• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 2,101 Views, 103 Comments

My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

9 First Night Back and Hangover

As the desert faded behind me, I resumed my pegasus form, drawing closer to the city with two thoughts in mind: a good drink and a bath to rid myself of all that sand.

The desert became less arid as Dodge City once again came into view. A sense of relief gradually washed over me as I approached civilization. The prospect of finding some comfort after this adventure was incredibly comforting.

I found myself thinking of Onyx again. I should probably send him at least a postcard to let him know I was alright. A small gesture that would surely bring a smile to his face.

Silence fell over the lounge as I entered noisily. The bartender and the patrons all looked up at me, their expressions a mix of surprise and bewilderment. It was as if they had seen a ghost. My reappearance was evidently unexpected.

I decided to play along a bit, acting just as I had the first time I came. I settled at the counter, arms crossed with a mischievous smile.

"I'll have..." I paused dramatically, "...your strongest drink."

The bartender stared at me, his eyes widening in surprise. He let out a muffled exclamation before regaining his composure.

"By Luna's hooves, you gave me quite a scare," he exclaimed, tapping his chest to emphasize his relief. "I thought you were... Well, I mean, I didn't expect to see you again."

I couldn't help but chuckle softly at his reaction. "Well, it seems even ghosts get thirsty, my friend."

He shook his head, still in disbelief. "If you weren't already served in the afterlife, I can offer you something truly strong. It should warm you up."

I gave him a conspiratorial smile. "That's exactly what I'm looking for." The glass was barely set down before I downed it in one gulp, then turned to the other patrons. "Anyone up for buying drinks for the desert revenant?" I said with a small laugh.

The patrons' gazes turned to me, oscillating between surprise and amusement. Some seemed ready to take up the challenge, while others still seemed incredulous.

The bartender shook his head with a smile, joining in on the jest. "Well, since it's the desert revenant asking, I suppose we can make an exception for tonight."

Glasses began to pile up in front of me, each brought by a brave soul who had accepted the challenge. I raised my glass to them, the warmth of the alcohol comforting me after the rigors of the desert.

The evening promised to be lively, and for the first time in a long while, I felt perfectly at ease. I had survived the Badlands, and now I was savoring every moment of my victory, without fear of succumbing to hunger, surrounded by new acquaintances.

I laughed as I shared the story of my journey, toasting until closing time, when a warm soul took the trouble to lead me to the hotel. I was surprised that my disguise held up against the alcohol.

I thanked my evening companion warmly, or at least tried to articulate my gratitude, feeling the fatigue of the journey now that the adrenaline had worn off. The hotel was welcoming, the dim lights inviting relaxation.

I settled into my room, savoring the feeling of a cozy bed beneath me. The emotions of the desert seemed distant now, like a strange dream.

Sleep quickly overcame me, carrying with it peaceful dreams where the shimmering crystals and majestic landscapes of the desert mingled with the friendly warmth of Doge City's bar.

I spent the early hours of the morning with my head pounding, grateful that the hotel manager had thoughtfully left some aspirin in my room. I hadn't expected my changeling body to handle alcohol so poorly, but it was worth it!

After managing to drag myself to a bathtub and confirming that I was in my pegasus form, I must have looked quite pitiful.

Once I was ready, I went down to the reception to settle my bill and thank the manager for his hospitality. I noticed that a good chunk of my money had disappeared. I'd be traveling on the roof of the train for the return journey...

But before that, I made sure to send a letter to Onyx with a summary of my journey and an expression of my hope to see him again if I passed through Canterlot.

After bidding a swift farewell to the various residents leaving the town on foot, I took flight and settled once again on the roof of the train, savoring the return journey to Ponyville in the best way possible.

I landed a little before the train station, making my way towards the library. I greeted the various inhabitants of Ponyville, knocking on the door. I didn't hear any response. Asking around, I learned that Twilight had been sent on a mission by Princess Celestia.

That explained her absence. I recalled our last conversation, wondering what she was doing for the princess. Twilight was always heavily involved in royal affairs, being both the student of the princess and Spike's adoptive older sister, if I understood correctly.

I wondered about the nature of the princess's mission. The tasks our queen assigned were often dangerous...

Unfortunately, no one here seemed able to help me identify the gems I had collected or answer my questions about the creatures I had encountered. This meant I would have to go to Canterlot to learn more.

And once there, I'd have to work again to avoid taking advantage of Onyx's generosity. The next day, after a short nap on a cloud, I resumed working.

Gathering enough money to stay in a hotel in Canterlot was no small feat. Like in most capitals, accommodations were particularly expensive, and I had no desire to be penniless once I arrived. It took a few days, but eventually, I managed to save up enough money to afford a hopefully comfortable stay.

While I tried to be as honest as possible, I had to admit that traveling on the roof of the trains wasn't so bad. It was a way to admire the landscapes and feel the air on my fur, and most importantly, I hadn't paid for a ticket.

I found myself regretting my choice as soon as the first drops started to fall. It was as if the clouds themselves had decided to play a trick on me. So here I was, flying above the clouds, trying to escape this sudden rain. If only I had bought a ticket, I would have had a comfortable shelter on the train!

Upon landing in Canterlot, I shook myself like a wet dog, sighing, and muttered, "The unexpected twists of travel."

As I walked through the town, my eyes were drawn to the shop that had played an unexpected role in my adventure. A wave of nostalgia washed over me as I stood in front of the door before entering.

"Hello and welcome to Joe Donut," cheerfully announced the brown-maned unicorn with amber fur behind the counter, sporting a warm smile.

I returned his smile. "Hello, nice to meet you." The shelves were stocked with donuts of various flavors, and as I searched for the same one I had eaten last time, a medley of delicious scents reached my nostrils.

"Excuse me, but your face looks familiar," Joe squinted slightly, a bead of sweat forming on my forehead.

"It's not impossible. My name is Thunder, and I was there during the attack," I forced a smile. "I did what I could."

Joe stared intently at my face for a moment, seeming to search his memory. Then, his eyes lit up with understanding. "Ah, you were there that day... your eyes did seem familiar."

The conversation continued, punctuated by laughter and discussions about the selection of pastries. After making my choice, I made my way to the library, savoring every bite along the way.

The road to the library wound through Canterlot's cobbled streets. Majestic buildings stood on either side, silent witnesses to the city's rich history. Elaborate windows and finely wrought balconies added an air of elegance.

Well-kept gardens adorned the landscape, offering bursts of vibrant colors amidst the gray stones of the buildings. Floral scents perfumed the air, creating a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere.

Passersby moved with confidence, each seeming to have a specific destination in mind. Some strolled in groups, exchanging laughter and lively conversation, while others walked alone, lost in thought.

I preferred this atmosphere to my last visit; the ponies were recovering faster than I had thought...