• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 6,985 Views, 795 Comments

A Shadow’s Grave - Pinkies Imagination

CJ wakes up in Equestria after a year of his own dead sleep. A miracle right? Far from it... there is a dark entity... a forgotten enemy, stalking his every move, waiting to strike... (Sequel to Where the grass is green and the girls are... PONIES?!)

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To clear up any confusion The spell lasts 3 days after it was first mentioned. So Nightmare eve will be the first, Nightmare night is the second, and the day after that is his last day as a pony!

Chapter 36: Nightmare-eve

I began to wake to the feeling of jumping. I slowly began to open my eyes to see Scoots bouncing up and down on the bed beside me.

"Hurry up dad! it's time to get up! Come on!" She was saying.

"Alright I'm up I'm up...." I grumbled.

I shook my head and leaned forward stretching. I rubbed my face with my hands. Tried to.

"Oh ya... I'm still a pony..." I said aloud.

"C'mon! Hurry! It's time to go to Sweet apple acres!" She said.

"Ok calm down their little mini-pinkie. We'll get there." I said, messing her mane a bit.

She giggled and hopped out of bed. After a few moments I jumped out of the bed and landed on my hooves. I walked towards the door getting used to walking on fours again. I awkwardly went down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"You want breakfast?" I asked.

"Naw I'm ok." She said.

"You sure?"


"Alright then." I said.


As we walked towards ponyville I noticed a lot of stares. All at me. I used to be able to stand them. But these stares were more.... hungry.... I got fed up with it. I saw big mac in the town market selling apples off a cart. Me and Scoots walked towards him. When I got near he noticed me and raised an eyebrow.

"Can I help ya'll?" He asked.

"Hey Big mac, It's me.... CJ.... one word.... magic.... nuff said."

He nodded. "Eeyup."

"Well... I wanted to ask you...." I said my voice getting lower. "Whats up with everypony in town... they won't stop staring at me now...." I half whispered to him.

"Hm... well.... judging by the time of year it is. This is when MOST mares go into estrus. The ones that don't go in later or earlier on... usually the ones that get hit the worst." He said.

'Like Shy...' I thought.

"Thanks Big mac.... that explains A LOT. I'll catch you later hopefully. We are headed to the farm now. C ya later." I said beginning to walk away.

"Eeyup!" He shouted back.

As we walked Scoots tapped my foreleg. I looked down to her.

"You could've asked me you know! I may be a filly but I am still old enough to know this stuff!" She said.

"Heheh... alright then." I said.

We continued to walk towards the farm. As we neared we could see yellowish and whitish blurs running around. As we came up to the barn we noticed it was Applebloom and Sweetie belle. They waved at Scoots who ran towards them. After a moment they noticed me.

"Who's that?" They said pointing to me.

"That's-" I cut her off.

"My name is Shadow Blaze. I'm CJ's best friend. Nice to meet you two!" I said.

Scoots raised an eyebrow at me and I mouthed "Tell you later." Which she nodded to.

"Shadow Blaze? That's a cool name... what do you do?" Asked Sweetie belle.

"Well. I am in to music. But I'll be right back. I have to talk to someone right now." They all nodded.

I began to walk towards the apple family house only to be stopped. "Hey... Blaze...!" Shouted Scoots.

"Yes Scootaloo?" I shouted back.

"Be back here in ten minutes! We want to show you something!" She shouted.

"Alright, c ya then!" I said continuing towards the house.

When I got there I saw Applejack talking to a certain grey mailmare.

"Are you sure you don't know where he is? He wasn't home and I haven't seen him at work in a while." Said Ditzy.

"Nope... sorry Ditzy.... Ah'm afraid Ah haven't..." Applejack said back.

"Okay.... if you see him let me know!" She said.

"Will do!" Said Applejack.

Ditzy turned to see me walking towards the porch.

"Hey there. Haven't seen you around here before! What's your name!" She said to me.

I looked around quickly and looked back to her.

"It's me CJ."

"CJ!?!?!" She shouted.

"SHHH!" I said putting a hoof on her mouth. "Keep your voice down. I don't want to many people to know... all you need to know is it was a twilight gone wrong spell. And this is why I haven't been to work lately." I said.

"So that's whats been goin' on." Said Applejack as she stood next to ditzy.

I nodded. "Yup... so I hope you understand..." I said.

She nodded as well. "I understand...." She said jumping in the air.

"Why is hiring a human seem like a job on it's own?" She mumbled flying away.

I looked at Applejack to see her inspecting me. "So..."

"So whats yer name?" She said.

"Well... my pony name right now is Shadow Blaze." I said.

She nodded. "Hm... how long is this supposed to last?" She said.

"Three days... so today is the first. So.. ya..." I said.

"Well... you know Ah can't lie for ya'll...." She said.

"*Sigh* I know... Plus I'm gunna have to reveal myself to everypony soon anyway..." I said sadly.

"... why's that?" She asked.

"Well... I have a song I want to present on Nightmare night.... and I don't want to have to pretend to be some OTHER DJ...." I said.

She nodded. "Ah guess yer right... I'll just try to avoid talkin bout yer real identity then..." Said Applejack.

"Thanks AJ... anyway... the 'Crusaders' wanted to show me something. So I'll catch ya later." I said walking towards the trees.

"Eeyup." She said.

I walked through the rows of trees. As I did they got more and more clustered. Like the farther I walked, the more the trees seemed to not fit into normal rows and just site in random spots. As I walk I hear some commotion. I walk towards it and notice a treehouse. I walk towards it and walk up the steps. I knock on the door causing it to go silent inside. A moment later the door opened.

"Come in!" Said Sweetie belle.

I nodded and crouched down to fit in the doorway. I got in and stood up. I looked around. Looked exactly as the show depicted.... nothing else... I honestly expected some kind of crazy wierd giant contraption they made that turned out to be something like a laser pointer or something. I sat down as the three fillies came up to me.

"Hey there CJ!" Said Applebloom.

I growled and looked at scoots who gave a sheepish smile.

"Heheh...." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "So you all know then?" I asked causing them to nod.

"Alright then.... but don't tell anypony.... this is a secret till tomorrow!" I said.

They all nodded again. "Alright... what did you want to show me?" I asked.

"We found this weird shiny thing that seemed kind of heavy." Said Sweetie belle.

"Ya. It kinda looked like Ah piece of metal, but had a weird picture in the middle." Said Applebloom.

"Hm... where is it?" I asked.

"It's in the seceret compartment." Said Scoots.

"Are you girls sure it was smart to touch it if you didn't know what it was?" I asked.

They looked at their hooves. "Well... ah thought ya might know what it is." Said Applebloom.

"*Sigh...* Show me it." I said.

The three of them backed up and grabbed a floorboard. They pulled up and it easily removed four boards.

'Okay... THAT'S new...'

After they set it aside they reached and and pulled out....

'No fucking way.....'

"Do ya know what it is?" Said Applebloom.

"ja brabrakemt...." I mumbled....

"Yer whatnow?" Said Applebloom.

"M-M-My.... laptop.... WHERE DID YOU FIND IT?" I asked grabbing it and setting it on the floor in front of me.

"We found it in a box that was delivered to us by Ditzy. And... what's a... laptop....?" Said Sweetie belle.

"It's a computer...." I said in awe.

"Rrrrright.... it also came with this... but we couldn't read it... so we thought it was alien!" Said Scoots.

"Alien eh?" I said.

They chuckled a bit as they handed me a piece of paper. I looked at hit for a moment and shook my head smiling.

'Pig Latin...' I thought.

"Girls this is written in eng- er... equestrian... but Pig Latin." I said.

"Ah pig wrote it?" Said Applebloom.

"What? No! It's.... nevermind... here I'll read it." I said back to her.

I cleared my throat and began.

"Dear CJ;

Here is your laptop. I found it while.... trying to 'do' something between our realms...."


"So I am sending it to you as compensation for what I did to you with that ki-...." I stopped before I said kiss.

I skimmed through a bit. "Blah Blah Blah... Yadda yadda yadda... Ah! "So please enjoy this gift from me! It has limited acces to the internet... you'll understand when you see it.... and it won't die.... have fun.

Yours; Princess Celestia

Ps: I want you to come visit the castle. I have something of great importance to show you."

As I finished I re-read the Ps message.

'I wonder what that is.... meh I'll find out later today. I also need to ask what the hell she was doing going to my world anyway!'

I looked up to the three fillies who were looking at me in anticipation.

"You want to see it turned on huh?" I said to them.

They all nodded excitedly and ran next to me and sat down.

"Alright then. here we go... I cant type much... hooves n' all... but I can still show you what It looks like." I said.

I opened it and the moment I did I heard "Oooh" and "Ahh" So I rolled my eyes.

"Heheh... it isn't even ON yet...." I said laughing.

I pressed the power button on the alienware laptop. In an instant it springs to life. Then more "Oooh's" and "Ahh's" Errupt.

As the screen went to the desktop I saw the image of Rainbow Dash performing the sonic rainboom and flying at the camera show up. I panicked a bit. (Here is the pic below so you know what I mean.)

They all gasped. "Wow! You have Rainbow dash doing that on there!?" Said Scoots.

I chuckled a bit. "No... that's a wallpaper. I can change it to whatever I want... Thats what my screen looks like when... I don't have anything running on it." I explained.

"Why would somepony run on it?" They asked.

"That's not what- Never mind.... I have to go anyway. Thank you all SOOOO much for giving me this!" I said.

"I will try to make it up to you. How about... you three can come up on stage tomorrow and help me with the equipment and whatnot. Be my helpers for the Nightmare night concert?" I asked.

They gasped simultaneously. "Really? We can?" They said together.

"Eeyup." I replied.

They started hopping around like... well.... little fillies. "So I'll c y'all later... Scoots... don't be to late to get back home." I said causing her to nod.

I walked out of the treehouse and stretched. I had the laptop in my mouth. And it felt weird carrying that and even weirder getting so many stares and confused faces. I made it to the treehouse.

'I think Twi may be interested in this....' I thought to myself.

I knocked on the door. I heard her yell from inside. "Just come in! It's public!" She said.

"Ya right! I'm not doin THAT again!" I shouted back.

Moments later the door opened. "Hey C- Whats that?" She said.

"Something you may like." I said back.

I walked in and sat down at a table motioning for her to sit beside me. Once she did I opened the laptop.

"Remember how I said we were advanced at tech n' stuff?" I said.

She nodded.

"Well... this here is a laptop.... one of the most advanced pieces of tech we have." I said causing her eyes to widen.

"Really? It's so small though." She said.

"Well... the computers we make can be very small now and be just more useful. Pretty cool to me." Then she began laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked looking at her holding her sides on the ground.

"Ya right... THAT a computer? Quit pulling my leg." She said giggling.

"So you have computers then?" I said.

"Yes... I have a very advanced one in the basement. Compared to this thing.... well.... this is no more than scrap..." She said.

"O-RLY?" I said back.

She nodded.

"I bet that this 'thing' can do a thousand times more than that giant hunk of metal in the basement...." I began.

She raised an eyebrow.


She leaned in.

"Have more information than this whole library holds put together ten fold." I said.

She exploded into laughter. "Right.... THAT thing has THAT much information? HAHAHAHAHA"

I pressed the power button causing it's power up tone to play. She immediately shut up and sat upright at the table. When the desktop image showed her eyes widened. "I-I-Is t-that...."

"Eeyup.... never thought you would see a rainboom at that angle huh?" I said.

She shook her head.

"Well... thats just a picture... wait till you see the videos.... of... well.... anything..." I said.

She turned to me. "Videos? Like movies?" She asked.

"Yes... you have movies?" I asked.

"Yes... but they have no sound and they are black and white." She said.

"Haha... wow...." I said.


"In my day and age videos can go up to unbelievable quality and are full color with perfect sound." I said.

She didn't move.

"So... are you ready to see the internet?" I said.



".....THUMP!" She hit the floor HARD.

"Uh... wow.... ok... I'll be going then...." I said picking up the Laptop with my mouth and walking to the door.

As I got there the door opened to reveal none other than Celestia. I bowed immediately.

She chuckled a bit and placed a hoof on my shoulder. "It's ok CJ..." She said low.

I felt the Laptop disappear from my mouth. I was about to ask when she began talking. "I sent it to your home. But for now... you must come to my castle.... quickly...." She said strangely.

"U-Um... O-Ok...." I said as I walked out of the library.

She walked me to a carriage pulled by two pegasi. We got in and we took off.

"So uh... what's going on at the castle...." I said.

"Oh... lets just say... we need you to do something for Luna and me... something.... very important...." She said even more strangely.

'About that tactical shitstorm I mentioned earlier....'

'Oh shush now... it won't be that bad....'

So? Did you all like it? I am trying to make longer Chapters now! Instead of just 1k long ones! Let me know what you all think in the comments! I love to see them! So everyone feel free to leave one!

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