• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 6,980 Views, 795 Comments

A Shadow’s Grave - Pinkies Imagination

CJ wakes up in Equestria after a year of his own dead sleep. A miracle right? Far from it... there is a dark entity... a forgotten enemy, stalking his every move, waiting to strike... (Sequel to Where the grass is green and the girls are... PONIES?!)

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Ain't no party like a....

Again, I'm sorry for the slow uploading, lots of school work, anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 8: Ain't no party like a...

I made my way to Flutter shy's and knocked. She opened the door and smiled when she saw it was me. I decided to kneel down to her height.

"Hey Shy, I got invited to a party tonight by vinyl, want to come?"

Her eyes immediately shot open wide. I moved back a bit in surprise by the reaction.

"You were invited by vinyl?! Oh my gosh! Of course I'll come! I love her music!" She then immediately blushed and looked down.

'Well then, you learn something every day!'

"She uh... also gave me this pass here." I help up the silverish gold pass, her eyes lit up. "It lets me go backstage where vinyl is, and I can bring my friends." I ended that with a wink.

She flew through the air and wrapped me into a hug. When she finally released it she looked back at me.

"Oh! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"

'Sweet Jesus! I never thought Shy could be such a fan girl. I always through that more about RD'

After my thoughts I picked up an audible 'Squee' And I chuckled slightly.

I looked back at her and smiled warmly when she was calmed down.

"Meet me at sugar cube corner in two hours, we will be waiting with everyone else." She nodded and went to get ready to leave.

As I walked through ponyville I was thinking about what to say to my friends, I decided to go to sugarcube corner first cause then I won't need to explain what happened to her. I made my way there and pushed open the door. I saw Pinkie sitting at the counter... well... bouncing... So I walked over and smiled, Which she seemed to love.

"So... Pinkie, I am going to a party at a club tonight, do you want to come? I have a back stage pass."

Her face immediately lit up and she nodded furiously.

"Alright, we will all meet here in two hours, alright?"

She nodded again, and I left the bakery. I made my way towards Rarity's and knocked on the door. she sung out a little musical tone and opened the door and went wide eyed. She leaped through the air and grabbed me in a deathly tight hug. After I recovered from the surprise I managed to choke out a few words...


She gasped and let go, where I took in a deep breath a few times and calmed myself, looking down at her crimson face. I couldn't help but chuckle. She looked back up at me and was about to ask a question about me being gone. I know that look, I have seen it on twilight way to often.

"Rarity... everything is fine, I Pinkie promised remember? I will tell you all everything when we are all together." She smiled and agreed.

I told her about the party and to my surprise was excited to go. I asked her why she was so pumped. And she said she had never been able to meet vinyl in person during a party. I nodded and made my way to the library. When I got there I knocked three times. The door swung open to reveal a unicorn buried in a book.

"Not now... come back later..." After that the door swung shut.

I sat there for a few moments before the door shot back open and Twilight flew out and hugged me tightly.

"A-Air..." I said.

She quickly got down smiling with huge eyes.

"Jeez... I seem to have that effect on ponies.... I feel like my ribs will break someday." I ended that with a joking tone.

She smiled and gestured for me to come in. So I came in and before she could ask any questions I decided I should make myself heard.

"Twilight, I know you may have many question, but hold off for now. I got invited to a party tonight..." She rolled her eyes, expecting Pinkie pie.

"...by Vinyl..." Her face immediately lit up and she ran to me and stopped within millimeters of my face with a HUGE grin.

I sat there for a moment petrified. Seeing a smile like that... is just unnatural... even after being with Pinkie pie when she has the giggles. When I found my voice I looked back into her eyes.

"And um... she gave me a ticket." I said holding out a ticket. Her eyes went wide...er..... if that's possible.... "You know what this is don't you?" She nodded. "Good, then I don't need to explain, "I want you to meet us in sugarcube corner in two hours."

She seemed confused at first. "But... It's not dark for another three...?"

I walked to the door and stopped as I reached it. "Well, I expected you all have a lot of questions?" She thought about it then nodded furiously.

I left the door and begun to walk towards Sweet apple acres. I was half way there when I got thinking.

'Now how in the he-hay... am I going to tell RD?'

As if on queue a cyan blur shot towards me and tackled me to the ground. When I got out of my daze I saw a cyan pegasus hugging me.

'Oh for the love of...'

I managed to push her off me this time because she was holding closer to my stomach, not my chest. She looked up at me and spoke at a faster speed than Pinkie.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright! Where were you! What happened! Where did you go! That was so awesome when you were like, 'Don't touch Twi!' And like dove and then-" I shoved my hand in front of her mouth.

"Enough Pinkie." I said with a slight grin.

She stopped for a moment before slumping back and blushing brightly. She looked back at me forcing a "Don't worry, I am still cool" look, but I could see right through her.

"You're excited to see me I am guessing? I haven't been gone THAT long!" She looked me up and down and shrugged.

"Anyway, I got invited to a party tonight, by Vinyl, and she gave me a pass." I pulled out the pass and showed it to her, revealing her fan-girlish side for a moment. "And it lets us go backstage to talk to her and stuff." Right there she exploded with a loud "Squee" And starting hopping all over the place around me. I couldn't help but slightly laugh my ass of....Ok I exploded onto the ground for a few minutes.

When we were both calm I looked back to her. "Meet me and the others at sugarcube corner In about two hours." She nodded and shot off.

I continued my walk to sweet apple acres. When I finally reached it I saw Applejack bucking trees. I watched for a moment as she hit one and an apple bounced off of the bucket and rolled down a slant towards me.

"Oh pony feathers!" Is all I heard.

I bent down and picked up the apple. As I walked towards her she turned around to look for the apple. She saw me and froze for a moment as I placed the apple in the bucket. I looked back at her, still silent.

"Well at least your not hugging me too, I think it would kill me this t-" Nnope.

She flew into the air and wrapped her hooves around me. This may have been the most painful death grip I have ever felt. Before it felt like I was going to black out she let go of me and backed up a step.

"Hehehe.... sorry bout' that. Ah'm glad yer back!" I nodded in agreement.

I looked at her when I finally stabilized my breathing. "So, AJ, I got invited to a party tonight by Vinyle, I got a pass that lets us go backstage. Want to come along?"

She thought about it for a moment then smiled and yelled back to Big Mac somewhere in the rows of trees that she will be gone for the rest of the day. I told her when and where to meet and I walked off towards my house. When I got there I was surprised at what I saw. I could see Flutter shy talking to a certain grey pegasus.

"Ditzy!" I yelled

She turned around and smiled.

"Well, It's been a while huh CJ?" I nodded in agreement.

"Well, I have two thing for you today, first we would like to ask you to come back to the post, it has been slow since you left since we have had trouble moving boxes and things like that."

"Sure Ditzy, I was planning on asking tomorrow anyway."

She nodded and continued. "I also have this package for you."

I looked at a medium sized box behind her and walked toward it. I looked it over and noticed there was a note attached to it. I pulled it off and read it.

Dear CJ

I have created some clothes for you to wear tonight, but had to send them to Canterlot to be fitted with a little something 'extra' so it will be sent to you by mail, I hope you like it!



I smiled and looked back at the box. I opened it up and pulled out a shirt that was white with some black in it. Then the pants which were the same but a little bit of red. Then finally a sweater that was like the shirt... but seemed... somehow cooler. About 20% more if you ask me. And it was patterned with designs like DJ symbols and notes and stuff.... overall, it looked freaking amazing.

"Oh... my... CJ, that looks great." I nodded in agreement.

I then asked if Ditzy would like to come, but she said she was too busy with Dinky, so I nodded and turned to Flutter shy.

"Shy, I'll see you at sugarcube corner. I need to get ready."

I walked to my house with the box and went inside.


When I got to the bakery I noticed everyone was there. So we sat down and started asking and answering question. When it was all finished we left to go to the party. Still a lot of uneven stares at Pinkie. But they let it slide after a bit. When we arrived at the club we walked in. I didn't know where it was, but you could hear this place from a mile away. We all walked in and looked around. Lots of ponies were in a crowd dancing while others were near the wall talking.

"Well, what do you guys want to do first?" They all gave me a deadpan stare.

"Mmmk follow me." I said sad that I didn't get quite the reaction I had hoped.

We made our way to a door where two ponies were sitting 'Guarding' it. I walked up to them and they looked at me. I showed them the pass and they let us all through. We made our way up a small set of stairs and came to a place where we could see a large turntable and a white unicorn sitting there. She looked up at me and pulled off her headset she had half over her ears.

"CJ! Whats up!" She said to me.

"Not much, I just brought my friends along if that's cool." She nodded and looked at the six ponies.

"Whats up everypony! Come over here and I'll show you how this works." Everyone bolted to her, Flutter shy in the lead.

I began to walk off before hearing a voice call for me.

"Hey CJ! Come here!" I turned around and walked towards Vinyl.

"You seem to know a good deal about music. Is that your talent?"

"Humans don't really have a special talent, we can be good at many things. But I always loved music, my dad used to make his own and showed me how to do it."

She nodded and gestured me to come forward. So I did.

"Ok, do you know how to use this?" She pointed at the table.

"Ya I have used one before."

"Alright, here you go." She plugged in my (now her's) I-pod in and started playing one of my favorite songs.

"Lets see what you can do!"

I walked up to the table and started mixing and messing around. I had no idea how I knew all of this. But it came naturally. I thought the song was coming out horribly. When I was done I turned to Vinyl and the others who all had their mouths wide open.

"What? Was it that bad?" I asked with a bit of worry in my voice.

Then I heard it... A slight sound. Cheering, coming from the party floor. The place we were in was like a balcony sort of thing. With a sheet of glass in front of us so we can overlook the party floor. All of the ponies were cheering at the room we were in. I turned back to Vinyl and my friends, still wide eyed and mouths on the floor. Finally Vinyl found her voice.

"Dude... that was awesome!"

"It wasn't that good..." I said slightly embarrassed.

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Are you kidding? You did in one try what usually takes me hours of retries!" She said, still amazed, "Your cutie mark must me a DJ or something!"

"Humans don't have a cutie mark."

"Well, if you were a pony, I bet my life it would be."

After that, Flutter shy and Rainbow were constantly bombarding me with questions like,

"Are you a DJ on your planet?"

"Can you do that again?"

"Can you teach me?"

"When did you get so much more awesome!"

They followed me the whole night, Rainbow bragging to everypony we walked by about how I had played that song. While Flutter shy just followed along staring at me.

'Hm... a DJ... you know... I could do that! It's a great time consumer!'

The rest of the day went along smoothly and I was called now and again to mix the random song, and every time it would turn out as good as the last. I would have remembered all of it if pinkie hadn't brought in the punch....

How did you all like this chapter? I decided to make it longer than usual! Hope it was a entertaining chapter!

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