• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 6,985 Views, 795 Comments

A Shadow’s Grave - Pinkies Imagination

CJ wakes up in Equestria after a year of his own dead sleep. A miracle right? Far from it... there is a dark entity... a forgotten enemy, stalking his every move, waiting to strike... (Sequel to Where the grass is green and the girls are... PONIES?!)

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Shadow showdown

I hope you all like the upcoming fight scene! And sorry for that bitch of a cliffhanger before. Just wanted you all to be excited for the next chapter! Also... MY TEACHER GAVE ME 100% ON THE STORY! :D

Chapter 31: Shadow showdown

I ran along side Hecarim as we went deeper into the darkness. After a few minutes of running, Hecarim puts a hand in front of me.

"Wait." He said quietly.

I nodded and waited as we stood there. After a few moments he began to dim the light until everything went black. I was about to move when I felt his hand leave my chest. I was about to question his motives when I heard a loud scream and a loud "CRACK" Nearly right beside me. Then his light turned back on and I looked at where the noise had come from. There was a wolf laying on the ground. It looked the same as the shadow wolf I had seem before, but a lot smaller. Before I could take a closer look, It dissipated like mist. I looked to my right and saw Hecarim standing there.

"What wa-"

"We have to move faster." I didn't say a word.

I followed him now in a full sprint, no doubt he is slowing down for me to keep up. He stops me again and puts a finger up to his mouth. He then lifts his staff and slams it into the ground, the area around us temporarily brightens more and we see we are almost completely surrounded by... what looked like HUNDREDS of shadow wolves... I just stood there is frozen shock. He looked at me and slowly motioned ahead. I looked forward to see a faint light. I turned back to him.



"Just go..."

I was about to protest when I saw the wolves almost closed the gap in front of us. Without a second thought I ran for my life. As I did dozens and dozens of wolves jumped at me. Just before they hit I had a VERY strange sensation. I saw a spectral rider run through me and ahead of me. Same with some on my left and right in an arrow formation. As the wolves jumped at me the riders swatted them away, stabbed, sliced, you name it. I began getting closer to the light and noticed it was a doorway. I took a look over my shoulder to see Hecarim fighting the hoard... alone...

"Come on! Is that all you got!" He shouted as one lunged and stuck itself to his shoulder.

He reached over and grabed it and tossed the wolf. Making impact with another wolf in mid lunge. He began running towards me, killing maybe hundrends on the way. I looked at the riders.

"Help him!"

They replied in a ghostly voice at the same time. "He ordered us to help you."

"But he needs help, GO!"

"But he-"


They looked at each other before turning around and running for their master. They got their as one wolf bit his leg. Hecarim collapsed and I stopped. He looked up at me, and pointed to the door. I looked at the door and at him. Not a second thought crossed my mind before I turned and ran at him. I kneeled beside him as his riders fought.

"Can you walk!?" He shook his head.

"Can they carry you?" I said pointing to the fighting riders.

"If they do we will be overwhelmed sooner. You need to go now!"

"Fuck that dude, you are my newest friend." I said lifting him up and supporting him by letting him lean on me.

"Besides..." I said as we began walking forward.

"We both have debt to collect from that ass..." I said with a smile.

"Indeed, riders, move!"

We began making our way to the door. On the way the wolves were piling up. They were easy to kill but just overwhelming in numbers. But with the riders, we had a good chance to make it. After maybe five minutes of feeling helpless in the middle of the fight knowing one wolf could end us all, we make it to the door. I try to open it but the handle feels more hot than a coal.

"AH! Dafuq?"

Hecarim forces himself to stand and take a few uneasy steps to the door. He leans on it and grabs the handle. As he does so the handle turns to gold and the doorway begins to outline in white. He pushes it open and I grab him and walk through the door. As we do his riders dissipate and we shut the door. As we shut the door a light blinds us. I rub my eyes and slowly get back my sight. I look around and see a mix of confusion and fear from none other than the mane 6!

"What n' tar'nation?" Said AJ.

"CJ, how did you get here... who is that? Why aren't you with the princesses still?" Said a confused Twilight.

I stand up with Hecarim who leans on me again, as we stand all the girls take a few steps back in fear.

"Don't worry, he's harmless... kind of... but he is hurt, Shy, can you help him?" I asked to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy nodded. "O-Oh... alright CJ..."

I smile and look to an anxious Twilight. "Yes?"

"Well?" She said annoyed.

"Well what?"

"Why are you here now and not still with the princesses?" She stated.

"Long story short I... wait... still with the princesses?" I said a bit concerned.

"Ya, you just went in that room and once the door shut you appeared right here."

"Oh fuck me..." I said as I ran to the door and tried to open it.

As I pull on the handle I hear a scream and crying from the inside. Then a lot of banging. I turn around and start looking around.

"Shitshitshitshitshitshit SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" I yelled trying to think fast.

"What is it CJ?" Asked Twilight.

"Twilight, try and open that door fast!" I yelled out.

She powered up her magic and as it surrounded the door she let out a gasp and dropped to the floor a bit trying to catch her breath.

"I-I... I can't!"

"FUCK! How the hell do we get in there now? Oh we are all-"


I turn quick to see that Hecarim (Now bandaged) Had charged the door and shoved his spear through it and pulled the thing off the fucking hinges!

"Shit dude! Chess is one thing... but I will never arm wrestle you!"

I ran forward and looked inside to see a horrible sight. Celestia lay on the ground unmoving and I couldn't tell if she was breathing. And I saw Zane holding Luna by her horn. As I noticed this I saw Luna's horn light up.

'Shit he is consuming her'

I ran at him, he must have been pretty damn distracted to not hear the carnage Hecarim just caused, I dove and tackled him to the ground. He released his hold on Luna who fell to the ground holding her head the same way someone would if they just got a brain-freeze. I was immediately thrown off of him across the room. I slowly got up and looked over to him. He stood there with a very pissed off look.

"I will make you suffer for this interruption..." He said coldly.

He flared his hands with a yellowish orange aura which spread to his whole body, after a few moments it turned black and he floated off the ground about a foot. I tried to stop whatever he was doing by throwing a punch. As my fist was about a foot from his chest I hit a barrier that made me recoil. I stepped back knowing that I may not want to be close when he finishes something I can't stop now. The magic faded and he dropped to the ground. His body turned transparent and deep black. His eyes were yellow and seemed to seep energy out the sides into an unknown wind.

'We. Are. Fucked.'

I decided to try and look intimidating, so I tried what I did in my mind with Hecarim, I flared my hands to make the shadow flame come back. But instead just orange light appeared. It was slightly disappointing. When I tried to make it cover my body like before It encased me. And I felt a... presence in my mind...

'Gtfo buddy, unless you think my mind is safer than fighting me here.'

'Watch your tongue CJ...'

My eyes widened. 'P-P-Princess?!'

'Indeed, I will tell you later however... right now, you know nothing about magic, by the way... move.'

I was confused at first but obeyed. I jumped to the left avoiding a black laser. I looked up to see the Zane had fired a beam of energy at me.

'Oh ya... forgot...'

I looked to my left and saw Hecarim standing there. He slammed his staff into the ground cracking it around him and summoning six spectral riders around him who all gave battle cries and ran towards Zane. He immediately obliterated two of them, to have two more form next to Hecarim and run towards him again.

"Dude... that's OP..." I said amazed.

"Oh what?" He asked.

"Never mind."

I jumped to the left dodging another beam.

"I could help you with the magic now... But you have to ask nicely!" She said in a high tone.

'DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS THE TIME OR PLACE FOR THIS?' I shouted into my head. (Ya I can do that! COME AT MEH BRO!)

'Well then... I guess I'll just be-'

'Oh for fuck sakes, FINE! May I please have your help with this awesome magic that supposedly is worth it most beautiful one?'

'Much better...'

'Fuckin trollestia...'

'I heard that'

'I know'

'Then why did you say it!'

'Because I-' My thoughts were cut off when Hecarim pulled me out of the path of another beam.

"Whats wrong with you! You're gonna get yourself killed!" He shouted.

I nodded and turned to Zane. He was still fighting the riders but he seems to make quick work of them, they seem more of a distraction. Hecarim runs at him and as he gets there he slams his spear down on him, to have it delflected. He stood for a moment before taking a step back. He raised his hand in the air and the ground around him began to bubble slightly. Wherever Zane walked I could see hands reach out to try and slow him down.

"So fucking OP...."

Hecarim swinging at Zane only to have him dodge and hit the floor snapped me out of my trance.

'So Tia, what was this about magic?' I asked watching the two fight.

'Because I would love to help right about now.'

'Name something, anything'

I smiled a bit... 'Anything? Hm... how about... FROSTMOURNE!'

'Frost... Ah here it is... why this?'

'I don't know... it looks beast?'

'Alright then'

I felt warmth begin to flow through my veins and to my arms, I closed my hands and in the center of them a large object formed.

"Oh fuck yes."

I looked at the sword in amazement as I saw the cool mist seep off the sharp blade. (Here is a pic of Frostmourne if you don't know what it looks like)

I began to walk towards him holding the blade in my hands, once he saw me he shot a beam towards me. It hit my sword (Thank god) And began to glow a darker shade of blue. I ran at him and dodge one beam and sliced downwards at him. He dodged to the right and elbowed me in the side. I turned and saw him in mid punch. I brought up my free hand to my face. Nothing happened so I opened my eyes. Hecarim grabbed his hand mid punch. He then pulled it up and began to put pressure on it, just to have his hand fall out of grasp.

'Shit, he's a shadow'

'You have the power of the sun... don't forget that'

'I didn't forget shit! You don't tell me these things!'

I dodged another punch and swung my blade at him. It swiped his hand and took off three fingers from his left hand. He howled in pain as I overlooked my blade. The deeper blue shade lightened after the strike after it had been darkened from the beam.

'It feeds off power... Tia, funnel all the light you can into this sword quick!'

As I finished that sentence I saw the sword start to seep gold energy.

'It will take a while but I'll tell you when'

I began dodging and fighting alongside Hecarim. I took a few swings just for them to pass through him. He had stopped firing beams at us knowing the swords power. Hecarim had begun getting tired and could no longer summon spectral riders or change the ground to... whatever the hell it did. I continued hacking at him doing nothing. Dodging now and again.

'Almost there! Maybe another half minute!'

I nodded slightly and continued fighting. 20 seconds later I missed a swing and left myself open. He threw his open palm towards my right shoulder, filling his arm full of dark flaming energy.


When the sound sizzled out I looked around. I was still standing where I was, infront of a slightly confused Zane. I looked down at a slightly steaming body.

"You mother fucker... YOU FUCKER!" I yell as I run at him.

he begins dodging constantly as I swing at him in complete anger. He jumped to the left and began to punch towards me, I turn around quickly and catch his hand mid air, with golden light surrounding my hand.

"Game over..." I say as I plunge the blade into his chest.

He lurches back a bit from the contact and his eyes go wide. His body becomes less translucent and I pull out the blade. I see golden cracks spreading from his wound to the rest of his body. He looks up to me from his knees as it nears his neck.

"Goodbye Zane..." I say as I swing the blade and take his head clean off.

His body twitches once and then falls to the side. Eventually his body and head are covered in the golden cracks and they start emitting white light, once they fade I see his body sitting there. I stare for a few moments before it begins to crumble to dust.

'Uh... Swords ready?'

Not a moment later do I run to my fallen friend and check his pulse. Just for my hand to go through his neck.

'Oh ya... no skin...'

'He was a good fighter, and a good friend, he sacrificed himself for you'

'Indeed... I wish there was something I could do...'

'Hm... CJ, check Luna please'

I nodded and walked towards the blue pile on the floor. I knelt down and check her breathing and pulse. She was fine.

'Good, now go to my body'

So I did. I walked over to it and checked her body too. My blood ran cold.

'U-Uh... Tia... you seem to be-'

'It's alright, the body cannot live without the soul. Now... to get me back...' She trailed off.

'Ahem... yes?'

'O-Oh... yes... you have to... sort of... kiss me...'






'Would you rather me stay in your body forever and be wherever you are? Plus I think I can help your friend'

I thought for a moment. 'I am doing this for my FRIEND only....'

As I knelt down I didn't notice the girls in the other room had come out of shock and were standing at the doorway watching me. I pushed my lips onto her cold lips and I could feel them getting warmer and I could feel breathing. I was about to pull back when...

'NO! DON'T! Do not interrupt it!'

I rolled my eyes and continued. After maybe a full minute I opened my eyes and met hers. I began to lean back up when I noticed all of the girls watching me. Fluttershy looked EXTREMELY pissed.

'Ohhhh... fuck me....'

'That.... was for making Twilight kiss me' Celestia said into my thoughts.

'W-Wait... you mean... I didn't have to...'

'Nope, all you had to do was touch me and I could transfer myself into my body'



'..........are you kidding...?'



'CJ? Are you alright?'


I would never pull the "Give her a kiss" Card on you guys legit! Don't you just love and hate Trollestia in so many ways? Anyway tell me what you thought about this chapter in the comments! ALSO! if you like, post your best reaction you had to any part of this chapter in the comments too! See y'all later!

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