• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,244 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 14: A Dragon Reborn

Bet you all were waiting for this right. Well I hope that it doesn't disappoint you.

Chapter 14: A Dragon Reborn

One week…

It was hard to imagine that it had been a week since Spyro and Cynder had made their presence known and yet it seemed like nothing has changed. The sun still rises every day; the weather team is still busy working. All in all, it was a picture perfect day in Ponyville.

Still, it was what happened under that appearance of normalcy that showed the changes that the town had to go through; specifically towards their new draconic guests. Spyro, who had no real skills sets outside of combat, would be found doing odd jobs around the town. Wither it ranged from helping Applejack on the farm, to delivering the mail, and there were even times that he could be found at Ponyville Elementary watching over the foals during recess. Cynder, on the other hoof, found her time spent with the weather team; learning about controlling clouds and how to gauge various conditions like how many clouds were needed to get the ground to the correct heat level.

All in all, life in Ponyville was more or less unaffected by the inclusion of the two dragons; although that didn't stop some of them to still have some fearful looks whenever they were close by. The only one who didn't seem overly enthralled was, surprisingly enough, the third resident dragon.

Spike, who had been anticipating the prospect of going through a scenario not unlike what Twilight was in with Celestia, had more or less lost his original eagerness. Besides meditating in front of that blue gem; Spyro had been closed mouth about any further lessons. It was getting to the point where Spike was actually considering skipping out on those meditation exercises since they have done nothing to help him. Sure, he was still trying to come up with an answer to Spyro’s question but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't come up with a good enough answer. In desperation, he proposed the same question to Twilight, but despite her best efforts only gave answers that he had already dismissed.

The young dragon was now at Sweet Apple Aces, helping the Cutie Mark Crusaders with another one of their schemes at finding their special talents. Luckily, for the dragon at least, their current idea wasn't as dangerous as some of their past ones and in fact was actually rather simplistic. Applebloom figured that their attempts were getting too complex or too specific for a cutie mark and figured to try something simple; which, to Applebloom at least, was bucking apple trees.

Spike was in front of one of those apple trees and was trying to do his best to get a single apple to fall into one of the buckets. However, no matter how much force he used, he wasn't able to even get the tree to sway. The other fillies were having similar problems minus Applebloom who had seen to be able to get a few apples to drop after repeated kicks.

“This is boring.” Scootaloo suddenly proclaimed to the sky. Though said boredom could have been the result of some frustration at what could only be described as unmovable trees.

“It’s not too bad Scoots.” Sweetie Belle remarked while she attempted to use her magic to try and remove one of the apples. However, she was only able to make said apple wiggle a bit before she had to break her concentration.

Of course such a comment managed to only make Scootaloo a little more perturbed. Taking a few breaths to calm her mind, she turned her attention to the young drake and said “Hay Spike, still having trouble coming up with that answer?”

Spike was momentarily stunned by the sudden question but managed to recover enough to reply “Nothing yet. It’s strange though…I feel like I know what it is but it just keeps eluding me; like when you are trying to think of the right word to say and it’s on the tip of your tongue but you can’t place it.”

“Maybe it has to do with being the biggest?” Scootaloo suggested

“Or the meanest” Sweetie Belle chimed in

“Or the loudest” Applebloom added

“Or maybe…it being the most pathetic” came an unknown voice that seemed to stutter as if it was chewing on something.
The four young ones let out a startled yelp and turned to face the source of the voice and what they saw almost caused them to freeze in terror.

Almost as if appearing from the trees themselves, at least ten of those strange creatures slowly approached them. The creatures slowly made their way towards the group, spreading out as if they were planning to block off all escape routes. Eventually, the group stopped when they form a wide arc and out of the center came a slightly larger version of the creatures. The main difference with this one was that on its head was a rather menacing looking helmet that gave the appearance of being on fire.

“Wh…what do you want.” Applebloom said in an attempt to put on a brave face. However, the almost demonic look that the large creature gave made her lose what little resolve she had and caused her to backpedal towards her friends.

The large creature lifted its arm and pointed at Spike before saying in that rubbing tone “We want the dragon. Give him to us…or we will take him.”

Spike, who was confused as to why this…thing wanted him in the first place said in a nervous tone “What do you want with me?”

The creature’s grin became wider as he replied “That doesn't concern you. Surrender to us…unless you want their deaths to weigh on your conscious” gesturing to the three fillies as he finished the last sentence.

The fillies were now in complete terror and Spike was also feeling really scared. He had never come across anything that was so evil that it would murder innocent fillies in such a relaxed manner. He couldn't stand up to them and the others were busy with other tasks, unaware of what was going on. It seemed like the only option was to surrender to these creatures and hope that the girls would tell the others.

“You are really going to fall for the oldest trick in the book? Wow and I thought I was thick headed.” A voice sounded inside the young dragons mind. Before Spike could say anything the voice continued with “You do realize that they are still going to kill the fillies no matter what you do. I think the term is called ‘leaving no witnesses’.”

“How do you know that?” Spike asked in his mind, feeling a little uncomfortable about the fact that he was no talking to himself or possibly going crazy.

Strangely enough, Spike sense that the source of the voice was feeling a sense of surprise and it became apparent when it responded with “You can hear me?”

Spike didn't say anything but tried to give the mental impression that he was nodding in agreement. It was then that everything became silent before the voice practically shouted “OH MY ANCESTORS FINALLY. Do you have ANY idea how hard it was to get through to you? Seriously you’re deafer then my great uncle Groundshaker after that run it with that fear dragon.”

Spike wanted to say, or think as the case was, something but that voice continued “Look we don’t really have a lot of time before those Grublins decided to start attacking so I’ll make this short and simple so that even you could understand. Before you ask, my name is Tielenth and I am one of your Ancestors.”

“My…Ancestor?” Spike asked in an unsure tone of voice.

He felt Tielenth nodding his head and saying “Specifically from your father’s side but that isn't important right now. The main thing to worry about is those Grublins who are threatening your horde.”

“But I don’t have a horde.” Spike protested, memories of the last time he had a horde and what that had been a part of still present in his mind.

Strangely enough, Spike had the impression that Tielenth was grinning and he replied in a very casual tone “Really, because from what I can tell; you have a horde that consists of nine of the most valuable and precious items that a dragon can have. But I guess if you don’t think your friendships are that important then…”

Tielenth let his sentence trail off when Spike retorted “I don’t think of my friends as if they were part of a horde and I certainly wouldn't deny them their freedom and keep them trapped in some cave.”

“Which makes them all the more valuable” Tielenth merely responded which managed to disarm Spike. Thinking that it was time to drive his point home, he added “Any dragon can go out and collect a couple pounds of gold and treasure, but rare is the dragon that is able to form bonds of companionship and make friends. To a dragon, having a friend is a treasure more precious than anything else in the world because you have managed to convince another that you aren't some vicious monster. Even more valuable are the friends you allow to live and experience life because you trust them enough that they won’t betray you. True, your situation is different; but the core values are the same. Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are all a part of your horde and you know it deep down inside of you.”

Spike wanted to deny those words, but the more he thought about it; the more it seemed to truth. He did think of them as his treasure, his horde. He could recall how he felt a small sense of hopelessness whenever they went on some crazy adventure and he couldn't come, or how he felt that small bit of anger swell inside whenever they were feeling sad or depress. Anger that was born of frustration at the fact that there wasn't anything he could do to help them besides lending an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on.

Even now, he could feel another familiar feeling slowly forming in his heart. The primal feeling that all dragons have whenever they felt like their horde was threaten. But as much as Spike wanted to act on those feelings, the realistic part of him pointed out that familiar limitation he had.

“I…I can’t…” Spike said in a defeated tone “I can’t keep them safe. I’m not strong enough.”

“Well of course you’re not…but you will be.” Tielenth replied “All you have to do is simply accept the fact that you are a dragon and that these thoughts are normal for you to be thinking. Once you do young dragon; you will have the strength and wisdom to protect your friends. Now go…”

Spike felt something release inside of him and gave out a breath of shock as memories upon memories seemed to just flood into his mind. He could feel his muscles growing and hardening under his scales, the bones in his body becoming stronger and thicker. He could feel his teeth and claws growing and becoming sharper like daggers as well as the spines on his back becoming more solid and define. It was as if he was experiencing a kind of hyper-metamorphism, changing into something that almost felt like the time he experience that greed growth spurt. However, unlike before, Spike was in complete control of his mind and emotions and such a control gave him a new sense of confidence. Before the transformation was over, he heard Tielenth finish his sentence.

“…and unleash the true dragon within you.”

Let’s see if Spike’s new form will be enough to handle those Grublins. Find out in the next chapter.

Author's Note:

For the record, I got the name Tielenth from a random dragon name generator I goggle so I apologize if that name is already being used somewhere else.

P.S: On Saturday, I shall be returning to college to start my junior year so I can't make any promises on constant updates to my stories. I will still try of course but I hope you understand if you don't hear from me until December.

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