• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 6,980 Views, 795 Comments

A Shadow’s Grave - Pinkies Imagination

CJ wakes up in Equestria after a year of his own dead sleep. A miracle right? Far from it... there is a dark entity... a forgotten enemy, stalking his every move, waiting to strike... (Sequel to Where the grass is green and the girls are... PONIES?!)

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A living hell

I have given it a lot of thought, and as long as I keep getting support I will continue this story. And maybe hope it becomes more popular at some point. Either way, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 29: A living hell

I slowly begin to regain all of my senses. But I stay still for a few minutes because I am not sure if I can see yet. Because either my eyes are closed, or everything is pitch black, without a hint of light. After waiting and waiting I get an idea.

'Maybe I can try and use Tia's magic, the color may give me light...'

After that thought I focused on encasing my hands in magic much like I had when lifting the cup, but this time just encasing my hands. I felt an ice cold sensation that was... strange enough, not hurting my hand from it's temperature. But even while feeling this, there was no light. Before I had a chance to even figure out what was happening, there was light in front of me. Dull, but it was still light. The light was coming from a candle resting on a small wooden table. I walked towards it and looked at it. Thats when I saw my hands. They were encased in magic, but... it wasn't normal.... If you call it normal anyway... the magic was completely black, and as it encased my hand flowed away from it like dark flames. I tried to force more power into my hands and tried to bring back Tia's magic, but then I saw my arms begin to turn to shadow. Then my shoulders... soon my whole body became a shadow. At the edges of my form I could see the shadow wisp off me like black flame, and I could see through my own body. I didn't know what to think. After a few moments the shadow flames retracted and my body turned to normal, but the shadow flames stayed at my hands. I shivered a bit from how cold my body had become during the cycle. I hadn't noticed until now.

"Heheheh... do you like it?" Said a voice from behind me...

I didn't turn around. "What did you do to me..." I said in a low voice.

He didn't answer.

I turned around quickly. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME!"

As I turned around I saw a strange being. I hadn't gotten to see the details the other times I had seen him. But from where I was now, I was pretty sure I had died or looking at him, no way I would live, so I studied him for a few moments. He was huge. He looked like a centaur. Or whatever the half human/horse things are. But looked.... off... most of his body was covered in strange tattered clothes. In the center of his chest I saw what looked like a very creepy looking symbol, it looked to be made of either silver or some other metal. His tail looked like it was made of pure flame, but was deep blue. He seemed to wear a strange looking helmet. The only thing was is there were no eyes, or a mouth in the holes of the helmet, only more blue energy that could be seen through the holes. a semi-large blue flame was emitting out of the back of the helmet. Finally, he held a large staff that had a weird blade on the end that looked somewhat like a weird looking scythe. (If you want to know what he looks like off a pic if you don't already do, I got the looks from here)

He looked back at me and made a low growling noise. "Chooose your woordss wiselyy... pathetic human, or they shall be your lassst."

I sat there for a moment looking calm and relaxed, but on the inside I was ready to snap.

'First I am brought to equestria... then I start having nightmares, next I... well DIE... then I have to save Tia giving me her magic but causing me to have to fight a fucked up shadow thingy, then pinkie almost makes the world implode with the 4th wall... I mean 8th wall as she put it... whatever... THEN the shadow comes back but this time with his own pal Mr. Shit disturber. WHAT THE FUCK NEXT? HUH? got anything ELSE YOU WANT TO THROW AT ME WORLD? HUH? I'm sure you must have something, like what next, I get trapped in my own fucking mind?' My thought rampage was finished when I noticed that Shit disturber was talking.

"- so you are now locked inside your own mind for the rest of both of you lives." He finished.


I slowly turned around with a smile on my face and walked to where the candle sat on the table. I picked up the candle and set it on the floor. I then began to repeatedly slam my face against the table.

"Fuck me 'WHACK' Fuck me 'WHACK' Fuck me 'WHACK' Fuck me........ WHACK" As I did this a confused voice came from behind me.

"What are you doing?"

I stopped and turned my face to him. "Punishing my brain." I then continued.

After a few minutes of hitting my head I realized I'm not brain dead so I just sigh and turn towards him.


He nodded. "You are now trapped inside your own mind..." 'Eye-twitch' "...Where you are going to live here for the rest of your pathetic life. I am here to watch you over. To ensure you do not try to escape. If you do, I will swiftly feed you to my men."

I lifted an eyebrow. "What men?" I had to ask.

Hecarim looked at me and slammed his staff into the ground. Immediately six spectral like entities appeared and looked like knights on horses, but very light blue, almost white, and was transparent. I slowly nodded.

"Mmmk... no running... got it..."

Hecarim dismissed the riders and walked towards me and sat on the opposite side of the table. We sat there for a while looking at each other. Finally I got bored and decided to ask.

"Ok... so we will be here a long time, anything to do here?" I asked.

I swear I thought I saw him smile. "I thought you would never ask..." He said as a ghost like chess board appeared on the table, along with a chair for me to sit.

"Chess huh? been a while since I played."

"We have a lot of time, I'll teach you..." I just nodded.

We began to play as he taught me how to do what. After a few games I got the hang of it and actually became a challenge. Then a thought crossed my mind.

"Yo Hecarim... whats your story anyway?" He looked at me almost like he was curious, or didn't know the answer.

"It has been a long time since I had been asked that... why do you wish to know?"

"Well, we will be stuck here a long time so... why the hell not?" He nodded in agreement.

"Very well, a long time ago, I never used to look like this..." He said moving a pawn forward.

"I used to be a pony... I used to have a life." I moved my rook a few spaces.

"A long time ago a war broke out in Equestria, the last war known for a long... long time." He said as he used his queen to take out one of my bishops.

"I tried to stay away from the battles that were raging the lands. But one day... the village I lived in was attacked." He said as I moved my queen forward and took a rook.

"They burned all of the houses. My family was caught in one of the fires, they died in their sleep." He said sounding almost sad.

"I had been out of town collecting herbs for a potion I needed for my sick children... I had found them and began to make my way back to the village when I saw the smoke..." He said looking at nothing in particular, the chest game forgotten.

"I galloped as fast as I could... but when I had seen what had happened... and nothing was left of my family than mere ashes... I let rage and lust for revenge consume me..." He paused for a moment.

"I prayed to the element of evil itself for the strength I needed to take my revenge. I had gotten my wish. Most thought Celestia and Luna's forces had won them the war... but that is not true, I went ahead... seeking out each and every one of them and slaughtering them. When I had killed them all..." He finished with a sad tone.

"I had to pay the price for my wish... he consumed me and turned me into a shadow of war. I cannot age, nor can I ever love again. I wander this world, usually accepting the odd mercenary job... or killing the mercenary's after me. Then I met your shadow friend..." He said in a low tone staring at me.

"He offered complete control of Equestria to me if I assisted him. All I had to do was get you out of the way so he could consume Celestia and Luna for their powers." He said with a stern voice.

"Which brings us to this moment now." He finished staring at me. "Also, check-mate." He said moving his queen up to my king causing a checkmate.

I just sat there slack jawed at the whole story. Seeing a creature such as this... you would never in you life expect that sort of reason to the choices. I snapped out of it and looked down to the board just before it got reset.

"Fuck..." I said as I threw him a bit.

He caught it and put it in a pocket on his torn clothes, I don't know why he needed it, but it was probably just for fun, I sure as hell don't need it. Then genius struck.

"Well Hecarim... that's... quite the story... there is just one thing that bothers me..." I said, causing him to look up at me.

"What makes you think he will honestly allow you to rule Equestria when the time comes?" I said to him with curiosity in my voice.

"Because if he doesn't I will personally slaughter him. And take control forcefully." He said without doubt.

"Well, what about Celestia and Luna, their power combined is surly enough to destroy you." I said getting ready for realization to hit.

"That is true, but they will not be a problem when the shadow consumes th..." BAM! REALIZATION IMPACT TO THE MAAAAAAX!

I gave a small smile. "Problem?"

He thought for a moment and began to think. "No, he wouldn't dare do that. There would be no way." He said in a voice that lacked confidence.

"But how would you know for sure?"

He thought for a moment and looked to me. "Leave the subject be, I will rule Equestria and I will not be fooled."

"Why rule Equestria?"

"So everypony would be able to feel the pain I go through every day of my life after that moment I lost everything I heald close to me..."

"And you think that will solve anything?"

"That is enough, I will do what I see right." He said with anger.

"What happened to you that long ago was not our fault! Why cause US pain?"

"I said enough!" He said standing up.

"Doing this will not help your pain at all! If anything it will make you feel worse!"

"I said, ENOUGH!" He threw me to the ground and began to thrust his bladestaff down to me.

"WHAT WOULD YOUR FAMILY THINK?" I yelled as his blade stops dead just before my throat.

"HUH? WHAT WOULD THEY THINK? do you REALLY think they would WANT this? all of this DEATH? NO! Doing this would disgust them!"

The blade still at my throat he yells back. "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!"

"NEITHER DO YOU!" I yelled back.

>>>Perspective change: Hecarim<<<

"NEITHER DO YOU!" CJ yelled back.

I stood there for a moment with the blade to his throat.

'I could kill him right now, why do I hesitate?'

I thought as it hit me.

'I can't because.... he's right...'

>>>Perspective change: CJ<<<

We sat there for a few moments, I could have sworn time had frozen if I couldn't hear his low breathing. After what seemed like hours he pulled the blade away.

"Get up." he said as he reached his hand down.

He helped me up and turned around. He began to walk into blackness for a while before coming to a stop and looking over his shoulder.

"Well? What the hell are you waiting for? Lets go kick some shadow ass!" He shouted as he stomped his front hooves into the ground.

I smiled and followed him close behind as we walked into the darkness. He slammed his staff end off the ground and it began to shine bright blue. Illuminating a cobblestone path that we began to follow. After a bit of walking I turned to him.

"What do you plan on doing once we... kill... him?"

He thought for a moment and then spoke back. "Honestly I don't know... I do not belong anywhere... all I know is fighting..."

I thought for a moment before a smile spread through my face.

"I know exactly what you could do, but you need to make me a deal."

He looked at me with a questioning face. (I don't know how he does it through the helmet either, don't ask)

"Alright, what deal?"

I stopped and so did he, I reached my hand out. "That no matter what happens, you are a friend of Equestria... now and always."

He thought for a moment and stretched out his arm and grasped mine. As we shook I realized I hadn't told him my name. "Names CJ by the way, I think we can become good friends." I said finishing the shake and began walking with him down the path once more.

"Why's that?"

I looked at him and smiled. "Because we both like hitting things, we both hate that shadow guy, and we both look awesome." I said as he gave a small laugh.

"Heheh... I guess so..."

I nodded and we turned to the darkness ahead and followed the path towards whatever lay ahead.

Meanwhile in Ponyville... a Shitstorm was a' brewin.

So? What did you all think? Did you like it? And yes, I made this chapter a bit longer than the rest, hope you all enjoy it and are exited for the next! MEGA_BROHOOF! ///)'

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