• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,261 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 29: Bug Bashing-Dragon Style

“I didn’t expect you to get out of those mines so quickly.” Chrysalis remarked as she slowly makes her way back to the dais where Celestia, Twilight’s friends, Spike, and a hypnotized Shining Armor were standing “However soon Canterlot and all of Equestria shall…”

She didn’t get the chance as a sudden force slammed into her side causing her to crash into the wall. Dazed a bit, she pulls herself out to see Spyro standing where she was just at.

“Sorry but if it's all the same to you can we skip the monologue and get right to the part where we kick your butt.”

Cynder and Spike moved alongside him as all the ponies started to evacuate the room. Chrysalis gets up from her spot and shifts her head a bit “Oh this is going to be enjoyable.” She then fires a blast of green energy straight at the dragons.

However the dragons were quick to react. Spyro quickly ducking under the beam as Cynder and Spike dodge to the side. Cynder opens her mouth, a stream of black fire pouring out and flying towards the bug queen as Spike does the same those his fire was emerald green. Chrysalis was forced to put up a green shield to block the two blasts of fire which stopped her from continuing that beam attacking keeping Spyro pinned.

Back on his paws, Spyro charges at her, his body slowly being covered in orange-purple flames. Using his rear legs, he kicks himself off the ground before spinning in the air while pumping more fire and convexity energy around his body. His comet dash slamming right into Chrysalis which forces her again into the wall and the impact so hard that it broke through causing the two to fly through. Spyro continues to push himself through though he wasn’t able to stop the descent, The two free-fall for only a few seconds before landing on an open platform.

Spyro kicks himself off of Chrysalis and fires four arcs of electricity at her. The changeling queen was forced to teleport out of the way before she countered by throwing several green constructs that were in the shape of daggers. Spyro counted by launching several ice shards at them canceling them out but one manages to find its way through and lands right on his shoulder. He lets out a grunt as he feels the magical blade piercing his hard scales like they weren’t even there as he holds his paw up to the wound.

“That magic is stronger than I had anticipated...could all that time draining Shining Armor have amplified her power?”

“I’m in a whole other league then you whelp.” Chrysalis remarks, conjuring up a broadsword of pure green energy with the intention of finishing him off. Before she got the chance her path was blocked by a blast of slimy green goop.

“Get away from him!” Cynder shouts as she flies towards the changeling, her mouth firing more green globs of concentrated poison. Chrysalis manages to either dodge or destroy the globs before they could cause any real damage to her. A few splatters do land on her body but her harden chitin protects her sensitive parts from being eaten by the acid.

Once Cynder lands in front of Spyro, her gaze capable of melting Dante’s Freezer, as her wings spread out in a protective manner. The posture doesn’t go unnoticed by that changeling which causes her to let out a soft coo “Well well such strong concentrated love...perhaps even stronger than Shining’s love for that pansy princess. I believe I will enjoy sucking it dry and using it to conquer all of Equestria.”

“I’d like to see you try.” Cynder remarks as she lets out an ear shattering scream. Chrysalis was forced to back up a bit and cover her ears in an attempt to block out the noise. However this distracted her enough that Spike, who was forced to glide down to the platform rather than dive bomb it like Cynder did, came up and landed a fire charged haymaker right into Chrysalis’s face. The intense fire caused her chiten around the point of impact to glow for a few seconds as she was dazed for a few seconds.

“Cynder can you go make sure Spyro is alright. I’ll hold her off.” Spike remarked, bringing his paws up and focusing back on the changeling. Once he saw her recovered, he moves in close where he would limit her long range magic advantage while putting him in a advantual position. Stepping light on his feet, he strikes out with his elbow in a glancing blow.

Chrysalis creates a small shield to block the strike while lashing out with her horn to attempt to impale him. He shifts his weight, letting the mangled and dangerous bone slide across his shoulder. The move was a risky gamble and Spike took advantage of the mistake as he plants a straight hard jab right into her chest. Dragon scales met changeling chitin and neither gave to the other. It did cause her to slide back a few feet as the wind was knocked out of her.

“Blasted reptile. I’ll show you what it means to mess with a queen.” She spat at the ground before summoning a construct of a greatsword made out of pure green fire. Shouting, she swings the massive blade at a speed that Spike was not expecting. Without anytime to dodge, he puts his arms up in a defensive posture and braces himself against the floor.

The blade didn’t make it as a wall of earth shot out between it and Spike. The dragon looks back to see Spyro, fully recovered, and Cynder approaching him. The two stand to his right and left staring at the changeling queen. “Give it up” Spyro remarked “This is a fight you can not win.”

Chrysalis had to admit that three dragons on one was perhaps more than she could handle. Still she kept that air of defiance “Who said anything about winning. I was just stalling for time.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked before the dragons heard the sound of glass shattering. Looking up, the saw the shield protecting Canterlot destroyed as swarms of black creatures that were smaller than Chrysalis but having similar features pour into the city.

“This isn’t good.” Cynder remarked as the changelings begin swarming over the city, their numbers easily overwhelming any attempts at a reasonable defense. A group of seventy-five brake off and land on the platform where the dragons were. Reacting, Spike, Spyro, and Cynder pushed back against each other to cover their flanks.

“Think you can handle this many?” Spyro asked as he looks left and right keeping his eyes focused on who would make the first move.

“Well…” Cynder licks her lips as a grin forms on her face “Might be tough if one more shows up.”

“Then that will have to be the one I take care of.” Spike flexes his hands as he starts to channel his fire energy into them.

The two Avalar dragons glance at each other before saying at the same time “What you’re fighting too?”

Spike only had a moment to looked shocked before the swarm was upon them. Each dragon took a deep breath before letting out a stream of fire towards them. The torrent of magical flames creating a wall around them though only temporary.

“Who should go after the queen?” Spike asked as he eyes the changelings waiting just outside the firewall.

“I think it might be best for us to stay on the defensive and reduce their numbers. That queen is amplified by Shining Armor’s magic so going one on one is risky” Cynder remarks as she flares her wings out, the metal barbs on the tips shining in the fire.

“Oh I don’t think that would be wise.” Chrysalis remarks, moving herself past her drones “Unless you wish for your pony friends become my next meal.” Her horn lights up and the dragons saw an image appear in the air. It shows Twilight and her friends captured by the changelings before flashing to different images showing Celestia and Luna doing their best to fight off the swarm. “Soon all of Canterlot will be our personal dinner party.”

Spike hadn’t heard much beyond seeing his friends...his treasures in danger. His eyes glowed a bit as he lets out a massive roar. The force snuffing out the flames around them in an instant. No one had much time to react as the drake shoulder charges Chrysalis, pushing her back several feet and knocking her off balance.

“That isn’t good.” Spyro remarked as he and Cynder were now forced to deal with the remaining changelings. Their plan appeared to be to rush at them with numbers in hopes that one of them would be able to get in close to drain their energy. While that plan would have worked on untrained ponies; against two war veterans with lots of experience fighting against the odds. Spyro and Cynder became a whirlwind of claws, tails, and elemental power as they fought off the swarm.

Meanwhile, Spike was punching wildly in an attempt of land a blow against Chrysalis. However, lacking the control needed in his prefer style, his strikes were easy to dodge and block. Some small part of Spike was trying hard to break free from this fury but all in his mind was the imagine of his treasures suffering and the one who was causing it right in front of him.

Deflecting a sloopy jab, Chrysalis used her magic to land a blow to Spike’s chest before launching a series of magical blasts. Spike, put off balance, was unable to dodge and found his scales were starting to crack from the constant abuse. Chrysalis smiled, her teeth gleaming like pointed daggers “My my so predictable. I’ve faced enough dragons to know how to make them at my mercy and you young one will be no different.”

Spike tried to move forward but his energy was drained and his collapsed onto his knees. Growling, he tried to muster up the strength needed to fight back but nothing came. Spyro and Cynder were still trying to break through but the numbers seemed almost endless and they were running on steam as well. It would have been the end of them all but suddenly Chrysalis let out a scream of pain and a bright blue glow emanated from the castle where the ponies were at.

Before the dragons had a chance to process this turn of events, a massive blue a pink shield expanded outward passing by them and pushing Chrysalis and her changeling armies out of Canterlot and sent flying off. As the wave passed through Spike; a voice echoed in his mind. One that was rich in knowledge and power.

“Come to the Crystal Empire.”

Author's Note:

Oh Sweet Luna you probably all hate me and I can't blame you. This took way too long to get out and I only have my life and lack of motivation to blame.

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