• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 6,986 Views, 795 Comments

A Shadow’s Grave - Pinkies Imagination

CJ wakes up in Equestria after a year of his own dead sleep. A miracle right? Far from it... there is a dark entity... a forgotten enemy, stalking his every move, waiting to strike... (Sequel to Where the grass is green and the girls are... PONIES?!)

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Hey guys! I'M A PONY!

I am trying to get back to chapter making, I took a long break, but I'm going to try to start pumping out chapters for you all! ____----IMPORTANT----____ Until stated otherwise, CJ and Celestia's minds have switched places! They also have eachothers voices. (CJ Has Celestia voice and vice-versa)

Chapter 23: Hey guys! I'M A PONY!

Me and Celestia just continued to stare. What else would we do? We were to shocked to speak. We sat there for hours... I think. Until I thought something to myself.

'Wait... I'm on four legs...'

At that moment I collapsed to the ground with a loud "THUD"

"...ow..." I mumbled from the floor.

"Me! I mean... CJ... are you OK?" She said with a hint of worry in her tone...

"Ya... I'm fine... just kind of hard to stand..."

After a bit of struggling I make my way onto my... hooves... I look to Celestia and notice she is still laying on the bed. But inspecting my body. Like the legs, arms, fingers etc...

"What spell did you cast anyway?" I said with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

She looks at me and starts thinking. "I... I don't remember... I just remember a flash then this..."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, come on, we need to find a way to fix this."

She attempted to stand and just fell flat on her face. She tried getting back up and fell again.

"Tia, you walk on two legs now, two, not four. Just act like... you are trying to balance on your hind legs. Trust me, humans center of balance will make it easy for you."

She tries again, and with some weird flailing of arms she balances her self out. She starts walking around to get used to them, as do I. After maybe a half hour of practicing walking we both sit down.

"These things are so... useful..." She said as she wiggled her fingers.

"You can do so much with them..." She said.


"Ya... fingers are awesome, now... what do we do?"

She takes her focus of the fingers and starts to think, scratching her fingers on her chin...

'I think she enjoys this too much...'

"Hmm... well, we could ask Twilight?" She suggests.

"What about your sister Luna?"

She gives me a deadpan look. "Do you honestly think she will take this seriously? She would find it too funny to help, besides, she is over in Manehattan at the moment on royal duty."

"Ya... I guess you are right... well, lets get going." We both stand up... awkwardly... and make our way to the door. Before I tried anything she reached forward and pushed it with her fingers, with a large smile on her face.

"Well, can't we stay like this for a..." She started.


"But I..."


"Fine..." She said with a hint of defeat her her tone.

We opened the door and walked out of the room, as we walked down the hallway all the ponies started bowing at me.

"Thank you my littl... I mean..." Started Celestia... remembering what body she was in.

All the ponies started giving weird looks at her, she turned to me for help.

"Oh... It's alright, CJ here was just speaking for me... I have a terribly sore throat." All the ponies seemed happy about the answer and went on with their business.

"Your welcome..." I said with a big dumb smile.

"Haha... funny..." She snapped back.

We left the hospital and walked through ponyville, receiving more bows. We made it to the library and walked up to the door. We were about to knock when I hesitated. I got an evil grin on my face. Celestia noticed this and raised an eyebrow.

"Whats so funny?" She said curiously.

"Oh... nothing..."

I knocked on the door. A few moments later Spike answered.

"What no- Princess!" He dropped down and gave a bow. I nodded and he turned and walked in.

I followed him in and found Twilight already bowing. I tapped her on the shoulder and she looked up.

"Hello Twilight, I came here to ask you something."

"Yes princess?"

At this point Celestia knew something was up.

"CJ here wanted to tell you something, but is making up strange things to try and get around the idea... the truth is... he likes you... a lot."

'BAHAHAHAHAHA... I'm so dead for this... but still.... worth it... totally... worth it....'

Twilight's eyes went wide.

"R-Really?" She stuttered out.


We both looked to Celestia who was wide eyed and slack jawed. I was trying to hold in a laugh, surprisingly It seemed easier to do so in this body...

"..." Twilight said nothing.

"Twilight?" I said.


*Whistles* "Heeelllllooooo? Equestria to Twilight, come in Twilight..."

"C-C-CJ... l-likes me?" She said in awe.

"Yu... wait... what?"

Twilight shot over to Celestia and gave her a huge hug. I saw her give me a stare that could possibly kill, but I was laughing so hard inside I didn't really care. Then... It happened.

Twilight kissed her...

2: Worth it.
3: ...HOLY SHIT!
4: Never expected that Twilight had a thing for me...
6: I wonder what Tia thinks of the kiss...

When Twilight finished the kiss she continued to hug Celestia. When Celestia snapped back into reality, she got out of Twilight's grip and pointed at me.

"Why would you do that! That's not funny!" She yelled.

She turned to Twilight. "Twilight, CJ is lying, we switched bodies and now he just got you to kiss me!"

Twilight thought for a moment and turned to me. "Wow princess, you weren't kidding, he is making a lot of stuff up..."

At that moment I couldn't hold it. I dropped to the floor and just burst out laughing.

"Y-You... BAHAHAH.. a-and... Pfft-HAHAHAHA... and t-then... BAHAHAHA!"

I continued to roll around until I finally calmed down. I stood back up and saw two faces looking at me. One looking shocked and confused, the other looking victorious. I turned to Twilight and took a deep breath completely calming me.

"Twi... It's me, CJ, we did switch bodies."

At that moment Twilight went pure red.

"Hehe.... I didn't know ya'll had a thing for me?" I said with a chuckle.

Twilight turned even deeper red... if that is possible... and looked back at me.

"O-Oh... w-well... I... uh... I-I... was j-just... uh..." She stuttered out.

"Never mind Twilight, I know I am handsome and all... but wait until I get my body back, seeing you kiss the princess was... awkward..."

What did she do? She turned to Celestia and... went even DEEPER red.

"P-Princess!?" She said to Celestia.

Celestia just nodded. And twilight looked ready to pass out. I held her up and straitened her out. When she finally calmed down we all sat down. But right away Celestia stood back up. I turned to her.

"Problem?" I said.

She looked at me with an embarrassed smile.

"I have to... uh... use the bathroom..."

'...O-Oh... my....'

So? How was it? Let me know by leaving a comment! Also rate it up if you liked it! If you want to support even more, favorite it and maybe share these stories with your friends! See you all next chapter!

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