• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 2,101 Views, 103 Comments

My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

Finale: I'm sorry brother

My wings enveloped Onyx, who was snoring lightly as the train gently rocked us. My smile widened; his recent performance in Las Pegasus had exhausted him, but he insisted on being there.

The news of the changelings' reformation since the disappearance of the queen had spread like wildfire in Equestria. I needed to know how it was possible.

Feeling the train slowing down, I shifted Onyx slightly in my wings before whispering to him, "We're here, my prince."

He simply lifted his head slightly, eyes still closed, a smirk on his face. I smiled, bringing my muzzle close to his and giving him a tender kiss.

His eyelids opened slowly, his smile growing as he met my gaze. "This wake-up is much better. Have we arrived?" he asked in a sweet, sleepy voice?

"Almost, my love. But you didn't have to come with me, you know," I gently reminded him, caressing his cheek with the tip of my muzzle.

"I know, but it's an important moment in your life," he replied, his eyes shining with affection.

A soft laugh escaped my lips. "You're exhausted, though."

He gave me a teasing look. "I know someone who came to see my first performance in Jumathan with three broken ribs and a cast on one leg after escaping from the hospital."

I blushed slightly, scratching the back of my head. "That idiot must have been really reckless."

"Yes, but he's my idiot," he retorted with a mischievous smile.

The train gradually slowed down, emitting a slight squeak as we approached the station. I tightened my embrace around Onyx, feeling his warm breath against me as we prepared to disembark.

Onyx sat up slightly, stretching gracefully before standing up. "Ready?" his eyes twinkling slightly.

I tried to conceal my anxiety as much as possible. "Always, as long as you're with me."

I placed one of my wings around Onyx as we descended from the train together, and my hooves were pleasantly surprised by the feel of the ground. The once desolate landscape had transformed into a fertile plain where numerous trees stood majestically.

Onyx noticed my surprise and smiled tenderly at me. "The last time I came here, the ground was barren." I slowly looked up to gaze at the hive, whose tall spires were now also covered in lush vegetation.

"It seems like nature has reclaimed its rights to this place," I nodded slightly, acknowledging my companion's observation.

We began to walk towards the hive, happy to see this new scenery, before a distant sound of wing beats, too familiar, snapped me out of my reverie. Quickly positioning myself in front of Onyx, I stood on my hind legs as a creature descended from the sky. It had slightly pink membranous wings, a green carapace, and two pink horns on its head.

She landed slowly in front of us, also slightly on guard, before speaking with a deep voice that almost made my jaw drop, "What are you doing here?"

I immediately recognized that voice, and Onyx spoke up, but I didn't hear him, only managing to utter, "Pharynx? Is that really you?"

Pharynx stared at me for a moment before letting out a growl, a mix of surprise and suspicion. "Do we know each other?"

I relaxed slightly, returning to my four-legged stance while keeping an eye on Pharynx. "Yes, we know each other," I said, releasing a nervous laugh. "I'm the Pegasus you beat up in Canterlot."

He looked at me, saying, "I don't remember everyone I've beaten, and I won't apologize."

I smiled as Onyx looked at me in amazement while a green light surrounded me, taking on my changeling appearance again. "Not even to your brother?"

I saw Pharynx's eyes widen. "Thunder, you're not dead?"

I smiled triumphantly, whistling lightly. "My death was greatly exaggerated."

Before I could say another word, I took a massive paw to the jaw. "You deserted!" growled Pharynx, his voice full of anger.

Onyx's shocked gaze shifted between me and Pharynx. I signaled him not to intervene as I massaged my jaw. "Yes, I abandoned you both..."

Pharynx sighed. "I'll take you to the king. Are you here to be reformed?" His eyes moved from me to Onyx. "And who are you?"

Not giving Onyx a chance to respond, I said, "Onyx, my special stallion, and yes, I'm here for a change."

Pharynx grunted before gesturing for us to follow him.

The dark galleries I had known had become particularly bright, but I recognized the path to the old throne room. Pharynx stopped a bit before, "I need to get back to my patrol, you know the way." I nodded as he walked away. "Oh, Thunder?"

I turned my head toward him; he was at the end of the gallery. I saw him take a deep breath. "I missed you."

I smiled, entering the old throne room to discover a light green changeling, his gamboge chest shining, contrasting with an emerald green carapace. He sat on a throne resembling the beginning of a tree trunk, creating an atmosphere both majestic and natural. The royal changeling looked up at me, revealing sparkling purple eyes that seemed to register every detail.

Our eyes met. "Thunder?"

I smiled. "The one and only. And who are you?"

He stood up from his throne, approaching me. "You don't recognize me?"

I sighed. "Whoever you are, the last time I saw you, you were black, not colorful, so no..." Suddenly, an idea crossed my mind. "Thorax?"

The royal changeling had a warm smile, confirming my guess. "Yes, Thunder, it's me. Thorax. I've changed, just like you, apparently." I looked at the slight blue glints on my carapace.

I looked around the transformed throne room, imbued with the new energy emanating from the reformation of the changelings. "It's incredible what you've done here, Thorax. The hive looks unrecognizable."

He nodded proudly. "We've worked hard to improve things. Cooperation, mutual understanding, that's what guides our people now."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "It still looks boring."

Thorax smiled, understanding the light tone of my remark. "Maybe for some, but it has brought peace and harmony to our hive. Changelings no longer live in fear and mistrust of each other."

Onyx stepped forward, curious about the transformation of the hive. "Impressive, Thorax. How did you manage such a change?"

Thorax turned to him, explaining enthusiastically. "The key was to encourage communication and understanding."

Onyx nodded, impressed by the approach. "It seems like a very effective governance model."

Thorax agreed. "Yes, and it has strengthened our hive, as well as our relations with other peoples."

While Thorax continued to share the details of the changelings' evolution with Onyx, I lost myself in my thoughts. I reflected on the possibility of spending time with my changeling brothers and sisters. Despite my new life with Onyx, I felt a deep calling to reconnect with my roots, to understand how things had evolved since my departure.

Thorax, seeing my thoughtful look, approached me with empathy. "Thunder, if you have any questions or need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask. You are always welcome here."

I gave him a grateful smile. "Thank you, Thorax. It means a lot to me."

Onyx turned to me, seeming to understand my thoughts. "You want to stay here for a while, don't you?"

I nodded, acknowledging the understanding in his eyes. "Just for a moment, to reconnect with my family and see how things have changed. Then, I'll be ready to go back home, with you."

Onyx nodded, gently placing his hoof on mine. "I understand. Take all the time you need. I'll be here for you, no matter what happens."

I gave him a grateful smile, appreciating the chance to have such an understanding and loving companion.

I explored the new hive, Onyx always by my side while Thorax explained what had changed. On the way, changelings seemed surprised to see me, warmly greeting me while children played innocently.

If my heart could melt, it would be doing so. I stopped, enjoying the new sounds and the rhythm of the hive, my eyes closed. A warm and gentle glow enveloped me. The light seemed to emanate from within; I opened my eyes to see only light surrounding me.

"Thunder." I recognized Onyx's voice calling me. As my hooves lifted slightly off the ground, my carapace changed, and my wings seemed to expand.

Touching the ground again, Onyx looked at me with astonished eyes, captivated. "Thunder, you look magnificent."

I began to examine myself; my carapace was mostly midnight blue, with translucent wings that seemed to be expanding. "I always have been, my heart."

Onyx smile looking at the roof

Thorax smiled slightly. "I expected it to take more time."

A month passed, has I reconnect with my old acquaintances from the hive. Onyx supported me in this process.

Thorax had proven to be a benevolent king, and I couldn't deny the positive changes that had taken place under his rule. Pharynx, on his part, had undeniably changed and eventually accepted my apologies.

Onyx and I boarded the train, our hearts light and happy. I still had some explanations to give in the capital, but at least I no longer had to hide.

The landscape scrolled by the train window, marking the beginning of a new adventure. Hand in hoof, Onyx and I looked toward the future, ready to face together whatever life had in store for us.

Author's Note:

I have rewritten the ending several times, and unfortunately, I have not found anything better.

But I hope that you enjoyed this "little" story :raritystarry:... Despite the ending.😒

Comments ( 9 )

Aaaa gay bug drama time!
Wow, big ass time skip
Ohhhh this is the epilogue! That makes sense.

This fic was confusing and way way too short

Its been a good story, though I'm not gonna lie, the last chapter seems very rushed. And I would have liked to see more of their lives together. But overall I've enjoyed this one

I'm gonna be honest, a bite off more than you can chew.
I will stick to one-shot for now.

Interesting story, Wordsmith!

The start seems to flow nicely, but everything after started moving quicker. Based on your comment, I understand that this must have been daunting for you. I congratulate you on finishing this book.

So, you've been on deployment, huh? I don't know if you still are or already home, but I hope you are doing well now.


Still in deployment ( extended:trixieshiftleft:).
But ready to write

A good ending.
Often, people Ness it up, but you've done well

This was a nice bitesized story!

It’s not a grand story. It’s not intricate or totally immersive, as some are. But it’s a pleasant story, and it was nice to read. I’m glad to have read it, and I’m glad that you wrote it.

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