• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 6,985 Views, 795 Comments

A Shadow’s Grave - Pinkies Imagination

CJ wakes up in Equestria after a year of his own dead sleep. A miracle right? Far from it... there is a dark entity... a forgotten enemy, stalking his every move, waiting to strike... (Sequel to Where the grass is green and the girls are... PONIES?!)

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Death defied

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Just as much as any other! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Death defied

Nothing. That's all I heard, all I felt, was nothing. Then, I began to feel cold, so cold I thought I was breathing clouds. That's when it hit me, I wasn't breathing. Slowly all of my senses came back to me and I began breathing. I opened my eye's and I could only see darkness.

'That's strange, I thought I was just in the forest...

Then I remembered what had happened, the running, falling asleep, being attacked... and that explosion.... I felt around and I could tell I was in a wooden box. I started hitting the box harder and harder before I lost track of how fast I was throwing punches and kicking.

'OK now this is just getting annoying'

I sat there, getting more and more angry at nothing and for no reason. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and shouted at the top of my lungs while pushing forward with both hands. I head a loud CRAACK BOOM! and just lay still waiting for the ringing in my ears to stop. When it finally stopped I opened my eyes to see a hole above me where my hands hit and a hole leading to the surface. I sat there for a while looking at the hole.

'I was... underground??'

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and began crawling out of the hole. When I reached the top I looked back and gasped. I was underground in a coffin, there was a tombstone in front of the hole with my name on it. At that moment I began to panic and hyperventilate.

'There is no way... no WAY that I was dead, I-It must have been a mistake or... SOMETHING!?'

When I finally began to calm down I got a look at my surroundings. It was the middle of the night, and I was in a field. I could see ponyville only about a 5 minute walk away. So I decided to go and look for some answers.

'If this was some kind of joke, it was NOT fucking funny!'

I began to make a slight jog, and then went into a full sprint towards ponyville. It was empty and so quiet it scared me.

'This is NOT normal... its too damn qui... oh ya... its night time...'

I looked around and I was thinking about how to go along this. I decided to head over to the closest house. Fluttershy's. I began to walk towards her house when I thought to myself...

'What am I going to say..."Oh hey there! I was hangin around in a hole and decided to stop by! How you doin!?" '

I decided to just improvise, so I walked up to her house and took a deep breath before knocking. At first there was nothing, then the door opened to reveal a very annoyed angel. He looked up at me and made a rude gesture and shut the door.

'Uh... k?'

I was about to turn around when the door opened again to show the same bunny, but this time in a state of utter shock. He stood there for a while, silent, as if trying to see if I was real.

"Uh.... hi?"

Angel blinked once and slammed the door and I heard very fast foot steps run away from it. After about a minute I heard them come back accompanied by hoof steps and a certain pony mumbling something about why It was so important for her to be up. Then the door began to open revealing a tired Fluttershy.

"Angel... I don't see what you want me to lo-" She stopped talking when she looked out the door and saw me standing there.

Her face went from tired to surprised, then sadness, anger, and finally complete shock. We stood there in complete silence for what felt like hours before I finally spoke.

"Listen Shy, I-" I was cut off by Fluttershy who tackled me to the ground, hugging tightly around my neck.

"H-How are y-y-you still alive? Y-You have b-been gone for so l-long! I...We all missed you s-so b-bad!" She said through her tears.

I just sat there for a moment then returned the hug,"I've missed you all too, I just have one question. How long have I been gone?"

She pulled out of the hug and motioned for me to come inside. So I followed her in and sat down on the couch, moments later she came back holding two cups of coffee in her hooves. She sat down beside me and handed me a cup, I took it and smiled at her, and she sighed and began to speak.

"One year..."

I was a little confused at what she meant. "Shy, what do you mean... 'One year...'?"

A single tear ran down her cheek and she looked up at me and continued.

"It's been one year since you died... one year since I last saw your face, one year since I saw that coffin lowered into the ground..."

At that moment, my brain was having a few problems.

'One year... One year?! What.The.FUCK.'

When I finally got my brain out of the error it got itself into, I looked over to Fluttershy, and spoke.

"Shy... it's not going to be easy showing myself to everyone else... oh god, what if Twilight tries to experiment on me..."

Fluttershy gave out a small laugh, "Oh, she won't..."

I looked at her confused, "And... why's that?"

She looked back at me with very, VERY angry eyes, and I realized at that moment what was scarier than a pissed off Lyra...

"Well, you'd better get some sleep, you've got a long day ahead of you tomorrow, and you're gonna need all the rest you can get." She leaned over and gave me another hug.

When she broke the hug she looked at me with a smile and went and got me some pillows and blankets. I lay my head down and dozed off to sleep, thinking of what tomorrow will hold, and what had happened since I was gone...

Author's Note:


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