reaching adolescence. By releasing said element prematurely, you run the chance of said dragon to begin their adolescence cycle of development before they had finished their child cycle of development. In terms of physical effects, the dragon could develop large eating habits, underdeveloped or lacking of important physical body parts like claws teeth horns or wings, and a much slower growth in both length and height. As far as mental problems, a dragon could fall into fits of attraction that border on obsession, periods of sudden and aggressive changes in behavior that manifest into unstoppable forms of greed or anger, and will be more likely developed a disconnection with his or her fellow dragonkin.”

Everypony, Celestia and Spike included, were startled by the almost word for word diagnostic of a dragon that had their fire magically active when compared to how it defined what made Spike act like the way he does. Spyro was also surprised but for a different reason and he whispered “How do you know so much about raising a youngling?”

Cynder gave a small playful smile and replied “partly due to instinct and the rest from a rather informative book.”

Celestia, after getting over her mild surprise, asked “Is it permanent?”

Cynder gave a mild shrug and replied “It varies really, from what I am able to understand; though in reality not a lot of parents do something like this so there aren't a lot of recorded cases.”

“Never the less Princess, we came here to do a job and by my ancestors I plan to see it through.” Spyro added, feeling a new sense of determination and drive surging within him. Cynder was also in agreement and she had a similar look in her eyes.

Celestia noticed this and gave a small smile in thanks before saying “This I leave this in your capable claws. I know you will do your best to bring out Spike’s full potential.” She paused for a moment and added “Why don’t you take Spike out for his first lesson while I talk with his caretaker.”

Spyro was momentarily put off-guard by the sudden request and while he did understand the need for the elements to be filled in, he wasn't exactly sure of what to do for a first lesson. Quickly shuffling through his memories of his own training, Spyro was able to pick one that wouldn't be too difficult and should serve as a way to establish an understanding of what Spike is like as a dragon without having to deal with the pressure of the ponies around him.

Spyro gave a slight nod in understanding before making his way towards the door with Cynder and the paralyzed Sparx following close behind. Spike took one glance at Celestia before giving a more hesitant nod and running to catch up with the two dragons.

Once the door was closed, Celestia turned to Big Mac and said “Why don’t you take these young fillies out for some treats?” Big Mac, having gotten use to his sister being one of the elements a long time ago, caught the hidden meaning behind the suggestion and quickly got the fillies out of the library in a mix of groan and sighs. Once the door had been closed for a second time, the princess of the sun returned her attention to the mares and said “Now I’m sure you all have many questions, most of them concerning Spyro and Cynder correct.”

The element nodded in agreement and after a brief moment of silent, Twilight was the first to ask “Where did they come from?”

Celestia looked off into the distance and said “A land that has seen much joy and pain in it time; A land that is filled with wonder but carries many scares…scares that even now are still healing and may even remain to serve as a reminder.” Celestia turned to look at them again and said “Such a land I nor any other pony has even been too. It is called by several names but the most common is Avalar.”

A few of the mares looked around in wonder and their mouths even moved as if to whisper the name. Another pause in the conversation and Applejack decided to ask “Okay, so it’s safe to assume that Spyro is going to be teaching young Spike correct?” Celestia nodded in agreement which gave the farm pony the signal to ask “So why them? I mean nothing against Spyro and Cynder but why those two and not one of the dragons here?”

On this question Celestia took a while to answer and the pause before her answer was enough to cause worry to grow in their hearts; unsure as to what kind of answer they might get. When Celestia did return her attention back on them, she said in a kind tone “What you ask me, I am sorry to say that I cannot answer right now. Not to leave you in the dark, but because you and Spike are not yet ready to handle such an answer.”

“Why not?!” Rainbow Dash retorted in mild anger which was quickly dissipated by the hard stare that Celestia was giving her.

Celestia took a small breath to calm her body and mind before she replied “Because that question is the root of many other questions…questions that, if unprepared to handle, could cause a rift not only in Equestria but in Avalar as well.” She took another breath and continued “What I can tell you is the same thing that I told to Ignitus and that Spyro was the only dragon capable to teaching Spike.”

“Who’s Ignitus?” Twilight asked as her mind tried to shuffle through all the names that she could remember but was unable to find it.

Celestia smile returned and she replied “He was once the guardian of fire but is now the new Chronicler of Avalar. It’s his job, from what I can remember, is to watch and record all the events that go on in Avalar; events ranging from the major to the everyday events of every sentient creature.” Celestia gave a small chuckle and said “You would have liked it Twilight, his library is probably bigger than the Canterlot Library.”

Twilight’s mouth hung open in disbelief as her mind tried to wrap around the concept of a place that was filled with knowledge on such a scale. It was enough to cause some drool to form on her lips before enough was created to start hanging off said lips.

While everypony gave a silent chuckle by Twilight’s self induce daydream; Rarity gave a gentle cough and said “Spyro must be pretty important in that world.”

Celestia turned her attention to the white unicorn and replied “You would be correct Rarity. Spyro and Cynder are considered heroes in Avalar.” She gave playful smile before adding “Fitting really considering what Spyro is.”

“Wha…what do you mean Princess?” Fluttershy asked is a hushed tone.

Celestia gave a calming smile to the pegasus which seemed to help a bit as she wasn't shaking as much and answered “Spyro’s purple scales are actually a very rare for a dragon.”

“How rare” Pinkie Pie asked

“Try once every ten generations.” Celestia responded and silently chuckle as she saw the shocked expressions of disbelief on their faces. Before they could recover, Celestia continued “It’s because of that rare scale color that marked Spyro to a destiny and an ability that no other dragon is capable of obtaining. Now what that destiny and ability is…well…that’s something you can ask him when you throw him your ‘Welcome to Ponyville Party’ right Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie Pie, her eyes widening in shock at the realization, quickly grabbed all of her friends and rushed out the door towards SugarCube Corner leaving only a trail of dust behind. Celestia chuckled to herself before finishing the rest of her tea and softly whispering “I hope Spyro and Cynder can handle a Pinkie Pie Party.”

Man I apologize for the lateness of this chapter but I hope you all enjoy it.

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