• Published 19th Oct 2023
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My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

19 Return to Canterlot

I was sitting at a table, contemplating what the princess had told me, awaiting the return of Isao and Bulky. The room was quiet, punctuated by the distant hum of urban life outside.

Eventually, Isao and Bulky entered the inn, their faces displaying a mix of fatigue and excitement. They made their way toward me with warm greetings.

"Thunder, you're back already?" Isao asked with a smile.

I nodded, looking at them with curiosity. "And how was your exploration of the city?"

Bulky settled at the table with a contented sigh. "It was wonderful! We discovered so many things. The city is truly unique."

Isao added enthusiastically, "And we found bars interested in our samples."

I looked up at the ceiling with a smile. "I found a nice place in town; I'd invite you, but..."

Isao innocently smiled, "But what, Thunder?"

I ran my hoof through my mane, hesitating for a moment before responding. "Well, before we talk about where I'm inviting you, we might want to address the issue of my payment."

Isao seemed surprised, then her expression changed to understanding. "Ah, that's what this pouch is for. I'll go get it."

She stood up and headed to her room to retrieve the promised amount. In the meantime, Bulky looked at me curiously. "What's this mysterious place you want to show us?"

I winked at her. "It's a surprise, but you won't be disappointed. I had the chance to meet the princess there."

The unicorn's eyes sparkled, telling me I shouldn't have brought up that topic. "Really, and how is she up close?"

I smiled slightly, knowing I didn't really want to share our conversation. "She was charming, Bulky. A comforting and beautiful presence, but... let's talk about our next steps instead." I grinned. "And I'm sure Isao is more to your liking."

Bulky looked at me with a surprised expression, her eyes widening slightly. "How do you... how do you know that?"

I shrugged with a mischievous smile. "I'm observant, Bulky. I noticed some knowing glances and gestures that go beyond friendship. Nothing escapes me."

Bulky scratched her head, slightly embarrassed. "Ah, I see... uh, it's true that... Isao and I, we're close, but it's complicated."

I gave her a wink. "Don't worry, Bulky. Relationships can be complicated, but as long as you two are happy together, that's what matters."

She smiled shyly, seeming both surprised and grateful. "Thank you, Thunder. You're really observant, huh?"

I leaned forward slightly. "Let's just say I don't turn a blind eye."

I watched as Bulky blushed before Isao returned with a heavy-looking pouch in her hooves. "I think this is for you, Thunder," she said, setting it down on the table with a slight metallic clink.

I smiled slightly as the pouch landed, making a satisfying noise against the table. "Perfect, I'll take you there before we leave. By the way, did you manage to find any clients?"

Isao nodded with a satisfied look. "Yes, we've made contacts with some reputable bars in the city. They're interested in our samples, and some even expressed a desire to diversify their stock."

I picked up the pouch, which definitely felt heavy. "Perfect."

After spending the afternoon laughing and exchanging stories, we decided to share a meal at the tavern. The warmth of the food comforted our stomachs, and the conviviality of the place added a pleasant touch to our evening.

We parted ways for the night after a good meal.

It had been several days since we arrived in the Crystal Empire. The bustling streets of the city echoed with the daily hustle and bustle, with residents going about their business. My main role was to assist in delivering various samples to different bars, a task that allowed me to explore the lively life of this crystalline city.

Each barrel delivered felt like a small victory, and I appreciated the warm welcome from the barkeepers, who seemed delighted to receive new products. Meanwhile, Isao took care of documenting the various delivery requests for her father's brewery. Bulky, on the other hand, demonstrated exceptional persuasive talents.

We found ourselves back at the tavern, Isao holding various scrolls in her paws, likely contracts, while Bulky seemed to have a headache trying to read them.

Isao looked up from her scrolls with what could be considered a smile. "Thunder, we're almost done. We should be able to leave in a few days."

A part of me wasn't entirely reassured by this announcement, my promise still lingering in my mind. "Perfect, I was excited for a rematch against that manticore!" I tried to joke to hide my unease.

Isao's eyes focused on me. "I'm more eager for your rematch against the needles."

Bulky, still deciphering the contracts, added mockingly, "Or maybe we should organize a duel between you and a needle. Who knows, perhaps you could win this time."

I rolled my eyes, playing along. "Very funny, Bulky. We all know I would win." I smiled slightly. "I suppose I can take you to where I met the princess."

We made our way to Serene Glow's Crystal Spa, and along the way, I explained some of the relaxing benefits I had personally experienced. Upon our arrival, Serene Glow greeted the group with a warm smile.

"Welcome, Thunder, and I see you've brought friends. How can I assist you today?" he asked, his crystal mane gently sparkling.

"We're thinking of taking some time to relax before leaving the Crystal Empire," I replied with a smile. "We'll take the premium service."

Serene nodded and guided us to the mud and crystal bath. Bulky and Isao seemed a bit surprised by my choice, but they quickly succumbed to the soothing atmosphere of the spa.

As we settled into the bath, surrounded by sparkling crystals, Isao couldn't help but make a remark. "Thunder, I wouldn't have imagined you as a fan of this kind of place. You're full of surprises."

I smiled in response, "Well, after days of adventures and deliveries, a bit of relaxation doesn't hurt. And besides, Serene Glow really knows how to provide quality service."

Bulky, dipping her hooves into the bath, added, "I have to admit, it's quite nice. We should have come here earlier."

I smiled, placing two cucumber slices over my eyes, "That's the life of an adventurer. Sometimes you have to savor the moments of calm."

As we relaxed in the mud and crystal bath, the soothing atmosphere of the spa enveloped our tired bodies. Serene Glow carefully ensured our comfort, making sure every detail contributed to our relaxation.

The crystals emitted a soft glow, creating a magical ambiance in the room. The calming scents of crystal essences wafted through the air, soothing our minds after the hectic days we spent exploring the Crystal Empire.

Isao surrendered into the bath, closing her eyes with a sigh of satisfaction. "I have to admit, Thunder, you really picked a great place. It's like all worries are evaporating."

Bulky agreed, stretching her limbs with a look of pure contentment. "I didn't think a spa could be this relaxing. It's a change from our usual adventures."

Serene Glow, as attentive as ever, offered us special crystal drinks to complement our relaxation experience. We sipped our beverages, letting the benefits of crystals and mud soothe our sore muscles.

Time seemed to slow down, and for a moment, we forgot about the challenges and dangers that awaited us. It was a well-deserved break, an interlude of calm in our thrilling adventure.

Later, after fully enjoying the spa, we rose, our bodies revitalized and our minds at peace. Serene Glow gave us a warm smile. "I hope you've enjoyed your stay here. Come back anytime."

We went to our respective rooms at the inn to prepare our luggage, making sure everything was in order before our departure. The days spent in the Crystal Empire had been filled with fascinating discoveries, but it was time to resume our journey.

Once ready, we gathered in the inn's lobby, our bags carefully packed for the journey. "Are you both ready?" I asked my adventure companions.

Isao nodded enthusiastically, while Bulky grunted in agreement. We left the inn, ready to leave the Crystal Empire behind.

The return journey by train was particularly quiet, lulled by the steady rhythm of the tracks. Unfortunately, no manticore came to seek its rematch, but we witnessed the transformation of the landscape, transitioning from the snowy plains of the Crystal Empire to warmer and more lush scenery as we headed back to Canterlot.

I know that after speaking with the old Griff, it will be time for me to speak with Onyx ...